Newspaper Page Text
M it 4 If t I' ir S 'ii Its 1: M -ah. BALANCED BY EUTCHESY. A Liltle Account About Which There Waj a Dispute. j presumed the iatal shot was tired two hours alter enacting the tragedy s at Mr. Hardin's residence. J Acting Coroner GoIin f Oregon ' held the inquest to day, av.A verdicts Home of the w"e ,n cc!jc vi;h W Into a SHu2nter Pen. j f'tcN 1-i!1-1 ' 5 m-dance. -. ' iHKV.'iTMs, THE BUSHING OF C0L03. Story of an Eye Witness to the Ta: b.ritt-s on the Isthn-: cf PaniQi. CAN SS CURED WITHOUT THS IfSZ OF CPfUM a ...... SUBSCRIBE FOR TIIC WEEKLY New Orleans, A::r:l Mitchell, of the firm o: R, L'et.s cv Forest City. Mo., April 15. Pai oculars, of one of the most fiendisl crimt-i in tin- l.itore of thr- s?-o-- fixed Ciai k was recognized . a .f erv bad reputation, but j wed Bdlentlne, reacueo here 0:1 the strame 'Ausi'.ti yesteiciay ii" threct TV ffticvi :-". put A the June. ls. !s-.u rn tht v: the ue f thus? iruif f. r cL It is gratify::;..; u '. : gtrom ootiaequeuces iaj- I use of Tonoa;.: k, hi a in tae acuu. tunc or .n ' ;. , 1: -:". . vj .-s .1 fllsrr. i t ci ; rAi ilw am ' from Colon. When he reached P.m were recti veil here to-dav, the scene civecf from Nodaw.-iv Sti!i:j u,- a;na un rh- -4 th he tOu;,d iu-fe of the tragedy being Holt county, j night : to the effect that Mivs Anna j itwutinerst. II avs: four miles nortl:eat of Xodawav ' d. hut it thought th.- hoy, "The let-cl camp w s.!tu.4:t-d station and one half mile west of Johnny, will recover. . among the hi'U three miles trom ti.e '. A. A. rLLI I-t -t P?v- . ti tit GLOBE ro'i -.u.k ft am. :Kr K IXJU PJi HOTTLK the Andrew county line. Or a farm at iiie point named lived Mrs. Josephine- Hardin, a widow. 42 : Dan Cattello's AJventare. Dan Caste'io. ut "mckle piate years old, and h.-r t!uee children. -he ! circus" tame. ..wwh eldest being Mrs. FHa If amn.omthe I s;lt.nt. Some time since lie wa- Old it ii & a eL s Kecond Miss Anna 16, and Johnnie 14. 1 wo months ago Anna ;'jv birth to a.-i illegitimate child, and on 'eir.g qncstioned she stated thai sin patient lis'ner to several 'harrw iri'i" yani.s related bv some of the California piomn , m winch hair tTeurn rscapts and persona! exploits had been seduced bv William Clark, j figuicd pror.ii.ientiy- When l). a xarmer, age.l 30, who bvc-d m the turn came to .spin a tale he v .hm neighborhood. and had a wife and j teeied the followi,..-: three children. Soon alter the birth ' -Seve.ui years a ", mvt.if- ai!tl ot the child the Hardins demanded i companions started 110 nr.. C'e reparation of f:iark, but he was oh- ( water county for the -uirpo k-o-durate. and not until Mr.. Hardm lu a ,ri2zi, Gllc ,,lv w. - .meatened to prosecute him for e- struck camp in an immerse vanon.i duction .lid he show any .signs of calclatmg on the morrow f. sco,:r relenting. ; , ., , " ; tne surroundni"- wihis lor t'n- 'var- ' COUMJN'T AC.KKK. j alint.' vv;.lch v:c kne,v w , c :,i!ki., I este,di,y the party vis.ted Ore- ! ;:! th, vicinity. We hadsc.ic-iv s ion the county seat of Holt county, j ,.Cr tent pegs and kindled onr tire : lor the purpose effecting a settle- when we observed. t our i,,,,,-,, . nent. risev souL'ht a lawicr's nfl'.-. 