Newspaper Page Text
taCjMCk.' Le - EXiNGTON- & SOL THEKN- BhAXCH.) omir.encin Sunday, May 10th, and . further noti'-c, ir. "m -n-.r as follows: GOING NORTH. ,,.Texas Express 'xK. C. Express Accommodation.- J GOING SOUTH ...4:5 J A .V. .. 7:;5 I M . . i .30 V M ...1:14 : m . . ii : r 5 A M "n ,..4 Texas Express L (, K. C. Express . Accommodation. -. A m Ftfipanp'-r rra'n' make direct con- tor St. 1-O.siS ana an pooio. cum til pOintS fcOUUI, UHMUUO, 1 . . t. . . . 1 .1. jiwnia anil an poin:s aim ihjiui u for rates and other information !jy to I. Lisk, Aiient. it:lr SoClelit. Al ANOXIC Butter Lodge, No. 254, meets the first 1 l-jruay " eacn iiiumu. Miami Chapter Koval vrc.i ..asons, -fy meets second mursuav in eacn ith. lioulev Commandery Knights Templar r . r frf , .1 : , U 1. -ts tne nr&t i ucwv m cdv.u uivm-u. I.O. O. FELLOWS. fjjtes Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon- r.ieht. butler Encampment No. 76 meets the Land th Wednesdays in each month Lawyers. lunTS T. SMITIf' Attornev :it ari' T haw Butler Mo. Will practice in the irts ot Bites anu aajoiiung counties, jce over Bates county National Bank. Of 7-tf. K. Fbaxcisco. S . P. Fka Cisco. RANCISCO BROS. Attorneys at Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in courts of Bates and adjoining Inties. Prompt attention given to coi aid tions. Office over Wright A: Glorias' :dware store. ?o nARKINSON 4: ABERNATIIV, At torneys at Law, Juuer, iio. uiiice sttide of the sciuare 22 HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, it Mo. Will attend to cases in any :rtof record in Missouri, and dogener ollecting business. V.lJUOWN, Notary Public But ler Mo. Will draw aiui acknowledge kdi, contracts, leases and all papers re- jjjlring the acknowledgment or lurat ot iinter. I'llVSU'lHIIH. L, RICE, M. D., Eclectic Phvsi cian and Surgeon. All calls prompt- ittended to. Ollice up stairs over rnV Drug Store. M.CHRINTV, W. II. Ballard, IRS. CHRISTY & BALLARD, IKKTIOEUPATI1KJ B'HYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, sntt. iice, trout room over P. O. All calls ujlswered at ollice day or night. Tele jjJsne communication to all parts ot the a' Special attention given to teniale jases. JC. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north'side square, lier, Mo Diseases ot women and chil- a a specialtv. h F.RKNI'.'K, M. D., Physician, Sur 'eeonand Ohstitrician." Office, east ': VP ill r. l-i.l- r rtliv'c l t.r.l tj .1 . ." . J . . - merMain and Ft.'Scott street. PUTLER CADEMY WILL OPEN water 7, ' i ,For Particulars Address J. M. BAYLOR, Butler, Ratos County, Mo. PE ACME PLVERIZER. fLOD CRUSHER AXD LEVET.ER. lr!e at the 5HIDGEF0KD & HDPF so AND in Painte: 5?: :ng. Paper-Hangng. IVcc ,fen ana I'uggy Work a SPECIALTY Si mmm Caed herbs in d'.-ct r ring t,f- fare: 7, and her giiopis remedies tSL'rji in most cases. Without the use of herbs, medical science would be powerless ; and yet the tender.'1? of the t.rnts is to neglect the best ot aUrtirsedies tor those powerful ir.-jiiemc-s Uiul seriously in jure the system. X"1 yvsL :k V-"t- Vp-.v. VQfa J" srs z: la a combinat icn of veluab'c hei-bs.carK-tully compounded from the lorrra.ia cf & regular Physician, who u:-ed this pve scription largely in his private prsicu'.e with jyreat success. It is .. t r.r::i!:,ti;t a medicine ueed by maiiv r vi- c nr-. is invaluable for 1av;;"-".i, A'lJKCaad i YKlt tf'Ml J.: . 7 XEltror.H XXHAVHTIttS. .' xexs, ixnuiBMTXoy. -..