Newspaper Page Text
3, K,i-.;iif V'f J'ftison. SURE. xblS. PROMPT, fJttiVZj? hh:t.2X. a 0 ;t; ivr Jiouralcjia. ...Mij. - ..12. TUICa.tti.a-- .-- J. P. VJILLiS' fe ed & Sale Stab OPPOSITE LACLEDE HOTEL. JOHN P- WILLIS, Auctioxekk. Anction sale every Saturday. Splen did stock lots and plenty of waicr and shelter. It vou have stock for sale, or auction sales in any part or the county, call on J- I - WIM.IS, Auctioned, S. A. NORTH MAIN ST , DEALER IN Buggies, Carriages, k SPRING WAGONS, S Etc., Etc. tJThc Largest Assortment to Seleet From in Houthweet Missouri. the Latest Styles And Patterns on Hand, and Sold at thp Lowest Hate. -' Tasae goods come direct rrom the manuractor and do not paas through three or four hands. Also Agent for the celebrated patent IULHOLLAND E SPRIN This Spring is the best beconse there if no side bar in the way of turning; becanse there is apiicninf; oecaaae it is me strongest anu in numjf apnnar niauv. ALWAYS In the LEAD! BELDINC'S For Length, Strength & Elastic!? IT HAS NO EQUAL? Awarded HIGHEST PREMIUMS art ail nrDUSTRIAI. EKhlMtlom. Its irameno pooNhtrity is due oI!y tods Lihlusic Merit ot ihe coo2&. eROWNG&COYLEfSUouislMo. At Jts for tha WXSTacd SOUTH. 9M O ( KOCKVILLB. COMM. fall I. MOMTKCAL. CMADA. I NORTHAMPTON, Mosf. For Sal by DMltra Evorywhstr. M:ic" Vnlttjca 511k. Machine TwUt. But-.r.i-".e! sttk. Sowing Stlk nd Kenslnftia Wat-roUerr 8tlk ltve all the pvrst. of Mnpw ioritr that rfirttnsuisH their Spoct. Sil- ponsur.TPTion. t haTsapmltlTanawdi fortlisabodlss:D7 Its thoaMada of cam ol the ami kind sad of iemK tMdtn bare bn c1. I njf-r.l. trnci mj fal't alU,ScacT.tht I ml I wnitTVO B.VTTI.K3 KKKB. hrwitn a V At.V k SLKTBItATISK on this diMaa aaoyaiiSfrrr. Oxtimoniir O. vSdr. Dii. t.A. MAU L M, HI rarlSl.. Sw Tor. 1 CURE FITS! . wiwiumwnnMiaMS. f'rto''' !w awl U.. k.r. tbrai Mara ZTTlH I .t aad Ik dtaMaa of FIT. wn-k ZiHl . .V I : .. . i.-, 1. to am SPflOLSlLKI Tight Lacing a Hnndred Year Ago. Devoted as she was to the world of fashion. Miss Frampton did not admire a!! its ways, Under the date of 1870 she wrote: 'Mv sister, Plollis Wollaston. now between 16 and i-. was le- i,, v..s ic ",nn,n" hc Produced a h:t!e in the woild. At that time everybody ! wore powder and pomatum: a large triangular thine; called a cushion, to which the ha;r a frizzed up wuh three or four enormous curls on each side ; the higher the prvamid ot hail, gauze, leathers and other ornaments wis carried the more fashionable it was thought an.l sti.-:h was the labor employed to rear the fabric tiiat nightcaps were made 111 piopoition to it and covered over ih hair, 1111 menselv lon tl,ick pins, double anil smjfle, powder, pomatum and all ready lor the next day. 1 think I lemetnbei hearing that twenty-four lare pm- were by n. iu.ans an un usual iiuiibcr to if to bed with r on your head. "The perfection of h"rure, ac- cordiusr lo the then fa.shioi:, was the ! " j mallness ot trie cncuuilerence into which your unfortunate wai-t could be compressed and many a poor j;irl hurt her health mafei tally by trying 10 rival the leiijiiinjj beauty ol that day, ihe Dutchess of Rutlami, who Was said to f-qnetze heielf to tiie size ot an orange and a half. S nali hoops were worn in a nunniiij; an t larger f )!" .t i!ie-s. ji'oin out wanl is thev went dovvuwari!, so ne tiling in