1 mmmTims
1 -. V- - frt ttACHERS i Public Ex-
4.K0TICC tO TAtHEK l-Publ ic Ex-
.Voiii for the nefil tho8 per
2lfflng teach In Bate, county,
dtr.Mo..donthe"1 Saturday of
fch Hill. Mo., the examination com-enelnx-eachdaj
atQ''clock, A. M.
, Countr School ConimUbioncr.
&W. TUCKER, Cit- Auctioneer,
a doe general collecting bimi-
II I la f I II thj. TlUDd T!..
ill receive prompt attention.
5 -6m
J. K. Brugler wants a lot of good
firm loan, running lrom 6 to 18
month. This is a pood chance for
farmers to get short loans, or sell
ihort real estate paper.
What the Democrat lacked in cn-
terprii? in writing up the town scan
dil was made up in puffs for the
Hon. W. I Stone.
1 Ed S. Vance, has secured i po-
lilion in Washington as assistant
'duor keeper and messenger of the
Hnu.e of representatives. The
TlXES is glad to hear of Ed's good
The proposition 'o light Rich Hill
with electric lights, we see from the
Review, has fallen through The
'oiptn of the Hill should conerjitu-
lite the peoole ot the Infant on be-
ting to fortunate as to escape the
We have no doubt the Democrat
tUt week was highly appreciated
the Hon. VV. J. Stone and Butler
t'ghtwatch. The ought to present
the P. M. with a chromo and dia
There seems to be no end to the
iwcals this year, and their tricks
aH ichemes to swind'e the people
teem to be as nun.erous as the stars,
erp your eyes peeled or they will
catcb rou on something.
Rev. Mr. Pointer and Rev. Mr.
Tite, were robbed ot their money
iiad witches at Higginsville, a few
ur ago. A thief that would steal
torn a preacher is worse than a
Aief that would steal from a printer.
Sberilt Hill, ot Vernon county.
uti the county court are in a wrangle
on account of the courts refusal to
allow the sheriff's bill incurred in
tanfins Stair. The court hotds they
only Hohle for $15 the amount
yuowed by law, while tne sheriff
slims $i3i the total amonnt of ex-
hemei incurred.
Tae entertainment given by the
chool of miiiii 1
fj ittbyterian church, on last Thur-
jiiy evening, wasa grand success. A
crowd was in attendance, -and
M fine music wis dulv
l'i rr
fcibt programme was very interest
fill consisting of soners. duetts, trios.
olos, etc.
- 1
Frank Eldridre, for a lone time
,KerlH. C. Wyatfs lumber
J, (and alderman hem the north
"d) ha "ccepted a similar posi-
L-noer the Hurley lumber Com.
ft n4 Saturday to take charge
,V.,he,r nw jard at Clinton.. Frank
drrstands the business thoroughly.
1-" ne iimes congratulates the
rrtey Lumber Co., on the,r good
(Jrement and good luck in securing
Tbe boo miner Tivcc ...:.. i u
I . a " vs 1 ivil JIX
lift lVfIr Pusn.l.J..
for It anrf r. ....j
t'l Two huudred extra copies were
, inn A if tvirhin rtifatnl..
J ifter publication, and two
,wed more could have been dis
Tit hC b00minK 1 IMES
T? ,he To get the news
lhand complete you must take
1 .'Times, only $1.35 pcr year.
IThe elocutionary readings of M iss
, Scrafford given at the Armory
Vj "V "i5lht drcw forth " ,arRe
'fZ ,pPrcc5lve audience. The
' CC'uiUfd Arisen to the ctire
Chonofall who heard her.
C '7d SonZ" 'cry fine
rt nd showed that he
mongthe first in her pro-
HvV ",CMOl8 while in town
umir Powell. We nv
again. v:,N,;Mtu ij-,Mcr"
The bald head show at the opera
house Monday nignt was we .
Clint Muldlcto,,, or the Harrison
ville Democrat. one',.f ,U- ;nV,t
qu.II drivers , the Mate, spent Tues-
-y a.remi.Mgr circu.t court, and of
COurse Ke usapleantC;tn
MrssisT J. M. S. McMannama
D. Y Cloud, of M.ngo town
Hp paid the Times a very pleasant
call on Momlay. moinine. These
KCiitlcinen are both substantial dem
ocrats and two of the best men of
the township
Both of the nightwatches spent
half of Monday iiiifht in the opera,
watching the show. What busi less
had they there? Suppose that wag
on load ot buryhirs from Sedalia had
robbed liernnardt's jeweliv store
while thev were off their beat .vatch
ing a bald head sliow. They may
cxcusetheimelves on the ground that
they were tryingto detect something
An old gentleman from Mingo
township, appeared before the coun
ty court last week and asked aid.