1 .1 r t , 1 niyc oanu or intiian-. auaveii m Celebrated Mitchell Farm Cortland Steel Gear and a long wrangle ensued. Clark was willing to allow $300 to pay for ids wrong, and the Hardins wanted SsOo. To this demand Clark would not accede and at night the partie lieice war paint, descending the op posite slope of the va'dev. A humea consultation was neld.. We weie too small in numbers j think ot giving battle to the approaching town, and at nhjht their cauipf:rt-s could be plainly seen from the di-ck - ot the ship. The government troops ! occupied two strongly built churches, j ; with high ton ers that overlooked the j town, and which had been turned in- ! to fortresses. ! On March jrh the general com- ; man. ling the rebels notified ail un- ' eigners that the next day he intended ' to attack the town. intention ' was cari-ed out, and on the zf:h the i rebels marched down trorn to the square 111 .Vont of the Ciand I . I'acific Hotel and the fight began in j : the open streets. The troops held their ground, -uni. alter j a right of several hour duration, the ! rebels, it is claimed, exustcil tJicir amuintion a:;d retired to the lulls Oil Sunday, March -0- we left 1 i anam tour. hands of rebi?!.. wh.. h-.ti ijLn r... .. " j "- , sition on a hid two or three miles! IVi lit Stool V-,ils! WHEELER -DEALERS IN THE- DEMOCRAT, J Sf!l!3 f FT S31 mm and Tod B A Q Q I 1 -v.- U iiO. Wagon, ! I i ! 1885. T.KN PAGES One Dolla I'lilt YUAU. I 1 w m Hailiiiay Standard ar.d Iron Suction or Force Pumps. rEH:;ri;'i:Si:t SI Hardware, Groceries, Ml wa from to-.vii. Oil Mond tv at Monkey Xoir heasl Woodlwork. rorner Hdi. the g.,rcrnmen..tro,ps attacked SnUai'C. ButiM M the rehds wiio tre up ti e lailroad I O. tUlPi'.! hoii.f . . 1 .... .!: " . t . . aivh therefore, it vva decid-d that .t.wrs. I lardm. at a later hour and I our partr should .separate. each alk the 1. ratter orer airain. ami t .' inv , - . . , . a umnciu mrectioji, iiopiij. i a conclusion could not be reached. He put in ;;: appearance at S o'clock and at once opened negotiations by offering to p.y an t!)u, ,e,tJ. ! natters. a riiici.f: isiiooTi.M.. that the savages would abandon ; tuniier pursuit. The arrangement : was immediately acted upon, ami I ' ci".oe for my unite or retreat a ee.ii- j mgly easy path, winch led down the . . . v .1 ... tracK and cut the :-legraph wires. l lie rebeN, however, were driven I tck iiiro the town, and the right be- I g.m on the stieet-, ad caused the j greatest tenor aiii ug citizens, and nersous couid be sre.i closirv stores and fleeing in every direction. sj . . I 1 1 I ..suuuemv smoKe was seen arisin,T j from tiic reoel banidades. and as incie ws a strong wi'ii! iMowiu-' at WANTED. rr . 1 " v.iii 1 11 ini me rrass i s - , -v hs oiler wa, again refused, and did outgrow under mv feet- but I the tUne the ,re P'J raptdlv m imaeine my horror when upon look- I "ieuon. up to time the ing back, I saw she entire troop of j ''ht w:,s c,int'oed to one portion of rei devils m wild pursuit of mt-, ! : unvu out as it spread the rebels having forsaken tiic balance ot mv I nv"An to Matter and retreat, and .he daughter became incensed and accused Ciaik of effecting her ruin. For .. short time he bote her reproofs it silenced, but at length became angry, ami producing a 'S-calibrc self-acting revolver, placed it at Mrs. Haidm's head and fired. The ball took effect over the right ee, pro ducing instant death. The man was now a demon. Turning towards the daughter, he placed the muzzle of the weapon