Newspaper Page Text
littler HJeefelg statics. - - ;1 rOL. VIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JULY 7, 1886 NO. 32 A MURDERER'S MISSIVE. hlT. Writes an Interesting Letter to Ilin Son iii California. 'ftwiUwtamling he Must Swing he till Maintains that he is Innocent. Clinton, Mo., Tulv I. This morn- John T. Leabo asked constable flaway to request a' democrat re- er to call on him, as he had. ething he wished to say to the ob!ic. The reporter visiteu trie 3 and found Leabo in good spirits, nd after a hearty hanci-shane Rave lengthy statement, the substance which will be published soon. also gave the reporter a letter to m little boy in California, as fol Clinton, July ist, 1SS6. Hh Dear Little Johnny Boy : These two books I present to you gas present and token of tny love jforyou. Will you accept tnem as it lame, and may they ever be iresh I ha your memory, and when you are looking at these books think of one bo o carefully arranged them for mi . I 1. . . t yOO. ine picture uook is iur yuu 10 look at and amuse yourself while in jour youthful days, but the one with he president's marriage in is ior you Weep to remember that our i'resi- Jtnt was the first man that was ever airricd in the White House. He wti married on the second day ot June, 1SS5, and about the first ot April of the same year your Grandpa Ltabo took you to California to live Jwith your Aunt Belle Price, and on ',nc2:st, 1SS6, the supreme court iffirmed the decisi6n of the lower court at Butler, Bates county, Mo. where I was charged with murder- 1- - .1 1 . 1. j;ing my wue, your moiner, wnicn is JfcVillir fn1i nnil n nut tin inli nn inr . "j - i' "- t She committed suicide hy taking a I dose of laudanum ar.d then lump Z into a well and drowning. You was ust one year old two fldays before your mother s death, fllou was born the 17th day ot De- ' I 1 00 - 11 1 r. wmoer, 1003, ana me uay aiier your Bother's death I was arrested, charg ed with murder in the first degree tod was convicted. Then I took the case to the supreme court at Jef- 1 Krson Aiy ; mere me case was ar ned and sent back to Butler tor a w hearing. The case was tried tgiiain lune, 1SS4, 'which resulted in a hung lury. Then the rase was tried again in November, the jury tendered a verdict of guilty ot mur der in the first degree. Then I took the case to the supreme court the ttcood time, which was affirmed. y Johnnie, my darling boy, believe me as I will give you a true and cor rect statement of the death of your mother. She was deranged at times. nd when so she often tried to kill Wrulf. Her own mother acknowl edged on the witness stand that she just in time to keep her from drowning herself in her own well at Butler before we were married, and I was just in time to save her from hanging herselt about two weeks be fore she drowned herselt in the well. 1 could tell you a great deal more in prd to this sad affair, but I think wt I have told you enough to coa wee you that I am wrongtully ac u uut come what may, my Ming boy, I shall meet it like a Bn. They can take my life, but y cannot take my soul . I have 0 tear of being punished in the next Wld to tome, for what is charged gainst me here. And now I will say to you, my ng, if we never meet each other ?in in this unfriendly world, be a Koodboyand always tell the truth, nd promise .r.e that you will never wn swear or use tobacco, and IIIU1 ....II I f w ever Diess you. 1 will now JVTgood bye, my darling little boy, wuremembar that I love you. From your papa, John T. Leafo. Walnut Township. The celebration at Foster passed off quietly and in good order, with j- out a single disturbance or' break in programme The attendance was very large. 1 he number present being estimated a, from 4,000 to I ,000. The exercises of the fore noon consisted ol instrumental and vocal music and the reading ot the declaration ot independence, by Dr. Williams, of Foster. Alter a boun tiful repast w as served the mass of people were entertained by the Hon. John A. Brooks, of Warrensburg. He delivered his big speech the same that he delivered about one year ago, a good prohibition speech. We think from all indications that the Hon. expects to be governor of Missouri, before many campaigns shall have passed ; but we think he will have to join some political party before he gets there as we do no1 think we ever heard or read of a man being elected Governor without taking sides with some political party. He spoke of the wonderful trickery going on in the old parties, but we think a new party would be guilty of the same, in order to "get there." Nine men out of every ten in tlv.s part of Bates county are for Gaiut for congress, the tenth is for Stone and none me for Parkinson, as it is generally understood that the Par kinson move is only a trick to get Stone elected, and the people have gotten tired of trickery. We think that when a man is quatified to fill an office and wants it he will ask for it. If an office is not worth asking tor