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mmm ' it. I rr - etc ti will lin.d his whpar I ll B Bates County LOAN 3 LAND GO. Jas. K. Brug!er&Son Managers, Butler Mo. ThU Companr loan money at the lowest rales and buys good notes. We also make loans on improved farms for the Missouri Trust Co., of Se dalia, Mo. If you wan accommodation, call. We have a large line of fine improved farms grazing lands and city property for sale or exchange. Choice investments tor capitalists. LOCAL ITEMS. Investigate Lyon & Williams' queensware and prices before you buy. Wade threatens dire vengeance. It will take him a long time to go around. Remember we intend to close out our white goods and lawns in ten days. Sunday was the hottest day we have experienced this summer. The thermometer registered 107. J. W. McVeigh the prince low priced lumberman can be found just north of the post office. Pierce & Armstrong will move their stock of dry goods and groceries to Amorett the first of the month. 1. R. Ilarriman, accompanied by Clias. Spiague and family leit for Moncgavv Sptmgs Monday morning. J. K. Brugler & Son Want all the school bonds they can get. Plen ty ot money at the lowest rates. John Armstrong, wite and baby returned from Monegaw Springs the latter part of the week. Lyon & Williams lead the town on queensware and low prices. Tohn Hayes, W. G. Rose, S. P. Francisco and a number of others returned from Monegaw the last ot the week. T. A. Elliott, a prominent farmer ot Cooper county, accidentally shot and killed himself while hunting one day last week. Every young man and woman should take a course at our Business College. Fourth year opens Sep tember 7 th. 3S-tf Misses Lelia and Parne Tucker, sisters of T. M. Tucker, who have been visiting in the country for several weeks, returned to the city the first of the week. If you want to see a fine line of queensware and extra low prices call at Lyon & Williams'. G. D. Jackson and wife ot London Ky., arc visiting her brother. D. A. Colyer, in this city. Mr. Tackson is a large government mail contrac tor and contracts many mail routes throughout the west. Remember a basket meeting will be held in a grove near Foster, com mencing Friday night Aug. 27th and continue over Sunday. All are cor dially invited to attend. Rev. Exley will conduct the meeting. Our Business College opens its 4th year Sept. 7th. Call or write for full information. 3S tf Lumber Lumber of all kinds and at prices that defy competition. J. W. McVeigh, North Min street. R. C. Dickensheet on the north side of the square U given up to be the boss confectionery man of the town. You can find California fruits, nuts, the finest candies, the best cigar in the world and everything irr his line at the lowest prices. Give him your trade and he will do his best to please you. It will make your head swim to see how low Lyon & Williams are selling queensware. Don't fail to see them.- Bates Horticultural. The Bates county horticultural so ciety met in regular session Saturday at the home of ex-Senator J. B. Newberry, seventeen miles east of Butler. The attendance was very large, about 100 members and guests being present. Dinner was spread in a large natural grove. Mr. Newberry's shrubbery is all trimmed into fanci ful shapes and perfect condition, being a practical illustration of the advantages derived from judicious pruning. Committee on orchards report winter apple crop not above Jo per cent of what was promised a month since, but orchards in better con dition, fruit better in quantity.quaiity and size, with fewer moths than last year. President Rhodes spoke ot the pear, reporting the fruit beauti ful and perfect, showing that there , is no affinity between the appie and the pear, they not suffering from a common enemy. This fact was referred to the Horticulturist tor con sideration as to the advisability ot setting pear orchards. On small fruits J. R. Ilarriman ! recommended the Kiteting blackber ry as fruitful and thrifty and with stands the rust better than any othc variety in his experience. Rust in most varieties is reported bad, many old beds being plowed up. The remedy suggested tor rust was to cut the rust stock when it first ap pears and burn so that the germ may be destroyed. In grape culture sacking was strongly recommended for perfect grapes. Close cutting of old wood also advised. The theory of a poisonous dew causing the grape rot is gaiping cre dence in the society and a three foot board nailed upon the top of each post where the vine is trained has proved a preventative to the rot. Under vegetables cabbage