- aiui curing will tof hurt the systea. Mr. C. J. Rhodes, well -ire vrn iron man of Safe Harbor, Pa., writes : "My son was completely pT'ftratfd 1 v ifrr ecd wrue. Quiiiiiie and barkx did tiiui u a. I then eent for Mifhler's Urb liltttrs ij. a . tort time the boy waa quite well." "E. A. fichellentrager, Druj-iV 717 St. Clair Street, Cleveland. C, write3 : " Your Bitters. I rau f-.iy. and do Kav. tp Fcribed by nome of the oi uestaiid morl . . .u ut Iihy-iiciausin our city." MISHLEK HSE'O. EITTEr" CO., 525 Commerce ;., Philsdelp- Parker's Fkassnt Wciia Syrap Kc-ei i Continued from tact ueel.) How Watch Cases are Made. The many great improvements intro duced in the manufacture of the Jas. Boss' Gold Watch. Case, have led to similar im provements in the making of silver cases. Under the old methods, each part of a silver ease was made of several pieces of metal soldered together, requiring a great amount of cutting and soldering, whii h softened the metal and gave it the pliability of lead rather than the elasticity of siiv-er. Under the improved methods, each part of the Keystone Silver Watch Case is made of one solid piece of metal hammered into shape. The advantages are readily appar ent, for every one knows that hammering hardens the metal while soldering so.tens it. To test the superiority of the Keystone Silver Watch Case, take one of 3 oz. weight, press it squarely in the center when closed, and it will not give, while a case of same weight of any other make will give enough to break the crystal. The Keystone Silver Watch Case is made only with silver cap and gold joints. SrnA S tfit lmp to Kryntea Watch Factories, ITjUa- dclphia, l'a, for baniUuaae llluatratva raattphlet honlef kow Jihm Bva aad kcj.tooe Hatch laaca ara asada. ITo be coiUinttfd.) t THE HORNS -. '.f .' .. Grocery House OF ac their well known and popular stand on the K&st tli oi tie square, are leading: the GROCERY TRADE IIS tgr- ISTJTJL.E1?. C?J Their stock is composed of Feed Flour- and the best qualiy of Stable ar?d Ian ey Grace n cs, .?rt&s. Queensware autl :itlers. THEY ARE AT LESS EXEZVSJB Than any house in the citv, and there tore do not fear competition. Thev pav liberal pr'ces tor produce. Thev solicit a continuance ot the patronage ot their many customers, and wii! g'ad'.v attend to their w ishes at anv and ah tunes . j (JooiU delivered in the city Imiits i piomptlv. Chas. Dermev. DO YOU KNOW THAT ! LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG ! TOBACCO I ' wilh reb tin tag: Rose Leif cutchew ! ina: Naw clipping-, and black, brown. and vell vvsnurrs. are the be-" s.rd o cneap- est, quamv consiaereu? QXA n:or:-h and rr-rd f; 3 live ! vUtiot:r.i rrtn or . ;J;e, in each, j Addres P. W". Ziegier A Co.. i Chi.a'jo. i'h Iff, 12 FT TUiJfIS(i TUEM OUT. rii--ouii CcLjressman Who De clares tkit the RuNcais 5Iut Go. C ' C i ! V f I 1 r tr Oi.N 'J Utll W est AiiN,uri ha- ;-:.!! cc;i the iollo-.vinij lt-ttt-r ! v. "ol:. i ! Stii-:t.i)i. o;u- ot Lis Cuiiti mcnt". vv n c it puui.vit v thruu-n Col. V. It. Crockett's staunch democratic paper, the Ne vada Democrat : IIoL'n Rki-ulsentatives, i'.ngto.v, Au. 20, "85. t Dkai; Stuatton: You can look for me home some time next week. The president and mot ot the secre taries are ione and will not return ,,r. , i about all 1 can do hear tor the pres- I . 1 ; ent. I liave yiveri a 'Ood deal ot 1 " attention to povtoifiees. Those are , the oinces in winch the people seem I ' 1 I most mret eted. and naturally so 1 Ti since thev are nearer the masses. I I ; n n ; cais out in the twelfth district. and I have succeeded pretty well. In the fourth-class otlices there are very few ie'r in. on i di-tiiet. I h:-vc se cure1. 'ier a i uii' io! removaS mce 1 can.:1. Tin" .