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'SUTLER VEEKLY TIMES J. I). ALLIEN Editor, j. it. Allot & Co., Piopnetors, IfcttMS Or bL M IUI'TION: ThcW'.KCV Tiir.-,, uIUhJ ever Vednedavt will c -cnt ti aniJure juk vcar, pott.i;;e p.iii!. t:r i.i'- 3t'TTr.: 'T.sOURT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1SS0. ANXOUNfEUENTS. Parties will feasf take notice tint all tnnounoements under tki head are $5 xlrirtly in advance- A3 EARLY CONVENTION. As wi'l be seen in another column the Democratic Central Committee has chosen the delegated convePH'-n system tor nominating our pirn candidates. While trie editor of the Times was conscientiously in tavor ot the primary sstem, become we thought it the omv true wav t' ire the sentiment of the people, and be- ' J cmse we thought it democratic f-r 1 tli.- ni'unle to I'ovri 11 1V lite ba!.t. Mill the majority of the committee -mtn thought different, and wecheei fullv submit to the will of the ma jority. We think the cammittec did a wise act in selecting the time at the ron mir.RiFK. We are authorized t inniouiice tlie name of 0 i. tilazelrioke. or Mound lownnliiu. for the iRiieof Sheriff, ulii-ct to tlie tecUion of the democratic cuurrnlioii. We are mthorli-il to announce Clias. I!. Isl. f alt. l'l-nt tonlii, a a ranili tfate lor heriff, subject to tin- will or the itro critic party of Btc county. COl NTY CLEKK. We are authorized In annonnre the name of U V. Brown, of Mt. Pleasant township, lor the erifte or Count Clerk, ku'J t to the ii-i-ion or Iku democratic couvenLoii. Clo'i IT I'l.'RK. We are nuttioriied to anrumnre the name of J,!io C lle. ofMt. I'les-siit towuauiu, for tb office of t Ircuit t.h rk , sabn-i-t to the drcis idii of the dciuocrultc tomtiition. F, OsElX'llNU A I TORN tv We are authorized to announce the name of W. . Jarknon of Mt. rteanant tow nhli,firthe T.eeof lruai-catlnir Attirney, snbjrct tothede ri. ion of the (Iliihh lutic convention. K 1 C U . R Wj are authorized to announce the name of iu. T VViiliin- i.f.Mt. I'leaxant townhij, for i'n eft ce of lici order uh;i-tt to the utcihioa of 1 e ileiiiocratlc contention. are autlioriet to announce the name of K limit Weil, of New 1Iiiik tow imhiji. lor thu eXrii of Reror ler milijert to tne tlncinion of the tfr it ocratic coo veuliou . We are authorized to annoum-e the nnmeof fluke VV. Hlmimon. of Deepwater tonlii, for I'.e offlee of Recorder, subject to the decision of d. lOOCJatlO Contention. SPECIAL OFFER. In view ot the coining political C.imp.dn, and ti e t ut tint every Voter, tru ( civi- ot pntv, in llttes Cotiofv, is inter-t d therein, the TtMKS will be sent o anv ;iddres in Pa rs counts tiom now until the 1st of Dtct nilnr, ;SS6, tor the very low price ot SEVEN I Y F1VECENTH itrtctly in advance. Anv subscriber may take advantage of this excep tional low offer ry paying ut at' vrcnr. The democrat of the different , townships in the county will bear in mind they must elect a committee man at their township conventions, May 33d. Don't for get it. We have no doubt Mr. Blain will be glad to learn Roscue Conklin has emerged tro-n his seclusion and igaiu fornily accepted the leadership of the Republican party of the Em jxre state. ohn D . Oough, the most noted temperance lecturer in the United States, died a few days ago in Phils 'Aclphta, from the effect of a paralytic Stroke, which he received while lec tertng in that city. The next annut! meeting of the Missouri Press Association, will be held at Mexico, Mo., May iith.'86. Mexico is a good town and there is 10 doubt but that the editors will be entertained in good style by her hos iMtable citizens From an interview recently pub Iwhed in the SedalU Democrat, it appears that Judge James 0. Gantt yill not be a candidate tor Congress. -Rockville Globe From a recent publication in the Henry County Democrat, it appears ftjdge James. l. Gantt will be a candidate for Congress. Intact his fceme paper, the Democrat, officially Oaounces htm for Congress. The CSobe should he honest as there is thing to be made by deception. The Democrat is glad to be able testify to the merits of the gentle san whose name heads this article, fudge Gantt is well and favorably Down in Sedalia and his numerous friend here are pleased to hear that e ha$ consented to become a can didate for c 'Ukus m the twelfth Strict. As an attorney he is well ttfown for his forensic ability and Atep learning. A a Judge he is at Uk Lead ot liiti district bench of the tate. Should the iudge be so