I Invite an inspection ot may assoort
ed Stock of
Toys, Dolls, Games
Now is the lime for you to decide on
what you
Want to (Rive
During the holiday weeks, ou can
certainly find what you arc
looking for at my
Post Office,
Order of Publication.
CornTV of Bates,
U i tbarcnlt Coirt f BttctBty. rearnarr
term, 1886.
afary E. Jamea, plalatia,
Henry T. Jama, defeadant.
Vow at thia daTeemes tha plaintiff haraia, by
ner attorney ,8. W. Dooley, taq., and fllaa ker
aatitioa and affidavit, aftejrlng, among other
tainjr. that defendant, Henry T. Jamea, ta not
a resident of the State of Missoarl: wbereupea
it ia ordered by the eoart that aald defendant
ae notified by pnMlcaUoB that plaintiff haa
commencM a an It against him in thia court, the
object and ceaeral aatore of which ia to obtain
a decree of divorce from tbe bonda of matrimo
ny ueraioiore eonvraciea with aald defendant oa
iw Hi' th Vta dfendant had a wire lWing
MlaaTthiSS"? bt? "J that
hies the said defendant Henry T. James be
and appear at thia aonrt. at the next term there!
toe eitt oHi-tiL?1 ,hoM3 th K
Jut KBoUer' ,B connty, on the first
i?7Z','bT?tZnt' Bd or before the
continue and if not. then on or before the I art
day of said terra, answer ot plead to the VeU
Oon in aatd canee. the aame will be taken
wafessod. and judgement nderede?orUn"
JvAJ?? L Jilrtb" o'red. that a eopv hereof
5? Jt"""! rding to law. in the UtTuaa
iilhf . y n"w,,PPer printed and pub-
Uahed in Batea county. Mo., for four week.
MeeaalTeli -.the last 'insertion to be at least
four weeks be.ore the first day of the next term
f Circuit court. J. r JENKINS
, . Circuit Clerk.
tme copy from the Record.
HecemUn0' B'tM COnntJ.bjK10f
Circuit Clerk.
Trustee's Sale.
Whorvaa Sarah A. Rice and Caul A. Rice her
hasbami, by their deed of trust bearing data
April stb, iss4, and duly recorded in the re
corder's office of Bates county. Missouri, in
Book No. Si, page 315, conveyed to the under
signed trustee the following described real
state lying, being situate in Rate county.
Missouri, to-wit: Tbe south est quarter of
the southeast quarter of sprtion Pteen-
wnBiuiuin'DiiiB i-v) nags Bt?yone
Ji), containing forty acres wore or Uta, !n
trust however, for the following purpoaea to
Wlt: In trust to secure the pavnient of one
promissory note otea date witS and in said
dee-l of trust described. Ami i ..
vided by the terms of said deed of trust that if
mir iunuji luieresi ou said note he not prom
vm nrn uue tnen tne whole of said debt
whereas the annual interest falling due on the
th day of April lv- is long past due and re
mains unpaid -ow. therefore at the request
of the IikU holder of said note and br the au
thority m me vested by Ute terms of" said deed
if trust I will on
Thursday, December 31st, 1SS5.
between the hours or nine o'clock in the fore
noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, at the east front dour of the court noose in
tbecity of Butler. Batea countv, Missouri
jell to the highest bidder for cash in hand'
the real estate in said deed of trust and this
notice described, or so much thereor as mar be
neoerv io pay said debt, in Wrest and cost
F. M. Al.l.KV,
Tenoestee Volunteers.
Many vears ao Tennessee tamed
the sobnquet of the ''volunteer
state' grow uvj. out ct the ahicritt
with which her sons have enlisted in
the various w;.rs in which the coun
try has en2atil. Scores of Ten
nesseeans figure prominently in the
Indian wais in the e-rly lnsiorv of
the country, and hundreds whose
names have been forgotten, except
in tradition, cave uo their lives tor
... i-i
this beautiful country. In the Mexi
can war regiments were formed in
many instances m advance ot calls
and waited impatiently for their
turn. Tennessee's quota was always
full, and scores of men enrolled their
names whose services were never
called for at all. And in the late
war Tennessee fully maintained her
reputation as the "volunteer state."
