Newspaper Page Text
SUTLER WEEKLY TIMES teachehs : Public E-c- Notice to . thf hneflt ot those rer- Tn teach in Bate, county, m he held on the 3d Saturday ot each nw . ...... c...j., t- Bstler, JW'i a" " ,h in the West side school house, I the examination coir.- ; . g;ch lllll, . . . . ,r , J. n. IIINTON, Countv School Commissioner. Money to Loan ,7,!), 9 or IO per mu.;i. - i rea! estate, 5 years time, pnv- ie, Reaiestate and Insurance sjent. Aoiary i uuii.. ui. M. V. Mv.k. . .... .. 1 Office with Francisco Bros, j a- LOCAL ITEMS Ladies and c-c nil emeu, you can rely, ire are setting at cost, and wr will convince you if tjou Trill come to see. Haveth' best bargain $ lit theicest- 11- WEIL V- CO- The bos rnusto, and we would advise the council to fire them clean ,uloftown, as to pen thein i;p un Jerthe nostrils ot neihIors would be worse than letting them run out. J At a iate election ot the stock holders of the 1 County National Bank, Capt. F. J. Tyard wa - elect ol president and J. C. Clark, cash ier. Tins change in tla; oiliceis of the hank was maih: necessary on account ol t!it- death of President Cheney. We have ju:t received a largj hue of children's schoid hats. Sam'i. Lkvv Si Co. D. G. Nevvsom, one of our newly ejected justices for thi.s township is (king up a neat ofiice on the second floor of the Uadgeiy building adjoin mg the Tiuks office Dempsey will have one ot the best ventilated offices m town and will not be crowded for room. The Rich Hill Herald and Review 3i just now having a tilt at arms, and. from the tone of these two sheets, it would appear that the edi tor of each will soon be hunting the e?hi-r fellow with blood in his eve smi a pruning knife is his hand. It looks as though the Cobb is going to be too much for the dynamiter to remove from his path. If ou want the purest drugs call it Ludwick & Sons, North Mahi. We call attention of the south ward alderman to the filthy condition of the alley back ot the Times office. The stench that arises therefrom would turn the stomach, of a buzzard and give a government mule the headache. Something must be done am! that quick, or- the Timks wili turn its battervs loose. Dr T. C. lioulware will leave for New Orleans next Saturday. He ,'oe$ as a delegate from the State Medical Association of Missouri to the National Medical Association to he held in tint otv, which will con vene on the 2?th inst. This is a deseived compliment to Dr. Poul- ware, who is fast gaining a State t reputation as a physician and, sur geon. The Bates County Republican came out last week pouring a tirade of abuse on the head of ludge Hen ry. The Republican should cork up It bile. Dickerson hi rpcf ivcl hi 1 certificate ot election from the county I clerk and has been sworn into office i by the mayor ot the citv and hoard ... I Ot aldermen.consequentlv is the only j ,. , . . gall.eil citv marshal, and he aloi.f tias a norrst u make arrets j nor- ' shalofthe town. j Evtijthing Bran Sew. Judge Neptune was up Friday last ! We take pleasure this week in in andgaveusa pleasant call. While troducmg to our many readers tie to town he called on countv clerk j new firm ot I.E. Williams & Co. Starke and received hi commission ! This tirm has just opened one oi the s Justice. 'Squire Neptune savs he i nicest stocks of groceries and queens does not want any law suits, but will ware, tirst door west of Pabce hotel, e wdlinjj to marry all parties desdr- ; that c-n be found in the citv. Ev ents services on short notice, and er thing is bran new fresh and nice, fight here we wui add we don't s and will be sold it bottom prices. Relieve the 'Squire would seriously !!: oung men are well known to object to taking a little hand himself . om people and need no recommen Don't think him too old, girls, iook tio.i from t's. Thev will trent you l his record while out for office and r:h: bv selling you groceries aad See if you don't think he ran like a queenswaie at the lowest prices pos three year old. slble. Give them a ca h - m - , ' j this summer. It is a burning shame i that this valuable pronertv should be I allowed to stand - i There l i money in It lor some rnfcrmtMn" 1 1 , r, , TT '"vhnuu wtiiie r.umin" on tae 1 hikes south of town one day week-, captured a QuIHemot. a .Atj, ,..f ,, ,1 '" : tuat inhabit-; wampy and low trv. It is n aquatic bird and there j Is only onc. seasoa Qf t, jr th.,t ;t can use Ujt wn fl IIe wa. a fca Huie ; i i at a; reach. v object that emit Ueautiful scolloped and trailed Jeiieys from $2, 25 to $.'o. They must be seen to be appreciated am'i.. Lew & Co. Prof. J. H. Iiinton was in the city Saturday examining teachers, and did not iorsret o "ire