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FOR SALE. f The undersigned, living 6 miles east o ; Buter, Mo., has for al j a tplcnciJ lot of j joung BULLS - AND - HEIFERS. That can be bought at hard time prices. Good pedigree, good colors combined witH individual merit. Veiled Prophet 6S7, having used thin high bred Young Phyllis bull for years past I will dis pose of him lor less than halt he is worth. rcrtecuy pentie, anu not urciitin, nw C vearn old. I'ersonal inspection of my Hock, solicited. S. C. McClTCHF.N. jt-CT what tow Anvil Vise WANT. cut-off to ol , The best tor farm and home use. Either size, ?45t .$5-5 ffi.50.nent freight paid, on receipt of price, f your hardware dealer does not ecp then, Good Agents wanteed. CHENEY ANVIL H VISE CO. DETROIT MICH. Ohio & Mississippi UAIIiWAY. The Direct and Fat Line to Cincinnati, Louisville, Washington; Baltimore, NEW YORK and the EEAST 4 SOLID DAILY TUAINS to CINCINNATI and LOUISVILLE In 10 Hocus, with Through Day Cars, Parlor Cars and Palace Sleeping Coaches. No Change ot Cars tor any class of pas engenger 2 To Wnbin "ton iii28IIour To Baltimore in 29 Hours This is five Docks quicker than the fastest timebv any other line. The Day runs entire train censist of Day Coaches and Euxurian, I'arlor Cars, from St Louis to Cincinnati and Uoulsivlle. The Night Express has sleepers with out change. No other line from St Louis offers a Daily Through Train Service to the Nation aL Capital. Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars arc run by the "O & M" on Night Ex press from St. Louis to New York E2 Ea "BCILi TBaT - Titlioiit 'ii;iii-r in '.17 Hours K EST II O I TK I o J V K O V I M.E And Winter Resorts in the Southwes, The Double Daily Lines ot I'arlor Cars and Palace Sleeping Coaches by this line from ST. LOUIS to CINCINNATI and LOUISVILLE making direct connections at both points with morning and evening Express Train, having Palace Hotel and Sleep ing Cars to Chattanooga, Atlanta, Savannah and Jacksonville without change. No Ferrys or Transfers bv this Route! The Only Line running a Sleeping Car of any description be tween St. Louis and Cincinnati For tickets, Rates, or anv particular infomation, call on Ticket Agents ot connecting lines, West Northwest and Southwest. Or in St. Louib, at 101 & 10 N. fourth St. V. PEAUODY, V. B. SI I ATTUC, Prcs't AiGen'l Manager, Gen'l Pass'r Cincinnati, Ohio. Agent, G. D. BACON, Gen'i Western PasWneer Agent. St Louis, Mo. t" ' ...... ' r ! ft! ; I rIO TO AMERICA. STOCK ON IIANDt 1 no jjo jv trrraa mrn k .-'-;.''' K v r ,-'1 O.i rw lot t U ..-.WMS i KVw 1 OO COLTS. v-'.- i -a. ; 1 --v-ci - o 1 Iju-nf. VV - .-. I'.O' w.-w n,ki4 ah3 t- -: " r. ' rMT-f-t, cat- I. aiMknlicmll 5..-,. t'x- FVrai t TlHi'.l 'T u rJr 1 wiU Mil l& "r-"! .S-4 t'rjK r'".v S' I nrM hm J; M rr-!ivt kr IS rcvt Jrri cmtz- v fjf I -mW t"t tmrd la tfc S: But "rmsc. 1 1! lBC9 t'atalAtae r. It M fcM.1 V s. w. Dsa. ul ran (Ma lit. kr Ka lata ITOPt r"-s.r a . w Trrt frr.t i'l SAFE. SURE. ;cts. PROMPT. !!..-. a ii.,t .Lii: i..r,.iJ. .X 4&y n Cures Rheumatism. Neur?iij:i. Mil MM l;.-k-li-. T-.ll..rl.r. or ram. rsaw TUB ClliBLli A. 04.ELtU tU liAl.ll.;iH. i.i. !gj2rrlirfttct or t hruiiic' Di-oKO imatfi r f Ti l iwuftiaiiii ii'ji ,r. mrnc iUiiuiicil i: 1. viobrBlril Uorku, H'.LK. 