Newspaper Page Text
Sutler VOL. VIII UUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17. 1880 12 i OUK PRESIDENT. . ...... r.u.a . fl Mrf II. Peter n "l art the king! Oor nstlons king! I mllil bIs sre prsylng 41 bteM snl ' hlm nlK n'1 A Billion upsar saying. Ok Dsstlsy bt kind to him! Ak wlsds blow gently CM him! i ladMtM.MitU. and loyalty liooUi ttaot ths path before him . ' Ok lor11 1 Whew to J onr crowmt OiKlapt Wbsrs to yo glory' ugn lordly tar klaf to-day , Crwied Ib kit bay leaf es boary . t tbo' I ao'or bobold bto Imo, lot mm his DobU btarlng . er. Kij Ikaey alts hit manly grace, tub of grettnttt wearing. & i would tcbo tblt, the prayer. Of til oar vast creation, Aj pard tad galda aad load aright fkt Bgat or oar iiuoi. fttm Zoaa to Zoao, from too to ttt , fMt klgb to lowly statloa. L k. - - 4 ff fMH OIMTO Mil romiooM, Mtl kit coronation . 44 la n tadlett golJcn chain, hi litLt that nono can tcrer, jikallbttbriasd In loyal heart t, 'nvsr aad fort or! V Mingo. Spring seems to be upon us de spite Mr. ground-hog's appearance oo the 2nd. Burn: To the wife of l-stice irmh, fine boy. Estice is a hap- tf little soul. 0il FttUer Irick is laying very ck nl not expected to live but a kw at the best. ' J. M. Mates has returned from irknas where he lus been visit giiN gtd father and relatives. Sihi Stark, one of Minuo' best tock traders has retired fiom the xincM. and will move to Kansas City in the spring. ' Walter Scott, an enterprising jeung man of Mingo, will take Mr. Stark's place in the stock business. i t Wilier ib destined to be the cattle 1 Wot Mingo. ' I o a. as Ur. IN. liradley will close a six oaths school at JSmokie Row, in Kirch, alter which he will immedi- tftly commence a 3 months school P.t.r F. C. Tyer has just completed a lag Barn which adds greatly to the eoiu ot hia fine farm. Mr. Snow late ot Ky., takes the jtafUgon the finest tobacco in Mr. Editor, we country tolks are fodin; the coming storm of can AdatM that ufill fl,rA nur rmintv i n W near future. Oh! it we could Mryto delivered from the blood n tartUing and crib gnawing leaches, ft Please mark Mineo township for Rjooveotion. Our reason is that we i?e no flouting population that we cavote5or6 times a day, and ore, our drug store hat burned wo and we are little short of liquor, with which to buy votes, and M Am . . I n wane iu iiie some Din in 1111? f lWiontion o our chivalnc sons. we would like to hear Irom every nshio in the county in reeard to Vm matter. Longk ellow. Burdctte Item. 1 he mow is fast leaving us and d is taking tts place. . I he boys have bung un their 'ghs and ae wearing mud boots yuite a number of persons were town to-day to hear the trial be m D. Arman, plaintiff and G. ue, defendant. J. J. Brum 4 "WJth and J. I. Saterler, in behali Plff. Smith ot Adrian and Graves Butler, lor Blue. Plaintiff vie V f The case was tried before kw Shepherd. we learn that S. M. Tllotr h his farm to his Bro. I. A. Tal- "U, and will make Kansas his tu n 1 . -ntnome. We regret to see Mr. 1 and family )iav nur n.nhK.-.r. d as he U on- f " and friends. Rev. Davidson preached lor the PODle nf II 'uimcai, oiuruoiy anu ndav. Mr Davidson is an alIe j'Ptsker. I Ben. Berry, will finish his law the 2nd of March 86. Kobt. Cowley says Preside ' Cleveland over am wouldn't make hi it a jacket, B h i-, riht. The two noted bachelors of thU comnumtv, Hob l5l;ick and Bud Clark, passed through . this morning with 28 hounds, going wolt ing. The hoys report too much water for inn. We would love to know if I. A. Talbott has found his sacks yet. Geo. Hill, still eoes to mill and says he thinks he can catch the Mill Dr. France reports all his patients doing well, we think the Dr. a fine Physician. Mr. George McNeil, a few dav since had a breakdown with his sleigh, by taking Harry Hill's mule in with his girl, we would advise him to take one at a time, and save paying Blacksmith bills. Mr. Tom Mudd ot Rich Hill, an ticipates having an exhibition at the close of his school, which will be about the last of this month. J. W. Davault, the saw man is in town to-dav, he is 1 nprovinjj fas. Sam Stacy. Hudson. Hard times and hard weather the general cry