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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
Stutter i : in in in til in 4 VOL. VIT1. HUTLBR, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER ). 1885 NO. '1 SPECIAL fllCEMENT! -READ EVERY - LINE. We have placed on our oargain tables in our clothing de partment Odd Casimere & worsted suits the wrv hpst nualitv of goods in this market, sizes 34 to 42. These suits must go in the next SKID days without fail and in order to make the sale a success, every purchaser of a suit will get a discount of per cent on the net cost of the suit. This is a bonafideslaush- ter sale, to con vince yourself of the fact call and examine these goods before purchasing else where. foeat Bargains. Iv past siih- of souare. REMOVAL. The office- or J irvh, C .i.kiin & Co., has Keen removed t tiu side of 'he qi,,re. ovi i f) . l.mds downN drujj store, wit-.;- i.-v arc now prepared to i .i.. m.mcv at cheaper rare.-, than ever hd..:. . Call and sec Jhem in their olhYe, ti'.l get the latest rates on 6 per ct-u. . ;ouey, cheaper than the cheapest. Fire clothinir. ril e dry ixoo!-:. Fire boots & shoos at fire prices SAM LEVY k CO. Forbes School Report. WEST POINT TP. The second month of school J-nded December 4th. Pupils attending daily, I 53; names ot present every day, Ida Reed, ) Luna Dalton, Ona Daltou, Estell. i Thompson, Rosa and Nannie Whitehead Charlie and Emma Frazee, Rosa Glover, Anna MeBrido, Belle U'vmes, Delia Lvtc, Coia Forbes, Kflie Barton, Esie Wheeler, Fred Kwin, Willis and Jessie Thump-on, Pyrl I.andreth, Edward, LewU and Ray Kerhuer, Joe Reed, Wil lie Shackteford, Harry Barton, OHe Glover, (Jeorge FeathcrHnif. Visitor?:" Mrs. MeAdams, Misses Flla (jrcen and Minnie Foriies; Messrs Byrd, Wtllett, Byron, Jshackleford and Dave Forbes. Fi-oka Fohbes, Teai'her. Be sure and the fire bargains Sam Lew tV- see at Co. Don't sell vour white corn until you see Lefker at mill or elev ttor he "knocks the spot" mi prices. .V-tf Notice to Tax Payers. Notice is hereby given to tax pav ers of Lone Oak township that ii taxes are not paid by the first ot Jan uary, the full penaly will be added and the law enforced. This is f ! it last notice to taxpayers to save cost. 2t. K. Walton. For Ladies Only. A golden opportunity. Yon can earn too per week In your own town. Something new, no hnmbng. endorsed by clergymen, the W. C. T. e . , ana me Dess people averywuer. Jio book gents or peddlers need apply, Good employ- ment for ladles or gentlemen Address with stamps Th C. ambbidgb Libra by Co. 3-St I.ock box 3 Boonllle, Mo Order ot Publication. STATK O- MISSOURI, Cousttt of Bat, S la the Circuit Cort of Bats ent. Fsbmarr (arm, lean. Mary E. James, plaintiff, VS. Henry T. James, defendant. Now at this davcomes the plaintiff herein, by Imt attorney, S. W. Dooley, Ksi., and Iil"s her petition and affidavit. alleginK. among othiT things, that defendant, Hnry T. Jami-s. is cot a resident of the State of alia'soari: whereupon it ia ordered by the court that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimo ny heretofore contracted with said defendant on the groundd that at the date of the solemniza tion of the marriage between plaintiff and de fendant, the said defendant had a wife liTing from whom he had not been divorced and that unless the said defendant Her. ry T. James be and appear at this court, at the "next term there of to be benun and holden at the conrt houee in the city ol Butler, in said county, on the lir-t day of February next, and on or before the sixth day of said term, if the term shall so lon continue, and if not, then on or before the last day of said term, answer or plead to the Peti tion in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgement rendered according ly. 'And be it farther ordered, that a copy hereof be published, according to law. in the "P.eTLitH Timks a weekly newspaper printed and pub lished in Bates county. Mo., for four weeks successively, the lat "insertion to be at lear-t four w eeks be ore the ir.t dav of the next term of Circuit court. J. i: JKNMN'S ircuit C"ierk. A true copy frvm ilie l:.eord. Witness my hand a;id tbe st a! of the circuit sk u.. court or Batea count v. thi -nd dav of Ueecmbi r, lv".. J. It. JENKINS. Circuit Clerk. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, Sarah A. Kellyand William Kelly her husband, of the county f Crawford, state of Kansas, by their deed of trust bearing date August l.'tth. lsss. and duly recorded in the re corders office of Bates county Missouri, ia book No. 30. page S.V, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, sit uate, lving. and being in Bates countv. Missou ri, to-wit: txts ten (10). siltven (f) twelrs fli), in block forty-eight (4S) In the town of Walnnt. Rates county. Missouri, to-wit: in trust, however, for the followins purposes, to wit: In tmst to secure the pavment or a certain promissory said deed of trust Ascribed : and. whereas, said promissory note is lonpsst j dne and unpaid. Now. therefore, at the reti'je't I I of th legal holder of said note, and bv the ' shority m me vested by the terms o ? d of t, I will, on Thursday, Decern Her i, iSS. , between the hour of 3 o'clock in the fcremjoa j and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dav. at j the east front dtor of the conrt home, in the j citv of Ratler. connty of Bates aforesaid, sell i the real estate in said deed of trnst and this : notice descrihei. for cash in haad. or so mcca thereof a isst be necessary to pav said debt, intrsr and ccs? J . c" tl AUK. Trcte!. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang I-iniratnt. Jackson's Common Sense Una ment nt N, IJkos. All damaged and imperfect goods haw to itt a price. SAM'L LEVY & CO. Hog. Twelve thoroughbred Poland- ChmA HaJc - wci.,hinir from 1 20 , . . , I i cacn. z miles wt'sr J. H. Ai.I.tson. and 3 nide south of Butler, McFarland ISros. are now selling .ieksoi Common linament. SIX I'ER Ci:NT monev on hand t i loan on improved farms. Nu red tape. Xi del sv ; those !iavm good security, The Walton tc Tcckkk Land Mortgage Co. At IJutler National I.ank ()pea House Iilock. Jackson's Common Sense linament for sale by McFuni.Asn IJkos. ALL OUR FIRE GOODS MUST GO AT ONCE. BE SURE AND SEE THEM, SAM'L LEVY & CO. Go to MtFarland Bros. 101 Jackns Common Sense linament. All damaged and imperfect goods have to ujo at a price. SAM'L LEVY & CO. Lefker wants white corn at mill or elevator. 3"-tf Cheap Monev i At Ren. B. Can On Time to suit terbury & Co's. Abstracts made f near Olive Hotel, No Delay West side sqare. McFarland Bros, sell Jackson's Common Sense linament. S. B. Newbell has a valuable piece of property for sale, title clear. Alt he asks is for purchaser to pay 1 axes. tf -t or Monev Getung with Go, don Holes lor Money lWtng. Woith $ . r OKSHEEjS MCMAKIH, .SMnci.nriatft O As. t e- v. . rftSiii v cnni c? A; MrMAUN.CiSClNNATl, O. j S5 H i i 3 I II 1 4V "V Si Ad h ML. BARGAINS North Side spare, Butler, Mo. EVERYBODY whisky, FOR Jugs Are Free 1LIESWIS North Main Street, Butler. Mo. Kansas Lands for Sate. In tracts to suit. .Smiawd m Arkansas Valley and : t:o A;K sas River and ti,.- .u rtiMti. T')',)vk.i '(&Sr.t;t IV ;m!i'..;..!. l'hc- laud i are in a c-MMitv ?:: i'viiv s..j--d. ettletl u; and an- tajvd'v uu-v.t-inj; ! in valtlt. 1 iiate ;e.i.i; ;:lv i the railroad ci)ii iv trat'.-pui'.-t-i tion for tl.o-'c that purcba-t-. I'anit - ! wis'.iinji to hc: t- in Kan-as can !c U.J at l. ' acconinioil u d with -,f m DC. XXJ- .e THIRTY DAYS IV BET YOTJlt Lot. J.f:Jtk .pot. r-.ixt-- v. h r v Sir..-d a' 'it V- ;' mv place i - - ' A liheial u-w-iri! v. ill . jxivc-n it Hndtr. A. K. r.u;i.i:v. Take wv l klUJ ! IS. L- : id d.j -in the. :V' - .v lIeC ,:: ! - . . 1 1 i t OOME ONLY uiijs. m nfldPIFIFiyflAN. Hurt & Utbl shop is the place to ut iir,0i work done. Hvcuthin Hrst cbi in i very H-'pc.'t; -ood hath room ;u connection iti U.ifhci d.cp. A -o l idle hair cutting in ;!! tf.e Uy f.!c. (Jail and -ct- ut u. f' idjr'f huildur vuth side vuarr. 4 F. r Ent. The hardvame Hum,); inclo acre d I iust .outn ot the city li-rt j o-.i ! rent. One e the prettiest .o !?hf , -.M--v. W. II VV'ais. 1 ' Acer,?, '. :I Fine al Ml touting! 1885 1: