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i IIAIiCOCX'S M JI'-i,M.STKi:. .:,in:i; .; '.- P.;..;".-; !'i!'i ! t!s r.v r :! N.ii ii-li Ci: t'l.l.iy. I II' ! WHS I1C Vl V -i Cllllt'llltl in tins cM in wli'tv: h. ;.r tiie lien -3a l In itS I." i i. II ' t i i u u j. . Klfit. ile i vcrv tecble iiou, ami loners when lie walks. Hi head i-ovc'til wilii ll.ick, vv i . i tt hair, I. in silit is dim, and his in ar ID4 In l.l( . ll-i IS 9 J VcUli Old lu- d.iy, wrl it will bf me l.lest birth day, perhaps, he has ever known. No newhovs shouted extras where he lives away uptown, in pretty Willinjjton street, in the neat brick dwelling house, No. 1.516, where he is tenderly cated for by affection ate relations. It was dusk last eve ning when a reporter rang the bell. The old gentleman was in the center of the family circle in the cozy din ing room. Supper was finished. and he had pushed back his big arm chair and was looking into the grate Are. The children hovered around him and listened intently to one of his oM lime stories. Tlie tft-mlcinan wants to see you, uncle," said a bright little woman witu a cherry voice, and he slowly atose, half turned, gave the stran gt-r's cordial grasp, and ask etl lum to hit down. " Co-morrow is grandpa's birth a . ti.n, )i; l h wee little eirl, who h " i c 1 ni i' !!' t ihe L;i Pier hou-e, wr.eie the Lafayetie now . .-. :icco o: tl lv hi. st;iff, ni I . ii-.-i l mv wiiv ilx.'.ih the (l . ! just lo jet a gl'ripe of him. il,. t-i'oi t d j'Oi 't-r u ;is t r utlLiou, it. .1 otikiiii me and others off i 1 m i v !u 11 II iii. cock caught siht l" ii - 1 1 p 1 iflil I e! u 1 in mr pur ; K r .ti. il on. niiil. faliii im- lv the . I. in. Is, brought me up on t!i. . tp j mil. (luccil me to all the officers 1 ... 1.; ..!.! ...I, ..1... 1 1 ; inn nt j?v liwuilllkiBitri l.uu I stved liim from lciiv whipped in a fiht by crrving him off." ' day List March I was sitting in the parlor here, and the tlor-hell rang. 1 opened the door and a hne looking man entered. Ile said 'Don't you know me? My sight was bad then, and 1 didn't. Then he said: 'I am Hancock.' It was a happy meeting. He learned about my daughter Clara, and went from here to Washington, and bv his in- fluence got her in the mint, where she now is. He once acted as pall j bearer when a memoer of mv family . -l.-.l I L.. I l 1 auu 11c oas aiways oecn more than kind to me." j m :. cf fighfng democrats who he licve that means war, and that the be;,t pvsl"'ve pl te tor all Mich dudes and l'ickwici c . tiers . Pi,oic tjn, is a j.'lici. vhie they sl.iug.irr tliiiUCils ami lull v Uilips as' t n 1 - 1 slaughtered I'cotiietot) in O.iio. It Hie 1'leSlde nr Had said ar tK begiuniiig 11. it he meant to till eVerv oflice 111 the country witti a Dcoo era.', and had given partis in reasons tiicretor, the Kepulicans pron.;iv would never have said a word Now however, it lie will stick and we believe he will ail will be f 01 given . It he stiwKs he unites the Democracy, and a united Deinociacy is invinci ble. St. Joe Gazette. A Lion iu a Locomotive Cab. Butto, (Montanna) Dispatch to the Philadel Mll.t AS ut:i CEO. W. PEC K, Keillor iitxl INofu tetor. for Infants and Children. i!!tOrU.'S,SOWe:idptMt0cJliIdl,e:,tllsltl tor! cv.rra rVISe. Cottftipation. rewrompcvl it aa superior to any prescriptiua I Sour Ptomaoa, Ii.iTlwea, Eruetauon. known to me.'' IL A. AacH-!t M D I '''1 'nnib, it Jroaioto U. Ul So. Cxxord St. Brooklyn, T. wuturioua medic Taa Ckstac Cohtnt, is: Fulton Street. K. Y. j c.iilln't contain liersell and wanted to be hospitable. Then the same bright little woman shook her finger and smiled. Grandpa must have heard it, lor he smiled just a little. "Vou were G.