The old man certainly must b in UU
dotage, as we understand he has u
good team, two cribs, filledMvith
corn, six son well to-do. living in
the neighborhood and one at home
23 years of age, and a host of kind
neighbors, vho would not under any
circumstances see him and his ohl
lady suffer.
Fron, the Nevada Mail of Satur
day we learn that it larye ami ele
gant residence tit Win. H. Robinson,
together with the contents, was de
stroyed bv fire Fndav morning last
The building was the largest and
most handsomely furnished resilience
in the city. The house was insur
ed for $10,000, the contents yal
ued at $15,000 were entirely destroy
ed. The fire originated from the
furnace in tin basement, and before
the fire was discovered the entire
building was in flames.
S. M. Talbott, ot Elkhart town
ship, was in the city Saturday and
gave us a pleasant call, Mr. Tal
bott informs us that he has sold his
frm to A. I. Talbott for $30 per
acre, this is the cheapest farm in the
county. Mr. Talbott will move to
Kansas in the spring. He has a
host ol strong friends who will re
gret to learn that he has made up his
mind to leave us, and none will re
gret his departure more than the
What's the matter with the bus
iness men of Butler that they don't
organize a board of trade. The
life of a town depends upon the en
terprise ol its business men, all will
agree. Show us a dead town and
we will show you a lazy sluggard set
of business men. Show us a live.
wide-awake, thrifty town and we will
show vou an energetic, pushine.
driving, prosperous set of merchants
and a thorough going set of business
men with everything on the boom.
Let the business men ot Butler or
ganize a board of trade.
Col. J. B. Lane, of Mt. Sterling,
Kentucky, spent several days last
week in the city and county visiting
his old friends here, among whom
was B. H. Bigstaff. He came out
in this part of the country with the
intention of going oer into Kansas
for the purpose ot looking at the
country, but became discouraged and
concluded to return home. Before
leaving, however, he called at the
Times office hnd had his name en
rolled tor the booming Times. We
found him to be a most excellent
gentleman, and are sorry he could
not be pursuaded to locate in old
The Emporia railroad company
completed their turn table at the de
pot and are now turning their en
gines at this place instead of having
to back to Kincaid. They have also
purchased about an acre of ground
around the turn table imon which
they will build a number of switches
ami erect a round houc sufficients
large U hold five engines. The
ground for the round house has been
staked off and a quanity of lumber
ha l.ern delivered, and it is said
work will begin as soon a the ground
will permit. This looks very much
as though Ilutlei will be the end ot
the division, at lest for a ttme.
Miss Mattie Nave, ot Rosier, is
in the city visiting friends.
President Cleveland has evidently
stiffened up his backbone and given
the republican members of the sen
to understand they are not running
the administration.
Miss Lucy Rief formerly of Rich
Hill, bur now of L i-n.ir, anJ Miss
Sue Maj irs. ot C:trntv,two chinning
ou ig ld . are vM in Miss Myrtle
Mrs. J. W. Hnnth, who has been
confined to her be:l for the past two
or three weeks with a severe attack
of pneumonia, is recovering slowly.
Will N. Southern, ot the Inde
pendence Progress, spent a couple
ot days in this city visiting hi Aunt,
Mrs. . E. Arnold.
Thos. Gault, assessor of Osage
township, spent Saturday in this city.
Mr Gault is one of the Democratic
wheelhorses of Rich Hill and a
good friend to the booming Times.
H. M. Cannon, Esq., united in
the holv bonds of matrimony Mr.
R. C. Bravton to Miss Sina Warren,
ot Homer township, one day last
eek. The Times extends best
From the press notice in last
week's Republic m it was understood
bv many that Miss Sera fiord would
give a second rending m Butler on
Wednesday evening. Such is not
the case. Her only appearance will
be at the opera house on Monday
We see from the Adrian Adver
tiser that Sim Slonaker, son of a
widow Ldv living at Adrian, was
ciught in a snowlide while crossing
in Greenwood Basin in South Cot
tonwood 011 their wav to St. Elmo,
in Colorado, on the 23 of January,
and perished. His brother and one
or two other men were with him at
the time and made their escape.
The friends of Judge Gantt of
Henry county, are in earnest in their
advocacy ot his name as a suitable
man to succeed Mr. Stone, in con
gress from this district. He is a
worthy gentleman and as this paper
fimt mentioned his name, in that
connection we are gratified to see
the suggestion so well received.
Jasper County Democrat.
The Island bridge.over the Marias
Des Cygne, three or four miles above
the Bell mill bridge, has been com
pleted, inspected and received by the
county court and thrown open for
travel. The bridge is in three spans
24c, feet long, and is considered to
be the finest and most substantial
structure ot the kind in the county.
The abutments which support this
bridge, were built by Henrv Deitz
man and a better job of masonry is
not to be tound in the state . The
whole structure is a master piece of
work and will stand tor generations
to come.
