OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, February 10, 1886, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1886-02-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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The Castaway Sailor frfim PhilaiUphia
Who Hurt Heroine h Cne-us.
Buggies, ufiages
Etc., Etc.
rThe Umreat Asaortmi'nt to Select From In
III k Latest Styles
Ani Patterns on Hand, and Sold at
the Lowest Hate.
Taese coodi eome direct from the mannlartor
"There are verv few people in this
city who know whit a hi" figure a
I'hi'adelphian is cutting dmvii on a
Montevideo, the capit.il of IJnisu.iv,
in South America," remarked Cap
tain Ulmer, lately commanding the
Daikentinc W anilcnu Jew, ut this
port, who is now in the employ oi
the 1'ennsvlvinia railroad company.
a'O, continued the captain, 'an!
saw considerable of the person in
question, ani.tr. named W. D. Evans
well advanced in ears and one of
the wealthiest citizt-ns of the Uru
Kuaan republic. Evans claims to
be an American and a Phi! idelphun,
but the prevailing idea atr.eu t ie
citizens of Montevideo is that he is a
Scotchman. At any rate he insists
that he is not a Scot, and he lus
brought all his children up with the
ytrict understanding that they are
Americans to the backbone, and
they must never acknowledge any
flajj but the stars and stripes ot Un
cle Sam. He struck Montevideo
about thirty years ago without a cent
Initial Stein in the Construction of a
New Kansas City Line.
A Mortjrri're for 820,000.000 Recorded
Yeterday (JoiiMV Anitasronisni to
the I'rnjt-eted l!.al Hurlinstoii Of
tiVials Kxamiiiiii Terminal Site- in
St. lamis.
The first morrae ot the St.
Louis, Kansas City and Colorado
Railroad Company bearing date of
January 13, 1S06, in the sum ot$:o,
000,000, in favor of the American
Loan and Trust Company, of New
York, was recorded 111 St. Louis
yesterday. The new company is in
corporated under and by yirtue ot
the laws ot Kansas, and issues a se
ries of 20,000 bonds of $1,000 ag
gregating $20,000,000, which bonus
are to be secured by the aforesiif
mortgage.. The bonds bear 6 per
cent interest and the mortgage pro
vides for default as is customary,
conveying to the American Loan
that the work of defeating it had
already been inaugurated bv that
powerful system. The St. Louis,
Kansas City and Colorado Compa
ny anticipate obsiruction from this
source, but say they will not be de
Ttmmm m .. .. . rv . . .
terred trom the conscmation of their baa, and i2trant is : tiu-v vt i64m, m ,upmi
object b v it ! eaJaf hes- Relf y baa ttori .Vr. ow. atkTS
' " " " ; Neuralgic, or fj.k Headache by t5w -of P:.- P;r?SirM.D.
i' any otber ana.
. 'vAWrvrAYw: Whit-b is not a c-.ire"..
" ixxv whJ,.h t, a cure f(,r Nl.:
1 -n?
St. Pial. Mica.
of ltoralie
m every mnano.
Kentucky Hank Dim-tun
and One Cuts the Other's Throat
Headache. iomI?::i khmn it -
I udout. So pn-prklarr modi, bio boa e-w O. l .ivs M 1.. Ctoeteaati Obkk.
J obtained orh iu c uu.-rswul lU
Disagree 1 a. p?ofi-ss:..u. Tib hoiuks, m d .s Thce-aMa.
t.i- K oK JMM.I.tR PER BOTT1.E.
A. h. IV.ELLIEk, r..:...
: 1 1 Wa.sU1Ni.TON 1VLM K, ST. LOUIS.
Lexington. K., Feb A sen
sational encounter occuud a Leba
non vesterdav between ludse R. A.
liurton, deputy collector of internal
revenue for the Fittii district of Ken
tucky, and Samuel Averett, a lead
ing lawyer of Lebanon.
Both men are directors in the bank
and have not been on good terms tor
some time past.
At a meeting ot the hank directors
yesterday Tudge Burton and Averett
questioned each other sharplv about
bank matters :in.l A vr. tt flnallr -I'-
and Trust Company, trustee, all its I . , . , ..
Jt ed the judge a liar.
I 1 I. 1 L 1 M. U.. I n
1 his enraged the judge and he
lines now built and to bs built, be
giuing at a point on the western line
ot Seward County, Kan., thence
eastwardly across the State of Kan
sas, through the counties of Seward,
and do not pant tbrongh three or four
1 . . I . ... 4 1.
DanuB aimi Avni iui tuq
labrated patent
to bless himself with, having n Ford, Comanche, Barbour, Harper,
wrecked while a mate of the shm I Sumner. Cowlev. Chautauoua. Elk.
Wilson, Neosho, Ciawfotd, Bour
Thli8prin)f I the bet beconne there in tio
id bar In the way of turning! beranite there in
a pitching; heraune It la the atrongcnt and
taunt riding iprinc made.
Young Mechanic, of Rockland, Me
and saving only the clothes on his
back and battered old bo it in
which he made his escape. He
had unlimited pluck, however, and
went to work at once to make a liv
ing by teirving people about the
harbor to and from ships I ti'J m tin-
Yfltll'i "S I roadsted, ami jobs ot that suit. Not
long after he took to the business he
was caught in a sharp squall in-t
outside the haibor and was capsized
Ix.u and Linn, Kan., passing through
the tier of counties bordering on the
Indian territory. From the eastern
boundary ot Linn county. Kan, the
road will pa-s i'.iiuis,;.; tlx State ot
Missouri, extending et-stwardlv
iliroun tiu- counties of Vernon.
Bates, II. in y,
quickly seized a notary's seal ami
hurled it with great force against the
lawyer's head.
The latter was temporally stunn
ed, but soon recovered, and rushing
upon the judge with an open Unite,
cut his throu tro.n ear to car, inflict
ing a wound which, if no' fatal, is
necessarily dangerous.
Diarrhtn. Kidnay
w . s
TXpMherla. Cronp, Asbma, Bronehltla, lTenralcla, BhecmaUim. Bleedtn at lb Ltms.
Influent, Hackinc Coab, Wboopiac Couca. Ourrh,Cholars Morbus. DyMBMry. CbronB
idny Troublea. and 8plnl Ptsemes. Pamphlet Ires. Sr. X. 8. Jolmsou A Co.. BooUin,
ThMfl nllle were a wonderful discovery. No other like them in the world. W til ooaittvc.i c ..'.' ar
relieve all manner of U e. The Information around aaota box a worth tan tints the coat of a ' of
riha. Find out about them and you will alwaya be tuanarol. oaepni a doaa. illustrated pamini.(
free, fiold eve' t where, oreenj ty rnil r S&c. in atamp. Dr. 1. 8. JOB NSON tiCO., 98 C.H. Pt,. noatoti.
n r-.-.-i r, u na am an av aa aa an Nolhiu m taith
.ier-aan' con iitio?
BRIGHTEST -:-llD-:- ,
Breckeuiidge, Col.. Feb. i. Yes.
tcrday while a patty o; men were
clearing the snow liom Uie track ot
the Denver and South l'.uk railroad
Johnson, Cass and I six mi'es above Frisco a snow slide
Jackson t the Union Depot in Kan- 500 tee t wide and twenty-hve leet
sas City, and trom the point where deep came down the mountain
the road rur.s northwestwardly to sweeping away the track. John Mc-
Four hours later a steamer coming J Kansas City, eartvvardly through the I Williams and two shoveieis were
in hove to and picked him up while J Counties of He ny, Benton, Morgan I buried under 100 teet of snow and
he was clir.ging to the keel of his J Millet , Cole, Osage, Maries, Gas I rocks at the bottom oi the mountain.
upturned craft. He thanked the I conade, Franklin, St. Louis, and to Their bodies have not yet been re-
officer in charge of the men who had ailti ito the City ot St. Louis, to I covered.
put off to rescue him, bur declined I aaJ through the Union Depot to the
to go on board the steamer, asking I west bank of the M'usippi River, at
. a. I
hs a ereat favor that the salors woul d I St. Louis. Another portion ot the
.help him in righting his capsized I roatl will commence at the western
wAh oVienUriaow ra;: h as ll was a" ' 5l1 ,ht' line of Chase county, Kan., running
Every aubacriber to the weeKly.I ime at l world to make a living with. Ad l eastwardly through the counties ot
The Washington correspondent ot
the Cleveland Leader should publish
the name ot the ex-member of the
Pennsylvania legislature, now in
Washington, who is noted for hav
fo'rfAo, h5' V", they gave him the Chase, Lyon, Coffey, Anderson and P"g sold his railroad pass for over
worth, t ?etatl trom $1.00 to- f t,ooo. required assistance, and an hour af- Lmn in Kansas, to the eastern line coat and who Io,,ks exact,y ,lke the
a.. it . I . I I a t I I I a 1 " II I a V
f"" ?r"LuJ:? 'nd rc,me" cPle ter the steamer dropped her anchor Df Lmn countv. and thence east Ureal objector, Ho!nan ot Indiana
ucciuanr auurcna. ... - 1 '
he sailed past and was given a hearty I through Bates county Mo., to a point
cheer by the men on the fo'castle I at wr riear the same, where the road
deck. I runs eastwardlv to St. Louis. The
Weekly, with premium, par year
DaUy Tuner per year
j Weakly without premiam per year 1.00
j aaaaay iimea per year
rV$lllllUFr "3 ST llfll g A
tr.td. Oueouncel 3J .U LJ ; i Um I 1 VS. H 1, J
will make hone lay
'like It. It cur
ehiekea aholera and
all dieeaaee uf hena.
Ja worth ita waut.ta
1. MM Tv..-..-ai
2 Si lao& bv uuui live.
, .ii, tie. ai-411. aivige' Un naca. 1 by uia.l, jil.l.
iijm'ir Vv cOkly newspaper devoted
o.:ir iT..i :iin c ring aitroveriea, In-
1 r. n:st v
r-.rt:nns nna patents ..vfrvt'inli'liod. fc.rerynnm
"..r iilns. r.ii.-il w-U .-tertilid enrravinpa. Tbi
".li'icati. n .uitu i .-.iaiu -ialuiilVencyclnpdia
.:.;w. i i mi should be without.
T.ie jv.pu'a'itr f t ' & :rsrinc AvfRiraS i
:ih tli.it i rir.-.iN; un ririy e.iUS' that of all
oher Ti.rr r-combined. Prie PWt
'?. :.n iii. .sn!d 1,11 nwKnn frn
:.: .t . .i. i- . ..i . No.3iir.roadT. N. V.
irriTrT. A "" rr '" r ymn .t hive
I aiJiL! i. t a ' bao 1 hirtV
m m
the rn'-r' .. n-il
I mure l.i i ' : ' V 'i . .,-.!-
sand arr'--';;' i ",'
L nil" il t: ' ' ' ' V "
Caveaia, -'r-.l--.:rk. t.mrj-riirnr.
Ai-icuiu.nt-. I ; -i c '.lir i. w is lur
wearing tn in-- uunr rupu. iu u;e
laitetf lt a '-a. . i-m
liermnny a i.t o' .r ..rii;o r;. - y -
, pared at vhort n i. 'ont "n r-in -
Irtf-r-.'.r . i.;n f . o'Hinit.--' v: .
fnlljr pirn It 'nut chaw; it
throuth ii ju i .v ' - '"'i'1
Amerfnn i"--
well li'i.lsT'i '
. . .
or sill the Mafirazlne.
IllHKtratnl trlth Orlglttnl Sferf Fnfirn.
it0mi t'liotoijraruret aid Oil I'irtMrrmi
Each eoiT of " Denioret' Monthly Mantlne." cot
eierclni llh 7ivrtr.her, ISM. i enniain A t o
tier, i-ntitlir.!
the holder to Hie M(ntott of i ut9
akatewa. Ick of g'
Uluitrated la the fwhlon depart ui it in that number, )m
anv of the hum aianunriureu.
SuUcrHxm or i'urcliwn eoilltit the coqpna wltHa
tw.i-ceot tamp for lxwtae. will n-celve by r. nir mailt
rnmplete pattern, or the atce and kind tlier may aclaft,
from the Uaxazine containing the order. '
narvaar. indadlur twelve Ml (Ite.ral pattern. of
and kind nelerted. 9cnd anhaertplhlB eariy. and rtl
the Bplenilnl Holiday Nuroix-rs.
Head twenty cent for the currant number with rat
Coupee ana you win ceruunij auoasnu iur a ;i i
let tea time Ita value.
W. Jennlegt tmort, Pub!lsher,17 E.14th St, HwY
old by all HtwMealer ana roeraiaeian.
Loat or Failing Manhood. NervonaneM
Viaror or UewAloTtmenr.
Sna4 by lad faeretiona. ax BamanVila a
ar: Ourea "anally within a month. Ko Oeeaptio
aorQnaakary. PeeitlveProofa. rail dariptlaaaaa
letter of advlrw la plain mated earalnpa f r.
KKUC aUalCAX CO- f .U. lraar 1 Buala,ll.T.
