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ROYAL "tOUtf MOT! Absolutely Pure. Thil powder never vanes. A marvel ofpurity. itrenirtuanilwholHompness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, am! cannot bo aoM in iiprtition with the multitude of low test, SorT weight almn ot phosphate powder. Sold JUlTlneana. Royal Uakino 1'owdkb Co., hto Wall at.. N. T. a 6 s w F 4 cs C s c TV " 2" ? 1 -4 a r s a pi ii fl r i 0 ealth is Wealth! Da K. C, West's NEnvK akd Hrai Tr fat- tT,aganrnntoed specific for Hysteria, Dim- as. Lonvnuioim, its, nervous rcnrniRia, Bfadsche, Nervous Prostrntion caueed by tlionw alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Da mnion, Koftening of the llrain resulting in in nil and lending to misery, decay and death, rraraatnre Old Ago, Hnrrcnness, Loss of power aither sex. Involuntary Losses and ISpermnt wrboea caused by overexertion of t'tio brain, aelf abostor over-indulpence. Each box contains cm month's treat meut. $1 . 00 a box, or ai x boxes WtUlXaentbyiuail prepaid on receipt of pneo, XtZ CXAKAXTEE SIX BOXES Tonrrs say case. With each order received byns lvail boxes, accompanied with (50X1, we will land the money if the treatment does not effect scare, Guarantees iasuedonbyby JOHN O. WEST & CO., K2 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., 8ole Prop's West'! liver Pills. a lev retailer for the Original 83 Shoe. Beware i imitations. IsaeG.aalaeanlesa bear ins this Stamp JAMES MEANS' S3 SHOE. 1 Varieta Batton.Congress Lace. luesf cav sa-tn. unexeeueu in DuraDUUy.LXmfort ana Ap pearance. A postal card sent lOluwui uriag juu uiumumt lion now to get mis onuo InuT State ur Territory. r. Means Co., 41 Lincoln St.. Boston, nans. urrau JM shea stands higher In the estimation of ann th.. ..... , . .w , , U wm toll you the reason If yon ask them. AT)"pT'- Send six cents JA 1 J I.trir nnst-itre. and "Ive free, a ricttv hnv nf criinli& U'hirh r1"'1? H, of either sex, to more mon- i awy than anything else in the FWld. Fortunes aw:ift tht workers flh- routeljr aure. At once addresss True" & Augusta, Ma' e, I7-I vr ADVERTISERS learn the exact cost any proposed line of verusing in American Pers by addressing eo. P. Rowell & Co., AdYOPtiatinci Burtau. j I 10 Spruo St, Nw York. j 0, for lOOPavg psunphst ELECTRICITY A.s A .MOTOR. j A Succo.ful Experiment on the English j Channel. I Yesterday the channel between England and Calais was crossed by a .small launch, the Volta, the motive power of which was electricity. The voyage was intended as u scientific experiment, the direct object being the utilization of electricity for the propulsion of launches and torpedo boats. It is claimed by the owners if the boat and the inventors of the apparatus by which she is driven, tlu.t bv the storage of electricity in accumulators, which only require to br occasionally changed when not in use, launches such as are attached to very large vessels may always be hanging in the davits ready to make a vovaye, the dormant motive power being set in force by the mere turn ing of a switch. The inventors, Messrs. Stephens & Co, of Milwall, hold that this motive power is pecu liarly adapted to torpedo boats, and yesterday the Volta quitted Dover with an entire absence of that noise which characterizes a steam launch, and which must be a great disadvan tage in approaching an enemy's ves- sel. The speed at which the launch traveled was sIoa, about five miles an hour. This is a difficulty which may be overcome by further scien tific improvements, or by the provis ion of space tor a larger number of accumulators, though the purpose of yesterday's trial was not so much to ohtain great speed as to put the prin ciple to a practical test. The day was in every respect favorable for the voyage, the sea being almost a dead calm. The boat had sailed down from the Thames to Dover, and her masts had therefore to be removed before she started, although these were earned, as well as some oars, in case of accident. She is thirty-seven feen in length and near ly seven feet beam. She is built ot steel plates, and is so constructed that the whole ot the space between the deck floor can be filled with elec tric cells or accumulators, of which upward ot sixty were placed on board. Mr. Toms, pilot, who was engaged by Captains Webb and by Cavill to accompany them on their channel swims, had charge of the craft and steered her across. Shortly after 10 o'clock Mr. Steph ens and several gentlemen, including General V. 13raiue, the balloonist, stepped into the launch, which was towed out ot the docks m the pres ence of a large number of people on the pier. The little boat got fairly under way by o:o and glided quietlv out ot the harbor. She made straight across the flood tide way and steod off for Calais. She was low in the water, and her steel hull being painted light it was not long before she was lost sight of in the channel. Calais was reached about 3 o'clock after a most success ful trip, the passage having been made in three hour3 and fifty-one minutes. The Volta arrived at Dover on the return trip shortly before S in the evening. When she reached Calais it was found that the electrici ty which had been stored in the accumulators was so far from being exhausted as to warrant the retuin journey being attempted without more ador Even on the arrival at Dover the electric current was still strong, notwithstanding that during the last half hcur the launch had been driven at the rate ot fourteen miles an hour. The total distance traversed was about o miles and the speed was varied at will by means of the switch. The trial is regarded as a distinct success. An amusing incident occurred on the passage and was a remarkable proof of the noiseless way in which the launch traveled. When about mid. channel Toms, the pilot, observed a seagull floating asleep on the water. The boat was run right alongside the bird, which was actually caught by the neck bv a person on board and taken into the boat. The gull wis brought back alive to Dover. A Reuter's telegram states that the Volta reached Calais in three hours ami fifty minutes, the retuin journey occupying about tour hours and fifteen minutes. A Plruky Western St-hooLMa'am. j We remember a school teacher! who came to the land office at Xio- hrara, Nebraska, late on" Saturday night and hunted up the officers and prevailed upon them to let her make proof on her claim, so that she could reach home, forty miles distant, in time to resume her school on Mon day morning. She owned the pony that carried her on that two day's ride ot eighty miles, and fed and cared for herself. She had learned it as she had earned the money to improve her claim, by teaching the frontiersmen's children the rudiments of an education for $26 a month. And awav out on the bleak high lands ot Washington, we remember a little school houe with its group of tow-headed youi.gsters and the sun-browned teacher in their midst, like a queen among her loving sub jects. A prairie fire had just swept down the place, and there had been no help near, so she helped herself, as all such women do. She locked the little shavers in the building, and with the rest set head fires and fought like a general leading a for lorn hope ; fought until her hands .:.. Ui: u.. ...... ... I ncic uiiMcicu ana net iaie oiaciveii ed, but she saved her flock, did that teacher from the Kansas normal, and didn't faint, but looked up smiling like a daisy. The Western woman is not degenerating. Cleveland Star. Brace up. You are feeling depiessed, your appe tite is poor, vou are bothered with Head ache, you are fidgetty. nervous, and gen erally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulation, spring medicines, or bitters, which have tor their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate tor an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than betore. What you want is an alterative that will purifv your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, resto-te your vitality, and give renwed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters and only 50 centi a bottle at John G. Walser's Drug Store. Colonel Iiiggmson, the author,has arrived at the idea that all unselfish people are liars. A man must be, according to his philosophy, an economist in his nature or else he is profligate ot his words. So i seems that man only has two choices be fore him in this life. lie must be either a liar or a skinflint. Mr. F. Rentschler, San Francisco, Cal. contracted a severe cold, and became so hoars he could not speak He tried a number ot remedies without benefit, and even the efforts ot two physicians fa led to give the slightest relief He was indu ced to try Red StarCough Cure, one bot tle ot which entirely cured him. TRADE7 MARK. Free from Opint SAFE. SURE. s and Foisoti. PROMP AT Dm'QllT. Isai ::i THE Mi.4IU.ia A. : tO.SALTIXGBS.IID. Ci re Mhcu.'iia'.ism. Kevralg a. 1 A cs a 0 A tt Ji trknrfa', Koc'.