'I'lK'y describe every sympuna pivca t'j casps of Servou l? bility in ctery cr. CVIt umkes no ui-r-iite imt yoa buve tnkfn, sr who liaa laiicd w cure you. Atfcii'l nt once to tills, for it suns Life's i.mrniir! Icavt s run a Wrec k ! A l.:l" Oirre 13 Life, tboraU Uope." IjTrit Uti warrant) of are yiccn in Co'muit the fM Doctor. Offices n't Parlor Private. A frirndly l-ttiT,orcall nin v'jvc future sut- rlr4 nnl stiume. J!o(iiin'-s, i)c)k, A-c. wi:t every' h'Tu eiire fnni l'.pure. Il'tur.Sio 1 F. D. LARKE, M. O., 4V -TV 25 YEARS E?J USE- TI19 Greatest Medical TntrriT:!i cJ ti.0 JLgc! SYMPTOMS C? A TORPID LBVS. I.esnol nppeiil, Iietvels costive, i'ain in the head, with a dull Kciisatiau in the back part, l'nin uui'.rr tbo shcaldcr Mudp, l'uil jegn after eatinz. v. it'.i n i'i I ndinaiioa to exertion of fcouy or mi' it, Irritability of temyer, l.air spirit?, v!'d n feeiiug oi hnvin k nr'lertr J bo::il- ilu'r, Wcariuess, Diziinesw, I'lutici ius nt it:o Heart, Dots before ibn eyes, Ileatlae!m over the rifht eye, UeRticssncns, v.u fitful dr en ins, Ilickly colored I" en A CONSTEPATiOPJ. TriT'S FILM are especially a!ar ,'' to 8U1 U ruses, ono (logo etlocts uurli i chnnr- ff fco!in'Tr!stop.stonisht!iPPiilVi,r'".'. They Inerease thn Appetite, anij ca'ine t'.n hrKly t lake oil Kicfli. tliu th' y.ti:;i ! iiorrlsKel,r t by thrlrOTonlc Action the UtKifctkveOreaui,1terulax!tcol ' ' VSs!l!m,''' ""'i1''' 'i'lT'w M,rr"vt..'.'ii'. TfilTT B3 tii: at IlAiit or V'ii:keui changed to u Gliis'T l"Lcx bv n. sinclo application nC this DrE. It imparts a imtunl cior, act- instantaneously. ,wol-.l 17 I'rtivs, cl ient iv cxires on receipt of Office, 44 f.iurr-iy St., flew York. Feb 1 1 S6 Health is Wealth! Dn E. C V7est'9 Kehtb a?:o Ibaix Tiveat. Iiest. a traarnatee.1 Etwitio for Hysteria. Dirzi. Bess, Convulsions, 1'ita, Kervous Ncnralcia, lleni taeho, Korvous Prostration caused hythot:ea ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Jtontal Do- pressiou, Softeninjj of the Brain resulting in in sanity ana lending to misery, decny aud death, Premature Olil A so. Barrenness, Ixies of power in either sex, InToluntary Losses and fipermnt orrhoea causou by over-exertion of thobrain.eeif tbaaeor over-indnlcenco. Lach box eortair.s one month's treatment, f 1X0 a box. or six boxes for $iJXl, sent by mail prepaidoa receipt of pries. WE GUAKAXTEE SIX BOXES To euro any ease. TrithescH order receiver! byos lor six tMixm. accompanied vriih lJux re will end the nurchaser our written cuarantee to re fund tho money if the treatment does not e3ecl a cure. Uuaranteea Msnetonlrb7 JOHN C. WEST & CO., B62 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sole Prop's West's iivec PilX ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcta. for lOO-Pago Pamphir '. JiOllIIISrriiTraS JECiL A Llta Experiesca. Kernarkobla and Q3icte cures. Trial Packages. Send etairp for sealed paxticulara. Address Dr.. WARD A. CO. Louisiana, Mo. ; w i. ? ' -s r- 'v. l f r CAT rifffl DEMOCRACY SAFE. 1 j !.DiI13I,: - rn IWIrto fa Washington, May 13. We are ot -i'-inii to )i ica;t !i in the r.ext ca:np:iij;n, l-ec:'.use there is no one to heat u," f.