and potatoes only were discussed. Late cabbage is a failure, although a liberal sprinkling of salt and pepper had been used successfully in de stroying the worm. Late potatoes promise lair, early ones fine. Dig and spread upon a dry floor in a dark place is advised for the care ot early potatoes . The committee appointed to col lect and prepare fruit for the Kansas City fruit exhibit report having already sent sixteen varieties to cold storage. The society urge the com mittee to obtain as manv varieties as possible and contest every inch of vantage ground to make Bates the first truit county in the state. George B. Johnson delivered an excellent address on "What varieties of apples shall we plant for profit?" After lourtecn years' experience in fruit growing on light, sandy soil in Bates county, be recommends the following varieties: Summer, Early Harvest, Red Tune, Bononi and Cooper's Early White ; fall. Porter, Maiden Blush, Rambow and Bailey's Sweet ; winter, Ben Davis, Jonathan, Grimes Golden and Lansinburg's ippin. An invitation from J. B. Durand to meet with him on the third Satur day in October was accepted. The September meeting will be held at Daniel Cressap's, near Sprague. on the second Saturday instead of the third, as many of the members ex pect to attend the fair in Kansas City. Summit Township. Wanted, a rain that will start the branches to running. John Winsett attended the state convention held in St. Louis last week. He reports a good time in general. Rev. Stevens is holding a pro tracted meeting at the Union church in Deepwater township. There was a man nosemg around in this township last week finding out how much corn was raised in this section. Of course they will tell us what they will pay for our graia and also what we have got to pay for merchandise. George Boream has been consid -erably annoyed by tramps the past week or two. David Cheatham of Lone Oak township, was visiting the family of Mrs. Molly Cheatham the 20th inst. Last week was a busy time out here. There were four threshing machines at work in this township. Mr. Elige and Mr. Fisher have steam power and Mr. Carrel and Mr. Batton have horse power ma chines. It R. N. Stubblefield wants any more beef carried to a sick man he had better substitute some one that ts strong enough to carry it, and also not forjjet it. . Albirtis Fry's wife is not expected to live but a few days at this writing. Newbill's engine exploded on the 7th instant while thrashing at Mr. Shuts. It blew out the crown sheet. As luck would have it no one was hurt. The straw caught fire but was put OUt Without riamorr,. thing. 0 3 Peter Kaune's Whfnt iv.r.,1 little over 15 bushels per acre. "Mr. Kaune says he will hold his wheat for $1 per bushel. There are about 17 hands work- in"' in broomcorn in this town ship at present. The average price paid these hands is from 75 cents to $1 per day and board. The Big Shoot. The big shoot advertised by the Butler Gun Club came off in this city last week. It was begun on Tuesday and lasted tour days. Every thing possible to make the tourna ment a grand success had been done bv J- A. R. Elliott, manager Good grounds had rjeen secured just east of town, plenty of targets, birds, etc. Quite a number ot visiting SDortsmen from other places were present and participated, and all I expressed memseives as nigniy pleased with the reception tendered them hv the Butler boys. Old 1 .1 1 . 1 1 1 ? sportsmen sav tike tournament was a grand success, equal to any yet held m the state. A good record was made throughout by the shooters. Butler can boast of an excellent gun club and we are glad to see them take an interest in getting strangers to come to our town. Horse Thief Captured. Mr. R. N. Wright, living near Burdett, this county, was in the city Monday, getting out the necessar papers to return to this State one Robert Thomas, who in company with a young man named Karly Hardy had stolen a span of horses from him on the night of May 25th, last. The two animals were found near Trov, Kansas, and one of the thieves, Tfooma-, was captured near by at the hou-M of a man named Sam Parker. Mr. Wright got wind of the whereabouts ot his horses and the thief from a letter which had been written by a nun from the abuVe named place in Kansas, to the Burdett postmaster. It seems the man writing the letter found out that the boys that "had stolen the horses were from near Burdett, and suspi cioned that they were stolen and wrote inquiring about them. The postmaster kn.wing Mr. Wright had lost two horses handed him the letter which put him on the track that