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c liflcr ttfeeMg Sttnes. VOL. VIII. Summit Townnhin. Evert lotlv ha been keeping them- ' rKr vrrv close on account of the jjif.nic colli went lie r. Ileitis carce : most all of them ! fryic before we had a dunce to catch ny. 1ht other wedding is expected at nMf anv time within the next week ill ar ten days. Jr ; We understand that Wallace i . V working for the Union; how i f -.ijuiU here bovs. ti-11 mi" linw v 77 c . v V ' i 'ita iiiit.nn Witt, a o In U parchascs wneti ne sella corn. VjW$ Were informed that Mr. Ma. CI bat a cow from which the milked so S shot, they were just tlie size Seth vted in hunting The cow is brtichy. ? Mi Id Wiley who has been i Tttiiin?f,t Eldorado Springs thepasi ftta months returned home last Sat ardiy the 16 h inst. The avriage aiendence of scholars , itllw Eiz.ihelli chaoel S. S. the .... pi year wan mxcv vvlncii i, no JouM, targe an average a nUTLKR. MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY We learn tiMt ..,. Klis,r, j M"H'n.i-diciiieu.MK-r I) . Fr .nce of Burdctt. A vi-rv" .! proJcsiot, '! we n.n.k tin- ,.,ct, fl,,,, c peU-i.t .0 KiVjS ,lc J)rJH.r ills,M,c(i()II Weldoil Yate ton in it... T?...- i ... 1111 AJlCfc- I trie City last week. We fall in jne Wlth ew,er Mu of East Bonne, as we wo:il. prefer conventions ratner than primaries; but we are willing io be K..t crned by the decision of the central cj-n n ttt e. Hob Black, Sujr and Bud fW. .... . ie inree noted bachelors of this part, have rented J. Alexander', iarm, for the coming .,,. Vol, Her which one will Urnih the cook But oh! we ur. JersNnd :,re .til on the market. Ben Payne, of AddI ru and Jno. Talbot, of Cherokee Co Kansas, were visiting at S. M. Tal- t Dot s recently. John gives rather a flattering description of souths. K-tnsas. C. M. Leedy, formerly of Jn'mon CO., Mo., bur wt'lio Iviw . ... ti ... t. . , - - -. ...... tfffm in.- year near Aberdeen. Dikot i Tv ' i Visiting his many friend, of Boone a a 11 Bannsa-a-a,,.,. Ni;i:os ox the move. Forsakin- The C.ih.Hhu For Homes in Arkansas S.vkin- Kettor SHnmN un.l Less T i itinp. SO. 10 ED. i L-ttie R hv , v . , j, 27.The influx of coh.rrd ro,!..,,.!,,,,, ,'. ,hiH MOuolhe. so id rn sr ,. (,. be i,e a tratii i-o ,e consr. quence to land agents jn- one or two o' the raiJroa.l c , .r.i.ies enterinff .or b.....s. . ,-0 H,, ,, colored s-.u vh ...ill .M Arkin soil from So.,., Carolina on Tuevlav split up m iis cirv to day and have gow in d-ff rrent sec nons ot the atate to aerk homes. Several tamilies have settled in this county. a number went up the Lutle Rock nd Fort Smith railroad to Faulkner Conway, Yell and aitiacent counties it beintf their expressed wisii to lu-' care in counties having as small col ored population as tnev can find. A IIIHlontV of the rc composed ot the genuine South Carolina Arfricans, and it will re quire several generations ot white v tf.iits to bring them up to that pomi ot civilization their more intelligent brother could wish them to occupy. Several very intelligent colored men are with this p.rty, and they av ,nc reas.,.i t.,r their leaving S .nth C.r- li.t . .... ... 1 w. uie 111:1 rHlt. 4VJ. and poor edticaiional facilities m that MUle, iH1d it lcjr ,,;rt. o hcC() l t. o i.ideiit fic.l wiih the white people of Arkansas as to instil some ot tin- ideas of white people Into their children Freedom seems to have i.rmroved ... . c,n nut very J.tlle. There are manu mnrm . T . . ... ' ""snip uas never nan a 1 J ; on in ixonn and South candidate and we see no prospects CaroIina and Georgia awaiting re- of It. nn. mn. I DAM frnm U .. TEEM Who Ij fwdr in Ihe county anywhere last township. I r"' Agents of every desciinfum ..d Mtssrs. Henry and f. I Adams charactei are canvassin g t1H ...l(..u. ihtir sister Ilattie who have Our manner n n( ... ' . .L . . . . . """'os; mem mn yisning meir orotner is. A l- generaPy ends -vitli the c. b. tiof this township left tor their Wonder if Ren ll,r,.' K 1. ." . k.. t. .1? lit . I . . ivnif.1.1 mi. oivniiig 111., on lat Dieted that aw course Tkiirjlt.ti I ttr . iv e were n m,... . . IMiitMlthsfandinir fhe vrv ml,l riirrnnA,..!.,.... p .... 