- are three or four cast N vet pending, wilicil I hope to get through tins week, and then I i wii! have seamed a removal in every tourtn -class oiiice wnere a ituiuv.a has been aske d by the people. Kvery othce m our vlistnct of that class worth having wi 1 he in democratic hands. As soon as the people m i terestcd will make their v. known j I will endeavor to secure change in ! tne remaining onices 1 lie mor j dis igieeabit' part of the work has been the necessity of choosing among mv triends. 1 nat ttas ieen a 11:1111 task. Tlie pressure has been territic. I have tried to do I though- best. I may have made mistakes. ana 1 suppose i nave. rscme 01 mv friends, of cor. se. have been dis pleased, f regret that, but it. unavoidable. My enemies, an some pretended triends, have sought to take advantage of my embarrass ments to make me trouble. Many wanton lies have been told lies that will do the authors no good alter a while. Whether they will do me any harm remains to be seen. I think the presidential offices will come around all right pretty soon. Several have already been filled by democrats in the Twelfth vlistrict. There yet remains Clinton, Apple ton, Pleasant Hill, Nevada, Lamar, Carthage and Joplin. Ot these the commissions of the postmasters at Clinton, Lamar and Joplin expire within a very lew months anyhow, even if not removed. I think re- 1, .1.,. iV.,c ...:n i tic .lis lie iue einci eiiiees v.iii lfw made before a great while. You undeistxnd that it is a great deal more difficult to get a presi dential office changed than one of a lower grade. The senate stands in the way. The president moves ver slowly and cautiously about these more important offices, nominations to which must be re ported to the senate for confirmation or rejection ; it may be said, indeed, that he is slow and cautious about making appointments, but far more care is given to the removal and ap pointment in the important offices. I am moving on their works, and if j the whole crowd is not out soon I in tend it shall be no fault ot mine. I j don.t want a man left. I am for a .1. ... - -i 1 1 ... .. :..'.. Ciea.11 sweep. e.icci.uiu is .t mwc slow at least it seems to me m making removals ; but it is better to be slow and sure than be too fast and make mistakes. Ot one thing I beh eve there can be no doubt ho will give the country an honest, wise- ana conservative administration. i people can afford to let him go a i:t- tie slow when they know he ;s trying , , . to oo what is right. Do not forwaid anv m.ore ic'tters. Very respectfully, W. J. Stone An Answer wa tei! Can anv one nng or liver c-mplai:-.t tr will not rfedilv care ;s a case ot kidr.ev , it Electric Sitters j We sav thev can ro a t!iouariMS of cases readv :ver- uianer t : cur,: ar.a v.-no are re cor inier:;i- rg Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright', disease, diabetes, weak buck, or urinarv cc:-". t quickly cured. They- purity the blood, reg-alafe the howeK ar.d act directly on the diseased parts. E-ery bole s;-s;:raRteed. for roc. a t;a:t.;. r ! e . - -1 - . . i . .s. . . r. f . s 7-- A Jamaci;t Trick. There va a Lir-,.- crw.d of cx cui siotv-s in the ik-oj :tt Savannah. and this I. for the pc.-p'e evening train. T:; 0 1! t w a s vouri: o:; tne , a pa!e- ; t:sce wei.i; ea ot;nj- man. . a 1 1 0 pounds, w ho . 1:1 a imarttr to -'et ! ., 1 same haae checked. The man ; didn't appreciate t':e -ituatl.'-s, and S took h; is ue for it. Indeed, the i a vt-un 1 """i.'i i.m lip cu- ; !.e ;.. i.-N'pin with I ewvr that so:iiC of !.:-baLTUU1- Was s :)oke ms rmn co.or. and that the uncared for. lie pu-ttv treely and wa prop.iptl Tust what led t n return. lie climax I didn't s.e not hear, out ad ot a sudden the 1 1 1 tuiriv colored man urew arai'Ortiom , 1 . . . 1 ,- . ln pocket and staited tor the hht- .. ..... .1 , , . ,, weight witn th.e remark that he'd , , , . , ... make oioody carpet ras ot him , , . , , " ,". It would have been a jjood time .