through this country the same as others. There is a number of cases of pneumonia fever through thtsecuon and Dr. Tavlor is the main stand tv. and as a general thru? lends his as sistance to a tjood advantage. The young adopted miss of I'rot Allison of Butler, is now making her home with Mrs. Tavlor, of Hudson tier rormer name was .Mct-aimim. She is an amiable miss, and it is well she fell in such good hnds. Old Uncle Henry Wells has been afflicted for a long time with cancer. but not seriously until about six months ago when he employed woman from Sadalia to come here and treat it, since that time it has been getting worse, and now. his entire underj&w is gone, leaving nothing butthe naked teeth and bone. Allen Kyle, formerly of Butler, wants to sell his farm and move back lo Butler. The Gird school ended last Friday with a musical entertainment given by Hutchison brothers and Miss Masen. It was grand. Elias Leonard has gone to Ohio with his sister, Mrs. Day, who be came insane some few days ago from a cause the writer has not yet learned. Joel Pratt is feeding 400 head of sheep this winter. J. D. Donohue is at Butler attend ing court this weeek. Fred Taylor will graduate at the Butler academy next spring. Sue cess Fred. Mutton head Elkhart. Ed. Times: We were glad to see several articles in your paper speaking favorably of Judge Gantt as our next congressman. As we think it likely Rover did not have reference to this part of Old Bates, we would just say that we cm assure Judge Gantt a large majority from this part of the county. He has given us general satisfaction as a circuit judge and we are bound to believe he will do likewise in con gress. If each countv in this con gressional district will give him a large majority as Bates, we feel sat isfied he will be elected by the larg est majority that has ever been known in this district. Good LvCK. SuuinuL Versta on spring are in order, spread yourselves ye editors. Miss Sa'ibe Lye, sister ot Mrs. Geo. Graham, of this township, has been visiting :it Mr. Grahams for the past two week. Miss Sadie Berry of Vernon coun ty is visiting the family of Mrs. Mo!- j he Cheathams and other relatives ot thi township. Aile.i Wright will probably rent i out his farm in this tow ihip and tv-iiiporari'y locate at or netr Butler i that he may be more convenient to j schools. Mr. Henrv Smiscr who has been , very sick tor some time is now con vlescing no-withstatiiling reports to the contiaiy. Phe Wi da n Ru ty farm ot 2XO ens in 1 1- .vna!ii, was sold l-t week to pa n-s i.., ., Illinois at $35 per acre. T. I. Fiy ' ours us that he oar!eu n r.-e mi ths with Janic- Walden deceased ot lohnson countv who made tne will wh ch gave rise to the famous law suit brought to the Bates circuit court on a change of venue from that county. He tur ther says that if the aforesaid Wal- len was competent to make a will at ny time he first became ac quainted with him that he had un proved wonderfully. On Tuesday night there will be a New England Supp r given by t!' dies ot the M.E. church, in the op a house store room, ik xi to tlie Li dede noici. ftvcrvthmg io ni. s c -s is turkey, chicken, mince ami pu. up- Kin p e, plum pudilin, viulU &j , will be in abundance. Admittance, including supper, 25 cents. Married: At the residence ot the biide's father, Mr. Daniel Glovl, near Daion, couniv. Mo , on Filmiarv S1I1., 1SS6, by Kev. J. A. Smitn, Mr. Albeit A. Argenbright Mi-s Katie J.. G omI. The at- tenitauts were: Mr. lu 15. Marian nid Laura McCuilouh, Mr. R. L. Cauticll and Mis Kate Porter. Mr. AigentM'iglit is o:ie ot Bates county's most vorthy oung men, and his beauti'ul young bride is one of the most charming ot Cass coun ty's young ladies. If good wishes ould warn off trouhle thus would be a long and happy lite. F- A imoo h complexion can be had by evry laav who will use f arkers Tonic Far promptly regulating the liver aud kidneys and purifying the blood, there is nothing like it, and this Is the reason whv it is so quickly removes pimples and gives a rosy bloom to the cheeks. no 10 im A large audienee greeted the mus ical concert of the Anon Quartett at the opera house Monday night last. The exercises of the eveaing were hixhly appreciated and much credit is due our young friend R: W ' Peach, for the interest manifest ed on his part in giving our people snch a choice entertainment Good Results in Every Case. D. A Bradford. 