Newspaper Page Text
OL'U WASHINGTON LKTTHt Wa&iiin'gtov.D. C, FcK 22,S6. Wasliinyto has tec alive this uctk with the sulvoc;ite f woman suffrage :itt'.T!m their jinuu 1 con VUition. D.iy Jii'l i veiiiiiii m--mi'i- li;.VC bttn In h' for ili-ce !is, :ml Cvtiy meeting has wn in' t nel by soul Miriin kpeeiln-fc. The vet erans in the cau-r were ;t!l pn-eut, an! mam new faces vu-r- -n im the platform . Wiumi'i jk-i listen Cy will unclout'tcJIy he rewarded .ifne dav, and the pioneers in the Cuise express themselves as more encouraged now I'mm at ;nv tune in I' tear tia-it LI; d.t t'i C;ii! Sain ton ypenks wih all the force ;ril persuasion o' old, and i-usau An thony eloquence and fervor does not diminish, hut seems to increase with age. Th's is the eighteenth annual Washington convention and Vi preventatives aie present lrmn the West, noith, east, and even from the ftoutli. These women are also exertir.g their influence in hehalf of n.e tem puance cause. This (jut-Minn l-een greatly agitating the nations capitol for sou.c muiiilis pa.i , and ever Mnce the success of ilu- pr..hi bition movement in (Jeoigi.i, sinn uous efforts huve been sit to '! l. flclvoca'es of llie rausf lu ie t lime the question of oiolnV.ii u -r 10 j rohihitioii Mib.nitTv.vt to the vote ot the people. The Ikjuki tlvau t ml Saloon keepers have heeii appiehvi sivc that congiess would grant ihe OtUlioii lor a voting test, and cone qticntly have hehl pul.hc intnins and protested agauist initfer. n e w itli their vo. ainn hy ths-ji imin tin 1 .s. Senator Colqinttt, wl.o i! a strung temperance man, and who vvuiUkI day ami niglii for the succ ss of me Cause in Uioigia, this week intio duced a hill in the senate providing for Mitmiiitiiig the question to I lie Vole of the pOp1e. It will prohabl) piss the senate and then the house II he bill passes it will be rcmarka ide as the only question on which the people of the district have been permitted to vote for ten year. The Knights of Labor are understood to favor the measure, and the president of their combined organizations in the city has so declared by a card in the newspapers. At a republican caucus held on Wednesday it was decided "that in cases t here nominations have, been made to fill vacancies created by re aiovals, and the heads of the depart menu refuse to furnish the senate information called for, the senate will not confirm the nominations." The caucus was thinly attended, and some ot the republicans are opposed to the course. If the action is sus tained in executive session there will be a dead-lock between the senate and the president, and heated and acrimonious speeches may be looked for from the senators. Thi issue now seems to be clearly defined, and there is a great deal ot speculation among members ot congress as to '.he outcome ot the contest. The sue tor the Grant monument, to he erected here, and tor which congress has this week appropriated $350,000, has not been officially se. .'ccted, but it is generally believed that the Soldier's Home Park will be the place. Theie are several eminences in the park which over look the whole city, and one ot these will no doubt be the spct. A statue of General bcott, the founder of Home, is on One ot them. The park is easily and quickly accessible from the heart of the city by street rail wavs, and everybody desiring to see the statue can do so at a minimum of expense, and at the same time see one ot the 6 nest parks in the country. At the meeting of the cabinet this week the Chinese and silver question formed the chief subjects tor discus :on. The Chinese minister has in timated that his government will in sist on an indemnity for the wrongs 'nflictcii on the Chinese recently in Washington Te ntor), and before that in Wyoming. Thi government can not well reluc he indemnity &scd, becic t ic ikr.iur.d is only like that made by t ie United States on Chmi a tew ear since fori Hrrongs inflct.