Newspaper Page Text
Tabic Ho. Pacific R. R JtxxBfCTOM & Southern Branch.; Cnmenclns: Sunday, May 10th, and Lfl further notice, trains win leave Texas Express. .4:52 A M ,r rnrct T' rr T, v 13 1 IV . H-V .-! .-.Texas Express 0:14 p m ?6-K.C. Express S:i5 am t ,jo-Accommotlation 9:55 A m m Meneer trains make direct con tra lor St. Louis and all points east Iftuino " KSnrnU and all points west and north- mcret Societies. MASONIC. Mitt Lodee, No. 254, meets the first Ej in each month. I Chanter Royal Arch Masons, 3 A .4, meets second Thursday in each P"" 1 i':u T , ICgglr J lon.n.anaery mugm aciupiar BUTLER NAUGHTY HUSBANDS- WOOLEN MILLS Tl.ey B Brini; in your Wool, "ploied 1 lav in" em- All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. -! Swimming With Cy pilars ami Play Mazeppa. Ill 1. 0. O. FELLOWS.! jitet Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon- Lrliht. KJjer Encampment No. 76 meets the Lind4th Wednesdays in each month Lawrers. "en d. sm. nj -t n 1 1 a o rrMM rw I Uw, umcc wi .ut ,ua.c, ocr m me very best ot ordei and guarantee ll.nUA I F 111 111 T f Wown'i Drug Store. satisfaction. WorK shipped from a ilis- V 1 I- 1 1 1 1 I I 0. BRANDT, A man 0135 years experience in the business and recently Fore man ot the Joplin Woolen Mills to superintend the Butler Woolen Mills, 0 I would to the Wool Growers ot Bates and surrounding counties that we are about ready for busi ness. We will do all Kinds ot CUSTOM WORK Snch as ROLL CARDING CARDIKG & SPINING AND WEAVING. .THE IIOllXS. Is. Francisco. s. P. Francisco. htANCISCO BROS. Attorneys at Uw, Butler, Mo., will practice in courts of Bates and adjoining tnties. Prompt attention given to coi- Uom. Office over right Glorius' idire store. q tance will be received at the depot and lirompi attention given to its return. MarKet price paid tor Tub Washed Wool . 25 tf Butler, Mo. May 10, 1SS0, J. FISHER. At Old'Stand, East Side Square. Monmouth, III., Oct. 2. One ot the spiciest trials that has taken place in the West since Theresa Sturiat was tried m Chicago tor the murder of Charley Stiles, is on the docket ol the circuit court for next week, and the moralists from all sections of the Eleventh congressional district are hurrying up their farming affairs with the intention ot coming here for a regular picnic in more senses than one. About the middle of July a great scandal was created in this neighborhood by the report that eight married citizensof high standing,more than one of them holding responsi ble positions of honors and trust, had gone to a picnic at Cedar Creek wi'.h as many women of questionable rep utation, and indulged in a high oid time. It reports are to be believed, they first indulged in the cup, which not only cheeis but inebriate, and followed this up by indulging in a bath in the creek, in which not a sin gle person of either sex was covered herself than have the whole neieh- hood raised about it. After which James finds the matches, procures the water and ccmes up stairs, and plunges into bed. Presently his wite says : 'James, let's have an understand ing about money matters, next week I've got to pav 'I don't know what'll you have to pay, and don't care!' shouts James, as he lurches around and jams his face agaimt the wall ; 'all I want is sleep.' 'That's Now, all very well for you snaps his wite, as she pulls the cov ers viciously; 'you never think of the worry and trouble I have. And there is Araminta, who, I believe is taking the measles.' 'Let her take 'em,' says James. Heie-upon she begins to cry softly, but about the time James is falling into a gentle doze she punches him in the ribs with her elbow and says: 'Did you hear that scandal about Mrs. Jones?' 'Where?' says James, sleepily. 'Why, Mrs. Jones.' 'Where?' inquired James. 'I declare,' said his wife, 'you are PhviliH. DBS. RENICK & BOYD lysicians and Surgeons, BUTLER, MO. OFFICE: 1ST SIDE SQUARE, OVER. LEVY'S. Inlck'imlilenre I Ir. Boyd' residence. Intra tin and fort I Fulton street, north C. lattitreets. 1. church, era WOODS with a garment. The second act geuin? more stupul very day. ou comprised the singing ot various ri know Mrs- Jones that 1,ves at No- bald songs and an exhibition of the 21 ? NVel1' dav before yesterday can can, and the performance closed Susan Smit!l to,d Mrs. Thompson by the ladies of the party giving :k. URICE, M. D., Eclectic Phvsi dtn nd Surgeon. All calls prompt- itttndcd to. Office up stairs over EmV Drug Store. It ekli lusic ;. Ho lt. Fresh and Nice and Comprising every thing in the I am permanently located in Butler and am prepared'to purchase and pay the. HIGHEST PRICK IN CASH And Provision Line. COUNTRY OU -kok ooon- CHICKENS. TUSKEYS, DUCKS, &C. And I want ami will take all that can COMB AND te Drought to me. rlft&S APPLES WANTED Of allkinds wanteJ.J SEE ME. Chas. Denney. horseback exhibitions clad in the primitive costume of Eve. One re port goes so far as to say that one of the women volunteered to olav Mazeppa, but that after she had been denuded ar.d TIED TO THE HORSE the animal made a break and came near getting to the outskirts of the town with his fair burden. However this may be, it is certain that m spite of strtnotis efforts to suppress it, that Sam Baker had said that Mrs. Jones had ' Here she paused and listened. James is snoring in profound slum ber. With a snort ot rage she pulls all the covers off him. wraps up in them, and lavs awake until 9 a. m., thinking how badly used she is. And that is the way married women go to sleep. li timoiean, Haunted. Maxwell is said to be continually haunted bv the vision of Preller and the mink, and has ceased to read or take an inticoi m anything or any body. He does not sleep well, eith er -uid truly, his punishment is of no light nature. When the thoughtful run over this man's career, there is certainly an example in it, which young men especially, should heed. He was the son ot kind and honora ble parents, as the evidence has shown, he had received a good edu cation, he had been delicately cared for in every detail ot life, he had worn purple and fine linen, and ap parently had no reason tor not end ing his history in a manner which would have done him a credit. He, however, in a moment ot cup.dity or anger, or greed, kiiled the friend that trusted him, and to-day, with death hanging over him, and noth ing but his own miserable thoughts to keep him company, it is not a difficult thing tor him to imagine that his victim comes to visit him in his cell, and his days are a misery, and hi? nights a torment. The pic ture is a sad one, notwithstanding its justice, and men, young men espe cially, should gnze upon it and real ize to its fullest extent, that "the way of the transgressor is hard." Sedaha Bazoo. U. Christy, W. II. Ballard, IRS. CHRISTY & BALLARD, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, See, front room over T. O. All calls fwered at office day or m communication to it. Special attention POKS. Can be found at Bennett, Wheeler & Co's store. James Smith. u. n", I1ANPPR r-nred wllliout knife or night, lele- g '"""''1 or pain, fflyrs' practice. Treat 1 0 all parts ot the 1 B W all chronic Uimeascs. Best of piven tn totn.ile references. Hook sent free. Permanently f,ien 10 innate i0..t.i 4 a,, nn A,i,... J A Long-Lived Family. Mr. Llrjah Bryan, ot St. Charles countv has heen visiting his sister, Mrs. Nancy Canole of this city, for the past few days. Mr. Bryan is one ot the pioneers of Missouri and is now in his SSth year. Mrs. Ca nole is 90 and the oldest member of the family. Their youngest brother, James Bryan, lives at Nevada and i Si. Another brother, Abner, lives in California. Mr. Bryan is accom panied by his'daughter, Miss Jine. To-day Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Canole in charge of Miss Bryan, left for Fayette to visit friends, and will go from there to Nevada to spend sev eral days. Mexico Intelligencer. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surreon. Office north ni.l. Wtr, Mo. Diseases of women and chil- iipecialtv. : Sutler ui ohcr, Edltlr. 1.00 telttr, IcaUr ity.' ACADEMY WILL OPEN spite 1 1 w Particulars Address Ul.UJAYLOR, Butler, Bates County, Mo. located. Call on or address Drs. CARTER & RAMSAY, 111 1 Main Sr., Kansas City, Mo. 29-lm rj W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son iity. 1 6fT Office North Side Square, over A. L.. McUride s. 31U yy w. GRAVES, Notary-:- Public: Office with Judge John D. Parkinson, west side square, Butler, Mo. MONEY?! MONEY. For Headache, nilionane. Liver Com plaints. Indigestion. Mild but elt'ectWe. UT!sOII 1)Y OKUUUISTsi. mm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for dressing the hair, Kestors'nf- coK r worn craT. an1. rr' 'r ifr-nuriiir. It clraii- : tha The best Cough. Cur you can use, And the best preventive known for ConFumption. It cures bodily pains, and all disorders of the Stomach. Bowels, Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and all Female Complaints. The feeble and sick, strug gling against disease, and slowly drifting towards the eravu, will in mof t caes recover thpir health by thetimeivnse of PiiiKca's ToKic.tnit delay Is dan gerous Tal;v it la time. Sold br ell Dni-t-ta in large bo:.'.oJ r.t$1.0a. HIHDRCORNS The safest, surest, quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions, Warts, Moles, Caltouses,c Himit rs their fur ther growth. Etopsollpain. Givesnotrouble. Makestne feet comfortable. TTitirieroorns cures wheneverjrttina clue fails. FoM 1 v ! rtiT-riJts at 15c. HisooxOo..N. W hat i more disagreeable to a lady than to Know that her hair has not only lost its color, but is full dandruff? Yet such was the case with mine until I used ParKer'b Hair Balsam. Mv hair is now the story hud got out and tor almost blacK and perfectly clean and glossy. ten weeks had been almost the sole Mrs- h Swerny, Chicago. 45-i' topic of goiip for miles around. Farewell, Urother (Jodlwy. Hones were entertained that it would Kansas Citv. Mo.. Oct. 2. Th blow over, but a few days ago, to third day's session ot the bouthwest the surprise ot almost everybody, Missouri M. E. South, conference the grand jury returned true bills was opened at 9 o'clock this morn- aainst one and all of the participants jng with prayer by Rev. Joseph in t'ne picnic, on the charges ot un- King of Neosho. The remaining dressing and bathing together in the reports of ministers lett over from sight ot divers persons, ot becoming yesterday's session w'ere read, intoxicated and of using yulgar and The 'eport of the committee hav- obscene language. The trial was ,r,r charge ot the trial of Dr. W. C. set tor next week and numerous di - Godbey was read. It stated that voice suits are expected to follow in the committee, having carefully heard quick order. the evidence in the case, found that the charges of immoral conduct and How h Married Woman Goes to lied. ajultery were' true, and decided that There is an article going the he be expelled from the conference rounds entitled, 'How the Girls Go and the ministry of the M. E. church, to bleep.' The manner in which they I South. go to sleep according to the article, The decision of the committee can't hold a candle to the way a was approved by the conference, married woman goes to sleep. In- and his name dropped lrom the stead of thinking what she would I church record. have attended to before going to J Bishop McTyeire, in commenting bed, she thinks of it afterward. I on the case, said that up to two years While she is revolving these matters ago no man had stood higher in the report, recently sent out blanks to in her mind, and while snugly tucked j estimation of the Southwest Missouri the county clerks for statistics con ud in bed, the old man is scratching conference to the last general con- cernmg dramshops. Up to yester- his legs in front of the fire and won- ference. Godbey was president of lay "7 counties, including the city derins how he will pay the next the Morrisvill Female college and of St. Louis, had reported, and ot tu ,f c,i,ini Cv. I ;t;m,t. ,v;h rhm lariv I this number the following named Laten by Rat. Shelby ville, III., Sept. 26. Friday night the Infant child of William Reynolds, a farmer living five miles north of this place, was placed in its crib in a room occupied by its parents. A lady in an adjoining room heard the child crv toward morning, but supposing the parents were awake said nothing. In the morning Mrs. Reynolds discovered that lats, which are very numerous about the premises, had killed the child and literally denuded the bones of flesh and otherwise terribly mutilated the body. Jefferson City Tribune: Major John T. Clarke, chief clerk ot the State Auditor's Office, in preparing matter for the forthcoming Auditor's 'ATENTS! G. HENDERSON. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, OFFICES, 915 F STREET, 0Bo50inRshlnsfoii.. V. itFX Exsminlnjr Corps, U. S. Patent iHntllJ'foretlie Patent Office, 17. I Court and t! vv.w.i (-non.. liM toseope, vallnlty, and in- UjiZ;?; l''nt. Information cheerfully re annexed. HIKE. .. I0.W I -XUS S J URI J1V Llt E.- , Mo. Art of Moticv Uemtl wi?l nxfor Mon-r TdaKios. Wnij lit aei Parties wanting to borrow money on Farms remember 1st. That we ran lend money cheaper than anybody. 2nd. In any snm from t(X to $10,0(10, and on time from six months to five years. 3rd. Interest and Principal can be made pay able at any day and interest stopped. 4th. Hare almost a million dollars already loaned and doing a larger business than ever. 5th. We keep money 'uj to loan so if you have good securit- 1 r.'. clear titles you don't have to wait. 6th. VTe have two sets of Abstract books made by different parties and make Abstract of Titles by one set and compare with the other and can 1 thus make Abstract of titles that are absolutely correct and we will stand responsible for them. 7th. Have been here a long time and expect to stay awhile lonirer. 8th. Make loans with or without Conimi'ssioTi. ith. Invite you to come and see us and have ourtemis, rates and etc. explained to you before making application elsewhere. 