Newspaper Page Text
ttHeeHig titte& VOL. VII. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 1885. NO 22 DBOWNEU IN THEIR BEDS- Cloud-Baivt In Kansas at KiI Submerging: Houses in t!ie Lowlanas. t Great Sacrifice of Life at Medicine j Lod2 and Ttereabou'.s Amtica, Kas., April 22. News reached heie to-dav ot water spout last night near Mei'icine Lodge, in the Spring Creek valley, doing great damage to life and property. It struck a party o immigrants who were camped near the river, and over fifty people are reported drowned. This forenoon eight per were found clinging to the branches ot trees where they had caught w hile being borne away by the raging Hood, Jbey were still alive. One, a worn .'jut, with her babe on!) 5 months old, was found in the branches ot a tree, where she had clung for over six hours, and was well nigh dead w;th exnaustion. A damaging wash-out occurred on the Anthony extensions of the Ft. Scott & Wichita railroad, between Anthonv and Argonta last night, causing a freigh train to become de railed, wrecking several curs. ADDITION A I. ACCOUNT. Wichita, Kas., April 22. A spec- j ial from Medicine Lodge recounts i fearful results of the water-spout, or cloud-burst, to the residents of Med icine river, which .seems to have been the same that filled the Nmnesc.ih to eveifiowing. The special says the water rolled down over the low lands east of Medicine Lodge city 5 to 12 feet, perpendicular, carrying death in its wake. Several whole families are known to be drowned. Yester day morning parties who had gone out to give relict, found men, women and children clinging to trees, with nothing but their night clothes to protect them, and some without any clothing whatever, but .still alive, j Their cries could be heard as early as 4 o'clock in the morning above the waring waters. Three attempts were made to rescue parties beyond the river, but each boat in turn was swamped and the occupants onlj aved themselves by swimming to trees. Five bodies had been recov ered up to the hour of the writing of the dispatch, which was sent over to the first railroad point by mail. An other body was in sight but could not be reached. There were eight mov ers' wagons camping in the bottoms. One old man has recognized the bodies ot three ot his family, his wife and two children, boys respectfully 5 and 7 years of age. Jas. Gibbs and his daughter and niece were washed away with their home. Mrs. Harris and her little girl or n ears were found drowned. G. W. Pad uock and family, consisting of a wife and four children, are thought to be U drowned. Frank Shippler put his j wife and child on the roo: of his . , house. The house went Jowa. He! was knocked off bv a projecting limb j ad swam ashore several miles be- lovv, but of the fate ot his wife and ! child nothing was known. HOUSES SIBMERUED AND DKSTIiOYlIl) Medicine Lodge, Kas . April 2 2. This town is situated between I Medicine river and Elm creek. Ear- kTi , n . i 1 , V mrnin- thc flo ' C:,mi? i An t!ie trejms, quickly overflow - j "ug the bottom lands to the depth ot I about 10 feet. In nhe Elm creek I bottoms c , , ! ,uoniN east of town, a dozen h.uises . ere entirely destroyed and many ot j the occupants drowned, or saved by clinging to the branches, ot trees. In caps m the bottoms were 10 or is ! inimior.,. , , r -T immigrant wagons h ed with famil- : ies9 . u ? . ; WW not half of these persons have j i uetiuoumi. North ot here cn- families were drowned, while I fers made iivlr .-a. 11 ! - -iMVUivui - - - of vesfftr... i, ... . jesverday and last n:ht the streams ; WPr , - . , . , ' .e,7 h,Sh hat no commun.catian . Wd be had with the East, and to- day the ftrst dispatches were sent j out. The stores 1;; town .vere cl;s- j ed yesterday, :i:ul every citizen en- j gaged in the work of tecumg peo- j Die bv 1(:0, ami , t!i.-rr perilous positions in tiees or on house tops. This work was extremely hazardous, and by nightfall there was Still some isolated pns ners. A relief party was out a!! last night picking up these unfortunates. The people i-i Medicine river bottom had earlier warning, and ail escape. 1 with their lives, though hundreds ; cmle drowned and great fields of crops ruined. Hundreds of dead animals also line the banks of Elm creek. Flosds in Missouri and Kansas. St. Louis, April 23. Dispatches from southeastern Kansas report the heaviest rain-fall since Tuesday tI1.1t j has ever been known in that part ot j the state, over twelve inches of water I having fallen. All ihc level count rv is submerged and is a vast sheet of water. Traffic on the Missouri, Kansas an 1 Texas railroad for many miles each ,vay is suspended, and a passenger tram which left Parsons yesterday on the Fort Scott & Gulf j road was wrecked not far fiom town. A large number of hogs and cattle in the so"k yards on the Labette river, one mile from Parvms. were drowned and u is said hundreds, perhaps thousands of animals, have been lost in the surrounding country. ! Th. streams rose so ranidiy an 1 toe Writer poured down in such torrents that little, if anything, could be done 1:1 1 is: way 01 rescuing nyesto.K or j securing other kinds of property. j Fields are devastated in all ..lire.- j destruction of cr.: and movable property has occurred. A negro settlement near Parsons was inundated and many of the peo j pie weie rescued only after great !ir- ; ficultv ami hard lahor with imptov;- ! ed boats and Other means. j The Marmaton river, which run-, i near Ft. Scott, overflowed its hanks j with a rush and submerged a set'le- j meiit of from 600 to Soo population ' l-n.Mw r- c nrfh t VIi'-t t?i w-lt.T ! standing in many of the houses from three to live feet deep. All the peo ple were rescued, however. The Missouri Pacific railroad track is badly washed out both ways from Ft. Scott and no trains have moved since Tuesday. The Wichita road j is badly washed away. A freight traiu on the latter road went through j the bridge at Clearwater, and Frank J McDaniels, the engineer, was drown- J ed. The fireman and brakeman also went down with the train, but ihey caught in a tree and were rescued. At last accounts the water was sub- ! j siding, but it was still very high and i j 't will take several days for it to run j ! O.her dispatches state that the ; i storm extended into western Missouri i and that many streams overflowed , . , -..n 1 ; Ul.Ul'tlt t rtliUlJiU UTii.U.Hi'. HrfCI- in; that section, were washed OUt m places and trairlc greatly interrupted. CHEAP EXCURSIONS j0 j,-fW orleaps for the World' fair. , , , , , T 7T . ' in oriiei to en.soie ail to attend tuo great World's Fair, it has been de- j culed to give two special cheap ex- ; to Xew Orleans via the , Memphis ishort Koute. 1 or tnese S special excursions the rate from Rich Hill to Xew Orleans and return wiii j be only $15.00. Tickets at this ! Iow ra.te e so'lJ for trains !eav- mg Rich Hill on Tuesday. May to lt ami 12th, and wih be good to return w.thm twenty days from date sold. Through sleeping cars to Ne v Orleans on both trains. The oppor- ; :unit-v tc v5s5t such an exposition as 'S now in nrogres at Xew Or'eans . ,-, ? u , ' , is not bkeiy to again occur, and the ( msmasemeut t the Memphis Short ! Route Nouth is determined thatrats-s shall not be an obstacle to those de siring to at'en J the gr,-at show. ..... for tartiier nuonnatton. maps, 1 t- r 5 etc., address J. E. Lock wood. General Passenger Aent i Kausas City. i I 1 j t&M f if v , Cc r2 n pin. iM i 1 l if ! Have now ready for Spring trade the finest line of BUGGIES, gScHRRIIlGES, SPRING WAGONS & PHAETONS. Ever offered the ; op! f the Southwest. Examine our work before ou buy. Harness at cost to patties buying buggies of us. We respectfully solicit our patrotMe. Office. Shop and Sales-Room Mast Dakotah Street. Special attention paid to all kinds ot IJuggv Repairs. LJi JlES tr'.o ar (irtl ftf CaJtrtt that IuriIoiinil'tuaiTSljleH" it :fr tiv f : FOR SALE BY ALL DRV COCUi a Farmers Buy the Best- iii.. .11. 