Newspaper Page Text
iiiie Table Pacific R. K. llXISGTOS & SOLTHERX BkA.VCII.; "orwnencins? Sundav, May kJ., and ltij lurther notice, trains will !eae t'er a follows: GOING NORTH. Texas Express 4o- A ; ..7: ?5 P M . . . 1 : 30 " ' i ...9:14 ' M . . . fc : 1 5 A m y:55 A M ! direct con- ; points east I 12$ K.C. Express jj Accommodation.. . . GOING SOUTH. Texas Express Accommodation. . . - Ul passenger train Kittle i'Uon tor .-l. a;iu i Colorado, Lxas anJ aii jxjiuls, juuu., i.foniia and ail points west and norti I. l-V.r r.ites and other information r I. Lisk, Aent. to i:ret ocirries. MASO.MC. Sutler Lodge, No. 254, meets tlie first nrdav in eacn month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, t c-..r..ot 'Phiir.I'i 1' , n ,.n-K jt TO, IliLVn iiu a .1... T ... ..u.-.. tnth. . riouley (oinmanuery Knignts lempiar Lets the first Tuesday in each month. , I. O. O. FELLOWS. ! 3ates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon- 1 r.itrht. : IBatler Encampment No. 76 meets tiie i tiand 4th Wednesdays in each month Lawyers. EHOMAS J. SMITH, Attorney at! Law Butler Mo. Will practice in the I rts oi Ktes and adjoining counties, j ace over Bates county N ational liank. j 7-tf. I S. Francisco. S. I. Francisco. hRANCISCO BROS. Attorneys at f Law, Butler, Mo., will practice lit e courts ot Hates and adjoining unties. 1 rompt attention given to coi tions. Office over Wright cC Giorius' rdware store. ' ?q JARKINSON & ADERNATIiV, At torneys at Law, uutier, .Mo. lattice it siJe oi the square. z 1 HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, 31- Will attend to cases in any firtof record in Missouri, and dogener coilecting business. I pk V.BROWN, Notary l'ublic But Jt kr Mo. Will draw and acknowledge :us, contracts, leases and all papers re liring the acknowledgment or -jurat ot 1 officer. iLMi VjiUt iim. URR'E, M. ., Eclectic Plivsi j. cian and Surgeon. All calls prompt attended to. OlVice up stairs over urris' Drug Store. M. CmtisTY, W. H. B.VLI.ARi), RS. CHRISTY & BALLARD, IIOJIOEOI'ATIIIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, See, Iront room over P. O. All calls Bwered at ollice day or night. Tele kone communication to all parts ot the if. Special attention given to female cases. 1 C. BOULWARE, Physician and . . Surgeon. Office north side square, itler, Mo. Uiseasesof women and chil is a specialty. F.RENICK, M. ., Physician, Sur geon and Obstitrician. Office, east ie square, over Levy's store. Residence merMai and Ft. Scott streets. SUTLER ACADEMY WILL OPEN or Particulars Address J.. BAYLOR, btember I '8 Butler, Dates County, Mo. j qualilj of Staple and ic nnr r.... .,. ! F an cjj Groceries , LOD CRUSHER! AND LEVELERv f Sale at the aKIDGEFOKBHQP?. SameiitaT House AND Sin Painters GnT. i r-. u r, - bs ...! i:i.f;e;v W u! i. 3 SPECIALTY 3THEF Used herbs in doctoring the femilv and her simple remedies Dili CUl'tE in most caaes. Without the use of herbs, medical science would be powerless ; and yet the tendency of the times is to negiect the best of ail remedies lor thofeo powerful medicines tii&t seriously in jure the system. ISHLER'S acombinationof valuable herbs, ca-'-iully compounded from the formula of a regular Physician, who used this pre scription largely in his private practice with great success. It is not a drink .but a medicine used by manv phyyif" "8 invaluable for his f Els 1 A. Jx 11 S ET and JL1 YE It COM VI. A IS" S, SEttVOVS EX II A US fO.Y, H I ' XESS, IXniOESTIOX, .,- and Ui.iio curing will not hurt the system. Mr. C. J. Rhodes, a well-known iron man of Safe Earbor, Pa., writes : "My 600 was completely prostrated by fe er and '.roe. Qniame and bark did Lini bo p-1 I then sent V r Mishler'R Herb Bitters and :ii ft short tine the boy was quite well." "E. A. Scbellentrager. Druggist, 717 Bt. Clair Street, Cleveland. 