Newspaper Page Text
Tine Table no. Pacific R. It- LtxiNGTOx & Souther. Branch.; Commencing Sunday, May loth, and until further notice, trains will leave Butler a follows: GOING NORTH. Ho. 1.3 Texas Kxprcss 4:5 a m M U5 K.C Expre 7: 55 P M 133 Accommodation 1 :3o P m GOINO SOUTH. Ko. 1.14 Texas Express 9:14 ! m u u6 K. C. Express k:ijA.M it 130 Accommodation 9:55 A m All passenger trains make direct con aection tor St. Louis and all points east Texas and all points south, Colorado, California and all point west and north west. For rates and other information apply to I. Link, Airent. Hvr.rel MfCietiei. MVMXN1C. Butter Lodge, No. 254, meet the first Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Roval Arch Masons, Ho. 76, meets second Thursday in each with. Gouler rommandery Knight Templar neeti the tint Tuesday in each month. t.O. O. FELLOWS. Bate Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon day nlgnt. Butler Encampment No. 76 meets the 2nd and ath Wednesday in each month LawjrerM. J NO. D. PARKINSON, Attorney at Law, Office Weit aide square, over Lantdown's Drug Store. THOMAS J. SMITH, Attorney at Law Butler Mo. Will practice in the courts of Htes and adjoining counties. Office over Bate county National Hank. 7-tf- J.S. Fravcisco. s. P. Fraxic FRANCISCO BiiOS. Attorneys ai Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in the courts of Bate and adjoining Counties Prompt attention given to coi" lections. OfTice over Wright & (iloriu hsrdware store D V.BROWN, Notary I'ul.lic Dut ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deed, contracts. U-ukcu un.l ail .1... ....... ,1 quiring the acknowledgment or jurat 01 an officer. I'll VMictun. EL, RICE, M. .D., Eclectic Phvsi- cian and Surgeon. All call prompt ly attended to. Oifice up stair over Morris Drug Store. J. MvCMRUTY, W. II. Ballard, DR. CHRISTY & BALLArtD, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ofice, front room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Tele thon COmmunteatlnn - alt ..-. tltj. Special attention given to tcmale W c. BOULWARE, Phyalclan and I ? SUTf eon Offict north id square, Huer, mo. uiseatetot women and chil rtn a specialty. ; 0' ft RKNICK, M. D., Phyalclan, Sur , geon and Obstitrlcian. Office, east Mequare,orerLeyya store. Residence "Mr Main and Ft. Scott atreeu. ACADEMY r ' WILLOPEN For Particulars Address J. M. TJ AYLOR, Butler, Bates County, Mo. 3 n .ua :k , . . Aao) Uw Aft ef Monav (Wun. i.t. JIIOPAMDW LiT.f.V !?h4 thMwMhl, Uai.M. PATENTS! Wn. G. HENDERSON, WENT attorney ami solicitor, OFFICES, ,,S F STREET, . P. O.Box 5H tUanB???"cbef?reU,e Patent Ofllce, U. Oiiw.un "d eder.i Court. . m'rrtSnL?r,i,h,d.- I'""1 ratent. enees aaatjifd.riLEE. .'OSS, ' RUTLER I Septimbef 7. '8 i I aa. l'M??u T- IUlal3iurpria . OkaHRk McMAKlN.OwUWI.ATI. 6 ;' ffs Af mub ,T,Zi,in.r,,'"'- TnilMtm MULES IN THE MIXES. Animal Wlmh Have Xot S Iav- Pratt Mines, Ala., Jaim .rv 29. Tlu-re arc- to he st-t-n here wmc in-, markiihle mules that wrk in the coal mines, some of which d:ive nut en the li!lt i ,.,v ; s;x . , These mules are kept in the shaft, a depth ol 204 tctt below the Mirlace. The first mulf that wjs carried down was in 1SS0. He was put down in a c-e by Mr. L. W. Johns, mining en-ineer, and Mr. William Falls, mining lo. The mule was blindfolded and walked to the cage, where be was tied securely and let down. At the bottom his blinder whs taken off and he went about all right. The mule is called "Jack," and is a bay animal fourteen :jtiJ a half hands high. The stable boss is Mr. Kellev, and the mule knows him like a dog would his master. He slat and sleek, and knows as much of the mines as any man who works in them. If a lamp is placed on his head he will go around the mine alone. The man who drives him has no trouble, and if it was