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SUTLER WEEKLY TIMES J. D. ALLEN Editoh. I). fc Co., Proprietors, i t:MS OF SLTSCKIPTION: ... . . rL-,VKhKLv Times, pushed every .Vednc-siav, will be sent to any t ioe vt-ar, postage paiJ, lor aureus 3C7TL.KR MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY, APR It looks as it the British Lion will I fuck its tail between its legs an I scoot ior its native jungle, scared by the oovvi of the northein b.-ar. Since war ha, been declared off in the old country, grain h .is taken a tumble and the bears are decided'y on top, the bulls being io-t in trie the Iabrynth of their dreams .t t i tures. The Times advises t Valnut to kee; coo! people t.l evm after grading commence anton. A grader is east of Pleas -i a railroad. as the people of Bates om it kn i.v to their sorrow. Ueshl-s, there no asmrante that the ' will strike Toster. Recent dispatches sMte that the uthcers of the Columbian guv-ir-ment selected io; of the ringleaders of the rebel prisoner omli'ie.l at Colon, and, placing them or. a steam er, carried them out in the b ay,whe re tiiev were thrown overboard and drowned. W would call tl.i.-rat'n.-r 1 arbaric wan.tre. The democratic ahu:uitr in creates consternation 'niuii; t!ie clerks at Washington bv demandnig .1 fair day's work for a fair day's wages. When it becomes general! v I.nown that ten hour's work is e peeled of the government e nplove vvc can aa settle uown to replanting our winter wiieat with much greater ,atisfactio:. i Odonel Tom Saffold said yester day : "I was talking with General Toombs the other day, and he said: 'Saffold, the greatest vice to which the human family i. addicted is gambhng,and yet do you know there isn't a word in the llible in con demnation of it. There is nothing in the ten commandments, nothing ia the sermon on the mount, nothing anywhere in the Bible against this passion that leads to more sin than almost any other. " The Irish dynamiters have a new K'heme of revenge. They are going to repay France for expelling the Iemans by blowing up the Suez Canal. This is a capital idea, tor it smites two enemies at once: but br- fore the patriots undertake the ex- j pense ot a journev to Africa to destroy a tide-water canal, suppose they first try to blow up the Thames Or the St. Lawrence, just to see how i'luch dvnamite will be required. t!ine -Democrat. The St. Louis papers are all greatly agitated over the rinding of the body of ('. A. Preller, wealthy yotuig englishman, in a trunk in the Southern hotel in that city. The uspicioii rests upon a young physi cian by the name ot Maxwell. Preis er's room-mate, who disappeared about the time of Preiser's death. The body was badly decomposed when found, and a card was in the trunk bearing the inscription, 'So perish all traitors to the great cause." The case is shrouded in a deep mystery. The press and people almost uni versally commend the wisdom and fresight ia Gov. Martnaduke in re fusing to conrene a special session ot the legtsUttire to consider the cattle