it is not worth having. Nig. I I i BUTLER I QOLI MILLS Brinsi in your Wool. plojed Having em- Buter woolen Mills 0. BRANDT, A man ot3 vears experience in the business and recently Fore man ot the Joplin Woolen Mills to superintend the would to the Wool Growers ot Bates and surrounding counties that we are about ready for busi ness. We will do all Kinds ot CUSTOM WORK, ijnch as ROLL CARDING CARDING & SPINING AND WEAVING, iu the very best ot ordei and guarantee satisfaction. WorK shipped trom a dis tance will be received at the depot and prompt attention given to its return. MarKet price paid tor Tub Washed Wool . -5 tf Uutler, Mo. May 19, iSSy J. FISHER. CATTERLIN & LEGG, Want to say to the Farmers that they are determined to sell their superb stock of HAND-MADE . CARRIAGES SPRING WAGONS Wo are ottering POULTRY greater bargains dur ing ow Cash clearing sale than ever before, in order to convert merchindise into Cash and have therefore resolved to make this a Cash clearing sale. Sam Levy. Well SHid. Bates couty's member of the Con gressional committee will tavor Rich Hill as a suitable place for holding the Congressional convention. Rich I ill had spoken first, consequently no other point in the county should present any claims, as it would serve to defeat them both. There has been ample opportunity for other points to 4speak out in meeting." Nothing has been said, and the com mitteeman from this county has giv en his pledge to vote for Rich Hill first, last and all the time. We do not merely favor Rich Hill because t is in the county, but because it is convenient to a majority ot the coun ties ot the district, they have good hotel facilities and other accommo dations to suit. We like Lamar, we like Osceola snd other places, but re will say to the boys throughout the district that a plendid time will be had at Rich Hill. The people are whole-souled, not narrow minded. Democrat. I am permanently located in Dutler and am prepared to purchase and pay the. HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR. GOOD CHICKENS. TUSKEYS, DUCKS, &C. And I want and will take all that can be brought to me. Can be tound at Bennett, Wheeler & Cu's store. James Smith. AND NOW OFFER THIER $165 LIVERY BUGGIES AT $125. And will Give 3, 6, or 9 Months Credit Trustee's Sale. Whereas, John A. Fender and Malinda Fender, hfsjwite, by their deed of trust, dated January ist, 1SS5, and r;corded in the recorders office within and tor Bates county, Missouri, in Book No. 3J, page 516, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, lying and being situate in the county ot Bates and state ot Missouri, to-wit: The north half of the southwest quar ter, and the southeast quarter ot the southwest quarter ot section five (5), in township" thirty-eight (3S) ot range thirty-three (33), containing 120 acres move or less. Whicii conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain note, tully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default has been made in the pavmer.t ot the annual interest accrued on said note, which default caused the whole debt so secured to tall due as pro vided in said deed ot trust, and which debt is now long past due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request ot the legal holder of said note, and pursuant to the conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, at the east front door ot the court house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Thursday, July 15th, 1SS6, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes ot satisfying said debt, interest and costs. F. M. ALLEN, Trustee . G ANPFR c,,red witlioatknile CCt X A month and board for 3 live Ojtvoung men or ladies, in each county. Address P. W. Ziegler Co., Chicago, ill. or pain, 25yrs' practice. Treat an ences. 1 locateti. Call on or address chrome diseases. Rent at references. Book sent free. Permanently Drs. CARTER & RAMSAY, 1111 Main Sr., Kansas City, Mo. 3-lm rjy w. silvers. ATTORNEY - LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son City. IOffice North Side Square, over a.. mc Bride's. 3itf 7 Wr. GRAVES, Notary -:- Public. Office with Judge John D. Parkinson, west siae square, JJutler, Mo. All Sales at our great cut pviccs must be spot Cash. S. Levy & Co. To the question, 4Have you ever been intoxicated ?" a Californian be in examined lor life insurance an swered: "It is just this way: I was born the Fourth of uly, this country was born the Fourth ot July, and I was with Grant when Vicksburjj capitulated the Fourth of July; and MONEY!! MONEY. Parties wanting to borrow money on Farms remember 1st. That we can lend money cheaper than anybody. Snd. In any sum from $100 to 810,000, and on time from six months to five years. 3rd. Interest and Principal can be made pay able at any day and interest stopped. 