Newspaper Page Text
to a. multhude. The Rev. .vam -ones Discourses to Thou-andj ot People atthePIam burg Cu'P Xeet' Fvjricrpr I a:ks on 1" UCUie.rt- a o i u - ' -i - Cha. aster Badim Vices cf tte Wo and ii.e Mo., In . Thi beta a ''teat uuy Camp- the i iatts.'U' Mmcral .Sprii x-. Tlicre veie several arnv- ais at tne spnn-s i t-nvcei. nuuw.n midnight and daylight, and from cuuy dnvn up to hit..-tnis atternoon tne ct owu !:ti- t'ns afternoon tne crowd ; n flowed in a continuous stream. ; thev die not hospital rats. Oli, Excursion trains were run on the j the Lorti's army ;ri Missouri is a Rock Island from Leavenworth, j manifict-Ilt i)0jy wiieu on dress p.i Atchison and Kansas City, and on j ra(Ie &n yunjay, but when Uod beats the Wabash irom St. Joseph. All j the lonff rQjj calj on Wednesday it is of them, as well as the regular trains, ie Jown malit;a? t am ,r0hv- to bust were loaded down with passengers . TM. -.. . ..,1 ti c; c iit 1 I t rri ill ! i liC ti irt - Sill i- 0UM io,ooo to 15,000. It was certainly by far the largest gathering ever as semble.:! for religious worship m the state. The large tabernacle was crowd ed, and even standing room was at a premium ami the grounds for a n-'if 1 Kt iri.-p Hi-re ti pc with ncn- ( n'y-"'- ' pie. Tea ms were fastened side bv sid.e tor a mile on each sale of the park. For so large a gathering the crowd has been very orderly. There were .several accidents on the road out this morning, caused by careless driving, but no serious injuries were reported. Rev. P. Jones preached at 10:30 a. m., taking hts text from the fust chapter ot the second general Epistle of Peter: "Add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to pa tience godliness and to godli ness brotherly kindliness and to brotherly kindness charity," He said: "The subject ot my talk this morning will be character build ing. My character is the immoital part that shall survive the rottenness ot the grave, and go over to eternity and abide forever. I make charac ter for eternity. Reputation you can put on or cast off at Anil like a glove. But character is your hand that is to abide with you. Reputation is what men say ot you Character is what you are. If I want to mould char acter I take God's law and not con science lor mv guide, putting con science under the law. We build character by the divine pattern. ' "As the temple was put together without a sound ot hammer, so will erect a house to-day without the sound of hammer, and take as the great bed rock to begin on faith in God. To believe is a grand thing. I am sorry for the little preachers who are always trying to deny the the denials of infidelity. When a man says the Bible is not true I say to him, 'My brother, you get a little more hair and a tail and be called Bounce and you would be on just the right track.' If there is anything I have a perfect contempt tor is two eSSe tailless dogs and we have got a good many of them in this country. Don't blush, dear sister, for your husband may be one. I had just as soon pray tor Irish potatoes as pray for faith. You are praying tor more grace, when, you old sinners, you, you are up to our chin in grace now. "If God should come down here to-day and issue a week's rations or grace the old devil would have halt of it before night. You can't get one out of ten of the preachers to speak ol the devil m the pulpit. They all seem to have the greatest respect for him and they refer to him as the president of the burnt district. I kick his name and trample his presence under my feet. 1 hope the reporters will get it down just as 1 say in the last two hundred years there never has been a preacher who had any power with God or influence with men, that d:d not believe in a real burning scrip tural brimestone hell. Now put that down. us run a .;uiu.;e.t o v.o hundred years and take .: Bur.vsn Let us run back and take no Wt-s'ev, ct us run back and take in Luther leadinc