the form of ,t t(I, -cipie were verv iNnionou ; -in in--ther c-1:1 stanriy wote them. Tiirv w ore dresses with loose backs nd stom acher. Gauze hamlkei chirt irunmed with were wo: 11 on the neck. Mrs. Horace G oodwin, or Boston, will present to President Cleveland a cane made of wood gro,vn at Mt Vernon. i t is enclosed 111 satin cover, beautifully worked by ladies enthusiastic democrats The cane was originally presented to Mrs. Goodwin's husband during Uuchan nan's tetm, and t.he has preserved fo present it to the next demociatic president. The-e Are Solid Facts The best blood purifier and system reg ulator ever placed w thin the reach ot suffering humanity, truly is Klectric Hitters. Inactivity of the liver, billious ness, jaundice, constipation, weak kid neys, or any disease ot the urinary or gans, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Klectric Bitters the best and only cure know n, t hey act quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or monev refunded. Sold at 50 cts a bottle bv John Ci. Walker. Epb Ewintf Angrj. Jefferson Citv, Mo., Dec. 2. E. B. Ewing, consul general to Mexico, being asked tln- afternoon if it were true, as reported, that he had for warded his resignation to Washington replied that nearly two month since, by the advice of his physician, he had ent his resignation for presenta tion to a friend in Washington, a member of the cabinet, and that, after consultation with the president and Mr. Bayard, that friend, of his own freewill, had delayed its pre sentment, hoping that with the re turn of the cool weather Mr. Ewing would be sufficiently recovered to proceed to Mexico. "I have telegraphed to Washing-' ton," continued Mr Ewing, to dclav no longer but present my resignation at once, jl have studiously refrained, while holding an official commission, irom any notice of the cowardly curs and malignant liars of Post Dispatch and Crrniicir, but on? ot tneir m ilic ious lie-. 1 deire to iepure. They w;m! i rviv- i- -:ppe.ivfi tt. during my long illness, we were without con sular representative at the City of 'exico, when he fact is that the office has been most worthily filled by the acting council general, Mr. f. L. Morgan. I am aware that one loses something of h:s self respect by any notice whatever of these blackmail- ( accommodated vv'fb good land at low scoundrels, whoe fives an:! charac- i ti:t'-i',-- Wm. Z. Walton. ter are in entire 'nar nony with the -H!I policy and tennerency of the filthy Take vour gun stocking to P,. Lou. and infamous sheets they publish. ; jon. He can and will do vou cheap but I cannot remain kilent and per : er vo,v fhan you can get mthe lare nut Mr. Unyard to be misrepresented I ctie. l-t m mis maucr. l toon nr tne ac ceptance of my resignation bv every mad." . Tonsaiirie I have tound ta Lisr tho : thing tor facial neuralgia and all other ache and pains about th head and tace. C. E. Allen, M. D., Raodhouse. Ills. REMOVAL. The office of Jarvi-, Conkhn & Co., has been removed to the west side of the square, over Dr. L,ands dovvn's drugf .store, where thev are I now iiieD.trri! f;i !mti monev at . , , - 11 cneper i;ires than ever before, call an:1 ,, ::, , :tn, trtT, the latest r ites on 6 per cent, money, cheaper thin the cie.tjc-t. rire clothing, Fire dry uoods. l ire hoots & shoes at fire prices SAM LEVY & CO. M t. The test rate iven by 1. i it ! .'