Newspaper Page Text
II ... 1 j 1 HAVE RECEIVED A MURDEKEK AT LARGE. 3 New styles of carpets for the spring trade, ex tra nice patterns P. J. JEWETT. at Opera House. U i tie Ashes I am now ready for business in my new ron Carriage Shop, where I will be pleas ed to see my old cus tomers and many new ones. T am prepared to furnish buggies of cheap, medium or fine grad as customer mav wish, at lowest known prices. Also keep on hand all kinds of buggy repairs and do all kinds of buggy and wagon repairing and repainting. Come and see me. . T. W. LEGG. LOCAL ITEMS. Judge Jame B. Gantt, of Clinton, ha rr'jutariv announced hime!f a'jre f"r congress, and Tu-n 'f '- U?-nrv Countv Denv craf, i his colors, thus adding another, to the really influential dem ncTAlic DiOtrs l:i this district, thit te:. verd..v ro krc.i a Mr.ct j Vernon couniv "Cicero" - i I f ..... Lr . ! ' Henry Killen t:.- (oli il'-- Train Kob 1T andMurd-rer lii-faL .fail. S4ftliB ixmoerst. Cl'ift o I'o'ice fWru-it received a look -ijt tur one Henry Ki lei, who I t.ytther with tt.ree Confederates, , made eope t'o-n the Topcka, afternoon ' Ii U now in or !ci for die eVaiiwl. ot tfce Lamr Democrat, in the j A Clear Skin h only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Ha'm both freshens and beautifies. 1MB lvalis. i.til Wedilcvl V lit- i abou' 20 years of age, case I'arki"Nn"ctii, to Iju'-t feel J K. Bruglar wants more appll cations tor nrst-ciass loam. 7 per cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf $55 will buy one of those beauti lul cottage organs at the Music Store. ' 9 at Subscribe tor the Campaign Times, only 76 cents. The Glessner house lor rent. - The place to get cheap money is at the well known office of farvU, Conklin & Co. Frank P. Lee of Walnut, was in the city yeterday. He left last night lor Illinois 'and" Iowa, on business where he will spend several weeks. Late census taken of Clinton, hows that city to have a population of c.,010. ai d an effort will b made to organize a city ot the third class. The sympathies ot the community are ith Mr. ind Mrs. Aaron Badgley in the dea h of their intant child which occurred Friday morn ing last. The Holden Enterprise, one of the sp ight iet county papers in this part ot fie Mate, will, begin the pub lication thN week of a series ot chap ter ot war reminiscenses of Johnston .countv. Ike Mayes, one of the Times old est and bot subscribers, dropped in 11 u Fii'iay and ent his nan.e up to '7 Said he could not get along without the booming Times. I will offer for sale in Butler, Sat urday the 6th, the balance of my stock, harness, saddles &c. Terms: Aniousu over three dollars six month Kmc. J. M. Catterlin. Mrs. A A. Risley, who has been in the city hi a couple ot months viMting her son Dr. G. M. Risley, left Friil ay for her home in Jerey villr, HI. The place to get money on good terms, U at Jaryis, Conk'in & Co's. hen they say straight, they mean yoo get every dollar, and there is no wbacks, or other catches, they IO iiiLhes l.ih ha. h'ti- eves nd a Vcrv I irc .11 .iil, wird con-ul-eird fjir complvxi :ed, a ; i 1 ! b. Hv crippled in nht hand, havri lost tue rCond tinger at the firit pint. The crime toi which Killen was in cutody wa-. committed in the sum mer of 1SS3. Earlv one morning he and two aMtants attacked a Sana Fe train at Coolridge, Kansas for the purpose ot robbing the ex press car. Killen went to the engin eer and called upon him to throw up his hands. The engineer did not do this quite quick enough tor the tree booter and he was shot down. The fireman was treated in a similar manner but recovered. After se curing a few dollars from the ex press car the scoundrels made their escape. The company offeted large reward for the capture ot the men, and put their own detectives on the track. Kiilen was finally captured at the residence ot l is brother near Crfithasje, Mo., last taM. He is a de-perate haracter and if is safe to say that he will not betaken alive if gii'en an opportunity to resist. Frank P. AnJcisO i, ot Nevada, saya he has a contract to grade fitly mile of road Ironi Ft. Scott west, on the St. Louis. Kansas City & Colorado raiiroad, and left Nevada last week to commence work. Mr. 11dersou is a contractor of one 1.0 toriely and we only hope tne word given ou lv him that he will com mciice work at once, may prove true A thousand men aie at work on this road near St. Louis and are coming this way a-. fast as possible. The indications are that the ronl will be built, and still the company are asking nothing but pushing work right