r.rf-irhers of to-day who are a power in the land an J every one o; them believe in a rea!, genuine, buminc: hell. The Ton-l roc that 1 wo ma pnee u.nn would be virtue the ro:irae to ! n:i;. ! nnt. ')!) ! despises a r cowar.i. ivo.n ni vjcui-i.i v. , t x . . " .... ... prohibition elections an tne c.utr 1 rmbera would come in an ' stai around the corners until wins saloon s man would come out on tiie ana swear a ,a,:i me a r.d Moi:r:-h a ri ty pistol and they would ah' run oft home and tell their wives there was about to he a fuss down there and , th;y thouht they h uj betler ,eave. Whdt we want soldiers that are . j l'nc rjnrs u;ltlj a cap. j The next rock we will place mpo ; sition will be knowledge wriich Ills without the banner. Some people have but one sort of rehigon heart religion. These little fellows will bob up and shout I have got it I have got it here in my heart my mend, it is something you eat God don't commence at a fellow's heart and boil up but he commences at his j head and pours down until he reach j es his heart and then h:s pocketbook. The fourth stone to place is tem perance. The apostles didn't refer to drinking whisky. Just think ot a whisky drinking Methodist or Pies byterian, or Baptist. I tell yon Chris tianity and red liquor won't stay in the same hide. I know tor I haye tried it. In Georgia nobody but an infernal scoundrel will sell liquorand nobody but an infernal fool will drink it. The next .stone to lit in place is patience, and what a glorious thing it would be u we all had plenty ot patience and next to patience broth erly kindness. Heaven is at the other end of a kind act my brethren. If you want good religion, get brother ly kindness mixed up in your heart. Charity finishes up our structure and makes it complete." STRONG TALK IX THE AFTERNOON. At the afternoon service the crowd on the grounds was even much larger than in the morning. Mr. Jones preached from the text "Escape tor Your Lite." He noti fied his hearers that he was going to "talk plain and nib it m strong" and it they couldn't stand it they .had better pull out. He said: "If you get mad at what I say you are rascals at heart." His handling of the pop ular sins of the day was terrific. He took up first profanity, next Sabbath breaking, Jthen gambling. Ile re ferred to this evil without gloves and was severe on the Louisiana state lottery and Jthe gamblers j in futures as well as the less popular gambler. He condemned strongly the course of the Generals Early and Beauregard and said they would go down to their graves in shame and disgrace on ac- count of their connection with the j infamous Louisiana lottery, j The next sin handled was the im i purities of life. Mr. Jones paid a j high compliment to the purity of the I American women and prayed that they might always remain so, but he ! warned them of the dangers of the ; dance, ot the hand clutch on the arm. S IT .... . - ; ne men o.iscomseu rrsctu on , subject ot intemperance, but touchmsrl v. tne ermon M:. Tone: av. " helo me. I want to lead a better life' to stand up, and in an-wer to th- in vitation the vast congregation ro-e in a body. Services to-night were conducted j oy tne Kev. Oibson of Oeorgia. j bam Jones will preach twice each ! lav this ts wee' Excitement in Texas. Great ekoitemer.t has been cai the v ot Pharis, Tex. !u- ! h i markab.e recovei-v ot Mr. J. Ei Corlev. who was helpless he could not turn m tiep. or rjise his head; everv bodv said ne wasdvinot consumption. . A trial botieof Dr. King's New Dicoverv was sent him. Fir.dir.j- releir. re hoa'ht 3 i.tre DOtf.J And a New I-ite PiiW: bv -hi two boxes or rills -n: ax cr Dr. Kite's ivo l .:-li t -----coverv, he was well zr. J '-esh th;r;v-s;x ;v,:pj,;"" o: this Great li4overv t; free at John G. Walker. ta; and so on down to tne Soldiers The battie-sacrc ,1 veterans w no , tolloweci Sh-ky are to p.c.iu a re j union at IIi-ri;msviwe ' i August. c: It is wen- -l H Nearly a quarter ot a ,..