0., writsa : "Ymir Bitters. I can s v, and do nv. w r-r-wribr-d tiy some of the oldest atid iuoi i-roii.:t..-&t physicians in our ciry. MISHLEH HEI; 3 BITTEE3 CO., 525 Commerce fit., Philadelpid. Parker's Pleasant "Worm Syrup Kever x ; V.- Continued from la.'t teetk.) How Watch Cases are Made. A plate of solid gold 14 2-10 karats fine is soldered on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished Bteel rollers. From this plate the various parts of the cases Lacks, centers, liezels,etc. are cut and shaped ly dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine turning. The composition metal gives it needed stravjlh, xtiji'iitts and solidity, while the vritten guarantee of the manufacturers varranting each eae to wear twenty years proves that it contains all the gold that cau possibly be needed. This guarantee is' given from actual results, as many of these cases have been worn perfectly smooth by years of use without wearing through the gold. pi nrgrE, I., Dec. H. 180. I have Ufed one of your Jaiuos Bob' Ciold Wauh C.1W.M for seventeen years. I boturiit it second hand slid know of Uh having been used lefore I pot it, but do not know how lou. It looks good for ten years lous-er. Pid not susiect it was a filled caa until so informed by s Jeweler a short time Fince. I most ch,erfii!ly recommend your cases to be all they are refrerented to lie. and more. O. McCBANKT, Vn. CW. Int. liev. Zd Mi. lova. Srnd S rrnt Otp to Err.tune Wntrh 1'w FartrlM. Thila. drlphia. I'a., for bnrl,wm. IlIu.trBtrd I'awphlrt sbowlof feuw Jaiv Uo' mn& Kej.tuoc Hfttclt Cmn arc Had. (To be Continued.) a THE HORNS Grocery House OF . JDEMEY At tt.eir well known and popular strtiul 011 il.e I!st j.; ijlt sqitare, are !eadi;;ii the GKOCKKY TKADE IIN Wr HUTLIIR. Tlivir stock is composed 01 Feed Flour and the best ueenswarc snl itlers. GRANM f . . . . w i Than av iwuh in the city, ar c-, ihere ; tare dc r-t fear competition. Thev p;iv ! libera" -"rices tor procacs. Thev solicit a cc-'.iiiiuar.c-e or tiie patror.age or their ! nr- customer, and viV. rladlv atten.i j ic their wishes at anv r.rrd a!i times . Goods delivered in th city limits promptly. Chas Dennev. DO YOU KNOW Til AT LO R I L L AtvD " S CLIMAX PLUG T(ILVCCO with e i---.IT. i-hciv it's:: N':tv clipr-iny;-. and tt:'. -w sr. tuts are t est, otialitv cor.sivicrev ar.d hlav-k. br:,wrt, . ' i- A "t;-r;!. i.-.rd b..trd : OOvourti rreti or Tacir ,,ci:nty. Adrss r. V. Zie. ' Chicago, 111. in caen ?r a- Co., COMPROMISE PROPOSITION Submitted to the Voters of Old 31 1. Flc-.5ti.t Tov,-i;sIi:p by the Ccuuty Court, To Compromise Their Present Bond ed Debt for 70 and 65 CenN on the Dollar. STATE ! Mlvi'l Kl, t Col NT 1 !' JIaTK, S lu li:e C.uuty Curt r i iti- regular May adjourne. !:!iifii -.a the town I'oit!. ' I'.aU s . term, ) m ta:d c oiiiity, !:t fc'iitt 'and luntv on th.