not lor the coupling and uncoupling he rtould need no driver. This mule is the pet of the miners, and each lay w hen the 400 convicts and min ers pass his stable each one pats him .iffcctioiKi'.elv on tlu head. He is the most contented in the world, and is quiet ami docile. Your correspondent w:t taken in the mines by Mr. .Johns, ami during fie visit the mules were seen. The fct.ibles aie nnde by dij;;m out a siding from the main tunnel, and contains twenty -eicjht mules, all do cile, sleek and tat Out of the twenty . i dit muU-g w d r the ground eleven have not seen daylight in five years. "The mule," said Mr. ohns. "is a curious Jnimal and is easily sub dued. Now and then one of these animals will go wild the moment he is lowered in the mine. When once o he must be taken out, tor he can not be managed if he remains for twenty years. We have had mules in the mines no men could man age.". The mules seem perfectly happy and contented, and eat, sleep and drink with the same relish that they have on the surface. At slope No. 1 there is a mule called "Fox," who can not be hurt. He is the chaining mule at the bot tom ot the slope, and his work is to bring cars to the chain from the end less rope and to take empty cars back. Ie is a wise mule and has remarkable instinct. The rope has broken once or twice and the mule stepped to one side to escape the cars that came rushing - back. He knew by sound that something was wrong. He bears a charmed lite and has never had a scratch, while men have been killed time and aain neir him. Mr. Sam Allsopp, the mining boss, said he could not re place him on account ot h:s superi or mule sense. The animal has been in the mines four years, and is fourteen hands high, and is gentle and kind. He is a good puller and never goes back on anything that is put behind him. At the mines . are seventy five mules, worked under the ground. It is a singular thing that these mu les arc rot fit for outdoor work, end would be wild it taken out. FL Smith, Ark., Jan, jS. From a man who arrived here to-Jay from San Bois, Choctaw Nation, it is learned that on January Sth, two families ot movers, consisting of nine persons, were caught in the blizzard of that date, on the vast prairie, about twenty miles from San Bois, and were a',1 frozen to death, together with the teams, con sisting of four horses. These Are Solid Fact s The best blood purifier and system reg ulator ever placed w thin the reach ot uttering humanity, truly is Klectric Bitters. Inactivity of the liver, billious ness, jaundice, constipation, weak kid neys, or any disease ot the urinary or gans, or whoever requires an appetuer. tome or mild stimulart, will always find Electric Hitters the best and onlr cure known. They act quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisraction or monev refunded. Sold at 50 cts a bottle by John (.,. Wal er. j Postal Detectives. j The maintainance ot a large force i of trained defectives or "inspectors" a 5 h.-y :ie designated upon the rolls . ol the po-t office department, has gieativ purified this hranch of the service in the particular mentioned. ! A" ni!i:::'c number of swindles are ; t;i curie 1 1 t irotii tit. .1 i:y of the mails. iJwindiers reach their intended vic tims by circulars and bv advertise ments in careless or characterless newspaper. The former method is preferred by sharpers, as heing the least likely to come under the notice of tlie otILii; spies ot the depart ment It is an easy manner to ob tain lull nts of any required number ot names, nmng up into the mil il":l L v-1 :m make a business ot selling lists ot the names '' i''-' - o.d writer swindling conceit, w, o'vuin oiiginal ',st are addkted to the s.tnie practice. Countrymen who reply to any one of the hundreds of snap advei tisemeuts wonder how it is that the hundreds ot fascinating enterprises from one end of the country to the other obtain heir addresses, and they tee!, some way, that they must be persons of importance. Their van ity i flattered, and in innumerable instances they undergo a regular course ot training before they acquire a sufficient fund ot experience to en able t:ie;i; to realize that they are on t!;e wrong .side of the institution for the Lible-minded. 