an inch back of her nght ear am! discharged it, alter which be fired a third shot at the son. Johnny, the ball striking him in :he left chf k, vnrf lodging in the muscles of the neck. The'married laughter. Mrs. Ilammon, was a! D1Y HIDES. as party and appuientlv concentrated : tney aPPcareJ in the streets they all efforts toward my c.u.Pite rt Wc,e t:rsl upon, until the light raged was a thrilling moment. I strii-i.l 1 -Ii OVcr tow,- The (Ire swept from j every nerve and muscle and r.m with the velocity ot a deer down the wiiii canon, oouno'm" over rr.,-L ITTT-RS, SS-SSaP T-&I-I.OW, Beeswax, Wool, Feathers, Rags. pot Cash Paid and no Grumbling. LEWIS HOFFMAN, l'lie L.rgest. liest and Weekly News Paper in the Wt,rj(; Daily . per ye u , - SSISJ ()( Setni eekiV per year. J ()(t T... V . . . 1 . eeK.v 0) Sunday Ed'tiiln, " 0, i i'Miii.isiri s :,iui .iHs tJi'aier will leceive your subscript ion, $ Address, GLOBL" PRINTING CO., Semi for .s.i:!iri!f "ajv. Sr. Loi'u, Mo DCItSGLFf I f f lELICM i .li;tn 10 tiet Valuakle Household Arllcleo for bmi a I i action of llieii Valuer Every Article in the Following Lit (iuaranteet! as Iveprese.ited bv the Old Reliable Missouri Republican. Xorth Mam Street. P.ITLIiR, MO. street to street and from the build- j ings to the dock? in.! v liarves Crowds of women and chiidien could -'. "iMjiiuin- over rocks 1 -.....,.,.. and leaping past the trunks f !tuen f b" ,ee" noving from ph,Co to pjacc trees. Suddenly 1 was compelled! a,"on- tUc whisding hmiets, and A I- . t ahrunt rtrininanm. I i s"- ovu in the streets sought som- , m.,i; I j- " - - ' on every -,iiie nothing but perpendic ular wabs of rock himoreds ttet lil-rl-i, n. f Ill " v 1 ' --;-o-.s. i i,.ni en'.ere'l a natural basin, thr tsvf 1 n ik. h.- v... . . -sm. ine oniv way ...s, .,we, ..U er presence was erss tv0, wV..', r , j : mknown to Clark and she escaped A r ' ' I r.inrr. I .r... ed C,L Poking bac. 1 saw that the J '"ii.iH.iicM auer tne srinof- T.. i: l i - f ' .u4 s Hi rei.- i.- ii rh,. t. , . WIV .m'miu; the pit. not twenty feet aw.v. I :ng Clark Med SKARCHlNCi l (.i; THE H.l.tAX. I'lns morning the little town of Nodaway Station was a scene ot 'lie wildest excitement The coroner an shei iff had been notified at Or-eg- U;JJ neighbors were searching the wood for Clark. a iionniu sight. ' struggled vvildlv for liberty, but es cape there was none." 'Well." asked an aiixion. iistner. narrative. what m I as Castello paused in hi "what did von do?" "Do?" echoed Dun. I, ! 1.1 r .1., i r i- i ... . i.i"iiu i :o. i nit-.: iig'it tin re protection on board the ships in the haibor, but a great number perished m the flames. W q 1 !.,- . - - - . . j . . ( w iuige ! number of civilian .vho were killed j by stray bulled h-fore they could ' seek shelter. ft would be impossible to estimate ' the number of lives lost in tiie co.i- ' flict. for the reason tint the d j the battle, when the reikis ha 1 treated, we i5:ed the town -i.d s:. the streets v.rewn with dead r.,dt.. and also the ciorr? ; :e a.du, of ro.,s 1 take pli-.-isuri- m aariouni-Jiig ti the public- that 1 hav loe.uled ia ISutler to make it my future home, and have the l rei-t and best as sorted rttrck of clocks, wiitehes and jcwflry and spectacle, fTT brought to this market, which f will gfil ehciijt forea-ti. il-.ving had many years experience in the mantifae- turcof Aatclies aa ) clocks in Ku rope. I am now pr-pared to rppair wateheu and clo.