Our esteemed fellow townsman
Wm.JH. McBnde, informs us that
he is one ot the 126 heirs to the es
tate of Robt. Edwards, who died in
New York City, leaving an estate
valued at two hundred and five mil
lion dollars, The estate has been
in litigation tor a number of years
and the heirs have a proposition to
compromise in March at 40 cents on
the dollar. If this compromise is
made uncle Billy informs us that his
share will amount to uowards ot two
million dollars. The Times is glad
to hear ot his good luck.
The sad news of the death of Mrs.
F. M. Wyatt, which occurred at her
home on Ft. Scott street, in this city
Monday morning, of typhoid fever
received with genuine regrets by the
entire community, andexpicssions ot
heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved
husband and children were freely ex
pressed by all. Mrs. Wyatt was
loved and respected by all who knew
her and in her death Butler has lost
one of her most va'ued and esteemed
citizens, and the Tim S joins with
the many friends of the family in ex
tending sympathy. She was c,o
years of tge, a member of the First
Presbyterian church and a devout
christian lady. The funeral will
take place at the residence, conduct
ed by Rer. A. Walker at a o'clock-to-day.
Some Additional Facts in Regard to
their Detective Business at the
Palace Hotel
The Trnth is Mighty and Will Prevail,
and the Handwriting on the Wall
is Plain.
Gentlemen of the dark lantern and
st ir brigade, the booming Times is
on vour trail, and proposes to get
there Eli, or have the town board
waste a bushel of t:me whitewashing
vour hands and filthy carcasses ot the
part vou played m mashing your
noses against the transom in room
17, and playing the part of the cat
i'J the monkey fable, to assist Capt.
I- N. Davidson in his watching the
virtues and chastity of a lady boaVoVr,
whose name we withhold for the
present, by request, on account of
her connection with a prominent suit
now pending before our circuit court.
The Times in its work ot prose
cuting these nightwatches fora dere
liction and non performance of thedu
ties for which they are hired and paid
by tue taxpayers of this town, has no
desire to persecute them on account
of their politics. Nor do we deem
it our dutv to hide behind the court
house, like the balance of the papera
of this town, and sheild the night
watch by saying the case is in circuit
No sir, the light ot the facts he
fore us, and obedience to the indig
nation of the entire community, and
publishing a paper for the people
and in ihe interest of the people we
deem it our dutv to give them all in
formation at hand in regard to this
"bad break" of Alderm an Geo.
Smith's pet farm hand nightwatch,
Wilev Jones, and his companion on
the beat, Decatur Smith, whothe Re
publican is trying to get rid of by
sayin? he don't belong to us, he was
appointed by a democrat board, and
the Republican might have added
that he kept straight and on his beat
until contaminated with a republican
board and the society of Geo. Smith's
pet farm hand,
Now tor scalps and facts, and we
feel sure we will be able to weld the
links in the chain so solid the entire
community, with the possible excep
tion of Geo. Smith, Frank Eldndge
and J. D. Parkinson, aldermen,
will bear us out that the nightwatch
must go.
capt. John w. hannah,
You will please take the stand again
and tell the reporter who rented
room 17 from yu.
Hannah. "Decatur Smith rented
the room."
What did he tell you he wanted
with it.
Hannah. "He said THEY were
looking for a wagon load of burglars
from Sedalia and that they had learn
ed the burglars were going to tap
Bernhardt's jewelry store and THEY
wanted the room so they could see
down the alley."
How long did Smith keep the
Hannah. "Six nights."
Who returned the key of the room
to you, and paid you for the six
night's rent?
Hannah. 'Decatur Smith return
ed the key and Smith paid me for
the room $3 which was 50 cts per
Did Decatur Smith rent the room
trom you again after this?
Hannah. "Yes, he came to me
some two or three weeks after he
gave it up and said THEY wanted
it again on same business, that
THEY had heard the burglars had
started again and that one ot them
had been captured at Harnsonville."
Did you let him have it again?
Hannah. "Yes, I let him have
the same room."
How long did he keep it this time ?
Hannah. "He kept it from Fri
day night until Monday morning."
Who returned the key and paid
you for the room this time ?
Hannah. "Decatur Smith return
ed the key and paid me the rent $2.
He still owes me $5 for cleaning up
the blood they spilt in the room
the last night they had it."
Who did you hold responsible lor
the room?
Hannah. "Decatur Smith."
Captain Hannah also states that
as Smith rented the room it was his
and he considere.1 h-
He also states that he sawj .nes,
Velch and Davidson go m the room.
J.nessavs he was never in the room
but one time. We leave the pubhc
t -av which of the two men they
will believe, Hannah or Tones.