1 he ar. ii'tize, which during the last few years has spread like an ep idemic, has developed a swindle that is hard lui- :hj department to reach, and which affords a livlitiood tor a large number ot enterprising and unscrupulous persons. The ktiavtb lax the great army ot unsophisticated Uids who imagine they have artistic tushes by showing them, through the medium of circulars, how they can put themselves in the way of earning comfortable incomes with the expen diture ot a trifling sum for an outfit. They promise to take work ttiat is produced according to their "sys tern," and require a small cash pay ment in advance from the favored artists. The department finds this a most troublesome class ot cases to deal with, the originators protecting themselves very completely, as a rule, against prosecution. The post office department - spent months trying to breakup the scheme ot a man who contracted to send pianos and organs from his manu factories in Maine and California to any part ot the country on payment of $3 or $3 or $4 to defray the cost of boxing the instruments.' The ar ticles were received according to con tract, but they proved to be cheap toy pianos and organs, the expense of boxing which was about ten per cent of the sum remitted in such cases Another fellow made a lot ot money by boxing and forwarding very cheap mouth-organs to all who patronized him through the mails. The proprietor ot a snide but harmless cure for deafness reaped a harvest of $30 to $40 a day tor a long time. His headquarters were in New York. The president of a bogus medical college did a pros perous business in selling spurious diplomas, but as the men who bit at his bait were confessedly as great swindlers as he was, the department was a long time getting at him. This was a swindle pure and simple. An army of rundists forwarded hard- earned dollars for a mowing machine knife sharpener, simple, effective," and received, in return sticks dipped in emery dust and pieces ot iron. Another ingenious operator found a market for thousands ot copies ot a cheap edition of the scriptures by representing the book to be a collection ot very tough stories. It is not recorded that the department interlerca witn tms mis sionary enterprise. Harttort Globe John Kelley will probably be sen to France in the sp ring. Apparently the queen's speech went off at the other end. An old and intimate fnend of mine is Pcrker's Htir Balsam. I have used it five years, and could not do without it. Ithas stopped my hair falling, restored its natural blacK color and wholly cleansed it from dajdrutt. Mis Pearl Aneon,St. Louis, Mo. no 10 1 m A Clear Skin js only a part of beaut v; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what r?,ks ike lt- Magnolia Calm both freshens and beautifies. Shei iff s Safe. Bv virtue anl authority r two irenera! ee the fihl-ni .- - 1 !,soun- """I returnable at oftb. Nerth; V,.r Company. uae asainstl hnmaVj iitchev .d one vainrt Thoma. J. Wieher and Jy.'.K2 in?ey. iftavi oiiailan.l i . . 