along. We submit that it is any man's privilege to run tor Congress. That unlike some other offices, no man holds a patent on this place. We say this for the benefit of some jour nals who are crying out "sorehead," and other unseemly things against those who do not agree with them. Gentlemen, please examine the records and you will hnd not only that you don't ow n the earth, but have no cause to cast insinuations towards anybody else ; ard that your language may be the means of bnng ing up things of the past, that 'twere better for your favorite, that you permit to lie buried. The men who have borne the heat and blunt ot party strite for years and years, with no turning to the right or left, may conclude to show who have been the soreheads and bolters. Gentlemen, better let that red hot stove fall and return to your reason. Henry Coun ty Democrat. if Jiiilye G iMtt "is in anv way mixed up in political squahb'es." Lamar j Missouri in. I Shootiig Coons. Three of the Keith & Perry coons had a fracas at the home of one of them, at No. 5, on the evening .f ashington'sbirtldav, during which j IIn. He.rv A. Newmam, of' Randolph countv, is hein spoken ot for the position of Railroad Coin n Usioner. He is thoroughly posted in stare affair, and during his term of Labor Staiistician, by his fair ruling, gained the favor ot the la boring masses in all parts ot the state, which will add great strength to mm should he decide to enter the coming contest Besides Mr. New man is one of the best organizers and campaigners in Missouri always a democrat and a ready worker. He will make a good race should he en ter the contest Nevada Mail. Born Together Die Together. Reading, Pa., Feb. 2V A man named Lillie owns a mill at Shamo kin hill. His twin daughters, Katie and buiie, aged C years, strayed to ar,psuirs room in the mill where a shaft vas icvolvi. -. While at play the iit'le ones ventured too near the machinery, their clothing caught in the hatt and thev were drawn around it aiu whirled with each revolution. Alter being thrown around for about an hour thev were tcund by an elder sisier, who had come to look for them. When the machinery was S'opped thtir bodies were found to be terribly lacerated The skull of Katie was badly fractured and her body in other ways was badly muti lated, pausing her death. Sumc still lives, but her chances of recovery are small. Her entire body is m .re or less injured, several bones being broken, The St. Louis papers are justly excited over the washing away by the Missouri river of the graves of I twenty persons who died of small pox at that city two years ago. The evening Chronicle says : Startling news comes from Kan sas City this mornig. Twenty graves at that point in which reposed the festering bodies of small-pox victims have been glutted by the waters of the Missouri, and their contents are now being borne to the Mississippi, from which we draw our water sup ply. The dispatch states that the bodies floated off in their coffins," but the coffins are, many of them, in an advanced state of decay, and evi dently have gone to pieces. The bodies have all been buried a year or more, and the flesh, in a high state of decomposition, must as' a result impregnate the water with a film of small particles ot human cor ruption and disease. It would be hard to conceive what evil may re sult from drinking such water, since in addition to the decomposed hu man flesh U added the tact that the bodies were impregnated with the worst human diseases. It appears that the number of im. migrants from Europe to this country last year was the smallest of any vear or t i . . 1 - v' . two ot the.n were shot and one was 5,ntc "c lolJ' J49 badlv cut with a kn.f,.. TI,h ... ' ot who'n Q7 93 came fro 11 Germny two or three verions of the nffair. but the one that seems to us the most reliable is to the effect that all three ot the darkies had been ''celebrating" during the day; that at night the two that were shot had lorced an entance into the bouse ot the third, when the picnic at once began. After the first fire, however, one ot the assail ing parties clinched the defender and was doing his deadliest wuh a knite while the shootist was emptying the remaining chambers ot hts revolver. Halt 4 dozen shot were fired, and all the combatants are badly wound- ed.Rich Hill Review. 