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-48 ; i -I S I J 'TTmr tti wrCCVX V T-T'TTC I TT;T US EECUEE THE EMPOSIA- Mil ! f . r. f VV ILiil.Ii.i-i I iiivii. i I I to J. D. ALLEN Eimou. J. D. Ai.i-kn & Co., t lor.rietors TERMS Or SUI b KIi'THJN: people to arouse irom their lethargy an J make a strong puis ior the Em poria road now under way ci con s'.rucnon through our coui:t. We arc aware that our people i;ave I ecu ! 5,0 Song a Ti ;', kkki 'AV-lr.esday, one vrar. -All, -tu;r 1 i v ;;-.r-- . ! pahi, ' BUTLER MISSOURI. V.'EDNKSDAV, SEIT- : -, iS.-. HAILKOAD MKKT1N0. 'AY fht- nndi-rsined proi t r!y hold ers of I5u:!t-r hereby call a meeting tol.e he'd at the Court II.u.t, Tiiu: - i era 4 time aifi urc con- !o'.:i to taie action in , ! could he reader, are decea e sc.;uent!v w: v this matter ur.tli s-jroe accun.;Iisheu. As ou aware, the Tivr.s ha- ne er agitate, tins matter. ir ni the simple facttna ;e very Ueatn with tar eura.ies of our cau-e. There is a grander and nobler work ior us all than the tr.crc scra:i::.!e for federal patronage. The deti:-..cratic partv i- Hashed with a rarsd. ictorv lease ot which p cr i pro:r.ieJ u we strict. v a o nere to t:toe party principles wa:c:i v..i -'.v- i to win. The trouble nas i.isas been with the democratic p..rt that i-jst on the t-ve of a victory intern d strife i- allowed to creep in a ad dib its editor wanted to be c-::skiiv meaiit ousincs- are convinced that rise road tr.caiber the body politic. X .v It".' people are fu'.iv a touted, to t-.i cv; assured that ; hu wot- unto inai man rn-r tv..j " policy ot yore. day evening, Oct. 1st, at 7 o'clock, j going to i e built. The contracts, as We have been to Washington C'.tv to take action ! secure the Empoiia Kai'l'Ood to liutlcl ailll i-'JM. D. V. IJr-jwn, K. A. At Tho.s J. Smith, J M. Tucker, Win. Page, J. C. Clark, Pi auk Smith ,1011. W Hi. E. Walton, I. N. Davidson, W. . Lansdovvn, P. J Tvg ard, A. L. SlciJiide, tar as the Missouri Pacific, have been I let am! work is being rapidly pushed so completion. The road uill be continued on east and it now remains with Iiutler to say whether she will secure it or not. As yet the company has made no proposition and, if we do not evince a yvillingness to do Sam Levy. a 1 etut t;f trip. c en sro W e do u L.!d we fad i r it regret our to Jv:t our commission as 1. We t.n:n some very interesting documents n file there affecting our mora! charac- our Struck "He." With immense head and a grand liurran the Adrian Adveitistr announces tms j:1 pay ing Quantities has occii c.:scuvc:eo at :t d.pth ot one hundred and thirty feet t ii ta Mil oi Eh I I-mdt rs..,n. ten miles west ot Aiinan. The Ad- ert's-.-r i a this t . s.(y : "IL.i IK :-. hymg ten iiii'es west i-t A.hhin. t. -age.i a man to sink a wtii 0:1 ins ;, s ,.:c:i, lv the way. is situated. in a 2i..l. Alter Knag abi. .-ut 170 Jeet he ::uck a vein of gas. which is a good huhc t ;ii,u ot oil, but beiwie striking the gas !:e passed through a t.'-ick vein ot fine coai, after pasii:g through vein of shale he next striiCK t..e oil ror.s. which so discoutageil Mr. H. that he ti led to persuade them to i-uit, as the oil woiild spui ti e water even it it A as found, but they had i'gteed to e c."l' v in mmnniy ter, made by parties who we-e :mo protesseitiy c r.inl water and : down until they lad on gOill: ached th companion- ikr:tl. 1 fr en an il who crinimated ! denth of JOOttet. whin they gave up -nt- ! ... - . T1 .1 ... ....... 1,. UiC ju.i, i Ot l.l.Xi. ''in"" something, it is doubtful if it will. themselves to smirch our character. T .hone.i a ,ilon cas 1 .. . ..- . t . .1 - . 1 , .- .