Newspaper Page Text
i : J mm i I icrcu ie;:er, to LOCAL. ITEMS. J. K. Bruglar wants more appli cations for first-class loans. 7 per cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf Corn cutting time has arrived. Butler was fall of hay-makers Saturday. Walnut. Owing to the fact that the Aopleton Cicy is experimenting drink called coid water. exten- j T T . we have sion o: ::. i.v.i::s a. Lsnporu K. ! which was R- through Bates county, i now a ; For cheap school books go to M A. Maynards at the po-toiTlce. 3t The Tebo Hour stands at the head, sold by Pharis & Son. For the latest style dress good-, and lowest prices go to Cassity Bros. School Hooks and Supplies at Lndvriek k Son's 'orfli Jlain St. 43l See Cassity Bros, new line of fine millinery. All the white corn in the county wanted at Lefker' s mill and elevator. 36-tf The boss low priced grocery man is uncle Jim McGhee, at the opera house. Cassity Bros., are live energettic business men and live new fall goods can't be beat. Give us a call. Remember Pharis & Son when you want flour or groceries, none but the best is kept bv this firm. Pharis & Son want everybody to know they sell the celebrated Ttbo tlour. Have vour flues examined before you put up your stoves. Now let Buticr enter the field for the branch penitentiary. A piotracted meeting was com menced at the Biptist church Mon day night. Miss Sallie Abell, of Lamar, spent Saturday and Sunday with her par ents in this city Scott .... r 1 Shirley -nii Ids and Will visited Burdett and Adrian on busi ness last Saturday. Chicago has had a hundred thous and dollar fire. The fire originated in a lumber yard. The contractors have completed Baird College at Clinton and school will open Sept. 29th. The Rockville public schools opened last week with an enrollment of 165 students. By buying your school books of M A. Maynard you have them covered free. st School JJooks and Supplies at Ludtvick & Son's, orth Main St 4 3l No tlour sold in Butler gives bet ter satisfaction than Tebo. Sold by Pharis & Son. Money to loan in Si 00 to $500 amounts on real estate, by 33 Ben B. Cantekaury & Co. When it comes to selling you gro ceries at lov prices uncle Jim Mc Ghee takes the cake. Ladies if you want a nice dress pattern go anil see .Cassity Bros, new stock. Quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will convene in Rockville, October 3d and 4th. We understand another new can didate has entered the arena for the Recorder's office. The money for your back sub scription and renewal for another year will be acceptable at this oHce. Tuesday of last vvek,J. A.V are, of Ballard, this county, was married to Miss Alma A. Ilem'ein, ot Johnstown. Round Prairie. Since our lat report of the hap- f pennmgs ot this vicinit had some heavy rain- needed, settled question, arid a large number I I The persons that lost stock during I ot workmen are now cngagsd in lay- , the heavy electric storm were Messrs. : mg track and grading from Pleasan- j Patton, a fine cow of the short lorn ' ton Kansas, and the line of survey j family: Spencer, a fine two year old ! will bring the road directly through j filiev, and Bailey, a mule colt. This the picturesque little to 11 of Walnut j is the first stock that has been killed there is no reason whv property in on the prairie for several years. ' that icinitv may not vet prove a! Miss Anderson, ot Rockville, is i od investment; and those desiring J teaching at the McDavitt district. ' to purchase either there or elsewhere, j MUs Florence Pae. formeilv a 1 and have not the ready cash neces- teacher in the Butler public schools, sary. need not let so smai! a circum- j is teaching at Appleton City. ; stance prevent them from inventing ; Mr. Bntt and lady have returned j money can now be borrowed at very from their visit to Boone county, j reasonaole rates, and land buyers, Mr. B. says crops were never better i "tock men and tanners, and in fact in Boone than they are this year. j anyone with an average degree of Mr. Andrew Blakey. (commonly intelligence.can handle money which called Simon Pure by the boys.) re turned a tew days from K. C. where fflTTfl Ails CASADAY SULKY P Will plow in hard ground where all other fail. m . . ' J. I - 1- . - s.