-ks. no ni.irtT liow complicated mr no.e badly tlnv have l-ee-i :i!iu-,-d. f,y tiiinginf hteru to yot ( -v, l-ive l!nn pu iilt(K)d runr.i:!' o;.l.-r nd gu:,r,i; ee s'ttisiactirj iv a?r! re FRAMZ BERNHARDT Butler. Mo that liad been burn -u fo de it!.. F; ro.o And r! ie girherfng ot en. ; , in tMf irri t v lv,lusc -scene was 1 p'.-neers aip-uvricd f .r the eve i mo- :i"!nl,l "-pi-es.sive. Mlti. Hardin? -San Fraisc, Ntu s Le-e- " " "uvu.!CU oil A bed. Cold in death. In another room lay the daugh ter entirely unci.uscious. the brains still ooxhig out of the buiiet bole in ierhcad. Close beside her lav her btt.V- brother, moaning piteousiv , his heeks torn horribly and bleeding -:!mist constantly. 1'he sifiaii room m winch the ira" edy occurred presented a honibTe appearance. Lverything was m disorder; the walls and floor w-re h:"ca,'J anv! spattered with h'o,,.; :-nd brail. s. sill, b foar shanties t !-.e i"i products i reates; ot Pemusv petroleum. Minions have ! ears ben made in the srreasv r!: win Cramp, living ;U Od r'itv,' r.Vht i the heart ot the wtmi., ? irx.;rated bv Mck headache and cerierai enaution. by vrorkiaw: eontinuouslr in lf ff"; w v ihe doctor,s advice he used M.shler', Herb Uiuers a preventive and'caner did not .utTer. wiiat I saw the io.s vvdl n i Pel of $10,000,000 or $12,000,000 cause omy three or were left unin lured. Th..- Pan i n . I ilroaJ lost five wh.uvc. its ,n.-c 1 ,1 r - i . k'lvania "eigm aepot. 20 lox cars. co loaded with c.i. and 100 KEEP MM BROS, -AT HlITIJCl? THE LARGEST STOCK d I It 1- a-d that Hob Ingersoil has a oes;!. ro p;ay llJ!n!et.-. R0bffrt tage in some might sueeeed on the empty flat cats, and a grat de;d track which had been destroyed b rebels. The Royal Mad Packet company lost a wharf and some ..fli er property. The action ot Presto;, ! m burning Colon is heartily 0011- j demned by Colonei l)i-jper.:.ihc com j mander ot the rebel forces about I Panama. as triat ota lu n rson Origami HARNESS & SADDLERY characters. hr not i;i Hamlet.- j he says that if he captured lie l he auvuenee might fail to In a" v . round. v impressed :i.... ...... m 1 j : 1 ,r- . rrf- i will be st1(i KU.I UiMSKI.I . The search for Clark was ,,. I -hose lectures wonh? . . u .. ' ,u. f ter te bms JSSlA i s , i- i.-jc 1 - '"-'i viiuu nn reco- I threats of lynch- j hosJ i-ther, in his talk about ItZZ'J0' d " fcmc 10 11 I 1.. , , - oo-fT,.. ojui that I saould never get weJt siu. Th cuted all night and 1 ivnn r-irinr..i .. r . ..s .. -..u,vu nrn- rreeiy m ulged in. It W;IS lve;f kurtWI th. e was armed, and with all the de vre to catch the monster and purgatory was li.i i a --' ne.crgci wen a?ai:i. I he old f -ors wno treated me did not seem to f ",W4 y or ir they did, were A Mean old General Routed unable to n-vinr.. r.. .. . ... , . - ---v"s.v w !) junocr neaiiri ' 1 Srevv reiker and puore. tor month and ; tf-oaT I should die. Fm;j- l vra .t uul ro try Merre! s F-r..i! Tr,;,. - a vvuiVf tiva tya cut lusttcv, great eant,on -1 1 lld -Gerai n.K.-!.-..... ... . -e- female Ionic, and -ved. was found uul ! iF ! iT7 I o o'clock this morning, w hen his ( M. el? ' " I !:te!essbcHlywa, discovered bv i ! k'r and Pinchbeck re-! Mr,. 5I.TU.,1. f !, .!e of a oris.