- 1 tii duv of JuS , l--,". H 1H.I:1. l.r.'f; .Uil'il: Ml tlii-? l;tv loth day of July t come -aid itrm .i A I. Meliride Win K Waif.u 1) Austin I.' 1 . liar u eil ij.rn Kiniiev Iuke J M Tucker Isaac C' on kl.u Kiliott 1'vlc W M j-.-ilv 1 N Tiioiiios' -n T 1 Kuftar A T Si ni T H I u..y Chas lieniiy J W Morris K M Cruuilev II A Atkison' J K V II You ii-.' li Ie:tc.iii, jr K A l'.ennett K 1. e ' t! M. -Kalian. 1 s 1; Newbill l.avid M.'.auhev W V A thert on I: - a ion J.'iin Kraneis. o J It s..'!iipsi.n 1'heli.s J I WliiiB J C Haves J 1" tdwards 1 K -nrv M l.vuu M O Viico .1 k brtiirler N 1: (eler W IVaoh Thomas ltrashear J it Jenkins K J Tyfc'ard Max U'einer K M Kj'pstein H 1 Jieaeon J 1; Arnistroiiir Joim 1 Wood v N It McKarlaiid J C Clark .:. (, !.u':,. r U We:! A.o-.-h Hal t I M M.-JviMben J T Smith r'i'an i'.i f.'liar-; 1 1 l.e- l'o N A Wi.-i.r i red 1 .i n r:.--t ". of M.,u: litty re- a!;i' d Kate.-, and r d .1 111 v 1 . 1 bv .1-0 1 k:i:i ideiit ta.M.aver.- "1 said towiisliip. winch iiioii in w..rd- ai.d !;..'ures a- follows, to- i; : !:mi i". ri: -1: i-Kr:rt..v. To the Hon. t '.u. ty ( ,.urt ..f ilaie-i ..liiity Mis souri. The 'orc'.-iii iifty and resident tax payers ol Ml. l'ic:;s.iiil liiwiishi;), m the Mate d Missoui i, lcj.: cseu! t..i..ur h..norab!e l.odv that heretofore l. iti ti.e year ls;i tlie l i.lilUV I olirt of said c..;;;iTy cau-ed to be 1-- su d ;.i..i i.e.t.tialc.1 criuuii m tiie name ..f Itate- c. unity tor and ..a i.ebaii of the muni cipal t.c.v ii-liij.'.d Mt. riea-as't, in said coiinty u ii a li said i..oi.d v. ere ail o!.-d on the lsto day of Jan i.ary, 171, ami payable to the l.e x -iit'fon, I ake.v t;u!f 'H.-t'lr-'.-el Co!iieiny. They say that -aid bonds bear interest at the rate of tci: per cent per annum, payable annually a! tin-bank of America, in the city and stale of New York, to tbe 1-tli day of January of each year tiom date thereof: that said bonds were is.-ued and mvotiaicd m i;.e total um of Nine ty ihousand Hollars and bo- the purpose of building and eon-trucM hl: a Uailroad into and throiiirh tiie Tovnship of Mt. I'leasant afore said, beiriniiiiig- at the city f Lexington and extending in a south western direction by the way of rieas;'.nt ISill, ill a-s county, towai'd K..rt s.-ott in Kails:!-, the line of said road be inj nioie particularly do-i-rioed In the charter of sai.l company of record in the o!li.-e of the ei -rciary oi tateoi Missouri at Jefferson City. They sav that ninety bond.- were issued as aforesaid each for one thousand dollars, tliird of v. Inch lo-wit : Koiids numbered frm one to botli in c!ii-ie were made payable ten ear J.ftcr tiie date d.ei vnf. One-tliird ih. reof to-wit : Ko.,,1- numbered thirty -one to sixty, both in cliisi,t uere made p-iyable lifl.-en vears after bite I here -of. mid the "remaining third to-wit : lb nds numbered from sixty-one to ninety, both inclusive, w 'e made payable tweiity yeai from .late tiic.e-oi. Your petioners are a.h l.-ed tliat various suits have been instituted on tiie matured bonds and coupons of t-a ,1 i-ue and that several judirii.cnts h ive been rendered thereon against the county with order that the same be levied and olleeted by sp. cial taxes upon the prop eltvof Ml. I'leasant to r.ship. Your petition ers" are also advised the total amount of indebtedness now due oil said bonds and coupons js about two hundred and tifty thous and dollars of whi'-h about one hundred and thirty thousand dollars is in suit or reduce to judgment and the reniaindur in tiie shape of bonds and coupons. They are further advised that the holders of ei.