11 , " ' - ....-(..iiutni, ui c isi u none. Come r.iitr. 1 fr-1 riri. lv rtt h...t I I . k .1... 1 . ... 7. i,I;','ii; anl we would he fawl fille.Wiis appointments at lh le adder still :. , : fkipelpn-Satirday night, Sunda per from every township in B.tes WUII.IIIIT HigMi. r our more aa I county. atims were made to the church. Ex C.nn(.i u.i. .u.. .L . j 'vv-ii i., (mil ll:,t irje V Our vouncr fxiend. Ed () 1 T tta I rai'junn iak . 1! . I & la. i MatineJ to his bed with an attact of nominations was because we expect i iKumuniii-icvcr. ne nit in im. i ti .. it.. f utuiiiic n tanuiaiiie. Slightly ci wish of his many friends for hia off, as this township has never had a 1 r canuiaate and we see I Mrv Win. Scner gave the young j of its having one soon. tu an ovster aurjner nn ! Tum. I ..... rr . " olI.A BUSTER. jwn mjjnr wmcn was rngtiiy spoken of tnose present, as being com stt in every particular which is wwthe case when Mr. b. tivca an 'Otunmeat Desires to imform hi. fri-.. .. CJfflAlIWLIES SJPJffiACHUlHL CONSISTING OF ports from those who have out, and if they are favorablv im pressed, the coming sDrini? will see uic population ot those states dimin Seven Brothers Become Maniacs. a-"" j a ji ot. Louis. Mo.. Tain, ic st n I Uh k ' J W.WSS I -w IIIVUSIIIUI, brethera, all raviner maniacs, en mut. . to th I.rkutnuilU fit I I IT. mnn . ....... - i -"""' ah., tunaiic asy j tun a uikj, Aa one ot the country Hav r I lum. naased throuorh ,;. :.. ... ' I . . Jwrable toward primaries, and it it dV The commissioner in charge Joim Snydar Shot Throngh the Head by fca't fift alt DOrtiona nt ka I States that nrinr m th .. - . 1.1 I Jnha VaMd.1t i i f r. nc.llUT 1 " . I Mitel afut mm. .1. ...... . I f.rm.r Ku lk. K . . . .'.iniHiviguuEu rrnrriimi i uanic or Anion r o tftan the convention system we no,d Mid in Hickory county, Mo., t - -" wwd vreij VisfUfl nav tlia aua a a a -.T . . 1. e-- , -rwjm w racn out think that the m9 cP"veo inemseivea ot the nec- we known to aaany of the vounr I ffll.ri.. . . I ........ .ft.. I . .... ' (, uic nomination of w me in oruer to save it. people t VV infield and a daughter m county officera just where it About hree yeara ago a stranger oi John Anderson, the cattle and j w ua in naa atif j t . a i wiaiiraai ik.m wa a . . l. . aa r1 L. ' iyecuy in wme, ana alter convinc "eP man oi Maple City, is the cen- oi me people. ng mem that they could in a short tral "gure. , ' II A as a. a . . . . I a,? fl a -W:-At me residence ot ,,me '"rgeiy increase thtir wea!th,in- lonn Snyder, a young man of 35. V N. Stuhblefield, the bridea uncle, duCf hem to invest their all in what who ha been paving very devoted Wednesday evening, hy Rev. II. Pved to be a mythical silver mine Mention to Miss Anderson, got "'ce, Mr. C. M. Macv and in Nevada. After months of wind of the remarks K. ... j M .. ' I .UIH I " . IU SaUE Jackson both ot Sum- he bi others learned that they had "fleet on the character ot the vmine - wwnaniD. been imtMuna ., ...1 .11 I ladv -a .,1. .1 ITie bnde was handsomely attired uPn the receipt of the news, imme- Yesterday morning at about 10 ' - . nu saun. J he ecame amicted with a vio- 0 c,OCK nyaer met Marshall in front . u,nc usual costume, the con- ,enr ot insanity, which it the o! the MP!e City school house. A , ,vc congratulate I "" meir present trip to Jack- -Q On their ..A.) f... .. I ..r. ..11. hwivi luiiune in tne 1 -Iie it one .. L. L ... Sbo Without Warnlnr. I- vi-.i.iiiis iiiincsi rs 1 it .. Vourig men. Mav.h.Jf .. Louv.He. Ky., ,n. aS.