firm oj
;ich nppe.
We have placed
on our bargain
tables in our
clothing department
Bo!, Bat Stole the Money.
Uenrv, acii! of ihr- Gcoiyia P.chc
railioad ;it Ciia.tanoi.ciu r station,
has bicw nested mid carried to
AtJ.mla, Ciiaico wilii tnihcZZhn
lare alius ' uoiic tiom the coin
panv. The pusouci aiuit-nis guilt
.lilii s.tv he w:!: HiS.f no detente.
He to a ir-r'n : "You ci
that 1 a;:; -tails of the ch-tre hn.uhr
against me."
I hill's iin liontt confession.'"
Weil, sir, I am guilty and am
' ready to take the consequences."
"How did ou jjet into this troub
le?" befriending a friend."
"V ho .v,ts the Ineud .'
1 hat I will never teil. I can
shield i.m. mid I will ilo it. He was
behind with (he road, and I took Che
j inotiev to help hhn out. He has
(never returned this inontv. i do
j not think he is able to do so. He
! has a wile and five little children,
I and I could not stand to see htm
j disgraced, though - by befriending
j him I have btought disgrace upon
"You w.jn't give this friend's
name ?"
"No, sir; I wiil not. I wi!I nevei
I do it. When I took the iviOuev I
! thought lie would return it. I coid I
j have carried this matter along, but I
! thought it itt to in. ike a ciean
- ML.
S'omach Bitter I
i- an admirable j
remedy tor di !
order;, cf the liv- j
er reusing t""iut j
or;un when dor-
ma t. am! iro- j
nvoting tne se ,
ere i;, ;ir.d flow j
ot heu'.'hv bile j
ir.t li.e proper j
rrnr.i.el. re
laxes without
y-v, weaWt-ning or ;
rfSiti tonvulMai the?;
. . " checks their ir- J
regularity. It arrests a growing tenden- j
cv to rheumatism, depurating the blood, j
and increasing tne activity ot the kidnevs j
and it is the best remedy in existence tot j
chill and fever aud biilious remittent j
For sale bv druggists and dealers, to .
whom apply tor Hostetter'i almanac tor j
yThis firm has u
CA9 ryr r ' r
A ft
:-f th
;.irs .
I.- KUtis, where it ! le:i Ustu tis
cabie reined v by the E.iuves.
rrs i a OioitAXindof Totijr v .
oC Aty..vvY.. ott-r iu;;re.iivi;s v tus.- c
..tive properties hvo tb.onu.ri'.iy t. -i-
It contains no ooiumorMorphliis
A. A. MEALIER. ivtm-r. -.cv
. .- J . 1 ..t.-.t .-ur-ti URt"
,. ., Ill NuacuUr KiB-
- ''. St IxiUIB, Mo.
." -.T jvi in hwsI o ol S.
it oisimu M 1 - FmirtiBfT. W.
..si Tos--.!Jr m irsUU ml Irdm
.,i.1.i.vr:.. , tii : MrwttlK.
J .V PoE M l Vndrwjk. Ol
- u r. ovi: rxM. it rru kottlk
DTi I'ktT'CirD To introduce t!ieia
D1U tT CEili, we will j:ive bw
lax) Klf-in-r!.in WaAhinir Maoinnesi
If vou wont one send na your name, P.O.
and exprrftH office at onct-
TilK NATIONAL. CO , Jl Ify t . N. l -
E3 a a bd a im ri
IlitAl'SK and Cl'Ht
by one who was deaf
twenty-eight vears. Treated by nios-t or
the noteil sitialist8 of the day w ith no
beneft. Cured himself in three imitith. and
sinre then handreis of others by same process.
A plain, simple arni succt-ssful fiorne treatment.
Address T. .s. J'AUK, li-t fca.st Jtlli St., New
York Citv.
Odd Casimere &'vtli tcw.tl X
! Captain age n letter and told nun i
worsted suits the S 't "v cc .unts with nw
load and that I was willing to let
Xewspaper dvertising.
2J I'alk
UtJiucnv a wo,.
and 2
New Y..
very best quality
of goods in this
market, sizes 34
to 42. These
suits must go in
the next
lo vva, i!
I to!.
days without fail
and in order to
make the sale a
success, every
purchaser of a
suit will get a
discount of
33 H-3
per cent on the
net cost of the
suit. This is a
ter sale, to con
vince yourself of
the fact call and
examine these
goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
my s.il.:i go every uioiitn
making up the deficiency.
Cap.. Sage ho I happened to be
behind, am! also added that they
could put ii. e in the penitentiary but
! that the road Would -j;aiii nothing by
III. Capl. Sage came do.vn t-.. see
! me yesterday and I settled up my
! November accounts with him. I
h.iVe a rece'pt in mv pock, t for ovet
$.ro paid him yesterday. Jf I had
: wa.rttd to hteal I could haw; taken
! that and lots mote and skipp'-d out.
N' t one cent was ever taken except
j to pay that li iend mil of his trouble"
j "Have you employed council ?"
'No; I don t i..ien;i to. I !u!l
go bold.'y into coin! aiid plead guilty
for I am guilty. I have a clear con
science, and when I go to the peni
tentiary I will woik a, taithfully ;ts
any man who ever wore stripes. I
am now 25 yrms old, and when I
come out I will have learned a lesson
which will be ot benefit to me as
long as I live. You will do me the
justice to print what I have said. 1
have told you the truth in the m itrcr.
Henry is young and handsome,
and is well thought of hi his social
Make lowest rates on all newspapers in the
I", s. and Canada, fcstablished Is.,, .
To those whose purpose may be aeeompliehed
by a short advertisement, or Ly a transient ad
vertisement, and to whom prompt insertion is
imp-.-rtaut, we recommend our
Popular- :-Local-:-Lists
1 1 OA Paily and Weekly Newspapers, ui-
A luU vided into sections. All home-print
papees no eo-operatives included. The&e
papers haw a .musuii v circulation, ot oyer
tleven Million Copies?
jend for new Catalogue just out. Tarties
contemplating a line of advertising, larire or
small, are requested to send for estimate of
cost. I'lease name this paper.
Celebrated Mitchell Farm Wagon,
Cortland Steel Gear
to 1 1.
Miw warns ana m mm,
Halliday Standard
and Iron Suction or Force l'umps.
Great Bargains.
East side of square.
Consumption Cured .
An old physician retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by a:i
East India missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy tot the speedy
and permanent cure of consumption,
Bronchitis, Catrrrn, Asthma and all
throat and Lung Affections, also a tosi-ti-e
and radical care tor Nervous dihilitv
.ind all nervous complaints after having
tested its Aondertul curtive powers in
thousands ot cases has felt it his d-atv to
ma e it nown to his suffering lelfows.
xVctuated by this motive and adisire to
releive human suffering, 1 will seud free
ot chanre to all who ilesir.- 0 thu . .
in German, French or English, with full
directions tor preparing and useing.
Sent bv mail by addressing with stamp
inamingthis paper, W. A. Noes, 14.)
Power's Bloc , Rochester, N. Y. no.--i v
Will Make a Ion Stay.
Johet, III. , Dec. 9. Two io:t
setuence convicts cached the peni
tentiary to-day from Spriutieid, 1
both convicted ot murder. Jchr. j
Mosier, whose farm adjoins the city
nmns 01 opringheld, was trouK'ed
by boys crossing his fields, and U
order to put 3 stop to it procured a
hot gun and shot dead little fel
low named Walter Ar.10,. He ;e
ceived a fifteen car sentence.
George Short killed a man at Me
chanicsbur. 111., and was awarded
send 1" vents posta.ee, and
we will mail you free a
royal, valuable. sample box
01 jrooits trial win pni yott
in the wav of makiiiir more
money at once, than anything else in America
Roth sexes of all aires can 11 ve at home and work
in fiparp time, or all the time. Capital not re
quired. We will start yon . Immense pay sure
iurinosewno mart at once, stinsos- s Co
f'onland. Main-?. 4-i-lyr
end six cents
for postage, and
receive free, a costly box of goods which
will help all, ot either sex, to more mon
ve r'ffht awav than anything else in the
Isoutcly sure. At once address True &
Co., Ausjusta, Maine, 17-ivr
nUV" Presents given
pCvJ ) ,l7lawav. Send us 5c.
postage, and by mail you wiil fcet free a
package ot goods ot larte value, that w ill
srart you in work that will at once bring
vou in money raster than anything else
iu America. All about the $200,000 in
preset. ts with each box. Agents wanted
evarvwheic, ot rither sex, of all ages, foi
all tc time, or spare time only, to work
for us at their own homes. Fortunes foi
all wotkers absolutely assured. Don't
delay. II. II m.lf.tt & Co.,dortland,
Minr .
"TT" more money than at anything
f J-X by taking an agency lor the
best selling book out. Beginners succeed
grandly. None fail. Terms free.
Hallett Book Co.,
Portland, nne
X rewrful prepsrstloti
so sne:itratl th.tafcw
drop applied to the ur
ft- -k lil penetrate to tie
-rv bor.e.a-id s!niot Iv
t.iz x: i;tal ki ens r
Kerjsjdgla-, Sprains,
Stiff Joint,
SoroTSuroa-t, Faiiuc
in Iiiiabn, Stom
eh er Scrwels,
13 anv part of ?en.
Will or son. clo'thlsq
nor 1:color the skin. It
haabcea In constant us 6
ry I'tiytciiis and other,
fcr 20 rears. Price jOc.
PrepartU onlyby
JAOOB S. MERRtLX. St. Louis, Mo,
DKaia-M nr xzozcuanaa,
Hardware, Groceries, Wagon Wood work.
Iron Steel, Nails
square, Butlei, M.
AT Till', HKST 1 It;IO!-i i:n
jD m
( 7
When m iit or leave Vew Vork CltT, irf
Bajryasre Kxpressaife and Carrisfre Hire a'nd Mop
at the tirand t'nion Hotel, opposite l,rind Cen
tral Pepot.
tlesant rooms fitted rtp at a cost of one mil
lion tlollars, redueeil to 5l ., and upwarJs per
day. Kcropeau plan. KleTatr. Kntaarant
supplied with the best. How? cut, stages and
twentv vear term Ir 1 VI? d'la- anulie. caa
. , '-'-"icu ; oei.er ior less mop. v at u crand I nJou
that fchcrt lias killed three men, and j Ho' t?iRn ' nT :!l' i!t-cia hotel jr tb
that he was but recently trieised i C:!
irom an Indiana prison.
Spooner Patent Collar!
Adj-.its itselt to any Horse's Neck, has two Rows of Pitch
ing, will hold Hamt's in place better than :ny other collar.
Jf n"" KVTIT "I M swuppv idtnoxd Dill
.i.r5!!'.n jo miIt v 't 'ivpi .q 1 iH.t iiinom tqa nputj y --vp3 V a mm B
'D i'(HIl niiJoa pm Sunw notin mjM. -
1 1 1 1 1 I MUf(
Ins and Outs.
Nothing i x productive of ui!-';-;
headaches, as the tropical heats of
mer. St. Jacobs- Oil will rerrove
at once.
Saeklen's Arnica tsalve.
The IWst Salve in the world t " . , .
Bruises Cuts, Uccrs Salt Rheuns, tiCr I
ores, tUnc-rs, Pis hilbiins. Corns
Teter, Charred Hands, and a.l l,Sr !
Tie oVraind for the ImBrs--,? ?f n5 R.wijt
fai tary b become iraperarivo. r n-jnl-e v
tjnarvr much tnrinc Pir - i.e- f i-rraiui.1
wtJ jiTi sjrtem. Conr.'t C-''cae. fr-e.
S S v!cof 0savs. r?; t v Kr t'-. T.
Paj uer.ts, or Kented.
Mason & Hamlin 0"ir- zrd PiaroCr-
- t
n nn
ri a- Si
Iff -J
m 1 111
FOR 85-8
The remarkable interrat in th
and in the. many timely article tM
tal features puhiisheil rerently ja v
ha given that inajtaiine a regular,
More Vh m, 200.000 Cnpi, s V
Amonjf the features for the roisia,
which begin with the NoirmWi tZ
The War !'apkr ny Genh
Thee will hecintinuet (moot of thfi
ed) until the rh,-f event ul the tit
been described In leadiuie particiuyt
idea. tJeneral l. rant's paper Incl
tion of the ba;tlea of t liauatnx.fr u
dernens Ueneral Met lellaa will ,
tietaiu. General 1. t' lluell ofShik
Pope, l-onjtstreet ami other of U&
Kun. etc.. etc Naval combat, toe
H(tht between tht Kcarsarpe ad tk
by oftlcers of both shipx, will be dew
"The Recollection of a Private" 1
war papers of an anecdotal or nusMq
aeter will be the feature of lbetr
s HI ATj fcTORIE- 3
W. H Howell. Mary Hillock Font,
W. Cable Mr. Howell ' aerial iln
er vein than the Itixeofsilaalaphu
Koote' Is a story of mining life, nj
a novelette of the Acadian of loulu
Cable will also contribute a rl
Slave Monirs and dance, includiif 1
vill-urniiijf etc.
Include "A Tricycle PilKTtmw
lustrated b Pennell; H'ktonral !
ward Kf lesion, ami other; lWr,
by S. O W Kenianiin, lately 'J. a
with nunierou illustration; Atro
tiiles. practical and popular, aa
Astronomy"; Paper on Corittiai
representative ot various reli(rtou
tiong; Paper on Mutual Kdeatloi,
experts, etc. , etc.
