Newspaper Page Text
JTLHK WEEKLY TIMES! LOCAL ITEMS The republicans will make a des perate effoit to defeat E. A. Ewing, and it behooves every democrat to come to trie pools and vote for him. -"-Vrrrirn to tkachekx: Public Ex- j InatlOIls lOr iric l.uiciu ...... ..... - . .,, desiring to te ,;'Jbe hew on tne 31. fh in the Ohio Mrs. E. Lewi-, ot Altona, mother who has been in the The Timks took occasion once Board cf Eaualization. before to call attention of the proper j The County Board ot Equalization j authorities to the destruction of pub- j ior Bate cou'ntv will convene at the j lie property in the tramping out of CGlirt r.OUSt. m j;ut!er on Monday, j the grass by thoughtle bov mak - the 6th da y of Aoril. ibS;. ior the ! on:; eh i:i ISatc-s rountr, -J Sa'uniav of each 1 school house, n the cort house yard a rendez- j purpose ot equalizing the tax"es on j City the pa-t two we. attendin" I vous for their wrestling and punning personal I Opera House Furniture Store. 1 the sick. bC( Moiid.iv. le ot her so: returnee ,V M., and t.n the I1 Saturday ot jjj moi.ti) i-i the West -uie choot house, rfa Iliii, Mo., tiie ev:'niinat'.iin com- v. h d;iv at y c:!o k, A. .M. I. II. 1HNTON, rn!,. Kr!w.ol ! I-'"o:npil V, on . j April 7t 1 ie'Ke: ior founty .Loo; com - tmssiouer i.ave been printed at this ; office an I will be in every district, tournament. The county court spent considerable money an er court hoje coir.m.lss:,,rers devoted a great deal of 3 pains to get the yard prope . : v e or and V set in the b iv 01 election. f. K. Bruglar want- more ; . ,r... 1 1. ... - ,f;0!! Ior 111 S:-Cia I'l.i'ii- y r,u interest aiid commissions. per l-tf ; gra-s, now to have tne grus tramp i ed out and the central nark made to j have the appearance ot a race course, at the j is a shame and disgrace. We would -t i riMHiy i.m church arid M. E. ! call tiie attention ot the county court , churcn south stdl continue, and The protracted meetings The Republican is ashamed to ither it own lies and sneaks out ot ic responsibility by publishing tale oo! over the signature 'Deni - .11" Dave Collier went to Nevada iat ?r(Jjy to meet iiis mother-:;. -law. lr. Judge Levy .Jackson, o' Sher r.3n, Texas, who came to pav -Mr. Collier s family a visit. It the John Chinamen on Ohio street, don't look a Heedle oud" the Marsbai will be compelled to fire r'.eiii out cf town. , Tiiev are get i'n" ii:-t a little bit too hold. Tae township election take- j.'.ace ucsday next, and we :!'. every 'rtvoctat ;:i the towiivii.i to be on ;c ground early and tay ;a!e. Work. waUh and ole, is tne sinai. "Pai'ilock in the north ward, dem icratic no-ninee for Alderman ior.e .f the best citizens and largot prup erty owners in town an! t .course will receive the full strength of t!u; democratic voters, J. C IIjvcs s. J. C. Lucas lor ,:.sessoi. We gu- is Joh.n will beat Lucas about 00 lie ou!it to beat ,iiai 1. 000. John Hayes is one of i!.e best assessors in Bates county i-.)ft will get there without delay. J Dr. I). D. Wood, one of the board ' maiiaocrs f the Fulton insane as--yltmi spnt a few days in that city '.1st week. The doctor was highly leased with his visit and says tne wluin is an immense institution. Tiie annua! exhibition of the Iles ;!: ''l Literary Society will take p'.u-e in t!;e Ohio street M. E. church Fri.lav nioiit t.:e 27th inst. A gooil Uirn out of citizens is requested !v he societv. Admission 15 cents. It vou expect to have good school wjiinls you shouid turn out and vote tor tiie directors of your district and it the same time do not neglect to vote for I'rof. J. II. 1 1 niton, the unanimous choice ot IJatcs, comity's democracy. A reak .of good luck for Susan o. Anthony ;giid Anna Dickinson. A wealthy llostoniau who died a sl'ort time ao bequeathed in bis will tieach of these old maids $ l to be used 111 furthering the cause of VvoRian suffrage. We. received this week tb.e itmitial number of the Democratic Standard, n new democratic paper just started at Appleton City. It is a neat eight Pe paper, well gotten up and full of interesting reading