36,377 from ireland, and 25,657 from England. In electing homes, 7,162 01 them concludtd to tiv Misoun; but then S.211 chose New lersey, and that spoils what would otherwise be a very gratitying fact. . A Card. I AM LOCATED OS WEST SIDE OP SQUARE 1st DOOR NORTH OFBeATTY Hotel, where I can make loans OS CITY OR FARM PROPERTY ON TIME FROM I TO 5 YEARS AT LOWEST KATES. I AM NOT OUT OF THE LOAN BUSINESS AS DESIGN! NG LOAN AGENTS WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE. RE MEMBER THE PLACE, ON FIRST FLOOR 1st dook north ok Beatty Hotel 4 tt BEN B. CANTERBURY. We will pv 11.0:0 for :i oJ wheat than any oilier mid in Cites co. Six per cent, money at Hen Ii. Canterbury & Co's. 49 3t Insure your property with S. B. NVwbill. He keep a Record of all business. tf Lefker wants white corn at mill or elevator. 36-tf Sixper cent, money at Ben B. Canterbury & Co's. 3t All the white corn in the county wanted at Lefker' s mill and elevator. 36-tf Abstracts made by Ben B. Can terbury ft Co. tf Farmers see Albrant's soft center plow steel he hardens them lor shears harder than anv new shear you can get at the factory- They are boss, you bet, 10 tf Thirty thousand good brick tor sale at Power's Mill. S. B Newbcll has a valuable piece of property for sale, title clear. All he asks is tor purchaser to pay taxes. It Go to Albrant for a first "class job of horse shoeing west of Bapiist church. no 6 i.n. Iliith-r Mills. We want 1'uslicls of good white corn. Will pay more than any other mill 111 li itt s coumy c maff rd to pay. 12 Power Si. Bito. Cheap Money j At 13m. Ii. Can On Time to suit J terlniry & Co's. Abstracts made f near Olive Hotel, No Delay West side sq ire. Ludwick & Son, druggist on north main street, have received a hand some line ot pipes and want you to call and see them. 1141 Corn. We will pay 2S cts for white corn. 12 Power & Bro. Money! Thebcst rale8 glvcn by Money . . Ben B Canterbury Co. Moneys j Seeing is Believing. For Sale. House and lot, north of Marble Works, for sale cheap. Enquire of 94t Price Jeffress. Itch and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never tails. Sold by W.J. Lnasdown, druggist, Butler, Mo. 5-iyr i-k t ) len B. Canter- Don t Borrow j . f , ? bury & Co., west Money Until j side square You See J Butler, Mo. VWa Baby vm Mck. ma CartK yrbem ato va a CVM, fe aria4 Car Caatari Hurt & 11 a this' Barber shop is the place to ret good work done. Everything first-class in every respect; good bath rooms, m connection with barbel shop. AI so ladies hair cutting in all the latest ,-4JCUH us ia Badi ey Farm for Sale. I will sell my farm, situated in section 1, in summit township, 15 hundred acres. suit purchaser. Divided in lots Terms easy. A. Hamilton. to SIX PER CENT money on hir.J to loan on improved farms. No red tape. No delay to those having good security. The Walton & Tucker Land Mortgage Co. At Butler National Bauk Opera House Block. Coal Oil Inspector Notice is hereby gnen to all deal ers in coal oil in Bates Countv that I have secured the necessary testing instruments and duly qahfied and am now ready 10 preform the duties of my office as contemplated by law. Dealers will find it to their interest to notify me before offering any oil for sale, as I am determind to do my duty in the matter and prosecute all violators of this section to the fullest extent ot the law. L. Lampkin, Coal Oil Inspector tor Bates Co. S65 jr A month and board for 3 live W7tyoun tr.sTt or iacie, id cacti county. Addre? P. W. Ziegler Co., Chicago, 111. ' Dont sell your wbire com until you see Lefker at mill or elevator he TI, WHEELER Ii 00. -DEALERS IN THE- Celebrated Mitchell Farm Wagon, Cortland Steel Gear ipriag W agoas and To; Baggies, Halliday Standard VkTO EL PCal HO JE2 H3kT ttSr ET JJCtf EH- 61 9 and Iron Suction or Force Pumps. Hardware, Groceries, Wagon Wood wort Iron Steel, Nails, &c. Northeast corner square, Butler, Mo. CSC FiMMW M). -AT BUTLKR KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AT T11K BEST l'lilCKS I IS' HARNESS & SADDLERY. xn m f o - 2 C Spooner Patent Collarl PREVENTS CHAFING CANNOT. CHOKE AHORSE Adjusts itself to any Horse's Neck, has two Rows of stitch ing, will hold Hames in place better than any other collar. GIPSON BROS. & CO'S., Real Estate LOAN AHD.JNSUR AHC. Over Gipson & Badglcys Store, Syndicate Block. WALNUT, MISSOURI. RODGERS & COMPANY. PROPRIETORS OF THE U-l o Stock of all kinds commission. The Liyerv and Feed west. None but first teams, and stylish most reas o n a b 1 e buggies and pha? Dakota btreet, ojv Hotel. Butler, Mi- lies bought and sold 00 larcest and be Stables in South cla$ turnouts, fif? single drivers, at; rate. Carriafrs, tons. Located w posite Lac led souri. LARGE ... AND -:- COMMODIOUS Wagon - and - Stock - Yards, 1 Mm --