7 Jonathan Iey. of in and to th Volloirtni thje county of Mte and State of isnri, t The east half or the southeast qnarter of the o?theW.ont,iUn,'rauJ tUe ou&wwt qaaAer east anrteVrK: r".V1."fl" v' . ntft- .iin.T . c. "u"r"' quarter, a I m section a.,, township ranpe so. containing i 1-i acres more or less, and I will 0'l""',Iune m e.tiirday, February I7ih iSSfi !tW,t!:,,J)0'elckl h forenoon theeaVr ZXZ.: -or .y, . -i. 7 7, iu cuun nouse, tn the riiy t RUtier. nates conntv Mi rm c r v ,cu'"". o me n iciiest bidder for cash, to satisfy said executions and costa? W. f HAXKS, Mienff. Sneriff's Sale. P.rvirtn...J ....I...: .f- I '"; onwo poneral exe cutions issued from the the office of the circuit Cleirk Bates county, Missouri, made return able at the l ebraary term. lti or said court and to me directed, one ia Tavor of L. II. Jtw ett and aeaint Samnel Pott, and one in favor ofWm. Ieennz& Co.. and aMinKt smnl lotta. I have levied and seized uixm all the rifcht. tittle, interufet and claim of the withiu ...... .. ,,, v -ninuci i-oti. r. In and to MP t.tliflU-inLT ilri .....I w.,.. I... ...-.;..-.. , icoiiMnie biiuaie 1V1UK and bein? in the county ol Bate ami State 01 Ihewert hnir of fie northeast quarter and tlieeat halt of the northwest quarter and west hair of southeast quarter and the east half ol the southwest quarter, and the southeast quar ter or the Mnthest qnnrter. nl in section ten (1 ;) . township . No forty (4.., of raiiKe No. thirty (In), and I will ou WreliK'S(i.iv, F' lwiniy 17 I1, .iSS. between the hours of ! o'clock in the forenoon anil 5 o clock in the afternoon of that dav. at city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri sell the same or so mucn tnereor as mav be required at public vendue, to the hihJat bidder, for cash, to satisfy said executions and costs. ift-i.ivo, oueriu. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. William 11 .Tnh nnn .nil A A Johnson, bis wife, by their deed of trust, bear ing uie ovemoer -i.tu, ipi4, duly recorded in the Itecorder'a office within and for Bates county, Missouri, in Book No. S2, pajre 54, eonveyed to the undersigned trustee the follow ing described real estate. Mng and being in Bates county, Missouri, to-"wit: Beginning at a point fifty (.Mil feet north of the northwest r.rof.lotJ.four tn bloc "Kht (s), in Williams' arlltinn Inlk. -l -i.-t - . Butler; thence running north lii leet; thence east 68 feet 1 thence south lu feet- w.t W feet to the point of beginning, being the west half of lot S, in block IS, in Williams' ex tension of Williams' first addition to Butler, in iiu, uuwnit wr ing ioiiowing purpose: in trust to aeeura the navment nf m n-rtmn nmn. issory note, la said deed of trust described: and wnereae, said note ie long past due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the legal bolder of said note, and by the power and authority in me Tested by the terms of said deed of trust, I will, on Thursday, ebrury iSth, 1886, . between the houra of nine o'clock In the fore noon and fire o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house ia h!'ty of Butler, county of Bates aforesaid, sell the real estate ia said deed of trust and this notice described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said debt, interest and costs, to the highest bidder for cash in hand. r. at. axj-kw. Trustee. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a reneral num. tion issued from the offlce of the circuit clerk of iaas county, Missouri, made returnable at the March term of said court, and to me directed, in favor of the Butler Kational Bank, and against Green D. McGinnis. I have levied and seized upon all the right, title. Interest and claim of the within named defendant Green D. McGinnis, of in and to the following described reales tate situate lying and being In the coun ty m Bates ana state 01 Missouri, to-wit: The northesst quarter of the southeast quar ter, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section No. 23, and the south west quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northwest qnarter or the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter ef the