Our information is that there were
more "volunteers" in the confeder
ate army from Tennessee than from
any other one state in the confeder
acy. We do not mean to be mis
understood ; we do not allege that
there were mote men 1.1 the con
federate army from Tennessee than
any other state, but there were more
"volunteers." From the best intor
ination we can gather, there were
from So,ooo to S.ooo men in the
infantry service from Tennessee in
that army, and from 30,000 to 35,-
000, perhaps more, in tne cavalry
and aitiliery blanch ot the service.
It will be borne in mind that very
few men- were conscripted, very
few. A early as February, iS6j,
before conscription had fairly begun,
a large portion of middle and we-t
Tennessee was occupied bv the
Union forces, and it conscription
haJ been necessary or desirable the
machinery could not have been put
W Tw
in motion, in tast 1 ennessee a
majority of the people were Union
ists, and instead ot waiting to be
conscripted into an army to which
thev were opposed they left the
country and volunteered in the Union
army. We do not believe there
were less than 120,000 Tcnnesseeans
in the confederate service from be
ginning to end, and nineteen-twenti-eths
ot them were "volunteers." In
addition to this there were about
32,000 Tennesseeans in the Union
army, most of them from tli6 eastern
division of the state. More than
half ot these enlisted while the ter
litory embracing their homes was
vet occupied by the confederate
force, and had to make greater
sacrifices to enlist than have ever
fallen to the lot of men in modern
times The circumstances under
which they enlisted were peculiar.
They were not inspired by martial
music or military pomp or by soul-
stirring public demonstrations. They
had not the inspiration of the flag
under which they were to fight a
public exhibition of the flag would
have subjected them to arrest and
imprisonment. And, in addition to
all this, thev were leaving their
friends to the mercy ot a powerful
foe,with no means ot communication
except by the exercise of extraordi
nary secrec and at great peril. Hut
this did not deter them, and 32,000
ot thetn volunteered in the Union
army. It has been alleged, and v.e
believe it is true, that there were as
many volunteers 111 the Union army
from the First and Second congres
sional districts of Tennessee as from
any other two congiL-viional districts j
in th UnSoh. Knoxrille (Tenn.)
for Infants and Children.
"Castorl . so wen adapted to children that I Castorta en-, ""We. Ceewipatioa.
kaowa to me. IL A. Aacaxa. SI D., I tesuoo,
111 So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, x. 7. J Without injurious medication.
Turn Ctorica Copat, 138 Fulton Street. If. Y.
! t tlilur am! lioiilelt .
j Funniest Paper in America.
Tfct Greatest Medical Trmrapa af tU
ariviKiurnu C F A
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The uriirinstor of the Celebrated
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back part, Tain aader Ua akliTs
blade. ;ll-ess after e.tts,. wUfcasllt
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i7."r."'"7sT :T"P5' ."w fWrtia, wS
r." " ... . ""-aieeiea aeai,,
Heart. Uota before I be eea. Ileeearl.
ver tha right eye. H csi Icwiss. ZkT?
Htful tl reams, UUblr calared I rtae.TS
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to auch ease, no naa fTerta ancal
change of feelli-gastoastonlslitlieeiiirnL.
bodv t I S M.S WB iSb, hu, (as ITtTI.
noarlshsit.sn.l by their Tents AriHT -
tae lirastlvOrana.HuUrSlaMsu
l.rcxltir. ,1 ITW.aVr. 4 1 Murr.tM !??
Stock of al! kinds
commission. The
Livery and Feed
west. None but first
teams and stylish
most reasonable
buggies and pha--Dakota
Street, op
Hotel. Butler, Mis-
bought nd sold on
largest anil tes
Stables in South-
class turnouts, line
single drivers, at
rates. Carriages,
tons. Located on
posite Laclede
Wagon - and Stock - Yards,
Especially lor the Accommodation of Fanners.
