OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, September 30, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1885-09-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Table I'aeifie It. Ml.
HLjivgto.v & Soltherv Branch.;
smencing Sunuay, -nay 10111, ana
further notice, trains will leave
Lr a.5 follows:
.,-Texas Express
J5 K.C. Express
.-..Accommodation. . .
4:52 A M
J m
1 :o P M
Texas Express
K. C. Express
.9:14 M
Si: 15 A m
9:55 A M
jjssenger trains make direct con
dor St. Louis and all points east
iind all points south, Colorado,
'.fniaand all points west and north
fot rates ami other information
;0 I. LlSK, Aent.
Secret SMfij.
;;tr Lodge, So. 254, meets the first
jnn each month.
;3J Chapter Royal Arch Masons,
,, meets second Thursday in each
jtr Commandery Knights Templar
1 (the first Tuesday in each month.
1.0. O. FELLOWS,
w Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon-",t-
tr Encampment No. 76 meets the
. tilth Wednesdays in each month
I0VAS J. SMITH, Attorney at
iirButler.Mo. W ill practice in the
.oiB'tesand adjoining counties.
o?er Bates county National Bank.
Filascisco. S. P. Fkavcisco.
VSCISCO BROS. Attorneys at
MjUw, Butler, Mo., will practice in
courts 01 cates and adioinins
K4, Prompt attention given to col
as. Office over Wright Az Giorius'
)rire store. ?Q
14JKI.VS0N ii AliERN'ATMY, At-
neys at Law. Butler, Mo. Ottice
iie of the square. 22
HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler,
So. Will attend to cases in any
f record in Missouri, and do gener
ating business.
V.BROWN, Notary Public But
te Mo. Will draw and acknowledge
contracts, leases and all papers re-
1 the acknowledgment or jurat ot
URiL'E, M. D., Eclectic Phvsi-
un and burgeon. All calls prompt-
aded to. Office up stairs over
Drug store.
.MRisrir, W. II. Ballaku,
ftront room over P. O. All calls
icAidatollice day or .night. Tele
tilsommunication to all narts rt the
Special attention triven l temale
uBOULWARE, Physician and
pM s 5 111 siuc square,
lMo. Diseases of women and chil-
liimAn I, 1
Mo. l)i
RENICK. M. TV. PhvKiriin Sr.
' an and Obstitrician. Office, east
mut, over Lew's store. Residence
iumand Ft. Scott streets.
r Particulars Address
Sutler, Bates Countv. Mo.
4 t the !
Piewtai Hoi: .v,
1 ocsSSSSS
Father, Hotter, and Three Sisters Bead.
Mr. David Claypool, formerly Sergeant-.;:-ArmoftheNew
Jersey Senate, and now
.'otury Public at Cedarville, Cumberland
Jo., N. J-, makes Ihe following etartling
-tatement: "My father, iaother,and tbrtt
-L U-rs all died v-ith consumption, and my
i a rigs were 60 weak I raised blood. 2s o body
bought I could live. My work (fchir
smithing) was very straining on me with n,y
eak constitution, and I was rapidly gjin;x
to the grave. "While in this condition J
commenced using Mishler's Herb Bitters,
and it saved my life. Because it wad so
difficult to get it in this little place, and 1
had improved so much, I stopped taking it
for a time, and the result is that I have
commenced going rapidly down lull again
.Somehow, Mi&hler's Herb Eittera give
itppetite and strengthens and builds me uj
as nothing else does, and I must have ;
dozen Lotties at once. Use this comrnvi
nication as you please, and if any one want
to be convinced of its truth, let them writ
me and I will make affidavit to if, for j
owe my Life to Mishler's Herb Bitters."
The secret of the almost invariable rel i
and cure of consumption, dysentery, dirt: .
rhoea, dyspepsia, indigestion, kidney r.m
liver complaints, when Mishler's Htri
Bitters is used, is that it contains einiidt
harmless, and yet powerful ingredient?
that act on the blood, kidneys, and liver
and through them strengthens and in vigor
ates the whole system. Purely vegetabh
in its composition ; prepared byaregula
physician ; a standard medicinal prepara
tion; endorsed by physicians and drug
gists. These are four strong points in favo
of Mishler's Herb Eitters. Mishler's Her
Bitters is 6old by all druggists. Price $1.0
per large bottle. 6 bottles for $5.00.