northwext quarter, and the northwest qnarter of the south west quarter of section No. twenty four, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ef section No thirteen, and the northwest quar ter of section No. M, and sixteen and two thirds acres off of east side or lot No. 6. of township No. .19 of range No. SI, containlnlng S13 1-S acres, more or less, and I will on Wednesday, February 17'h, lSb5, between the boors of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city or Butler, Bates county. Missouri, tell the same or so much thereor as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. W. F. HANKS. Sheriff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby (riven to all creditors and others interested in the estate of William Cra mer, deceased, that I. John X. Yates, adminis trator of said estate, intend to make final settle ment thereof at the next term of the Bates county probate court, in Bates county, state of Missouri, to be held at Butler on the eighth day of Februarr, 16. no JOUX N. YATES, Adm'r. Ii.s.-4oiution Notice. Notice is hereby gtven that theco-partnershlp heretofore existing under the flnii name or Uc Beynolds A Scnwcnck, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, Pchwenck A Oldaker will con tinue the business at the old stand, north aide of the square. AH accounts due the old firm will be settled with J. M Tucker, west side Bifuarc, vtrrvsstnj itrtw. store. II. Mc&srxoLD, J. bl-HWESCK. U St i l I j Wbea Baby was aiei, -wm care b.-r C"iOTia. j Tea she was a Child, she cried for ( uteris, j When she became Mian, ah daa to Catoria, j WTita she Lad Children, tao -aie Llm Caaioca, Mimmk DA t inthcVorlcf. 86 - A GRAND C0MY1TI0N - 86 Butler Weekly Times AND THE LOUISVILLE Courier-Journal. Both papers one year for only 2 :so. Both papers and Courier-Journal Free Pre mium for 82 en. Two papers for little more than price of one Pw ti uamat Mined itw m wtll ram br m m- Jour kiM ppr with the Coarier-Joornal, Um Hecr sntsuv ew.jNper of the Souin. Dmomueui fc Hedaouon of the War Taxes br iim pmml Unf. and Uw bnl, brrkit s4 familv weekly I. tk. UuM Eim Ts. WMIi C-Hmiiii kw the largest olrtjulsUon of any Mewspapr in America. FnttM uom mud aw. ? CemrUr-ltmntf fr pmnlim L alut diW, Ib.x It a lial rihirtT-Bv haoawnii ud aufal pmulomi to tclact from. TUrn "o 4ira lo amlM a copy aaa fnalia mUmcBt of Oj. Oourler-Journal caa do 10 u laia W, or kota aampla cop and promiani nrjplnnant U1 bo Htt Ma of chart la any oaa, by wadlair a Maaa lo last aSVct la Cuanarjoaraal CewymMj, LounUla, Kj. For Hard Times. the butler weekly times dem6rest's ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY -MAGAZINE With Tosh Cat Paper Patters ef year swa sslsstiea sad ef any six. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ORE YEAR, $2.7 5 TWOSEEHTY-FIE. t 1 OEMOREST'S f THE BESD Of all the MsunuElnts. aONTAININQ Mseies, fMM sad ether Liter a.-?'-,i'lAl"lM'rt"l A! Meetito sbI JHssetWssT With Ortfinmt Meel mntrmm 4mm; Pht90rW'i Oi ISeHnve mnd Jlava ireedente. ajslcta U s JTestel -i MmimtP Amtritm. ....... , 9Baaeli IfagBaltM eontais COTrrOlf OSDIU. eotKMnc the holder to the eelectiea of we notoer to toe seiecnot) ox Uiustrated la that number. Ami FATTKKN and tn AUT 0IZS. DKMOBErra MOlfTBLT Is tostlr Mtttlasi the World's Model MawndM. tlwirjrMt as FotisufaM Umat in Cfreulatloai. ud the best TWODollar launily Maoasne issued. UMwlU be the TwsntT-seoond rear of tta publicatioa ; it is rmiislly improred aad ao eztenstrelf as ao place ft tn the front rank of Family rsrlodicalav aad aqual to any mafaalrf. n contains 72 reres, larre quarto, I H xlm iochea, lecantly Brtnted and fully Illustrated rub. llahed byw. Jennlndra Uemorest, Mew York, AND BY STCdAt. MKUMUI QOMMHU) WITH THE Butler Weekly Times at $2.75 Per Tear. 1W HP SUITS. In