The Weekly lobe-Dem oc rat.
The following comparative statement ot a number of the most prominent Week
ies published in the United States shows conclusively that the Weekly Globe-Dem
ocrat is trom ;j to 50 per cent the cheapest .
Weekly Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Mo
Republican, St. Louis, Mo.
J rinune, cntcogo. Ill
Times. Chicago, 111
Inter Ocean, Chicago, 111
Enquirer, Cincinnati, O ,
Commercial Gazette, Cincinnati,
Times, New York City
Sun, New York Citv
World. New York CUr
10 iae 70 Columns
8 Pages SO Column
i i r Year.
l 00 Per Year.
1 00 I'er Year
1 25 Per Year
1 00 Per Year
1 lSPeTYear
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Miscellaneous Matter selected especially tor the yrm and Home. Sent to anv ad
dress One Year For One Dollar (Postage prepaid). It is the IareCst and Best fam
ily 1'aper in the World. Sample Copies Sent on Application.
Price of Other Editions of the Globe-Democrat:
Dailv, Per Annum, $12.00
Tri-WeeViy, Per Annum, 5.00
Semi-Weekly, Per Annum, 3.00
Postmasters and Newsdealers are authorized t receive Suubscriptions or send di
rect to the
s4terinieu 4'oples. Free
add ,
to any
TtKsr in mind that bv sending a Postul Card to
in this office, a Sample Coiy of i'KCK'S
SUN will be mailed you KKKK. lhin't
neglect to send at once and tell your
neighbors to.
Address CKOKUK I.. I.ORI1,
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Milwaukee. Wisconsin.
CuMir Black by a aingin appiicatkia i
thia DTK. It tinparta a uatural aolnr aas
Instantaneously. Isold l l'eustataTat
aent by eznress on receipt of ClT
OfTtoe, 44 Murray St., Nw York.
Feb 11 86
h is Wealth!
Wivp: Mothers! Daughtt-rs!
IJ.j Your Own Physician! A Iadv who
for vears suffered torments worse than
death trom Uterine Troubles, falling o!
the womb, leucorrhoea. suppressions. &c.
and who had despaired ot bein cured,
found a remedy which completely cured
her. Anv sufferer trom such trouDlescan
use the remedies and thus cure hcrsel:
without revealing her condition to anv
o'ne, and without subjecting her womanlv
modestv to the shock ot an examination
bv a physician. The prescriptions and
full descriptions tor use. sent tree to anv
address, securely sealed, enclose one (two
cent) stamp. Address, naming this paper
Mrs. H. . Holmes, f? Uroadwav
iS ( in New Yor.
raT, mrmiArmtirfm
Di K.C. WnTa Nrnvt ins Rbai Tmrw
ant NT, a guaranteed anecitic for Hysteria, JLhaa.
as, l onmlsious, fits, rtsrrous Nmnuc
Maache. Kervoua Prtt ret inn ransad bi ih
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, llental Ijs
pressiou, Hoftening of tha Xirain reeultiotraa
sanity and loading to misery, decay and dratk.
Prematura Old Ace. llarranneaa. lviss of n..
! in either aei. Involuntary Ixiasea and Hpwm.
orrhara caused by overwiiertiofi tif tiiabnua.avt.
abuse or over-indulffence. tach bos cue Una
on month'e treatment. fl.HUa box. or an hoaa
CurtUU,aentby mail prepaid on rsostptof pnai
To cure any case. With each order rseai tad byai
for six boxes, aeoom Darned with aUi a aJI
end tha purchaoer our written guarantse ta n
lunntua money it U in ainisnr nuaaixganaa
ft cum. Guarauteea tsaneilfirilsbir
tola Prop's West's Liver PlUa.
