Newspaper Page Text
i -I S I H ft i! il I il Pi 1! ii a h i ; ; si 11 OUK WASHINGTON LETTKK. suhmirtcd vvi without fail Washington, D.C., NovSv Hut co...-,arar,v.-iv r, -w or th- manv The president has been kept ery lcfur t!;'t-'i to !! jf :e , - . j sever?! departments .sre ever seen ry Usv since his return in ackri'.wlcij- ' , .- .1, ,lf those :uu-t iierxiii.".--. 1 he let in" congratulations orj the re-ult ot . - - t i ,,. tt is arc usual!-, op.-nc I f v an cin- iSe recent election. On rnd.ty - i . I S '. i 1 " til f I ! , I I W I I i 3 , 1 7' . - K I - U;'-e of t Fi i re.i; .ast he shook hands with over t-A" hundred persons .ho caned 'O con fiiMiia'e him. He i r , k supreme! v v,nv. anl is no A' readv to meet all ' M,c" U,-P - . ... .. , i; ., nut, (I . fc i.f a strict. v person u trie chief clerK ot : lie iH-pa: twenf. That terriDic rs.iem ic. tcer j . ahat- : ters the most 1 vigorous. t-nti tutiOR, anJ ti'.e t artcr tt:ci-r- or J t'::e ikJ:C-iJ o j rest U, .;"r, I a'e;eiv les- j ; r '-"-' i tiCst rt:rdy. v. I alor.e in tnuUri al ?ric-c;i re- , SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY lenionstrances lrm inemh-.-r-. ;n ! senators against his policy hv retci ring to the resu ts of the elections m Xevv York and Virginia ns a viixh cation ot it. The memhers of the cabinet and assistant secretaries in the citv r ceived tlie returns at their respective departments, where ti-.ey had special Aires. Great croAd, fathered at the newspaper otlicts U read the returns as thrown on tr;'nprrenci aisd the exciienier: tarlv in the mornin ;nel!t has nt leei) kito.. n tor years. Ti.e friends tti hoth parties v.eie confident that flic- latest returns would show victory for their party. The deniociats are jubilant and the republicans not discoui ayed. It is Amusing to hear the reasons assigned tv each party for tiie result. The republicans contend that thev are ahead in New Yori because they tiave carried the legislature by an increased majority, which insures the return of a republican senator, and that the election of the demo cratic state ticket is only an approval c-f the president's course on the ciil vervice policy inaugurated by the republicans ; that it i an endorse ment ot the president rattier tlian a preference for Hill or the democratic party. On the other hand, the democrats hold that it shovv the strength of their party independent vl federal interfeience and promise of office as a reward, and that the principles ot democracy are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people It is an interesting and animated .scene that you witness on entering any one ot the three hotels where the politicians from ali parts of the country meet and discuss the results on the above and other modes of reasoning. The National, Metro politan, and Willard's constitute the Wall street of politics in Washing ton. What scenes' And there is not a politician in the country who has ever isited the Capital who cannot at the mere mention of. any one of these three names call to mind some exciting scene or discus- iiion that hapened while he was there. Now that the fall elections art over, Washington beginning to put on its congressional garb, as usual at this time of the year. Rep resentatives are coming in to select accommodations tor the winter and discuss the political outlook in their respective states and the government patronage to be bestowed. Another subject in which they are ail inter ested is the formation of the com mittees. A member's influence in getting appropriations for govern ment work in his state or district is in proportion to the importance of -j . timers;, Lut -- j l- t:;t'ure- o; ot utni- rt b ried t ; the head mer.t t-r ins pel so;i..l Centra! Ameiiia wh?re ma!- Tldti eLn ..f -.. -Ve Vr.aT.