-;i'5 -'oI. - Mor- I nson Inst eveniiijj. Tht? neNrh )ue is 'oin ' to be k mnci atic, an-1 so is the next prei-idcat You see, there are a fjornl n.anv ivputIicans v,ho have heen'd ot their own people, but thej were a little afrakl of us. Xow tuey see we are nothing to be afraid of. To be sure they sav we haven't ot snap ibout us. We don't 0 ahead and ra:e hel!. Dut we Jon t want to raise hell. Xo, sir, we couldn't throw away the next House if we wanted to, although ;t looks as though we were Irving pretty hard to doit. Thu president's message upon the vetoing of these pension bills is going to help us. It will teach those fellows up at the Capitol a lesson, too. I tell you the president is a good, square-toed, cold blooded man, who may make some mistakes, but he does a mighty sight of things right." "How will the appropriations af fect the coming campaign?" "The appropriations are going to be less in aggregate, an i if we ap propiiate a little more, tor pensions than the other t.ilows, the country won't charge it lip against us. The river and harbor . bill was a bad thing, but most of the appropriation bills will be less than last year." "What wili the House do with the subsidy amendment to the postolTtee bill?" "They will reject it. Most of our people will vote against it, and a few of the other side will vote with us. The subsidy amendment has no business on the postollice bill, it has nothing to do with improving the mail ser ice. It is intended to assist commerce, to help some peo ple to sell in foreign markets the articles they cannot make c;eap enough to enter into competition with foreign manufacturers," "What is going to be the result in Illinois in the next congressional campaign ?" "Well, there are a couple of close districts that I suppose will go re publican. Ward's district belongs to the republicans, out the)' will have some close districts, too, and in my opinion the Illinois delegation in the next congress will be divided about as it is now," Many suffering people drag themselves about with tailing strength, teeling that the- are steadily Miikim; into the grave, when by using i'arker's Tonic they would iind a cure commencing with the first doe, and vitality and streneh surely comintl bacK to them. njg-im Fat'il Fiie.l IJotAVoen Fanner?:. Louisville, Ky., May 20. jack son Carter and one Roe, farmers, at the circus at Mt. Stirling, Ky., this tf ning, quarreled and started home on the train. As Roe with his bro ther was leaving the crowded car Carter suddenly pulled his pistol and shot Roe dead. Carter attempt ed to escape, but as he jumped from the car Rose's brother shot him and left him for dead. He was picked up, however, by the train gang ser iously wounded and given over to the Mt. Pleasant authorities. An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Ltver complaint that Elctric Bittets will not speedly cure? We say they can not as thousands of cases already per manently cure ' and who are daily recom rnendinfr Electric Bitters will pros-e. Bright' Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, cr any uninary complaint quickly cured. Thev purity the blood, regulate the bow els, and actdirectlv on the ciseased parts Every bottle gaumteed. For sule at 50c a bottle by John G. Wa'xer. Springfield, Mo., May 20 Burg lars broke open the safe containing the ccunty funds at Uartville, Wright county, fitty miles eat ot here, last night, and took away 'Soo in money and $r,ioo in checks. They drop ped the checks, however, in a field near the town and they were found this morning. The harmful and fatal results attend ing the use of couh mixtures containing morphia, opium ard other poisoiif, are tiaily becoming rr.ore frequent. It 's io? thii'rt'ason that Star Cough Cure has received the unqualified endorsement ot physician and Boards of Health every where, as a purely vegetable compound, entirely tree from aIInarcotics Price, twentv-ave cents. A CXZZT Skill is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. THE II011NS. -' 5 v. t ft 0- A.':.: fx SJ.i.