-n. Hancock's schoolmaster ?" queried the stranger. Then the dun eyes brightened, and he answered earnestly; Ves, indeed. I was a ti-1 I tell you, sir Here the bright little woman in terrupted him with: "Oh, that'a uncle's great subject. He's just in testacy il he can get anybody to talk aoout his general." Doesn't he know of his death? whispered the stranger. Four laces oiancned, lour voices hoarsely said ,o," and the old man looked and wondered and arose from his big asy chair. Then the bright little womansad little woman now put her lace tendery to his and caid, f atneticaiiy : "H r. Uncle, your brave pupil is dead. mm ine oui man in a trange voice. Dead!" and he dropped hke a log into the big chair ml buried his face in his hands. It was a crushing blow to him. The old schoolmaster was the first to break theiwlence. 'Winfield came to my school in Norristown wnen be was only seven years old," he said, "and I taught him for seven years, i won't Hatter him. He was pist like other boys about studying ois lessons, out X always liked the mue iciiow as a schoolboy, and you ..ow mm as a man. That bov wa born commander. He hadn't ocon at school six weeks hfr k kad organized a company and was captain, and he had them in goo.! drill, too. Those schoolboy soldiers ti 1 . . . M;cr wiougnrot having any othei commander. I remember a funn ts-kr ..1s... ..a. I j .1..UU1 mm. une time the proud boy captain was reviewing his troops when thj. order came from headquarters that he would have to come in and wipe the Jishes because ius mother was stck. The little fel low sheathed his wooden .swo.d biavety for the apron and dish-to. eT, but Ins troops stood in the kitchen winnow and taunted him so that fin ally, exasperated, he chased the whole lot of the,n seven blocks with the towel. . "Then agm I picked him up bodily out of a fight and carried him into the school-house. When he lett my school he went to West Point nd 1 didn't see him again for twen five years. I heard he had been brought here from Gettysburg wound ed, and with some terpidation as to how the great general would receive i me. went to the hotel to see him. I'll never forget hts welcome in my life. He grasped both my hanJs and sou: "My old fnrnrl. I could never forget ou. "Then, om.s 1... ... . .....v rtiitr me war "cnhe wasrevieyvi, the troop,; Now What? So issue has been joined, has it, ami the republican majority in the Senate means to grapple with the Democritic President? It it does not weaken, it looks way. If, when it hears fro. 11 the C untr, :nd from the m.iss.-s of th 1 opie who did not repudiate the Republican i.uty at the polls to set it still retain possession of po'ver b a fl ink niovement, at once insolent and arrojunt, this majority does n t t ike to tho hrusii, then there isgoing to Ire a touch of Andrew Jackson somewhere along the line before the harvests are done and the summer is ended. Before the Democratic party was well ncquit ot that insufferable dude. Pendleton, it had entailed upon it. Chiefly through his instrumentality. the accursed civil service reform id iocy, a bastard political thint? bon. of the embrace of the dematrosrue and the aristocrat. Neither part nat any respect for it. On the con trary, each party has the most out spoken contempt for it OU devils ready to die, and not yet satisfied as 10 wnat their reception mav be on the other side of the river called Jo r dan, hold on to it as to a cross, but that signifies nothing. Tiw been known some times to lick the crucifix, and men with blood v hanH. to hold them up in prayer at an al. Ur, It is not these fellows hn desire to be placated or assured. i he millions who voted Cleveland signified bv that act thlr desire and purpose to secure the dis- placement ot the Republican nurtu from power, and with it the removal of all officials from Presu! lurth-class postmasters and tiJe waiters from all posts of public trust and emolument. 