- w U- D-, ba: a: laet a rriii-.iyhi- N-m di.i-vrwJ in - ,3 my ,.P.j, tavrc4m iO ctht CCAV5.5r- ct-tt KHfcUMA- fcMj.aj ricanulw' ,JWVv TIaM. tni i is L-artily rn- S. C. WoKttm. St P.. Himn IB. by many of tte Leaa:n sicias. . . , , .. . .,....T tu-v-v - Hv riro TosJXTV Utt tnvl. nd thmk it -TO-iiALarE is Z -i'3-ir t- cm zz -i it wil d - . ... v, I, c tin, M L . Cna. IU. B F b"rs. Mo. TOR SALE BY ALL PSCGGlsTS. TKICE OE POLLAK PER BOTTLE. A, A. MELLIER, S Ptosrvtor. 109 ai 7 1 1 WAiHLNGTOM AVENUE. ST LOCU. or N.i'ii r.r. ar:-it icrr- are . r-t is IIWrV.L-r'- to::i.i.'t iitter t-e depait- j it., remedial an-.i preventive eti.-cts a an l.sidcratio::. i 'P:--'-ei.r ,.l revcrare it; j'" mfurtiiv. ror -a.e nv a;: Nome of the m.snv .fHce seeker have : j),.aicr ttfiu-raHv. tact an 1 bemg f . jt'eii l:H. ot !;.t tact determined not to be outwitted, have j ; resorted to the shrewd practice of i affixing a special delivery stamp to j tne -ne. ope cotUaimug 'heir pet:- : ....... ..M.n'tn r ri-i- f.virnnr tt ; A BIG OFFER ZVJZ jvt- an ay lla-!iii.-s If vou wont "tie st-n l u vuuruaaif, 1" ' anJ evj-rfs,- nrfi.-f at one 'JIIK NATIONAL ' , it I't-y t , S . ,n transparencies, j "'" --" 1,1 ' rVFQO I:- ACK CfKK ... , i! i livery ot ti.e valuable d..cumei,l mto ti S1I,ril: b V"" WJ'" w- it tun tilgh till ' j iartwcntv-eirht vi-arc I tn ni'iM ff w.i, I the hands ,,j the hotiwrable gentle- j the n.-'tr t s..-.'isii-t .r the tiay" ith r g. c-XCI.e- ... I be neft cure'i l.iiiisir in three tttotAht. an-1 l. . . , mail l.ii:-eit. Tiie service !; beCil ' sim-f thrn huii'lrt-N f.f other by same j rxes- . . A l laiti. siiup.i-an 1 ui- es-fui tionietri nlii! n.. availed of t) uci an exte.'ii lor tiiis A'l irt- T. s I'AoK. l -f Ettnt -J.ta New i V,.rk Citv. puiposf, tntit one o: t::t caniuef j officers ii.i- '! cereo Iii be defYere:! delivery ofiice lil iiaa to tie aii other mail i'v at liter, ut.i ii? s: ri sj S a WlliELbR -PKALKKSj IN THE- Celebrated Mitchell Farm Wagon, GLOBE- -iDEMOCRAt it it be ieccivcd uttel ol.icc ii ui s to j hold it tii tiie folio vug d.i . S') it will be seen that, the appointing j i ! otivver is as iierei :i;ltsel ::i;i. i as the office seeker. The ;.i . ilitect tt tiie Cap ti rept.-rts rnO r-HTPl and to Ue trade oaf tatte en J JL celebrated Cigara, Tobacco. C1tariea. mits, ftc Liberal arranement, Sl-T or Cimmt A1dre at onceT'EW VOKR A" BAV ANA C1UAU CO.. SI Broadway, New lark. MENTION THIS PAPER. ! We Canlioff Ail Agtund ihfiii- overiiauled ar.d rtjsiii'f ventilation ot tlie Sehai gleativ IM.j.tored. He that the mode ! ar.d tiie Cl.aiii'i'e r O v t a t e s The u-ipr-ee.!- iti-i a.ves an-1 n ri of Ely's C r. am I'-alni a reui cure for calarrn, nay iver a:i 1 I in the hen-1 i 1 8s in-lu"-t nai.y " i veaturers to jitaoe ratarrh meilirinei hearing .-.inn- r---enibla:i'- in aiijiearanoe. ft;. !; or name upon the market, in or ter to tra ie .on l!ie rei.utution f EH i.r.-a.n itaim. Mai.y in your i-.aiitv wilt testiH in hmle-t t iiteuiatio:i. i 'n't beiefe.f.! ',.: mU Ei s ! 1 r. ;im h-.'lu !.iir!j--le i- ;.!.!: t ':il" e:'li liill: the Cloak noxtril: tio j.ain: agreeable to li. I r..e isity ffn:-;: ui .iriii.-f.-is'-- iobi-its aiiii Man ways with 1 OOillS the LVison electric light has proved j highly satisfaoioi . ara! he recom-'it Itirlit meiuts in. it t l:j fe ad'.jpted tor the retuurants anil ali otht-r paits ! t;: .