i i i -i; i.,vc .nwi tli.Mvifu i I lav to c-iill vour :ittontion to the fact tluit you i-;m secure
Tothi.- baw ,. au,g thU i.,uuJb th(.1.onm un;W ,,alace iroh., next ...-to ... m. mhuu,,
i(t the KALA o-. f 7,K east wlloI. purchased in job lots a large and elegant assortment o,
1 1 1 1
ilwrj, fwij
. i tf i r'ulr,-. inI Silverwares, which I tic
in end est, variety, in t'lusti, v uw, v -!
re to close out by January ir, SS6, and as an inducement I w.d offer
?W Koo ,t from 25 to 50 per cent lower than ever before offered m
Wa market, as they purchased at hard time prices they w.l h-kew s
sold on that basis. In order to introduce to the public this CHLA1
FOR CASH HOUSE, that they may secure their toilet and the many
ther articles the trade tkmands. 1 propose to make this
To each person purchasing ftom me ;it any one time, ONL DOLLARS
worth of Goods I will present a ticket hearing a number which m y en
title the holder to a SILVER CASTOR worth $15 00, which is war
ranted to me ior 20 years and h is always retailed at $tS 00.
is bound to get the Castor. The
tion is to take place when 200 tickets b
been presented.
nd the person that will call at the Supply House and make the nearest -u ess on the number of beans which I have prepared f
the purpose will be entitled to a SILVER BUTTER DISH WORTH $8 OO, just for good I his ,s a h
i fi,. .w.i liiwir-.l rvpr nmdo in jhitlor. 1o oi)tain a haiidsinne New Year present. Hy mutual agrecnui
pilCIl 111 LUlU UllU in nnT niucii inrv. i i - - ---- --
During the holidays, remember that and don't buy until yon have examined our line of Goods.
& MAWl? m tft " 3. L. t
assssssssaHas eiii'ut'HLivAiwwrTgMrTtiBK
1 !
a i
One Car Load 400 on the Road.
.The best ever offered for the money.!
The Heaviest Rail you utr saw on a Cheap Bed.
Opera House Furniture Store.
A If :) T r 1 r.
One of tin: !iiiri.- - who -.tar! within
a few days for a pi n-,nri- j -.'iTu v rr.und ;
the world is yosing (irisv.nid !r Hard, a
son of the wealthy horse-owner and
tiportsiuan liTr- Lorillsrvl. aa.i I fancy j
that ho is not oin to t unawsnw into i
plants that arc dj! insult- what thoy wv.n i
ouwiae. n n:i-i enjratti a niniy 'ui-leU-nt
companion. IVrhnp lh- n-adcr
n-ealls having st- u. in th aeounts of
Lily Landry's American tour in a spe
cial ear, the nauio i,f W. I. Talhoys a, a
companion of Fr.sldy Gt-Lhanl "in the
latt'r'n attondanit- on th." professional
beauty. Mrs. Lanijtry insisted upin so
much of a concession to propriety hn was
involved in having two men instead of
onlv one aboard her train. -'All riglit,"
said Freddy, '-I'll itiTlte mv friend Tal
boys, 3 nieniber of the Cnion elub, a
right companionable gentleman." So
Talboys lcame mutual friend of the
pair. He is a round-the-world rover, the
acknowledged lest s-tory-teller in his
elub, the author of an iliustratt-d book
about Cuba, the eontributor of elub jokes
to The i our, and altosether a distinct
character in New Yorkr I saw the L;inor-
try kiss him with a refunding smack on S
parting with him aboard the steamer
that took her back to England, and her !
tell him he was the most Uelightful man !
on earth. He had taught her fo play
seven-up and poker; h hal ordered and
instructed her special cook in the prvpar- j
ation of curious dishes; he had kept her j
jovial with his narratives, and ha had j
not made love to her. Talboys L not j
rich, however. At times there has been
absolute danger that he would 1 com- '
pelleii to work for a living. Th;jn I'ierre
Lorillard came to the r"ue with the
proposal that he accompany Ciri.-wo!d
around the world, .showing him in safety ;
everAthing worth s,-eing, and acting, in ;
short, as mentor and guid.-. The young '.