-'hty of said bonds so is sued and all the interest" thereon coiisiitutin eirhl ninths of the whole debt of said town ship as aforesaid have filed with the County Court of Hates county, their written agree ment t. accept and receive in full compro mise set! iemcnt and satisfaction of the claims so held by them new Funding Konds of the County of Kate- t be issued in conformity with the slat u'cs of the state ol Missouri on that sub ject at the rate of seventy cents to the dollar in newborn!- tor each dollar of indebtedness now held by them ana which is in judgment or in suit and sity live cents to the dollar in new bonds for ca'. h dolar of i-uch indebtedness not now in suit nor reduced to judgment. We therefore pray your Hon. t submit a proposition to the qualified voters of Mt. I'leas ant town.-hip a- it existed at the date of tiie is sue of said bonds :.. be voted at a special elec tion to be held at an early dav to determine whether they will accept -aid proposition and if the same be accepted that new funding bonds pa able in t wenty years and redeemable at the opti ni of the milkers of said bonds at tiie end -d live years from dati of said bonds or at anv time thereafter before the expiration of the said twenty years, vurmg Interest at the rate of six .er cent per annum, tiie interest i.ayab'.e nmiuuoy ;.n t when the principal of said bond.-, or cs.hev of them, is pan! then the outstanding-c.r.:i.,ius at the date of unearned interest -hall be surrendered by the holder of said bonds and coupons and cancelled bv the -aid County ourt. both the principal and in-tere-t pa; ahV at some solvent bank iu the citv "t. L nils. Mo., be !--uei and delivered to the holder of said indebtedness at rates in.tex-iv.lMi-.' t :i...-c herein named and that -aid obi indebtedness I e paid off and cancelled In -sr. id KatesCounty Court. A'l thev further pray that all of the old indebted ue-s not eomprorn.s' cd And ea'i'-e':.- '. withm Mx months from the date of issiieor said lie ,v Pom's herein pvov.d e 1 for s'raM remain trticomi'i-o-nised an 1 unsettled and after said per iod no n.--1 1. ;!'. -haU i uc:j drjjvered by the e.jrtnty Court in liehnrsrt oi payuurnt of stud old iio'.e'. tedness and a.' in Uty I we will ever trav. K IttCd. M., June, f i-tU, vy i, r, r. vs, It apitear- t liic cs-.rt that the '! itv Court in tiie year 1T1 Chu i :.. be i -----.t and negotiated for an i on l.eio-lf of uitiiii ?ipai twp. of Mt. I'leasant in said omuiy a- it wa- t'ie.i or-Mni-red, iielliid ?iv! (e-uuded. t.ine tv bond- of said coiinfv, t-a.-ti f-.i-oiie tboti-an i .fooars, all d.ated .tjmuary 1M 1?T1, bearing mtere-t at in per cer cent i'f i snnitm. the i.i icivst payable ar.nnaHy tt !br t.ankof America in the eitr an.! ft: 'to of "V ..rk, one-ilnrd of aid hoi:.;-, to-vvii : Those niiui'oered frosr-e to thirty both, in elusive. !!: payat.'e -t? s:ti I l.anii ten after t:. 'i:-;.:-iiiv'e--:, .:;d thtrc-.f to-wit i Those bonds nar.-.bered from thirty-one to -ixty. bo-h ii.cls-.tve, bei'ig payable at said bank fifteen Mrs alter date thereof, and tiie remainder of -aid bonds to-wit- Those numbered from sixty-one to both im lusive, Ihmii t.ayable at "that bank twenty ars aft !' tirf date thcieof. a.'i -f said i.onds t.ein-j; !.:a.:e t'ayal.l.' l tiie l-exnigton, Lake A tiulf K-:it!r.