the Times a I m O f pleasant call and favored us sub stantially. His majority over Risner for county School ( 'cmrrnsi-mer was 1,226. This i the largest majority any candidate ever received in the county and he may well feel proud oi thi-i compliment. He has made an excellent Commissioner ani tne people appreciate hi efforts. Prof, j T -, , , . i ilmton would maKi- a gooo repre sentative for Dates county. Wide Open. n 1 1 U i 11 c r v d e p a r ( t Our is now complete and. the novelties of the season. ivitation is extended to the ladies. Sam'i. Levy cc Co. At toe late township elections tiie thiee candidates for justices of the peace in West Point township tied, and as we have been requested to solve the matter in regard to a tie vote, have taken the trouble to hunt up the law in .such cases which leads as follows: ':The township clerk hall within ten days after such town ship election transmit to each person elected to any township office a no tice of his election; in case two or more jxtsous shall receive an equal number of votes for the same othce, the question of which shall be en titled to the office shall be decided between them by lot, under the di rection of the township clerk." Our friends throughout the county wiii do well to remember the above, as thev may have use for it the future. Farmers, take your repairing to ,t. T. Graves Sc Son. They do all their 1 own woik. Marshal Dickersou informs us that a man attempted to enter the resi dence of Esq. Ewin.on east Dakotah street one evening last week, pre sumably for rotmery. The family had all gone to church with the ex ception of Miss Page, who is board ing there, and hearing a noise in the rear of the house, went to ascertain the cause and discovered a man in the act of entering the back door, but who ded precipitately when he was discovered The same evening some one hroke into Tno. Atkison's bouse, on South Mam treet. and found his wav into the young hid.e's room who, being awakened ov the noise. gave the alarm and the burglar escaped. The only sure cure for this kinii of maladv which seems to afflict some people is a shot gun loaded with buck shot, vigorously applied ;it !hr opportune moment, sure curr to dozen ladies black Jerseys at 1. 1....,: 1 ' T, . - V:.s, UUil V . ' , . ai. - o ech at Sam'i. Levy & Co. me wheels o: the Butler Woolen A;!!, ,! t.J 1 Cattle Convention. notice is heieoy giyen to cauie i men and all interested m the sup- j rt;n ,.e Ulc wiuc hwkuc I is now devastating the herd in Cal- j ' .. j . ... ....... .u. - 1 ,ua .iikj aa;u; counties, tiwt mere wii. r;e a meeting at the court Uut! er. 1 Wednesday. 29. to take such act:on m tne ; matter as, mn- t i.t sm f ?r- 1 bv s the conrentio:!. Ad interested are j ; urgent requesteu to turn ou as : im- j 1 j (It CiS! Vf i.m nen. ;ve. The Ldies. '-.Mrs. Kennett wishes us to inform you this, week ot her splendid j new stock of pn:i millinery which sne has ji:t received. Her varfety ot new style hat?, and Inuinets and her elegant line of trimmings have never excelled :n Uutlei. It you need a new hat or bonnet don't fail to cal! and see her stock winch has fust arrived. Her olace of busi ness is on liie west sit'e o ;uare. None but the purest quality ot drugs kept at Ludwick & Sons, on North Main street. 2t lv way ot warninc; to our people in regard to making fale lists to their property, we publish the following from the HarrisoiiTiile Democrat. We do not know of r-nv such in our county, but there may he, and it j would he wi ll enough for them, if j there is anv such, to well consider the matter before putting their name to the! hl : Jt the late term of our circuit '. u;rt the grand jury returned indict ments against three persons for mak ing hdse assessment lists, and ech were lined twenty d.dSars. In ad dition tti this penalty the law makes :t the i!ut of the county board ot equalization to ascertain the true amount and value of all property ot those furnishing false lists, and bv wav of penalty treble the amount of taxes against such persons. This lias been done by the count board ot equalization as to the persons indict ed. These punishments and penal ties are pro:ded for by sections 15S9 and66yi of the revised statutes of Missoiui. In addition to these pen alties the latter section provides that persons who furnish such false lists shall be liable to be punished for perjury, which is a penitentiary offense. It is unjust for one person to hon estly give in all his property and pay taxes thereon, while his less consci encious neighbor escapes payment of taxes on all his property by making a false return. Those who do so assume- great risks, and it will be no excuse to say thev intended no wr'Mi'jf. Siceloff Sehoo s. These schools are flourishing. The scholars have made substantial pro gress since the school started over a year ago. Under charge of .Rev. and Mr. Siceloff, the youths are given thorough training, and the parents all bear testimony to the ad vancement made. We will sav to the people of this chy and vicinity these teachers lay the loundation, m their teaching, for -t thorough, sub stantial education. They take inter est in their work, and know what ought to be done. Parents can not do better than to send to them. Democrat. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Concert. D m and Miss Emma Von Eisner, brother and sister of the noted song stress, Litta. will visit relatives in this citv in a few days, and. while here, w id give a concert at the opera house, which will be announced in due time. Mis Emma has a high reputation herself as a songstress, while Dan is unquestionably one of the finest cornet plavers in the west. The programme will be made known at an early dav. The Shams cf a Young Girl. i,he latter part ot Ia week a rather good looki voun- lady' t,. . " .... . ; """" appearance woulu indicate that she had vi'f!;Tf,! n,!-r t'e ' , ,. . . . 1 utame or 20 rusted winters, arrived ! in Kockvi e i'lom Rich Hill, and i procured a buggv -ere from one off our irervmen Hui continued land citv ot I. ler iumv t. i-- vilie where he has relatives, and relatives. which has been her ha me or S f month, previous to this time. She J had not been at home lonr until it I vvas discovered that she was encicnte nyuw suoitiy uecome a motner. The married sister feeling keenly the remorse and shame ot the younger! sister. like the wife of Rip Van W inkle, bill her to begone troin un derneath her root, and the unfortun ate and erring jirl was shoved out upon an un:!iarita!-le world to be tongue lashed like a rajr carpet I xiuuiHi a sapnn; in a cvcloue. j ' 7-'he lustful wretch who is reported j 1 . . i to have brought about this unnappy I state ot affairs is also a resident of j that quiet vdlage and h is figured m other cases ot the same nature and in the same town. It is thought that the young ladv has leturr.ed to plead ' with her seducer to rescue her from ! tiie shame vvhica wu! eventuallv de- 1 velop by the birth of a fatherless child. j It would be well for society to j "s-- v- v- IIJI J IIHU1 IV. tile ia human form, and see that there is no characters c further intrusions by I that kind. Rockviile Globe It you want a suit made in the latest style and from the best goods call on J. E. Talbot:. Apple Tree OTer 100 Years Old. The largest apple tree supposed to be standing in the United States may be seen in the dooi yard of Delos Ilofchkiss, Cheshire, Conn. Its shape is symmetrical, the trunk be ing round and without a scar or blemish upon it. There are eight large branches, five of which bear one year, and the other three the next year. Mr. Hotchkiss has fathered in one year from the five branches eighty-rive bushels of fruit, but his predecessor harvested a crop of one hundred and ten bushels frm the same fie branches. The cii cu inference, one foot above the ground and above ail enlargement of the roots. is thirteen feet and eight inches. The girth ot the largest single limb is six feet and eight inch es. The top limbs reach a height of sixty feet, and a spread of the limbs is one hundred feet. The age of the tree can be traced ty family tradition to 140 years at least. You will always get full value by buying our boots and shoes of Max Werner, east side square. Mrs. Robert Davis. ot Leavenworth, whdse husband is in the State Peni tentiary under sentence of death for the killing of a man named John Higle, in North Leavenworth about two vears ayo, has petitioned the governor to sign Davis death war rant and have him hanged. The law ot tht state sentences a murd er er to death, but the sentence does not take effect unless, at the expi ration of one year, the Governor signs the warrant, when, if that is not clone, the prisoner is con fined under a life sentence. No governor has ever been elected who would sign a death warrant, and for this reason there is now about thirty death-sentenced prisoners in the Penitentiary. Wright, Glorious & Williams stock ot Implements for sale cheap. liv T. D. Rafter. With the solemnity befiting such an occasion we use to remark that the are here, the blue-birds are chirping, the pee-wee is nestling, the sand-hill cranes are circling aloft, the odorous buzzard is in his eiherial jjlory, and spring! gentle, zephyr laden, tan-bestowing, freckle-giving spring, in all its pristine glory is with us once more. vVith dignity over coming, we waft our thred-bare ban dana to our clsssic h ow to wipe the perspiration incident upon such a literary effort, and with becoming trrace we turn to accommodate the nextman who wants o sop h:s paper Holden Enterprise. I " - . mmm ? 