- . , . : 1 ' " ; liuticr can not attoru 10 let mis roan 1 x i,c puPtication ot tnese amdavitsin j to di p and found more oil than water, k and beginning to arrive at the capi'ol. Everybody should attend the rail soad meeting :;t the court house to-morroyv evening. It is now predicted iha: William Hyde, late editor ot the St. Louis Republican, yviil be St. Louis' next p st master. i-et the businessmen and property holder not lotget to unit out to the raihoad meeting at the court house Tliiiisilay evening. It is estimated that the late Dakota prairie the lias destroy ed 1,000 tons of hay. The tire was started bv a farmer burning straw. Theie are various channels in which the it-publican party of New 1 iik can make the Rev. Dr. Hur chard useful the coming state elec-ctiou. Congressmen anil politicians are tun around her the mere possibility of such a contingency should make a property holder grow nervous. In another column wii' t;e seen a call for the citizens ot Iiutler to meet at the court house to-morrow evening to foim committees and discuss the best methods to induce this company to build the Emporia road on to this city, thence east to its objective point. We are glad o see the people in the townships, east of us taking such an active interest in this matter. Meet ings have been called in Spruce and Shawnee townships, committees formed and everything tending to a well organized effort is being made. Clinton has appointed committees to confer with the managers ot tin Kansas City and Caue Girardeau should immediately telegraph con dolence to the IJoonville Adveitiser and Topic over ihe loss of the branch penitentiary. tu'l in the future will add a very in teresting chapter to the Cutler post otHce contest, and we promise these young gentlemen (some f whom. by the way, are already aspirants for political honors), that we w;il take pleasure in bringing their names prominently before the pwl but we fear it will re in such a v.av that will not reflect creditably upon their biought it to town, and upon exam ination it proves to be a line lubricat ing 01. sam-jies Ot winch have hcen sent away for analysis. Mr. Hen detson informs us that he can utp up about 50 gallons per day, and if prop er machinery were applied no doubt but that this amount could be iucreas ed. but even at this rate several weds could be sunk at a less cost than one for Infants and Children. CaatorUU so wet! adapts tochiilia that I Ctr!a r: .r- - CVnr;r-va n. wraWu.' 1L A. AarBEii, SI. P., I ui-a. USWaWW- U. A. . 1'.. I wslti'3. Ill So. Oxford St, lirookiya, N. Y. i Wiuui uijurioui cieviictko. Tua Ctwa CiirxsT, 1SJ Futton Strmt, X. T COX It it 6 HE W PiirpU'saiuI Oual.i rSsj:.' ' ; . . FOR SALE BY ALL D T. V J ? ; deen one. There is one advantage 1 1 . T ! I I honors, ana some or tnem mignt re- 1 . . ,. , , i.;.lir 1 lit 110 i...o,.i nun . Tne trial ul Rev. Jardiue still con tinues in Kansas Cilv,with very little prospects of an early ending. Poor Jardine has seen both the sweet and bitter of this lite. Jas. C. Pussey, the defaulting clerk and embezzeler of the Kansas state penitentiary, was sentenced by the court at Leavenworth, on the 2s;th inst. to eight years in the pen itentiary. A trip through Kansas, Iowa and Maine, wul prove to any sound, sane mind that men cannot be made temperate by legislation. The dem ocratic party has adopted the right plan ; high license. A united democracy : The renom mation of Gov. Hill, and the nomi nation by acclamation of Roswell P. Flower, for governor and lieutenant governor of New York, and the adoption ot a ringing plattorm. All mean a glorious victory for the New- York democrats in the approaching election in that state. Missouri has been awarded the first piize for the best display of ap ples, pears, peaches and grapes, at the meeting of the American Pomo Iogical society held at Grand Rapids Mich., on the 1 ith. It won't be long until the people ot the whole country Ul find out what we have known all the time that Missouri is the finest .fruit country in the world. The lloonvilie Topic and Adver tiser are boiling over with rage at Gov. Marmaduke tor refusing to approve the location of the peni tentiary at that place. Taking every thing into consideration, we think Governor Marmaduke acted wise, and we heartily approve of his action. Boonville is a substantial old town, tut htr facilities for affording em ployment for convicts and her rail road facilities make the vine-clad city just about the last place m the