- buiitiin where a.tilicia! li'lt is neialet! diiini; the "Rough on Coughs;" day. Tiiis h:it i already u-eti in many ot the uep n i n.ent Iiui.oings. i IK ;iV elliu.L nl pays thtai-sallds of : il.M - a mouth to the ;as company t.o ii!jtin; the interior ot the build ings, ;,ikI its jjas bill is a sotiue of I hi; revenue to the onlv i;a house inonopoiy that exists here. To ie ;n idea of the amount paid by the Kovernmeiil tortile Use of jjas , a curtail ot $6oo has just been made in one building the State, War and Navy Department by stopping the use of jas stoves for healing .some of the rood' during the c ud ia 1 months of the year. The electric light companies are making a strong effort to induce the government to adopt their light for all the public buildings and parks in the city, and it is thought that it will not be long befoie they ucceed. The 35th birthday of the Mikado was celebrated on Wednesday ty the Japanese Legation giving a din ner to the president's cabinet, and in the evening entertaining the Diplo matic Corps at iillard. The fapanese his full insignia ot ofiice, sat at the head of the table, with Hon. Sackville West, the En glish Minister, on hi right, and M. cleJStruve, the Russian Minister, on his left. Other member of the Corps were seated in the otder of their seignority, and the guests de- Thoutrh iTo'V.i-t amt fScicitt. it U n-M ami I harinte. sale ari'l Telia!.. !.r rim lreii. Wherever known it in tne Mother favorite C'tmirli M.'.iii-ine tor the infant. tl!-f!,:Hren am! a-iuit. It is surpriMa.sIy effective. Tkocii: l. I.le.t il I'-:. Hi ( oil riie Wo.iilci fst J iic c n cii'tioii. Bronetiitis. A?t!ima, Spitting of Sore or Tight Chest, weak long,, sore tiiroat. Ioms or voice, catarrhal tnroat htm. chronic hacking, irn'.alino and troiihleoiue coughs. Spring Cortland Steel Gear 5 m 3 i f mm ai 1 8S5. TEN PAG KS I One 7 IIa!lid.iv Standard and IroM Suction or Force I'umps. Hardware, Groceries, Wagon Wood work. Iron Sterl. Xails. &r. Northeast cornel square. Hut lor. Mo. DoUa! I MCI. YKAIt. 1 he Largest, Uest and Cl.u:, cekly News Paper in die wt j Daily , per year, - !?1 J Semi -U eekiy per war, ;j j Tri-Weekly Sunday Kdition, " lostmasr,.rs .,IU Xews Dt-J will receive our suhsenptio!!, j .Address, CENTRAL FEMALE COLLEGE Lexlngeori. Mo. Ssr r.teetith session op-n Stpt.3rd, lBfts. IVmutlfnl location ; ample irronnd ; competent and eperinced facalty ;coi.i'Kkvaii'Ki or acsic. w hiiiMing n h liirhte'l nr an and beaied by flteaa Scbolarthip pita vy wmcn e nave iKniucei i uamn iiiiu.du per Annum. Auarr n . r. Bm)ifTO iioi.(jii cr rrcii, Cures humors, eruption, ringworm, tetter, salt rhuine, fronted It 1 1 , chilblains :Ae. jar. K. S. WKI.l.-s, Jersey City. X. J .r.S.A. A GIFT Send in cents postage, and e will mail yoo free a roval.valnahle. sample box of 'gooda that will put you in the wav or maaaig more m.mev at once, tiinn anything else in America Both Hexed of all age can live at home ami work in Ruare time, or all the time, t atntal not re. unireil. We will atart you. Immense pay aare Tor those who ptart at once. miso- Co., 1'ortland. Maine. lyr the committee on which he mav tie- appointed and the place w hich parted at "our, amid !ie holds on his committee. When a member finds that his prospects of bein; appointed on a desired com mittee are not as flattering as those of some other member he at once proceeds to give his support to the member he thinks stands the best expressions of the greatest delight at the evening's eiltei tamn. . ; I. II A lieautilul Wonsaii. A woman wiihpleasant .smile, clear sVin bright eyes, generous expression, elastic step, heartv hand-shake and courteous welcome. Such a woman i not the vic- , tint ot Jdebility, languor, or dyspepsia- l 1)1) "1 VI? -end i cents 2. L IV JAilJ.tor postage, and receive free, a costly box of good? which will help ail, ot either sev, to more mon ve r'aht awav tlian anthinr else in the world. Fortunes await tiie workers ab !oute!v sure- At address True & Co., Augusta, Maine, i7-ivr $20),oo()awvrcunc: postage, and bv mail you will cet free a package ot goods ot large value, that will erart vou in work that will at once bring vou in money taster than anything else iu America. " AH about tiie Ji.2oo.oco in presents with each box. Agents wanted evarywheie, ot rither sex, ot all ayes, tor ail te time, or spare time onlv, to work for us at their own homes.. Fortune tor all woikers absolutely assured. Don't delav. 