Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL ITEMS. Special Notice. AW Sunday school superintendents are; i.pSt)(tflllLV renU(.Ste(I k-ce i Kirkwood, h subum ,t3l; -7 1 !f i-., citv, tin- -ii-.rniiu of pneu- to call and see us oii;lu,nu competed with heart dls- ! eae, ged 59 tears. fV hoforO I)ef 22, 'S;)J Mr IJio.'. whs a prominent figure Ol DCHHt i;i.L.--, ' ji,,, politics of tl.iH state lor a nom- S;lin LeW ife CO. ! U-r ot and al.v. earned a na a I ,.,,,, ,1 repuution. He nude the first J. K. Bruglar wants more appii cations for first-class loans. per cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf Marshal Morgan was on the look out for stolen horses Monday. J. M. Tatty lett last reek for western Kansas to buy cattle. Don't you think the Time has been booming the past three weeks. Read every advertisement in the Times and find out where to buy your Christmas good. The proceedings of a week's do ing of the cownty court will be found .n another column. T. W. Chi Ids took a flvmg busi ness trip into Kansas last week. lie is on a trade for a large tract ot land. N. Hard and wife, of Homer township, with their two interesting little children, were in the city Sat urday. An excursion train of the br Louis Sl Emporia was run from Pleasanton Kansas, to Foster, in this county, Tuesday of last week Geo. Weaver's new goods have arrived ind tv the time this paper reaches our readers will be placed in position and ready for sale. On Saturday last the county court appointed John G- Walker township trustee of Mt, Pleasant township. Vice C- 1$. McFarland resigned. The late cold spell has stopped work 011 Chas. Denny's new store house. As soon as the weather will permit he will push it to comple tion. Joe Dickerson, of Fayette, one ot the Times best friends, spent several days in the city this week, visiting relatives ani shaking hands with his many friends. Candidates for office are still bob bing up. We hear of another who has entered the field tor sheriff, and bis name is Logan, the present mar shal ot Rich Hill. Col. Wade has received, filled ut and forwarded back to the de partment, his official bond as P. M. at this place, and expects to take charge of that office about an. 1st. We wish the Rockviile Globe would get a new ro ler. The last two copies of that paper were hardly readable. The editor is all right, the fault evidently lavs in the roller. We are just finding our our mis take. Heretofore we have been loading with too hne shot ; hereafter we intend to load with grape and canister. The woods need shelling. , We see it stated that a turn table for the Emporia railroad will be put in at our depot on the L. & S. short ly. This piece of information does not look as thougk the sun rise would pass Butler very soon. We have not heard anything more 4f late in regard to the new flouring mill at the depot, but suppose that everything is moving along in the j right direction, and as soon as the weather will permit work will com- j mence j Capt. Hannah says emphatically the Emporia railroad will not pass Butler, and that the town of Foster will soon be the second wonder ot Bates county. The captain seems to speak from the cord, as he offers to back his knowledge. The entertainment at the Ohio street M. E. church Monday night, was one ot the most pleasant affairs that has taken place in our city tor a long time. The singing, music, and in tact everything connected with the entertainment was first-class and all present were very much pleased. A man named James Swartz was bv the marshal, on a charge ot horse ! j stealing in Anderson county. Kan- j sas Swartz was arrested in Kansas ; oyer a year ago tar the offense, and 1 ceeded in breakup : jail and h ; 1 thereabouts was not known until as few days a?o. He will be taken : back to Kansas for trial. t , : 7" T7T t ; 1 - Take your srun stocking to b. Lon-; He can dSil do you cheal 1 on. -work than you can get m the large j i3t HE SLEEPS. ! Hon B Orntz Brown Faises Away. G.veruor, Senator an4 Vice Prill dentiil Candidate. St. lu. i , Dec. i3 The at his 1 , HIM u. VIio-" ' - ...urination soeech ever delivered in the Missouri legislature and, in connection with Frank P. Blair, be came an active promoter ot that cause. He entered the union ser vice at the outbreak of the wai. Alter the c lose of that contest Mr. Brown joined what was known at that time as the liberal movement in this state, which resulted in his elec tion as governor ot the state and the ie enfranchisement of tht rebels. Subsequently Mr. Brown was elected to thr United States senate and served one term and later was nominated for vice president of the United States on the Greelev ticket. He ranked high as a man ot abili ty, was philosophic in his tendencies, and whs regarded as a profound thinker. Snow, the beautiful snow. Have you gathered your corn yet? Rich Hill held a C. H. & Q. meeting la-t week. It Nevada can utilize tramp labor on the rock pile, why can't Butler? When the next fire occurs in But ler, our people will again talk up the water works. The sleigh bells were ringing Sunday, and sleighing was just splendid. The Schell City News, like the Times, is booming with Christmas advertisements. A monument v ill be erected to the memory ot Thos. A. Hendricks. Let it be a grand one. G. M. Rider will be hung at Mar shall, Saline county, Ian. 22, 1SS6', for the murder of Ramsey P. Talbout. The county court says if you want to congratulate the newly appointed trustee of this township, go over and shake J. G. Walker's fist. W. B. Tyler, one of the substan tial farmers of Spruce township, was m the city Monday and dropped in on the Times for a tew minutes. Thursday night ot last week a man named C. Huck, was found dead in his bed at the Windsor hotel, Kansas City. He evidently died from hem orage. Summit, j Winter hh set in at last in regular style and not any of the trimmings lacking. The wind on the 4th inst. did the worst job of topping hay stacks we've seen in a longtime. We will have to adopt the rule of Kansas farmers if such occurrences become frequent. Sporting is now the order ot the day, and rabbits and quails are the most common dish served 011 the farmer's table. The prayer meetings still continue with interest at the Chapel every Thursday night. Elder Price, ot Cedar county, will preach at the above place on Satur- day night. He will be employed to preach during the next year at that place. To break the monotonv of the Christmas tree, the Sunday school at the Chapel concluded to creel an arch on Christmas eve. A good committee was appointed and suc cess is sure, as we have the man on who was struck with an arch. j We fancy that we hear the wed- ding bell of some of Summit's j noble sons, but we will not tell who 9 IS ' it is at present. Time will tell. how ever, if we do not. j Well, friend Jake, we sympathize j with you on your failure to get the j 1. u bl!t we hooe to ,e profited by j your jre la the exteat. at Ieast, of . ,! SCS 'c"er paper than we would otherwise have done. You are young j vet and some better thing than the j - 15utr P- O. may present itself. We j should Iiye in hope if we die in despair. Orservxr L fiPl t i Has an awful grip on the man tJiat is in debt- wheth er he be Farmer, Mechanic Merchant or Professional man- Cash buyers want bargains and we ha ve them in all the latest novelties of footwea r The season has come, when it takes good, honest goods to stand the racket; we have them and. can fit and please the most Jastidious and are selling them all on such close mat -gins that purchasers with only a meagre purse need not be turned away without a bargain every man wo man and child should now protect their pedal extrem ities from the nipping s of Ja ck Frost- Besid es o ui regular complete line we have several hundred pairs of wool lined Boots, Ladies' Felt shoes and all goods to suit the comfort of the season- Comeand see as for first-class over shoes, one pair will last it ou the season- Men's $1 So, Ladies' $1 00 We have plenty of them all sizes- Our adver tisements have been liber- allij accepted by all this year ami ice hope to see new faces litis week- REMEMBER WE ARE THE! SQUARE DEALING EXCLUS IVE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF LWd t Ol'tll - Sl(lO- SUian P- S. We have an ele-l , i- i . t- i , i- ijaiU llllt Ol llOllUUY Silj)" , ' , , . " pCIS f OV LldiCS Mill 11" . . tlCniCll 111 )riCCSOl trOlll $1.00 III) Wai dS. Call ail(l SCC j itllCni. 111 E5 OSal What Does it Mean! jMIr county ImocTbt . j. a congressman p'-'vs "poiier somebody must furnish the "ante." Is there a pointer in this: Billyun and his lieutenants have pulled the woo! over the eyes of the democrats of Japcr county. .ften enough- The have iu:i mt" the breakers at last. -When Bby M-k. wo fe her Castor!. When abe was Child. she crwl fur t aetor;, Wien she became M iss, clans I'astoria, Wbea sas had Children, ahe gave them Caatoria, All Sorts of hurts and many rorts vl ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. Those fine ail Havana cigars have arrived at J. E Williams & Co. Choice oat meal tresh from the fac tory at the Grange store . New clocks, watches and jewelry at L)uff's. south side square. 2 2t. The leading candv house ot Butler is the Delmonico Bakery, on North Main street. 4 The Grange store has a large lot ot Mammoth clover seed for sale. Call and see the Mather Lace Kid Glove, something new. J. .f. .JcKlHHEN. GREAT BARGAINS AT SAM'L LEVY & CO. Dr. G. M. RWev, dentist, will do better work for less money than any dentist in the country. Candv from 10 to 40 cents per pound at Delmonico. i4t Tenble smash up at Duff's jewel ry store getting in new goods, south side square. 