plague. At that time it was considered that private subscriptions would be sufficient to accomplish tlxe desired purpose. The plague, however, continues with unabated fury and it is considered by those best posted m the matter to be impossible to stop its ravage a this manner, hence there is a general demand rrom all orcr the State ior legislative in terference and the Governor will be strongly petitioned to reconsider his stscissioa and convene the legislature tt an early date, LOAD- The people ot Walnut are g-eat!v encouraged m the prospect of the Emporia road being built to that town the coming summer. The are all vc-rv favorable, and -it looks ery much as ittharoa.i wili be push ed ahead through Bate county and strike that town in , "onte. tUOI.l;.. that shouhl th'- j a goou many oei:e road be built it wii! go north ot ; Walnut creek, ieain the present '; town ate ot Foster a mile or faro to : the south. a this route would teniae far less grading, fur, in fact, it is atin'isl -a natural 'Tade. Be th;s a- it mar be. it beaouves the people of that section to keep cool heads and not get excited, even afc-r wo:k is begun on the road west ot I'.eas aron. Re.-nemoer there is manv a hp te.ixt the cmx and the Hp. an ! a burnt child generally shun the fire, The coal :n Walnut and New Home town-hip will, of itself, eventually bring railroads through that sect.on of the country, but whether :t v. ;! be thi vear or the next, time til-;: e : can tell. By getting excited a::i enthused last year, after grading h-,: begun, caused mam a poor telw to lose h: a!! an.! others to be j financially crippled. If it is to the conmanv'. interest to run this road I through the town of Foster.'hev will d it. bur it n, ti.ev vriii iro w her evt:r the;r le-r intert-i ii' Vv e earnest: v hope that the people ovei t, id tor ineie may ecuic ir ns :,.jr outlet, an i we believe they vvd:, v. e ha e :v base sacii a .rma m on v n:c:t to j . . ... :'.ef, and t wouia ne too! hardv io the extreme iii en to !, a r e ass ire.h wnn-mt a :ia low l.-.ll'f ill l! fhi I'liJ:) wdi !l- huh:. i - lobtivUu; m t.'iat section Wotl i be tbfteren' of time wh valuable. ;.r it is only a tU-;st.n j n all ut that As for t;ie people ot liutler, there is not a shadow of a l.i . i . ...;." (louot out itiai vv.ien me nine copies lor them u act, tiiev will no: let ttlC railroad mis lutler for want 01 a 1 lew liiousau 1 dollars. Our business men and citizens generally have never failed to do their part when a fair proposition has been offered. FAIR PLAY. In reviewing the action of the ; lUdgeii and Clerks Ot the north Waru in our recent city election, the Times last week tried to do ail parties jus tice and save the plain, unvarnished truths, the gifted ( ?) editor ot thut would-be sensational sheet, the Re- publican, to the contrary notwith- standing. We want to see right and justice done m this matter. It Morgan was elected fairly and uarelv ly the suffrages oi the people, we say that he should be installed in the office; but, on the other hand, Dickersoa received a majority of tin legal votes cast at that election, and believe he did, we affirm that th- j ire board did I'.A.t. in sv,, m in. and we uphold them m that course in spite ot th- howling and kicking of the chsaoaomted radicals nd their organs, vvhc are trying to make capital out ot the whole affair. The democratic papers have been con servative in their coure and showed a disposition of fairness, as have the vyhole democratic partv, which the republicans cati make no pietensicn: I of. Ther have been radical in the ! extreme, and, while they denounce j the democratic judges for thwarting! their pet schemes, declare that they t .... . will have Morgan or nobody. I hey ; . , i Now the facts are 5 will rule or ruin. that the Foxs not only voted in the , , ... . , : absence oi the enrolling judge, but ,,, ., , .' were neht arounvt the pohs tor over, , . . r , . . ' an hour watttng for this convenient , " . r , . opportunity, knowing xuu well ttiat i their votes would bo challenged. ! How does that savor ot their boasted ' fairness? The whole proceedings 1 of the county clerk, who issued the i certificate of election to Dlckerson, j and the town board whj swore him ! ia and had him regularly installed as city marshal, have been lega1, and yet ; Morgan is encouraged in his braga-. docia conduct of insisting on wearing ; the star oi that oirice and parading; the streets, claiming to be the true I niarshi! t.s. rt-. r,.lt.s.i' ff cvrr i sensible person. -t , ; General Grant is mucfv improved . , is-ot.s, i ..... v. ..;.,.-,i ' by h"rs physicians that he will recov er. . GCV- C - - - , i e -s l l-.M t.Ulv :i.i!i::!fS!: (iuv.-'' m ,e - v. .cracv : an MO err:-! . fr.v'j;V' M.: ..j j l(; i -'!.l ; he a-. '- i - ,: j r i - : - t : .i I. ia a : . proiuunce i d Sidemn. ti!;I. seme:- pr opt the ;:! CI' ."': regar- -r !:.e e- , i ; , -r.'a. I : , c s ,i c i e CUt'-'U , a; dea-h is i:-. e p -. itig ' .t PUl:IV1, j 'if1' tb j when ti becau--. : rogatU' , j a .: s a : w ite .n.4r. a ia -t re soit. ' f" t:t,..:-. .- . ;. ; --.;. (j.;nf i !):". ati-t. w nil rated by tile ieatn ot .1 1 1 ; -o. e lij.-r and Otiier telatives.the s rong :nan owe. betot e u iiiothcr's te-irtal arpeais; s!ae ak tile s:i, .V t'"-e iv iw-a-i c least i-i ;i ! 1 a.n ,ad i on h-.-i Kit I oetu r ! cd. !lr tri it I O t 1 a . i. ' : . , a!, it a .in; --lief j ot: g : i 1 ie : . - : -:i mwti.;. de ' l"oo -o IUI r.liev i ii.otlie s Leart t ' '".? i . Would j hist : Slloio-! r.. :. ji.t.:nt prisoner till-V lit a ;eastu toi h:e Hem v C HI.:: men n. asked .Nihil . !1. Such an act l- neait t ilianv a '. e resitr j Manr:.:hi;r WJU Cl:- ai li--i a n;.'i!ie". and ' may e:r, i: a ot inercv . Iet e ei red. a all men !srfst on ti e side men of Ilei.ry SliV.lltol'.s w e know them ! countv to be. ! hulk c altiil v ot tins matter and tl'.e .Sage eoiic hlslon j I he v wo! come ... . .1 - 1 , , . 1... in tneii haste condemn ihe to condemn rv. ,1 . . . m i f their m .live partool 1 of tiie iiidiCtiveu .ss than Richmond Con- splllt Oi : ch.ii i : x .