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.js anJ cornet-a piston tempt them to senseless and ruir.uus pro bation or the amusement. Let it ,tbe a matter ot contest who can sicte the longest or count up the most fabulous number of circuits. Stop when you have rr out of the recreation ail thete is in K Remem ber the hi v of health :irr thei.r.vsot Qod. Keep the ten c imand m ots written on your Iu;i4-:u.l heart. Re member that a crroup pneumonias on jverycoki niht stand at the d'or of jjery amusement, however honest, jnd would like to escort vou ro the ulchre. Coo! off before ou fnce ie north wind. Accept no un.var nntable gallantries. Know that the 5aie law that dominates the parlor should dominate the skating rink, pow that the evii I reprehend is not confined to skating imks. There ire parents in all our citiei who need to look more c;iieiui!v alter their children- In other word-, flirtation .ijlamnation. When J see tne even ing hour ca Uroatlway, New York or Fulton street, lirooklyn, a. gen tlemen return from business, a group of TOung women A ith a conspicuous manner and a giggle that is intended to attract the attention of the m.ts-cu.'.p-ssers-lv, a horror stnekes throu?li my sou! and s:iy, "I won Jrrii the parents of these youn peo ple are aware of this." The most if those who make everlasting ship wreck carry that same km 1 ot si!. The pirates ot death rUtaok that style of craft. I wish I had ;t yoice ioud fnou;i to he heard from the I'cnol. scot to the Rio Grande and I won!.! reptat flotation is damnation, SY CltAE MoKK OK l.l.S.S DKI'I.OK- Am.i;. I remark that a cra'z; on uuvthing is deplorable. R iU plavmg from !iich many of v. got the strength mJ the exuberance with which we ave fought the battle ot life, has with many become a dirnentia and lie gamblers have put their clutches ipon the sport and at the close of 'he jam e have gone home despode 1 it purse and despoiled ot morals. iJut that is rust anything against ball living, Uoating, from which many A us who along rirers got develop - ( merit ot chest that has affoided us Tte respiration for twenty or thirty vwts and would have given stout iang to many who ten wars ago di appeared through pulmoniry com plaints, has been misused by college students who have sacrificed book "or our ami brain tor muscle, victor ious at the boat race and dead fad arcs for the duiies of lift- lut that s nothmi' against boating. Strip the roller skate of the craze and sub- I dilute common sense. A consoling :hought is that a public craze on any tyle of amusement is transhoi y and vou can't depend upon the contin uance of a citv's insanitv. One half of those who are now Imikling skat- l' rinks will go into bankruptcy. Another remark. It is verv im portant that people who have passed forty years ot age do torget that once they were boys and girls. That memory seems from a multitude, to have been obliterated. Put yourselt tack twenty or forty years a nt and see what vou needed then. Rheu- matism is inco mpetent to make laws ur sounJ ankles. Do not demand that people have the tastes of old age .Uv,, s t;uu Lilil IICT. Uitll i pett golden rod and chma asters 0 bloom on a Mav mo-ning. The 'topic who start life aged ia prefer ences are people vviK after a w hile pre t!;e life ou' ot prayer meetings i. r,w akr-.n-.i2K0 :n snutTun:T . can t ... i 'WigMstthcr world with that which K'bt to be aftactivel You can't I nprove tmon the divine plan and i tr Go; made boys aad girls he m- i fidedtbem to be tovs and girls mi- lcaUed lo other conditions. - They j grave. aci mcing a i' tor o-h?'