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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
yHavo received and are placing on ex hibition this week," one car load of Furniture, at P. J. JEWETT'S. Bates County LOAN LAND GO. ..tmh, Ml TOT IWh K. Brugler&Son Manager, 3utler Mo. This Company loans money at the loueil rates and buy good notes. We also make loan on Improved farms for the IrfiMurl Trust Co., of Se dalla, Mo. ' If you want accommodation, call. We have a large line of fine improved farms, grazing lands and city property for tale or exchange. Choice investments tor capitalists. LOCAL ITEMS. J. K. Brugler & Son have five improved farms for sale cheap and on easy terms. i6tf Chickens Wanted. I want a car load ot Chickens within the next ten days, for which I will pay the highest market pnee in cash. They must be good ones. I can be found at Chas. Denney's or Bennett, Wheeler & Co's. Jas. Smith. Lumber Lumber of all kinds and at pneos that defy competition. J. W. McVeigh, North Min street. ' T!ie targest line ot ladies', misses', children's kid low cut shoes, at the very lowest prices, at Max Werner's. Rock ford and Aurora watches, in Gold, Silver and Filled Cases, very cheap, at F. Bernhank's, sole agent for same. 3'tf Ben it. Canterbury & Co. will loan money on improved land at the lowest rates ot interest, and give you privileges of payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates. 21 tf Insure your itock in the Dwelling House Insurance Company at $12. 50 a thousand for five years, and NO THREE-FOURTHS CLAUSE. D. W Snydeh. District Ag't Butler Mo. office over Postoflice GO TO DICK HURT'S Barber Shop for a first-class shave, shampoo and hair cut. Up stairs in Badglcy building, south side square. McVeigh keeps a full and com plete line ot pine Lumber and will eive you bottom figures on every plank. Yard just north of the post othce. 29 tt J. K. Bruglar wants more app cations for first-class loans. 7 per . cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf Ir. .Walls. Wishes to intorm his patrons that hereat'er all calls, any time day or night for him, cun be made by tele phone from Dixie's Drug store, north side square. He will be found , at bis office at north west corner of the square from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Mr. McCutchen wishes us to m- form parties wishing to purchase that be has four splendid thoroughbred yearliKg bulls left which he will cell with the tariff stricken off. This is a splendid opportunity to those wishing tfo engage in fine stock. 29-tl Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, having hud "placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tot the speet'v and . permanent cure of consumption, Brouchiti, Catrrrh, Asthma and all throat andLung Affections, also a po-i-tlv e and radical cure tor Nervous dibility and all nervaus complaints alter having tested its wonderful curtive powers in thousands ot cases has felt it his duty to ma e it nown to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a disire to rclcive human sutfering, I will seud free ot charge to all who desire it this recipe in German, French or English, with tult direction tor preparing and useing. Sent bv mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper, V. A. Noves, 141) Power's liloc , Rochester, X. Y. no.J-iv Snellen's Arnica Salve. ! The Best Salve In the world for Vnt j Kruists, Cuts f leers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, 'ancer. Pile, Chilblains, Corns, Tcter, Chapped Hands, and all skin crup- i tiuns,an J potivelv cures p'les, or no pay ! require J. It is guaranteed to give perfect saiikiaction, or money retnnded. Pri-e MMAL CLEARING SALE lRTg!(S-ng"S i i w i .rv l in 1 I Tri r 1 1 mn sxk a i i jsjst will coivTirsTJE BiriiM tie Month of Jily. When the lowest prices ever known in this country will prevail. It is sufficient for the people to know that this advertisement is from the HOUSE of Kyu uu v 1 M ABE A tt PLENTY OF BARGAINS F T0 SATHSW TIHiEMI AS THEY KNOW WHEN WE AK Id PR THERE IT IN 11 WILL BE 111 ICES wE P y ALL EAR E Wanted, one Bates county map. Apply at this office at once. tt Ben B. Canterbury & Co. will' loan money on improved land at the lowest rates of interest, and give you privileges of payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates. 21 It you are going to build a house McVeigh will make it to your ad vantage to call see him at his yard just north of the post office, before buying your lumber. When you want lumber, investi gate McVeigh's prices before you buy. Yard north ot the post office Farm for Sale. I will sell my farm, situated in section 1, in summit township, 15 hundred acres. Divided in lots to suit purchaser. Terms easy. A. Hamilton. T. V. McVeigh the prince low priced lumberman can be found just north of the post office. If you want to build a house, barn, fence or do repairing, go to McVeigh's yard on North Mnin street for your lumber. Insure your propert) with S. B. Newbill. He keeps a Record of all business. tf Itch and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never tails. Sold by D. L. Haggard and W. J. Lnasdown, druggist, But ler, Mo. S-1)'1" Clydesdale stallion Sam is a horse ot most excellent breed and , fine qualities, will make the present sea son at Kent's stable southwest cor ner square. He is a red bay, 10 years old, 16 1-2 hands high, good style with mane and tail 5 feet long, will weigh too pounds. He is owned by David A. Colyer. Ben. B. Canterbury & Co. will loan money on improved land at the lowest rat:es ot interest and give you privileges' ot payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates. 21 REMEMBER THIS! That Ilolloway & Skinner will sell strictly first-class two and three year old apple trees at their nurser ies for fall of 1SS6 and spring of 1SS7, at 10 cents each, or $10 lor 100 trees. We have a full line of stock, both fruit and ornamental. Nurseries south side cUy limits. 25 5t MONEY TO LOAN AT SIX Per Cent, interest, on long time with privilege ot paying before due if desired. We do not send borrow er's applications away for approval, but decide on them here without de lay, and furnish the money at once. We have a large amount of money on hand to be loaned on land. Par ties wishing to borrow please call and get our terms. We can furnish the money at once. The Walton & Tucker Land Mortgage Co., Butler, Mo. NEW MEAT MARKET, First Door South of Arlington Hotel. L. S. PADDOCK, Prop'r. FRESH MEATS Ot all Kinds and the very best quality the Maricet Affords at the the lowest prices. Give him a trial and be convinced. ! Al mvy; ' S M?:.:THLcORAFHlC 4 4 4 4 k Jt i nin''M!"'J' INSTITUTE! )0toaaii-j -- ; rst .. v.' -t-j- Tit? rJf Dox. it r? t nr h Inhn i -