Newspaper Page Text
4 A SPECK OF WAB. Mn;festo Is.aed bj Cattlemen t.reer Ountj, Texas. in Austin, Tex--, April J.-Trout,., is brewing in Greer and other North western counties in consequence the Franckiin Cattle company a. m wme five others h-ving issued ui. j i . ...I ..,., .ici-L-mcn vvwrnin. i order to .-uu.osm - - j them not to make Greer and a:t nt rounties a quarantine roun , iiw - tor cattle en route iu nortli. ''In the absence of lega tion," they say, "we. the occupanls of the above-mentioned count , pledg. ourselves to use every means in our power to confine ail through cattle Mrictly to the trail. We mean business, and the ends aimed at mut Itj.tity the means which we ma deem expedient to use. D r.o leave home with the idea thai cattle can be held over here.' Thi is construe.l t.. mean tnai armed force will be exercised n necessary, and as the Southwestcrt. cowboy will surely make then drive, and as they are known to b. adepts in handling six-shooters cold blooded and doubtless bloody troubh may ensue and tlie state be called upon to exercise military force n suppressing disorder and prt-iervin'.-the peace. The FrancLhn company are toreigners to the state and havt "ust instituted proceedings n thi United States court at Waco, to en join the state irom collecting ta on their cattle, alleinsj: tliat tiieei county is not a part of Tea. Thi esse is set tor the I'd. They, of themselves, own over 70.00. head of cattle, ana are "razing, by Imt ndins nearly a million acres O land. Within their grazinj-srouuds i about So,ocx acres donated to th Texas veterans bv the state, and tot the use of it and all other land the refuse to pay the rental fixed by the old law, about $90,000 annually, and under the ntw law $50,000. They da not own an acre ot ground, and, ot course, the order alluded to will not be noticed and the usual pring drives occur regardless there of. It is intimated that the Mate will not nly give the Southern covvlxn protection, but intends to enforce the lease penalties to the fulks limit aambt all companies assuming the control ot state and private land witaout compensation. The new land bill is still uns'im-i and a veto is still talked of. One o the other will have to be don Thin -tlav or it will become a law bv luni tation. Stry of a Smart Araerieau D . One summer afternoon a roup of children were plavin at the end of a pier which projects into Lake Ontario, near Kingston, New York, IT. h. A. The proverbial careless child ot the party made the proverbi al backward step off from the pier into the water. None of his com panions could save him, and their cries had brought no one from the bore, when, just as he wat- sinking lor the third time, a superl New foundland dog rushed down the nicr fnto the water, and pulled the boy Out. Those of the children who did not accompany the boy home took the dog to a confectioner's on the shore, and fed him with as great : variety of cakes and other sweets -as he would eat. So far the story is r course, only typical of so res of well known case. The individ ual of thi-i case is left for the se quel. The next afternoon the same group of chitdren were playing at the jiiic place, when the canine hero ot the day before came trotting down to them with the most friendly wags and nods. There being no occasion thi time tor supplying him with ':eiicacies, the children onlv stroked and patted him. The dog. how ever, had not come out ot pure sociability. A child m the water nd cake and candv stood to htm in lation ot I the close and obv:ou re cause artl effect, ami it this relation was not clear to the childicr. he "resolved to impress it upon them. citar.ce. lie crept up c-juiu ius vn.rn ys si-i ' 1 nearest to the edge ot the pier, gave ! a udden puh. w.ich sent bim into j the water, then sprang m; iitt-r I and gravely brought him to shore. ' To those or us who have had -; high respect tor the disin!eres:ediie ! ot dogs, this story ma f give prco: the inttlli that the development c gence, at the expense o: nature, is bv no me.-ms humn. The Spectator l :;e IT.cra :vt.