. those income to the hard tngot hfe soon FS". Let them rrrw prepare the H1 oukter atul the nbut frame pHich after imi are under the ground ! u b taxed to the utmost. f .er the It-.- ... p-ung rmk directors and mana-'evs O'nwith parents in a grand 00-. ' "cy to overthrow feeble healtii j physical itaguati m ..f our cities i Jad tlie irroy s!-. ir.s ; ,u. m!(-s I "'hd musements will be cmDtiad ! H the coming generations- will have j way the longevity ot the human j r is to li 1 ...1.:.., r. .-.!- ) age of human life i increased from ?o ; -fs io lyj. As it i. now we hardly ! get our education and start in our profession or occupa'io-.i he! ore we I arc emeritus. 'e die at th- ooeu I in- ot the confTc-s of life, at Ball Run instead of GenysUtrg. daxok:: or fc.Ko:s y it.em'-ru. 1 Another remark. All i v of ' io-.;- i; - i v : Si : ii.". a ;Oit !": O for ,. fallen i;;;r tin: c?f? n.,.r.;i :;.'e:,.! -! Have anv ll-tUs:!S il;. . ' .' rniov t: VOJ i our our j-e peo- urs of t'.,r Ot e.iter- a ii.t w.:r von ti v ! day and ?vei.iii.j of people vn rr len'r iiciitice for both worlds. Pepper, s i!:, s-igar, cinuauioii are ood an! im portant in their places, !ut t!'at vrotild be an u-dieahy rc-p3st in which th-re was nothing $-!.e on the ri'iie. Amusement , a:: 1 reiva; io;i a;- the spice and c iidmten: o; t'ne soli feast of rlrn lit .'.1.k some -y y on of er pleasuring people are trying to kn j your lodv, nnu.i :v; i v)ii; oa c m ii- merits. Oni- those w!io have use ful vork to J j an 1 d it well re en titled to recreations. The K:h!e was not sarc astic as i genfrallv supposed when it .jv: ''Rejoice. O vonng man in t'tv vouth, and le thy heart i clicer rh.-e in ti:? dv.s ot thv but kruw tliOse that for a :i t; wi!: btiie thee miio i,id jrem. means lo say: '"Have a good time. have a real good time. tut don't go in'o anything thai the j id gem cut throne wi!! trighten. Dan't forget ii'igliteu. 1 i ' ; h: your iiutic-- ri'.oi talif ies. hjolon in c i iaiv t;iat every man once sh,v by what trade lie h "! got a living. It he cou'd iurt s'now that i.e ha 1 anv busiuess he was ar rested ani puii!u-d as i thief. If a man in o'den time Wanted i become a Roman citizen the? orlicer of tne law would take th- man's hand and fee! it to see whether it was hard or aoft, and conchide if hard lie was in dustrious and if sott ii.' w is :di;-. While in our lime many t -inn with so;t hands is diligent beeaiis- he does bis work with Ids brain, and Consequently the palm doe not get ! 1 ..... , ..II i, ....... . U ... ! callous, w c uiusi .in u.tvi: iini. liiiii ' i I earnest and uscj aili! usetut to lo. ami f)ir i recreations are only to reinforce oar capacity. .u jiaiwc ui ricnw from which you cannot return at night anil s iv "-O Lord. iiii-ss the; - . rt , j amusemeri- in which I have engaged . this evening to mv hftter quaiinca tions for the duties of this life." was an entertainment i; which you had no risrhl to indulge. Living is a tremendous attair. and aki for the man who makes sporr and game a depletion instead or augmentation. One time when Rome was besiegeti 1-. oi-.-iiioir t. mi' llffO-T iiiiu!ltl.-il- ! bv IUmiibal's army, a great shout ! of laughter insij.- the citv strangely alarmed the surrounding annv and j it tie. I in wild orecipitatiou. Hut i truffaw of merrv making wiii never scatter our foes or lift our heieg- i meut or gam out victor,. Ir wdl be j face to face, foot to foot, sword to j sword, bitt.'e axe against battle axe. f ever v e achieve anything worthy.; 10 vor st'r.srtn TE miisRIMKNT i FOR TUTV. f- .0.: n.