matter. Suc cess io the Standard. We hope "Brownie," our valued inton correspondent will reconsider tse matter and continue to send the en:s ot that section right along each eek, as heretofore. ' Brownie" vnu are one of our best correspond ents and we can't rVr von up. Another new town. It is out Sht miles southeast of Clinton. bv Keith & Pcrrv Coal C.. on the Gult railroad, and is dubbed Deep water. Significant name. Hut then ttev say'tlu-re is nothing in the name. However, we hope the boys will not Waeirtto corner lots over their Knee deep will do us Prof. Low re meeting with, we are proud to say. good results. We wish Ilev.W alker and. Rev. liewley abundant si ccess m their laudable work for good. Maj. J.N IJradly pased through Butler Monday evening on bis way to Kansas City to look after hi duties as Inspector ot the Bureau of Animal Industry. His headquarters for the. present will he at I'apinville but he thinks of shurtlv moving to Kansas City. To supuiv the vacancy in ' the school board, caused b the resigna tion of Dr. Wright, the democracy, Friday last, named W. G. Rose. Mr. Kose is a oung man, active and agressne, and in every way abundantly qualified for the place, and we heartily endorse iiis uomi n itioi; Tiie jieopie of Heurv, and ! especially those citizen living near Windsor, are very much dipleaed with the action of tiie governor in regard to his interference in the. exe cution of Brovviitlcld and Ilopkirk. Our udvicc to the people is, to keep cool and not allow their prejudices to get theupper band of them. to thi matter and recommend that they take some actum to prevent it. During the past grain season I loaned a great many gram sacks to my larmer friends (to you perhaps). Some of thett 1 rented for you, at a cost to me ot z cents eacn per month. You can now certainly have no further ue ior them : please bring them back, I want to count them, see their beautiful forms once more, and giv e some poor a job to patch the holes the mice have gnawed hi them. lam anxious about those sacks. John" A. Lefkku. 1 -j w 1 t - -'t iiuuc une 1. i.vst t v.-mr, nnr j ptisonai asesstr.ent n-t. and, it you have any grievance, bring tne Ooard at time, as any errors fg L4H r.e oetier rectified at tnat time than anv other. 1 ... . iear m muni tnat no change m tne valuation or reii .-t.ite can at that time be made. f,s the valuation placed on real estate m April, iSS j, must, under the iavv. stand for two years. Jojin A. Lefkku, Presiding Judge Co. Court. it bctore i yV vV 1 w A t After many years of patient wait ing and heroic .struggling. Mound City's hpes are realized by the com pletion of the St. Louis & Emporia railroad from Pleasanton t this point. We congratulate tiie people of Mound City, congratulate Robert Kincaid and the other leading busi ness men who have worked so hero ically to get this great enterprise through. We congratulate the ccm pay. We congratulate D. P. Al exander and W. E. Critzer lor the help and sympathy they have given the work. We congratulate every body in Liiiti county. Linn Co. Clarion. 4- i 1 ORDERS ZTIXiLED DA.1T OR JUrCOME AND S EE-tea S t i 1 1 iF, JEWBTT, 1 I ili'il i. w Ft J Frank P. Lee, living near Foster, tins county, advertises this week his celebrated imported Clydesdale stal lion, which will found m another column. This horse has a thorough pedigree, and, we have no douM, is one ot the finest blooded horse in the county. Before '.needing it v.-ill pav to go over and take a look at him. lie is as pretlv as a bird. Next week we shall have some thing to say in behalf of the demo cratic nominee for marshal of the city, John Dickerscn, and give a few reason whv tb.e democrats and all others interested in the good govern ment ot our town should stand by him to a man. We hall also have some thing to sav tor our candidate for mayor, Tudgc D. V. Brown. Our old friend Crate Owen of A' tona was in the city Monday and favored us substantially. lie savs that last Friday, while attempting to Our esteemed fellow citizen Ex Senator, Maj. . N. Bradiey, has f'een appointed Inspector of the Bu reau of Animal Industry, lor all States and Territories west of the tiie Mississippi river. This is a splendid appointment and the peo- ; p'.e of Bates county will all be glad , 1 ... "I only - 1 that now is the turn- .i-...t-.- i n,-.t wrf .i-t5ir r. Anl (. ' ..ii i- iiwi i mil u HIT i- man in the state or one better quali fied to fill the duties of the office, as he has had large experience as a practical farmer ami stock-breeder. Bates county is always proud to hare one of her noble sons honored and we join with the many friends ot Major Bradley throughout the county and state in congratulating him upon his deserved good fortune. urn y i rm n gj u U 12 u LaUlill s ai . vs? i2a Kb KM ciA Have now ready for Spring trade the finest line of 0 l r ,1 luiliit Seed. iear 111 mimi that mulct .sect wanted tor sowing purposes; when it is in quired for. and three weeks hence there will be little or no demand lor it, so if you have any to sell, put it on the market at once. I can give v ou a fair price for good, clean BUGGIES, 1 li31CARI,IAGES, SPRING WAGONS &. PHAETONS. Ever offered the people o; imc Southwest. Examine our work before you buy. Harness, at cost to parties buying buggies of us. We respectfully solicit your patronage. German seed, it you bring it in OttlfV. S 101) HWd A ej-K00m kaSl DakOUlll MrCd Special attention paid to all kinds ot Buggy Repairs. soon say within ten or twelve days It won't nay ou to hold it over. Jon.v A. Lefkek. Castor beans will give you better return for your time and labor than any thing else you can put on the ground. Ten to fifteen bysiieis per acre is an average crop, and S1.40 per bushel (which I will guarantee vou) a good price. Fourteen to twenty-one dollars per acre beats corn at twenty-two cents per bushel. I have some fresh seed to loan you at less money than it is worth m cash. Th of it, but don't think too long, as the scaon is near when the beans should go into the ground. John" A. Lkfkkr. Republicans are busily enraged on every corner circulating the re port that such tried ami true cats a W. W. Atherton, Geo. W. Tucker t ml Howard Tiimble. the three defeated candidates tor con stable, because they did not get the nomination, would refuse to support the succcfu! man. Why demo crats, a baser falsehood was never pur in circulation. It would be just as nnpo-sibie to turn the Missouri river ir stream as to undertake to get these gentlemen to turn on a democratic nominee. The ire iron bound, rock-ribbed democrat?. The marshal informs n that tb.e i and are that never flinch. 1- tunds for the benefit o. the poor ot vvavs ready ami willing, and. ae now our city have give out. anil that be j each and ail of them doing their brake a colt to ride. jumped 011 him knocking him down. Tb.e colt's hoot struck him in the back ot the neck knocking him senseless, and he did not become conscious for tour hours. lie i allright, however, with the exception of a stiff neck and a few cuts srul bruise. One John Cook, colored, walked into the store of Bennett, Wheeler cl: Co., Friday last and asked Fletch er Warnock, to cash an order tor him. Mr. Warnock took the order and saw that it had W. II. Walton's named s:gned to it and was drawn for 8250,00. Tliis sum sounded pretty large to Fletcher and he be gan to question Cook, who said the amount should have been $2.50. Ot course this raised a suspician right away, as Mr. Walton was known to be too good a businass man to make such blunders, and an officer wa called and Cook placed under arrest. At his trial before Farmers Buy the Best. -Sqire eei it turned out that the I order had been written for Cook by t.emo 1 ,.r . CoAr'Tf. Vfirr! akn rolnred. 1 his of course clinched him and in default of bail was placed in jail. Cook has been working for Mr. Walton and thought ot course l.e could use his name without his knowledge or concent. has u tew families that will need as sistance, and need it bad. Now friends of th; noble cause we call on you tc a-sit a little while longer. Two or three of the destitute are Wit lo rev. principal of the 'v women at; 'ic' i":-s arc sic. thing n-i;-" 've U"!H an: : :oii ick a a id lieiav . .' e Mev ti is ti! on i is cent boom and a quarter to -pare band it t le marshal. to their ! Some at w ithout ct llecting vou have hi 1,1 or best tor the success democratic ticket. the entire We icel thankful that the Demo crats m their good judgement have nominated gentlemen to till the dif ferent township otlices. lhit are in every way competent, and need :a t a single apology from us. The three candidates tor iu-tSce of the peace. H. M. Camif.iu A. S. Budgie v. and D. G. XcuMsiii. are all gentlemen FIN AM I AL STATEMENT ok Tin: OaK Hill Cemetery Fund, OK THE Cily of Jiniler, Missouri, For the rear ending March ;5th, 1S85. KEOLIPTS. Amount of cash in treasnrer's hand at bio annual settlement with lkarl ot AMernwn. March i&th, lSAI, Cash received from sale of one lot to 1 C Miz". April il, lss4 Cash receivM from sale of two lota to "t, July 7, lsM, Cash received rrom ale of one lot t Wm Ste, Nov Is. 14, Cah received from sale of one lot to C T McKarland, Jan 13, lsrt. Caxh receiTed from sale of one tot to W O Ba-ifrley, March 5, 1S., Ca.h reciv ed from sale of one lot to I A Colyer, March 10, 1SW5. Ca-h received from sale of one lot to Thomas Kich, March 12. lusi. Cash rweiTe-i froni sale of on l"t to "VVia Milner, Msrch l!s, SLlr r Wvf Mm?! i. AO (il Sold byT. W. CHILDS. Butler, CLOSING OUT! 41 79 30 00 00 OO 50 00 50 W SO ( 00 25 00 r 00 j t:a.rt:.;;gt.; qualified and rill their Total r-r'ivts, KXr i.N Lire Rt- . ."Vul 74 ' April 4. 14. cash paid W W Hill f'r 1 work at cemetery S lion. W. I. Sionv- returned Washington City last week. o-.r, V-.! wirh ("ievcli..,! Lin.lhU ! to need ie.-.-v.m.iid fto.n u. bavins j May 2, cash paii W W i tot 1 ' - - ' - wort at ccmet cry- Cabinet and thinks New York's re lorm governor will make us a good. conservative president. II there will be m sweeping made in offices and prescid cuts will be allowed :' till from i station vi:ii general satistactioi IT ! f t ,- tl . nrk at tie is : ,. !. MCI- arianu. is ioo w r.i 110 n , Apri nmi-annuat int.r- on bond- in Butler. s;ls changes aimo C. a t : iieen raised -i . ... w",r public schools of this citv. Wetl usthe other dav a number of I Wntten exercises hj bis scholars in eogr3phv, arithmetic, map drawing time tor which thev were appointed it to ht itself antt to ti.e saiistaciion ' t V nch was a credit to the schol- ! uuies suiftCier.t h;h.i;s are charged i of all. Tally a big majority for Bel! and a hijrh cmnpliment tt their ! t.-r their removal. Thcie is joint E. A. Ilwin;, tor con-'..l'!e can't John i June!, l"s4. rare paid H W Hill fur wnrl ftt remterv Haves the candidate for C'erK. i j Jen-29. --. '. V!SL1l ; . O If 11 III a. 'I . a J iui u:-ui 1 " ... r ir l:-," sai and will be e lect- ! JokS. 1M, ra-h pi't W W Hill for work at cemetery . I 1.. ...... .. .. A Tl ! -. ii n,h til W W Hill Tot unrl at ceiu. er" meumb- Beil. tiie oh! rriia'dv collet :i- has .-ts. ism. c-h i:d w w n:n r.r ! work at c-?m-t-ry tUt the ; held the ?)lace he IUW fills with Cred- ; Vt 3. -emi-annnal intr on bond I i t ia f niii .1 Mar&nallfor work on cemetery hotUM I-c i. Isj-4. cah paid W W Hill for w ork at cemetery is flu - Oil .1 Ou is 7, j M73j s I :ti J 1 X) ! "Wnictor Prof. I The work showed that! custom oberred in Washington so ovvcrv has spared neither ; ciety which tfce Colonel does not j . . . . . ... ?I!..J .'Atr nor in tiie Instructions of "s pupi. exactly approve the cut ot the lad beat. He is a omig vim and will make a we all will feel proud of Ob Monday. February 9, 1885. J will commence selling out myr etiro STOCK A! COS! FOR m And will continue until sold out. T will keep a full nm 01? GPaOGBmss at reduced prices. As I am going . out of business, all who are owing MUST COME FORWARD AIID SETTLE Their accounts. I mean Business. i kn.i ikla Marrh 1 a,. l.a man, tuli ot i hr.-bv certify tht th- foresroinz i a tmr :e Itiai ; iaM of the Oak Hill Cemetery faad. of toeri?y i r-rvVu.r M. uhnstown, liates Uountv, mo. last and a!i tiie tunc tor Iv-ving. , c;y cieri rf2rr.1 I il