-iv H,k, 3raaU Boy sot His TobccP i i , , : ca-e witn a novc. ot-.r;s.. . took place before Mavor Remkamp ..r.Ln. Auntv" Hil! llll U i " , - as she i&tamiiiarly calle.i, caused the aifest of William ."wvange, Henry Wilman, and Lew C;rr, on the aharo-e of breaking out her windows, The defendants are ad smIl bojs of from 10 to u years of age and po sessedof the average American bu'- idea of tun. Wnen die trial Prt'- eeeded the fact of the windows be- ing broken by the bos w as develop ed, but the further fact wa shown that Dick Ray, the grandson ot Mrs. Hill and of about trie same age as tne otner ooys, u;is i .i.wnv -- . , chewin" tVrfcco, and had proposed to the would a chew defendants that 1 acconiiiodite liin i rev V!t!l v-,uid ot t b.iCv grant them the pnvilege of throwing iwentv-live times at the gias. in his jtan l n Jther's window. The bos tccepted the proposal and turuislied tne voui'2 hopeful wirii his wisiied tor tobacco, and then began the fus ilade of stones on the old women's vvindows, while the grandson stood by counting the throws and chewing his tobacco with a satisfied air. So accurate was the aim of the voung sports that twenty-one panes ot glass -vere broken in twenty-five throws. When the court had he;ird ai! the facts iu the case he d;mised the suit against the boys, gave them a proper lectuie, an.! directed the par ents of the defendants to pay their proportionate 6hare of the broken windows. It would occur to the imnd f an outsider that the oh! lady could avoid similar trouble in the tuuuebv laying in a sufficient kupplv of to bacco fr the use of her promising and speculative grandson. Poison at the Front Do r. No article entering so generally in to the food of every family has been found more villainously adulterated than baking powder. For the pur pose of underselling those powders ot absolute purity and wholesome nets which alone are safe in food, hundreds t dealers are putting up Waking powders with cheap and adulterated cream of tartar, which contains lime, earth, e'.c, adding strength by the tree use of alum. These adulterate I powders ae "shoved" upon the public with the greatest persistency. They are Inst given away left in samples at pri vate residences, with circulars con taining bogus analyses and certiri cates, and talse representation, as to their value, et;. This fact of itself sufficient to condemn the n A first-class article will sell on its mer its. No manufacturer whose goods are ot value can afford to give them away, and none but the cheapen make and most inferior or unmark etable goods require to be distributed tree in order to get the public to use them, and this method is adopted by parties who have failed to dispose of their wares through the ordinary and legitimate channels of trade. Free samples ot articles of food left at the house should be regarded with suspicion. There is no guar antee of their wholesomeness. while there is real danger that they contain a fatally poisonous compound. Manx instances of poisoning from the use ot such samples are recorded. The only safe way is to consign all such samples immediately to the ash barrel, and to turn a deaf ear to their venders. It is not worth while to trifle with life and health ;o tne extent of testing everv donbttu! 1 as- " ingipoxvder that come along. Bet ter to rely on m old and reliable brand, like the Royal, which has tx- a quarter of a ce:iturx-'s constant use PrTeJ 'ls perfect wnolesameness j and efficiency, or some other brand that is not so worthies and cheap that :t proprietors cannot afford to j giTC it awav t;-y tlie Calt-iOau. It is ; in its favor that the Rova! B ikw , , 1 wwucr "ver gtven axvar. .sou! Dy j raean3 f loe:W. nor accompanteti bv cronios. sno ms, ... r,;fti. except the gtits ot absolute nu--;!v. whoiesomericss. tu-.i ueigrtt. i i ..,-..-r! 4?i e no Act. Its owti lt an ..rlft have been n erne: a J vers i.e- uiv ' mcnts. and thev have secure i the cn-tam t r ifOIiage Ui v- At i - ican pe.'pie to u:i extent beo:;:l tr.e cotnui-e. .tie ol alt o-ncr The Rova! i'akt; no Wiles'. r j'.