-.rfiv 1 . j. CHAS. DENNEY First Door Soutfrof Times office Stairway Fresli and Nice and Comprising every tiiins in the And Provision Line. COUNTRY PRODUCE i Of all kinds wanted. COME AND SEE ME. Chas. Denney. ran plaint, IodljreMian. Wild but effective. tS-teOi.D BY liUl'UtilSTaj. r-f-t.' " M "i '.'t'V'-j ' . : tt I The best Congh. Cure you can use, Jl nd the best preventive known for oi. It cures boair pams, an j a;l :i-orLrs ot t.i.- Stomach, Ikv. cla,!S Livtr, Kiilney?, 1'rinanr Or;r:n a;;d all t t.-aiT'Inints. Tho ff-ble on-t fit k, i;tru- c'Jc air-lust ci--ca.-, end '.oly criftniir .v.lra3 ( tlie grc-re, wiU ia most cases recover th'rir Leclih by thetiiiul.' i: t f rABKZB'S TcK!-,l.i:t 1?lay dan pv.roi:?. T;:b It 1:1 tlr.-.e. Sold Iv c'.l Em:-2lt la large bo-i-s.-i 1.01 The safest, gurcst, quickest &ud btt cur-? f:r Corns, . Bmaons, W arts, zzoxs, H :nrk'rs r:)r rjr thcrjrrowth. Slo-s rJl jain. CivcsnotrcuMc. jrafctha ftet conortai'o. r!n''.-.Trwni9 cires when ewrytfcirff elsofaTU. S-Ky-;i-,'tiitIv.'.,X.T DR. HENDERSON. 606 & 603 Wyandotte St., KANSAS CITY. ISO. mro? 5ruuu la Ksllcire. 17 rrt rrarr in tQicaa ADinortzea 10 treat aiz Chronic. Nenroaa and Boecial ) onl Debiiitr (Lom cf feeirjal Kopr!.Ac I Guaranty Cure or nony refumled. Charyg lo. Affnd exoer.ence are imnortani. ITi wertrury or Inniriou nirdicine ud. No tmw iot from hminMi. P&tienti from a d.uanre treated bTniail. Aledi CinwtfntwiTTWhgT free from paze or breakiM- State your cae ard ffod for fcerma, Cnuiiation frr and roBtidcntiat, miniu CTl r iBTheCREAT Turkish nntumAi iom rheuwatic curl a prmrTTTE rTT.F. f,r EnrrMATISM. 500 fwn- Hth;i M,rmpnt fa.: tn cur. r.r hD. Irel-st discovtr in anoalf of ronlcin Pn do (im rel'ief - Irw do- re oon, imiiml p:n m ji;nt : Hire com p tr. in 5 to , dan. Fend autRnratot raw with mm, for Circurt. C!-orait. Dr.HMderoai606WyaadotteSU KanaasCity.Ma. PA TTKU 73 OT AXY SIZE. LSILED OFFER! tj S13 1) . fc, v C v hJ' THE SES !1 T'lncrsizitKss, ;i.i,Mri'fjaiil dil 1'irturr. I'. ;.'" .i'-.-i-".'T y.j.njiT.'." trm- . ..-I-.'-'?. " '. .-r.t-jTv t"?:7-, ''- . : : U t 1 t rc';r-"-''frr rt-''i rn c , n : ji-ui.t ir. ;.-J tirr, ta r l- .r- cr,-. -f f .-? V?j a - r - -v ' r- r ii . a . '- s- i i t;iv ry tvu.t. TO rCL'ARS :'.',;. . t . .. i--.-cr';'''.ia -Kl .csra S.--.-: e--1;t vrV rwW t-.-'Ik-t xr'tn Pattern Ct5o and rB artl iriAii.t7 s" 2e f-T & ft ai4 fe taa tftac is tattr. WJewiimrs Cencres, PgbSa-.t7 E.J4 St, Sew York. ; Sdi br all y-.--hCtxLm aal roftsiattera. NEWGOODS 1 for Infants and Children, 'CaBtorJsissoweUaJapteJtocluldreathat I CastoH cures CV.'ir, Constipation, t recomici r.d it as superior to any prescription I gW Stomuc'., I':;:rrtiaa, Enictauoa, ., . . I . t, I Kills V ftnns, ivci 6"p, and nramatta . ksowB to rue. iL A. ARcncn, BI. D., I cestion. 111 So. Oxford St, CrooUyo, T. Without Lajuriaus medication. Tux CsciTAca Coutx-st, IS2 Fulton Streak j. ?3S V'ir-ii lii 5 r six P"- ' 4 A.N J.4 il " !L H -'w 1 if V - f . "I it I' - 'rS, i : 'Us I','" - . - - ? . ' V . i . C - .u . -. . - .-5 t j... "At . i . -,-srv2 j"7,w- I' "V VS r?