11 ii 11 ii 1 1 ICO WBfMjP ffiillflY Sold byT. W. CHILDS. Butler, ti IE- IMIEH IJADEMIALE STALLION I vivian cray. Vni iv flaw n. llitj. Scotch I .tud book No. 1507, American C. 1SS5 at the stable of V rank V. Lee, two? miles north and one mile west of l'ot-ter, j in Walnut townxhip. Hates county. Mo., , Description- and I'ediokke: tiloodj Itv. Illa'ck mane, tail and leir-'s ery lit-j i tle'white next to hoof on ri.'ht hinJ pas-. tern, 17 hands liinh, and weighs 1,700.. Foaled -May i5sj, meu ov utoit .-nu-; btronii, Kirkland, Wightoii, Cumberland, Scotland: imported lsV;, by Robert Hoi- , lowav, Alexis bis. Sire Youn;,' Clan-mar. . f.-t2 dam Kannv )-), -ired by Lord Cliu'e. (4S1). grand data hired by .Sir. Walter Scott, -'f,) 'oun-i -iansmi. (943 ii. the sire ot ivian Crav ii'ji. .'ire.i hi- I'ljinxsn. fi;o!. who won' I the premium tor the w ei-nior. wniui. j lie bv I'rince or Wales (070), who won; - !;r- pri.e at G'.ascow Affricultural Soi ie ! tv, in n'i, and first ai the liihiand . i cittv Sho:.v at Inverse fcmr.e year. Ir ! I Cliiie ("481 ), the sire os dam was .;red by Karmeri.' 1 ancv, 13001 : ne u oo.c 1 j . he bv Loitv (4). ,iho vo:l t!r't i,r,,-: j.:i., .4.l:,ia!(;:a,c v.. Iltratcled .1.1! 'I'"-' . 1 . - .-. I'aisiev d:trict in iSs 4- Dab.eitkr;i :n 155 and Claseow in 1S5O. Vivian Grav is a hore 01 tlie Kindest di-position, y readv server and a sure tetter. He is a clean, shaip, Hat aone horse, ot great power and beautv, and with all good action. He ha' a beautiful head, well arched i-eck, verv deep ches-t, is also heavilv quartered, with oweriu back, well sprung rib-, and roand barrel a horse of two good ends and a good rrn--die, with .vod bone and good tcet pro port cna'c to his great weight a verv choi. e horse, . , Terms: ?'s to in-ure cu.t to stano ar.u .,,1. st, frt insure mare with toal, 1 15 the leap, n.onev die at time ot erice, insurance March 1st Anvone leav ing eoutitv or parting with mare after service has been rendered ior:;iTs insur ance and nonev n u-t be pii. Care v. ill k f,ifn m nreent accidents but will not ' hi' re-pons:.-!e -h"-uld anv occur. Mare irori a distance can be accommodated j with nasturace st reasonable ri'e-. t Wou'd'be glad fo huve a'l see this coit I .-ore makinj hreetfvg arrangement, tor ' be won. RepecUu.h', jvhS5 FRANK P. LEE. RIP bh 1U "RICHMOND VTW 1 LOOK HERE FARMERS! jALBRANT, -the- OLD PLOW SMITH, Is back Hi tier r.;;d has tarii-d a Blacksmith Shop! On llr-t street west of Hapti't .Lurch. Ering in yoi r plows Vt him. He will put on a t-hare ot i";rst f Us-solt center plow tee!, ,r,-J w:'.! harden it s: good a the West. Shooing -and I obi i 1124 d ir.e. Will be glad f see ad rny old customer", ard as many new onen a ponlble 1IITILKTO .tlOTHEK''' Are vou disturbed at night and fcrtf oi vour rest br a nick child fttifierinjc 24 cri ir.g with pain of cutting teeth? It f.o, end at onre -and get a bottle t.t Mr-WinsloA-'s Soothing Svnij. For CkiWfti Teethir.g. Its value i". incalculable. Jr win relieve the poor little mticrer irr.rri- diatelv. wepena upjn 11, niuirwi-( mui is no mistake acorn o.. j. ffv ten and d.arrhoea, regulate, the tofirfl..i and bowels cure wind colic, oltent trv: eum. reduce inf.arr.Kiatior, and tne and energy to the whole rtn. Mrs. Win4ow' Soothins iyrwp lor rhildren Teething t plaKar,t to ..aste, tnd U the prescription ct one t . . a t,,-, !, irM ana 'trie Oioesi " --- rhriHanlnthe United State, and h for' sale br ail drugzis-u thrrmfhout te I world. Price 2; rent a bottle, j Mav IS '64-'' fM