1 This possession ot the offices ot the government has enabled the re publicans to continue at the head ot affairs for a quarter of a century. The people, weary of their rule, de creed a change. The demormr.r party, in obedience to that command, came into power for the sole nr- pose of making that change. The president in hi, heart hated Pendle ton's miserable abortion of t ,... and he should have said so from the ery beginning. He should bave rnun to make a clean the very first day of his rule. .-. L;n tne ground that the people had elec ted h.m to run the government. That he could not do so satisfactori ly unless he was permitted to select ms own workmen. That ;t ... democratic administration and that every law known to political rhvr,-.. nd common sense required that only democrats should be chosen to me the administration successful. ne uul not do this, mor pity, and he will now have tr ni, to recover lost ground. He began by declaring that he would no man from office upon purely po litical grounds, just as thmml, P"t ,a th United State could - our ii uid not give to its own I rank and file the spoils of office. He I aid not continue as be hrn k I did remove them from fr? , ! btical reasons so!e4V lots ct them, j Tiv trt ,1-,: 1 . I - Z.Z "s newon back a great Tiie engineer and fireman of tne tram from the south had an exten sive scare to day, lohn Else is the engineer and Joe Davis is his assist ant. The train was running alon? at a torty-mile-an-hour gait, round ing the curve near the cliffs below Silver JJow., Else was, as usual, at his post, and it was growing dusk wnen tie noticed atlark object sprine upon the cow-catcher. He naturai- lv whistled "down brakes," but as there was no disturbance, he con cluded that it was a rock or a luirm of tlii t that had bsreii in some pecu liar way thrown on and off, and the iram resumed its or.limry soeed. About tins time. D ivis hat! occa sion 10 go out on the. foot hoard and oil some ol the machinery, but be lore he Had completed the job he rushed back into the cab, mote dead than alive. The dark object that had .seen spring on to the cow Catcher proved to have been a ful w.'u.a . .1 . . I' tw mountain IIOIl. 11. HV It O0- tained a footing in its perilous po .sition will never be known, but it i certain that it clambered from the cow catcher and reached the toot- board just as Davis was finishing his oiling. As soon as he saw the ugly object the man naturally retreated to the cat), to which point he was followed ov the, beast. The pair entered th Cab together, Davis speechless and rne non growling. John Else is a man of nerve and expedients. He took in the situation in a seronH He had no weapon, but as quick as inougnt he opened the valve and mere was a piercing shriek from the whistle. The scheme proved a good one. The animal was then more frightened than the men, and he took a headlong plunge from the cab. Singular to relate in the jump he icu ncauioremost and his neck was broken by the fall. After the train had been brought in, Else and a parry took teams and went in srrU of the brute and found him. The carcass was brought to the city and iound to weight 300 pounds. I I I l MVl. I ff Vr 1 JtT r 1 1MB 1 1 - fs-fi asm . rs ur,,iimiMJi 1 .iynm mjm I ULAitlASlTlLJeaff-' V.i Jf tnm iaconId mo that aothiac ia jK hOt 1. v, v., 'if, all Orulta and Dealers, i . " iO'Jt-: t o Price One boilar a Bottle. 