$?Hfl3 sCt " prepared iieiy rr the CURK ( liTKCs' tkV. A tf-ft'oruaa in ftll classes of wicirtv. - fCt ?' AV, J 1, ' IE?irVJ"i"I 'f Krr 1. Exemption from (-mp(.i!imistif dtv-. ft. On? family. IVbII I UVlV liviii-.'..-aUi!riMiilworltintOKtlwr. a. t'lii. di viifd into tiaall MctfcNM rmm mm mmam n r-V. i?" i! '' '' " '' -'"l"'' tMI II I TT o Sji. ui tifii'.tent.S. A facultv m mm oval ' i sp.nie which develops tue i"i' iri t nnncs ijoik m aninontv am IWOTSTU i lii iiruunitobeilieuc. Address C'ul. it. I. ALLtS, I'krtuiiale, B. The i . i i. a N I J GT'IE DOLLAR A YEAR. The ft :s pu! illowin ' comnar ttive statement lished in the United States shows ocr.'tt is trom 5 to 50 per cent tlie cheapest. Weekly (ilobe-Dvinoirat, is:. Louis, """.Trl:i'?"',lli''a" t Mollis, Mo " Tribune, t.liicKO. Ill ..." 'l imes, t'liicajro, 111 '" - Inter Oci-aii, Chieaii, 111 " Kniuiri-r, Cincinnati, ' . ;: t'onimt-rciul Ciazettf, Cincinnati, , ' Tinit-n, New York City Z" "tin. Xew Ytirk I'itv " WotIiI. New York ritv F0l'!lTi; COLONS OF SOU!) READING MATTER l FAVOR OE THE - G-I Ten Passes made up of the Latest Telegraphic News and Correspondence troma iarts of the world Political News, lull and complete Market Reports and Chofc 'Jl IIH. "Villi . UIIIHIII '.,- , 1,111 dllU 1 1 J I t .l 111 KI.I IVL IU 1H v"i Miscellaneous Matter selected especially lor the Farm and Home. Sent to aaM'' dress One Year For One Dollar (Postage prepaid). It is the larcest and BeStFiarljS ily Paper in the World. Satrple Copies Sent on Application. Price o Olhor Kditions of the (.'lobe-Democrat: Daily, Per Annum, $U.OO ' Tri-Weekly, Per Annum, ' 5.00 .Semi-Vecklv, Per Annum, 3.00 Postmasters and Newsdealers are authorized receive Suubscription orsenjtti rect to the ' GLOBE PRS mmG CO., ST, LOUIS.M0 MO Fi 1HLM AT BUTLER KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AT TIIK BEST liJIJK JJN HARNESS & SADDLERY. a Bpooner Patent Collar! CANNOT CHOKE AIIOKSE Adjust any Horde's Keck, hss two Rows of stitch ing, will hold Ilames in place better than any other collar. .mii'va socirtr V.v p-ii rst tonrt mi l stnnM1i v. pntci'lno f auctions, it cures all tevaSt 'conniaint3 ana corrects all dansemu: - blofLAUtKltNIs HhU IKKtCULASlTICt. It ix of ercat valne in rhannk nf Ilk Its nseduriri'r prcpiancy prutr viTlicvethe painiof labor, and insant 13 ;.y-f(ipetiy recovery, lloasantto taxteui yr? ? may bettiken nt all timet with safety. lv fit" - r 'tut MTLeruiL't: f r pah hi ntrp PECUUAR TO WOMEN. S AnnermunontlT cured. Too much ou tZ V - lisaidin its praise. Yonra, , Urt l.rtp,.nhlrahadriinvinrrvl rfA thnt. nhhinaiH U ' i; thtntmtntf d upases for which itiwww. V''!! V,..wi...i 1 .1 - i.TTT Soti b7 a!l Drusfsts and Dealert, rwites every ry. 4. rxpfiiiniiired unaerenniroiat Government adapted Lithe cii.iratterof each iuilividual whoaasoriatc Mtis the cadet, t. A system of military i Icnn rnyforyonrFernaloTonio, thstttMn ri beoti imu it i a my prnct ice for over U Mua : As r litrinol'e!iiItor it ha nn equal. T HUH t U.4 a I'tikvinB llr.n. .1 m tiitiie which develops me im.iv .trpi intpsr's iesjons nt aninontv not . . i n . i Wl v r- v a ot a number of the most prominent Wek- conclusively that the Weekly Globe-Dear1 Mo 10 f ages 70 Columns Si Per Yea. s l'aws Colnnis ti 00 Pert. O.. 100 Pet f " I25PT " I (m I'erYnatl I IS PetTrf, lOUPrTTWl - : -Vt mm, C i it ii 14 s 'J 31 11 n u is 9 jo J J J9 0 8 9 $ S3 H 5$ SI-58 59 to 61 6 64 66 7 P P 73 7 7J mt 1