tor Mate at to receive the nomination at the hands of tht party in the tlhh district wc are coi fident he tU make a most favor.tblc impres- in trc congressional halls of tbe wCfi. Scdaii.t Democrat. eaily date it did, (or it there is to oe a warm fight let it be short and de cisive in the democratic ranks and then turn our batteries upon the en emv. It there should be any sre made in the canvas tor the nomina tion let there be plenty of time be fore the election to have them all heal over and the party present an unbroken, sold phalanx to the tne my. Some think the campaign was opcr.ed too early. This as it mav be, it is only the matter of opinion at best, and the committee h td no con trol over this matter, the campaign had already opened, the candid iU for ihe nomination for the tlifferen offices had precipitated the coiiet. and lv the committee deferring acnO ' only made the matter worse an t Cicaltd batl feeling. There is p!cn tv time given tor any aspirant to of fice to make the contest btoie thi convention, ami no candidate can complain ot not having an equal .-bowing in regard to time, a would undoubtedly have been done ha I th committee not been called togithei until late in the season, and then, ot mct'ssitv, only a short time given tor h canvass. The deliberations of the committe were harmonious throughout and each gentleman seemtd to be im hued with the best interest of the party and his constituents at home, each striving to vote in sentiment with his people as learned by his close connection and daily converse with them. Everybody could not be pleased, as we do not all see alike, but all should be satisfied with the result and acquiesce cheerfully in the will of the majority. Now that the date and manner ot nominating our party candidates has been fixed, it is the duty of every good democrat to study the character and qualifications of the aspirants tor positions on our ticket, and en deavor to choose none but the best men to fill our county offices. . About two months since applica tion was made through Hon. W. J. Stone, for the-establishment of a sig nal service station in this city, which has finally been secured, and hereaf ter the citizens of the Gem City will find a bulletin board, containing the latest weather indications, in front ot the wholsale house of Sherman Bros. Special dispatches will be received direct from Washington every morn tng and placed upon the bulletin, and parties at a distance will observe the flags floating above their store. The above clipping from the Ne. vada Democrat, shows conclusively that Congressman Stone is looking especiadv alter the interests of his political backers and warm supports in this district. The Sherman Bro's , are wholesale whiskey dealers in Nevada, and when parties from a distance observe the flags floating over their store, it is an indication that a blizzard is coming and a warn ing to fill your jug S. S. Sherman, is Mr. Stone's, enthusiastic corres pondent of Sedalia Democrat, while his brother is one ot his warmest and most energetic workers in Nevada. Getready tor the blizzard, its going to strike the 12th distnet. The Kansas City Times in double leaded editorials is waging a fierce war on the railroad pool. The Times is engaged In a laudable en terprise and is giving the railroad robbers a dose of medicine that will make them twist in their seat. The Times strikes the key note, m sug gesting that the voters ot this State take ho d ot this iniqui tous rai road pool at the next e!ec- ; tlon and send representatives to the legislature who cm-iot V svvv,, or tampered with bv fh- rai'road l.,Shvii a i l -viM f.vor a I"" hen'g p-ied t't will put tiie peo ple 0:1 an qu.l f.Mifmg with 'he railroad companies it nothing else. The h iv t'f "tatter now s'ands the railroad p-ol is the phvsioan, and tne pcopie tuc patient. Tne P'"'I ,!,JV.4 out t!;e medicine and i'-e peo ple a iv 00. .wU 10 take it, ksli or n kiil. X'v. there is bn: o.