- i . .. ! ... , . . , i Sunday Scl ol Contention, , J t:e comeniion ot tne otate cut; ttav School Association wii! he held 1 . at arrensburg. Mo, Commencing i Tuesdav, M iv -;Mi. iSS-;, t r-i - 11 ti nil i continue three days. Eve iv Sunday ir ,.;. :.. ! the Stjtc should he represented by conventin. as its dele crates at thh intrrm io 1 . ) a" "" I !' ! i di- ! ioav sciiooi C:Ojse W! y our repi esentative Sunday sch ool na-n Slld t t'.r uhiest and most I ! . i - - P10""ne:ll,mi Illii pro,lrrani will be ttirntsfieii at an early elate Delegates will ;av full fare on railroads going t VV jfivi.shurg, and a certificate wii. while t'ev are be given to them at the Convention, which w ii entitle them to a return tick at orte ter! per mile. ,de dccomiTiodaiions are , , j crtilC.'ies (il J ( u '' ,hc nu ar,ens, urg eiegates Wi.l Please seno their ) I.,... - e Af t-t.-t. w -.a.,..m u , ,!-7 --s-i., , T rh-'rin-in P.itrfairi-nt rnt.i Mo" t-h---rm-,n L.ntenamn:ent com- . i j ir'iX' - I j - i . T ,!---ti Colorado. 1 ex.. aVprn voi. ? - t t t u i . l t i i A. . Dunn, rresutent ct the coi-1 -. i i! -i it i wi -:t! tamiiv arrived home j to-day from a three months to San Antonio. Cob Dur.ii, w bile absent, visited his cattle ranch oh! Mexico; alo the Independence j ranch, on the L-nver Pecs, in which he is a large suckt older. He re- por cattle in Mexico and on the Pec-.-Jn gooil condition, and say's j the .sscs through the winter are ? veiy Mnaii. ; Cattle buyer-, are here from Kan- j sas City, who are bidding lor spring . sliinments rt Kff. A, vet no hures ' have been agreed upon and no con-! tracts closed. Buyers trom St. Louts ! ' , i,k.i ; and Chicago are here, and liberal advancement are.bems' offered on spring shipments of beef. US . , ..r t : rf -.-.-s.r- a ..- r ! !' Ui,- au 1 s -a 11:1 "11.: ! ': !.iwnt i-s- ::t" ait if. :t-r f .- '' tMi,tif ti. - ucV.-" i.- t. - W'-i'-.:t tsa :ii iT.i'.t ii- .K: !;:ivlr.J :"..' i u i, r-it-r :.! ".t. .t wiit -t- it ' 1 1 ' r ;:s 'i.rnn-M.Krth.- r. t.:i.. in w '- v.-util ; ...:r i-,.!u;ini!::tv. it was a tir.n .-;'.-- to us f I'..-.!m! that Hale- .- I s the l-ft s.unt-.-rs ofthf tat-: ;h- : .s,u:i: .i-.t is luiuz l" r- -"I -r a:. - o.ii?- .i.i.-i-:u v-...uri -or !- r..-r--i a:-'i ha- : : : - i-i:- t-rvti' '"'' ':j'-T" r:.i $M-;.u;:it;i M; . P.i iint t .'Vn. u -i -t . l;.!-rvv!M' tcy...,. . sin- ra: '..-:..! "it'l--sn.i tins r-:i i- ' ;i i! -sir. rr-l I'roiu; : ir.;:in. -..iN--x.- v i ':: j r..-;-r hut:T. has i..-n:. r . ..! tu-r m: l:i ..Ki r i. ..r i . . .- : :i! '.! llii I it v . ;i!- ii'i tii": a--i.ia.-t tr- r s!t:, r. - ,'. n-li: au'i that t;.- ritifUs .i .lt It-:-: iiaic .,u!y :ii- iir;u :.a' k t.. t!n-ir i j.aivr-s i.:ia to :st is rhi- iM.i ia-''i:ii -liuii'i t!i.- r..;i 1 bci tin- I.. i.v'' .;uii raiir.'H-l : t ti-l: . r mio-r tuiiiru- :" .- I'on.l -. lrkor, wt-ai'i- t!. HiilV-nuna;- v li V 2 s.t t ;ji l. . tsml . : ill : u st;. :, : ;i . l !i-r I . ...i. -. v st at. ,:. ui -ii-l.t. -..ur .-unty. iMis;ti.Il - MCI ...UT.tlfs .i' : :. . a iisji; j. ..;.t. I..'t,. m ii.v;:rrt'.l to ;i I lik- Hlt'l ni.