The Greatest hor.-e breeding establish
ment ot American one of the many won
derful enterprises the g'e;it Is noted
for and whijli none favored with oppor
tunity should pas seeing is the ifreat
breeding 1 stablishment ot l)t lawn own
ed bv M V Dunh.iin at Wavne 111.
miles from Chiago. His importations of
percheron horses trom r ranee to date
have aggregated the mmence sum or 3.
000 (xio, and at the present time at O 11-
land coo head ot 'he choicest specimens
ot tha race nearly all recorded with their
pedegress in the Percheron Skud book ot
r ranee can be seen wh.Ie on their Col-
rado ranges age 2fm mare, and xi impor
ted Percheron stallion In breeding.
Are you disturbed at night and broken
' of your rest by a sick child suffering and
i crying with pain ot cutting teeth? It so,
J send at once and get a bottle ot Mrs.
1 i Winslow's Soothing Svruj. For Children
j Teething. Its value is incalculable. It
I will relieve the poor little sufferer Imme
, diatety. Depend upon it. mothers, there
j is no mistake about it. It cures dysen
j terv and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach
! find bowels, cures wind colic, softens the
ikms, reduces inflammation, and gives
i tone ar.d cnercv to the whole system.
: Mts. Winslow's Soothing Svrup For
vn - t m r u . j Children Teething is pleasant to the
Will AMI I A I Sin- nT taste, and is the prescription ot one ot
..M.llll.h SlOyOuO-the ?lt ana !a!erjMS and
pnsicians in tne Cmtea states, and t
.for sale by aU druggisU throughout the
0. mm
Vi'mT : SepsM cr KAIX rAS
-fA MPslMBa.Uirl rala
otMrlaiST4 "inlrMitl II
Osraisn sad Mca Ust sM nrna.
Royal iiiood.
We are all kingi and quetn ia ti-.is
country, and we have a ris?ht
blood as that which courts throtigh the
veins ot emperors. If the blood is ooor
ana trie cheeks are pale, tt is well known
that Brown's Iron Bitters is the great
tonic which win gie color, vigor, and
vitality Mr. M. K. Gibson, M West
Point, Miss., savs: "I felt weak and de
bilitated. Brown's Iron Bitters made me
strong and wel!.
All kinds of investments, srci:ritief state 1
countv and citv bonds bought and
sold. Savings deposits received
end intsres allowed thereon
Price 25 cents a bottle.
Mav- S4-ivr
IE! to LOA
Ti ...... . r " I 1.
r..r- K,,.-:.,t . . i
v Liui ui anuu; ten vjrs. were j
disinteircJ at Wjrrer.Mr." Mo., !,st
vec-k, for rcmovel to a new cemc- I I
terv. The metaSic cjkct ta which j
he had been buried w.is opcud and ;
the features were :,s lite like as the j
day he was laid to rest. In lift- Ck
Morsey was a wain- heat ted, oner
ous man, and is a pleasure f
friends t know th.u In death ;ws
boly has been so rv.narkisb!y presi rv-
On real estate, ir. sur.is to suit, from sac
to rive vears -t lowest rates. For fur
ther particulars apply to
: T I I'T l)fJr working pejnie -Send
: I I j JLs JL to cents pxi-tnge, and we
will mail you tree, a royal, aluabie zr,
I pie box of goods that will put you in the
j way ot making more money in a lew davs
1 than you ever thought possible at anv
i business. Capital not required. You
can live at home and work in sp.tre tirie
only, or al! time. All of both s-exes, or
all ages, grandly successtul, 50 cents to
j earned every evening. 1 hat a!i who
I want work ma tc-t ti;c i-nvinc, we
, make this unpjreiled otter: To a'.I who
; are not well satisfied we w:?i end ?i to
J pay tor the tiouble or writi-ie; Ft,;!
i pui ticulars. diiectitn-, ?., .-.:,! :.e
? i:v; !i:cnse i.;v ab-o!ute!v -jrt Tjr u'i who
j start at or.-e. 1) .--; d't :!iv. Addres-,
' StUv.v .V f. 1
Thn Government Kudotses '1 he
From the tenth cencus, vol. 8, just pub-
used. I lie American Agricultnrist is
especially wojthy ot mention, because of
the remarkable success that has attended
the unique and untiring eff orts ot its pro
prietors to Increase and extend its circulation-
Its contents are duplicated every
month jor a german edition, which also
circulates widelv."