-e and only oik- th itth" people of t iis ?.'e can cope with thi-gigantic comhma tion, and that i- for tlinn to elect men to the legi-laiure who are hon est, capahle and feaile-s ami men who will favor the pa age ot a law legu'.aMng ihe rutroad tr.ific of tin- slate. Let us do i COrXTV I'AXIU DATES. Tor the otlke ot recorder, we thi weeK take olea-ure in placing lietore the democratic parlv ot this couniv the name of Jim T- William-. For aS ears he hs been a resident ot Hates, tor 2S years he has been known and u-pecte.t tv .ill our peo pie as an upright honorable gen le man, and tor ne itU a nalt century a tiied and true ib niociat. If heshouhl be so fornn 1 e a- to -ecuie t ie nom ination he wi.l till the office to the -ati-fact'on ot a'l. FOR SHERIFF. Oi:'S ! I-ev i-. ol litis city, pre- senr- h'- na oe to the democratic! votel- t i'h- Count v lor t'ie office ot sheriff AH know Charlie, ail-1 none know him but to like him He has been a re-Meni of thi- county tor 21 years, and t' hi npng'r deilirys with hi- fell. i.v men has gained an enviable reputan on AH know that Charlie is a ttt-iler and will iraKe a most excellent sheriff. Don't forget Charlie 111 the make up ot the ticket or give h n out. FOR RECORDER In our announcement column thi week will he fonnd the name Ot that old and life long democrat Gentry West ot New Home township. M-. West is offering himself as a candi date for the office of recorder ot deeds. He is one of theoldest and most widely knorvn citizens of this county. His ability to perform the duties ot the office are unquestioned and his integrity as a man is above reproach and the brilliant race he made four years ago will not be a disadvantage in his present canvas. Gent. West is a gentleman ever inch and will make a good and faithful officer it the democracy see fit to se lect him. CIRCUIT CLERK. In our announcement column this week will be found the name of that sterling and popular young demo. crat John C. Hayes. He is a young- man of good moral habits, tull of pluck and energy, democratic from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, and having served an ap prenticeship as deputy, under J R. Jenkins tor the past eight years, he has become thoroughly acquainted with the machinery and workings or the office. In short John Hayes is a young man competent in every par ticular and worthy the office he ?sks at the hands of the democratic party of this county, and the Times takes pleasure in adding its endorsement to his qualifications to fill the same. FOR RECORDER. It gives us pleasure to present, through our announcement columns this week, the name of Duke W. Simpson, of Deepwater township, for the office of Recorder." Mr. Simpson we might say is a native ot this county, has lived here compara tively all his lite, and is at present deputy recorder, a position he has filled tor the past three years with credit to himself and perfect satis faction to his employer. He thor oughly understands the duties ot the office, is a splendid pensman. clever and accommodating, and above all, is peculiarly fined for the posi tion. It the democracy v: hen they meet in convention, the last ot May, sec proper to give him the nomma tion, it will be but honoring a young man reared in this county, and one in every way worthy ot their oonfi dtnee and respect. Several have announced who we will give complimentary no tices next week. WORK AHEAD F0KTHEBW7 Cheerio z News All Alonj- the Line. The C. li. & and St. Iaui-. Kar.-ts t'ity & Colorado Moving This Way. Tlif " Should In- u th Alert and StriV.t While ;'ie 1 111:1 i Ib.t. Ti'e pre.-ent indication- are hal , the Sunrie is to make a junction jwnh the En pona load, hich ha I -ilrcadv in operation twenty miles in j Bates county, and in that event Clin ton may be blessed with the road by next tail, if not sooner. Clinton Ad ocate. Rumor to the effect that the C H. & Q railroad authorities have de termined to build on the old road bed from Tt -xmg'on to Duller, have been in ci'CUa'ion s -ei;d davs At this wining. Tuts. lav, al-o, th' said authoiiiies have purchased the U iilcv road. These rumors seem to be Well founded, and Cause to Pleasant Hill, East Lyune, Austin, Ham-o:i-ville and Caa- county tor congi a:u!.i 11 .us. It 1- too early yet to extend our hcailtelt sympathies to Hoiden, buT ue hand a iaige supply to offer joluliy v lie never Hie occa-siou de maiuU it Pleasant llul Review. TIE FT. SCOTT SURVEY COMPLETED M. Scoil, Feb. 29. Cnicl En gineer S. I. Kiiici'son finished lo cating Ue line ot Hie St. Louis, K.ui- City and Colorado railroad tiom tins ci') to one mile 111 Missouu U dav, and the contract tot ji.iI.''l twenty miles of the road has Oeen lei o blank Anueison, ot Vernon conn ty, wtio commenced woik tnis morn ing with a toice of men, and will push ahead a rapidly a- the vc(hu will permit. Alter crossing into Missoun two routes are being con sidcred, one via Butler and Papcu- viile to Clinton, and the outer via Foster and the same point. Front Clinton the ptOpoed loute goes via Cole