OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, April 08, 1885, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Money to Loan
. .; nor .oner cenr interest,
real estate,', year, time, with pr.v-
and inMu
Call on
Notary Public.
M. W. Mizk,
Oftce with Francisc-o Bros.
Corn i selling at 24 a-;
Oar meTtTda a line busmen
Sheriff Hanks is visiting
ntld relatives in Kentucky.
The Ladies Missionary Society .
. ...i. r.l ihf Kansas !
M E Churcn
Citv district, will meet m this city
to-morrow. Dr. C C Woods ana
Dr Tohn Mathews of Kansas City,
will address the society. Everybody
invited to attend.
will start for Wash-
e last of tne week.
Dave Colye
n.ft'lll CitV l-
Dave has receive.! an appointment
under Smith, Cathin acKSon,
.rail contractor, to sublet contract
for mail routes His territory will
b; :i Virginia.
From Wa.hia X. on the raliro.4 trk.
Th eker for office toils ;
Anl in aninhh ericas he count t..e t:-9.
To the virtorn belopy the epoU.
All kind and style of plow -ho-.-, -t Max
Weiner'sshoe store.
Board of Equalization convened
Baby carriages from $5 to $3S at
Opera House Furniture Store.
A great deal ot flax wiil he sown
this spring in Bates county.
Job work of every description done
ajt the Times office, and don't you
forget it.
According to the census ot 1SS0,
Bates county has a population ot
.j 1 , ,
There was an immense crowd in
town Saturday, the streets were al
most blockaded.
If you want a suit made in the
latest style and from the best goods
cjill on J. E. Talbott.
Dixey L Haggard and Miss Nan
me Day returned from their visit to
Kentucky the latterp art of last week.
Jim McKibben is too busy open
ing up his new spring goods to write
a nejv advertisement tms week.
Judge Sullens gave us a pleasant
call Saturday. The judge is enjoy
ing good health and was in fine spir
its. Thft Record says constable-elect
Scott will retain the services ot
the present deputv constable, Mr.
Jo- T. Smitti has purchased the
interest of his partr.er.Henry Kaune.
in the livery stable on east Dakotah
street, and will hereafter conduct the
business alone. He has rented the
brick stable of Tied Evans, on north
main street, and will run both stables.
Joe :s a live wide awake business
man, besides being a general favor
ite, and will get his share of the liv
ery business,
Hot Selling Out at Cost.
I want the citizens of this county
to distinctly understand that 1 am
,lot filing out at cot to quit bus.
nes or sending out deceptive
advertisements to rid my store oto.d
oods hut 1 do say emphatically
That I will not be undersold bv ac
cost boot and shoe house in Butler
My -oods are ail new, tre.h, and of
, latest styles, and a, I have no
sale, ana ev
1 . . 1 . . :
i. .-irv r.na mane ti
11. .. ! ...
my tuture uou.., . -offer
vou anything but boots and
shoes'that will give perfect sjti,
taction. Remfmbtr, I do not intend
to be undersold by cost house,. Ge
and then investigate
Max Weinek,
East side square .
old box-worn goods fo
pect to stay m
one up that they can
i .--.-I, 1,,.? if it wa not tor Mrs
.... ! Snutler's -select school tMey wou.d
V. li s.
t l'Ti IF.ill L1IL k iILi'b v
Some ot our farmers hate
oaU soweu, a.i - .,! probably live m ignorance.
htiMicn plowing tor ,o,.. nc. Mst
week but the recent rai.s uiil put a " " Mr?. Shclton
. . v . t ur n 1 t 1 1 1 - ..-.--
stop tu -;. , , ased 1 vcar.
! t- c tii.f Fr mk Lee and
spelling: - .w
. 1 T'w- tunner n;s ikuiuh
:...- Cheatham and
lisstra x,... j
ilrrt.up - er.tertainms
Thn (iovcrr.tv.ent ! . ..vtvc. 'j if
Rrd.tK.n school
V:e m
naner which is read a
rhool. at the
each week.
Miss II. Hope's
r. (in i-hooi h.ouse w
three weeks. MUs Howe :i;. t-u.u
ui a gooa school. Tlv.s m-kes.
the eent;". one
3 Miss llortf
r.,-,i ilif tenth i-enrn, nl. S, ut p
Hsc-J. " I he Aineru an i;ri.-umint k
! rover Cleveland Lee and the hitter , es,e,t.jJy w.uthy ' mention, becau
Win. itw remarknie units. a.icr.o.
t the unique and until 1114 ctloiW ot ittpfr,
' I rietors to inereae and exieiid it UfCs,
! Lti.ni- It content ate .lupli .iu-J e,er,
1 1 : . : ... 1. 1 .1
month jor a serni.m i-iiooii, -umi
. . .. : 1.. 1.
ireii .lies
rations to begin f.ir iv.ng as soon as
Cleveland Woodfin.