Dick Hurt infotms 11, th.u a short
tune ago he hunted the square rou.i.l
about at 12 o'c'ock at night to.
the night watch for the purpose ot
getting into a drug store to get med
icineforh.s sick child, and finally
found Smith just waking up, sitting in
a chair m the Palace hotel bar room,
he asked him where Jones was and
he said he was around there some
where. Ike Ellis says it has been his cus
tom to have a lunch in the saloon
about 1 1 o'clock at night, and that
Smith was always on hand, with the
exception of about a week about
the tune the detective business
was going on, and tint the boys be
gan to enquire what had become of
W. L. Powell, who was rooming
just across the hall from the detec
lives room, says while he dia not see
the nightwatches in the room, he
knew they were there,
Tax payers, who do you hold re
sponsible ? The universal answer is,
the nightwatch. The large and dem
onstrative meeting held at the coun
cil room Thursday night last said
guilty and must go. Judge Parkin
son's whitewash speech, that charges
in blank could be made, and that the
Times' attack on the nightwatch was
sensation, to the contrary, notwith
standing. The Timks article last
week presented the plain facts from
interested parties, nothing more,
nothing less,
In a card in the Republican De
catur Smith says he assisted David
son in good faith. We don't doubt
it. He denies crying nd blubber
ing. Hannah says he cried and Dav
idson said he blubbered. Take vour
choice. Geo. Smith's long eared
farm hand nightwatch, Wiley Jones,
has been subpoenaed along with
Davidson as a witness in the case
they were watching, and Capt. Han
nah says he saw him go into the
room. Immediately titer the ex
plosion in room 17 he took the mumps
and now we fear we are pressing his
corns. Better go back to the farm,
Mr. Tones.
In justice to his guests and hotel,
Cant. Hannah should appear before
the council and enter his complaint
and the board should dismiss them
without delay. We have felt-the
pulse ot the people and they, without
an exception, say it was a dirty piece
ot business for the nightwatches to
engage in and they ought to be dis
charged. The nightwatch must go,
and Geo. Smith ought to resign.
A little prediction I We don't
often indulge. Those democrats
who are belittling Mr. Cleveland,
because he is keeping his word as
uttered in his letter of acceptance,
and standing at the same time upon
one ot the planks of the democratic
platform, will have to eat crow.
The people are with the president
on that question, and much disposed
to overlook other differences of
opinion with him because ot his ro
bust honesty and freedom trom cant
and demagogism. Lexington In
telligencer. "It snow and blows and stings
your nose makes all creation shiver ;
it bites your toes, doubles your woes
and freezes fast the river. The frost
nips all, beth great and small, this
dismal, dreary winter. It freezes
tight, and bursts at night the steam
pipes ot the pnnter. , So let her roll
we mean the cold it takes the cash
in winter. Now please be kind,
make up your mind to settle with the
For Sale.
Owing to my numerous other du
ties, which do not allow me the time
to devote to my grain business that it
requires. 1 will ffer at private sale
or trade for good real estate, my ele
vator building, warehouse, feed lots
ana other property belonging thereto.
This is one of the best paying invest
ments in Bates county, and with
proper management will pay a hand
some return on the investment.
!I 3t E. K. Carxis.
,.lnJ!n ?y 8Uni ,,ro ,0 .. .aJ ..
time rrom six montht to Ave JMkr.
rd. Int,reSt .ml Principal b. mxle p.
We at ny Jy and Interest itopp!.
th. lUve almost a million dollar alrradr
loaned and doing . larger btulnaa. than erer.
Mh. H e keep money on band to loan ao If j
nave to wait.
tb. We have two wt, of Abstract book. mad.
by .Ufferent partiea and make Abtract ofTltla.
,Ab"trBCt f ,UlM thRt w kintal,
correct and we will .tand re.pon.lM. for them.
7th. Have Wn here along time Md expert
to stay while longer.
tth. Make loaua with or without CommlMloa.
Mu. Invite yon u come and ee n.and bav.
onrterm. rate, and etc. explained to yen before
making application eltewhere.
loth Our office is with the Butler Nations!
Bank, Opera Honne Block, Butler. Me.
Land Mortgage Co.
I am permanently located In Butler and am
prepared to purchase and pay the
I OR ooon
And I want and will take all that caa e
brought to me
Can befonod at lUiinett, herfer A Coi
; ,
2 u - i
S ' :
a 1
I 5
0 1
10 k J
; ba
CO 3
cf 1
g i a
o5 a :
.0 ,
Boot&Shoe Makers
Boot and Slioe made to order The
best ot leathar used. (""
Shop nerth aide ok Square . 40 tf '
Keeps more meats and more kind
and the bet that can be procured
both fresh and cured. Also trenh
Fish and Oysters in their season.
When you want anvthmg in mv line
give mc a call.