I'HJIiiDB Jill
i h h g
'lis 1 SS -ill j
Are ILoaniiijg Money on Meal Instate Jecurif.v in ELarc or siasall sums ami on
The Very Lowest R&tes of Mteresi
Parties Wishing to Borrow will Please Remember
1st. Tnat we keep money on hand to be paid as soon
as papers are signed.
2d. Can make loans at 6 per cent and small com
mission. 1
3d. Allow payments before due and stop interest;6th,
when paid.
4th. Make loans with or without commission. ,
5th. Have two sets of Abstract Books writtrn up at
.a m m w 1 at t
ditterent times, we maKe Aostracis oy one
set and compare them by the other and thus
secure absolute correctness, and will be re
sponsible for them.
We have almost One Million Dollars under ou
control, and ourarrangenents are such that we
can furnish money at low rates and withou
any delay.
i am lm i
'!T AVr Mf'MOfS.
tbk stout or m raix.
tou oaa accurately toil Ue man who's married,
. Ujvm-U notice bow be acta soma rainjr day.
Xni Arrr bow i.Vr bin lady rrtend U carried
The uaibrella that 4oull kvp the rain awy
1 ou And th Uidy h fronar rrn srrlriplng
Aod l walking very el.w-iy by hi eile.
While the w.ier Is upoa bis h..ul'lT dripping.
You may know she U a maiden or a brile.
If the drtpplnir fall, however, on her bonnet,
And be walk, about a foot or no abend,
Tben .be' nothing but wife, depend upon K.
And they're teea for h.!f a no-ire of wint-r
wed. ('oimutiuA Dlnpatcb.
Away on the maif tbr i Itrt- cbnrjre:
. Ho blink in the sun. he h'-nU the Meer;
But a trail oa the wind crrrpi eloe th)ol.
And whispers fliat rnfriui'l blntuh tbemiod
Tbrouirh the nam r the solemn d-jiil. he be&rt.
With bis lnrk uibreru,
H! .tamed tbaTp:trNr.tf.
Hl clink ma- purn:
H aidlm down
Where the rru lrwa
May bide hi f see, while b'.- Rib wboi-nr-!
At the irate She tfrffftol 71:
Alln. VTMJ In Vlaa w,m .1 .1.1 .
eouM not permit sueh a f ree.lom, O. no.
Excuse me. Of oourse you know bt what it
. .rtffbt.
BU 1 saa bo of case, I assure you. Oood
tusraA. 8he (disappointedly):
The fuolt Re must certain! K. thik
Manager rt Dramatists.
Medici! E'lio.
Within mv knowledgv
a gentleman j Thp dfnpie fever hsis Ywn t pi1emic
Fire clothing.
ho ban occupied Uie highest position in n Austin. The efforts r.f the doctor to j
le profession m ax-tor, author, and hrvak it :p have not been sucswsful. Ir. ;
ger, and who id well known to 1 lrkin oonover nn a very toujra cis,.
msl for the t.:it twelve ni.mtlis to j ! have had f-.-v.-r for th? U-i thre at firo nriCfVS
weeks." i
Fire dry troods,
Fire boots & shoes,
J. T. GR
i-vfn jft-t a hearing fur hi dramatic
works. Vet the s.ime man has pres-nt-d
hia literarj- work to various p.ubllshcrs,
to whom he was unknown except by
name and in nearly every instance has
found an immediate market. There is
of course, the other side to the picture,
and nowaday certain dramatist are no
sooner upcvsfful thtn they sit" on
every one who i.s m-pine enough to sui
mit to the indignity. Of this class is the
gentleman who takes for his motto:
I am Sir Oracle:
'Can't you break it tip?'
"I have tritd ever) remedy known to
the profession, but instead of the fever
it's only me thatV broken up."'
"I can tell you how to break up that
fever. It is a sun; ciire very time. It
never fail."
"What is it commit suicide? "
Hctice to Tax Payers. (
Notice is hcrebv e;iven to tax pav- j
ets of Lone Oak township that it I
taxes are not paid by the first ot .tn ,
uary, the full penalv will be added j
This is the
lait notice to taxpayers to ve cost, j
E. Walto.v. j
"B thlak for a motncr.t I meant what I said.
Ikwtoa Courier.
"O. vLare are the girla of the past?"
f ks a pooC If you mean the far awav,
Um. and distant past, aonie of them are
still in the ballet corpa.