millionaire is bound to -ee a great d.-ai.
l'tu;.i. A. 1".. tt;.:rrer.
liemtilf. I!iniekf"lii
An Engli.h lady who has resided for
onie time tm the continent writes: The
complaints I hear da iv :i!oiit ervrint
and hoiisekeepitig iieluc; m' to make a
prciosal - -nami-fy, that ui ettjibli.shing
tiie system which is practiced in (Jerma
n . of sending even young girl after she
has firiirhel her school education, and le
fore she is 'out.' Ut learn housekeeping,
lliis e.vrv g rl iii;em:atiy do-s. be sI?o
the daughter of a nobleman, o'tfeer, or
small ollicial. She gees dlnct from
M-hool into a family correrio'iiling to hei
station in life. Thooc wli nre rich
when? they j ay highly. ;:ud are in a
"good family," , fuai lijey aru enab!el
to live well, and have ; jod r-jokinj snd
great varietj-. No s, ; n ;r.t ow
of thv' e.stablisliui-ntu for 1 i a
year, so that with . y..ry month a new
branch is !e r?i-l-n:!e month lh preserv
ing of fruit in :is. i. tin I .y'ag '.a of
apples and veg.t;iJie fi.r wftte;- r-.,
preferring of eggs Hr.d l.;t-r. etc.
J IlCeC girls
u oaHap BuJsihiiel
An y
jvJ II
JohnA. Lefl'er Ho's.
tangii! . v: rrtij;:
washing up tllshes. sweeping ant iajIU'i- !
ing the floors, clear-tit .-rch:jg ar:a iron- !
. ,
mg. ousting A'.ul c.c :i !
eowking. laying tfie t;ihl,
ishing the silver and gi.nM
rating the table
Z 'rt:.II!ClltS,, pj.
to d-eo-
DDaiiDip. Aire
Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c,
Tin: highest market price paid for
Ami All Kinc's o Country iVoduce. We Seli
The - Famous -Tebo-Flour!
r..rmcis. come -d sec us. . ,h ir ,v, c ,.4 o w
vyt'o1!', . - Hl'TI.ER, MiSOL"Rl.
Professor James Warren is announced
as the inventor of a new proqes.-, of r?
tlucing or by the aid "of electricity.
While examining a piece of golJ-l:Hr:nr
quarts the Profi-sw)r nceidentIly !r it
fall ictii one of the tlynamoa, which was
in motion at the tinv. On lookinsr tor
the piexv of quatj rz tiie next day he found
it in the dnamo. and, to hLs" surpri',
tie gold in the quartz hail been melius
and hd rnu to one side of the rv-fc.
fonning a beautiful button. 11 iniin-s":-ateiy
instituted a M rie.'. of exVtim-."it
and succeeded in evolving a pr w- bv
which gold, silver an-1 eopr r'e.-n iri
n'.Iy sr:H 1:. d f-roni coiic-urj-..t.-.4 bv n
powerful cic.nric slev k, almost ".jualnig
in irs iat osify h str-Ae of lightning. The
suceiful app2:;r;Ai of th.s pnjeess to
other ore--. a le i.J a. antimony, i- also
w.;n iiwv.Tj ario 2i;:ts. .