.. f- r,. Mon e Money ' 1 eu it. vamenujiy .v. Monev! j Seeing is lielievmi;. Ail the wh:;e corn ni the county wanted at Letker' mili and elevator. 36-tf I" r L.iies A golden opportunity. Vou can earn S0 per week in yonr own town. Something new, no hamlmz. endorsed bv clerevraen. the W. C. T C, ami the best people everywhere. No book agents or peddlers need apply , Good employ ment fur ladies or gentlemen. Address wiih stamps The Camukidos Liiiuahy Co. -:t Loi k box 3 Boonville, Mo. GREAT IiARGAISAT -sAM'L LEVY & CO, SIX l'ER CENT money on hand to loan an improved farms. No red tape. No delay to those having ;ood security , The Walton & Tixkkk Land Mortgage Co. At IJii'lei National Bank Opera Houe Biock. Abstracts made by Ben B. Can terbury & Co. tf te sure and see ) tiro bargains a Sam Lew & Co. Ltfker wants white corn at mill or elevator. 36-tf Cheap Monev At Ben. B. Can On Time to suit leihurv & Co's. AhsiracM made 'near Olive Hotel, No Delay West side sqarc. GREAT BARGAINS AT SAM'L LEVY & CO S. B. Newbell has valuable piece of property for sale, title clear All he asks is for purchaser to pay taxes. tf McFarland Bros, sell Tackson's Common Sense linament. Don't sell your white corn until you see Lefker at mill or elevator he "knocks the spot" on prices. 36-tf ALL DAMAGED AND IM PERFECT GOODS HAVE TO GO AT A PRICE. SAM'L LEVY & CO, Sixper cent, money at Ben B Canterbury & Co's-. 3t Tackson's Common Sense lina ment at McFarland Bros. Hurt & 1 a this Batoer shop is the place to get good work done. Everything first-class in every respect; good bath rooms, in connection with barbet shop. Al so ladies hair cutting in all the latest styles. Call and see us in Badgley building south side square. 43 Jackson'sCommon Sense linament for silc by McFrhi.and Bros. All damaged and iinnerfeet goods have x .- to go at a price. SArVl L LEVY & CO. Kansas Lauds for Sale. Ia tracts to suit. Situated in the Arkansas Valley and on the Arkan sas River and the Atchison, Topeka & Sant3 Fe railroad. These lands are in a county that is beinr rapidly settled up and are rapidly increasing in value. I tav? special rates with the railroad company for transporta tion for those that purchase. Parties 1 wishing to locate in Kansas can be All (Unnamed and imperfect goods have ! f (Vf :i L 1111 Ot ; 1 ? av.V-. SAM'L LEVY & CO. BROW iiffllii THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron wuh TeeetaWa tojiif. quirkly snd completely t am Dyspepsia, India-rattan, minus Impure Blood, Ialaxial hills and Fevers, nl NearaJara. i ts an unfaiune remedy for Plscsses cf the Hiilneys aad I.ivar. It is lnvaluabia for riea.ei to Tfomen, and a!l who lead tedelitury lives. It doe not injure the u-eth. cause headarhe.r j.n-duee constipation sIAt Iron mtdicnrt do. It enriches and f.urifie the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assin ilaUon of food, rc-!if-ves Heartburn and Itelchirig. acd strengtll en the mut:les and nerre. Fur Intermittent Fevers, I-asiitude, Lac cf K::crg7, Ac., it has no equal. - The genuine has above trade maris and crossed red lines on rapper. Take no other. Bad, mIj kr.aKOHS tHCaitaL CO BtLTiaOBK, BO. NEW, NEW! 0 Widely and Favorably Known, Has Purchased KEITH'S - OLD - STAND Use so Changed it That