-.e. lowpucu, till I StU PR.-KTFI"IY tKT. trf I lSa AT l ltl l.Ul.-TS -iSD l.KAl.tli K3. lunCllAKLlS A. toBAi-Tiaoai HI). TfiCvnaGordial C XJ R E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is Invigorat ing and De lightful to take, and of treat value as a Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and Chil dren. TT elves NEW LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton inc the NERVES, and completely Di- tneiooa. A Book, Volina.' by leading physicians, telling bow to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heliotype process, on receipt of 10 c Minerals. U posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Pleaaant Remedy. FWTnliu(AlH4 Grocers. SnoaM Or (Sealer w f m keep vouA tiMLMAa. radt tl-ao, sad ImU um SoaU. will to atu, cairra pmU. rarau OTTLT T Volina Drug and Chemical Company, aULTHOBB, U, C S. A. ftlED CfTM I M Kesttng CONTAINS If I no hurtfal If I com. m J I M Often aekod, bnt seldom uarwmA ntifAmW- t. ,w wulaUaythaMm,, wZZLltoL VeVtWOfc "ou ve not tried it, do o AT ONcT t'" VVW There is relief for you , it hasSeT f 25h 6 A& Bead tchat an eminent AUa. , V T "'"W promptly nd the now du th. .-.i!? other instances of a similar chancier, bat this m . . -2-ieoyallDnwrHU. A A urilirn Si per bottle, n, n. niLLLILH, dOie rtm n,l.. Vinri i7rVKZ.. II IT Powder is absolutely! lore and hiirhlv pon-1 IB SWAMff K fM K B B ( Ihaaa II 1 i E il 1 Rs? riFaEEAl untrated. Oneouncel ther'wit wrtottya medietas tol mven with food. !117I Id ' -erywhore, cr aei;t bv ros i-njs. rrvna;d, for til rffz -c. Kmc ffrtrlnft r."'- 'n't wstey"ir inoneT on a t. y : ; rs:-. i :t-f ' : .' ;.A..j" BAFHESTOCIt'S a..iioat UiUvcral'V acknowte.lged lurjiiiiout nearly an parti 01 inc w.ii iu ate tuc Tirw "wm vuuiciuuna, made more for the purpose of pleasing the palate than of overcoming the disease, have been manufactured all over the country but their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge continues to grow in favor 1 -.. nfr.n innir and ri, 2w ba nth.-r cause than -worms, and sfiastn are most freauentlv the result oi 'iese hidden sapners and miners. When they are irritable and feverish, sometimes craving food and eating ravenously, .i-ain refusin wholesome diet, tossing restlessly in sleep, moaning and grinding the teeth, then be assured these symptoms ;r- m l:cailu"is t.f worms. Many a help 1 '-.s cntid has tn lai l in the ffr v;. when the caused its death has been entirely misunderstood, nd when cavil that worms exist in the human system from earliest tntancy, tnereiore parents especially mothers wno are more con suntly with their children, cannot be too observing of thejSrst symptomsof -worms, for so sure!) as they exist, they can U ufeiy and speedily removed form the most delicate inant. by the timely use of B. A. FahnesOck's Vermifuge. m Phirci.-tan Art nni hpcirr tn rernmmrnd it m-ift uv if in their nractite. and minr of the most eminent of the profession, from all parts of the country, testify to its uniform success. ren as a sate purgative, not suspecting tne cause oi tne tuness, anu jargc qms-mutc-i o- worms were uik relief atforded. keat caution must be used by every purchaser to be bis own Judge in one sense Dottle he du-s 01 it. 1 he simple name ot t ahnest(x:k is laitiais are IS. A. i-ahnbstock, ana oe sausnea witn nouung New franklin. Howard Co.. Mo. Messrs. SchwSrtl Haslett. Pittsburg, Pa.. Gentltmtn hare used some of that most excellent rem e.!y, B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuee. and found it to have the desired effect. I think your Vermifuge can not safely be dis pensed akib in any family. Yours. Stc, w urnn 1 D n xt r J. L SCHWABTZ & CO.. . . c.hSSS!K1T?