5 VIAyVrwaAUJsAAvWsAAJU v rvi a.: a-r i-r a.". . a u i in t& g CCMAI C TO KIIH ii rrhlUI T llllMllaT vavaaaasoBi a w B a B W I v.biwuu w una auicrc urmnj every uwm mm mM ciain n 01 nocieij. Rv uAwtnm Iau .ul mt i a U Bterine faarrloas, it cures ail feouUe wuiiiaiaia ua awiietis aaieafTOU lit la of creat valae la caaare of life. I fa BMdnHno imMM will 11 . .1 relleTO the balnaof labor, and (mum a apdyreevei7. Pleaasatte taateaad , mtrnj ue taaea s ail times Wlta aalMy. OOCT0R8 PRESCRIBE IT FN MlBtSEASCS PECUUM TO WCSfJt lean aarforyoarFomaloToaio. thatlhaT fteea asm it 1 n mr praotira for mr 15 vaan. A;rtfir.QoHmjultorithanoqaL I treawj CMa 01 Pterino Hanorrbata of permaunUr curad. Too maoa fftnnnf ba $k Dr. L O. MATTHEWg. Owanrrilla. Ho tt. 5PMancaiathotraatiBaat of woman if TTYM I .("a hnannalaJ wmm. I - k. : m T Funniest Paper in America. What Vaccination is to Small-ios, pvcxv SCN is to the Blues. PECK'S SUN Is oae of the most widely n-ad and popaJar papers in the country to-day, and UnU without a jeer iu its specialty. The Originator of tho Celebrated BAD BOY Papers. Mpecimen Copies. Free to any aaare, Bear in mind that by aendlnr a Postal Card ta to thia office, a Sample Copt of PK( k a SUN wiUbemsiledyoa fK DoV neglect to send at once and tell yonr " Jneighbora to. gj WORTH OF FUN FOR J, a.a Address GEORGE V. LORD, unsmcaa Manager, Milwaukee, Wlscotuia. ' KEflTUftlTV MILITARY INSTITUTE. nV V Fx,"mPtl"nfromtf'niptJtion,.ufcitv. 1. One family- I" :'"- ,r!,,,M,rln.' ""fl '.cr. 3. Cln-p. divided intosmllli..ns " ' '.'Vt,-rt,"'s . KxiH-uaitores muter control ot unernitL'iitlnt. r. (.verinn.iii u. Unt..if prumpturedlence. Address Col. It. O. ALLK, ramdalt, Ky The Weekly Globe-Democrat. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. a a Ine iolloinJ i-iinn .i-.ili ... ... r .. . lie, published ii the i:k r.;;1v.r,".'"'1 " "u, .n? ocmi ir,n r vm.iui,ncij mat me v eewy u ODc-Ueni- ocrat i troin lu 50 per cent the cheapest. Wives! Mothers! Danghtrsl Be Your Own Phvslrlant l ... ...i.- for vears suffered mrmcnif t, death troni Uterine Troubles, failing of tile womb, leucorrhrva. Kiirrr.-i.. fc. and who had despaired ot being cured found a remedv which complete!;- cured her. Anv sufferei from such trouolescaa use the remedies and thus cure hersel' without revealing her condition to anv one, and without subjecting her womanly tnodcstv to the shock'of an examination bv a phv-Mcian. The piescriptions and lull descriptions for use. sent tree to anv address, securelv sealed, enclose one (two cent) stamp. Address, naminy this paper Mrs W, f. Holmes, 65S Br.iHdw..v 8 ft m New Yor. Weekly Cilobe-L)eni.crai. hi. Kepublican St. Louis, Mo Tribune, Chicogo. Ill Times, Chicago, 111 Inter Ocean, Chicago, 111 "" Enquirer, Cincinnati, O ..: V" Commercial Gazette, Cincinnati. O.. "'", sew ion mty V." V . ...... .... sun. Hew York Citr Joridjearorkit 10 Pages oToTulnnsTrrVre'arT 8 Pagaa M Colnma ai 00 prY..r 100 Per Year IMferTear 100 Per Tear US Per Year 100 Per Year The Greatest lmru h ment ot American one ot the manr won dertu! enterprises the g-eat w st U noted for nnd whl;h none tavored with oppiv tnnitv should pass seeing is the treat breeding . stablishment of () 1 lawn own ed by M W Dunh .m at Wavne 111. tc miles from Chiago. His Importation of fviiutiuii nurses irom r ranee ta date have aggregated the Immence euro of t. 000000, and at the present time at Oa land 500 head ot he choicest specimens ot tha race nearl v all recorded with their pedegressln thePercheron Stud book ot r ranee can be seen wh.le on their Col rado ranges age 2000 mares and impor ted Percheron stallion in breeding. nuted mm of solid reading matter r favor ok tbe g-d. Ten Pairea mirfe his rf thm T -.. . . . . oarts of th .bh;P:, V-. .,, ,c8?pmf ?CW8 . correspondence trom all V.. ... . wuiiku mm, Ullnn .Amn .1. V.pb.l I -t.-t flv Pa-rM ZJtF DAiPXc ?.rePaid)- I e. Unrest and Best F.m- 1 w"pre topics oem on Application. Price o Other Editions of the Globe-Democrat: Daily, Per Annum c Tri-Weekly, Per Annum . .. Semi-Weekly. Per Annum 5-o Poatmastere and Newdealont 9r ...i.A.: 1. .......... 3. rect to the " rece,vc auuDscriptlon or. send dl- NO SURPRISE Thn Government Eudorses 1 he Ameriean Agriculturist From the tenth cencua, vsl.8, justpub- LlJtl ha V2&JSJ!. W. Interim MVAi rr r "iusam win restoie .r orrowa PmatUreIy lost, stop it, talhng, Don't surrender jour hair witJv wUl cuoa to save it. no 14 im. 'Did you attend church, my daughter?" "Yes papa." "How did you hke the sermon?" "Well the minister stuck to his text, and f must say delivered a very cheerful mo somewhat unseasonable dis course." "What was the texts" ".Many are cold but few are . lroz- en." D DNO,lDflDB DBUSIHIEILS A Mini ill OTA jvITE 1 ' JmBanavaBMnHBr3UMBKBaVHBBBg t? sr ebb -v I QUO w aaav a TRAD eV; MARK. S G aaBBBa m afl afft1' nrai a mmwm m I Used. "The Amrla A l...V. ti. 1. UUVPCrKire I IIMCCO.aST. LOUIS, MO e;Pec,ar woithj ot mentl bec-iue of 1 Ka mm.pL.i.1. . , . . uui nas aiixoura the unique and untirine effort ot itanro- prietors to increase and extend iu circu lation' Its content ar A.,rMr..t.A month or a german edition, which alto circulates widely." This tribute is a pleasing incident in the man-clous nearly HALF A CENTURY CAREER of this recognized leadi.m Agricultural WHAT IT IS TO-DAY Six months ao the American Agricult urist entered upon a new jear ot prosper itj, and to-day it is far superior to anr similar periodical ever produced in this or Auy other country. Richer in editor ial Strenirth: rirhcrm u n . - prim ed on finer paper, and presenting in ev ery issue 100 colnmns 0 original reading matter, from the ablest writers, and near ly ifx initiations. Dr. George Thur her, tor nearly a quarter of century editor-in-chief of the American Agricultur al J2rh ,I,arris. Byron D. Halstcd, K.o. m. C. Weld, and Andre s. Puller, tne other long time e (litem, together with the other writers who havejmade the Agriculturist what it I trwli. ..ttt t64 Mai Leier & Cofi Elvator, NEAR DEPOT. Wc desire to say to the farming community that we are now prepared to Corn in any quantity. We ha recent- for handling Corn eas.iy and expeditiously. Our e from Vpintes, Zuttttci mud rclaott. SURE. PROMPT. m- L Waa an. their posts. UDiimps Are Convenient, what, free ?:?;.? y t- ... .t 25 CT JACOBS OH Jhe nLI ,oyil V ,w P? ly Safc- To those who Hve in the past so liberal favored us, we return our hearty thank and respectfully ask a continuance of their patrol To those who have not heretofore dealt with us, we desire io say that we earnestly solicit a trial, believing that our ruode ol quanmy of Sh"e f 'U!' Patro- have a lare ai Ear Do mCs2j5ft lT. ....V. 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Send three 2-ccnt sumpa for maiiiw you specimen copy American Agricult urist, au elegant lorty-psge premium list, wtth 200 il'ustratlons, auu specimen pag e of ojr family oyclopaedia, Canvav ers wanted everywhere. Address Publishers of AMERICAV AGRICUI.TCKIST, DaridJW. Judd, iam'l Burcha-n Prea't. f 57 Ercrelwar, New York