-!d company, which I'onipauy wa tlien'J uh "rvranivsl uiider tiie liw-.d the tat. ,.f Msy:t-.i?i, urn prposm- to builtl :i in;., vs-i througti said township Of Mount Ihea-am Ar v, 1 1 v it K a s . it appear to tlie court that s iii,vl r.s--.ou of the coup.!!;.- originally attached to bonds and msturing in the year- 1-72 and 1.-7-" liae been paid off aud cancelled . lesv Sk e t-".s! :i.unt r-nv ine and owing by aM t'wnsViib i 'abor.t two lian ired and tifty tlin sjt'.id dollars, of which an amount e.iuai to al:.ut . -1 ...'lred an ', tb.irty tiiousars 1 dollar is now ia u:: r Tvdueed t jv igMiviit in behalf of .-r.-iiii-rs b.o'.-l:r.g sa:i:e. s.-ad tin? Tvmain-'er thereof ; in :'!- ?! ape form i f u'lsh.- i but:-i Am in y.t. ..-u ner- ge"h." r w rled ari :rs t e .i "of sa. fi vrik'-i tio.-reor urt af.'-n r.i t i. e their trnr i Miss the T -.1 - -ai 1 townsiiip new in Ti Sltse iu.U-- I a'l Hxty-nve vnt to the dollar fo 1 .ioilar ...reach old indebte-Jius not s.. sd I re-luced to ju i.-I!n-!it r each ed or - titi:-... 1: jiv.-a-- to T''e cc'Tt t''a' t the date of tne sev.rii t.r,et-iiiii'a:!ionil nip tne i.-sue of a; t i,. a-.t at the date w lien the sativ ere .'.ar.-d 3i)d issued . the n.a t-ju nUi. .f M: i'leasalit deane.1 and bounded a io!k. to-wit i:e?rninici.' at the n..nhuet cmer of section in t-..W!ihit. 4! vl'rau.'e :.I wt: thence n..rt!i to tne !'r!hwe-t cono-r of .ctti.n -i in tlnw t-wi:sii:i d rt,!ise: ti.eliee t et to t?.e iiortb- we-? c'r::-r et : TV. .!' S'-c.'':i t.'-i. e t ;it in town-hi the is'-r:;.e:. 4 ! of ra.-e : of M-.-!;..n -Si .,ur; I., '1 t"::!:' 41 i.f raiii-'e :, i-li!p 41 ol raiiife uMve-t (enii-r ra:!.-f r.i w es-t : i-r "!' Mvti.-u tl'ence north to -'iJ in lowu-hii. te If Borl li .Mi!.!iij 41 north ncrpsi meridian. : and that !l;rr ea;d. the iiiio.t.s ;.f T-.lT.g- --,1 w ,.-t ti.e ;ie !p- 1 I ; ili.llli beell 1- it :il township changed an 1 the terrltorj red from one A llship No 40 ellUTaeed .: .:-.- t; ii in ; ti.. tn inciiisiie in t north ot of ran pai tin ridian ii No. hi M est said count v . f said .'itii r.i c. Kate, AM. uiiKiiKA-, Now upon the presentation of sal 1 petitioii it heroines and is tiie of the curt to submit to tbe q-.tantied voters' of sai l township of Mount Kb-a-ant a- it was organised an 1 bounded hen said bonds re is-u.-.b propositi debtedhe iTioil to Illise an.l fund lb.- hi ss created bv the is-.., of .i.l !,.!, and s reiiiaining unpaid Now. thki:kk..!:k. it is l erebv ordered That a proposition be and mme is lierebv made and submitted to the ..nabMed voter, of -aid Mount Kieasant township as organized at the date of tiie issue of said bonds to compromise and luml the w hole of said indebtedness so created bv the issue and negotiation of sajd uinetv bonds, together u :th all interest due t hereon, at the rate of s.-veiitv cent- iu new funding bonds lor each dollar of so much of said obi indebtedness with interest as has been sued on or reduced to juiigim nt, and sixty-live cents in such new funding bonds for each dollar of the remainder of said old indebtedness with interest, and that f.-r the pay mi nt of -aid obi indebtedness there shall be issued in conformity with the statute law-of Mis-ouri. new lauding bonds of the county of Kates for and on behalf of said inuide ipa! to., 1, of Mount i'leasant as organized and limited on -lauary 1-th. 1-71. hen the old bonds aforesaid M.