-- Pittsliar?. Pa..So!e ProDrletors. . . IIU Panetratinglmimsni! IN THETVOBLD. e.".f"aw-i riowerfcl preparation nraiea inaiaicw ;)licd to the sur. nenetrate to t!ie vry almost IN" "rf bTANTLY IvKUKVK VMS. Kf f-,' j L.AZ 1T0 x, AL lor C JSi 0: Rheumatism Joints, lises.Cramps, iaxao Sack, Tcoth-Ache, croTliroat, Pains In XiimBS. atom- a s BJir- ftAWiS?! UJtj Stt-i Orlnar.ypartorSTstem. .i,' iivi.?f-i KMT KOI1. ri.nTHin ' V .LM ft Ii'i 1.n In fnnttant n.A atf-iar'ftNWgaieVC bv Physicians and others , u.. S,'JL AM fc- ) Tears. Price fiOc Price SOc Prepared only by JAC03 S. WiERRCLL, St. Louis, Mo. iCA BAJjK B7 AXL DBX7QQI8T8 A20 SELECTED SHORE s IN PAILS. If yourCroccr does not keep them end SI .25, and we will send Pail by Express, prepaid, to the nearest Railroad Station. TB ASK FISH CO. SAINT LOUIS. MO. AMSV PIUS Are perfectly Savfc and aawaysJEafeetnsal. t sed ie-dsT regularlT by 10.000 Ainenoaa nHmm a3armaatl nassilsr ta all .am. w IMfe refaaM. Don't wast a.i sonev o ni m.rj C-.s Elno4y 6ri. xJ l by juiutngzrAiM, or ioanvs-:r!r- W 4 cvats for paruculura hiLiex irmnt ., ruasai.. ra, a a h-r 18 AT TRASK'S SELICTXB SHOU KICIEBKI. If . . . 1 of DysmMMRhea. In 'T mctJ?. txn mow ntmtmcUrr. Untied dacoml ort. I eoold namtva mmsTtible easa." . T f- M. a X. r. FKAZER, M D. ITOD Y.'wJJ,,whtOBi Ave, r I ST. LOl'l!S JIO. IN w m X J M WAKE & SEW, BIGH BLOOD. PILLS tiiT mr. or Mt of a box of atad pamphlet Boston. enalS wu uva o va uj lu iasu UWUfl U COil OI OCX nothing will make like it. It cure. chicken cholera and all diseases of hens. Is wortn. its weight in poia. juustraiea beak bv triAil tr 2 i-i la. ir-tin" tin uni, SI j by mail, ei.aO. ii-w 1. a. iOKNbON & CO. Boiiton. Is TUB Best Waterproof Goat E?or IMs. iism f-r rcer ceet T-.rt TVilt BIUJTO SLICKER rcoo. a:u Will K-ca yen ii;v ui tUa i.-ir.las.t uk FLirsri: .nmi t.".v-;r.i.-)-..:-r. If x-nur ifirveener doeJ ESTABLISHED iWt. It Is now nearly tiitj vears since this medicine was offered as a remedy fur Worms, and from that time its reputation has : stcadilv increased nntit at the uresent dav it Is ! worms have really been the cause. Jt has been proved beyond In fact, it sever fall. It has freopently been given to child i:hVelnd immediate ise, and 10 ewnune eery I d carefully to tec that the I nor sumcicau ncuwigbKUOKijriua cue fAMBRTnCI. MO. Having used the original B- A. Fahnestock " Vermifuge In my practice for many years, I have no hesitancy in recom mending it as a remedy which is safe, reliable and efficient In an case wnerc a vennduge is needed. THOS. H. HANDY, M. D. , . . TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. Thesa Evmctoms Indicate thoir existence : I-oss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Kick Head- acae, ruuness after eating, aversion so exertion of body or wind. luractavtlon of food, Irritability of temper, Jjtuw spirits, A feeling of having neglected some ditty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, high! y col red serine, COSSTIPATIO.V, and de Eiand the use of a remedy that acta directly on e Liver. AaaLlvermedioineTlJTT'S Fl iXS have bo equal. Their action on t ha Ki J neys and Skin Is also prompt ; removing uli impurities through these three "scav engers of the system," producing: appe. tlte, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin anda vigorous body. XCXTS PIXUS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work- ana are a perrecs ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, Sold everywhere, 5e. Offlr.4i M array 8t,,y.T. ITTTS HAIR DYE. Gpat Hatr or Wbiskkbs changed tn stnntitr fi i irissv Black bvaslnele an. piication of this Dte. Sold by Druggista, or sent ny express on receipt orsii Office. 44 Jlurmv Street, New York. TUH'S f'AH'JAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. DR. STRONG'S PILLS! The Old, Weli Tried, Wonderful Health Renewing Remeaies. emnufie OIIIITIltr nil I O For the Liver. OinUnO O OAHAIIYC riLLO A epeeojeur. for Liver Complaint. Regnlatinc the Bowels, Purifying tne Biooa, vieansmir :rom .Maianai j tint, a per. feetenre for Slt-k Ilpad.tcbe, Coostlputloa and all Siiioa 3JlMr-ftfr. STROP'S FEGTS3S.L FILLS "aSi Kheurrml Urr.. iii-'ir ..!:. r;ietite.aaoadicM. v t-t. . .. - s.w neal'ii toerery n-, i;.