-ow- tier ,h c-rtitle.l bv .U the .ern:.iet.t fhea.iv.s absolutely turi atul perfect. Youns Vest to Get a Consulship. Washington, D. C. April 7. j Young George Vest, the -on ot the j genator to enter the service ot the t ( -oven,.ucnt. He is to have a con- j su:v;0 not po slti'Jll that will j pejud e Missouri's credit w;tn the Secretary or State to ariv great ex- j tcnt. but a which. w::S g:e j j,jm u good living and enable him to see something of the world. Should Governor RevnolJ receive the Spanish Mission, as many believe he will, vousi" Vest may g abroad as .m attache of the Legati. . i s , 1 j, ;wever. I un ettled. ;tmi re Foster mam so until Minister attended to pending negotiations upon the treaty. If Governor Reyn olds' appointment is postponed tor any considerate period of tm.e, younr Vest will be given a consul ship at one ot the mi Europe. He :i ; s rings to his bow. Oils , of No Buffalo man has yet got an oflice irom Mr. Cleveland. is tins because Mr. Cleveland is so well acquainted with the LJufiaioni i-;s ' A Fasting Gii I. In Cincinnati .sixteen-year-old airi recently diet! alter a tat ot futy-two days. She had been attacked by something !ie paraUU which rendered it impossible for her to take nourishment. The human system canaot thrive without good loud and t;ood ability to digest it. Weak and impaired digestion is rectified by Bronn's iron Bitters better than any other ionic in the wurli Mr. J. E. Fr;e ber-, I Vrn rov, Iowa, ,ts: "I used brown' Iron Hitters tor dyspepsia and poor appetite; completely cured n:e." It will cure ;ou. (Jive the south a c!vnce and the ex rebels" will sho .v their quondam opponents in the north that they sxill be as hutil to bent xhen lauged on the side ot the Union as they weie when atriyed i;. deieiise ot the con federacy. A Good IJreakfast. Mrs. b. W. Carpenter, Cyeriee, Haiti more,, Narvland, writes I wis greatlv benefitted bv the ite ot Red ."star Cough Cure, when suJtering trom a se vere cold. My cook was scriouly id from a deep seated cough. She had con halted her doctor without relief. Hy my advice she used the cough cure in cot nection with an external application of Sf Jacobs oil to her side. In one night the change wrought was mo-t gratifying and astonishing. In the morning sue was like a new person. Mrs. Cockrell, xvite of the junior senator from Missouri, takes a prom inent social position under the new administration. Siie is large and blonde and socially aspiring, and is endowed with a heaitx and t'o''.ii:d manner. She is !. d , tighter of Tudge Cxving a :d ':t- t-io -h ; s-,x children. Have used Torigaiine, ith i:i pr.vate anJ hospital practice: a.-id four .t it all I could des-ire. I'hvsieij here wl,,- have tried Tonaiine regard :t as exceTent. C- M. Field, M. I. I'h.inneid. N.J. Gece McDonald, the novelist, is editing new eihtion of Shakespeare. If theri ts anv one thing this wot hi wants more tiian another b is 1 new- edition of Shakespeaie. An Answer wanted. Can ar.v one bring us a er ktd;;ev or liver complaint that Electric Hitters will not speedilv cure? We say they can not, as thousands ot cases a'readv per manent! v cured and who are recommend ing Electric Hitters, wis! prove. Bright";, disease, diabetes, weak back, or urinary orsplaint quickly cured. They purity the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts E very bottle Guaranteed. For 50c. a bottle, bv F. M Crumlr Co. Lillian Spencer has written two novels in the past year.besides tilling ong thatric-l engageme-:t a nd d: i.rce 1 1 ! iu r ;i;i-iMiiil t si women are mdo- i -seemm 1 Mean old Gem- tteneral I; .:.:tv n is 'cen p;:t with Isa-;". reuits to fligut in Arkart From Drirtklev. fro-.i We5 City, and Walnut Ridge. Mess's. H. Anderson, E. M. Taylor and F. S Fu t hi.eck re- J 2; spectfullv. write that thev were a'? a:kt il with geaertl ami rffccr. su so - id benefit from iirowzi Iro:s Bitters, not o-iH for 1 1 ni- Peant to .no-.r, Arkansas people, but fr a.! sections o; the country where general debility ha llr ?5lff lk" -.-id.. F. TxT CANBE CURED WITHOUT THE USE tv, v.-' F-.-- r'-t tl-UA at I." . SftVi ft tii Jus?. Is-. j'.' .,L , lewis useU r..ny . r.,-t i 1 juj si niTi -r-rmr as Ji. -rrw m-t bmww. IITl WHEELS I i; ALL US Celebrated Mitchell Farm Wagon, Cortland MM! wa Ilaliiday "n2 , t . ,!U! II Wit UCUOH Hardware, Groceries, Sh'el. Niiils, Iron sjuarc. IJutlor. Mo. rr. i :v -vw-wr-r & WANTED 8REEN jT'&ZIS, PELTS, TJLIaX-OW, Beeswax, Wool, Feathers, Rags. Spot Cash Paid and no Grumbling. LEWIS 1 1 OF I'M AN, North Maut Street, I'.liTLER, MO. I take jileastire t annotitieitiai to the iuhiie that 1 tav loeated iu Hntler to make it my lutiii f home, and hav-I tie target and best as sorti d htoek ol eloeks, watt lies and jevo-'.rv and spi'eiaclcscviT brought to this" m irket. whii h I will sell cheap for oasii. Having had many vears t-xptT'eii'S" o tin- maiiufae tureof watchf- and eloeks in Eu rope. I am now prepar.' 