-.nt,.rf hM- nas-ea since tnee men hiul down their avoids to take up the 3runin-T hook, and m all year icy ha ve been widely 'cper; It is well that the men wao ruite with the debonair ot cavalry men o'er many v::o loi.owca :n rn nre anti ;tn nun cii.iv i 1 (j mi o t 2: v n c e j and death, ami who never w ere known to falter from weaime-s, or 1 hunger, or fear, when Shelby's plum- j ed hat waved at the foreiront oi ' march or battle it is well they meet agam. JThese men grim, powder black ened warriors, then, with hearts of iron and sinews of steel, are peaceful farmers and business men now, long unused to "war's wild alarms," candier with the ploughshare than with the sabre, accustomed many of them, to dandle grand-children upen their knees these men, summoned by the old busrie that sounded its shaiil call last upon the banks ot the Rio Grande, a generation ago, are starting up from a thousand homes and hamlets throughout the land, with something ot the old martial fire in the eye, and all ot the old alac- rity, to orey tneir g .; .iat.t leauer s call. They gather there to look upon their old commander : to hear once more the voice thev were won t to lead oe the col- near oitenest at the uinn, amid the thickest and fiercest of the fray ; to grasp once again the sturdy hand that never drew a blade but to use it. What a meeting that will be! Old comrades and messmate; fellow sufferers in a thousand priva tions companions in glorious achievements upon a hundred hard hard fought fielns ! What scenes of sorrow what deeds of despelate daring what long forgotten memories ot flood and field ot march ot bivouac, will be there recounted ! But of that splendid column that rode away with Shelby to the wars with pennants streaming bravely to the breeze, with drum beat and bugle note, w ith plumes nodding gaily and with swords and bright trappings glittering in the glorious sun light, how tew will gather up there at roll call on the new camp ground ! Four years of summer heat and winter cold : four years ot rough iid iri and brave battle, left few to re turn hither, when, at last, "grim vis saged War had smoothed his wrin kled front," and sweet face Peace smiled upon the land once more. Many very many, have passed over the river and are at rest under the shade of the trees. "Vpon Fame's eternal camping- ground. Their silent tents are spread. And t'lorj- guards, with solemn round. The bivouac of the dead." But those who will meet to ex change fraternal greetings and fight their battles o'er, there will be some who aie yet sore of unhealed wounds and some without hands or feet. They staked exerything property as well as life and limb, upo.i their cause and lost. Many of these mrn are in desperately needy circumstances and have others dependent upon their poor exertions for food and raiment. io tnem tne lien cotters ot govern ment are toreeer closed no pension compensates them for sufferings en- 1 lured or iadde:ps their s.sdd ened .eartn with its timeiv cheer. I- or ' 1 iee ears thev t orne the strings of poverty without r.iurmer and without complaint; ail these years they have fought the wolf from their d doors witn all the 1--. T uiaerv ariu none or tr.e sustamin" 1 hnnf vv.-If"-, -Ki-H rK.,. 4.,t .1.. enemy upon "battle held glor7f5ed by their courage and sanctified bv their t Wood. i The men deserves help. .et every One of te;!v s diers who have won the , j: snmes I POCn.ft. BucStlen's Arnica Salve, use Bis Sulve in the world lor "r.ts, Bruges, Cut, Ulcers al; Rheum. Feve res (V;n.e,,. I 1 1 e -, rhilblu-lr.-, Corr.-. I, Champed II.-.rids, an-.! a.i j-xin erur tior.s,ar.d potivt-iv cure d'ks or no pav required. !; ; -aarar,-eed o ae ertect satistaction, r.r r-aonev rer- ' Vri--- tws. -5 cts For j Walktr. Shelby'; Hote.:er V S'oir.ach I ;it:er ic IsT - p D SIU'' s"CC! e .r.v. u.o" e . hen :h e r e -live- --: the ara'.acpitoe t a ve been c ustcd. with 1. at U-.i-,vU-.- ii t: fc-S - ...... ...... , nnen: euro. !n e !: er i niorc ir .a this impui taut '.'I'JSl l :'.-: regular distir.cte-s rcualatn i.".v ijjoratinjj ev cry seeretUe ami : luting orsjji; m v hieh in:i! v a!'.! i:eait!i liepenJ. For .-a'.el'y al; Jn dealer uer.erai' v; iists HAIR BALSAM! Thtfliest, rlnam-st ftivl most erOTiniiiical hair iirt-sinjr. Never Iu;U to restore the ji.utiilul tutor 10 jrray liair. Thi elegant ilre.sinjr is jirei'erred ly thos-e who liave tise.l it, to any similar article, on a- .unt of !t superior olean iiurfe and purity . it contains materials only t'iat are bi-neticia! to the :-oali. and hair. PARKERS TONIC, A'I'ure Family .Iedicuie Tiiitf .ever Intoxicates I: yuu an- uatin.r away imjit u'e, .iUsiiai iuii .ran;. diM-ase or weakness and re-juire a h!im iilant. take Parker's Tonic at once; it will iin i.'nrulv and iuuld you uy, from the lirst. Imt w ill never iutoxH-a: e. It has .saved hundreds of lives, it may tavt jours. IIISCOX CO, I.-: William Street, New York, ATARR H CREAM BALM IIM A IJAt HE vvtu-n applied by thelin ireriiitn the nordrils.w ill . . be ai.M.rbed, eUeetually COLD IN HKAD l. ansin- the head . I catarrhal v irus, eauoiiiK tHiM' im is li. aithv frocretions. It I-UStt. UI.EJ aliavsn.flaniation, pro . teetn the membrane of'.il'. the nasal passages from fresh colds, completely HAY l:"T""l E "T"J heals Ihe sores and re- stores, the seiisesorta-tf A i-oMTsv K ntK ami smell. J."JY' NoT A Ll.d ID OH SNI H A feu "applications re- CREAIV! BALM&,t-i: Agreeable to use. end for circular. Kiy's t n am llalm causes no pain, oives relief at once. A thorough treatment will cure. Not a li.piid. Not a Miull'. Apply into nostril.-. Price . cts. at druirist or by mail, registered, .-ample bottle bv mail 1" cents. KHI.V liliUTUKKs, Priifodst. Oswego, N. Y. A.PR1ZE.,; emi six cents 2YJL 111 Jlittor postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to more inon ve riht avvav than anything else in the "world. Fortunes await the workers :ih Isoutely sure. At once adilresss True & Co., Augusta, Maine, 17-iyr NO SURPRISE Thn Government Eudorses 'the Ameriean Agriculturist From the tenth cencus, vol. S, just pub lised. "Tlie American Agriculturist is especially wojthv ot mention, because ot the remarkable success that has attended the unique and untiring efforts ot its pro prietors to increase and expend its circulation- Its contents'are duplicated everv month tor a german edition, which also circulates widely." Tins tribute is a pleasing incident in the marvelous nearly HALF A CEN i URY C .RciER ot this recognized leadi.i; Agricultural Journal or the v.-nrld. WHAT IT Is TO-DAY Six ir.ont the Attic an A irricuit- urist entered upon a new ve;ir or prosper ity, and to-day it is superior to ,,v,v similar periodical ever produced i this or auy oilier countrv Richer in editor-print-ia e'. - la! strength: r er in cniravinus on tiiier p 1 -H' ;r, and pre.-er.tin erv issue io culnmn or original reading matte r.jfrom the ablest writers, and near- j ly ico iilustiations . Dr. George Tiiur- j ner. tor nearly a quarter of a cenrurv ed- hor-in-chief of the American A"T:cu!tnr- ist, Joseph Harris, Bvron D. HaUted. j Co!. M. C. Wel.i, and Andrewe. Fuller, i'-e ior. time editors, together witn the other writers who havejiuice the Agriculturist what it is to-dav. are still ;.t their posts. WHAT, FREE ? ? ? bverv subs iDer, whose subscription is immediately forwarded us with the price, $1 50 per v ear, and 1; cents ex tra for postage on yclopaepi". making Si in ail will receive the American hi ricmiuirisx t onsu-n or dcrniani t jT or ins;, and be presented with ':- Av American Ariculturi-t Fa:r.i:v ciurae- oia. (just out 1. 700 I'age and over :,oro j Knitravini-s. Stroni!y bound in cloth, j black, and ;'r!d. I This emirc'v r.ewvo'ume is a r:nar- urc.'Ki..": On. Oi reference know!- ,i. e..e, 1 n n.en: bv Dr. Tnur.