1 sper dealer of Chat tanooga, Tenn., writes, that he was 6er iouly afflicted with a severe cold that set tled on his lungs: and tried mar remedies without benfiit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, did so and wasintireiv cured by use o a tew bottles. Since which time he has i.e it in his tainiiy tor all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved bv this Wonderful Eiscoverp, Trial bottles free at John G. Walter's Urug Store. "When Baby was akk, we are her Castorta, Wen ha wm Child, the cried fnr Cari, When she became Kla. she clone to Caetoria, When ah had Children, h gar them Ceetoo. Abstracts made bv Ben B. Can terbury & Co. tf Hurt & Mathis' Burner shop is the place to get good work done. Everything first-class in every respect ; good bath rooms, in connection with barbet shop. Al so ladies hair cutting in all the latest styles. Call anH see us in Badgley building south side square. 43 ForBesisrke, BIIIwBee, Ll-v-r Con. UUata, laalelm. Mild bat erecthre. La-fcOLDlJY U&VOGltVTti, ) Ben B. Canter- rrow i burv & Co west Monev Until You See f side square i 3 Butler, Mo. For Sale. House and lot, north of Marble Works, for sale cheap. Enquire of 94l Price Ieffrers. Sixper cent, money at Canterbury & Co'. Ben B. 3t Lefker wants white corn at mill or elevator. 6-tf Farm for Sale. I will sell my farm, situated in section 1, in summit township, 15 hundred acres. Divided in lots Terms easv. A. Hamilton. suit purchaser. Oil Inspector Notice is hereby given to all deal ers in coal oil in Bates Countv thai I Imve seemed the necessary testing instruments and duly q dified and am !ow ready o preform the duties ot mv office as coniempl ted bv law. D'-al' rs will find it to h. ir in'-ie' 'o nol'fv me before offering any i T S :t f IS I :mi ti-t,-v.iiiii.l ti. il.i 1111 lutv in 1 rte matter and prosecute al' violators u ti'i ect'n to tin- tui'e Xtent t the law. I. Lamtkix. C'-i! Oi' Inspt c'r tfir Bait s Co Card. I AM LOCATED x WEST SIDE OF SQUARE 1st DOOR NORTH OK BEATTY Hotel, where I i an make loans ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY O.N TIME FROM I TO 5 YEARS AT LOWES! t AYES I . M NOT OUT F THE LOAN RUSIN'ESS AS DESIGN') N; LOAN AGENTS WOL'LD HAVE YOi: BELIEVE. RE MEMBER THE PLACE, oN" FIRST FLOOR ist door north of Beatty Hotel 4 tt BEN B. CANTERBURY Abstracts made by Btn B. Can tf terbary & Co. Trustee's Sale. Where E. M. Bednoor. who has bem dead for more than mine months, by hi deed or tnut dsUd February Uth. 18M, and recorded la the MlMoart, In book !o Si, pff SSI, eonreyed t thnnderIned trustee the followiag desciib- neeoroer omee wiiotn ana ror ntes conaty m wmm enie tying ana oein iinsie in in Connty of Bate and State of MlMoart, to-wlt The northwest quarter of th oathat qosr- ter of Miction twenty-fonr (t4) township forty m 11 ire land the said E. M. Redaour bonghi of Wm iu 01 nan tniny-one 311 oeinarine Jt. Walton and wire by warranty Deed bearing data rebrury nth, 1884. Which conveyance waa made in 1 trust to aeenra the payment of pnreaaa money represented by Bvo certain notes fully described in aald deed of traatj and woereae, aeinuit naa neea maae in vne pay. mens of the ant and aeooad note therein de- soribed and the nnnnal interest on all of aald note, all now pat dn and nnpald by reason dn and payable an In aald deed of trnat ptotIi wnnroM in wneie aem Dec me immeoiatei' ed. Now, therefore at the reqaest of thelecal bolder of aald notes and parsaant to ths coadi- tioaaofsaiddeedof trnt. I wUl sroooed aeUths above described premise at public vsmdne, to the highest bidder for cash, at the as front door ef the eoart honte, la the city 01 stnuer, couniy or ssiei ana state or missea n, on baturdav, March I3'h 1886, between the hours of 9 o'clock laths fomnooa and B o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for toe purposes or tsiisryiDg; saia aeot, interect and cost. r. m. ax.lsx. Trasteo. Sheriffs