-d 01 Amciican citi- 1 e " 1 r. . I ten, an! which China granted. It kes a difference, bowevcr, bo J hich foor the sive fits, and it re mains to be seen if meniHcrs of con jiesshve hv courage to vote the money in t u- f ice of tne strong op position "t the laboring classes of rhe Cnine-. Tncre is a Kieat l: v rsity nt opinion litre as to what will he dune. Claim has aheadv heen made for indemnity ter the out rages 111 W vo...:ng. There is a proposition on foot to establish a permanent l.iti n d ex hibition on the ground now hei ig re claimed trorn ilie flit-, of the liver, which houleis the District on the Virginia side. Members of both the senate and house dlsiriet COtll nnttees commend the fea ture of tne ulaii. If the projt-ct is Cotismiiafrd when the improvement ire Co iipieted another attraction Will he idded to tile Capital citv. A permanent national exhibi tion is t,D m-thing desired hv riianii -t tctureis ot the whole countrv, and the 011N flung that h'l pi evented one from being established before has been the rivalry and jealousy be tween the KMie no Mate being widing mat another state sh .ul.l have it. Wahinrtoii is free from alt such jea'ousics, and being the Co nmon property of all the sU;es and beiiie visited ty ilv nis. nn.'s of peuple tvery year from all stctions of the country, the manufacturers of the diffeieut .ites and the people generally ot al' thy states can see 'he gieat bene tit they wiil derive from Mich an ex position. 11. Advice to Voting tiirls. A ladv of intelligence and obser vation has remarked: 'I wish I Could impress upon the minds ot the girls that the chief end of women i?v not to mairv young " If girls could only be hi ought to believe that their chances fur a happy marriage were tieiter atter twenty-rive than before there would be much less misery 111 the world than theie now is. To be Sure they might not have so many opportunities to marry as htfore.but as thev do not need to marry but one at a time it is necessary that one should be satisfactory. As a girl grows older, if she thinks at -ill, she certainly becomes more capable of judging what would make her hippy than when younger. How many girls of 20 would think ot marrying the man they would gladly have mar ried at 16? At 30 a woman who is somewhat independent, and not over anxious to marry, is much harder to please and more careful in her choice than one at 10. There is good rea son for this. Her mind is improved with her years and she now looks beyond mere appearances in judenng men. She is apt to ask if this man who is so very polite in com pany is really kind-hearted. Do his polite actions spring from a happy, genial nature, or his attractive de meanor put on for the occasion and laid off at home as he lays off his coat ? A very young girl takes it for grunted that men are alwajs as she sees them in society polite, friend ly, and on their good behavior. It she marries early the man who hap pens to be her fancy, she learns to her soriow that in nine cases Dut ot ten a man in society and a man at home are widely different beings. Five years at that period of life pro duce a great change in opinions and feelings. We frequently come to detest at 25 what we admired at 16. We advance from the taffy candy and peanut age to the era ot gum drops and matrons glaces, and even in later years lose your yearnings.'" Scottish-American Journal. A Xejcro Whipped. Independence. Mo., Feb. 24. George Smith, a colored porter at the Chicago & Alton railway depot in this citv, recently sent a note with loving epithets and endearing phrases to a 13 vear old daughter of M. G. Williams a white citizen of this coun ty. It contained nothingjlnde-ccnt, but nevertheless it so enraged the father of the girl that he vowed to punish Smith. Last night he and a number of sympathizers 'ook the ngro to lie barn, strung him to a beam and '. administered ioo 'a! cs with a cow hide. Upon beinj re'ejed Smith left for part unknown. The more thev iavestiea-e Ohio ! politics the le.n trtv seem to know i about it. f i Mrs. Col. Yerger recently called on the Rev. Surplus Eel. Parson, I want you to come risht off to my sick husband. He has got the small pox." 