Addrm all orders to
It is seldom that the Mormons
commend themselves in any manner
to thf pnnd oninion ot the ronntrv
-lie U1CKCU uo a nine iiiuiic ov i iiiuiiiiaur ucus tur Miznaiuics oi tuc i l... -i j .
a A i . ft --. riiir inpv rpnainiv no sn nw nrnnn'
::::::::::::::"io:o means of the old tub he had refused St. Louis, Kansas City nnd Colora- tn WrtrM clluW. nf Kintr v-,
i .., t- rlin r, i t ? I e i r
lo aesen, anu invesieu in a uu or i tio ivauroaa company oy .rrancisi, flj.lia
int. iiMta, Nansa iry, wo. property, which soon doubled in I Tiernan, President, and Kooert
Speeial term to agent . I value, and then, going into real es- I fopicess, Secretary, and by the! Accordiag to the Independent Mr.
tite as a business, fortune smiled on I American Toan and Trust Compa I Conkling is ot opinion that Mr.
Tee ideal yonni people's inaKaxttie. It holds I , t i i.i ... I .. ... t xt it i r : i . i I ri..i i :., -.,.l AKl..m
the last place ambnc periodical of Its elasa. I , lie urtauic wcnitny in n ny, r iv, it. tizaiu,i iniucni, ami i vintwuu " a
esteaJoaraai. I few years. Nov he owns whole I W. D. Snow, Secretary. Work haa Lincolon and prophesies that he will
, . , I blocks ot houses in the city, and his I already commenced on the St. Louis I be nominated by acclamation in jS
' I ' L J.. ' e i c ;tl. ., , ... I DO ' V1
Vf1 ' if i prof 1 nouses in we city, anu in i aireauv commroceu on ine oi. iouis
ST 'JTOIlOXj Vljy t wn p'ce " one of tne finest in tne I end of tnc ,ine and u is tne inte
country, while his fortune is contin I tion to begin at the other end, on
Maud Garder, a daughter ot Ex-
iiisatratM monthly periodical ror ooya i ..n- i.t i . I .1 r t t t - I ' " .
aaddrla, appaaring on .battjtT eh L"HLi,TB,l,."K ""sF,ia,llT - o.o.auo .mc, at out.c ui Governor ot Massachusetts, is giving I
i'ii etaii vn vvuRit FJ w w taitArt i Amm mw t r a nru irw fl c tha utarhuv mi nrmi tha . .....
umber, or tft.00 year la TSnri. "BoftMelt. 1 -r--'" I - . je,sons to t,e adv whlSt Players in
tXr.ob.cSotfE g've him especial pleasure to en- struction of the line to Reprosecuted ,n
."I"I",Ju;'- tertain Americans, whi e for the I in both directions. The I ne w.11
oi. Airnoiaa aima ooid to aauaiy auu iu uo- .1 I T v i r Tt i v ..
aioptheUMeaoritacoBatitaencyt itdiM'B-1 V-tikee naval fficers and shiomas- keep to the east ot the Missouri river Hubert O. Thompson ot .New
II not make Kansas City the York weighs about 20 pounds.
km s
fit ess) :
mi jm. 1 1
A powwrfnl piwMMtlo
a aAaaaatratad ikatatr
ry bona. and ) I
nMtMM ar
1 UHViu uun.ava.ca
ana nAbAiiiM, .
Fmm tbeaia) aourvM aria UifOo-lourtTiS
tha dlaoaioo of to bapaaa raoo.
trmplomM lnuioaw uieireziaTniuv
APpetiMi mmwmtm lemwi i
.a... rnllwaaa after aatlataT.
ecartloat of aaajf mw anaato, aw
f food, rritaaiaisy
aotrUa, A (bolfttK T1
aweraloa (
art, Deti koaww tha , aicairwov
maMl trra nao of a renaoely taa e d l rwoi
Taau-aoUonoal I
r. Ajalirtt
a n a.-rnax. T
-vt-...n e.wiaMia tinalT. lUll'ariL.
eaoaa mm aauaio wy awii
wita daUr work aa aro a
.V, TdetV4ii
' UiaiialAaUMe
nor dleeolor the ekla. It
oat Bais w irta aaSP TT JT
pOeaUon MJIkaa rtaw wr ayaaay
r aont trraji !,' itvfca. f
i lfAKwR.wrrK.
oafwfur that naat twelve Tear
has always stood at It atanda to-day
Saria'g Vwcit I Yankee naval fficers and shiptnas- J keep tc
1 ters who sail into port he. cannot I and wi
haalbeaw tn eaiiwaaf.oao
by FnTleiaaaM eatn
tot 9 yeare, rrM
' rrtparcd traly by
iva atrxvt aa it alandato-aav as tne aeaa I i. coil nn .-...-f
warrant tot lu eioulleaco alirUir the coating I make too much fuss over them. He I terminus, the obiectivc ooint beinc I . . . , r..
aabtoa. The editors announce the rouowiaa; 1 - 1 r A Vaptain S ronunare ui
aaaaaoaatha . I nllan allrc ahnnt Philnle nhil hil I T iiiwlviI f il I
I . . I ... .... ... I Capt. Coleman. tchr. WeVmoutli, pi v-
. n . . m -n 03 I .1 . . .1 I . I I ' . I v. ..-11 t, l 1 I . . . . . ' : .
usAUlflU J? iiATUttto r urt ou-ou 1 upci not ;iy auviiiing auout (.oniiug i rwuust uv win oc icttucu oy it i ,ne between Atlantic City and In. Y ,naa
k a..i a.v. r...n r.vn.tt The back here to live. Povertv is no bai I spur from the main line, commenc- been troubled with a cough so that he
r.t i...tnn. ..: h..mwtt..rAhiiaren I - .. I . . . I was unable to tleep, and was induced ;o
achrratinaistorybyw. nTnoweiis. with to a man finding a triend in Mr. mg 111 lienton, in liemy County, try Dr. King's New Discovery tor C0.1
rw'SKTa A Evans, for he is as reaay to welcome running through Henry, Johnson, dut" .iEd th tlrtremsirenS
evel and attractlye llletortcal Serial. f .,. f....i I 1 1 1 ,l uf,.,.. , relief, dut aHaed the extreme soreness ,
oboTt Morles for Uirl by 1.. M . Airott. ine i " fvv" ' vu "l ,w -cwv. r-u i in nis oreast. itis cniiaren were similar
the commander nt a man o' war. Lis constructed an effort will be made I ly anect"d and a single dose had the ame
. ...... . . T. rt . -.. I happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery
out he don t take any stock in men I to secure name arrangemenis witn I i6 ,ne standard remedy in the Cole- I
. . t-v .-t -iwi rw ', nrwjtg.
lrt 'Thal anrlvl'nntTv" in Novi-mber.
Kew Bit or Talk for onnjte Folka."by D
H. Thta eerlea forma a KTa"iou and fitting
murialor a chtld-loviug aiidcbud ueiiung
Th Ottt, WiTf1ed, Wonrfg
. NMlth Renevlna Rrntay.
1 1 liyMafe
..a .11 MlilaMM lilaairalera.
j, ' '..n.!rii; a.l' br.ein' saw
For rSfflobleai
' . tfal . t
Papers on the Great KnpU.h Oehonls ftngby
tad others, lllnetratlon bT Joeeph Kennelt.
A Sea-roant Serial Story . by J. T. Trowbrldae .
wlllbeUfe-lIke, vlKorna and nnefnl.
''JeBny,sBoarUln.llouiie,"erial bT James
tls. Dssltng wttV aews-boTi life and enter-
unles he thinks thev arc snuare. lie I the Kansas Citv. Fort Scott and I man household and on board the schooner
. , . iii,. . I - it t . . . , I Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Rem-
nas always gicu a coiu bnouuicr to i ouu. in case tm arraugemeni can I c(jy at jonn rj. Water' drug store.
Winslow, the Boston forger, who j not be perfected the spur will be
found a haven in Montevideo. I built at once. While the St. Louis, I Senator Mitchell of Oregon says :
. l y",- I . 2,1 , I . it
i. t. ntru-vtnn win mntrihnke aeterai of hi I In the centre ot his nnvMtf nark I twansas viiy . j v.o.oraao wm oe par 1 1 was not a tiayes repuoiican nor
a. ' - . ' v. I I - I I
HuBy&r.w founUin allel, and, to a large degree become was I an admirer ot General Gar-
.BoyhJodorshakeepe-r. f vhich cost him a good many tbous- direct competitor of the Missouri field. I like a robust article ot poli
a2?5 anJ d0l,arS aml is surroud bV a PaC,fic syStCm' h WH1 pen UP neW tpomething that you. can take I
!VacooiMn. J JTJJ. huge basin, stocked with splendid country lacking railroad facilities, pride in and avow anywhere. I
'iJ''V''liSiliJIlL0' trout and a big school of gold-fish, and will be pre-eminently a St. Louis don't believe in tempering or play
toodard. It. P, poffwrd, tnd many otoera. " t-ii-iil , -t t .