Sa'e. Tty virtue and authority of two reneral exe cottons issued from tbe toe office of the circuit clerk of Bates county. Missouri, made return able at the February terra. Its of said court and to me directed, one in ravor 01 L. 11. Jew ett and aftainst Samuel Potts, and one in favor of Wm. Deering A Co., and against Samuel Potts. I have levied and seized upon all the right, tittle, interest and claim of the within named defendant Samuel Pott, of. in and to the following described realestate situate lying and being in the county of Bates and State of Missouri to-wit : The west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter, and the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter, all in section ten (la), township. No fcrtv (W). or ranze No. thirty (3(1), and I will on. Wednesday, February 17th, 1SS6, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at tbe eaot front door of the court house, in the city of Butler. Bates connty, Missouri sell tbe same or so much thereof as may be required, at public venlue, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said executions and costs. W. r. HANKS, Sheriff. Sheiiff'a Sale. By virtue and authority of a general execu tion issued from tbe office of the circuit clerk of Caas county, Missouri, made returnable at the March term (l.-vni) of said court, aad to mo directed, in favor of the Butler National Bank, and against Green D. McGinnls. I have levied and seised upon all the right, title, interest aad claim of the within named defendant Green D. McGinnls, of in and to the following described reales tate situate lying and being in the coun tv or Bates aad State of Missouri, to-wit : "The northeast quarter of tbe southeast quar ter, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and tbe southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section No. 23, and tbe south west quarter of the northwest qusrter, and tbe northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and tbe northeast quarter of the norttiwent quarter, and tbe northwest qnarterof tbe south west auarter of section No. twenty four, aad the southwest quarter of tbe southeast quarter ef section No thirteen, and the northwest quar ter of section No. 26. an-i sixteen and two- thirds acres off of east sile of lot No. 6. of township No. .t9 of range No. SI . containining .ii3 1-3 acres, more or les. and I will on Wednesday, Fehrur if h. iS6 betwe-n tbe honr of 9 o'clock in the forenoon snd 3 o'clock In t'ae afternoon, of that dar, at tiie ea-t front door of the court house, in tb? city of Butler. Bates county. Missouri, sell tbe sme or so much thereof a may be required. at public vendne. to tbe highest bidder, for csoB. m ssturv saaa execution ana rosts. W. F. HANKS. Sheriff. Don't Ho ED, De.ire, to imform hi, friends and the public generIlj that he'has bought the stock oi CffllAIlBILIES CONSISTING OF WOODEN WARE, NAILS AND BUTLDESR HARDWARE- Will continue business at the old stand and is constantly adding new goods to his well assorted stock . Trices low and stock fresh, CALL AND SEE HIM. North Side of the In nme building with John Ray, TOM DEALER IN lives anil linugrii Invites the public to call on him when in need of any of those article. He keeps the celebrated Antelope (see cut) and Buck's Brilliant Cook Stoves and desires all to see them. Those who have used them say these are no better made. He also carries a fine line of heaters and doe not want the . Large Profits Asked bv Many Dealoro, t as h is iust opening out in this business and expects to remain here. Tinware of every kind at prices low down. , - Don't forget, I am in the same building with Ed. Steele, the grocer. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, - - BUTLER, Up. x aWaT m w ill ? On" CLOAKS LEFT. This reduction so EXTREMELY That we have been .filing them certainly vill not leave A SINGLE For us to carry Everything Our f-tock before taline inventory J CALL AND SEE US.4 J. M. STEELE IPIKAKTIJIE. Square, Butler, Mo. stove and Tinware dealer. RAY. (n) Ifel on all early in the season off of the LOW PRICES 1 GARMEMT until another season. Low to Clean ip' 1 1 McKIBBEN.l 'I -p