'Why don't you go to your family pastor ? You don't belong to my congregation." rep'ied Iir'"n Eel. "You see, Parson Ee!, my own pa-tor is a very good r.K.n. and it would be a pity tor h'.m to die, so I thought Pd come for you. You never would be mised. Parson Sur plus E I. "- Texrs Siftmgs The Virginia legislature seems de-cide-d to enforce the Rid-Meberger plin of debt settlement. Flood, the bonanza King, want to go to the senate from Cahforria in the event of Senator M tiler's death. Senator lioweii. of Colorado. hinks it fair legislative warfare to make use of the tantt hill to coerce ihe protectionist into votii tor sil ver coininage. A conespondent says fifty of fhe senators are accompanied by their wives or di uhtcrs in .Washington, and the only really and completely bald-beaded senator is 110. The republican contestant for con gressman Weaver's seat claimed to have evidence of 300 illegal votes Cast for his adversary, and part oi these he traces to the insane asylum. The New Orleans Times-Democrat note that northern congressmen are weakening in their support of protection, awl it urgs southern I ' ptesi nt atives to fi'ht for the smoke stacks and spindles of Dixie. A Georgia paper prints a story tnat 111 the campaign of 1S76 the South Carolina electors were for sale, and actually oppened negotia tions to cast their votes against the candidate in whose interest they had been chosen. An Answer Wanted. Can anv one hrin; us a case of Kidney or Liver complaint that Elctric Rittets will nut speeJIy cure? We sav they can not as thousands of eases already per manently Cure and who arc daily recom mending Electric Bitter, will prove. Bright' Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any uninary complaint Quickly cured . Thev puritv the blood, regulate the how el, and act directlv on the ciseased parts Evrry bottle gaurnteed. For s dc at 50c. a bottle by John G. Waler. Richard TrevelhCK, o 1 1 of the chief organizers of the Knights of Labor and a wllknown politican ot Michigan, is talked of as a possible successor to Senator Conger. He was a war Democrat and served in the navy. An Enterprising Reliable House. John G. Waler can al ways be relied upon, not oulj to carrv in stock the best of every thing but to secure the Agency for such article a havx well-known mer it and are popular with the people there by sustaining the reputation ot being al ways enterprising and ever reliable. Hav. ing secured the Agency for the celebra ted Dr. Kinar New Discovery for Cor. sumntion will sell on a postive gauroniee It will surely cure any and every affection ot ihe T roat. Lung, and chest and to show our cenfi ence we invite you to call and get a trial bottte free. It is predicted that the next con grcssional elections will show wheth er or not the low tariff democrats can afford to sepciate from the pro tectionists. "Did vou ever see anything like that?" said a young lady to her es cort at u church fair where a afiling was m progress. "Only once." -When was that?" 'W ell, I was on a western tram one time when it was robbed. " A Texas clergvman, about to be appointed chaplain of the peniten tiary, preached a farewell sermon to his congregation, who had treated him rather badly. He selected the following text: "I go to prepare a place for you. so where I am ye may be also." Carclebs nurses have let children fall and injuring them for life. They have also given them doses ot cough mixtures containing opiates with tatal results. There is no danger in Red Star Cough Cure. Free from narcotics. O.nlyj-cts, sate cure. WBOLB BY OKlTOCItrTtf. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflaninu i t .11 au (ConiinuJrom lad irmt,) How Watch Cases are Made. A -.late of sou ootD H 2-10 karats fine in soldered each side of a plate of Lari nickel eompoeatiun rue-Ul, uud the turoe are then pasoed between polished ktexl rollers. From this p!ate the varum parts of the case Itaeks, centers, lzcLe,cU are ci.t and bhaped y dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chaia, engraving, and engine turning. The eoiiij?-ition metal give it needed ttrtngtK, ttifxesr and toiidity, while the vritteK, guarantee of the manufacturers warranting each com t wear ttctnly years proved that it contains all the goli that ean -osisilily Is? needed- ThL guarantee is given fcvm actual rctult, as many o( these cases have I en won, perfectly smooth by years of Use wilhuut wearing through the gold. Ttmrgn, It., Pee. 14. Ism I haTD need cm of your Juua Bow' Gold Witch Caaea for seventeen yean. I bought it Kond baa J and know of its having- been used before I in it, bat do n knoT how long. It look pnod for toi -r,n longer. Did not suspect it was a Oiled caw until ao informeH by a Jeweler a short Ki finoA. I most cheerfully recommend jour cases to be a4 Utey are represented to be, and ruore. O. UcCBAkZT, ivji. Cot. int. . 3-1 S'i. loin. fea4 1 oat Ua to krrUnac WMrk ha PartrVs ikila. drip!, I"., for k4 ll!aarat raaklrtklaf k. Jmm Ummf a kr).toa Kafctk Cam an sua. (To It (VnttflH!) t NEW, NEW! ietlj and Favorably Known, lis I'urrhnbod KEITH'S - OLD - STAND lis so kaiiKod it That K ! Now Entirely NKW 4 Grocery & Restaurant COMBINED. He will Keep Canned Goods, FrulU, Confws tiBry, Groceriirs, Ae. Yon can f-rt a lunch at hjs establishment at all hours. Mr. lwis never doe anything b? halves. He will please th Public at any cost Don't rail to give him a call. Second Door Honth of ArlingtoB. C. B. LEWIS. M- E. V0LIO.I886. The Lead Ins Ilut rated Weekly ReTlew, Devoted to Mimic Urama, l.iteratnre, Art, So ctery. and t'urreiit Erants. The ablest, brifrhtost, and most influential or Its claim In the world! Critical! Independent! Impartial! No home should be without it! John J. Kins, . Publisher. Frederic Archer, Editor. Price IO Cent. One Year $4.00 Sis Months i.00 cam be ordered from any Bookseller, ewsdeatert Stationer or AInsie Dealer Sent fost paid at above rate Address The Keynote. P. O, Box 1766 Xcw Yors. City- Trustee's Sale. Whereas K. M. Bednour, who has been dead for more than nine months, by his deed of trust dated February llth. 14, and recorded in the Recorder's office within and lor Hales County Missouri, in book No &!, pajre 2S1. conreyedto the undersigned trustee the roUowinjt describ ed real eotat lyinir and belnc sitoste in the Connty of Bates and State or Missouri, to-wit: Tbe northwest quarter of the southeast quar ter of section twenty -four (2t) township forty () of ranii thirty-one (11) belnjrtlie vsme land the said E. M. "Kednour uouxht of Hm. E. vyltn and wife by warranty Deed bearing date February llth, 14. Which conveyance was ma1-in trust to tlt the yavment of purchase money represented by lie rrtain notes fallv d.cribel in sai l deed of trnf ; and wUerra,. default has brcu made in tbe psy ment of the first and second notes thTvIn de scribe'! sad the annual intrest eri all of said uotes, sll now past due and Tmad by rea.2 whereof tiie whole debt kfcam immediately due and payable as !n aid dts? 1 of tra? rn f rd. Now. at tbe requit of tne letal lioider of fid hum aud pursuant to Hm: cn-ii-tions of said deed of trut. I will proceed to sell tbe above described premises at public vendne. to tbe bishest birf-ler ror csan, st the cat front door of th eonrt house, in the of Butler, county of Rates and state of Missou ri, on baturdar, M irch . 13'h iSS6 between the hours of 9 o'clock lathe forenoon and & o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes 01 sausryioK saia aeDi. interest mxArmmi.. f. M. ALLF.S, Tmstts?. Un Be EW T FOlv SALE. ! The unJen-ignevl, living 6 miles east of Buter, Mo., has f r s.i!e a t.j!t nc:iJ lot ot vounj BULLS - AND - HEIFERS. That can be boucht at hard time prices tJood" pedigrees, good colors, combined with individual merit. Veiled Prophet M(V7, having used this high bred Young Phyllis- bull tor 3 years last I will ihs pos."e of him tor less than halt he if worth. Perfectly trentle, and not hreachy, now 5 tears old. l'ersonal inspection 01 my stock solicited. S. C. McL f tchks jusTwiuTiov Anvil, Vise-' waNT. cut-off tool . I he best tor r a r in and home use. Kither t-ize H, saso, asvau $6 fo.sent freight p.nd, on receipt ol yrice, f your hardware dealer docs not t . . . 1 e - , . 1 arcpiiirn, uoou .vt;enis wanieeu. C'UKXEY ANViL .V VISE CO. DUTROIT M tCll Oiiioi Mississippi itAii.Wxvy. The Direct and Fast Line to Cincinnati, Louisville, Washington; Baltimore. NEW YORK snd the EEAS1 4 SOLI I) DAILY TRAINS to CINCINNATI and LOUISVILLE in ioHoi rs, with Through Day Cars, Parlor Cars and Palace Sleeping Coaches. No Change ot Cars tor any class ot pos sengengers. 2 DAI 1.1 TRAIA'A To Washington in28Houi To Baltimore in 29 Hours This is five Hours quicker than the ratest time by any other line. The Dav Express runs entire train censibta of Day Coaches and Euxurian, Parlor Cr. from St Louis to Cincinnati and Louisivlle. The N.GHT Express has sleepers with out chancre No other line trom St LouU offers a Daily Through Train Service to the NATIONAL AMTAL. Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars are run by the ,lO & M" on Night E pret8"lrorr St. Louis to New York Without change la 3T Hoith HEAT ROUTE to JACKSONVILLE And Winter Resorts in the Southwea, The Double Daily Lines ot Parlor Car and Palace Sleeping Coaches by tnis line from ST. LOUIS to CINCINNATI and LOUISVILLE making; direct connections at both points with morning and evening Express Trains, having Palace Hotel and Sleep, ing Cars to Chattanooga, Atlanta. Savannal. and Jacksonville without c hange. No Ferrvs or Transfers by thi Route! The Only Line running a Sleeping Car of any description be tween Sl Louis and Cincinnati For tickets, Rates, or anv particular infomation, call on Ticket Agents ! connecting lines, est Northwest and Southwest. Or in St. Louis, at tot & 10-; N. fourth SU W. vv. PEA BODY, W. B. SHATTUi , Pres't &Gen'I Manager, Gen'I Pass'r Cincinnati, Ohio. Agent, G. D. BACON, Oen'. Western Passeneer Agent. St Louis, Mo. W2jrne. r.-f i Cj . ;i!mo:s, MAS IMi'Cf. i -:tA FRANCS rsreberus 11 --- ; V3.C00.OMW rsw. - " - .. 1 kT .v4r tnrm rmic !. . ... , J'OOivS K' FitAKCB. ever rr-t:rt:D to America. , ara aov tmsoriiA, -A tmuuA a , m m. tii , lm rx.z-l er.:, as crvra. I vili mrU i , imtrti Sitrh aj C-al r-is., m-,r I cannot fsraisk . jaa iua mywa, .vi anma r.fJ ay la arlciaai . Fnt cmrxit ! ri T-,m'fr m iv4 m tbe So IU aia. vE vkaesk Arj " ' ? : '.rz-M'S rt. n re.Wfi'W lUrafw: ia ara fgg-l s ua vrwiaaa a m beats mmm Wtk l fr It S f itk-acT as law r sw. TJ ' IT last ar - a rmnra. 11U l"n I stslraaa v fm It SOaabavt ruh a,s r,ua mt a Cititvtm O as i r - AJWW. rs tfaai lit ay s asoaarar. u qvav ; sa TH IMT-iU - j u i FOR 85-86. ( The reniarsable interest ia th pj i 1 features ub"iihet reeentlv ia Thsc3 has pveu t!iat uiasujiine a rvgularciieaiaS Mule I I1.111 JOO,OOOv..pU- M(1I1,hJ Auiuus the l.nturvs for the eomlac hiJ iUiih bisiun wita the Nuvrinber itswrl ik War P'.pkrs by Genekal A.iUUI ItSRS. These will berontinue.1 (mM.lofth.ranBMJ eJ) uutil the chief event of the clrtl waTsJ bvu letwrilsl bv lea.liuic artiointa oa St sides, lirneral U rant's I'aiirr tnrln.t..j:iT tiuiis of the battles ofl.hatl.intOFa and th,iv tlemew. Uenersl