West Boor.e Items.
F-:meis ate making active piepi-
their prices
ni me .
we ueneve.
by her at this pla
Snti'iie Redmon am
tvill visit their old homes in Kentucky
sometime in the near future. They
will, probably, remain all sumoier.
The ftTored one oi Mis Etlie
Cheathams say that he wants a
rerv economical wite and Miss Efl.e
has been practicing economy now
It causes her niowi-
as Effie will
Many sheep died m the vicinity of
Esttll station, Howard county, this
winter. L. G. Kingsbury has lost
one huadred head , John Estill, forty
head; the Bowan boys about sixty
head ; John Kingsbury, fifty head ;
and aiany other farmers from fire to
twenty head each. Mr. Tohn A.
Sampson counted one hundreu sneep
pelts in his barn last week, and sup
posed that to be the number of mut
tons lost by the severe winter.
Boontille Advertiser.
The infant daughter ot Alex.
Lamb, died Saturday night and was
1 I C. vrnrrr. the lun-
eral services were conducted by Rev
Alex. Walker, in a very impressive
manner. And as the funeral three
was being sung at the home ot Mr
Miss Mollie Eckerman, cf Blue
Mound, Kans.s,is visiting Mrs. JuJe
Mr. 1. W. Crawtordhas returned
from Woodtord county, Ky-.accom- j
panied by Willie i'rather. j
Mr. Jim and Jep load, mo UI j ansuer to h;5 qnestion as to not
Clay county's solid ousincss , j neighbor credit for a nice
came down to attend tne weuum- 01
their brother.
f .r some time.
er some inconvenience,
! mto the flour
341 b W
and so on. (
v- ntild sav to -Occasionally
The farmers haye oommenceu
yyork in earnest. A great manv..-
not gathered all their corn; those
that have are plowing.
Mrs. Daniel Stewar is visiting
relatives and Iriends in I wa.
At the the residence of Mr. H.
Fisher, in West romt wi.M..p,
March 24th, Mr. John I odd ami
Miss Maggie Lee Fisher were umteo
by the Rev. J. W. Sage, of Dana.
The wedding was very quiet, none
being present but relatives and inti
mate friends The Rev. Sage tied a
very effectual knot and the twain
were made one for all time.
ceremony was verr impressive,
Lumb, the pillow of Edward, young- created a prof0und and death-like
est son ot II. C. and Mary
Wyatt, was being baptized with tears
from the eves of an effectionate fath
er and mother, tor as the funeral
procession left the ne the mourning
o -...-inr.iI at the other. Oh
h w sad the scene, but how glorious
Hon. A. Henry, we are glad to J to knovv that the spirit ot both after
tte is improving in health and will, taking their flight were sateiy an
We hope, soon be able to be about ci,orcj j the arms of Jesus, the ten- decrjDmK the scene
and tend to business
S. W. Price, one of the staunch
farmers of Spruce tawnd?ip was in
the city Saturday and gave us a
pleasant and substatial call.
xi TVrM. ot West Boone
der. loTiag father ot little children.
fathers and mother they
' r
are home now.
Tile Lightning.
Thursday night of last week a
f-,Ki,. thunder storm visited this
kV t I IWi
11 I r tu. ofrv-i -c arnmnanitJ
township, made us a pleasant can sccuu...
township, m Y of bvrmd lightning and heavy ram tall,
v - farming community. 1 he whole
J. R. Simpson, wife and daughter heavens seemed to be filled with
OHie. lett Thursday morning tor electricity and the sharp, keen flashes
New Orleans. Ther will likely be . I,ghtning,bhndmg in the extreme,
-1 . .... it,,.. vi-pks. I aa --iiKiiieranle uamasre.
Jim McKibben has returned from
he east where he had gone to pur
chase his spring stock of goods.
Hold your breath they are now ar
riving. Mrs. Clara Hoffman, State Presi
dent of the W. C, T. U.,will lecture
at the court house, Friday, April 10.
7:30 p.m. Admission free. Tutu
out everybody and enjoy a rare treat.
Women's kid button shoe in prices all
the way from Si 75 tc S6 00 a Viir at
Max Weiner's.
S. Chandler, living m Elkhart
township, had the misfortune tc
lose the finest horse on his place.
The horse was standing in the mid
dle of the pasture when struck by
the lightning.
Lee Browning living in Charlotte
township, also lost a fine mare.
The dwelling houses of Robt.
Barton, and Mr. Patterson, near
I Vinton, were struck by lightning an I 1
silence among the guests. 1 he oruie
looked very handsome and was at
tired in a rich, royal purple giograin
ilk-: the "room wore a suit ot black
Atter the usual congiatulations of
relatives and friends, supper was
announced. Now, Mr. Editor, out
pen proves inadequate to the task of
ine large
. tairlv proaned be-
neath its load; imagination could
not give a description equal to the
occasion. It was all heart could wish
or appetite crave. May peace ana
happiness be their lot, and their bark
"ently trlide down the stream ot time
and fi id a safe anchorage on the
golden shore.
The exhibition at No. 2, given at
the close of the winter term, taught
by Miss Flo Forbes, was a grand
success. Misses Fannie and Mattie
Gryder, Flo and Min Forbes, Lot a
Frv, Dollie Sheets, Maudie Halley,
Nellie Fisher; Messrs. Forrest
Gryder, Ed. Thornbaugh, Al.
Crumley, Davie Forbes, S. Lewis,
Willie Sneets, Willie Morris.
Mr. Badgley has had a petition
put up m his stoic room, south side
square, dividing it into two rooms,
one to be occupied bv Pharis
grocery, the other hv Dick Hurt's
barber shop.
D. C McCullam left for Nebraska
last week to seek out a location. He
will, in all probabilities, make that
state hi future home. Dune, is a
good telloyv and leaves many fiiends
kere who wish him well wherever he
may conc'ude to go-
damaged to some extent.
The residence of Joel M. Ferguson
ot Elkhart township, was slighdr
The elegant residence ot Wm.
Pare of this city was also struck on
the same evening and damaged to
the extent of $25. Tne lightning
stiuck one of tne chimneys and
strange to say glanced off and ran
down the tin guttering into the
The mcst unfortunate of all so far
as we have learned, was John Hester
of Homer township. He lost two
korses, the only team he had. He
was a poor man and of couis- the
misfortune was heavy. Some ot his
good neighbors with sympathetic
hearts started a benefit petition and,
we hope, raised monev enough to
! buv him another team.
Walley, and Tom Crawford, in their
.i.ftW-nt mrN. did iustice to their
s. s. j . - - 7 j
pieces and brought down storm
.mnlause. The smaller ones
- r 1
Miss Dollie sheet personated the
i Gouess of Liberty, and to say it
dance, that it was not on uuu,u .
any antipathy existing toward them,
but for reasons which we had some
time ago made known to him.
The"township election passed off
quietly on last Tuesdav. The Re
publicans tailed to put out a ticket.
consequently, the boys haa an r-sT
walk over, however, it was not w.th-
out some uneasiness as they expect
ed, as there had not been any inter-
est manifested in the election ana a
small number ot voters out, that t.ie
republicans would muster their lorce
m the evening and clean them out.
But they never, and the tew who
cam' voted the democrat ticket.
Mr. W. H. Carrell ot this town
ship had his barn completely shat
tered last Wednesday night by light
ning. He had his horses in the barn
" .... ..I
at the time but none were ki.leu. it ,
damaged his grain considerably by
exposure to the weather and killed
one hog. He had an insurance of
$500 on the barn and contents.
With two correspondents from
Summit township the Times will
constantly keep the people of Bates
county well postedm in what
transpires in this section. The onlv
thing we regret is that while other
portions of the county are being sup
plied with news from this quarter,
we ate almost left in utter darkness
as to what is going on in other town
ships. But as being known is no
disadvantage to anyone or their
neighborhood, provided they ure
taultless in character and other r.ec
essary teatures we suppose it can be
borne with, however much we would
like to learn ot what is going on in
other portions of the county. We
have never known, or heard of any
one who once became a reader ot
the Times that has ordered hi pa
per discontinued, which is a strong
evidence of it's worth and merit as a
county paper. So keep vour hair
trimmed, your eyes open and stand
firm for democracy and the right and
success is yours.