Tins tribute is a pleasing Incident in
the marvelous nearly
of this recognized leadi.ig Agricultural
Journal ot the world.
Six niOnths slo the American Agricult
urist enteied upon a new year ot prosper
ity, and to-day it i far superior to anv
similar periodical ever produced in this
or any other country. Richer in editor
ial strength; r'cher in engravings; print
ed on finer paper, arid presenting in ev
ery issue too colnmns of original reading
matte r,4trom the ablest writers, and near
ly 100 illusti ations . Dr. George Thur
her, for nearly a quarter of a centurv ed
itor-in-chief of the American Agricultur
ist, Joseph Harris, Byron I), llalsted.
Col. M. C. Weld, and Andre' Fuller,
tr;u other long time editors, together
willi the other writers who ha. c-.tii-1. J.; the
,rjt t!ltiiri,t what it is to-day. ?rg -ti;; at
their DO'ts.
Every M:h:rine,r, whose i.'"crip'i'u
immediately toiuardeJ i i 't itlt "he
p;ice, 1 50 per year, and 15 c en's tx
tr;t l'r jo-tage on yflwpacpit inakin"
$i ( in al! will receive the Ancriran
Agricultuirtst fEniis!i or Gtrrran) for
all ot 1SS5. and be presented with the
American Agriculturist Family Cyclopae
dia, 'just out 1 . 700 Pages and over
Engravings. Strongly h?uni in . loth,
black arid v'o'd.
This entirely new vol-cme is a re:iiur- -ab!e
storehouse and b?ok of reference
for etery department ')t huiuan knol-
eoge, incidding an agricultural -iiDrdf-
Beat in thcVlorld.
LjT Merchant Tailoring - fCy
K and Clothir.e; Hou
m a a aa a. w
i M
A fil I'nc cf nrj u,rnplcs -f
tha great f :eei goods stUl
wnl be leu nil with
f-.U I S AREN'T.
J'utlcr. Ma
Port Ij nd, Maine- j meni bv Dr. ThurN-r.
Send three ;-cent -f
'o. .. cR.NiA5..r.,
a unn
' j- a aaw .1 .
si-Z. r-v-4- u-ontn antt t.anl
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lor 3 itvt
n each
1 ii kz
Jfi:! HiM.m'T!WRS;iTi -on can
rresi t et. witN'ct .ral instractions. lrpa
makers pis.ncnnc it rf-ct. Price for Srttezn
Hook aad liable Trwia? Vbcd. jw? i '
. . IO IM liODUCK.
A System, ftyt ani Wi:it ! :!! 1 w - - - !
receipt of 3 flo. Address
famtfv t c .ooaedia. 'r;v..--
j --- -- - ...1:1
you --pctin.en :ory An eriia:: A-;ricu;t-j
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j Addrts Publishers i.f
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M M 1
11 SM Ml asiaasw
Bw Baaltky
r Uava ail bi
fern 1 J
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s"i li-r ti-strihw
J I f :sr-rrs fr.-ti w.r f
rtf r-tU m:r . .r i IwonV- .l"?
tWQ tm mm fc :.. ret I -
t - ' 'sk.r.. r b-l "'t.'jJs
J L4fe,UeTl Ifoae.- t'JL
Z iV arrant , r,f rmr 9"M
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lo owe j--c' i""
t.iutw In frrrv stsc. M 1
i.3ii.RICAV .AGKICCLTt is 1ST,
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7? Kroedway, New York
1 cars fa E awaar. il,I2i1-a
there nceti te no anxit!v.:
ZiegJer A Co.,
axcrssATi. o.
Chicago, IIL t