Ak yoor druggist for MisBXBB Hfrb Bmxr
If he doea not keep it, do oat take anything else, 1
vml a Hieta rard to MM3UB HESS BlTTEIiS t
vJ6 Commerce 8tnst, Phi!:u1elihia.
How Watch Cases are Made.
Most persons hate Uii ambition t carry
a g'.lil watcJt .-a.se, and yet iVv j-eople know
how a watch case 13 made, r ti.e v:ist dif
ference in thefiua'.ity of then. In a So:.!
Goli Watch Ca.sk, a.-;iie fr-m the neces
sary thickness for engraving and puiithin,
a large proportion of the mcl;.! is needed
only to slh'.Vn and hold the c.v raved ur
tiona in lace, a:vl uprIy th. The
surplus is in;t (-lily ncc iu.i Lri lcira-
lle, becaiisj g 11 . u 1 .. :;:1 :! csnncst
furnish t!c; !-i:i::.
necessary t-
strong uni . si.-l
case iiiiist c-:.:.ii
th::t wi;! si.p'-y
dctici";it. i
the Jci 11
which savt-ytTw? "v
Us g.! '., a iit J : :.
STKEI.C I r ti:.:
reduces t',: ..
Bead S ttmt .tav.,- 1 1
delphla. Pa,' r r. : ..
Man Bom? u2 i t.
.s:rc;i . lli elasticity
ce the wis; pwrsisiisently
u;.. ;. j.ty'ed watch
ic g.i-i i;'.! me liictai
iiLit ii; v. Jii :he gold is
' -.i . ( . iplkhet! by
.'. -"' of int '-
: :- . th.- - !.iiiTY and
:-. Mi ! ... iliv same time
.T..Uh . u Tactorin, laUa-
(Grocery House
a.t their well knowu anJ popular
stand on the s.V - Wi:
square, arc Icrtding- !h
Their ro-k i. t,mpo-it of
Feed Flour anl the l?st
qunlhj vf Stajde ttt!
b(tnry Groceries,
(las. Qneenwar a ;n! I'i'tlet 3 .
j Than any noue in t::e itv, and there
! tore do not fear competition. Thev pav
i liberal prices for produce. Thev solicit
a continuance t Uie patronuge ot their
a j many customers, and will 'aj'v attend
to their w:she afanv and aU tsraes .
(JokiIs ilelivert-.l in ihe city lin.it
Chas. Oennev.
5 5 ACCO
sslh rt-!
et. cual
g , and b'ack, brc-v
t-Mt ard che.ip-
tv co:;:1cred;
QKA r.'' and b:rJ
Ov,--'Vi'''!"i !v.c?s or I.Jie
or 3 m-t
countv. Addrc- 1. S. Zieier i
Ziiled While Eesi-tiDg Arrest.
Moberiv, Mo., Sept. iS. Officer
Butier, at 4 o'clock yesterday after
ternoon, noticed a suspicious looking:
negro lurking behind Ileartv Bros,
store and he attempted to take him
into custody. The neijro showed
tllit, and managed to take the
officer's club away from biv.i ar.d
dealt him a blow over the left eye.
The officer fell and they both clinch
ed. The negro got Butler's hand in
his mouth and nearly chewed it to
peices. Finally getting separated
from the negro, Butler called upon
him to surrender, and fired a shot in
the air to intimidate him. Not heed
ing this, Butler fired at him the bul
let passing thiough the abdomen and
wounding him fatally. The negro,
it seem, had come mVom Kansas
City about 2 a. in. on r fi eight train
and. according to his story, not hav
ing any money, was looking for a
nice, quiet place to sit down. His
name i- Henry Holmes, and the ad
dress on a letter he had showed him
to have resided at so. 576 Grand
avenue, Kansas City, Mo. He was
on Viis w.-h to Washington, D. C.
where Iks mother resides. He suf
fered if'fcnse n.i-crv during the U;iy,
and di-d
6:1 yesterday evening.