-Me.g- d with bliss and happiness Y . f lr,P,e lraScdV -Se ih i .1. rr Letcher county. Kv.. wer. re.;v. tne rriucr. 1. . ' ' ' " ne r-roMd, nt and the Senate. Unless ,he R,puHlCins m Y,,,f:',S Senate refuse to force " h 'h, t,, jor,y in bo! -rv-;jentwlIlcerlHinI . From the way we look at thesitu atwn, such a conflict is most desira It will ! ,ort, llla - -...-.a OT(V tftllCI one thing possible to unite the n.,. Ocratic party, nut an n.i :, and dissension,, s,op its gree 'y outcries and clamoring, tor office ndmuke ...what it has always been the most resolute ami !,im:..ui , , "nviiiuaijr; pr, Known to American politic,. resides, w. desire much to see the President put tullv unon Ki. tisan mettle and resource. We hax e "idea that it he once well arous ed and made to understand that the war upon htm is solely a .t;.:i wM,cwlU show a hand that will nuu somebody. Unless every body w foole.l, Cleveland comen v.r J'eaily Up t(, Andrew la.t....... standard. That sq..are. .native low r jaw of h.s was never vet given . .a . I .... .1 1 . - .'v,..ei. 1 hat ioUl,d. s.did, hat ter.ngr.,.,, f a )Cilt, (f ,lis vet put i,po ,oulder which c.uM o, it ihe need were, bear up d carry away the gates of That face ot hi, always in repoe, and as npunurbahle almost as the face of the Sphinx, vvils never vet given to a man who ,!i ' lt w, .Coilw M,.f . revel in tiu fi,,rce, the shitting, an.l Ho-i.etirnes the savage phases ot a battle. Another thing: This Senate of ours needs to be taught a lesson. It is full of bosses. oligarchs It is already far awav from the people, and it is grtting further and further away every day. From its conduct it appears to think itself the country. It 1. insolent, supercilious, and despotic. It puffed up with all aorts of Briv.l. dignities, and assurances. It hoc dared often to originate and pas, ap propriate hills. It stands for cen- tralization in Its mAtr MHfUH.! was. uxiciiiivr ta at. a w w faa aai vaMpaam skai - Bwafl n-rl mr,A ... .... I Invites the rsiikK.. . ..11 i .. . . r -..v. Mt.,:cr mc nrerties ot ti. v" 'f , n n,rn wnen in need of any of these articles, the people are betraved. the t ?Vn? ce'ored Antelope f aee cut and it rii !;, r..t. historian will never h.v. to go be Z n -SK " hVC -F vond the Senate to find the L want the a,W Carr,f fine lio of heater, and does, not Finally, it may attempt virtually to Laa D a, am . anjui the orders given by the peo- "w. Pronto Aoked bv Wanv Doalofo, pU when they o.dered the Republi- "tel. fait opening out in thi. business and expecU to remain here, can party to go out and the J,nWare of every kind at prices low Wn. P " cratic party to go in. If it doea. vriwVuo?1. "2 J? esame building with Ed. Steele, the rraeer. Cleveland will have bis oonorn.nW , cyuflRC'' BUTLER, MO. Ana such an opportunity ! Never but once in hundred years does it come to any man. St. Joe Gazette. rrooMxnuni', mils mD buildeiv WW f.J.i,fU' Will continue business at th. a CALL AND SEE HIM. North Side of the Square, Butler, Mo. fA 1T TT "rr n ttv . vi aL5 a a& JLS, -aU. Q DEALER ISM . agw. If Are and ImotsS Wfc-a .aa k-eaoM ny. . Wa--kwciid-agw0-mC--tK "-cause of Mr, Sain'l Smiser V?ng so much hieher and look. J third taller is the arrival ot a url at bis house the a6th ins't.. r-v- arcaoing well. I Observer. by letter to Senator . E. Candill at r rank fort to-day. William Wright, an old man. and his two sons, Andy and Willi, were killed by James, Samuel and tn 1 . cnjan wnght on Wednesday night. The murdeters are said tn k. gone to the home of the slain men and shot them down without warn- .T. 1 nC Dartle ar r.t..J ; Elkhart. ttom appearances, winter Jne to t " ' m F-"es are related, and u of meetings are being lbe assassination is thought to have t Willow fir. J... t trrn. 1 , t onnucieu I ' " ,,UI" taniiiy teun. The ' Kler Leul. i i . Lwc. . iae oeen arrested and V - ar nasopened a flourishing their trial set for Friday. 