"Tell me. Thorns, how manv rovaova
aroun4 the worM did Capt. CooV make?"
"I'Wwa." "Correct. And on which of
&ese Tevagra wan he killed?" : :ck.
TV Baa who mortragra hf propertv.
wbfte the money last lives on th fat of
w land; while th" man who loans the
vdt haa to be content with the lien.
French oke: In a bosTevard restau
rant "W aiter! Bring me some niis
ke In ortho,Taphy.'p (Puzzled waiter)
w hy then do you put them in your biH-f-fare?"
Dumley (to landlady) "Do voa know.
Mrs. Hendricks, why "your tabfe reminda
Be of Mrs. Micawber's undving devotion
tt her husband?" Mr. ' Hendricks
o, Mr. Ihxmlev. Why?" iXunlev
"IkvaaiW you will mw d-rt u'--K.
I" ' ttrti.
Manima," said little Kdith, -what do
fxi suppose H was I heard crying out in
tt grasa just now? 1X rou think it was
tb Uowers 1 jut cut the head off of?"
'erhatid it was. drln .-v., :.
wtwn't, mamma; it was mv little kirtv'' !
Uarper iUz.tr. ' " '
"What Ut:;udly the nationalltv of a
ton wh.L? her husband was studying the
iporc of an - Alleghany game. !, it
V"es n.ilksj Caudon: "ssomefc'ra
they are Polish ami sorcetiajes Chinese."
A California b!a.-ksmiti U dangcrouI
III w.th glanders. -oii:ra-t..l while sh..
ihg a hvr. An.! a 2Vun, I vania vw
SMiirtKni f.-vm a prjln.s. ankV.
fraefcNl walU, "shooing " a I n. Thcr,
eem u a fafaJItv uboat tn'ot h...-i:-
"So. ' All you have to do is to -t
. ii-i . n
uuin ruiia. " iieii ruu trei over Ine t .i t i
, m, ..'a m .. ,Z i and the law enforced.
will never come back." i
And whn I opf mr lip i-l no Awt burt. i I wn-jM 1 iifwmwt '.i ilrw uiiMnr. : .
When he peak.s of the wretchi-d mana- j f thr.t sort." f "
ger it is, -I and the man called the man- -You can lock yourself cp in your '
pr; Aa for the actors, they are merely i room and get tight. Kolodj will . ver !
in- iiiiruiiii-iiL."! inm trit mv m m r to f i-wv- ahait
the dazzle.! and delighted world. People . -Ifs 'not getting drunk that I aaj j lllUSt i0 lit ' OI1CC
flon ieometo w them the v com' to r ashamed. of. but I don't want Uie do !
If tne actor Uarea to sav
All our (ire goods ;
ee mr piece.
"dot" ;.- 4 .mw: ' . t,
Btead of "what.
"Decauso it l m; piece; if it fails it m
through "the incompetence of the actr.rs
or because my sensation scene is painted !
instead of built out. or beeause there isn't i
be I
uie ooo- s til
tor to know that I cured mys. If of the SUl'O UIKl See 11)0111 i
fever insuch an ucprofeA-ional manner. '
If it wajn't that the other doctor would i Jvo it T ovt' ff J
Farm for Sale. i
Texas .-itl-uss. !-.,..
Southeast Corner Sqosre, next to Grange stors. Coiitiauss
to rarry one of th larjreot storks f
Harness L Saddlerv Goods,
III A 1 Ksrm Utntm sod Kioirle snj Light double hsrnesa raa't Le
heat Id qul;ly anti price. Come snj etsmine. A foil lias of
Saddles for Men, Boys, Ladies, Misses
snl everybody st bottom priees. We u!l
Horse Blankets, Robes, Whips Lashes, Curry Combs,
I forte hmthrt anrl similar srtirle sa low as the iowet, ss well as ll!Uri, triple,
eollsrs, swest pads, etc.
AMD AIIVI i,to ouj trtt-rlM goods, to sail I asm ss low ss paiiU.
w7 w rV w to sell only soeh goods as ws cast reroxnmeod, la plssM sii wh
fsror o: that Is whst ws ar bsrs for and Jast wast wsprvpss
to do. Repairing aestlj does.
he denies the author"
. ....
it tne piece saeow-Ts l! saV that I had ircne baci on the rrofi-?- ; -
?kn.: Td g'-t biiin drunk every once in a ?
while even if I didn't crje the fever. !
sufficient water in the waterfall, or be- j
cause there is not hgnopodium enough I
in the lamp cr strontium in the ml fire. !
or because awd
I will sell my t.irin, situated r. '
section t, in summit township, il
Divide! in lots to
r :m a i. .
i. t .r II our iUS iiut -r?i.r.