10th Onr office is with the Butler National COCKLE'S- PILLS This old English Family Medicine in nse for 86 years, all orer the world, for Bile, Indigestion, Liver, &c. Of Pure Vegetable Ingredients. ITtEE FROM MERCTJHT. jja't . ' 1 i- '.r.SVITUTE! W V ! .-tn....1 to wchly 'aught, psi rsoaaUrori m. -L S od :.r .'i-rtilar. Tvp. Wrtssrs 10 LOCI3. Id fciSHEr AMcM AKIH. Cinolnrati, O I Bank. Opera House Block. Butler. Mo. '1 S5?l FAMILY SGALS rOk-iV. .wlai ail, Uir. n" WALTON & TUCKER - Land Mortgage Co. claims: 'James, did you lock the door?' 'Which door?' savs James. 'The cellar door,' says she. 'No,' says James. 'Well, you had better go down and lock it, for I heard some one in the yard last night. Accordingly James paddles down the stairs and locks the door. About the time James returns and is going to bed she remarks: Did you shut the stair door?' No,' says James. Well, if it is not shut the cat will get up into the chambers.' 'Let her come up, then, says james, ill-naturedly. My goodness, not! returns his wite; she'd suck the baby's breath.' Then James paddies down stairs agjain and steps on a tack, and closes the stair door and curses the cat, and returns to the bedroom. Just as he begins to climb into his couch his wile observes: 'I forgot to bring up some water; suppose you bring up some in the big tin.' And so James, with a muttered curse, goes down into the dark kitch en and falls over a chair and rasps U the tinware off the wall in search of the 'bh' tin, and adds tiat she WJnTLP rather eo and get the water students. A subscription amounting to $73 was made towards rebuilding Meth odist churches in Charleston, S. C. SEXUAL Weakness A: Lost Man hood quickly and posi tively cured. Send lor .KMk mailed FREE to all afflicted. Address, Hewtin Medical Co.,Buffalo.N.r U.S.A. rATTEjjLXS OF AXY SIZE. UNPARALLELED OFFER! DEMOREST'S -1-THE BESI Or nil tlio Magazines UlHtratrd with Original Strrl Engrav- t..v f iwinmi'ii Morth'.T MaeaziM." com tnmelni ihh November, 134, will contain A Coupon Order, entitilne tae noiaer to mi, .' ... Illustrated in the fashion departmrat in that number, in uVscrib, r or Purchasers pendiri the eoipoo with a t.-eent amp for posta?, will rt-ttire bT return tnaii, a toirp'.te fjitun. of the aire and kind they may Miect, ONLY TWO DOLLARS perrear. racltfltaz twelve foil sire, mt patterns, af tires and' k:tid- !-ote.i. SeoJ fulkar:it:0n eariy, aad sccura the Spili!l HolhiaT Numbers. Send twentr ent for the eirretit nntnber with r astern Coupon and ynu wiU crta!alT lubscnbe for a year aoi gei ten times lis Taiae. Offered $1,000 for One Page While the Democratic campaign book was being edited a prominent Democrat proposed to pay $:,ooo. tor the privilege of writing one page counties have no licensed saloons or dramshops: Adair, Barry, Camden, Carter, Christian, Clay, Dade, Dent, Harrison, Hickory Mercer, Miller, Pemiscot, Putnam, Ralls, Reynolds, St. , Clair, Stone, Worth, Wright and Knox. A 3Iisourian' SnieiMc. Wichita, Kansas, Oct. i.- -Last in the book. He was asked what he evening air. J. r. weacn, 01 oena wantP,i to write: "I onlv want to ha. Mo., took ten grains of mot- wnte one line to be printed on one phme, from the effect of which he pae. It Rhall be good Democratic died three hours later. He told a ramnaio-n material." The prooosi- fnend in the morning that domestic f.rtn w accented, and the next dav troubles had accumulated so last the gentleman presented a certified upon him within the last few weeks rherk on Riffffs & Co.'s bank tor that he believed he would rather be $1,000 and a sl:o of paper upon dead. He put several hundred doW b.rb was written m a bold hand : lars in the bank over an hour betore - 'To the victors belong the spoils.' he took the deadly drug, with iiv The member of the committee structions to allow no one to draw if looked at the check, then at the sen- but himselt. -It may be some time tpnre. scratched his head, returned before I come for it, but you hold it both to the e"iver, saying: 'I agree with vou, but cannot accept your proposal.' The prominent Democrat tore up both check and paper upon which the famous matter was written, and walked out of the committee room. Courier-Journal. Providence, R. I., is excited over the reported discovery of a coal mine within its limits. all the same,' was the remark he made. A note was found on hi person bearing the request that his body be buried here and never alio '9 - it to be returned to Missouri. Historian Bancroft's love of home may be doubted. He is a wealthy man and yet be only visited Wor- rector, ms native1 n ice. iaai vtc& -"- - 1 frr an ahepnre of over hall ft Cen IMkV " " - ' tury.