(ir. r.i js the ambition of the -up-!l to hear '
tliat her tastf arvl mAnagt-men; are the
best. Combinel with k ne duUea are
tho ,e of keeping the household linen in
repair and learning pUin sewing. Thus
the young girl gets exper.onee hi house-
Ihold affair-. Though the pupils have to
learn everything. Movants are kept in
thee establishni-ns. wh m their turn
are tanght by the ;!dvancsj pupils, who
have leannnl fnun the ?:vfh-r of the
family. This accounts for th excellent j
; housekeeping in fiemir.ny, where coin- j
I fort is combined with economy, and the j
. pleasure of having everything precise I
! and clean. The labors of the day are j
; over by midday (dinner N-ing at mid- :
j day), when everybody i- lsbertv for f
; study. ncli.'.vork. or ;it:s":ueni till
time for preo-'rinsr supi-r. '
The eraz- fir family ere-ts hrt. broken '
out in Philadelphia, where :he authori- '
I f, "Rurke's Peerage" and tlu rent, are '
j being huntel up in order to hbvn crextx '
! perfectly
i which are very elabontte. are jmt on in
j colors, and the tine-t work has to be i
done by regular artists, though much of
it is done by skillful and trained girls, j
j Kven monogram are again in stle, and '
i the decora t:on incident to eptstofaiy ctr- j
j rvpondeue Ls very elaixra;e ind,s,t. j
There is a pool in Utah only '
j deep, and situated at a very high altitude.
I that refuses to fre-K even in tlie serenM
j winters. Therrt L, anotlu-r tliat my-.vri-
j ously replenlsh-j. it-e'.f w ith half-grown '
trout. One stream, though clear m errs-?
1 taJ Ut the eve. and ta-.-hw. stains all the '
W'v desire to hv to the farming community that we are no
pieptt red to receive Corn in any quantity. We have recent
ly overhauled our Machinery, and now have ample ficilitie
tor handling Corn easily and expeditiously. Our
Grade very eav aiiJ perfectly satv- To thoc who have ia
the pat to liberally favored us. we return our hearty thank,
and respectfully ask a continuance ..f their patronage. Ta
those who have not heretofore d to u. v.eilesirr to
that we eai nestly solicit a trial, br'-i . iig tt-. xt mir e
loing business will meet our appfv-.i. al. if o. shj'l en
deavor to merit a share of you- pz-ira;, VVV have
quantity of
f'sS, and
F' ilex!
r tt tr'-nt f..
Come an !
! f t . t i g piitfr. '-. r i.) lor the m-
iu iie J1 part-e- v :t-. citemp!ate owinj
come am ! ti lelfte making thetf f"
)((, we ftozz' Ct Do Th GJ'
i'trm l the Ihinj. uni wlml Ue V
The ptiintetl rick of
vuiiiT. vat. is re-i r.ictj. a;!.i
it are many color paintings in a gK.i
state of prexM-ration I hat arr thongtt fi I
be the wtrk of Indian. There re lw? I
care in this giant rock, one at its ba?-)
and another some sixty feet up, ami ia
each of thes- ar ptcturvs of anim-d f
Nottce. upand W,lfi1 bv I) W. Cloud oi U b- rnr rir-m. tbt
-..v i""lcu rnrr umr ntttin. i r k-.w. t.,. .,. i..t liitn, .i
- ot ;rng a r-w mile, off, with water I re". wth crumplt iifrns, whi ia fore-
so not tnal y.xi csn Uardlv twt vrn-1 : white tiineoi. i.-t .hitr hIlv I
hands into tht-m. and as bright as dia- j luh ot he Uii white, i.u brands or eV
mo-uls, i- one of the most reniarkablt 1 !"rfc nd antrai-d Hv S. StiieT. W.
eombin.iiuKi.s of chenucals ever in. t r- 1 ,6or w I- N. TaKor at eishteen J
Awsmfldns near Salt Ivke Citr U and posted fr, l, u-.- r. ? r?!"??.-.." t';!
v. "jrt ui uitT in i ri4 1 t -' a cirr. tin t rkf . Mnmr. trnr aai
bD-flt of marl) mfi mZl
not rxbiMtf wli T" 4 .
aiiar, lhi ufih dar of November" iSS;. wti
vf.mlwr. inf.. All Dra ":
- - - . .... . jI .a aiw
14 him for tl!o(nv, vit)ua o 1"Zt
rlairaa b ot rlhlStlod wttlua T I .