-rie.e : w..r,e i-redrca- ment than what I now sketch? Time has ended. nd we are brought up ! to judgement to give account ot what we have been doing. And the ' judgement angel mvs: "1 n-j lived for manv years in a .vt.rid where ' ... 1 there were mul'-ias p..-op,e m pov- j ertv. m s'.sues-. m s; 1. u a r;:cr.e'.: - ness ot :i: its. -a -id 'a.-re ere hun ; iireos, ot !rfd rer, an.! v exert!' w:en who put i to'tii every exerti-m to h.-'p thepi, some o: those philanthropists and Christians toiling then-eiv e. i atottie yvometi O'.it votioet . s :ie ange! of judgement, 'consecrated their needles to God, nd sewed g.rmenrs for the des'imte. T"os.- ii.Tncs consecrated rh.ei' .. pat riotism and fought tor ther cou in v. Those were the r";ends o-rd an asylums, and took the itwiin', to the bosom ot divine charily. Those were the ange! ot northern and southern hattlefie! r:...,e we:- eyes to the blind, an. ears to tiu KW rebounding and athletic. In deaf, and bread to trie hungry, ami I heaven to the Itst lht-v were!" crv thousands, ,f the rescued. "Thev ! were!' reply all the ransomed earth. ' Thev were!" shouts the congratu- j latino heaven. 'Th y wo re . -say s . the Christ wh.n for many years they ' served. t'".e :igel ot u dgenienl wi iiiir. t'ii'ur to p'e.i-t.'. vn- gave their lite Wh ,!td 1" Well, I enjoye.l my- w -,tvs an- t i;t:;er. . t oe-it mv leisure time in nok- n t; -r it.' " c: 1," say?, another, I ' cocia 'i - t iiyne in our citv m p.aymo lawn tennis. " "Wei:." says another, I was the champion ot ball players." Well," savs another, ''I coui J skate four hours without stopping and m hrilhaiity of iyraticn won tiie loudest applause." "Is that all a ys t';e judgment angel. "Ti .t was ii," suys the leasurists. "That was a:!." responds the keener of the records. "That was all," cry the wounded who have been healed t 5 ; and the lost who have been found, ! and th- sinfui who .aVe heen res- ! cued. '-That was H." echo the eavc-ins f tliis-wori-J as they get hot ' m the last conflagration. "That was ' all." reehei ate the h.ills o' heaven. "That was ail," say , the judge of the ; cjuick and the dead as be seats their j i destinies. May A Imightv God foibid ' that anv of us should make the dis- vouth, astnous mistake ot substituting mtr ;e G;d ! ri-nen: io' t:ty ! Ma we all at last ;. " It ' ie found among those who used the wor.d virho'tt a-'msitiy; it. OuJU and Ends of Soiene. l);s;,!ieii water is gaining in tavor to- r.ib'e ii -.e as wed a in the treat ment ; f d, i,r tne digestive or- g.iiif . Moih. K. I):icla:i linds that the light of the sun in its action on dis ease germs is fifty times as destruct ive is i!s heat. I i Paris it h.ts been determined, that the cost ot gas lighting as com -pated with electric lighting, is as l to ,vh- The Italia. l government is encour aging trie growth of American vines in tli-t country, as being proof against phylloxera. A strange fish has been discover - i i.-. i r . . t . j eii n tue .Morocco coast n is a , , i toot ami a half long, and or deep , , . , t ' i.'no' and has n euorm us i mouth with electric membranes, re I scmbling a pelican's. ,.a.i: large amount ot oil exists in the stormy peti al. and when tat, accord- . - ' our f.