-v. .11, . i-mr'-.s' t i'orramnht.ts The most popular Weekly newspaper derated toscieaea. mechanics, eczinaarine diserrreriea. is- Tcctions and patent, ever published. Etstj aiwa- er iiiosustea witn spienaia enjrrTina-B- am publication fnrniafaes a most valuable enejelopsdia of iof orssatioa which bo person sboald b. withoat. The popnlaritjr of the SciEXTiric AxnucAS is nvh t i .1 it. twrnl.tinn n.. rl v nnm 1. that of all other papers of its elsas combirMd. Price. 29 a yeaTjinsconni touinos. ooia oy an mranun. JJLSS M CO.. Pablisbera, AO. Kl Broadway, a. S. a aas nat saai am Hrai a Lo. nave Al Mil X. also bad Thirty; aWiV B Wlriitt veara ' Eight years' 1 practie bsti fore th. Patent ClW. and have prepared floor, than One Hundred Thou sand application ror in xum pAeauL TrarrMarks. Copr-rights, nnwi 2,r.t.. ara loreararasnHn A ... m9lt .LI mJier naners for seenrins; to inventors their right ia the United States, '.n!a. England, rranoe, Germaay and other lorsira coontries. ptw pared st short notice snd on reswmabi. ternas. informnUoa ss to obtaining patents eheer fnlly given without char?-. Hand-books of .Jl.,- L f Patent, obtainfld throe rh Maoa A Co. are noiol in the Seientlfi. American trrv- . '-a avsntagsof such notice is nil nnder-t-" ail persoroa mho wjtoOia- poseof their p'" -i.a 'Address M'V. CO.. 0-e Sojcrnno nsnnilDrnfi-"' f tt.cH t Rrre-we. ece. rlUbUDCU SEWARD A. HASEI.TIE..--! of Aroeri t" i' 'Kjinui.lsf'irjiriwii; srW."RU A. HA&ELTIJ E.-!' :UWaa!aarwaa.a.U. 8or.Vf01d.Mla9CWri TUTT'S H l3B u m m BUTLER NATIONAL BANK -IN- Opera House Block, BUTLER , IMO. Capital, - ?n(i,ooo. $4,000 JOHN 1I.SULLENS resident J. R.J EN KINS Vice prc.ide. WM.t. WALTON, Cashier. C. C DUKE,. ........ ...Aii?'t t'ashidr. DONJKINNEY Clerk and Collect! Dr. T. C. Boulware, Booker Powell, Green W. Waltoj. j..m. lucker. Judge j. II. Sullens, Dr. N, L, WhipplS. J R Simm,. "i ""'FF J OimpsoB, C C. Duke, r rank Voru, Wm, E, Walton. C. H. Du chet J. Rue Jenkins. Receives deposits, loans money, and transacts a general banking business We extend to our customers every ac commodation consistent with sate bank ing. CORRESPOND EXTS. Bank ot Commerce - Kansas'City Fourth National Bank - St. Louis Hanover National Bank - NewYork BATES COUNTY National Bank (Organized in 1S71.) OF BUTLER, MO. Capital paid in, Surplus - - - S 75.0C $3i.oot F. I. TYGARD, .... Prestdeat. Vice-I'res. Cashier. HON. J. B. MEWBEBRY," i rj iDl. , J- t.tLAK - TT"fj',T T)tor working peoDle. Send X 1 A J lljX. 10 cents postage, and we will mail you tree, a royal, valuable earn PIe box of good, that win put you in the 1 way or making more money In a few dav than you ever thought possible at ant business. Capital not required. Vou can live at home and work in spare time only, or all time. All of both sexes, ot all ages, grandly successful, 50 cents to $5 earned every evening. That all who want work may tet the butsinesR, we make this unparelled otter: To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay tor the tiouble ot writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine SecTare Health action to the Id vs d relieve all biV Tons) troubles) fjgHj TigtUtlt; Us Of.jii. Fries 25s. 1 tnsttHm ei3 FINP SUITS. In every e price and quality Made to Order I guaranteed a fit in every cas Call and see me, south room grange store. JETALBOTT, 47 iy. Merchant Tailot LADIES! With Il!roy's Taitos Ststsm yon en""ent DTesses to fit, without oral lostmetlons. Dress rankers pronon nee it perfect . Price for System , Book and Double Tracing Wheel, pi.U). TO I3VTRODUCE, A System, Book and Wheel will be seat on receiptor !.(. Address; JOH.V C.'HASOTER, axassATi. o. 47-lm COfll ff(Yn prcualt gives pU JeUUUaway. Send us tc. postage, ana Dy man you win get iree a package of goods ot large value, that will srart you in work that will at once bring vou in money taster than anything else iu America. All about the $200,000 ia presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, ot rither sex, of all ages, tor ait ic time, ui spare time oruy, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all woikers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallktt tc Co.,oPortland, Maine. Wl M"m0Tt nonr than at anything U Xxl by taking an agency tor the best aelliag book out. Beginners succeed grandly, Noae fall. Terms free. a HAU-BTT BOOKtvO., sMtlaad. Jfaina I