-re issued, which sai l new bon is shaH be ma le payable to bearer twenty yrar- after the date thereof and redeemable oil published notice at theoption of the obligor at any time before maturity and after lle vears from t it.e date thereof . to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, to be paid an nually, the principal and interest to be paid at the tate Savings Association in the citv of St. I.onis, Missouri; and in ca-e any of said bonds sba.i be redeemed before maturity thereof, all unearned interest, not matured lit the date of shall be delivered up bv the holder together with the bonds so redeemed. Am it 1- ki nii'nii i:ki. that this propo sition be submitted a- aforesaid to The .uaiii'ied voters as aforesaid. io be voted on at a special eiei-Tb.n. to be held in t! .- tou 11 of Kutb-rin said tow 1 i-V.. wit a ant j isbii. and county ...n the J'.t h day of A ugu-t , and ht said election the .(iiaiilied voters in the tnu-iici pa! Tow nship of Mount 1'iea ts defined and organized when said old bonds were issued shall be authorized to vote, which said to asl.ip at that date included the following territory, to-w it : sections No. i to both inclusive iu tou n ship lo in.rt!i of range hi west embraced within the pres. at municipal township of Mount 1'leas au'. AIo Sections "1. ... 7. -. !7, pi -o ;;o, .".I. .).'. ill township 4o north of range :o west embraced witnin the present limits of the municipal township of summit in said county of Kates. Ai-o sections J!. ;;.". :y, in township 41 of range :il w est embraced w ithin the present limits of the municipal tow nship of Klkhart in the said countv. At- sections i, J. !!. IC. 1.1. II. -J.!. CJ. C.".. Cb, '". and :. in tow n.-hii. No. j:i north of range :C west embraced w itiiin the limits of the present municipal tow nsiiip of of Charlotte. Also sections p.. no. -ji. -1;, 27 Cs. -2:1. ha. hi. V2. :'!, l. ;.", .'.ti in township 41 north of range "I west embrnce I within the present mu nicipal tow nship of Mound. Also -ections :;l and :;2 in tow nship No. 41 north of range .V) West embraced within the municipal township of Shawnee, all of said sections being in the said countv of Kates. Am. 1 r i n liriiiiii h:iki:kl tliat this propo sition be duly siirned by all the judges of this court and then published in the llutler 'l imes, Itates County I'enioerat and Ifecord, weekly newspaper.-! published in said municipal town ship of Mount I'leasant as last described (there being no daily newspaper-published therein) for four successive weeks before said election, the last insertion to be at least ten days before the day of said election, and the Sheriffof Katefi county shall give publick notice of haid election. A.m 1 r is u Brums i:ikiiki tliat J. Hosier, Win. Simpson, .1. T. Smith and A. I.. McKride be and they are hereby ap)ointcd judges of said election, 8nd they shall conduct said election according to law. And at paid election all those voting for this proposition (.hall deposit in the ballot box a written or printed ballot in the following form, to-wit: "To compromise and fund bonded indebtedness Yes;" and all those who vote against said proposition Khali deposit s written or printed ballot in the follow ing form, to-wit: To compromise and