every e price and quality Made to Order I guaranteed a fit In every ca Call and tee me, pouth room grange t. to re .5 JETALBOTT, 47 ir. Merchant Tailor With Hasovbb's TaiLOa Ststem yon eaa cat Dresses to nt. without oral Instructions. Dress makers pronounce it perlect. Price for System, Beok and Double Tracing Wheel. '. . TU . NTJtOiJIJt.Vi A Svstetn. Book and Wheel will be seat on receipt ofl. . Addreas J0H5 C HASOTER, 7-Ua C1SCLSSAT1. O. ipt&yj J JJJzv- Send us 5c. postage, and by mail yo j will free a package of goods ot Iar?e value, that will srart you in work that will at once, bring vou in money raster man anvtning eia iu America. All about the Sjoo.oco in presents with etch box. Agents wanted evarywheie, ot rither sex, of all ages, tor all te time, or spare time onlv, to wort for us at their own homes. Fortunes for I all woikers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H- Hallett & Co..Portland, Main. "TT"T"Tmore money than at anything l JLx' br taking n aencv tor the best selling hook our. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. Hallett Rook Co., Peatland. Maine BUTLER illL BANK. -IX- Opera House Block, m;rrLEi, mo. Capital. - 00, 000. 4,ooo lr. T. C.Boulwar.. Booker Powell, Green W. Walton. Dr. N, L, Whippl C. C.Ouke, Wm, E, Walton, 1. Rue Jenkins. J.M Tucker. "dgej. II Sullen., Frank Voru, i 11 ... . . Receives deposits, loans moaev. and transacts a general banking business. We extend to our customers every asv commodation consistent in sale banking. COHREsroNDlKTS. Bank ot Commerce - Kansas City Fourth Ntional Bank - St. Louis- Uanovci National Bank - New York. MATES COUNTY National Bank. (Oran:zed In i8?i.) OF BUTLER, MO. Capital paid in, - - $ 75,000. Surplus - - - $31,000 F. T. TYGARD, .... President. HON. J. It. MEWBEKRY, Vice-Pre.. J.C.CLARK ... Cashier. mfT T)'or working peonle Send jIJjL 10 cents postage, and we will mail you tree, a roval, valuable sam ple box of goods that will put you in the way ot making more money in a tew days than you ever thought possible at aaj ' business. Capital not required. Ybu can live at home and work In spare tins only, or aU time. All of both sexes, it all ages, grandly successful, 50 cents to $S earned every evening. That all who want work may ten the basinets, we make this unparelled otter: T alt who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay tor thetioubleot writing as. Ftfil particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely aure far aB who tart at once. Don't delay. Address Stiwiok ft Co., Portland, If all . .Vsaf Frtond Mentha ea Mai. HnTs,- voanpaaioa. riuaa wita ntinauu IMTN. aad home helps . Hons Paiava wnw wis. nssi raiax. naia 0'"vii irt jit r Uaa4raUareaais- Ul lTkjaUMti Mm Ma. AO -rthar with a V I tj SI.B TSE 1T1SB M Mi SI. lcacr. tn aaajsaBror. iM.tiM.dr O. rdSr aa. aV . A. SUA.'UM. US raariaw. Ha- Vaaft. nmiunmuiniwitiirrM SKlDiKli7(o)l.' . . tmrfaaiafalalaaadn. iana.. a Tmwll '':'" mt fa. IMi,a lronapa)a, OaMfMlb, Mlto aov " ' mwimn, aonaiarw.rfo. laragotaata . ixJukio nalLl atiiLnia. T..n aToatli ..firm It aaartl, MrtnMlo wH MM Wnott PLAID SHAWL GIVEN AVTAY! Taraas f aaaajssaaaa. a avya rnancalaat oj rtsaS aHWwtst. pMWlt faWsMsj WBsKB W9 swapaw tapaaaass aaaW kaoaaa t taatallortM anaian Sooaag igLag.iaila,.taw VsafSla asat Mi mTiII macs. aartaa sad lis ml atawajaap, aargwaajaaj jia oyaflfcoo. rsdvSlcrlprloaaaaoow adfuaifaa fXMM AX tTSEa1La Baa 4a, I "'" " - uJ!FaTEEaaa-tif-:.i. tw-.t . , wuaol oraartM - wrt IS ( . ..-Aiiw. arieaa. arTffatt 4'."t4. - t austiac all rsrrt' . a UKTISI.C . I 'SfWLtt. saF.S t-iTi H.. . .'.-. -r csa.r ta Kartaa 6ar.-i.. K. qrjsunPTior,- I ha iSpoolttTaramadi - -, , J maa ttuwaaadaafaaaaoaf Mas an kla4aa4 Tmm. UadlBi kfa bM carad. Indm.ratr(ia aaofaltaS taltaeSleatr.tBMlwl I atHT( BttTTLM asav