-.i in- tii.- ! Vr..rk :i.t- -I lu ar- ! v e:n v is.-, jn-r ; l . ' -Now.' wlist'ii t':i .!ra i !a.-k'ch .'liiikt-s Mt I'icii-iU-t t.iwii.-iuj. ifi,. : .- N.'t r,ivn:ii:i:i. 'Ti' !H-iiTk-t (I :: c: t;.r, . Mi "l't-asnnt instil t;. I'on.l.s f-rt-ort.-r.-! us f..r sat :n i:l that it was a rallwny S'.-.-r .-.rack ui.'.a - i aii'i m.u !ia v- hA-i rt-.nx lo ; '. :i.-" vl l.y it .ta"::i.- i our . ,-:i. a rugr.-n i . '.ut 'i.-t i i-rtiai.a at so rr.-:tt an t-'. s';i;i :a ail ..ur 1 1V-OT. 1'ia -ii" I :i-. S ii;.f r..u.-i:;. .-rtOHti-.1 Un.l i'a.s ii. -t iiift t!..- sanii v. antft t- t-a-l. f.jimui i -. w aii T in u ..ri.! .u vant".! a ia.rk.-t t"i" .-urphiB -r..i:i.-t!.!i!s. as u ti..i.n- !.! .- a:;a; a - .;ni-uli ii.:-.. v; ..f -. .ur .-it' 'ii- . air.-t -i io pay the ur.-: "ft a- li: " ur- . i'..t .-r.- ui.ious anil wii, i ;!.. :..:!. ts mi -'!-!. r.i ;,. t'i-i:i J'lao-ii in t!i- ui;:;tis t.f a eniai.iissi- a-r t soi.l hii-t i:n- ..r-. -ii t" fii.-i-..i --i a- ti,- u . Tk a .!:. I'i:i- -rs- mII at a'. t ieli!;. "i iit ! 'a- '...;;.tr -ii i a !-!.- io-ii -ii !' ttii-lii-ni-i lii-i.i h .i;tr . iaii.i.';.;"i r i ,r .silch a ii-iicli'i.-n -.l iii;r."-.l mat !-v .ej.:i- rM- ! hi t. t i-riir"us . . i-isl-t.-.i ..ii its winUf urc. I lii Uit. tuo ai. i vi art- int;-; i-ii that tiit- w in.l- aiiii.ii.-i of MJ. l'!. a,a a a . - - . j -. - i i i . i till- Illl.lts i .. I ..I" tti- l.f!:.t-T. i.aia-.V ouil 1 !:-n rami- '.-i- J :: :i: f l' wit a huiiitn-its t i-ilu-' saa!! it;- I' ri :i:i!-i;i.i !.-:it;;. - !.!;-' frra if.i roal '.i-i J.i i-.niiin-i..-. t-roiis i7is.1t-i.l' t"ii'i.-. ua !j !ri-i- i ,Ni!itf, thai ti.i- '.mis -,i tr a-.-rj.r r-.aa. . lin t ! a'. Ml I i.n.y tan ;iu- fri-ii- 1.-. -ari-: l araiu I-r l--s a :.:ir- f J..U. hut gft-.. Hi: a ! iranr. Tiic i i,fis;-rii. v. a - Ts, ..f ' ! May .'.ni . is, i. I h- t-a. ,.!: vai-'Ts : w ,Tt-TTf-st-i.t t a:i.t r .T iarlv H!-'-i-ia-- ! ' tin1 i la x.iij-'t"ii. 1 i-il' -i'"-'i -.t iui:' t.aiin.O'i .Itim- ' 171a., is', 'l i-.- ! i'MM--..n . ra'.S.M .aiiy iuil l.nir Itai.'ru-i-J ais,i t:,- i'i-a-ant lliil ' i-.isioii I f fii' sinii' M.vl 'iv Tti" lavi ft i sd iri. tiii'it-r t::- i.niiir of t!if l.t-viritloii, I.akf aii'l liiill' Itmlm.-i'l ort 4l!i., IsT i ait'l Iy rt-a.rta "f t!it- r.u!.si-ri'ti.ais nl t!u ril.l ruatl j.asHtnif t'i tt.i" n-w tiriruniti'-ii. lit- i (ht, Mt 1'Irasant tow nhii vi-ri'ilulv i siifl January 1st h . 1-71 to tin- ia'ainirton , Lake A On!!' niilr.'a.l aa.l .hn-t'ii in lii- iiainN of a rum. iiiissitiiit r t.f Hi-cti-jiuy . f rum wmw airt'iit in st lamif f ;.uri-li:isi,. tiirs. Purine tiie courst- t.f our law suit tlii tif!t of $-.1 , has irrovin t-noriiiiiiisiy. an t is till rrowinf. as will miv anmiint jait out at intt-rt-Ht tor II j t'ars. lint tiiis n n no fault of ours lor, : in a." iitiu- ui urn. nil iiu.iu"ii. w iiati- ip.-.ii 1 ,...,.,.-,,.,.,. ...,.,.,. ,.. ..,.,..,: i-. fori- entering Mist w.-ht-iit i:r nir.-nt to ltntit-rtt) t-tiif.