it ir Now Kntirely NEW Grocer v Restaurant COMBINED. He Will Kei p Canned Goods, Fruit. Confec tionery, Groceries, &c. You can get a lunch at his establishment at all hours. Mr. Lewis never does anything by halved. He will please the Public at any cost Don't fail to give him a call. Second Door South of Arlington. C. B. LEWIS MONEY!! MONEY. Parties wanting to borrow money on Farms remember lit. That we can lend money cheaper than anybody. "nd. In nnv sum from $100 to 10,000, and on time from six months ts Ave years. 3rd. Interest and Principal can be mad" pay able at any day and interest stopped. 4th. Have almost a railliou dollars already loaned and doing a larger business than ever. 5th. We keep money on band to loan so if you have good security t nd clear titles you don't have to wait . Cth. We have two set of Abstract books made by different parties and make Abstract of Titles bv one set and compare with the other and can thus make Abstract of titles that are absolutely correct and we will stand responsible for them. 7th. Have ben here a lony time and expect o stay awhile longer. Sth. Mate loans with or without Commission Sta. Invite you to come and see us and have ourterms, rates and etc. explained to you before making application elsewhere. 10th Onr ofBeo is with the Butler National Bank, Opera Ilonw Block, BnMer, Mo. WALTON & TUCKER Land Mortgage Co. Fl 1 am'ly "located in Butler aad im prepared topnrchae and pay the i HIGHEST PRICHIX CASH -lOr". ioo:.- ClI:CKr-,NS, '!;: KKN'S, DUCK And I wa;f and i" p-l br?32ht to rae Caa beoaa l stre. lna-.'. WhHiT A Ca'' JAMES SMITH. ;Mii 11 m u 1 LEWS Bn ILTRY Ohio & Mississippi 15AII.WAY. -The Direct and Fast Line to Cincinnati, Lousvile, Washington; Baltimore, NEW YORK and the EEAST 4 SOLIO DAILY TRAINS to CINCINNATI and LOUISVILLE in 10II01RS, with Through Day Can., Parlor Cars ar.d Palace Sleeping Coaches. No Change ot Cars, tor any e!a. ot pas kcnenirer I) A 1 i.Y THAI S lo Washington i 1128 Hour To Baltimore in 29 Hours This is five Hot'RS quicker than the tastest time bv any other line. The Day Kxi-rkss runs entire train- censist of Dav Coaches anJ Kuxurian, Parlor C ir. from St Louis to Cincinnati and Louisivlle. l'he Mom r Lxprkss has sleepers with o Jt change No other line from St Loui ojer a Dailv Through Train Service to the National apital. Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars arc run by the "O & M" on Night E- press trom S . Louis to New York a n ar IVitlioiif Cliaiie in :i? Iloni BRSritUli'lWaJUHMlWILIJ And Winter Resorts in the South wek, The Double Daily Lines ot Parlor Car and Palace Sleeping Coaches by this line from ST. LOUIS to CINCINNATI and LOUIS VI LLE making Jirect connections at both points with morning and evening Express Trains, having P.ilace Hou-I ai.d Sleep ing Cars to Chattanooga, Atlanta, Savannah and Jacksonville without change. No Ferry or Transfers by this Route ! The Only Line running a Sleeping Car of any description be tween St. Louis and Cincinnati For tickets, Rates, or anv particular mfomation, call on Ticket Agents ol connecting lines, West Northwest and Southwest. Or in St. Louis, at 101 & 10 N. I'ourth St. W. W.PEAUODY, W. U. SHATTLT, Pres't &(ien'l Manager, Gen'I I'a'r Cincinnati, Ohio. Agent, O. D. BACON, Oen'. Weslern Pasaenger Agent. St Louis, Mo. DAlSsFD A book of 100 Duet. fnl I Tho beat book for aa .aBaaaaaaaai a ajMW.MBWji J WU' RTOIUSrorTJi ltooti tains llaUot newspaper andesUmatoa of Uie cost of advertising. The axt veruaar who wants to spotxl om dollar, flada lo ltth lo fortnaUoB na rvqnlrea, whils) forblm who will invest one bandred Umuaud dollara in ad vert lain g. a acbesi ia Indicated whiea will meet hla every require. nxmt. or oat a aaaav to tin to tlighl cJkmayes aaefly aa i acf at bfeor-ritp-mdnr 4P na bava bara Issued. Sent, post-paid, to any addreaa for 14 eenta. Write to GEO. P. ROWKLX, A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVEKTI8INU BCBRAU. (103praoat. Printing HoosSi., Haw Tork. JUST WHAT T Anvil, Viae, cut-off tool , The best toi farm and home u fc e. Either size, $4.5. Z$S S $6 50. sent Ireight paid, on receipt of price, f vour hardware dealer does not keep then. Good Agents wanteed. ( HKNEV ANVIL & VISE CO. DETROIT! MICH. great mm ing pebHshed in our famtlr, weelj pa per. Also each wte we give a sermon bv REV. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, a feature alone worth the price c charge for the whole vear In addition to the continued stories, weely aermont bv BrooHn'a inot noted Divine, and gen eral literary miscellany, every iifcue con tains the following: lllust rated etchea of prominent men, letters trom all par ot the world, new of the wee, happen ings of interest in Missouri and Kf'' t full and reliable mare t report, political goings-on, Washinjrton news and specia' departments carefully edited for Farmer Little F els the Family Circle and buI-m-.. min PfRcnllr. The present pub lishers have couducted THE TIMES for ! 15 vearsand have learned by experience that cenuine merit wins more friends ! than any thing cl-.e. The public can ! therefore relv on us to add every im '. ;rovetrjcr,t desirable, and to spare no ex- Jene 'ft etring our paper at the head. ' Ve are ene :u raged bv our largely in , creases list ot subi-cribers, now nubcring I ovtrfc",.:'". to continue the Reduced I'rin: (! :vja vcar, and v. ill tticrefore receive -Jibcriptions at this low price. Everv Democrat. Everv Western Man, K erv Farinc, Everv I keeper ar.d E.srv Intelligent Newspaper Reader in thN tentitsn will find something evert v Th.- TIMES worth our price ot !,vvr- Specimen copies free. Re-1 m?t bv ;Vtsl n.ite, money order fr regi- u. TzTives, Kansas Citv. Mo. j NEVIS ma a B. A-n i jL-JXVV WAjrr. ggjJaawLawgca'sa' a&X "aaa.a i'ATTi:i:ys r.i.vr XTNPARALIaEIaED OFTEICi a D EMOREST'S -1 THE BESI Or nil tlio 31 .luriiy.luoM. JllMttratrJ tr,lh Urigimnl hUrl fuyrtCt. 'J. i'hotoyravurna aad Oil fifltm. Ek ro;,r of - ra,ar.t, Vettk:y Suvlw," e B3raciat .th 'oB,tr, M will c"H:a A (Vmia 'ri'r- l lr.t tb h, IJr t lfc f.t-c-K.v ..f i . paturea :!ivirit.d ia tte fhi.,a .rri.3 u ttal a off B-mi(W-laiJ. "' vr,s,r , r ls,is .ir M-,)'.t ti e ttla I fri.l i p ?, r ..lf, hnlir ! r.iurti tnait.a I t jm? im. "I the .f. atiH km I iliTC.rKaa. ft. . .-t makm-uv wmwbilj iDf orur. ONLY TWO DOLLARS prtytmr :r.f l.'