-er. end three J-cer-l ta-r,p I r !:;aili: j you specimen copy American Asfrici. er:t, an elegant rc-rty-pae prcrniuni H ' wit- ;,kj il'ustratioris. AU.j specimen n.-v t a i vrs . anted everywhere. Addres Publishers . American Ai,iucvhrv: ir ..: ! 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Ghat nun or V"n:KEi'.8 cnanged to a Glossy- Black 1t a tingle application of thi Vtf.. Is imparts a natural color, act Instantaneously. Isold bv llruggiats, oi tent bv e-xpr s on receipt of 1 1. Office, 4 Murray St., New York. V'cb 1 1 So Health is Wealth ! Dn f- C. West's Nektk and Hbain TrtEAT Ment, a guaranteed specitnj for Ilysterin, Jlizzi noss, t'ournlhioin, lits. Nervous Neuralgia, Heail-ieho, Nervous ProM ration canned by thousu of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulntwa, Mental De pression, ejoftening of the Brain resulting in in sanity and leading to misers', decay and death, I'remntura Old Age. ItBrrcnness, 1xps of power in cither pes. Involuntary Losses and Hrermnf orrhoea caused byovor-exertion of t ho brain, eolf abuse tr ever-i:idulgo;ice. Hach box contains one month's treatment, f 1.00a box.or six boxea for 55.00, Bent by mail prppaidon receipt of price, IVE til'ARAXTEE rIX ItOXKS To euro any case. With each order reeei veil byni for eix Imixpb, accompaniod with $."i.u0, wo vrill eend tho purchaser our written guarantee to ra fund the money if the treatment dueauotelltct Bcuru. Guarautuea issued oi: ly by JOHN C. WEST & CO., 062 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sole Prop's West's Liver Tills. l in the Wcri'dL Merchant Tailoring and Clothing liouse in America. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK K ALL, Philadelphia. A f-;V. finecf card satr.rte ,,' li yir-e it,c L-1 Uiticr, ;.o. ou troubles FisT VejKii-; Ks Sr.jiag. Prit Ss. ZngOfr Fe 11 So ' r hruriii- lieii ataMii. .....j t-u!aaiiv, t it l)r. larke's g t ,. r k .... t.i.i.-r.. J Tiiey- o.-icrib- f-very vysaptosi env-n t- ca of .Nervoat He bilily ia eirry mace. tS"It m&ke ti-.zli-ro.sM what rf3 tive taken, er ho ha l.ule'l cer? jr,u.Al"'rid tionct to t:.U, lit It win l.ife'" i;-ori-i.'f yr.j a VVrerW '. VVbi: Thr 1 Lite, tber 1 Hope." tj? C.'ri if w O w i"i tr...-rri7i.y tf ere zCcen i.i 4Try ?-.f,s nr-i''Tikm. I Ccr.i:ttb I4 Ifoctor. Officen j gjt i'ariorH i-riwair. j infamy 1 aa l"t;-r,ortia r.ay wvef-it,r?scr- ! rwa ''rin and .'r.arn. ii j ki Lc. s--:;i evtrj.".vi. re sr- : faaw ear f.-ciri Eipmare. l!',ur.So i 5 e: c-jaiiay.vujl A'Jres-s iu;ra j V. D. X.R&E, M. O.. Z11 Ls'.ji'. i:-. ci- Luis. U3 i - - v'.sw.V.S'--- W fir mmm pit W, E. Walton i Co, j NEW HOME & DOMESTIC i:viNt; m.cii;m;s. i u V 1 v-y 1 AS no EQAL HEW iSfiHGHACHlKEG I 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK ILL. MASS ran sale by GA. UnrivaUcd. in Appearand TJcparaUcled in Snplidtj. TJnrnrpassed in Ccrstmctiaa. TTnprecedentecl in DnraHlity; Vnescelled in Zccaciny cf PueL Bndisputetf In BROAD CLAIM of fcebjfti VERY BEST OPERATIRff, QUICKEST SELLISC, HANDSOMEST ASD Ever offered to tho Public. 21 AIDE ONLY BY THE EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO. Hot. 612. ei. 618 & CIS N. Xla St.. ST. LOUIS. MO. SOIiI) Z3Y A M -1 1 m 1 1 : & ('. TO HAVE HEALTH THE LIVER MUST BE KEPT ID CTOtfc I ir f .r M-rriBpttJUnrT1t n-.u4hf Tv4 ' ri -,t :i i, -r, liittfjv, jr..ttfJt-B .'., , ;--3., M.tuim, te,:.utumt Ji ra. Dr.G.W.FITZPATBICK, 0c 608 Wjn4oHi St. KANSAS CtTV. M0. t r. P'.i Lac rn; !hf rrttumx. vitE a !.r it k siir. i.ftAc or rtie EVK, KAK AM TJIItOAT. Ivfi In K.Q. i.llr nnrr itrmf ?'jO t ' Cm.lM.rwrX. Fie fsjwIL f-T-rviH-jir, ! Cnff wtny p-rfinTiel. ir,nu'! I.Wnsii tier l.u &ir fcjre. cnw la tjfrr tlrr,-. ttf . miid pfye r.f ?ref rnnr. Omfae-.. K't.itfnig In te Kr rvj Bursts'-.. mtl v ..( r.f . , AerirrruttT" f be cul!tr. fitl "ijtu.t rHin. 4 iiir r c ' CA,,',rfi;e .10. - ... " .. :, ;: . - .'.tint Uttinnft. H.iiu.a x. .., ii-n'i. uiint OR. VAF.D & CO - o.j-Wk.