-r w il h 'otir t-oiinjv foiii-J. aii'l tla- rountv t-ourt ani-wi-ri-i! him 1 v ttn- rtiilrnail tax to in- stricken from tii- ilut-iica-. f-iiii-i' tucii - liavu li-eii at Ian" with tin- county with varvinif siim-M,. In tin- Sirst trial in t lit-( niltnl states circuit court, for lack of n i tt ticc. hince i protluct-tl, l.utwliich HeHi-roiioV t!a-i! alilc to ! ii ml . Mr. Harnliniaii an l-at-n . Again, in the , ( iiitctl States tiprcnii-court, h- was tii fcatt-il I by that sivt-i-piiijr decision which iTacticailv voitlt-il all Missouri tovushii litai.ln. oat tvhicfi an aftt-rwartls, i'i the cusc of miothi-r rountv. r-otuisiilercl ami rt'HTM"!. Then tlx- Winters case was trietl ami the circuit court cave a vcr tlict in our favor. The rountv ai-iM aleti ami i when tric-tl the t-itt' u not reo-rseil. lint wi ent hack lor a ne iriai In the new trial in 1 - 1 11 ' 1 ul - tlif , i.irtii l.y t lie j ex ,-,,ji A u, ijaiiroa.i Comi.any t.f the county subsrrij.'tiou was luily iiroo-n aii'l the J ww it court jrw us a vt raa t, whn-ii was unaniniouslv ratiile..! hv Joe I" mt tales u- j j i-'-rne Court tin the -iJtl! of ! 4. rtiis is a history of ttH'case. i'uu iuti! t!e hi-st liirlit that vou ronlil an.J bo tiiil we. You wen tuinuci-esi-ful ant' now , fur from wishing to I crow" over our victory , we want t.-it down wi th yoj anil h a ve a iu iet talk ahout coriii.r.- ! inif-e. We il" not ask n.r -iiict to if.-t th- '"iouini of lifsii," ! ut we want to mi t vou as ! fellow-citizens of the same count rv uml ewer- i tain if we cannot airree on some fair bimi,- to I ceiine hostilities. You if.'iit imthiiiK iv contin- "1 IHipasion but a rapi.ily irrowiiu' t!i-ht. a heat v ihf-rcas.-of exticnses .-tii'i the .jiiium atu- any aiiniraii-i n a mm uin'i-imvini riuiiniuni- nitv. We. on the other t the cnreit. annoyance ami exitne of Iii : nation are piaictl in ia.- tnortuyinjr jiosmon oi autaotur.inpr a w hoie coiiiinuiiity an'i hei'i conipelie1 to ue all tiie nrors of tin: law in enf. r.-i!if our claim. 1 iiis w e tlo cot w act to tlo if it can be hcl)ei; although we believe tliiit, witii your fertile roil, abon-lant resources ami net it e wiuiati;i, we could, in time, coilect i very (foliar that you owe u. but wu lire tired of law and tocb'jMrynu that we are in earnettt we wili submit herewith one more proportititm . For oar judgment; ojai-it Mr. Pleas-ant township anil tiie accumulatel thereon Id May isJ, Iss,-.. we wiil arcept (."vt-nty-iiie (" cents on the dollar. Ynr out lnd and couont and the- accumulated int. rest thereon to May 1st. Issr,. we iil accept Beventy fTOi cents on the dollar. We to accept, in ifeu of money on the above, comiromi.e bomls of Mt. iutmst (in;,.rei.t i.avable annually; . ami the said bonds to ran rrom one ; twentv vcars at the pleasure orta- twnhi.. oor debt now amount" n aix'Ot si.i.mtj.nft. of which ..,,.(n war intrs at io ,r cent ana Blisi.oiAiaii iear iritt-rcst i i. i-r cent; me i remainder is acraiiniiate-l iiitere-t Mi po'Djf tll.1I VOU collld. by t xxi, deia- the collection .rth- debt -,..! r.t vears. voardebt would then amonnt to ai.ut . - rjo.uA, without eountin youriestai and ..six-r expenses, w Uile the conij.nirni-e herein .