Dick But'er, who did the
siiooung. :i:is t een on inc .;oteiiv
-! - . : . t .1
paiko force f..r a long time, and is
kr.own as a 'nan who submits to
more abuse from obsteperous persons
than any officer on the force. Xo
blame attaches to him in the affair,
as it w;'s purely a case of self-defense.
Butler was badly used up,
but his injuries are not fata!.
Ri:.-h Hill, Mo., July Ji-t, ii53- After
stinVring ith the tocthdche and neural
gia for three successive days I was advis
ed to try Merrell's I'enetrating Oil and
after uMnir one application I got immed
iate relief. I would not be without is.
Respectfully, Mrs. Deiie Bick.
Cuied by Faith Alone.
L.ouisviile, Ky., Sept. iS. For
the past year or more Miss Sallie
McDonald of Boyle county, Ky. ,
has been afflicted w ith spinal com
plaint and has been bedriden during
the whole time. Last Sunday she
was visited by the Rev. Mr. Burch
lield ot Cincinnati, who prayed with
her and received from her assurance
that she had la ith that God could
and would restore her to health.
Mr. Burchfield placed his hands upon
hei head and she arose perfectly re
stored. Up to this time she has suf
fered no relapse and says she has
no apprehension that she will.
Miss McDonald is a daughter of
Jesse McDonald, a respected citizen
of this county, and is herself a per
fectly reliable lady.
Benj. F. Butler has an article in
the Noith American Review on
"Vice-Presidential Politics in 1S64."
Chase and Lincoln were working for
the presidential nomination and But
ler tells how triends of each candi
date endeavored to lure him from
the glories ot a department command
to take second place on the ticket.
He declined both offers, assigning
aiiong other reasons, that he was
only 45 years old ; that to be elected
would condemn him to listen to stu
pid debates in which he could take
no part: and that at the end of the
four years, because of the exalted po
sition he had held, he would not be
pt 1 nutted to go 0:1 with his profes
sion. He also threw in a parenthesis
n the effect that nowadays no vice
president is ever elected president.
To the dismay of all, no doubt, he
announced his ultimatum: I will
net be a candidate for any elective
olfice untd this war is oyer." Had
it not been for this magazine article
the world might never have known
what inducements were offered by
the anxious Washington autoritiesto
teuipt Gen. Butler out of the army.
Globe Democrat.
The editor ot a Georgia paPc'r
thanks God that the maidens of the
South have more modesty than to
u j-piav their underclothes 111 some
s ore wiadoA- just previous to mar
ria'?e. ' Suckle ti's Armci Salve.
i The Bot Salvo ir. the world lor .t
i Bruise, Cuts fleers Salt Rheum. Feve
j Sores. 'ancers Pile-. Chiibliins, Corns
j Teter, Chapped Hands, and ail skin erup
! rions.and po-meiy cures ples, or r.c puy
! required. It : jr.israrstee J to g:v c psrtect
; ti:ac:: "t?, or money retrsndird. Pri-e
1 ;" er box- 25 cs Fjr -a.o bv lohn .
1 Wa.kt r
r. .
; A fevv.days ago, Abner Aldnch, j
j a man ot about 45 years of age, with
j his u iie and two children, one of
j them a young man ot about 20, live
I on a t:,r: 1 about eight miles northeast j
! 1 r..: t ,
01 iuin.1. .Mjcn., and one miles j
east ot Collins Station, 011 the De- j
troit, Lansing & Northern railroad. 1
The family have beer, for years, the
tenor of the neighborhood u here
thev result. Aldrich has been' ar
rested for assault and threats agai:it
lite, time without number, and never
without cau-e. Some time since, a
judgement was obtained against him
in a justice's court m Portland, but
no officer there would attempt the
collection, so it was brought to Ionia
mid given to Constable Perry Chap
man, with a warning to take help
with him and look out tor himself.
He took with him George Bradly
mid W. A. Ainsley of Ionia and
went out there.