Met'Iellaa will whtoST tielsm, Ueuersl U C. Buell of Sottas GLi Untreet ami other of tbeSeJT Kun, etc , ete. Naval rninhsU. Isehhhry,. Illit betueen tht hearssrKe au i the AlalLi by ..illrert. of IkiHi hi, will drschlJli The "Iteeolleetions of a lrivale aadVi ar of aii siiecdotal or liumoMo. aeler will be the features of the year. SVH I aTj iTORIKS BY W. 1. Iluwells. Msry llallork Koola, .i(u W. t able Mr. Howell's s.rial wulostaltaJ er vein than the "KiHeofilao Ijipham " fi Fottte's i a story ormloinK life, sa.t Mr CsSJ a novelette of the Aeattiaua or Cable wiil alo contribute a series of mim Slave sonpn and danee, lnclndinr Bona J SPECIAL FEATURES Inclnde "A Tricycle Pilrrlniaif to Kobm" luatratetl b I'ennell ; 11 ietorieal l'simt btY am r.KKievion. anu otners; l'apersea rW bv S. u . lie lit ami n , lately L . 8. mint with numerous illustrations; Astroasairslj tides, rai'tiral and xipnlsr, oa ' M0I Astronomy"; la(iers on flirititisa CnitTS rrreentstives of vsrioiiH religious denua tioiis; rapurs on Mutual Kducation, by vara SHORT STORIES Kylrank K. Stockton, Mrs. llelea JsrtJ (II. II ) Mra. Marv llallork, Koote. dler Harris. II. ft. Ilojexen. T. A JaavJ Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Johastua 3 oviien.; snit Mnis by leadins loets. Tbsf brio-s-liraiT etc., will be fatly sustained. THE ll.l.t'S'l RATIONS will be ke.t up to the standard which ibJ The Century engravings famous the worldol PRICES. A SPhCIALOKrEH, lfun1. cnk.n,.,. ...... . . ' enable new readers to get all the war i a tJ with contribution from General Urant lii-I ri.irurii I..I'IaIii I L I.., . ... . T Admiral Porter and others, wa will srnd tbtl uumuent, r,oveiuiier, lt4, vourtolieriw """j tuuhirji.iHiu oeKianinc with vember, In"V, lor a.iK for the whole A W seription, with the 12 numbers bound ia nandMime volumes, 7..'i lor ths whoU. M , ' ""11 kuvoa VI UN Wl .ith..mitl.M. A A Jrce sfeeimen eoy bad assv ill be sent om reauest. Mmtiam Ail dealers and postmasters taks sabaiit auu uii) muiiwn acconiinK w svrsLi ial offer, or remittance mav 1m madadinmU lllfc thMLKV COMPANYJ New Y,tl THJTTJ8:-;' t - 28 YCAW8 IW UtE. Taa OTeatast MsdTeal Triiama f Obi i 8TWPTOMS OF A " TORPID LIVED Issafsssstltt, alswsli sslsraLa saw a kwck wHk sv 4all i.a tisataua mi atov ssk-f SlUs. BTaJlaataa aifkas aanlaw. ii IsjellMilaaa as aianlta ut mr mrmtr IijttavkllUrartMBr, LwstlrlM,rtw f J" sfaTl g awl Mat sssh iaif,l WssHs Pluiaa,VIltHaatSs Hsmw. Bm "ssiar)ta rw Hsaiai ! rlcat 9f, sslassasv; ml airatasaHlthTrMlasCrlaajsW csaoTiPATioa. . TTTT HUJ ara aapaelally iHnUr so aoea aasas. en tbanfjn offaollnf as to tehtlM body V Ti Casv Rata Gudmt Bijicy by a atoaia appUosUaa Instant ansooaly. 8ol4 by PnsgalAi 1 smisyainiBHoa laaaiiiisor s - Offlot, 44 Murray 8t Mw Yi Feb ill Da L. C.Wsst'b Krara Am Bbais IT tkmt, a tnarantsstt areifio tor Hjssna,l. pass, Conrabions, Fits. Ksrroaa Hpoil vh, Karroos Wo" ration caaaan vtw of aJoohol or tobacco. WakefalDaaa, Mentsi preaaiou, Hofteninf of th Itraia ittuHmf sanitr aad kssdinc to aaiasry. dsew a4 rremniiir W Agw, iiai lenness. uom aai in aither asx. lavofasBtarf IxNaea asatlV. orrlMZ eaoaed bytmrxmetim of thsfataa'' poa rnontVa InatamL ftJ)a bm.oesh tolljOCLsaatbyaaaa prepaid o racaiptsfl 1TK CUARAXTCK BIX BOXL To ear any eaai. Kttksawattiidut noaisslt for sis boaaa. aeoomaonied arrtli $&A send thaporchaser ear srriUaa atasaaawsaa fund th mooey if th traJroaotauSS . avcora. Uitarajiteaa taaawq nnlytar JOHN O. WEST & CO, f "2 W. MAOtftON T., CHICAGO, lUl V AI Prop's West s Ursr Kk. -ilfmtm. S kunli lmi 1 wa atamna im Ur.d OlraraleJ Works, Ttar itcriba maT.WJ InaovrcaM. IPJ" tti i Tea vi casea ""-r bare taJcaa. ar woo enr TO. A MfVA at tfitU, IJte'aViaarsaaje ttery CO . - s,. CMNBMtktOM aft- CO etSr,oreamayrawa jSJZ (Mm and afaaaaa. e swa :oaaoy,oU. A"J Health is i fj l FnffHwTS from f aa(fcBtiran .aw J mm.