'rv ... ...v. ... r ..... . it is thought thev will b hung as there is much indignation and "ex citement in Le'cher county over the aff iir. few words ensued, when Marshall drew a revolver and sent a ball through Snyder's head, and then rave himself up to the authorities. Sheriff Mclnttre was dispatched tor and went down yesterday after noon, and to-day arrived on the Santa Fe train from Arkansas City, with the prisoner who was accompan ed by the bride he bad made his only last Friday. Trv. in urk. ..I. ... .. ... . an me young folks Sn aei.u. .. -. hv ... t thint .1 . . . i..c name livUonted a LZr, ,ubs,5,ul tr Brownie: so "at pla,e and ,ct u, hetr 3 von otten. Ahstracts made by Ben B. tcrbury & Co. Can-tf A Card. i am located ox west side ok square ist door north of beatty Hotel, where 1 can make loans on city or. farm property on TIME FROM I TO 5 YEARS AT LOWEST HATES. I AM NOT OUTOF THE LOAN RfSINESS AS DESIUNI NG LOAN AGENTS WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE. RE MEMBER THE PLACE, ON FIRST FLOOR lit DOOR NORTH OF BeATTY HoTEI. 4 BEN B. CANTERBURY. Don't sell your white corn until VOU see Leflcer it mTM si- ... ...... v. VIV.ALUI I1C I knocks the spot" oh prices. 36-tf j Dissolution Notice. Notice it hereby gir.n that the co-partnership heretofore eslstlaa nndeT the arm aame of ate Heyaolds A Scbweock. U herebr dlMolvod br mntnal mnwnl i.M.b a rti.k.. in tinili tha hn.lnaa. at .h. ...... . i. .... 0f..,.hf enr-, sroounu do the ol! flna .in m. iBcser, west nae qaare, ver Canity BrM. ttora. , a. H trSMnraoijJ, 19 l. Scawtsca. Sheriff's Sale. tloa luaed from the office of the circuit clerk of . J a CIIUB1UI. ai ID """ iimi vi wni conn, aoa to n.e directed, la rarororthe Batter National Baak and agalaet Greea D. MeUianlt. I bare I cried ."I eiV."f,OB a Ifbt. title, intereat and of, tile 'thia nam5 defendant Green D. IfaliaiMla asf laa awil a k aatl.a j .. . rlM ut ftitnftU lying d being la the conn- IT AT KSklabal akH1 if mt U 4 la. I aaa iui MiMoori, to-wit ter, and the aoatheaat quarter of the northeast quarter, and the aontheaet quarter of the aonth. weat qaarter or section No. sS, and the aoath- . iiauin v. .us qaaner. and toe northwest quarter of the northeast qaarter and the northeast qaarter of the northwest qaarter, and the northwest qaarter of the eonth West qaarter of section No. tw.nty foj SB( the aoathwest qaarter of the southeast qnarter nf ar-fiflll Ka thlrtaaa ..itik.u.k. .. of section No. 46. and sixteen and two- KIV. VH VI VH, Mill 91 IIH SO S. Of township No. 39 or ran e No. SI, containioinz oli IS acres, more or less, and I will on Wednesday, February 17th, iSi5, between the boors or 9 o'clock la the forenoon and S o'clock in the afternoon, of that dav at tha a. at., 4 .a a.W a s. . T ea Hum uwi vi tjitt- ruun noose in Ida i city of Butler. Bates county, Missouri', sell the same or so coach ttarri-or as may be required ! r - ... ...a .... viu'icr ci.. to ssUrfr said execntlon and en.t W.F. HA5K" SbeAff teElivl I for 1 Off on all CLOAKS LEFT. This reduction so early in the season off of the EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, That we have been selling them certainly vill not leave A SINCiLE GARMEMT For us to carry until another seaon. "5 Eve f y tli mg Lo w to Lllen up'i Our stock before takintr inventory X J CALL AND SEE US.I J. M. McKIBBEN.S; a