2-2t. Go to the Delmonico Bakery for your Christmas candies and toys. Great Bargains at Sam Levy & Co Ladies call on Mrs. Zike & Miss Griggs, the fashionable dressmakers, work guaranteed. Shop over Pilar is &. Son's grocery store south side square, Butler Mo. New Dry Goods, new Cloaks, new Boots and Shoes just received. T At. .VcKibben. Go to D. M. Vale's and get sew ing mochines at reduced figures and easy payments. Opera House Music Store. We have the best line of gloves ever in Butler. I M. .1cKinr.EX. Be sure and see the re bargains at SAM'L LEVY & CO. Go to D. M. Vale's and get sew uig machines at reduced figures and sv payments. Opera House Music e Store Handkerchiefs from the cheapest to the het silk, call and see them at J. -1 JcKinr.RN. Be sure and see the : rvp SAM L LEVY & CO McFarland Bros, sell Jackson's Common Sense linament. A Card. Those parties owing me on ac count will please call and kettle at once, is I mut have the monev by Cl-.iistr..TS to meet my !i:biiit!es. Mrs. E. Kkm:t. Bridge Notice. : j'ur.uan; .j an paT or trn rr,urrj coart na Jc a; the a ljoorwl term i-s.. i iu. on Monday, Jan. 4th, tSi6, at tlir east front door or the court hnas iu liu t ler. Mo., let the following contract to-wit: One bridpe complete over Walnnt crek. In Walnut township between sections 10 and 11, near residence or William Jnninps: sabstrne ! ure to be of gtone masonry, snperstructnre, wood and iron; 1 span sfi feet iron.- 1 approach S5 feet wood (barr oak), wood, iron and stone works to be let separate- Flans and specifica tions can be examined at my offlce. Rates sub ject to approval of court. M. I.. Wolfs. S-M Eri'i ye com. i Has the Laigest and Most Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Sol SILVER AND PLATED WARE Ever offered for sale in Butler. Water : Sets : Only $16.00 Tilting Ice Pitchers, S13; rice Pitchers, Silver Plated Knives and Forks from $2.0 upwauls. Children's Set from $1 to $5 each. Diamond Rings From $5.50 to $45 Each Ladies' and Gent's Diamond .a. to give mc a call uetore purcnasmg, : i win not be Fire clothing, Fire ury goods, Fire boots & shoes at tire prices. Sam Levy & Co. Home made candies, fine wedding cakes made and ornamented to order, and the best bread in town at the Delmonico Bakery. W. W. Daveni'ORT, Prop, j ALL T)IJ R fTr E GOODS j MUSI OVJVl W.Nl-, IlliOUIvi AND SEE THEM. SAM'L LEVY Sl CO McFarland Bros, are now selling Jackson's Common Sense linament. ) Ben B. Canter Don t Borrow burv & Money Until You See r side square Butler, Mo. i lackson's Common Sense lina ment at McFarland Bros. McFarland Bros. are veiling Jackson's Common Sense linament. Abstracts made by Ben B. Can- j terbury & Co. tf Siv nrr cent moil'-v at Ben B. j Canterbury & Co's. 49 t Go to McFailaiul Br.s. ior 1 j Jackson" Common Sense lin;iment. Hogs. thoroughbred Pol a id- Liiina mate pig", weigning noni no ! to 20 pounds. Price Ironi $10 to j 1 " . . ' V" J t c-. . . u T ii 1 . . . . . . M.otr tf.iii f linn '"vii : Butler. Boys Wanting Hcmei. A roupiiT of boy i from tht Childrea ' Aid Society, of Sr York City, will arrive in Datier ilo. i'ridy, Joary eth, Isjw?, for the purpose of finding bone and employment with farmer and other. Tbere will be a meeting bel'l for the diotnhntion of he boy, on Friday, at l o'clock M . . at the Orange Hail, aoutheant corn er of the aqaare. Those proposing to take one ur mere boys are. requested to band their names as soon as potible, to the foilowinf named srentlemsn, who have eonseotd to act as com mittee: C B. Allison. Ker. A. Walker, kev I H. K.trierce. Tm: The boys will be placed H. K.trierce. I : I tie boys win be placed with mDolicants who hare the mannundit ion of theoommittee. Tbey are expected to remain till ther are of aire, bnt shoald a removal be till they are of aire, but should a removal be necessary, it can be arranged by writing to the atfent. Appnc-ants are expected to treat tr.c children as their own in the matter of schooling and training-. ! Neither are bound by writing, tail the Sociejir resertr th riarht to romove the child at any tirna for what may be consider- ' ed a Jaat cause. Tha Society pays ail expense ! attending: tne iransportation oi tee ciuldren frerii Sew York and desires to place tbem in boices where they will be, at least, ander strictly moral influences, Jamee Mathews, A pent. Children Ai4 Ssviety, ;4 St, Marks Piace, Sew Yerk, 0 Sets, etc., etc. Don's fail to 1 V.'tl undersold. N. OB. JIBTEK. JRVfS.CONKLIN&Co To Loan in Sun fro:n y up. l-o" 1 rt Hale of 1 onuiii'oi'in. j Call iil ce tis- Office wrt n.... 1 MM.Atun iinnn tnrp - . M A. Uei in U J -'1V,V We L- POWELL, I have te.i-t 'l :itid .ini prtpitd furnish the peopie witr. ;i o'hty ' coal superior t' :niv ami th4t ha been on the maiket. If ? a'tvJ entirely clear of sulphur: iriU W.-itnnr t o'd : oitlv Ct Pr ' - iiti- t f;H ! I ...trl Alt- r.-oiL iv . f.I.I KtC'l''"' ' , ". i I:..,., Koad tn good condi'.r.n Iroffl. Town o coal b;ink. b:ch i only hort distance. tf U.T Shob AA month and Ward tor 3 Jl Chicago, 111. nJ Per Cent lose;