..... n -r ;
yours. fajd an aorr little iri to a hundred acres
iuamiv. "irnr tins j : .1 ! - .
r N-caue aawdtr-t ha Leenu-1 inatejul i littf.. tM " ' I suit Purchaser. 1 erm easy.
of charcoal for the explosion, or because "I doa t' care," miWJ hc -v of I A HAMU.TOX
there :sn t enot.cli hm- 'isrht. or beeanso ! th. r...i-:n . : .".?
the than r W wked" in the wrong looked tir'-f Zs, !
a!!, or the wind ha refused to wbitU r.r RW . Au.barre, who d;
the pea to rattle down the rain-box!" ,Z,hT , '"r Z- SEE THEM
(tonally, hower-r. the author h,s faygiene. day b.- L":' .
the scene- f -:rua aaaresea t:nt fIowing ; .a.m I- X .kJ
We tvould call attention to thr
his nose p?it out of joint bv
na.mtr I nra rud-.l 4t
the author and the r.ctot: Ihe public ; x 6cyCi t hkf (t- of the well kr.o.vn firm ot arvi. i
mHf The man j -Seraat. wu . j Conkiin & Co.. which appear. if. ;
wa omte nght. for the play wm .- bad. "tT. -Wf , ) , . , 1 ;
and the acton so powerless "to retrieve it. k,JLt T" u ,?e ncw" U'at 1 another column. Tin firm has do:,e
thatthe only thin? worth ta,1-!: i 5 '" -cunt of buMne duting
htted of a re ntly deceased important j dT low ratc nt int1 commit
omTatTp SffiSTfcS: I Vfcv -"-'.i81- Char-ed- the fairness of their;
night of it? production, not a line of the ' w cortract, and their honesty in dea'ir.g
Intact had been fmn.-Unpnan' .?tror inti-nat to cs with lhe oeole. Their .,nW, t
juaeazine. , - ,r-.K um uie rniitinr DusmeMi must I . -"
. M begix. We wi,h to sav that if the v I Mr- w- E- Pvv
ife (to husband eating shad) "1 i G Kv r,J any sign of pror:tj
. J" utuu wsnwuo- it Was not trOUfhf uv.t ?n W.ti.
Over Gipson & Badgleys Store, Syndicate Block.
cJi, is a gentleman
in ever; scne f thr word. Mud treats '
ail Ins cu.:oii
iT-" f1 l'miM m r I0W woe. , mate business. Fivir. -m.l ?..r,-.k s
furnLshed the
And in the nreem-e of theehildn'r.. tt.!"
II iband (jvagelv) "A ft'W hone--'
Blank -ft ail, there s ii.nrn.- of "em."
Wife (cttnsolitiglvV--V,'4!l. what U
t.Vr- are? Tat v rjv wrv msll ok" ' Cut
A. i. ?ir.
. i
"elL Bohl-r." a!d v.-Min- Feather! t. ' n
we ual .iUit a ii,-i.:int i.n;e itt tr : ?: vr -n rxv.J r.
totW lat ever.'.ng." -V,. ;rid.-,d." j r: k w:- f j... f (. ;f ... : ?
viur ms -n.,i.(j ;,. fv-ijg, too. j wji
-Yt:w ;:; ;11 rBe that she I -! Flat
t-.v. r-r k-., r h.
! w-, ;:go
v.s. -j. I re-
r. ;rs. -nd it
ner. ai,i : ; n , i
made a groat tn;,j. fricni - ! 'v '
gen'lvinaidv conduct --.;,? j
i. Jill it .-. '4it . i
r. -Trf .M'ak i "v;Ki wi?-45t lu:;h- 1 a ngle l"ocket
- . J.J v. ,. " - "
: Fire Clothiiiir.
Fire dry trooo!.
Fire boots sIksc
r t x b:u.-.;. ;it tiro IIT'ICOS
Sam Levy & Co.!
I t'hemieals. Bookand Hall laitri
t : r in
Lumber, Lath, ShinglcSf
VieJ I'aint, Lime and C'tT.(t.
Ilailruad I'fitea Dupll""
W. If. CTAItTIJir.MaMf"