4th. Have almost a million dollars already loaned and doing a larger business than ever 5tty. We keep money on hand to loan so if yon have good security snd clear titles you don' have to wait. 6th. VTe have two sets of Abstract books made by different parties and make Abstract of Titles by one set and compare with the other and can thus make Abstract of titles that are absolutely correct and we will stand responsible for them 7th. Have been here a long time and expect to slay awhile longer. Sth. Make loans wita or without Commission. 9th. Invite you to come and see us and have ourterms, rates and etc. explained to you before making application elsewhere. loth Our office is with the Butler National Trustee's Sale. Whereas, John Blie and Mary A. Blize, his wife, by their deed of trust, dated February 16th, 1SS5, and recorded in the Recorder's office within and tor Bates county, Missouri, in BookNo. 3J,page 556, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, King and being situate in the county ot Bates and state ot Missouri, to-wit: The south halt ot lot one in the south west quarter of section eighteen, and the west half ot the northeast quarter and the north three-tourths of the north halt ot lot one in the northwest quarter, and the east two-fifths of the south tourth of the north half of lot one in the northwest quarter, and the cast two-fifths of the south halt ot lot one m the northwest quarter, and the east two-fifths of the north halt ot lot one in the southwest quarter, all in section 19, in township thirty-nine C.?9) of range twenty-nine (20), containing 15(1 acres more or less, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment ot one certain note, fully described in said deed ot trust; and wheieas, default has been made in the payment ot said note and the accrued interest thereon, now long past due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request ot ti;e legal holder ot said note, and pur suant to the conditions ot said deed of trust, I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, at the east front door of the court house, in the city ot Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Thursday, July 15th, 1SS6, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, tor the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and costs. F. M. ALLEN, Trustee . Mortgagee's Sale. 1 ft ess, U. . Crow and C. Crow, did, tiy their certain chattel mortgage, dated April 2Sth. ls;, and ttuly acknowledged, executed ai d delivered to the umlenugned , on April iy, !., an.l duly recorded in book No. 37. at iiaire .VS. ot the Mortgage Keeord of Bates county, Xtio- Buun, uii nam aoove menuonea date, sell, assign, transfer and set over tothenndentignvd the following described property, to-wit: Ihirtv-six bead of hogs, weighing about one hundred pounds eash, marked with crop o ieuear;one large red cow, four years old; two large rone cows. 4 veara old: 1 hv hiikItmii old, 1 brown horse, abont4or5 vears old; I new three inch farm wagon; one red steer, two years old; three two year old heifers; nve cows with caives, soia oy said second party to said and party to secure the payment of certain promis sory notes In said chattel mortgage fully de scribed. And whereas, default nan been made in the uavment of certain notes and Intprekt tn said chattel mortgage described, the said W . II. Payne, the undersigned, bv virtue of the terms of the said chattel mortgage, and the power in mm vested, aid elect and declare iht whole sum therein described to become Imme diately dne and payable. And whereas, th said notes in said mortgage described are not fully paid and satisfied, therefore the under signed having taken possession of said property will, on Saturday, July 10th, 1SS6, bet ween the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, on the public snuare in the citv of Butler, conntr of Batus and state of Missouri, sell at Dublin auction to the highest bidder for cash, all ot the above described property, or so much there of as may be necessary to satisfy said debt, interest and co st s. . H. P.VYNE, Mortgagee. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, j ss. siiSffliLLs Will be held in Butler, Bates county, Missouri, at the JElli-:- Horn-:-8table, July 10, 1 By the following named breeders: S. C. McCutchen, J. H. Allison and F. M. Golla day. Right, title and pedigree will be guar anteed to any one who purchases said ani mals. This stock will be sold off of the grass, they have not been pampered. They are in fair condition for service. Safe will Commence at 1 o'clock, Sharp. Cocsrr of Batks, la the Probate Court for the comity of Bates, aiay term, Samuel C. Marshall, Administrator of Win. E. Marshall, deceased. Order of Publication. Samuel C. Marshall, administrator of Wm. K. Marshall, deceased, presents to the court his petition, praying for an order fur the sale of so much of the real estate of said deceased as will pay and satinfy the remaining debts due bv said ebtutc, and yet unpaid for want ol sntlicient assets, accompanied by the accounts. lmlu and inventories required by law 111 sucU cast"; on examination w hereof it Is ordered:tb(tl all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, be notified that application as afore said lias tieen niHde, and unless the contrary ie shown on or before the lirot day of the lie At term of this court, to be held on the second Monday of August next, an order will be made for the sale of the whole, or so much of the real estate of said duceased as will be sufficient for the payment of said debts; and it is further ordered, that this notice be published in some newspaper in this stute, for lour w eeks brfore the next term of this court. STATE OF MISSOTUI, Cocstv of Bates, I.Sam K. Hawkins, Judge of the lr(,lutc Court, held in and for said county, hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original orJer of publication therein referred to, as the same appears of record in my office. Witness mv hand and the s-al of suid court. lone at office lu Butler, the mil Seal J day of June, A. U. im. SAM F. HAWKINS, i'.Ut Judge of Probate. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, James A. Smith, by his deed f trust, dated March 1.1th, IK-6, and recorded In the-Uecorder's office within and for Bates county Missouri, in Book No, 40, page S)T7, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following de scribed real estate, lying and being situate la the county of Bates and state or Missouri, to-wit: Lot two (-J) in the northwest quarter of sec tion thirty and six (") acres offof the east eml of lot two (i) in the southwest iusrter of section nineteen In, in township forty 140 of range twenty-nine 4W, containing (iarr- more or less. Which conveyance was mode In trust to se cure the payment of one certain note, fuliy described in said deed of trust; and whereat., default has been made in the payment of said note and accrued interest thereon, now long. past due and unpaid. Now, therefore; at the request of the legal holder of sai4ote, and ursuam to tneconunions 01 bbiu ihv ioi vrunw, will liroceed to sell the aliove desonwed prem ises at public vendue, to the highest hidder for cash, at the east front door of the eWt house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates, and state of Missouri, on . Thursday, July lth, i366t between the hours oro o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and costs. r. M. ALLEN, Trustee. Notice oi Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditor and others interested in the estate of Stephen Mathews deceased, that I, W. K. Mathews, administrator ot said estate, intend to make settlement thereof, at the next term of the Bates count Probate Court, in Bates countr, state of Missouri, to be held at Butler on the 9th day ot August, 1SS6. W. K. Mathews, Administrator. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the But ler School Board tip to noon Jnly 1Mb for pur poses as follows: 1st. To deliver rood shape 130 cubic yards r.fH;ri t th went school bnildinff. Snd. To furnisli new naaterea iiacuoru of the best quality in all the rooms of the east school building, said bid to be by the square JA1?- . . ,,, Sa. 10 iurniBii uj uv iow with sw ivels in center with nuts and threads on same, feaidrods to be 1 inch in diameter-, to have flat heads not less than 3 Inches in diameter, also 16 iron washers for said rods to be not less than S-4 Inches thick, S4 inches long and 6 inches wide. The bid on said rods and washers to be oy tne fooi. unesu measure r. M. Wtatt. Com. on whool honwa to get through with the se three cele- Eank- Uouse Block-Entler- Mo brations m one .iy fills me pretty j WALTON & TUCKER full." I Land Mortgage Co. 3 niaid. owtflrore. .:- t 1 at the request of the legal holder of said note and Durauantto ice conditions 01 saia uwi vi . r trust, I will proceed to sell the above described 79 ' . premises at public the highest bidder . JV 1 1 r 1 ..ii n . .11. art . . - u . uw. v. . .... " - m ...if 1 1 il 1V -itf of Butier. countr of Bates &fT onus 01 saie. (fsisn. or six inonrns cvpaut :T?;,;viiisuri. on . a Trustee's Sale. Whereas, JamesT. Gorrell and Sallie Gor rell his wife, by their deed of trust, dated September 13th, 13, and recorded in the Recorder's office within and for Bate county, Missouri, In book So. l, page 401, conveyed to the undersigned trust" the follow ing described real estate lying and being situate in the county of Bates and state of Missouri,, to-wit : Lots Jfos. one n and two (2), In Block one hundred and one (131) in the city of Riot Hill. Bates county. Mo. Which conveyance was made in trust to se cure the payment of one certain notejfully de scribed in said deed of trust; and whereas, de fault has beea made in tne payment ot sawi note and the annual interest tnereon necruei. now long past dne and unpaid. Sow therefore. with bankable note bearing ten per cent, from date. the enrwwes of satisfying said ler.t, invm rj, l X ! 1 1 1 T w - v I. J and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. Friday, August G:h, iSSS, J 9m ZA between the hours of S o'clock in the fores'.!? iL V r