-k Krimnirh tni inlolnlgnK of I the Foroe Island use it as a lamp, i obtaining their light trom a wick drawn through the bird's body. An English writer points cut the probability that a smoky atmosphere is n..l since It- i wholly unmitigated evil, carbon and sulphur must -hrb many germs of disease, and ! .o prevet't tfie spread ot epidemics. An otpoitun":ty of studying a case 'f Iep.ost f ln i-i ii t n.nii ft .r.t.1 lit- ! Gii'tmun. who assures the Ier!in Medical Society that there can be no doubt ih..t the living bacilli found in the system ot leprous patient, are reailv the caue of the dteae. i"h.t the Canadian salmon can live m c.i waterlias been attested by j several ichthyologists, b'onie speci- 1,1 t(l Pcies put into one ot tne salt water tanks it the South however, liv- Kensington Aquarm ed only eisjhi day y!irn ihev ail i!iel m P '"-cession. The report of the New Vol 1; lioard ct Health r r v- Ust vear ! I shows that over 2.5 per cent of the deaths came from zymotic diea.-e. .' or diseases due mainly to tilth. Tiiere j i no fact be'tei etal fished than that j 1 tke tirst law of health is clean! hu-ss. ! and that pestilences of all kinds, ui - ! eluding cholera, can in ui v-uv be.' 1 so suielv checked and avert.! as tie ; giving thorough aitention to i ti e ' niova. oj sources ot ordinary Mls Xs.,v 1.. S po'dtiticm Th tagivuis from t!s :!!' sera is ersii. ' York if mn ! points out: "I's seed, must rind a sod ontsvie the h-.d. 't. t multiply hi. a::d thi :s ri:ti..' i Wheie there is pure air. good wa'er and clean premises, there n--d he ! no tear of cholera or u, ; oilar scourge. Queen Yic.orU his. .lJCu:Ue n silver, the bullet which d:ed Ad umi- ral Nelson Wives! Mothers! Daughters! Be Your Own V for vears fufferf.! vsician! A ladv who torment worse than I 3" m.l'tcrin? Trouble5' fa!!in2:t ot j w5!Tin, leueorrhoea. suppression. &c. j and who had de-paired ot hein? cured.; ! I IOunJ a remeiiv union completed cu:ed ' j -ier. Am- sufferer irosn such trouolescan j ue tr.e rem ure herseir. I I w,lnout revealiR her condition to anv . I one, and whho-ar saiiwiin- h.-r .-nmjnlv ' j modestv to the sSock'ot an examination I j .. ,...VMc:uii. I tie prescriptions and! i ru'; e--rip;ioa-. t r tree to anv ' -voures. iianunsj tnts najer I m N-w ork. SOUTH 31AIN WT. Double & Single Barrel Guns Made t order. Kraiiin:j tieatlj done. 4-- is. iorviorv . ! 3! . ril-i r as. n Tfiencf nULLIo .a oUnVVcNn Boo t& Shoe Makers IJUTLHIJ, JLO. S'-'oi.. ,iid Shoes made to order Ti- t ot leather ued. Shop nrtU side ot quare . 40 ti F r Ifor working peonle .Send AililiX io cents postage, and we will mail you tree, a roval, valuable sam ple box of goods that will put jou in the war -of making more money in a tew days than you ever thought possible at anv busoies. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time onlv, or all time. All of both sexes, ot all age, grandly Miccessiul, 50 cents to $s earned every evening. That all who want work mar test the business, we make this unpareiled otter: To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pav tor the tiouble ot writing us. Full particular, directions, etc., sent tree Immenoe par absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. AddrestJ Stinsox dc Co., Portland, Maine OOVy J y lV7vawar. Send us 5c. jiostage, and by mail rou will get free a package ot goods ot large value, that will srart you in work that will at once bring vou in moner taster than anything else in America. All about the Jioo.oco in presents with each box. Agents wanted evarywheie, ot rither sex, of all ages, tor all t e time, or spare time only, to work tor us at their own homes. Fortunes for all woikers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H.J1.M.LKTT Co., Portland, Maine. GREAT STORY Hv Mr. James Pa yn it n o w !