Bv Frank K. Stockton, Mr. Hla
(li It ) Mrs. Marv llallock, K00U.J
ner Harris. 11. ti . iyeen, T. A
Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Joba
others: and poem by leaiiiiK port,
partnients "Milieu letters," "Bri.
etc., will be fully sustained.
will bv kept up to the standard whirl
The Century enravinit famous the 1
Regular subscription price, f 00 1
enable new reader to get all tb k
with contribution from General Gru
rek'urd, McClelan.J. K. Johnstoa, Ln
Admiral Porter and other, we wIIIm
back numbers. November, I SM, to Dei
with a year's subscription beirlDalu 1
veniber, lns.. for i for th wIkm
scription, with the P.' number boo
handsome volume, 7..Vi for the akw
11 u mlyjrs only iilied at tbeae fn
A frtr specimen copy back
will be sent on request, ifitb
All dealer and postroMter takti
tions and supply n u iu liers accordU ti 1
lal oiler, or remittance may bniMt4
A i.liaii'-r lo titt TH
Moiiaeliold Article fr
a FrHClionuf llielrTaU
t I
Every Article in the Folloi
(iuaranteed s ReprcKatrtf
the Old Reliable hlmni
Ky- 'TS.ts - rrpit srr. v Croop.jthtn, Broaahttj. Vesratcia, BMmimmr.n. BtMdlu mt tfc I ttt.
' ' - - 'rr. 1ST. i a. 50UWIB mt OA.. 1
tzts. n r a a
ctence. is!C:u
bersdas Condition
tons,aRdpostivCJv cures piles, or no .;v i r"" ""-!U 1 - " "" eT'untl, j
required, rt is guaranteed to give a-rtW: lit s,ou?!l ot the city nm:t.. t tor:
Mttstactioa, r utonej refnnded. " r,-,tf I rent. One of the pretfic-t home -,r
F r Rnt.
.!sv5 Iiumphit'v iesi
i-.i S acrt s l 'OUntl, ' i abolawly
' - - w mm unij vmm-
i':ts ri for -STtrmA. Uneoicss
is worn mmrnci K
-or taer klml It u
t 1 1 nm 1 to 1 a, vmrmrm a biiiumf na 1 ii nap k a urn mmm t - - a m. , a.. r. .
ri.ia. rind an ahaat ton ma too will klwava bM thukhl n - " " . ""T
hr, o, ae-it by call tor ta top.. E.. L B. J06TraqcoSoLi:SSi
nnnnzn" iflir'ni n ntif?
Ill II I WU1IL.I 1VV II f I 7
mm mm m mjm. mt, ' im m aimm m a 1
huilnlliAE. E i LH
will nti heaa lay
it. IX
ai itlrn cf km.
We will Eire the Wecklr Ml-H
publican, the reeular ubKriptk
ot which U ft. with the tollorf
cles at the price named:
The Waterbury Watch, a v
rcliible and good looklnc iW
manufactured by the WaUffcr
pany, especially tor the Mlsaot
li an, and is scut to ubcrlbe
the mail in a satin-lined ce. 1
ular price ot the watch U $t tV
aend the Week) Republican,
and the w atch and chain for tJ '
the watch. t co; with the T v
one year $6 50. , j
An elegant Sewing wacninewv
tor five years. ThU rnacnint
eoual to it not better than l .
chines that have been aelllnf t.
the country for from f t to
i& nttlv 9,17 i and Weekly for
thrown in . Wilh the Tri-Wee:;
irar it Ik $20.
Farmera' and Mechanics' ti
fchop, $0 worth ot tool for -
set of tools conaista ot
40-lb anvil and vli
iS-lnch tonn.
3-lb hammer, witb laf
's-Vo. hot chi, ww
No. 34 stock and di.
FarnerV pincers,
Farrier' knife,
Shoeing hammer,
Blacksmith's drill,
Fore will heat 2H
I hese tools are of the btr
will II! a life time, frit
kit ' tools and tne W eeklv Rfr
one icar, witn r.
He'a-Jtilul Kamilv Clock, ok
Thomis A then patent: netT"
Solid walnut case: pnn- wi
Ji daw .tritet the hoU. V
to keep perfect time. Kettil ft
We Rive this clock and the j
publican one year tor $5; T!T1
tor $9; Daily tot $14- .
y,m r tl'l fa fit 1WO 1M
J : .M -
tie Detective. Hds scale
ately any article ranging roBT
ot a rMunt3 to iweniv-nvc j
tt.e V(erilv one year, $3; w1;" 1
w.-s.ti.. t. The ame scl
scooo. for the purpose ot wel
articles it ii cents higher, J
The Union, or Fami'r seaafjl
form scale, ana wngna-up .
With Weeklr, one vear,,
Wcck!v7.l' . .i
The'watch R"e bjf rr.ai., f
u - ... . r ...... Mwan. fjICh t 1
arti. les will be shipped b'J
. t 1 mif 1
press, a tne tunHiw
at his epen-e.
Anyone sending 55 milki
weekly subscribers blk
weekly subscriber, will get
ac;rck free. ufp0i
per h
toT salebr J-vi .t. t"e ctmu?-
X wortb tta wwiaat
13 awn. X2narrmd
- 11 VV U TDY J M rmwithfood.
. . ... - ; ysia.jUr.rtgtbT