state we would have thought the commission would have selected. Governor Marmadukes objections v.ere well founded and he did right. road and secure it for that place it possible. " Now Iiutler must not lie dot mailt' in this matter and forever losr this opportunity of gaining this out. et. We are in a worse condition now th, mi if we had no road, but le us secure an east and west com 1 1.1 , . petmg line and the oenetits can hardly he estimated. oO we say to our people, let us be up and do ing; the time has come tor us to strike and strike hard. gret K on account of t'ie;r domestic peace While m Washington City we had the pleasure of meeting with Nicholas M. Hell, Superintendent ot Foreign Mails. We found Ml. Hell a cour teous, clever gentleman and efficient. trustworthy olhcer. On a statement made out by Mr. Hell's predecessor the 48th Congress made an appro priation of $Soo,ooo for carrying the foreign mails; ot this sum he says he w ill turn back neat ly $400,000. He has expedited the mail in many in stances nearly one-half and has not lost any time on the routes. The government offered the American Ship Company $:.6o per pound for currying the mail, which was refused and Mr. Hell is now gtttingthe same mad carried for 40 cents, making a clear saving of $12,000. Dr. J. M. Fulkerson, one of the largest land owners and most prom inent and oldest settlers of Johnson county died at his home in Warrens burg, Tuesday of last week. He represented Johnson county in the state legislature in the years 1836, 1S3S and 1S40; he was also at one time one of the directors in the State Bank of Missouri. He was born in Lee Vallev, Lee county, Virginia, March 15th, 1S11, and was at the time of his death 74 vears 6 months and 7 Jays old. He came to this state in 1S29. The Record sav that most of the parties interviewed by Goodwin were associated with Mr. Walton in bus iness. The facts are that only two ot the eleven interviewed are in any manner associated with him and sev en of the eleven favored the appoint ment of Wade. While on the sub ject of P. O. will Bio. Aus. p!ea.e state how much he received tor re moving the office off the square, not withstanding he had solemnly prom ised that he would not remove it. onlv 10 milts west of here which shows that the whole country is un derlaid with oil a .id coa!. There is now not a paiticle ot doubt but that under our city there is a vein of coal from three to ten feet thick and under this lies a basin of oil. T here is no its about it, Adrian is .standing in the center of the richest snot of land in the United States, and is destined to be the City ot the w est. Later : A neighbor came to town on Monday and reported that the flow ot oil is on the increase. He is now taking out about one hun ched gallons per day, and there is no doubt but that the quantity will still increase." Peck's Sun, published at Mil waukee, Wisconsin, is the most hu - morous paper in America to-dav. Geo W. Peck, its editor and pro prietor, stands without an equal as a humorist. He believes in gmaking people happy, and no one can be otherwise who reads his most excel- ent paper. Our readers are invited to read the prospectus of Peck's Sun in another column. Sample copies mailed free to anv addre. The finding of silver and gold m the hills of Benton county has caused the wihiest excitement among its drn- To the citizens of Butier: When the strife is settled all agree to be pleased ; meet and bury the hatchet. Let Wade fall upon DeArmond's breast and weep and dream; Jake Allen carry a Hag in each hand around the square, while Col. Pace will lead a band blowing the Bazoo. Let Stone and Judge Parkinson go to the nearest mourner's bench to swap stories, while Geo. Todd offers con solation to all concerned except Wade and Allen. Have a jubilee, invite in your mother-in-law and your neighbor's niothT-in-law ; let the electric light burn on top of the court house at noonday, put a little ginger in the cider, and in fact roll the willapus wnllopus of peac" over all differences, and like brothers who