1 1 I WE LEAD ON LOW lew Gaol, Lew Prices. Ml Ms 11 teresentel J. M. McKIBBEN. Have now ready for Spring trade the finest line of BUGGIES, ApgScARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS & PHAETONS. Ever offered the people of the Southwest. Examine our work before you buy. Harness at cost to parties buying buggies of us. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Office, Shop and Sales-Room Hast Dakotah Street- Special attention paid to all kinds ot Buggy Repairs. LADIES X1K0 art tlrtrt nf Calimet that 1 Ode tn tutuAtnc or tixun tag tvili findUto On Wednesday night of ihe Sth inst., some one entered the house of J. M. Mock, on Round Prairie, be tween the hours ot 9 p. m. and 1 a. m., and stole about $22 in cash and a bank certificate for $600 on the Appleton City bank. Mr. Mock retired about y o'clock, and hung his pants on the foot ol the bed, with a buck-skin money purse with two de partments, which contained the above amounts :n it the money all being in bills except about $5 in change, and when he arose, at ahout 1 o'clock, to attend to some stock, he found his pants missing and. the door open. He stepped to the door and seen his pants lying on the portico, and an investigation reveal ed the fact that his money purse was missing. Search was at once insti tuted but as vet no clue lias been tound to the perpetrator. The thief was very kind(r) in leaving the pants Rockviile Globe. San Antonio. Tex., April 15. Reports were brought in to-night from Wilson county that last night a farmer of that county, name not as certained, attempted to assassinate a neighbor for some grievance, and was arrested. This morning, while near Fairview, Wilson county, he was taken from the officers by friends ot his foe and riddled with bullets. The body was left lying by the road side all dav, no one caring to disturb it. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Staled bids will be received bv the un dersigned until May 1st, 1SS5, tor the following: Building a workhouse, 1624? to fm laii lot in city of Butler. ' Paintin" iitside ot Court lloue, sep erate bid'are asked for one to exclude, the other to include the root. Makins fcundry repaic about court house. Plans and specifications iU be read 'for examination at ir.y crHce in we-t Cutler after Saturdar, April :5th, ,iS. joMV A. Li:ske.i J' IVt-- Jutije Coetty Coiirt. PRICES. 1 RICHMOND FINES, Purple and "Quaker St jles" perfectly fast and reliable. FOR SALE BY ALL DRY GOODS DEALERS. SHOUT HOItN HULLS. The undeni?ne.h living ix rni!e eas4 Butler, Mo., o,ter.(r rale a fewr extra jjood short horn tu'.J an4 tieitern, ai' eligible to record . I hev are otrerea at prices to suit the Units. Inspection t tock invited 21 H. ?.IcCtTCME.V. HOSES. Wis mU M in Mm , Hlill. m 1, Bntm: tor, Mtl l li: IVr . M Item.; MILUhMW. ln Hpm T M rtm mailt trm NANZftKUNE, Trustee's Sale. Whereas, Warren Llttlefield, by hi deed ot trust, bearing date March 15th.. 1 532, duly recorded in the recorder oi fice of Bates county, Miouri, in Book No. 23, page (.9, conveyed to the under signed trustee the following dewrribed. real efctat-, situate, lvinjr and befnj h Bate countv, Jsute cl Missouri, to-wit The east half of the southeast ouarter of section fceventeen (17), aad trie northeast quarter oi the northeat quarter ot ez tion twentr (;o), ailin township thirty nine (39) of range thirty-two (33), in trust to secure the pajment ot two cer tain promissory notes, in aid deed of trustfully described; and, wherea, said note were jrhen as balance of purchase money on the above deribed real estate in fa or ot Samuel R. McCown, who ol J said real estate bv warrant deeJ to aui Warren Ltttiehekl, and wcre secured tc be paid by deed f trut aforesaid; ano whereas, the second note in fcaid deed o tiust described for the -vm Ot one thou sand dollar is pat due anj unpaid Now, therefore, at the requtof the lega holder ot said note, and bv virtus ot trie authority in me vested bv the terra- ot aid deed ot trust, I wid, on Wednesday, May 6th, ib-Ss, between the hours ot nine o'clock a. tr-. and five ciock p. tn. oi that da, at th. eatt fiont door of the court house, ia thr citr of Butler, count of Bate and ?at of Missouri, !1 at public vendue for cash in hand, all of aid real estate In aic deed of trut and this notice ecribe, or so much thereof as maybe necessary t'- ,- inrst and ot. - i M. TrtiJee-