-.., ... ... ' - SS..U.M. write that th-v were ai! afflict- . U r will ftue the Weekly Missouri Re publjcan, the regular Mibierintion pri ot which is ft, with the tnllmting rti t h-h at the price named: The uu-rbury Watch, an e.cellenl, reliable and good lookim; watch. It i iiidiiuutiureu iv me w utcrbnry Coir, jianv, cpeciallv tor the Missouri Kejiub li -uii, and in t-cut to subscrihen tiirotigh the mail in a bat in-lined case. The reg ular price ot the watch is $; but t send the Weekly Republican, one icii and the watch and chain tor the nricr oi the watch, S3 50; with the Trl-Wftkb one year $6 50'. An elegant Newini; Mai bine warranted tor five tear.. I t, is rmulun.. tull. equal to it not better than similar ma chine 1h.1t have been eUin all orcr the coun'rv fur Ir.iti, ii.- t W. ),,,. is only ?iK and Weeklv for one te' thrown in. Wi'h the Tn-Wcrllv tor one vcar it is $io. farint-rs anil M.-!ir, - Itl.l shop, ico worth ot to! ttr -s r Tht set of too! consists ot 40-Ib anvil and v i S-inch tongs, 2-lbs barumer, with iintil, , t '.i-lb. hot chisel, with hai: 1 , No. 34 stock and diet., Iarrier'f pincers Farrier't. kniie, .Shoeing hammer, niacksmithV drill. I rorg; wil! heat 2 ', im n iron. I he-e tool are ot the bet qualitr, and will last a lite tirr.e. Prite t,o. Ihi, kit 01 too! and tne Weekly Republican, one year, witn Tri-U'eeklv $2H. Bcautiiul f amily Clock, made bv Sell. Thomas Athen'p.itent: height, "17 in.: Solid walnut case: spring-winding; rta 8 da; trikts the iiours. (iuarante to keep perfect time. Ketai! mice, Pt We trive thi clock tl,.- eLi ia. pkiblican one year tor $5; Tri-Wcekh j ror ao; i'aiiv tor 1 Family scales of iwn Lin, Iv TV, f l. tie Detective. Thi scale weigh artur ately any articlr ranging lr:n oneqiiartc of a tour.d to twenty-five ;vunds. ''' the Weekly one year, w ith the 'l it- Weekly, 6. Tie fame M:!e-, with - s.oo, ' tr.e pLirpo-c of wei::irjf ,f aniiles, is -f tents higitc-r, 'I'he L'nkir., or Fanu'v Scale. i a tit- iortn scale, aril weighs up to 540 pound With WeekJv, one vear. J4, sr. .,j.sTr!- The watci goe by mail, j.ste paid bv tne Republican." Each of the off,e? articles will be hipped by freight, ot fx press, i. the -uhscribcr tuav direct, itr-4 at his c.-perjfce. CLun r.T.;T- j Arnoac sending $5 with a club of 3$ j weekly subscriber, wiij get a Waterbtirr i WKtch and chain free. Anyone ending S,? with a club of -? wctkly (.ubscni er, v. 10 get a Set tt Thofh-- 1 t-k tree. T!iK Ml-sSOrp.I REPUIILTCAX, St. Ioui- iad committed suicide by ,t ,- kZIZJ. 'V? to know- not 1 u " V -Ppers ; -en-.'f 1. w . ' HiUi ;- 5 .1? Pf' "t fr all sections o u oos of Baitttaor. 1 mse.f through the li.-f ... : . ; country vrher- ... ,, ..u:;.-.- iZt ' .. u" -no i counted vic:Sms bv f- Vv.v,i;"d" F ' ' iU ,s somew ' sale evemK. ' - w ; . -r s.....,.. js-.-s. w,,i.;,4MKc;ivaso . - is is icmartceii with u.. o yams tron, hi, residence. He t t1!. Bn"s iron Bitters. ; sotne of Z . ' i J- s. Hs?a:. k Ct I k TS ,-wIV- s'.- A. . WIJS LiiL II ! S ."V fll s-'-i iur ; . - ...... j , "ssor Ualtuaore. who nat tec;e tust norr, 1 io3 J : sale everywhere. Spooner Patent Collar! CANNOT CHOKE AHORS: Ao,i., t-,elt t -it 11 , s-s Xeck, has tw oftc.i ,nr. .!;lr H,. -s ( elelt . f Cr co 1 DR. STRONG'S PILLS! . ,m . . . . I A wy.dy iik far Th Old, WSh Triaxi. Wonwrul 1 Health Renvwlns; Rmeoie. STMIS'S SilinVF Ml I ?.r .s. iar f sifiSfrrf A-'ir TiimT: . nu(n t aitM --