1 i . Halletv A: C'o..ol'ort!and, Maine1. chance of appointment so as to have has overcome the; pests by usig . , . , Brown's Iron Bitters, the world's great ftrs ear and support tor the measure tonie. Miss Mattie Benson, South Tar- fcinsontield, ale., saj "After using Brown's Iron Bitters tor weakness and lack ot appetite and energv I felt like an other person?." which he intends to push before the i f,nnneld, iie.t saTS "After using I Brown's Iron T?i?ri inr -..,v. -n.i lAiuuiiviee. x ne cuairman 01 in three most important committees the Wav ami f- n tHif A nnrnnr. , ..rt-.K.. n.,.lk V . J n ation. and the River and Harbor i wield a powerful tnrluence in the j IIarrodsburg, Ky., Nov. 4 Mr. ifgislation of the House. It seems j James Van I)iver of this count) , who to be conceded that Morrison will ! W'IS JurinS the civil war a resident V e chairman ot the firvt named com- I ot I,s,ss;PP'. and a soldier under mittee, and Randal! ot the second, j Gcn :criir!i: Pfice, C. S. A., d.ed Willis, of Kentucky, was chairman ; Jes:trri iv evening an i huned ot the River and Harbor committee ! to-4'aV- Mr. Van Diver killed the last session, and as he and Carlisle dit'nuihed federal general Nathan the coming Speaker are from the I-,von in ' band -to h ind encounter ame state, ana warm tnends, it is j ,n "'e h,a!e f Springtieid. Mo.. frobaMe that he will be appointed ' caPtl,,sd Col. Ouellt ::o of the gain this session. Morrison is i f-eI army, and who j ret rtted his j P AKMOS-ORC ASIS already here to stay. He is verv ' spu,s to h5m- reticent as yet on the tariff question, ' niVe Prescribed Tongaiine in vcri "!t Vfhen spoken to on the Subject tas--sot chronic rheumatism, acd have ; .vi. t.(ajiuiuicu Jil It- tu.' et- , Louis 1 417" T Tmore money than at unvthing 1 JL.i.1 bv taking Hti 1'gcncv tor tr.c I best, selling V k out. lieginners "ucceel I grandly. None tail. Terms free. ! 1IL1.E1 i' Boots Co., Portland, laine. Sheriffs Sale. Uy virtue and authority ofa general evecntion issued from the office of theciericof of thecircuit conrtof Bates county, Miasnuri. retarnable at the November term." iss.v. of waid court, to me directed in favor of The Merchants and Farmers Hani of Frankfort. Ohio, and againrt J. N. Yates. I have levied and seized upoa all the right, title, interest and claim of said defend ant of, in and to the following described rea! est at. suua'e-t in Kates county, MUsonri, to wn : Ihe southwest nnaricr section No. n'x '). in townnlnp No. forty-one (4!) of range X. thirty two (St); also tiie soothfast quarter of the southwest quarter and tbe west half of the southwest quarter of the southeast qtarter of section fourteon (U. in township f.rty-one (411 of range thirty-three (:), I will on Friuav, November i . i5v. between She honra of n o'clock in the for-noon and 5 o'clock in the aft-rnooa of tba: day. at the east frnt door of the court house n th city of Butler, Hates county, Minuri. "iC. the same or so much thereof as ir.ay he nsjaire-i. at paH lic Tcause. to the highi-it b. :der for ci-a to satit.f'" satd eccii'.i..n a;id c.--. t W. f. it . S':er:n' Hi? -n (nsp.: MO F1EMMB BEOS. -v iiu'ri.Kit- KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK HARNESS & SADDLERY. s. z HZ m : c5 Spooner Patent Collar! W.KVKNTS CHAFING CANNOT CHOKE A HORSE Adj.ists itself to any Horse's Neck, has two Rows of stitch ing, will hold Hames in place better titan any other collar. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE. MM T ITT At FamMt O.. rraaklln Cm , Uy.. fix mJlea from frraufcl.irt. Hutbenv.1 hM.tnfi.i ,nj taniifnl Lo cal k.o In IL Suit.. Lit by u a weil a bcatt by hmb. A rail and able Collcae Faculty. Kxtiea-et a mineral as anr f -.'