have been long separated, chew the cud ot fraternal affection and par take of the fatted calf with renewed ijusto. Bazoo. PASTY PIELTY We are happy to say to our readers and the people ot Bates county that our allegiance and fidelity to the democratic party is such that we are not compelled to be continually re minding them of what a good demo crat we are, but we let our works bespeak for us. And furthermore, we are not so bigoted and narroA minded as to condemn indiscrimi nately every man as a bolter and a renegade to the democratic cause whose ideas and opinions do not correspond to our own. It a wolt is found in the fold we will be the first to hasten to the rescue, armed all cap a pie, and drive the intruder out, but he who continually cries "stop thief when no thief is near, and raising false alarms simply to gain a little cheap notoriety, will himself bear watching. If there has been any bolting in the democratic party of Bates countv we have most sir nally failed to discover it, even after a most diligent search, unless yve could be so egotistical as to claim all who opposed us in our political asperations as bolters. Still yve sub mit to the democratic party ot Bates county and the State it it was demo cratic in any man or set of men to oppose and trump up false charges against us to defeat the confirmation after th appointment had been made. If after a candidate is elected to office to work to defeat his con firmation is not a species of bolting then we do not understand the mean ing of the term. Still we love the grand old party too well to run the risk ot a disruption in its ranks by , haggmg our private grievances be- 1 lore the puolic. and if these men who set themselves up as paragons of de mocracy, will return to the fold after having vent their spleen upon our offending head, they shall not hear a yvord ot complaint from us. But yve gu e them fair warning to decist there and not attempt in the demo ana lying epithets, tor tnen they will l Attend the ra.lmad meeting at the Srr.. m S 1- .. 1 F - 1. . . . f , . V. 1 V, ' Trustee's Sale. Whereas, James T. Henshaw and Mary M. Henshaw hiswl e by their certain deed ot trust, bearing date August Sth. 1SS3, and duly recorded in the recorder's office of Bates county, state ot Missouri, in Book No- 32, page 122, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following de scribed real estate, situate, lying and being in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The southwest quarter ot the northeast quarter and the west half of the north west quarter ot the northeast quarter ot section seventeen (17), ownhip forty one (41) of range thim-two (32), con taining sixty acres more or less, in trust, bowever,tor the following purposes: In trust to secure the pavment ot one certain promissory note of eien date and in said deed ot trust fu'.ly described; and, whereas, the annual interest ou said note is long past due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder ot said note, and bv the power nd authority in me vested bv the terms of said deed ot trust, I will, on Saturday, October 24th, iSS, between the hours ot nine o'clock in the torenoon and five o'clock in the alter- noon of thai da, -t the east fiont door of ; the court house, in the citv of Butler, I county of Bates and Mate ot Missouri, j sell said real estate to the highest bidder, ' I at public vendue, tor cash in hand, or so ' . ,. . ,. , 1 mucn rnereoi amav ue r.cecs-sarv iu ia izens. The Osae Mmmg Co.. has ; nutCt intertf.t aaj Cf,s. " effected n arrangement for expeu- : Dikk, Trustee. iye machinery, paing m full for it in stock at a discount of 10 per cent. f ON EXHIBITION. 107 BEDSTEADS. 29 STYLES. 