They tound Aldrich and his 20-year-old
son loading wheat into some
bags. Chapman stepped up to the
wagon where Aldrich was and said
he was a 11 officer and had an execution
Aldnch caught up an ax lying in the
wagon and raised it to stiike, when
Chapman covered hnn with his re
volver and at its muzzle compelled
him to leave the wagon, and still
covering him, told the men to seize
him, but before thev could do so the
you,'!: man hat! got a rifle and open
ed hre on Chapman and the woman
was coming with an ax. Young
Aldrich fired at Chapman but missed
him, and he turned and shot at young
Aldrich, who recovering a repeating
Spencer carbine, opened fire from
the house. Bradly fell at the third
shot, but was helped away by Mr.
Chapman was uninjured, but find
ing himself alone, he retreated.
Ainsley was but slightly injured, but
Bradly is in a precarious condition.
His right arm was amputated late in
the afternoon, and he is doing as
well as could be expected. A war
rant was issued lor the Aldrichs, the
two men and the woman, and the
heiiff and four officers went out to
serve it. After holding the officers
off with rifles they finally yielded and
at midnight were lodged in jail.
They still kept their guns and more
trouble was expected. The house
where the Aldrichs live is boarded
up and the walls pierced for rifle
shootinS on the plan ol a frontier
fort and is nearly as strong. The
family are armed with repeating rifles
and they have for years kept off of
ficers on this plan.
Prairie Fires.
The vast plains of Dakota are now
being swept by the usual autumn
fires. These fires are often kindled
by careless movers, but sometini-s
by rascals, who thus seek to destroy
or driye away parties who have be
come obnoxious to them. The de
struction is very greit every season.
but unusually so this fall. Between
Bismark and Fargo alone it is said
the loss is already several hundred
thousands of dollars. Hundreds of
farmers have been swept clean of
buddings, s'.ock and crops, an.l the
owners are left with nothicg but the
bare ground. It is believed that
many families have perished in the
flames. Take whatever precautions
thev may, it is extremely difficult to
cruard against Mich disasters. Plow
ing aroun I a farm does little g-.od
The winds beat" the burning tumble
weeds to immense distances, and no
power can stoo them. As a result
of these Dakota iires there is likely
to be an unusual amount of suffering
among the people of that region
during the winter now near at h nd.
Thev will need axastance, and it
should be given them generously by
those who are blessed with abund
ance. Sr. Jo; Gazette.
Re-! got the Indians into his re
tl'ioi; r v promising that whiskv
-.on id s:.n e!l for a dollar a barrel.
G'"o,i Results in Every Case.
1. A BradrorJ, .per dealer .t Chat
tanooga. Term., writes, that he was cr-
j i -t.;y at'tiicted with a s-evere cold that et
i t'ed on hi.- h:n:-: ar.d tried mav reT.e cts
1 with-nit hertnt. ''e:n inOuceit tv try
1 Dr. Kin-4 New Di-cuvery tor C".n-;;r.'.p-1
tion. did ar.d wa tntlre:r cured bv u-e
o' a tew bottle-. Since which tt'rr.e I.e
ha- L-e it in hi- tatniiv tor ail Cowh
and Cold- with Lst re-u't-. Thi i- the
; t;-:c-r:cr.ce o! t - .rid- v-.-h.- liv-- h wv
i ": cn -.ivsrJ bv 'hi- Worid-Ttui Ei-cove; t.
:hn G. V.".iiker'
! vap.area at Great Sacrifice !
' isru; store.
Absolutely Pure.
This pow-iJer never varies. A marvel of juirity,
strength and w holsoineness. More economical
than the or-linary kinds, anl cammt b? sold In
competitioii witii the multitude of low test,
short weijrht alum or jihosphate powders. Sola
onlvincans. Koyai. Baking l'o dkr Co. , lot;
Wall St.. N. Y. s.i-4st
Keeps more meats and more kinds
and the best that can te procured
both fresh and cured. Also Iresh
Fish and Oysters in their season.
When vou want anything in mv line
give me a call.
Little, Jarvis & Co,,
For the purchase and sale of
ljoom i:t, National Stork YarlH,
Kabt St. I.ouiu, Ills.
Liberal advances made on consignment.
AY'. W. Athcrton,
But before yon do that come round to
Southeast corner square, next door to
Grange store and buy yourself a new
set of hand-made
Also a general line of
Horse Trimming Goods.
Oiseof tln bert sfwk of iri'ols evt-r
brnifilit x town. e ue nothing but
tbe best leather anil have j:ot every
thing in the
II:iiucss si ml saddlery Line,
lon"t fail to come and se us when in
theeitv. We manufacture all nr
fctock" anl (faarantee entire sat-i-l'action.
tiencral assort
ment of
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
Collar. 15ru-shes. Curry Conib-. 155 an -ket-.
I.ao Iu-ters. Hv Net-. Neck 11a!
teri. Harness :!. Ac. 'ihe
In tin tuwne te warts Ii alinir ;w-!t-r
always on ban-i.
Notice to Contractors.
Pursuant to an order made bv the coun- j
tv court ot Bate county Mo., at the July j
15S5 term thereof, I will on
Monday, Aur.-t ,;rd. iSo'.
At : o'clock n. in. at the east front door .
ot the court hou-e. in Uutler, Mo., let
the tollowirg co:.tr:ct to the !ci-ve-t ;
One bridge complete over Deepvater
creek on the Butier and Momrose road,
near the Beattv farm : per-tru':ture and
substructure to be or burr oak.
One bridge coir.plete out tl'.e nor;:! ,
rrong or 1 u';le Ksancr.c-. between I!u'-
Lo; 0.:k. and another i.ric-jv
l.,,n,'... . ,vt i'.e o'' er pror. &; Doub. -l;-anchcs'ov-h
L"ne ::k: hot -ur - .
ertruc-.re and ,u'-ructu- to
urr o.it-
-e-t to the -I-" -'-'. tr.e
Hid -nerinc .tios cat b.
r ... ;! ?.. WOLFE.
.: 1 -e Com. iates Co., Mo.
Commercial College'
421 N.3d St., StLonis, Mo.
Open. All th. TTear!
All the Branches of an Engb-h
Mathematical and Commerce
Course taught.
ftaf Special Teacher's Course for
those who desire to Learn and Teacu
Business and Ornamental Penman
ship, etc.
Refers to thousands ot former st..
dents who have completed under our
A Full Corps of Experienced
Write for Circulars, Specimens of
Penmanship and Catalogue of Stu
dents and References. Address;
Prof. J. W. Johnson,
St. Lot is. Mo. PRESIDENT.
In every style price and quality
Made to Order
I guaranteed a fit in every cas
. Call and see me, south room
grange store.
47 1 y. Merchant Tailor
National Bank.
Oldest Bank in the County.
Capital paid in, - $75,000.
Surplus - - 527.000
Large Vault, B urglar-Proof
Safe witb Time Loc
We are prepared to do a general bank
ing business. Good paper always ir.
demand. Buy and sell exchange,
receive deposits &C, &c.
Lewis Chenev, I. C. Clark,
Dr. Elliot Pyie lion. T. B. Newberry
E. P. Henry, I. N. 5lains,
Dr. J. Evenngham, J. P. Edwards,
J.J. Rvan, W.J. Bard,
Dr. D.'D. Wood, J. M. Pattv,
Geo. W. Miers, F. Coleman Smi'.'a.
F. J. Tygard.
- - -F.
- Prebidenf
Vice President.
- Cakhter.
Operii House Jiiock,
T. W. C H I L" V ice I're-
Wm. fi. WALTON Cas; ier.
r. t dckk, -'t
DON KINNEY tilerk and ' '' 'cr.
Dr. T. . Houhvr.re, Hooker t'ovti:,
R I). Williams. Green W. Walton,
ludtre T. H. Sullens
lir. N, L, V.'hipp!.
J. R. isin.p-on,
Frank Voiis,
C, II, Dutch.
T, W, ChildH,
Wm, E, Waltor..
J. Kv-c J-.rskir..
Receive- depo-it-, loan- j-.onev, i.-i
transacts a general banking Ju-ines .
We extend to our customer- every
cor.'.rnodation consistent in sate binkin.
, mo.
Ar?ci.'e4 Wsabir.poa.I.C.) r-m
yn-s-i 1- -"
' il i 5 I 8 5 Sao-.bc4 Jbnronsfelj L
I Mi
In ;
,j t:
1': i;

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