led to the capture. Prosecuting attorney Jackson, issued the papers and deputy sheriff Beall !ett Mon day night for St. Joseph, where Thomas is confined in jail, and will return with him as soon a he can make the tiip. Thomas when captured made a full confession and told Mr. Wright where he could find hi horses, and m a short time the old gentleman had them, the parties in whose pos session they were, giving them up without any trouble. He is after Hardy and expects to have him be fore long. Later. Tt is reported that Hardy was killed in a cornfield while re-si-; i 112 arrest. A Strange History. In the dim nearly forgotten past a worthy family consisting ot several, it no more, emigrated trom some part of the United States to this county. I presume it was on account ot the sterility ot the soil, enormous burdens incident to that country that this family ot several came west, and that family were the forefathers and foremothersof the following remarks. His name as tar as I can ascertain from all the data before, and some that I acci dentally procured from others is (I with hold the name, you may guess the cir cumstances). Mr, Esq. As to his birth or Dirtn-place all the history ot this country so tar ever written is a dense blank and of distressing silence. As tar as I know by personal observation or experience, he never was born, but the first time I had the misfortune to fix my ardent gaze on his anatomy last Saturday a week ago, he was a right smart humpot a fellow; spelling in one or more syllables in a blue back speller I think. After which he gradually got to spelling more and could read some. In early lite Mr. Esq. devel oped a strong aversion to manual labor, and he still votes on that side otthe ques tion with great firmness., showing hiniselt to be a man to be entirely and implicitly depended upon in this sense; hence he is never involved in labor strikes and such. He has never fully recovered his usual health and vivacity since uniting with the Israelitish church, which event occurred some months since. The severity of the initiating rites greatly unnerved him and caused const dei able alarm among his coolest friends. It is confidently hoped that he will soon regain his wanted health and spirits. One ot the marked charac teristics in Mr. Esq's personal contour is the size and shape ot his head, it having the usual make in front with a rear at tachment of abnormal dimensions which is somewhat fearful for any ordinary man to contemplate. It is a seeming 6ort of rear reservoir to contain thoughts or a sort of caboos to carry extra passen gers or baggage. This protuberance was doubtless built for some wise purpose tor which the world has not yet found out, as no very decided degree of wisdom has ever been displayed by the owner of it. Bui we wi!l let this back varanda of his be it possible and notice that Mr. Esq. is always caretul to take off his lett shoe last and often gazes long and anxious ly into his mirror to see if there is any marked improvement in his phiz. He dotes on good clothes and coaked victuals and can smile in six different languages as the occasion may require. As an author and poet he ranks away up, being the writer 01 the celebrated poem that opens with these lines: O, Balli Dooly, swwt Bailie Dooly, . ,on highest seat we stand, t "'J n mirth and glee CHoir- U m n'1 the committe Me Te.n.w,e,'ri11 Tiew hs convention o'er 7i i their motions for eve more, vA.. J?001?' weet Bailie Dooly, i on ve helped us out Bailie Dooly. JFarr. utler Tues day A Mastadonic Venture Sacked by 23nrgy and Sssporienco,, The organization of this P.rand Xcw l!ij Show l as incurred the espenriiture of a Princely For tune. Its projectors are Men Of Money Ami Brains ami they are dcti-rniined to present to the public an exhibition Far Surpassing In Merit Ami Magnitude any like exhibition ever witnessed in America. SELLS BROS. Have earned the reputation of Honest and Fair-Dealing. What they promise, they perform Their Nairn s is a Guarantee of Goodness. JEOFL THE 3XT333C.1' YEAIl, 1QOO, Everything is Sew5Marvelous Nature. 53-Perrormers from all parts or the world, Aran I,eaprg, Kussian Athlets, German Gym nasts, Austrian Acrobats, English, French. Spanish and Italian Kijuestrians and Kquestrennes. The Most Celebrated Have been secured for this The Greatest of an Great shows. 0"J"t read the following and judge of this new organization, which in its Immeasurable Greatness, Dwarfs all Competitors. FACTS AND FIGURES: t.ftiO Men and Horses enlisted a full regiment . t. . strong. kinds of music, 5 wild beasts conBned in cages. 