49 IN WAREHOUSE One Car Load 4011 on the Road. ;Tho best . ever oHVmccI for tho money. The Heaiicht Kail you ever saw on a Cheap i'ed. Opera House Furniture Store. MISSOURI TRUST COMPANY, SEDALIA MO, PAID UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL $105,000 DEALERS IN All kinds of Investments, securities, state county and citv- bonds bought and sold. Savings deposits received and interest allowed thereon MONEY to LOAN On real estate, in sums to suit, from one to five years at lowest rates. For fur ther particulars apply to J. K. BRUGLER, BUTLER, MO GEO. O. FAULHABER, Treas. O. A. CRANDALL, President. Notice. Noticv i In rci.y plveii, that li-ttrnof ictTHtioii uiK.ii the t-tst ot Wlllium I i i"i-'as-l . liavt 1m--ii (rrnt-l tothruadtw bv th ftstt-a rotintv 1'robale t'ourt. I county, MiHHOuri, Ix-arlnK date tli IMktil AllfUKt, IrwV All ITSoli nai'lnf u arainiit ml'! rut ate art- rfuirit to ohll J to her for allowance, within on year lat- ofai) letter, or they may I Mwj rrom any benefit of oiirh etat; and H claims be not exhibited within two yean ' the 1at of the publication or tliia notin. will be forever barrel. I.l'CUKTU JOVff AdminUtnt Order of Publication. LEWIS HOFFMAN, lealer in the Heft Itramla of HAND MADE SOUR .ViASH CORNA..RYE V III w 1: JK Y . Aluo l!i!Tirte. anl Native Wine. STATK OK MISSOURI. Conrrr or Hatem. In the Circuit Court of aai'i county. term, 15. John II. Kennett, plaintiff, vs. Klizaheth Kennett, defendant. Now at thit day cornea the plalnUffber-J bin attorneva. Crockett Smith, anl i.-fl i...titi..n b.uI attlilavit. alleaclnir. atnoaf thlnga. that defendant. Wualetn K1( not a resident or the Mate oranaaoun. u'h.mii..n it ! nnlred bv the Cirri r. cation that aald defendant be notllled by m cation that plaintiff ha commencen i atfainm ner in inia court, me ' nature of which la to obtain a decree ot J rr,.m i.i.i ii.rnHnt mwiB the Touno 01 (ionment. and that nnleaa the aaid tm Kennett be and appear at this court, alttj term thereor, to le lMfrnn ana uuijtj court houae in the city of Ilutler.ln aai'i ef on the aecond dav of .November T before the aixth dav of aald terra. If t ahall ao Ionic continue and If not. Ihea ' before the last .lav of aaid term aw plead to the petition in aaid cauae. I nill be taken aa con'eaaed and judpBB be rendered accordingly- And Ik- it further ordered, that a cW be publinhed, according to law. In the 1 Tiwk, a weekly newspaper printed aw llahed in Batea county, Mo., for ' It llffraJI ivelv. the laet infcertion to IX four weeka'before the flrkt day of the ar. of Circuit Conrt. 'fjjrrt from the Record. . , band and the -eal of the" I i-r.i. ' Court of Ilate. county. thiC' I ' ,.t tn-rt.-t IwO. J. it 4l-t Clrrsn Notice ot Final Settlement. j Notice ia hereby jriven to ail creditors aaI j npt to cans, disruption j Th5 busmen aud we hope arVTwafker and t'poT j cratic ranks by vulgar j company will strike p.y.ny dirt. 5. i'ltit i: r or iv i.imdixi; ii it i. J. M Walker Old Hand-Male ,ai.lo. sour Mh ... 4 ( i't-acoek Rye (the finest Rye Whisky male) Mercer Co . Smal 1 Grai n Konrbon I Crow f. re Copper Bourbon California Brandy, year old ... imported hherry Wine Impond Port Wine Wives: Mothers: Daufhtt Ii Your (ni I'hvsirian: A ! tor c.tra aunered lormcnt wor death trom L'terine Trouble, fa'5 the woni b, leuiorrhoea. aiinpre"'"" sti.i u tt, !i:.H !eraired of beinl found a reniedv wnich corr.pletelv J her. Anv sufterei tromauch troun1 use the rcmediea and thu cure w u,'l',..l rei.alin'T h-r Condition f one, and without auMectfng her to the shock ot an exa. hv ;. i.:.taician. 'Ihe prescription tul! lecription tor ue. aent Iree ti addre, aecurelv aealed, enclote ont . . A Jr... n,mln7lhll Mr. W. Holmea, 65S BroJ1 .Um New 1 3 00 S OO 4 0 8 30 i 50 discover a party champion in us who will contend the ground inch by inch Notice ot Final Settlement. Notice is herebv riven to all 'i'l other interealci in trie eaiate J .WmuI that 1 Jaiun S lfukci. '"ir Vr of aaid evtate. intend to make a oal ... , : .r . .. ..t OTjD wicin fi. rcHijfnauun. fc V lea ca Maieacouniy rrooave - , Mate of Miaaonrl. U r held at aaid time, apply to aaid eoart v JT'l lettera aa ietur. . . a J court house to-morrov-evening, at 7 Wiui4.i.'Pon"jixr-, o'clock. and sre mc at the old Manri, JNoi-tla Alain St. trhr o? everr cured in 30 minutt-H f-v Woo; . r . T. ,.,..rfier. Sanitary iVJtion. neer fails. SoIdbvU'.J. Lan dru'iist, Butler, Mo. W