'lOssib'e. ;
Mr. John Todd and wite left for!
their tuture home in Cedar county, j
Mo., the 31st msf. ,
Mr. John BosvveH, who had the
mistortune of losing his home t-v ;
fire, a short time ago, is preparing J
to huild
II, C. Kinnard, of Kentucky, has
rented the Banfield farm tor this
The election held at Rosier, on
last Tuesdav, tor tne purpose i
choosing township officers, resulted,
as usual, in electing the full demo
cratic ticket.
Maukied. At the residence ot
th.. bride's parents, Tuesd.iy, March
24th, Mr. Jonathan Todd and Miss j
Maggie Fisher, by Rev. Sage, ot
the Baptist church. The wedding
was a qmc aff.ur, only a few being
piesent. The gi 00m is one
ot our
mest influential farmers and cattle
feeders, while the bride is an ac
complished ami charming belle ot
this vicinity. We wish them much
happiness and yy, with best of
wisdes for their future welfare.
Items are scarce these dull times,
Mr. Editor, so it' mv contributions
are not very lengthy or newsv, please
do not blame me. In the future I
will strive to give you, weekly, the
news ot this neighborhood if vou
will accept my contributions.
1 his tiihutc is a )t. casing uuu.rra in
the niarxeloin. iu.irhj
nt thi recognized !eadi.i A,'ricuHun
Journal t the world.
si months a'o the American Aericuh
urist ente ed upon a new year ot jnpi
it v, and to-day it i tar Mipcricr to 1
similar periodical ever produced iq thn
or auv other country. Richer in editor
ial htrenth; richer in engraving; prt
ed on finer paper, and precntini: ii m.
erv issue 100 colnmnn of original readil
matter, trom tne aoiesi writers, ana new
lv 100 illutitiatlons. Dr. George Thut
her, tor nearly a quarter of a century ti
itor-in-chief of the American Aericultus
ist, Joseph Harris, Byron D. lUl.tci
Col. M. C weiu, ana nure s. ruliet
tne other lone time editor, loeethe
with the other writer who hac,made U
Agriculturist what it is to-day, are still t
their posts.
Every nubscriuer, whose mWrintio
is immediatel v tornarded us with
price. $1 ?o per vear, and 1 cent et
tra tor postage on i yclopaepii makin;
Si 6c in all will receive the America.
Agriculturist fKnulifh or German) fo,
all ot iSii.; and be presented with tin
American Agriculturist Family Cyclojut
dia. liustouti. 700 I'aue and over ft
Kngratings. Strongly bound in cloth.
black and cold.
Thin entirely new volume i a remark
able storehouse and book of relerenot
for every department ot human Knotf,
ede, incldding an agricultural mppk
ment bv Dr. Thurher.
Send three i-cent tamp lor mailiB;
vou specimen copy American AericuH
urist, au elegant torty-page premium Ik
with 200 il'ustratlons, aud pccimen pa(
en ot oar family oyclopaedia, ( anta
er wanted everywhere.
AddresK I'ublikhern of
A M K K1CA N A I . K 1C t'LTl'RIST
David W. Judd, Sam'l llurcham
Itch and Scratches ot every kind
cured in 30 minutes bv Wool fords
Sanitary Lotion. Usenootner. 1
never fails. Soldbv W.J. Lansuown.
lruggist, Butler, Mo. 49' vr
To loan at lowest rate of interest. The
Philips decision does not ecect tne xo.
Loan Co., represenxcu oy
5" ' i. ..1., It,.
54. n. .EfTBlLI-
Does a general Insurance busines In- j
sure property against ure, i.igrumnKl
Tornadoes, cfyclone and Wind Storms.
Also injures Plate Oiass againsi ic.
arrident. Call on him tor a !
Dolicv' betore it is too late. Office in j .
P,,cy . R,;l,,. Mn. , mil. lltilMi 111
upera 0U1I,njS 4t"lVt jSaTI .id l.OUttltU
- . .... . .-.. -- ll.i.r .'I
7s I HrovSway, Nrw Yon
Ohio & Mississipp
The Oldest Establishetl Route
Cincinnati I-ouiovilld
Farm for Sale.
I will sell my t.um, silua'ett
section 1, in summit township,
hundred acres. Divided in lots
.rchnser. Terms easy.
A. Hamilton.
Through Day Car.
I'alare .sleeping L'oac.e.
suit put
D. A. Colycr, will keep hi noted
stallion, Wrild" Irishman, the coming rea
son in the first barn we.t ot Riley & Phelps
livery stable, on Dakotah street, near
southwest corner ot squaie, Duller, Mo.
He will alokeepa Clydesdale stallion at
same stable. lG-Jt.
' Tahice Sleeping Car Wittwut
j Change from $t. Louis in
y rliMiice of t?ar tor a1
iiiiuf I'nssfiicers. Kiriit and Sc
ond-Clas Pavengers are all
Fast Epre Train, running innw
. - - . . . a f A ' r.
vvas grand would be but hghtiy
expressing it. Miss Nellie Fisher
i ne
way .
The town board, at its meeting on
last Thursday evening, passed an
ordinance creating aboard of health.
Drs. Frizcll, Renick, Boulware and
Everingham were appointed mem-
. . . i
bers ot the toard. .now go to wor counly raet Monday with
anJ clean up around your premises. , memberf present
. 1 . c .. . 1 1 ! 7
OT TOU Will near rrom tne anu.ui iuv -
Board of Equalization of Bates
rendered the piece entitled
Famine" in her own super!
and held the audience spvil-bound.
She is one of the finest elocutionists j sq they wlU pr
it ha been our good fortune to hear 1 sqw aatM-
and one ot Bates' tairest uaugnrtrs. j
Davie Forbes delivered the piece j
entitled "Dot Baby ot Mine, "which j
was well spoken and immense. J
Music was furnished by Messrs.
Floyd and Forbes, who are Uoth fine
Mr. Gus Floyd, a handsome and
talented gentleman from Rich IliP,
is visiting the Misses Frazee-
If the editor of the Butler Times
Foster Items.
Guess we are having
rains. What we I
do us for a whi'e.
rA m:r farmers had soweo
their oats, but the rain caught them
before thev wer- harrowed in.
our April
lave now ouni 10
a i r;, v Tt irt "ives vou a clean
1 1LV1 l'-rv ...... -
. 1,.. .,0 Violetme. or lace
cream, which softens the skin anu .
prevents cnappin. j-i.. 1
O. & Mi
at al! nours
ide square.
') ave
t;;e".i to
The Green View school began
Monday with 33 scholar-, enrolled.
W. L. Gover has purchased a fine
harrow. His neighbors wiil know
where to ro when they want to boi-
IUnovek, O., Feb 1 , 1.--.4.
M'tei having lur- Jer and pneumo
nia I had a dreadful ...ugh and rould
sleep at night. The doctor ,t.,J
had consumption and would ie. I -e
taken six bodies of 1'Uco Cure
couh is entirely gone ana 1 an, wc.
ever. -3''r
I as
'a . hoi.-.- oi ro..n-i offered by mother
Palace Sleeping Coacbe
Mrs. Young is quite sick. Dr.
Lee, of Pleasanton, is attending her.
The election Tuesday of last week
passed off quietly, which resulted in
I the election of the democrat;.
iU,c used TongaUr.e in facial neural- ,
41 . . - it rontro.s the
K'i'n a te hours, often giving almost j Sf LojU, s Vfrk Witho--t
ir relict. Xh. I
all the
don't get the P. O. appointment at j w-h e excePtion ot clerk. J. B. !
Butler, his many readers here j Wajku tjie republican candidate, j
in this vicinity will aivvays think he eIccJcd bv a majority ot 15 votes, j
ought to have had it. Long live the $ - y
Times and democracy. ieoI"c , , ,
Brownie- j con. and a few have plowed some. .
Walnut creek is past fording again,
;r thev !
wrUt- r;t.-,. X- Williams
- ,i.-5, ,.ill, V IVU -
The best line ot misses' and children j , ir-v,f,.,r,
hoes at Mai ' mock ui implement iui --- -"-1-
' " Bv T. D. Rafter.
Tali, and goarj Rochester
I TantK. ,;fiMb!c tailor ! so when the boys want a letter
. ot Butler, is now ready to furnish have t boat ,t across. Let us have .
! vou with a handsome suit made to a bridge. 1
j der. The Foster people are so near
Many a Lady
is beautiful, all but lvrkin :
and nobody has ever tol.i
her hov easy it is to put
beauty on the skin, beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
. l.e or,U line hv which o c I
through car'. lrom St. IxuU t0,.''
without pa ing extra far-r in s!r
tiinrifT paid tor ticket.
KorTiekeu. Katei, or at.y Pn,t
intor:nation, !l on Tkke. As
eofT.:;ting-.Hr.e.f Wet, No"1'
Sou.het, ( ii "t I.o.ii.
w. w. v.v.ii. v.-
tr ' (.'-r.'l rria-ti"-r. '1'
,. -t --- - -
Ciucinati, OYA.
,.,,'.v g iv.. r fjri
v., Jyi

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