Camp, Versailles, Vienna, Union, Latiadie and Cieve Cour to Si Lout-, Mo. Yesterday morning S. T. Emer son, chief engineer of the IV-uian road, in company with the Board of Tmde, left ihe city on a tour of right ot wav. liiey met witti such a flattering reception that Mr. Emer son decided to put the contractor Mr. Frank Anderson immediately to work, which was done on the Shack leford farm about one mile trotn the state line ot Kansas. The chief en- gineei was the first one to wtick the shovel in the ground. This was but the signal for active work, and but one moment afterwards hundreds ot shovels were at work making the dirt nv. v he men are working this way, and it won't be long until th line will be seen entering the city of Ft. Scott. Ft. Scott Monitor. FACTS AND FIGURES, St. Louis, Mo., Feb. zS. Suit was filed in the circuit court here last evening against the new St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado railroad company by certain stockholders ot the Forest Park and Central railroad company, to recover the franchise ot the latter company which was acquir ed to the former under the order of sale made by the U. S. district court, and which, it is alleged, was secured by connivance and conspiracy. The petition denies the jurisdiction of the 1 United States court, and asks that the conveyance made by the United States marshal be set aside, and the control of the Forest Park and Ccn tral be returned to its stockholders. This franchise is of great value to the St. Louis, Kansas City and Col orado company, as under it they ob tain right of way into the city and into the union depot. Francis Tietnan, president ot the St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Company, denies the allegations in the petition, characterizes the suit as an attempt to impede the work on his road and says it will not succeed He further 6ays: "Our bonds are placed and we shall have our road completed to Crcvc i'oeur, twenty miles from here, in sixty davs. We have got plenty ot material, all which has been paid for, and woik is pro gressing rapidly. We have backing as good as wc want, and tne only reason why the names ot the s3-ndi cate behind this enterpiise have not been given to the puhhc is because we, the projectors and builders, arc not permited to divulge who or whnt this line is for further than that it ia strictly a St. Louis road. Track lav ing from this end will commence to morrow (Monday) w :thout tat'. We have just clo-eJ a contract for thin, miles of grading out of Ft. Scot!, Kan., and surely would not be put ting money there if the scheme was a wildcat. Over $150,000 has al ready been expended. Wc shail artivr- Lf rhnrnpc in tlsiai suit and I show our title to the franchise in the courts. This road is attracting a good deal of attention as it will par allel and become a competing line to the Missouri Pacific." Fll We want vour Produce Butter, -:- Eggs, --Chicken Potatoes vtc, we pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE At Sell Good rn the Smallest Margin Consistant to safe business. PHARjlS & SOI -0- WANTED. I will pnv St. I.n'ii Quotations fn I'ASU tor all kinds of Furs trie entire reason. I will buv all the HIDES, WOOL, SHEEP PELTS TALLOW, GREASE, BEESWAX, FEATHERS AND RAGS. For all I buv I pay the Sl'OT "ASH, I pay the highest prices and don't grumble. I am Your Obedient Servant, LEWIS HOFIi, North Main St. Butler, Mo. J. T. OTRAVESS & SON SoaUteurt Coraer IkiMre, nnxtto Grange CoBtlasra " ? J to cut? one of the larffwt Mock f , . Harness & Saddlerv Hi A 1 Farm HtrneM and Mine 1 sad light dotbl bMM ' beat in quality and prlcr. Com and examine. A nul Um Saddles for Men, Boys, Ladies, Mid Gooi and everebody at bottom price. We aell " ' Horse Blankets, Robes, Whips, Lashes, Curry Ccdf Hone tjruihee and similar article aa low aa the loweet, a well aa batten, brM collars, aweat pads, etc. f HQ A nil It. to cell only firt-cla goods, to aell them aa low as Vn UUK Mllwl to aell only encb goods aa we raa recommend, tapteaat Ml V favor as: that Is what we are here for and just wbat we to do. Repairing neatly done. - J. T. GRAVES & H FRAN BERNHARDT! JEW 2 e 0 itsiiiisw i ajj ST OB Is headquarters for fine Jewelry , Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, aclesot all Inds and tor ad aptes; also fine Opera Glac. are cordially invited to visit his establishment and eiamine his splendid displav of beauMtul goods and the low price. g AL.L KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECirrR