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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, July 28, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Bates County
. j
Jas. K. Brugier&Son
Managers, 3utler Mo
Thfs Company loan money t the
lowest rate and buy good note.
We al maVe loan on Improved farms
for the NUftOurt Trust Co., of Se
dalla, Mo.
If you want accommodation, call.
We have a large line of fine Improved
farm, graiinff lands and city property
for sale or exchange.
C'nolce Investments tor capitalists.
Our stock of boys'
clothing is still very
full and wo are mak
ii g special prices to
move this surplus.
Bring the boys in and
fit them out cheaper
th;in ever before.
American Clothing
Street grading was stopped Satur
day noun on account ci the rain.
A new M. K. & T. depot will be
erected on the cite of the burnt one
at Clinton without delay.
Joel Atkison, of West Boone
township, was in the city Friday and
favored the Timks substantially.
Bell & Freeman will sell you gro
ceries cheaper than the cheapest.
Sam Edwards has a number of
hands at work at his quarries getting
out rock to macadamize the square.
J. K. Brugjer & Son have five
improved farms for sale cheap and
on easy terms. i6tf
Sam Jones says politics should not
be mixed in prohibition. If that be
tnie Sam should not be trying to mix
prohibition with politics.
For all kinds of produce, chickens,
egg, butter, apples, potatoes and
the best ot croceries, co to Bell &
Quite a number ot prominent
democrats from the county were
present at the meeting of the central
committee on Monday.
J. K. Brugler & Son want all of
the school bonds they can get. Pien
tv ot money at the lowest rates. 34 tf
Bell & Freeman wants your trade
and will pay you amply in big bar
gains for it.
B. London's little son, aged about
three years, fell in a fit at his home
in the south part of the city Saturday.
lie was playing in the yard at the
time and no cause is known for the
fit coming on him.
2OXTZr2? M02T2S7T
$40,000 of 6 per cent money to
loan on farms, small commission,
5 toio years. Also a large amount
ot other money with out commission
can pay part or ail atter 2 years.
Intrcst payments to suit borrower,
extra inducements offered tor loan ot
$ 5,oo and upward. Money ready
when papers are signed. By calling
to see me you will save money.
M. W. Mize.
North Side, over Ed Steel's grocery
3 4 t.
Remember we are
very anxious to sell
our summer stock and
will guarantee prices.
Sam Everman and Sam Carleton
are happy dads. A boy at Ever
man's house and girl at Carleton's.
Mrs. J. M. Mayes returned Fri-
day from a five weeks stay at Eldor
ado. She reports her health greatly
Messrs. Fran Shumaker and
Rolla Carroll, of Warrensburg, visi
ted at Ewing last Sunday.
Dr. Miller, ot Montrose, has put
up his shingle in our town.
Our citizens are giving the Hack
ler school house a much need over-
L. M. Williams and wife and W.
13. Ewing and Miss Milda Lwing
will go to hear Sam Jones at War
rensburg the 26th.
Mrs. Chas. West has returned
from Texas and Charlie will soon
follow. Think "poor old Missouri"
good enough tor them them in the
Miss Katie Board, of Spruce
township, has applied for the Smoky
Row school, and we hope will get
it as she is a well qualified and in
dustrious young lady. Jake.
Go to Ludwick & Son, for station
ary, books cigars, tobaco and pipes,
the finest in the city. 35 2 t.
Greenback Convention.
(PuUiihed by request.)
A Greenback Labor county mass
convention is hereby called to meet
at Butler, Saturday, Aug. 14, at 10
a. m., for the purpose of nominating
straight cut Greenback Labor
county ticket.
Every voter opposed to monopoly
and Bourbonism, and in symphathy
with prospective industry is invited.
W. O. Atkersov,
Chairman Co. Cen. Com.
R. A. Turner, Sec' v.
Ludwick & Son, the North Mai n
Street druggists will se 11 you druses,
paints, oils, &c cheaper than any
boby. 2 t
will buy 20 yards of
the best standard
prints at, S. Levy fc Co.
Nothing like trading with Bell &
Freeman when you want good goods
and big bargains.
Kendall, Hamilton Co. )
Kansas, July 19, 1SS6. j
J. D. Allen, Friend and editor
Butler Times. Thinking perhaps
a few remarks from this part of the
west may be of some interest to a
few readers of your valuable paper,
I will try and write a few lines tell
ing some things in general. A tew
of your citizens have land interests
here, so it may be possible that they
will agree with me on a tew things I
will say. My town, Kendall, is sit
uated almost in the center of Ham
ilton county, in the beautiful valley of
the Arkansas river and on the mam
line of the Atchison Topeka & San
ta Fe railroad. This is a new town
recently made a city of the third
class. We have a number of good
business men who by their low
prices arc drawing trade from fifty
to seventy-five miles. Kendall is
surrounded by a beautitul sloping
prairie. This land but a short time
ago was thought to be suitable for
nothing but buffalo, antelope and
cattle to roam over. By the culti
vation of different cjrops proves it to
be very valuable for agriculture.
Most all the crops are on sod land
and looking well, the dry spell that
we have been having has effected
our corn but little, some of it is
shoulder high and of a dark color,
the soaking rain ot last night makes
things still better. People in the
east are losing a splendid opportuni
ty of getting a home ot some of the
bes land in Kansas. Some few
good claims are still open for filing.
Yours, Ben L. Hall.
will buy: 12 yards of
good shirting at.
10 pieces black Union Cashmere
at 12 1-2 cents per yard; regular
price, 2 cts.
100 pieces standard dress gingham
we offer at S cents per yard ; worih
12 1-2 to 15 cents.
30 pieces good gingham at cents
per yard.
100 pieces 4-4 wide good brown
muslin, we sell at 5 cents per yard ;
sold all the world over at 7 1-2 cts.
100 pieces 4 4 wide brown muslin
at 4 cents per yard ; worth 6 cts.
40 pieces 4 4 wide Hope bleached
muIm, we will sell this week at
634 cents ; roods always sells at I
S 1 2 to 9 cents. J
Good bed ticking at 7 cts. per yard
3ood bed ticking at 7 cts. per yard, j
rs.'Si ivi"e'
. 1 . 1 i 1 .
Best bed ticking, 32 inches wide,
we sell at 17 12 cents per yard:
always sells at 22 1-2 cents.
Good shirting at 8 1-3 cts. per yd.
Best shirting we sll at 10 cents
per yard ; the same goods sells at
12 1-2 to 15 cents other places.
Lonsdale and Fruit ot the Loom
we offer during our clearing sale at
S i3 cents per yard.
The best and standaid prints we
always sell at 5 cents per yard when
others sell them at 6 1-2 cents.
Black and colored all wool cash
mere, former prices 65, 75, S5 cents
and $1 per yard, we offer at 50, 60
and 7 cents per yard.
100 pieces dress goods reduced
from 15, 25, 35 and 45 cents per
yard, now io, 15, 25 and 30 cts. per
10 pieces red, table damask re
duced from 40, 50 & 75 cts. per yard
to 30, 40 and 60 cts per vard .
10 pieces half bleached Table
Linen reduced trom 40, o and 75
cents per yard to 30, 40 and 60
cents per yard.
j 13 pieces fine bleached table dam
J ask worth 65, 75, 85 cents, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.35, $1 5 Per -vau1' vve
sell at 50, 60, 70, 80 cents, $1.00
and $1.25 per yard.
1 lot ot Linen Towels vve offer at
10 cents a pk'ce, are really worth 15
Good Linen Towels worth 20, 25,
35, 40 and 45 cents, will sell tor a
short tune only at 15, 20, 25 and 30
I cents
We have a Iare lot of embroider-
ies and will prices on them in ordei
to clear the ick; conn; and see
Our stock of ladies' mioses' and
children's hose is too lartje to quote
prices, but when you see the goods
and hear the prices you will hr. stne
to buy
L oining Department
We reduced all men s suits from
2t to 33 3 Per ct,lt an(' aie offer
ing big bargains in men's suits tor
Boys suits at $2 75, are worth
$4 co.
Bovs suits at $4 00, always sell at
$S 5
Boys' all wool cass.mere suits we
now sell at $5 2, always sell at
$7 50.
Boys' all wool suits at $6 00, well
worth $S 50
Childs suit at from $1 90, $2 00,
$2 t;o and $3 o, worth 33 per cent
mote. Be sure and look at these
We have about 125 pans of child
knte pants in stock and offer them
at the very low price ot 35, 50. 65
j and 7 cents per pair, the sizes are
j trom 6 to 13 and are worth double
the price.
Men's fine straw hats at $1 00
worth $1 50.
Men's straw hats 50 and 65 cents,
former price $1 00, $1 25
You can save money by buying
your clothing of us, as we now offer
goods tor less money than ever be
lore, but want SPOT CASH.
30 pair of men's P Calf Shoes in
button and lace, we offer at $1 75
per pair, regular price is $2 25 and
$2 o per pair.
36 pair men's Calf Boots we have
placed on sale at $3 00 per pair,
well worth $4 00 to 5 50, but we
have made up our mind and they
must jro at the above price.
We have about 10 cases of good
plough shoes tha are worth from
$1 ;o to 2 00 we will sell them at
$1 25 to 1 50 per pair.
1 lot Indies button shoes, a good
article, we offer at $1 2 former
price $1 co, sizes 3 to 7.
SPECIAL lot Ladies crain button
shoes, an excellent article and a de
cided bargain at our regular price of
$2 00 we now offer at the exceed
ing low price of $1 60 and have 11
sizes from 2 i2 to 7.
1 lot Ladies button shoes fully
worth the mwney we ask $1 75, we
now make at $1 o, sizes 3 to 7.
1 lot Ladies front lace shoes, for
mer price $1 and the Jbest value
we have in stock for the money, we
will make a special price of $1 40
tor a few days only, sizs 3 to 7.
GAIN; our genuine C Kid button
shoes, no shoddv stock but every pair
warranted to give entire satisfaction.
we have concluded during this clear
ing sale to make them in the reach
of all and put them at the extreme
low figures of $2 00", whereas our
foimer price was always $2 50, and
a decided bargain at that money.
Can give you any size from 2 1-2 to
7 and in two widths D and E.
f I!
1 1
men Btfcy wu titk, we t her CMtarfc,
When ho wm Chad, the oril for I tari,
When the became Mini, the dun; to Cattorim,
YTben she had Children, the gTe them Caata
Wanted, one Bates county map.
Apply at this office at once. tf
lien B. Canterbury & Co. will
oan money on improved land at the
owest rates of interest, and give you
privileges of payment that you can't
eet elsewhere. Call and get their
rates. 21
ranger ! A negtecttvl cold or roagli my
ead Ij l'inumoiita,Om)Mimplton or other taut
ill-ease. Strong's Pectoral Plila will cure a
ci! J n by insuur. Bst ihnie (or dvtpepstiUn.
Question. Sick UeaUaohe as UiuusamU luaUf .
It you are going to build a house
McVeigh will make it to your ad
vantage to call see him at his yard
just north of the post office, before .
buying your lumber.
Chas. bprague and J.M. Vaughan
have purchased the abstract books
and the land and loan buisness of
Dr. Betz. Thev are the agents for
larvis Conkhn & Co. and have an
unlimited amount of money to loan.
Office west side Square. 34 tt
Farm for Sale.
I will sell my farm, situated io
section 1, in summit township, tj
hundred acres. Divided in lots to
suit purchaser. Terms easy.
A. Hamilton.
J. V. McVeigh the prince low
priced lumberman can be found just
north of the post office.
If you want to build a house,
barn, fence or do repairing, go to
McVeigh's yard on North Mnio
street for your lumber.
Insure your propertj with S. B,
Newbill. He keeps a Record of all
business. tf
Itch and Scratches of every kind
cured in 30 minutes by Wooltord'i
Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This
never tails. Sold by W. J. Lnasd
own, druggist, Butler, Mo. S-'JT
Ben. B. Canterbury & Co. will
loan money on improved land at the
lowest rates ot interest and give you "
privileges ol pay ment that you can't
get elsewheie. Call and get their
rates. 21
That Holloway & Skinner will
sell strictly first-class two and three
year old apple trees at their nurser
ies for fall of 1SS6 and spring of
iSb'7, at 10 cents each, or $10 tor
100 trees. We have a full line of
stock, both fruit and ornamental.
Nurseries south side c'ty limits. 25 5
Rockford and Aurora watches, io
Gold, Silver and Filled Cases, very
cheap, at F. Bernhardt's, sole agent
for same. $o-ti
Ben B. Canterbury & Co. will
loan money on improved land at the
lowest rates ot interest, and give you
privileges of payment that you can't
get elsewhere. Call and get their
rates. 21 tf
Insure your stock in the Dwelling
House Insurance Company at$il.
50 a thousand for five years, and NO
D. W Snyder.
District Ag't Butler Mo. office
over Postoffice.
raroer onop ior a nrsi-cias uiv,
shampoo and hair cut. ,Up stairs in
Badgley building, south sice square.
VfrVFir.H keens a hill and com
plete line ot pine Lumber and will
give you bottom figures on ever)
plank. Yard jus north of the post
office. 29 tl
J. K. Bruglar wants more app
cations for first-class loans. 7 Pr
cent, interest and commissions. 4-t
Mr. McCutchen wishes us to in
form parties wishing to purchase that
he has four splendid thoroughbred
yearling bulls left which he will sell
with the tariff stricken off. . This
splendid opportunity to those wishing
to engage in fine stock. 29-tI ,
Dr. Walls.
Wishes to inform his patrons tb
hereat.er all calls, any time day C
night for him, can be made by tele
phone trom Dixie' Drug store,
north side square. He will be found
at his office at north west corner ot
the square from 8 a. m. to 9 p. 01.

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