-5-- - y- y. -1 j .' . ' - JT1 1 -" they can borrow from 6 to 9 per cent, and realize a handsome profit on the investment : every enterpris ing man who reaJs this article, and he has been working on the railroad. Mr. Brown's cousin from Iowa, is visiting relatives and looking for a i thinks the matter oyer, will surely is a fine ! ca tni l'le correct idea ; and all are cordially invited to come and partake location, as he thinks tin country. Miss Mary Bollinger, formerly of near Lone Oak, but at present from Harwood, Vernon county, is visiting in this vicinity. Mr. George Corbley, of Sheldon, Vernon, is visiting relatives and old friends. Rev. Mr. Dowdy, fit the M. E. church south, preached his farewell sermon la-t Sunday. He was a good preacher for a young man, and Jhis j ot the flowing fountain of cash, which flows lreely for everybody ; you will find it up stairs over Dixies Drug and Bernhardt's Tewelrv Store, in the office with B. B. Canterbury; you will notice the half round corner sign of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at the loot ot the stairway, they are the parties who loan the cheap money. Remember the location and don't be inveigled into the wrong place ; call f . . i - .. . 1 1 - ) y"-k" l.-'.-V -- if. V '.it ' v.1""' SOLD B? R. R. DEACON, BUTLER, i Judge Hawkins, at his office Tues day, united in marriage Edward E. Robison and Miss Mary E. Francis, both of Rich Ilili. The finest line ot soft and hard tablets that ever came to Butler at Maynards. 2t School Hooks and Supplies at Ludwick & Son's, North Main St. 40 3 Go to H F. Canterbury for cheap money. "Money saved 15 money made." We are glad to see the Adrian Advertiser has let up on the "torn cat.'" We are tempted to send Bro. Sly a chron.o. Don't sell your white corn until you see Lefker at mill or elevator he "knocks the spot" on prices. 36-tf i. B. Newbill represents the, best Life Insurance Co. in America. Go have your life insured. 22tf Are you burthened with high rates of interest, if so go to R. F, Canter bury and be releived. Tas. McGhee defies competition and downs all opposition on low prices lor groceries and queensware. The Walton & Tucker Land Mort gage Company are taking applica tions for eastern money to be loaned at 7 per cent on good Real estate security A white peilican, which measured eight feet from tip to tip, was killed on the Barber lake, near Rockville, a few days ago by Mr. Craighead. Some beautiful pictures ot the G. A. R. leunion, which will take place at Topeka. Kansas, on the 29th and 30th, have been hung in store win dows. people did not like to see him ieaye. 1 tor Powell, Manager, and he We hope they will be rewarded with i will offer you rates on good Real as good if not better. -ktate security that will surprise you. Mr. George Brown is attending j Cassity Bros, are making arrange school at Columbia Mo. Success to ! monts to open out a dry goods, the boy. ; clothing and grocery store in Walnut The dwellings ot Messrs. Hook, i at once. They have already shipped Wilson and Tonsev, are quite an ; a jot 0f oods and expect to be ready improvement to their tarms. We j for business this week. Their line 1- r . ! r 1 "ii t - .... 1 .!..... I 01 goons w in ue complete aim uiey Butler has a Chinaman with a pig tail five feet two inches long. Sam is very proud of his cue and keeps it plated and done up in the latest style on the back of his head. The Beedle & Prindle pleasure party have one of the finest Orches tra that was ever in Butler. Wal ton's Opera House Friday night Oct. 2nd. would like to see others take same course, Mrs. Colafiower, of Sedalia, is visiting at Tudge Steele's. Messrs. - Bntt and Davidson are in Vernon looking lor a place to locate in the soring. The temperance picnic near the Baptist church was well attended, as it was the only picnic of the kind held in this vicinity for three or four years, MersrSi Jaines Blakey and Mr. Melton came very near having a law suit over the shooting of a dog. It seems that Melton's cattle was 111 B's. corn field. Mr. B. set his dog 011 the cattle to run them out of the field, but the dog was not satisfied with that so he ran them up close to M's. house, who, we suppose, did not know what it meant, got his gun and shot the dog. Sambo. intend to sell at bottom prices. The Walton & Tucker Land Mort gage Company are permanently es tablished In loaning money on im proved farms no delay, no red tape, Abstracts of titles furnished, Money on hand at the lowest competing ratts- . 33 " We have the largest and most complete assortment of Boots and Shoes in the Southwest. The prices on them are so low that nobody will visit our store without purcuising. K. WElhQCO. Y. !. Sguare. P Have now ready for Spring trade the finest line c:j BUGGIES, SciBRIlGES SPRING WAGONS k PHAETONS Ever offered the people of the Southwest. Examine our work before you buy. Harness at co.t to parties buying buggici of us. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Office, Shop and Sales-Room Hast Dakotah Street Special attention paid to all kinds ot Huggy Repairs. nil hi 1111 if Don't you forget it, uncle Jim Mc Ghee downs them all on low price groceries and queenswate, and pays the .highest prices for produce. The Walton & Tucker Land Mortgage Company are loaning money at the verv lowest rates. Privilege granted befere due, Mon ey furnished without delav. 33 Our Corner Stone is one price in plain figures, good goods and honest guarantees Jnd we handle Boots and ow.v v.iciuzu vi.v. tan ana we will save your see us money. R. Tf'BIZ4C0, .V, S. Square. Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. 24. News was received to-day ot the brutal murder of Matt Branton on the streets of Caddo, I. T. Friday, by William Jones, a notorious desperado. Bran ton was with his wife and child, going to a show, w hen Jones ap proached and shot him down with out provocation. Then I.e pushed the dead man's wife aside and kicked ant: cursed tue oov. mounted nss norse and rode away. He is vtiH at lare. Adam Forepaugh's great circus will be in Nevada, Oct. th. They feiuscd to show in Clinton on ac count of the high license. This circus missed it by not coming to Butler. Do not fail to see, the Beed Prindle Pleasure party, Friday night Oct. and. This is one of the best comedy attractions on the road and there is nothing else booked till Oct. 2nd I' you want a nice dress patern ga to Cassity Bros. Don Kinney deserves credit for the interest he manifests in getting good troupes this season. So tar he has not mace a mistake, as all the troupes which have played in our opera house have been fiist-c!ass. People who like to laugh ought by all means to go and hear Johnnie Prindle with the Beedies & Prindle Company. He is admirably support ed by a splendid combination, and the company furnished an evening of amusement seldom equalt-d. A THMEBBOLT! V7e wantitdis- e 'tinctly and pos itively known that we are the firm that adver tise our goods on their own merits. Others may talk and blow and try to steal our thun der, but we are the only firm that can and do retail your boots and shoes at whole sale prices. Lefker wants white corn at mill or cleyatwr. 36-tf Mules Wanted. I will be in Butler, Saturdays the 3rd, iorh and 17th ot Octoberto buy mule colts, for which I will nay the highest price in cash. 44-tf Bts Powell. Cassitv Bro. are receiving their new fall sto-.:k oi fail to see them. Having leased the Butler Elevaj tors for a term of years, dry goods. Don't COAL! COAL! I 'eased a piece of coal hind at ".il Rich Hill and am prepared to srpply the wants of the people with the very best quality. Parties wih mg coal will find it to their interest to trade with me. The roads will be in good condition from Siiobe town to old Rich Hi!!, which is only a short distance. 4---U MM. SOI I Desires to announce to the far mers of Bates county, that he wi pay the i II. T Shoisk. ! , Kansas Lands for Sale. In tracts to suit. Situated 1:1 the Arkansas Valley and on the Arkan sas River and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. These lands are in a county that is bemar rapidly settled up and are rapidly increasing in value. I nave special rates with t T TTTTHTT ,- rf i the railroad company for transnorta- I VV j tion for those that purchase. Iu ties wishing to locate in Kansas can be accommodated with good land at low ngures. vM . Walton-. 44-tt Special notice. The Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. j Co. has a large surplus ot money to loan on improved tarms at seven (7) i f" per cent. Loans closed without j I delay. Apply to The Walton & Tcckkr 33 Land Mortgage Co. For strain and seeds of all kind mmi m&m gum FkEdtoLo Money on To loan at the lo.vest r are-. Time ! $31006 REWARD ami terms to suit the b'.i ' n. er. Privilege to pav pait or .mv time before due. Alo'iact t ti:k- furnish ed. The Walton c Tl cki.u 'ftgage Co norBLE HCUM :ioo I'M.' 1 1 PATENTS N. S. Square. Friend ti itir.:i!soa :rial. tiie Voaiii i o: Jji:n.Ci.te ' aii snion. Kilii-t with otttrtiinin rea-tins 1 T-.rr- aa-i li.m? hplps. Home Fbissh. i iuu- "" tarn For Si 1 win my East B. .: 1 1 J ! farm, situated : or.e -ro'e en :g -c acre Kerr 6; 'darh;-.' 'I' vr shop is the tdace ' ",-,! ' lr-. 1,1,1.1-, E verv thing fi-t class tn tverv tspr.:t; good bath room-. m .ill Tk, Bai. .'. M. indie, hair cutti tvle. Call ;u,d s -"uth s;,!e square ui , !: vt ey 4. Wm. i. IIENDEKSOXf PUEM ATTOIS.XEV AMI SULI: OtTICP:s, ji5 F STREET, i'. O.Box 50, n Uititi'tt-l) t '-.Bifmnt "f i-atnt. Inform'-1' r.2 1 j.r'.nilij rarni.ri'-S Mun 1 1-- " r i;it reference tnnexel. t KLL.