- . , . . , . ,. . "r tne utn; man to pull a revol- vei , out ne m.nle no motion. In , Mich a crowd no one knew exactly j what was happening, and so the rush i ot the ne-ro was not staid. He took 1 two skips and a jump, the razor in ; his rih:, ..nd as he landed in ; front 01 the otin;j man the keen- edgeo weapon made a sweep for the white throat. Next instant it was t'ying among the rafters of the building, and tlie wouhl-be murder er was caressing his elbow and how ling vv iiii pain. As he whirled around he was uiyen a couple of 'hirers" which sht him out of the eiic;c, anil tlie young man went to see about h:s baggage. What did you do?" I asked him a'u-r v e were off. ''Kicked the til ow of his razor a; Hi," he answered. "Is it a trick 1 ' .. w..n ....1 .. . ,. 1 I ..en, it n-'eiv tne a ve.11 iu ie.1111 it." -W here?" 'in Jamacia. It wiii he six months Oef ore he can laise that hand to his Ton ought to learn it. It saves can ', uu a revolver, is hmdier than a knife, anil you don't hang your knuckles up knocking folks down." Detroit Free Press. An Enterprising, Reliale House. Jonv G. Walker can always he relied upon not only to carry in stock the best ot everything, hut to secure the Agencv tor sueh articles as have well known merit and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputation of being enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New discover for consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee . It will surely cure anv and every affection of throat, lungs, and chests, and to show our confidence. we invite vou to call and get a trial hot tie, Ahead of the Yankee. "This talk you know all this talk about Yankee enterprise is most lv all bosh, you know, he was saying yesterday to a mati he had picked up at the ferry. 'As how!" "Well, I picks up a woman in Canada you know and I marries her for a spec. I gets her life in sured you know and we comes to Detroit. She was taken ill you know and I goes to a druggist with a proposition. Uless me if he didn fairly turn white." "As fur what?" "Wfcv. 1 to get a bit i a pre scrip'i-j- ou l-.uow :-.;d lie was t( make :'. and put up i'oison 1 he w, !; Mi w-:i. (: out me con: "Xse-e 1' '-. o divv !. 1 l!)s.-v;ii! 'i ft i .; - - t -..-? Pde ! I wa ' insurance." ! "Ami he won t : tlt C't the s'o: e i vou snow- on a co "1 i Fr ee I'irss. -re fused a dead sure thing live thousand." D etn i t e j 1 ne ce 'eiopment or sport m A-r.r-.ea i eercise what is needed to build up our s frames atd make us ;:il-ion -t -ro;:g ' men. An important a .id valuable aduri.-t ( in thU w..k isj, Mi.hier's ilerb Bitters, which py:.-e-es o::;p.e touio ,p;-ij;-rtiOs, and is invaluable in a!! nervous disorders, dvspep-d. iier. ki.inev, iung and heart trou'.ncf. I: s-tfcngir.en.s "n . g:.r.t'c a ::tt!ii rg else will. L.-rs-....'ioj Ci.Ustf-.s 1j;,e- iji ti . e 1 -.1 .: -a- j , - i Cie' a:.e i :i5T'es e '.n ur- FOOTED Absolutely Pure. This I'ow.ler never varies. A nisrvel of )iurity. strength and u inilnoiueiieas. More coonoinical than the ordinary kind, ami cannot be sold tu competition with the multitude of low test, filiort weiirlit al'uii or !iot.ihate ivders. Sold in!v in ru'i. ir a 1. H lh!N. 1V hkk l'. . li Wall St.. N. V. :.i-JM THE OLD RELIABLE fmm OF S. J. GROVES NORTH MAIN ST. t 1 . . ivei ps more meats :t:iu more kiihis uul the best that can he procured both fresh and cured. Abo tresh Fish and Oysters in their season. When von want anything in mv line give me a call. S. J. GROVES w w w. w 1. ITT l.i:. .I V !S. FRANK Tl'KI'IN . W. 1. l-'Al'.Kis. Little, Jarvis & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale of CATTLE, HOfJS AND SHEEP. Kooni H, National Stoc k Vard, Kant St. I.ouIb, ills. laheral advances made on consignment. W. W. Atlierton, AGENT, BUTLER, MO HITCH UP. Sut before 'u do that come round to J.T. SiitlKvt comer square, next door to jraR store and liuv yourself anew feet of banf-inade BUGGY AND WAGON HARNESS, Also a freneral line of Horse Trimming Goods 01. e :e 'f.