fund bonded indebtedness No." And the said judges of election shall count the ballots and certify the result of the election in conformity with the law in such cases. Asu it is Fi itTiiKB oitUEKKi that all of the old indebtedness not compromised and can celled within six months from the date of issuing the new bonds herein provided for, shall remain unsettled and after the lapse of six months from the date of said bond this proposition w ill be withdrawn as to bonds not then settled and no new bonds shall thereafter be issued or negoti ated. .ToIIX A. T.EFKKH, W. W. Dixxf.Y, W. II. County Court Justices. After a tttorcu?!' of Tonjraiine, I add my testimony to its great efacacv as a remedy i iheumatism and neuralgia, and can" iteartilv recommend it in tl e above- diiease--. A. H- Moss. M . 1)., Lak e Char es, La. A S weet 4i Southr 1." SV.ut ttovy. K-iitor JIr.niie Larkin Hatchett in Hendersons (V C.) Southern Woman. A ciJ w :!".;!! in 2 nestles among ...ii. -. - tit iictl-cd winjjs eager for rl:v:'-. !' " penetrnre the mys- : i-s . .: v-u ;.it- .-.ff canopv of 1;. " -1 v-.-.; : 1 :i.-'-i .::;.: .f 1, . ; . . " , . " ... ':!. Witl-jKiiiiu i.lii :....-- :.i..aclt vocal H-ctUh. !irt! ha!! ' v;N Shall it tninuie ii jovutis carnl wi'h spicv 'j'Jors ft : t:iitie jrnve t Or will ou ca-st i otit to -eek rch.tze tn sotne alseh wooifKtn;!. there ti varl)!e out it en fly .!eath-I:tv. un'oveiJ, fur gotten sne'"t:e .- What Editor Mamie Larkins Hatchett meatt-t- whether the tieni zer.s of her paiiicitiar section of the "tnrheci" state wiil whack up $1.50 per yea; lor her paper .r rake it on credit ami let its tuutiv; "'.Ac -tarve fcr lack ' hacon ami cc-.itt-. We fear M:ttnie v;:vin"; her folks a fine plum cje.i '.-iiu when thev really want snmetlnncr n the Shanghai Order. Itt:t here"- hiokh: .it ye. Mamie, rrnt! may the "caii -w r-.-rd-linor" neftV sin! tv vea? tn vcf.'th. Riclmlv-r.i! Der.-.-crn'. n-.oritn iimbs a xtdvi-eJ t.- "a' feen sne-.J cjMin or reduerd to . . . -.- -i- Chi . .IT i c . cT -t u. ii, V- . Oliver-.; ; cured o: r; ! oC rii : ::i !i! Absolutely Pure. This powder nccr aries. A marvel of puritv. strenglli and wholsoineness .More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short w eight alum or phosphate pow ders Sold only in cans. Uo u l'.. i.r 1; .1. , lmi W all st.. N. V THE OLD RELIABLE I iiiRKET OF S. J. GROVES NORTH MAIN ST. Keep- more meats ami more kinds and the he-t that can !e procured hoth fre-h and cmed. Al-o tre-h Fish and Ovstcrsin their season. When you want anv'.'mr.j in m line p;ive me a cull. S. J. GROVES. W W. I.1TTI.K. W. U. fAKVls. I'UAN K Tl KI'I N . . I. I'AHKIS. Little, Japis & Co,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the juirclia-c and sale ot CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP. Kooin n, National stock Yards, Kat St. l.ouis, ills. Liberal advances made on consignment. A"V- A. Atlmrton, AtilINT, lil'TLER, MO. HITCH UP. Hut before ou do that come round to J. T. GRAVES k SON, southeast corner 6iu are, next door to Orange store and buy yoursel f a new et of hand-made BUGGY AND WAGON HARNESS, OR I I JZt t Horse Trimming Goods. one of the best stock of goods ever brought to town, we use nothing but the best leather and have got every thing in the Ilntue-s mid -atI:iers Line, Ion't fail to come and see us w hen in the citv. We in ;i mi fact it re all our fetor k' and guarantee entire n.iT isfaction. Oemral assort- meiit or , ,,T.- Harness, Saddles, Whips, Collars, lt-tis!:.--. , urrv .,:oV.-. ,5. sr.-ket-. Iuters. Klv Nets. .''-k llal- Ti-rr-- Hamsoils, Ac. 1 BEST HORSE COLLAR i-i the ton ne !cwart Ufhiit pfw der always .n r.f.nt'.. J, T. GRAVES & SON. Nof.ce to Contractors. Pursuant to an order made bv the coun tv court ot Bates county Mo., at the July 1SS5 term thereof, I i'.l on Moivb.v, August 3rd. iSS, V 1 o'clock r- rti. at the east front dor othe co-art hou-e, in Butler, Mo., let the ro!?oirj cor.tract to the lowest ladder: One bnde corr.p!ete over Deep-.vr.ter creek en the liutier zr.d M..r.:ro-e road, near the Beattv f arm : .uper-tructure an-sut-ructure to be of burr oak. One bridge compete over tr.e nor.t: rron,' or Double Uiar.che-. between I,;iv : -.nd Lor.- )ak. i-r.d anot.ier bri..-.. -fTr.-dete over the o:?'C-r prong or iwu-i.t Uranc!tcs, souin ersTructsres ar.-. - r 1 1 V ..c'.u.v- to re " '"".V.CUd sub:es"'- t;-.eapr tovx ct.un. Plans an: -pectc cio-ts - a;--eenattnvo-ce. M- ' 'A Oo; ' Bri-iaS Com. xte Co , . Commercial College' 421 N. 3d St., St. Louis, Mo. Open All th.0 TTcar! Allthe nt an Ihio.jv', Mathematical ami Coiiitiifu-i;.! L t:!sc f-V' Special Tc.u hci 's Ci.ui t U t . th.o-e who ih-she to Learn ami Tru ; 1 Hiss.i es-. ;m.l Ornamental lVih,: n; I s-hip. etc. Relets to thousands ot foinict sta ' dents who have completed mulei our ! ii.structions. j t-rA Full Corps ot Experience J ; lioles.soi s. 1 W lite fol Circular. Specimen nf Penmanship ami Catalogue of Sfa tlentsand References. Address: Prcf. J. W. Jchnscn. St. Lot is, Mo. I'lUCSlDEN T. FINE SUITS. Made to Order I guaranteed a tit in every ea ".i;i and see me, south ruoni grange store. J E TALBOTT, a: 1 v. Mcrchatit T...ji HATES COINTV National Bank. OF IJUTLEU, MO. Oldest Bank in the County. Capital paid in, - $75,000. Surplus .... s 27.000 Large Vault, B urlar-Proof Safe with Time Lock We arc prepared to do n general tiai.k in"; business. Good paper always i-: demand. Buy andkell cxclianjje, receive deposit &ic, c. D1KI-XTOKS. Lew is Clieney, f. C.Clark, Dr. Elliot 1'yle lion. I. IJ. Newherty E. P. Menrv, I. N. Mains, Dr. J. EverinKhani, J. 1. Edwards, J.J. Kvan, W. J. Hard, Dr. I). "Ii. Wood, J. AI. I'attv, (ie. W. Miers, K. Smith. F. J.Tygard. OFFICERS. LEWIS CHENEY .C. CLARK - - f. i. tvc;.ri - I'refciiien' Vice I'lt-side-.'. Ca.fir. BUTLER -IN- Opoia House Block, Ca-h Caintal and Surplus, $5 ; , . :,a i JOHN H. Sl'LLENS I'resi. :' ; 1". W. CIIIL'LS, 'icc l'rc-ie-i.'. i Wm.E. WALTON, CaK.'der. !'". t DI KE s-V t'ul.Ur, DON KINNEV Clerk and Coil-. -or. DIEECTOKS . i ! Dr. T. r.oulwtre, Hooker I'ov.e. , r, d. w,::ian. fireenw.y.a I'.ultje I. 1 1. stu;rt it. .-,!., . A. L, MclJriJe, 'J", W, C'.iM-, Frank V01 j-, W.v. E, W.-J-. . I C, H, Outer;. . Hue OTHER STOCK HOLDER: C, C. Dukr, O. Sjx-r.cer. J, U, Ktllt. J, , MrKee, A, II, Hum; 1 John Wecrntucf, I John 15. Ellis, ! s, Q. Dtffher, j Het.rv Iionojin. Large - Fire and Burglar Proof Safe with time loclr. I?reive depo-it ItU'.'Vl t C r.ei ... ! sight. Loan money hn;. .-.r.d e!Is -I ch.-ir.ire and doe a j'en-.-a'. Bar.ikir. hi.v-- Your i;u-ines is rtpe; uV. -ji'. Jr.'.'J SEWARD A. HASELTINE, PATENT S0LICIT03 & ATTT AT LAW, SHOPS'! rTELECRAPHIC IMSTITUTf J -tel.. 7 'V.i -.'.VT 1 . W- - trr. (JBTHUS J.ERNf.S, NATIONAL i