1 to repair watches -and flock, no matter how eompli'-afe'l nor hosv h.illv llie.r have Iwcn :d)'i-ed. by t.ringin litem to uf. yn cm have i-m pi? ilifgood running r .J-r and gino ne ee s:tisraetij FRAIZ BERNHARDT Butler. JVlo vt ljiiri KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK at rui: ' i i s: i HARNESS & ! I-F1'"111-' 1 Adjust i;elt a.ty Horse's Neck, i-s tw Roves ofsttcb inm, wtii id Ilamcs in place ei '' 'A ix 0 OPIUM 01 K M0RPH1WE! ' V-A T ,mijjbs ' nu 4 Nar'f-.t ,-f 15 -c tS 1: - - i .a. -j iw tt.-M -'' T w, . . , - .. . t:- . i IN THK Steel Gear nd Ton Buggies Standard .E&sT (3a- ET T?. I,,iM'is ..-.v j- - Wagon Woodwork. &c Xorthosist corner 1 HIDES, ti fifl ! 1ELMD BROS. SADDLERY. xn T3 0 CO lupnt Cnllnr! "" . -r-r yv tt T s SUBSCRIBE FOK Till: WLKKLY Tl GLOBE- k. 1 Ao Tr K. Ao o Te; t'a f ' MM DEMOCRAT 1S85. TKN PAG1CS One DollaJ IMI YKAIt. The Laigcst, Uest am! Cicijv Wc-fklv Newspaper in the vw', Dailv . per c 11. - Ol I - Semi Weekly per xe ir, M j, Tn-Weekly " u J ..1 ... i" 1., .. l'ostm astei s and Nevxs Ihali J j'j xvill leCtixe xour suhsci ipti-m, J Address, GLOBC P11INTINGC0. Scad for S.inii'h- copy. Sr. I.nlln, SJ A i-:i:ivi v A Idiilnec fit alllabl lou-f Iniltl Aiiltle for but a I'rai f nii of I hell Vulurf Fvi i y Ailicle in the FoUmxiiig I. Gnai anti til as Ktpresr.iu il bv the ' ld Reliable Missouii Republican. W'f w ill give the Weekly Minwiuri R publican, the regular nub-aription lrv of which is ft, with tbe lullminn sr t ies at the price named : The Waterburv Watch, an excelle reliable and uood looking watch. It luaiiutai tured by the W alerburr O nanv. eiei iall v for the Missouri Rtpi li uh, and is heut to ubi riltei Ihrcwj the mail in a satin-lined rate. Ihe rt ular pi ice ot the watch i $l o h"t H .' . .1' 1 1 .. . t.i: - ...I si-ml t lie vxrekiv i.eiiniiciiu, t and lhe Match ami chain lor the priif Miitrh. St to: with lhe Tri-Wrel one year $6 o. An elegant Sewing Machine warrant tor five vean-. Tins machine i In I toil not better than imilar n chines that hate been .cIinK ad il,. nui.,1,1 l.-r Irlit' 1C to Ol is only and Weekly lor one vr thrown in. NXi'Iitlie iri-wcenv t'rw vear it i. $20. Farmers' and Mechanics' Hlatk.mi Ju.n. i:i,urtli ot tool lor iit. T . . . ... r , ... fd itt totl consist, of 40-lb anvil and vite, iS-inch tongs, 2-lh haiiifuer, with ;..irill, l'i-lb. hotrhiel, milhlund No. toi k and di--. l'arrier' pincer-, Farrier' knife, Shoeing hammer, Hlacksmith'a drill, will hpaf J. inch ift These tool are of the bet quahP.f will last a lite time. J'rice .". J kit ol UxU and the Weekly IlrpuuMca:. one vear, witn J'ri-Weekly ili. He'autiful Family CJork, made by s Thomas Athens t;.tent : height, 17 U .Solid walnut case : jring-w inding; ri S davs: strikes the hour. Ouaisritfl to keep perfect time. Cetad price, w We give thi clock and the Weekly H publican one year tor $5; Trl-Wael tfir ft' fljtilv tijr In. Family ca ot two kind: 1 h l'i f!c Drte-Vtite. '1'iii scale ei;' cr1 nf f anv :irtir rmi'llO , t m j v w iivj ,w ttw - j - f 4 the Weeklv one year, i j; with the Wt-eklv. if,. The same scale, i'd coop, tor the purpose of weighing '"H articles, i- er.t higher, form scale, ar.d irigti up t ,4 "'U""V With Weekl, one vrai, W eek' v i?. " . The wattl, 2ie by', ,-tiiE;e iv tre Kcp ui an. t.n.n ot i' " " uri ii ie w i.l be ;;-il r, v freigbt, or pr-s, a the .! si riber A i ! ' - r. i' .e:ie. CUT. LIST. leeklv fubriber fill get a XVatetvin vatth and cain free. A :u one -er.(Jinr i li b h 1' weekly fcutci il.era get . eth . l.H k tree. J nit missouki k: ; t nidc-vi St DR. STRONG'S PIUS i Tl,. Old, W.II Trl. WndwfJ neaun Menawirur kiitiwi STROXS'S SAIATIYE PILLS ItUSS Ijm Oataatat, itaa-aiatia va. Unwlm. rrnrj th. BUa. C-Waa fro Matai T.iai. T1 asit.M. IMaai BV 1 1 ii it t, aHp . . mm mU RMUMt W w, . tm aV.I .a ftaulu, an1tita aa4 """ imM a. aa4 rnitf n m4 4 mTZ 0.Wa.i I' til tri.taii ""I'S u. K M CU. Oc' GaJar S-. I i 1 j No mo ( mr 4 I jn en () ai 1 i u fl