(Vred wJuid n-iace your d.-it rrom ai.ut -." to atoct fciso.ois.'" and iiar v-arlv mtir.' from sw h u now ,u "'. V!(" &?'T Zuuin' n Z UnmI-e Valr w,ich wlru-t' "u n'ot .ulltl j I'nrii-ni i-i-i. Aithu tai.e t;p i will be a V.'WlNTH-. I. H. Wiv!i.n.. C. W. f ,lil.M s . has- ;m' -: New Vt-ik O 5 ics;3cnce. It ;s s:,;, there e a strugu e otftweeii ot- ana ex Gov. C ieatier ot thr that .au. a-' i.e. 4s ' s i (-I Thcte ii a,i oe t,-.irtv in tcan r.o !ount ttiat Arthur i the greatest uftetit ut . Der.v.:; ' V .:.r.- SPRING NOW COMPLETE AT- 10 EAST SIDE OF THK My BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubbers and Slippers, llljll Having leased the Butler Eleva tors for a term of years, W.MWIL Desires to announce to the far mers of Bates county, that he will pay the ii id For grain and seeds of all kinds. lato Beans and This evening Col. E. C. Houdinot : of the Indian ten 'tot v wa-. united m ot tne in-iiaw ter. .im y - marria"e to Mis Mmear. rormerly ot California. The cercmonv.whicb was private, took place at the man- sion formerly occupietl l.y to;. ivoo- -.aiTo-rcr.'l aft-r w i ch the Uncte am! -room left tor St. L-.m- mI FayetteviHe. Ark., at which latter place Col. ltoudinot will locate m the - r tctice of law . Commissioner I Slack is many letormat'On- r pension I...i,i Ti i tit fietermmto me UUIV.Mf ' s - . ' ortice h:u. not any longer '- sub jecteil bv tieati-beats. wiv. are able but refuse to pay 'heir !ebts. He recently issued an order to this etfect and as a sequence the sum of $iO per month ts being retaueit the R. salarv Ca; ta;;i Aiexauoer :.e. K ftinks. forineriv ot i-aa:e who is nA tie superviiug examiner of pensions at .St. louis. to t.-e ap- plied in liquidating a bill tor board in? a neor widow lauy, icurred ome years ago when !-e v-" c.erk I to the senate pensions cotrustee. 3-m V STOCK PUBLIC SQUARE. seast u o Has tuvt-r 'ieen so complete m gotds ;oe superior !rt iniahtv make auu st v le. MY PRICES aim: Tin: jif.r.i sown. Flai SeedtoLoai wm. D Pag Co., ItiuMtt. ! HAS IMPORTED FROM rRA , rmkirn llr ttliwltt M.MMH pR Qf jjgy , irw. CTC" EVER IMPORTED TO AUW XW-- i MnQi MlC COO mimwtvm rm m, m4 i MiS I ii I w9 w. DaakM. am trmwm mm mm NtCf I IlOitlttO. N-.t uartrn ti c ti-tfo- ti .!f. A ,r e-e'v gi-.-cr -Jut the t':iZ'e e.-.i-nrj ry.l1 and . N. 'or..h. S'ti-r; '- o: ;i-.arU a; fonh. -c-i iirs.,.,et; Y ...o'.a! " r . - in ;; he conduct, a f- A . porch retirhs --. i w;-;j Them -elves iajkrbtrf tc i.i .i.tajse cofnt; tn!' ir.ii -e:.l!-r:r JuoiicU either car or ht..i;? f..vl notlLC, WICNEB, MM illlJiLil y r Lowest SON a I ivl fi 7 t-m i i rISif-at-sM vl 1T" T.Tmi Bin Jrlf iiiri. niont 1'iitk' each Uich r,fnr at , nsl lleize L !0l sell ton .'Oi ha) ,idv Hit ..'er he ' hah bat cI id', the -Ct t'iu ' l.t c 1 rlet fivn Out. ing has m t lio 1 ate am: she tor loo t-c If'! I at! Iwa N m M tla br ve de w re Ca of rv id ce Cli oi -Je; hr, s: ar 1U St AS d W in ri Cr! L a; hi tt