3 open dens in parade. 200 ring stars of every clime. trains of our own extra-sized cars, ft) supreme specialties In notable new novelties. 3 r'nS ful1 of champion actors. 54 master musicians. 2 giant twin elephants, " eotopoxi and chim in eminent e uestrians borazo." 14 trained trakane stallions. ' rible-recorded two-horned nnlcorn. 12 lovely lady riders. 1 elevated theatre .t age. 10 tampering, comical clowns. 1 all-round pageart promenade. The limited space of a newspaper advertisment will not premit details, and the readers' attention is invited to other official announcement. The management have, with the co-operation of the leading lines ot travel, arranged tor. Reduced Excursion Rates!. v HZXP -L J iVliUl uiuutto J tt 1 1 . G.v'aA Free-P-or-AI! St eet Parade at lO A. IVf.I The most beautiful sight you ever saw. Gpreou-, as the rainbow. A Kaleidoscope of nd lest! t 31st. imerican Artists Beauty and Grandeur, j Baby wm smI, -we gave W Caabafe, When iha wm a Child, sh cried for Castttfc -: ' Wben she became Miaa, she clan to rntor' TfThea h had Childrui, ahe gare Uom CMt Ben B. Canterbury & Co. wiQ loan money on improved land at the lowest rates of interest, and give yo privileges of payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates 21 juaEger I A nostrvtod cold or eonch in.' ' euil to i'neumoiiia.ronsuniption or other tatti tli-ease. Strong's Pectoral Pills will cure a ro!d a by maic Best ihiug lor uyxpepsiaj. ' 'i;esliou.sickliead:u-heas thimsuudsteatitv. It you are going to build a house McVeigh 'ill make it to your ad vantage to call see him at his yard just north of the post office, before buying your lumber. Farm for Sale. T ...til a11 . 1 . x win acu my j ai in, aiiuuicu in section I, in summit township, tj hundred acres. Divided in lots to suit purchaser. Terms easy. ' , A. Hamilton. $40,000 of 6 per cent money to loan on farms, small commission, 5 toio years. Also a large amount ot other money wjth out commission can pay part or all after 2 years, Intrest payments to suit borrower, extra inducements offered for loan or. $ 5,000 and upward. Money ready when papers are signed. Liy calling " to sec me you will save money. M. W. Mize. North Side, over "Ed Steel's grocery : store. 354 t. If you want to build a house,, barn, fence or do repairing, go to McVeigh's yard on North Main street for vour lumber. Insure your propert) with S. B Nevvbill. He keeps a Record of all business. tf Itch and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by WoollordV Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. Thi never tails. Sold by V. J. Lnasd own, druggist, Butler, Mo. Viyr Ben. B. Canterbury & Co. will loan money on improved land at the lowest rates ot interest and give you privileges ot payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates. 21 REMEMBER THIS! That Holloway & Skinner will sell strictly first-class two and three year old apple trees at their nurser ies for fall Of 1SS6 and spring of 1807, at 10 cents each, or $10 lor 100 trees. We have a full line of stock, both fruit and ornamental. Nurseries south side c'ty limits. 25 Rockford and Aurora watches, in Gold, Silver and Filled Cases, very cheap, at F. Bemhardt's, sole agent for same. 30-tr Ben li. Canterbury & Co. wtfl loan money on improved land at the lowest rates ot interest, and give yon privileges of payment that you can't get elsewhere. Call and get their rates. 21 tf . Insure your stock m the Dwelling House Insurance Company at $t2. 50 a thousand for five years, and NO : THREE-FOURTHS CLAUSE. D. W Sstder. District Ag't Butler Mo. office over Postoffice. GO TO DICK HURT'S Barber Shop for a first-class sbaver shampoo and hair cut. Up staira 10 Badgley building, south side square. McVeigh keeps a full and com plete line ot pine Lumber and will give you bottom figures on every plank. Yard just north of the post office. 29 tt J. K. Bruglar wants more aoj cations for first-class loans. 7 pr cent, interest and commissions. 4 Mr. McCutchen wishes us to 1 form parties wishing to purchase that he has four splendid thoroughbred yearhnj bulls left which he will sell with the tariff stricken off. This i splend d opportunity to those wishing to engige in fine stock. 29-tf Dr. Wall.. Wishes to inform Lis patrons that herea.'ter all calls, any time day or nightfor him, can be made by tele- j north side square. He will be found 1 at his office at north west corner of the square from S a. m. to 9 p. m. N01 U New Herald Presidei appoint to succt preMtiei ject in tmely find l a the years r in thn re bru never south t tact, which t t 1 ,