-t .-l-M- nT v'oils f.i r 'r.niK-ht to town, v.-.- nse nottiinjr hut tin- heot leather and have jfot eer -thinjjinthe Iliiiuess :iif! ;ilIIery Line pon't fail to '.riie end vce ns when in the city. We manafai-tore all our st' kand jf-jarant-e entire -m-istaetion. iieneral arfcorr-nn-nt of Harness, Saddles, Whips 'ollar. Urr.?ie. 1 urrv C.mV. l!ln k'ets. !.a: l:ist-r.-i. Kiy N't-, N--k J1..1 ters, liarne.-s oils, . 1 lie BEST HORSE COLLAR la ria-t'-wiie ""0".artshea!in jow-di-r always on liand. J. T. GRAVES & SON. Xotica to Contractors. Pursuant to an order made hv the coun :v court ot Bates county Mo., at the July iV;; tenn thereof, I wi.l on M-mdav. August yd. rS-Ss At it the east i in b a tier, tracts ; t or.t door M., let e lowest ie court hou tohowir. t One bridge complete over D je-p water cree o i tne i.u-.ei unu :,e Beattv farm : uperstru .-r-.-ar.d 1 suhst-ucture to oe or aurr oak. Oae bridge complete over ti.e iiortn roa ' Don: 1c Bianc.-ie. bc-t'.veen i!:;t--r an.: Lo.-.e Oak, and another bri .ete over ' er pr .rwr.r t --r.-. Oak: hot ' tourt. I'h.n a:; 1 -eenj.-t rav otuce. n 0-: e- Ci r; 'r: Mo. fcf Ti km 8km mu mm GRAVES & SON -K)IL'sox Commercial College' I 421 N.3d St., St. Louis, Mm Open ZLll tho Vcarl Ah t h.e III- i-i. i :e.s t an I". Math.emathica! Course tatn'hr. .nd mn:et , ti Special Teacher!. Co aw f..t those u!:o desire to Learn and Teacti nuiness and Ornamental IVr.uuii ship, etc. Keters to thousands ot fo: nur ii. dents who have completed under ou instructions. fcay A Fun Corps ot Kvpet ;cuv-! I'rolc's.sors. Write for Circulars, Specimens o Penmanship ami Catalogue of Stu dents and References. Addres: Prcf. J.W. Johnson, Sr. Lous, Mo. PKKSinF.NT. FINE SUITS. In every style price and cpiauty Made to Order I guaranteed a lit In every as Call and see me, houth room grange store. J E TALBOTT, 47 !' Tat'"? 15ATES COl'NTY National Bank. OF HUTLEK, MO. Oldest Bank in the County. Capital paid in, - - S 75.000. Surplus S 27.000 Large Vault, B nrglar-Proof Safe with Time Lock We are prepared to do a general bank ing business. tooU paper aiway in demand. Buy andkell cxcharigc, receive deposits tic, kc. DIRECTORS. Lewi Chenev, I. C. Clark, Dr. Elliot I'vle lion. 1 B. Newberry K. I. Henry, I. N. Main, Dr. J. Evenngham, J. I. Edward, J.J.Ryan, W.I. Bard, Ur. It. It. w ooa, j. i aUTf (eo. W. Micrs, K. Colen. an Smith r. J. Xgard. OFFICERS. LKWIs CHENEY I.C. CLARK - -F. I. TYGARD - Preldeof Vice President. Cadhier. BUTLER -IN- 0)cra House Block. i iiyvi.vzii, mo. CJn j i t ii 1, - .H)ilS i .-.rLLIiNS... V. V.'. CHJL'iS vV.M.l.. WAL'iON 1'. ' . I' aK . ... . It'll,. J.l . i. ;'''":('-'. Ca' bier. A"'! ' vl.itT, DON ;;Nf. ..rk a:.,l ' DIRECTORS . Dr. T. . Boulware, Booker I'o e'd, R. I). William. Green W. W.lWr, luo'e I. H. SlI'w, Dr. N, L, Whipple, j. K. Simp-on, T. W, Child, Frank 'oijs, Wm, E, V.'alton, C, H, D ' J. Rue r"',.i'l. Recei-.c deposit-, loan rr.or.r-, transact a rer.eral bar.kir b;:t;r.e. . We ext-ntj to our every o comrr.ociation consistent In ate harikitqj. i SEWARD A. HASELTIflE. PATENT SOLICITOR & ATTY AT UW, SP IUSOP ZX2XiZ3, MO. liu- liijil." arl ad wi4. CHnBTHAMD? HELECRAPaHia INSTITUTE! rTbllUIII lvbi4ib'rrnrt:rei f-aF&su.7o---'n: 'L SrS-l in r: lir, J . T Vi rlir or.i. ARTHUR f . BaRNf?,' NATIONAL BANK rr a a is