-c'.i CO ' rortv.ttrmt rear lirina Mrm COL. R. It. ALLKN", 8opU GLOBC PRINTING CO. Scud lor Sample copy. Sr. Lout,sJ at:ioivi.v MISSOURI RE iU A i;liaiie lo iirt Valunuj Hoiiseliolil Aifit-leH for few a Fraction of (Heir Valor: Every Article in the Following U Guaranteed as Represented U I the Old Reliable Missouri Republican. vA ' .sA .rrf Ciarrbcu, Kidney Tro a b ill! n nrvnn I in y ..h.i.,tac Ka V:i . . . i ' . U1 w , ,fcu K Benkendort. I . 1 . S- Ptaiioa dow co lare-e thai a Mcmd atinion X the factory has become imperati'e. I r."t r5':!s aarter aa much tonlnc a P1aro on tire previiuL, wrt-pin f.ytem. Cooscit "tol--cf . trpr. 1 S vies of Ouus. ri to '- 1 -r C-fc. t Payraetu, or Rented . Mason 4 Hatnlin Orrars r.-l Piarso Co ?i MAKE 2W, SICH :1 1111 t1T-i till IU I Y1 .-. ft ITUwUUU UUUJJO. I! 11 Usgks i r.!M pitja wot a wojatna aiacoTCTy. r otnera iiJt ie-a tn ra wor.d. Wa poa'tlTO y ' . ' r r- ::cre all manner of diaadce. Tha tafcrsiaticn arvasd each box U worth tm tftnea thie eoit of lex j. jrina out wxth ud an i you win atwaya do iuzcei. Ore pi. 1 a dom'.. Hitutrc&M! twir. t r. . at rt I rr ccrocu. Bo ton, M'ti- We will jjive the Weekly Miouri I, publican, the regular aubicription pn ot which is ft, with the following i cies at tne prices named: '1'he Waierbury Watch, an ttceilti reliible and good looking watch. Itl manutactured by the IVatcrbury Cv party, especially lor the Missouri Repi Ii -an, and is scut to subscribers ttiicti the mail in a satin-lined case. The ii ular price ot the watch is $t to, but send the Weekly Republican, one r and the watch and chain for the price the watch, $3 50; with the Trl-WetJ one year $6 50. An elegant Sewing Machine warm for five years. This machine ii I- equal to it not better than similar af chines that have been selling all "i the country tor from ft to too. Ji in onlv $iS and Weekly for one n thrown in. W ih the I ri-Weekiy tor? year it is $io. harmers' and Mechanics' ulackit shop, $50 worth ot tools for $15. T set of tools consist of ' 40-lb anvil and vie, 18-inch tongs, 2-lbs hammer, with handle. 1 -lb. hot chisel, with bttti No. 34 stock and die, Farrier's pincers, Farrier's knife, Shoeing hammer, niacksmith' drill. Forge will heat 2,1-, inch iff These tools are ot the best qualitv, xl win last a life time. Trice 50. 1 kit ol tools and tne Weekly Repub.iol . J- . : . T- - 11' ! 2 .L I unc r, Si wiin 1 ri-ncciT Keautitui Family Clock, made b s Thomas Athens patent: height, 17 i So. id walnut rase: sprinz-windir.g; n; 8 da',; strikes the hours. Gtiaiaiif4 to keep jer!ect time, hetail Orice, j We 2ie this clock and the Weekly ' pu'.Iican one vear lor Tri-W tor fj- uaily or $14. Family scales of two kind.,: Tf-e L tie Detective. This scale weigh at- attly any article ranging from ofqu ot a pound to twentv-hve pound. " the Weekly one year, $3; with the i weekiv.0. The karne scale, j scoop, tor the purpose of weighing t! artieics. i 35 cent rngncr, The Union, or Fami'r Scale, I t' form scale, and weigh up toS4 P""?' 1 in nreeaiv, one vrar, 94, 15; Weekv7.l' 'l'f.e vrateh koe bv mail. oota p1 j by ti-e Kepubhcan.' Kach of tf 03 artu ie- will be shipped by freight, ri prs, as the sul.ncriber ma direct, V at in- eipene. CLUB LIST. Anior.e -sending $25 with a clu'o '.' subscriber will get a Wa'ertn wafeii r.d chain free. Anyone -endir. $35 with a clu'- rf -' weemv sutscritei will etaSem a, clock tree. THK MISStARI KEI'LBLICA- s,t Lust fio'idew-ywhere, or sit s-w rail for 2S!. w'tainv. Dr. I. . jofSvanv r rf nrn'w rm7U' mmm. i&mm Important. When you vi;t or leave New V wk City. towttvp Kt.rraze and (,arnae Hirei' at the oraii'l I'sion Hot'-J, wmI Or1 :rl lei,ot. Klejrant r'orr fitted of, at a c,t of lion dollars. re.lnei to liil and tJ-mJ I ( " - ' - j , 1 mw- - . , . - live ettr for lesa money at the lrawl frritel at tnr other fir.f-cla.s H 1;