ftitertaiainjrsketrhea by Alice w. Roiiins. Floating about on the waters of the ne t lfteen car-loads ot rails tor ,ng fast or Ioote with people. The
toie.to Tandothera ' basin is he old boat he saved from the new road have beeii received, republican party must eo back un-
1 W a a fl. ... m m m m
raoaia. shorter rnntribntinns. nvpertraents j the wreck, and he thinks as rr.ucn ol I anJ more will at once lollow. lhe I der its old leadership it it s ever to
- wuivirit Willi wltW aU I sat VI aae-a a la.-l . f . , a I . . a. a fl
it at he does of anv ot h c hi .ire-n. nrsi liuiicaii'jii oi xair wcainer wiw re??.tin its lost place. .Men hkc
sf AaMnran a r orvica "ascni. aa Atturaar in rinntoaw
iawraittrtTTitliirrTT- T'n Uprinsfield.aflisf ? vl
THE CEN I I'RY CO. New York.
No stranger cvrr escanctl betn tak- e lI'-e s'g'-'i for the commencement Conkling arc men to lead.
a -
en to do reverence to the boat that ot tJack-uing.
twice saved his host's life and laid i in reference to securing entry to
the foundation ot his splendid for- j St. 1-ouis, it is thought no difficulty
1 1 . mm I A. mi -- .-.1. ia .Ira V
aauilk.tk.nl!Hl I. iuMMinata
vara. I ... ate nw 4II..W -ITU. iril rT ar FilX-
auaii a
I tunc Thi !tlelph:a Record.
a uawtoac anatr. I .ami mr waar
aa want wm. Baraaa WHaf aava aW tana
m tmf M4 rarvl.iaa a rara. 4 a. oae aw a
Ma aaa a Km eiu af wy letalUate fafaaay. IMva
MaKrwoSn. n raeta n M,ae e triaj.
IvtUraraya. a a a. HOOT, ta raart at, ax.
ated a w.i.b n r i i-jiaimw.
ilia. U,Meaiar4(raOii (Tea.
A ;:itKih eiMTipIexion can be liad bv
evrr lad v who will ue Parker's Tonic".
For promptly regulating the liver aud
kidney and purifying the blood, there is
nothing tike it, and this is the reason whv
it i so quickly removes pimples and give
a roey bloom to the cheeks. no to tm
will be experienced iu that quarter.
It is probable that a bridge will be
built at the Chain of Rocks, and all
the plans ot the company seem to
be well matured.
Sha.ket.oear savs: "What's in a name?
a roe hv any other name would smell as
sweet." The healing power ot St. Jacob
Oil does net, ot course He in it name;
but that name has become a household
word gll over the world, because when
men hear it, they recognize it as the con"
queror of pain.
King Milan ot ervia wore a coat
The Gould interest does not look- I of mail made of silk, compressed
kindly upon this new project, and it
was vaguely intimated yesterday
down and rawhide, which covers his
trunk, legs and arms.
Ar tra3K'3
m gxucTD non MicKiin
A Ltfo Farpwraflrioe. EwtnarkabU aad
eOIwaV TTlas a"aKaaaawaai saawaaa
i for naUi r--""'1 A1r1rati
Dr. WARD CO. LouWantt, Mo.
tn popular favorue tor dree.
sure to plra.
law U hair. ReatortBf t h eotor
when fray ,aod preventing Ia a-
draff. It clean- tn acaip,
atooa the hu lilTint. ami a
mne. and i. rie t PrwT".
If ycur Crbccr does not keep them
send S 1 .23, and we will send Pail
by Exoress. prepaid, to the nearest
Railroad Station.
s&nrs irOins, no.
91 a . i -v r- 9 tn, nf. ftCOTTa
nAn I CU u-uutoi Klatetrto
Coracta. SaaBtree M tao
' rotnina efenta. 5 ri. epilea:
TarHtorr 3. iatwiactleo flnarnnieaa. amm
DR.3COTT34. Broadway tt-R.Y.
I : nut Best Cucgli Core jmcaw
I inn ine i"- , . r
paic'Toc kejt n a bce iaa
teutmcl to
Veep ,t. c txxvTr.'i . '7
llSU pe ad the Steteaefc. I '"" "1
.Ww.W'W. C:sh. a--?C-.a -
ti't v

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