(t. tvW ta'. ti,,ru ytvtn:; cf tlM knj k:t.i rr. Sn1 uSacritli,! turlv, atiil ai Uif S( lra-tiJ lloiuiay Sumbm. T Send twmty rani, t,t II rarrml aiin-Srp raea Coupon aad vou cartaialy utcnl- t tf m , -r, t ta limr 11. talu.. " W.Jsssmjrt Diwit, Publither.t; 1.14th St.. '.'oi. Soil bv !1 NcaJra.ra and ItB,a BARNES & HAY WARD'S TELECRAPH, SHORTHAND I 606 Olive St., St. Louis, MOa Foremost Eatabllahmnt of thaklnd In tn Wast. Complsts In Kvary Dapartmant. Thorough and prwtiral loatrantlun In Honk kaMilar Buainaaa Writiaa, iVirraatwndaaea, Aiilhiaatia, all I lw Kocllah Hraachaa, Tjpa Writlaa. Talaarai'hr, Hhoet hand.sfe. Oradaafa aaalatad te poaHlnaaof Iras and rmtle Khorthand taht b aaall. Tartn nwatulJa Writ for Ctrouiaraor rail la janoa. hafora untenng at anirothararhaol. Addiw, RAKNEM a H A kl SUB OUva atraat. coroar of ftlroada MMlaa, Ml. Laulm. M I Dr.G.W.FITZPATBICK, Offica 608 Wjindotla SI . KANSAS C TV. M0. a KK4i'i.a riiTan-1 ai. i aim a trx-itLTi 'r l naa ..r til KYU FA It AN If Til HO.VT. l.i-.lfi! In Kan.n. Otif m.r 1"V rnal far rataract, Tata Punll. P'.rvs'nm and CriM Kfi suerrf l'T (rfn7iird. Oranula'i-.l 1 .1 la a u-l lrr'0 lo ia Sore Kve cured In ahor' llmr, l.y a mllil irie i.f t ratmrnt. lrafnra. l;t!iv i.,: In Hi. hr i. I Catarrh Irraied; alo. r v ii nd HtiHal lla-a.a, Nervous Hl!ndna at'rt w. t - riiru-ii im of N-it quality. Ditnl a -lilu.u a rra'op- aula. VuHtitiM'tn trm- (.u ai.e-tutKaiain Seeu II alt bar action to th Li vr a d bU- tfti.a troubles. Ptrtj Tc-iUtli: V: 9riiig. IU. aU CrLMUtfc t MARRIAOE yiiu SCO Page. tllatrakaS la aik a-I l't r ., torn. ur.ff ar i tsat ar a t l.ia t.a ncalae a'l ita rirtaw. aaaaaiai ar t aa aa , la.a a4iuaai, IS Sua aaaa, aald " , a aaaka. Ziaaith. amy. ITappiaaaa. ara ( r. tf 4 alaa aka aaaf mmrtf, aaaaat. vkf. aaaai.alatS, ak Maaarr afMMkl kawaaa raa. SS rtui .aa a. aaaa. k I. aaat aaaiaa af it wbitt:ii, ak. baau laat aaaiaa kf I WlITT:s'B. Bv Ua tkatraai DR. STRONG'S PILLS! Th Old Wli Trid, Wonderful neaiin nenvtrvinB Ktmaiviat avssasi eiuiTtur Ml I Tmr the 1 Jv A auaadv aara I dinURBd wAnAIIIC ilLW A avaadf.ara Ijvr OKBpiaint. KagUUif ta thm Btaoal. Claaaaiaa Iraiai Haaana ract iWa svteki la aMaaVaacai ! mil llllloaia) ItlaoraVers. mr Oinlawl, Ka(ralaUaa ta Bmaala. VvritftA i Btaoal. Claaaaiaa Ira klalanai A rt raaaa ra- SVtrki lln A amat I nalai aTSAitdis nrnrnnil Ml l e 9f'wasCt akavT1 ai nun j a rtiii lhal riLL t DraH Rkraiaalhaa. Ium I7aafiarrl"ar'ld. ..a, r i..a-i ..' I hnarala. A "" SIU-il'.-, awtklaf k'atiat U r, . ,-: . . ..o aad iaali taaaay .,...' . . -. .'j . Tirut,a. fo.ramfht.av ,.iJ,'Jlaalat..vVvy PDlt,IU TORPID DOWBL9, DitonDanizD livcr, and MAiaAmA rrom taaaa aoareaa mxiam Utree-iotirth K Akmmmmm af Aliai raM. Tt av-mntmna indiaata theire-rurtoe : IpMUUraVswaU ssNlr. Ult II mmm .11. liask mt Btoalr S ot irritaauiif mt a otriaa. A raallBST mt UmTtrnm ! mZmm Jair llla.laiaalB aTlMttTrlrr " U Usart. DaU katPaar tHo ea, k IcUJr H rati Vrlat COMBrTIPATIO.w. and ai xnand th na of areas til yUuU a-r oil Uktt UveC aiaUTSIBisoicinaiDaj flV.lJ bareao araaO. Ttoeir asUon oal eaoaa no aauaaa ot Hrrtn jor lnterf wila dauy woi a ami a y ----- TUTT3 MAIR Dlfj! r4Vufon of IhU int. WUrJrolB Wavas. Du Paaa Ca.. I m . MAS IMPORTED FROM HAM 75PE3CEJIT0FALLH0R5 RTCO TO AMtRlci tsrrM fn Ulataan-ck M aara-Ma. IOO COLTJ V GOMMBRCU OIK tauu 1X etatlaas K i Jnars ana bavm u aiao prom i "f all ImparttiM throo-1i fbeaa thra W rafrs mt ttae .yaUai,'' vroaur.tng p CVIR IMPO i'&l r "- 1 f..r.a.taav. . 'I'T '- . wr: ' ' ... . 1 . . .n-asa a r - af ,, tr-- '' ... lt'W- ' ..., st a . . 1 ill 111 '4 ! V-1 t 7 It