- ing published in our family, weekly pa per. Also each week we give a sermon by RF.V. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, a tealure alone worth the price we charge for the whole year In addition to the continued .stories, weekly sermons by I IJrooklu.'s most noted Divine, and gen eral iucri v ii;if-ccit.iii , everv issue con tains the following: Illustrated sketches of prominent men, letters trom all parts ot the world, news ot the week, happen ings of interest in Missouri and Kansas, full and reliable market reports, political goings-on, Washington news and special departments caretully edited for Farmer Little Folks, the Family Circle and busi ness men generally. The present pub lishers have couducted TIIE TIMES for 15 vearsand have learned by experience that eenuine merit wins more' friends ban anything else. The public can therefore relr on us to add every im provement desirable, and to spare no ex pense in keeping our paper at the head. We are encouraged bv our largely in creased list or subscribers, nor nubering over 6.,coo, to continue the Reduced Price or $1,00 a year, and will therefore receive subscription at this low price. Every Democrat, Ererv Western Man, Eerv Farmer, Everv Housekeeper aad Everv Intelligent Newspaper Reader in tr" section will hnd something eveiy v.fplc in Thf TIMES worth our nrice of lt00 a Vear. Specimen copies free. R- n:,tbv PosliI notc' money order or re-is- ; tered letter, to TheTimes Kansas Citv, Mo. ALWAYS in the LEAP! BELDING'S SPOOLSILR! Fir UfgtH, Strength i ElasticiV IT HAS gQ HQjUAJLl il ISSTJaTitlAJ. ExhiMttoa. Tt .w-.iieus pj.-uartr 1 doe se'.ely totk lauUiSiC Mrit ot the ;ikx!. gRfiHTN!X6C0TLE,Stlouisin8. AtnmJm taz tk TOT aad OUTH- 1 A IrOCKVlULE. COMM. Fr ! by OottlsKa Everywhere. !itos' Kairtias MIX. Machine Twist. Br-i,.-;; silk. Hewing Sflk and EeBstnst-a ivsr iiut liim tlitir 'roL Srx- B &,H COM WANTED! Id 0ml A .fifbfip , n s Klowatnp I 7 W e desire to say to the tanning community that we a:e now prepared to receive Corn in any quantity. We have rvcvr Iv overhauled our Machinery, and now have ample facilities tor harnlliivjr Corn easily and expeditiously. Our uDtimj$ .4 re Conveiiieitt. Grade very easy and perfectly safe. To those who nave in the past so liberally favored us, we return our luaitv thanks, ami respectfully ask a continuance of their patronage. To those who have not heretofore dealt with lis, we desire- to sav mat we earnestly .solicit a tn oomg ousmess will meet your ueavor to merit a share ot vour natronaof -1 , - quantity of Z2.ttJItt H GLBi: specially selectetl for sowing purposes, to loan tor the season ot iSS, and we invite all parties wl o rnhliiiH''it. Lii'in.Y ot and we mvite all parties who conte r lax next year to come and rangements foi seeil, as we Wiiar a man doe isjftie Come and see us. JOHN A. Infants nnd Chiidren V."iat ptrfts otir Children ttmit clieoka, yviut cures their overs, malu lliom sltp; 'antoHiu hen Bablp fnt, and err br turn. What cures Uioir colic, kUU lueir worms, "What fuicklr curwt Conttpytin, Sour Stomach, Colds, IndigaeUan : !rwwll tli-n to Morphine Brrupa, Ctubtor Oil aad i'uregunc, and Ifallfaatorla. " Castoria ia bo well adapted to Caltdrea (hat 1 recommend it aj loperior to any indr cios known to ms." II. A. Abchi. H.P,. i:i ?o. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, IT. 7. l'na Ckhtacb Compact, 1SJ Fulton St., N. Y. An avlaolote cor for IUimi tmntiam, Spraima, Psvin la tkt Back, Boras, Galls, 4c. Anisv ertMKtaan9 Pain- reliever. rATTEJRNS OF ANT SIZE. TTNP A T? A TiTinTiTTD OFFER! D E 1710 REST'S sT THE BES or fill the Magazines. Hlttatrmtntt with Original &tel Knormw' ingi, rhotogrmwuras arnat (HI I'iettirt. Bach eapv of " Danma't M astalr MacaaiaeJ eaai mtnHuf with ?f .vera her, um, win aoatala A Caaaaa Onlrr. catitllajt the hoUtr to the aaleatioa af umj pilai Oliwtraud la the faahloa deMrtataot la that aaaabar, anv of the rites BaaofaciiirM. suMcriben ar riutmwi neadlac the eaapaa wm a Ivn-mit atjuB for CKXaae. will reeire br ral complet patuire. of the aiae and kind they surf eeiaat, freia the UacaxiM eootainla the order. ONLY TWO DOLLARS aerrKir. imdadtax twelre fall aatlarma, af alee u1 kiad Kleetwl. Sd aahaeriaUaa aarlf, aad aeoara the Spleadid Hatldaf Naaiber. Seed tweatv eeau for the earraat nrntar vita ratlaia Catipoa aad jnn will awtiialy snaacriae far a rear and get tea time tu nlae. W. Jenai.gj Demorett, pjbbhf,17 E.Uth SURavVork, St4 tr all aewadeaier aad Paawaaarara. Cal. oaa Ihroatj anaa, lall ktaa. I MARRIAGPr C All thai thw d bwal artoaaoe la u aaralwy aa. atSk aad anlU tdadiaa M M tVU ITTIC D !? IHa 11 nil nun T. baaawaaaai lavrUa. OalTtfcj0 sad Pmaagble -mmatBU BiiiaMa OaL TVa dry a.Tttraai.ljnaa.taUtdaa.Sip.1 MARRIAGEMP flta: rhwdr-n'rtfai -f'! V ' UMMMPHimi XSjajB 1 . a 1 . 1- t ' s."t ""'IT'' " awV TfcjTISi LAURA DrVALL, Mumc R-tti : jrd isor Opera Iloose, 'ruin m,ih i Vi-iii nitxoxsiai, imiia 2SS Butler, Ma.' aSUSlHIEIaS il, believing that our mode of approval, anil, if so. shall rn- 1 --s e have a Jar-ire EUa U2 EED mpiate sowing sre us bi-fnr.- n. iLlno l.;r Knozv We Can Do ' G00J. t!iine;, not vli:it lie say " LEFKEF? & CO. i ArT "V'inore money than at unythtso; 'j ' A i-' by taking an agency lor 1 14" best selling book out. IJcyinneis succcta grandly. None tail. Terms tree. ii all err Hook Co., Portland, Maine, p: THE BESTTOIIIC. Tots medicine, combining Iron with pri TorUibl tonlm, oulrklr and tnilet. ( urea Uyrplii, f ndlet1aa. Uml InDort Bloa. Ialaria.l kUla aad VntM. and NraraJaia. It li an unlaihnir rrrneJv fhr fibn-wi ttttSn HiHnrya aad IJvcr. , It U lnvaluabi for Iiiarom txvullar fa Woman, and all who lead mwlenUrv Uvea. Itdocs not lnjum the teeth, rauac hfidarh A produce oonatlpatton othf Jnm wtetturtntm dl Itenricheaand pnrifle the blood. ktlraalaSn the appetite, aid tbe awtmllation of food, Ic lifm Heartburn and belching, and atrcngf? eun the rauacla and ncrvea. For Internslttent Keverm, lajiitud", Lack If Eiierjo'. it has 110 equal. r The f enulne haa above traOe niaik aA croB-sed red linea on wrapjur. Take no d.'TJJ Bd.Mi;kr aaowi ruiniiL CO.. anTiaocz, a. H.V.PENTZKR DEALER iS 1 LJIt TV IT 1 J HE, HABY CAUHIA CiI3 if all Sty tf and pr.eei. Qsii Hearts Always on Fajia Msdc sad turnisbed on short -wtua Orders may be left at F. Etsos' atatle tiler nirht or oa Ssudsj, Bntler. M0 BARNES & HAYViARD'S niiCSAPH, SHOHTHAKOtf GiumiiL eon 006 Olive St., St. Louis, KwO. Foraewt aUtabHahrwawit mt ttf fchtsl la S$ Wait. Ooewplf aw aaww Of rimam iian. r in m 1 an Eaaihah Braaah Traa Wnslaa. Saad,ate. uradaaaaa aaawaaa nflfc ITknwhaai laaatt bjt TTi iaa Turn flwlma aall (a liaiaaaaaal. AMarmm, uu am uuea DR. HENDERSON t09 9i$0tWiuatm.titJMWZnJ, anSar SratsaM Is avaaaataa. it yftl IStonnarawa aaiawhaid aaCj TiSSSittm:imtm ; TJStSSZSS t anF 7. I . I w m w m w -- s HUil Kl 11 l-J fc ' "ah-Saaaie. gafof SradaaW la Kadlalaa, IT S l.eala.1 WlihaaaU.iaI. 1 I H.pfT snt' STTaTrTTTa" haaa frTMB) 4W kHaTafMAsV aBaJate JSsy gTlh?s7T!- ! ' I