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6 Sutler 12 C IW. IV I I U II III ML. VIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1886 NO.50 MAXUl'S 31 AD. fie Savage t uier ifc ot Mioiuit Tamely to Captivity. The celebrated Apache chief Man nil anil thirteen bucks and squaws, members of the Chiricahua band, pssed through the city yesterday in charge of Lieutenants Call and Fin- liy oi tl. A emn inraniry, ana a guaru of twelve men. They are being trinsported to Fort Marion, Florida. Mangus gave the guards considerable trouble on the tiip from Santa Fe to ibis city. Once he jumped from the car window while the train was run aing at a high rate ot speed. When Mangus was taken back on board the cars after his wonderful Ifip for liberty he became very des perate. Lne hand came out ot tne ninacles he wore and he slugged oneot the soldiers with the iron knocking him down. He then got down on the floor under the seat ind fought halt a dozen soldiers. The rest ot the Apaches set a howl but were kept in check by the sol diers, with cocked guns. Mangus an finally stretched across two seats and tied from head to foot with bell lord. He has several times attempted to take his life. He became possessed of a knife while at the union depot ind made a savage attack on the interpreter. The latter drew his revolver and finally disarmed the lavage chief. It is very probable they will not get him to his destina tion alive. GROCERY HARDWARE STORE, S3"west Sidt; Public Square, Butler, Mo., First Door South ISates Co. -National Bank. 2 Quick Sales and 10 Per Cent. Profits. 13 1-2 lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar for 14 lbs Coffee "A" Sii;;r for 16 lbs. Brown Sugar for 20 lbs. Rice tor 20 3-4 lb Cakes Lenox Soap for 25 3-4 lb. Cakes Water Queen Soap for 10 1 lb. I3rrs Blue India Soap tor 36 1-2 lb. Bars Blue India Soap tor $1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I TV EVERYTHIINGB 1 lb. Star Tobacco at 4.0 c 20 Boxes Matches at 2 c 13 Dozen Clothes Pins at 25 c Wash Boards at ' 15 c 2-Hoop Pails at c Wash Tubs, No. 1 at 75 c Wash Tubs, No. 2 at 60 c Wash Tubs, No. 3 at 50 c HATS &CAP ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING A HAT OR CAP siiopti v SO DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES. ALL OUR HATS ARE BOUGHT IN CASE LOTS DIRECT FROM MAIVUFACT13RERS AND WE CAN SAVE YOU AT LEAST 25 per cent ON EVERY GRADE. WOOL HATS, 50c, 75c and$1.0Qfteducedfrom 71 UU, A LAKGE ASSOltTMENT OF CIGAKS 10 Cigarettes at 10 Cigarettes at 7 Stogies at 2 Good Cigars at 1 Good Hood Havanna Filled Cigar at 1 "Wabash No. 1" Ciear, warranted to be strictly pure Havanna, the very hnest that can be bought, a most delicious smoke, will last for hours, at 10 cents, or 3 for 2 cents.' :o c 5c 10 c 5c J. H. SISSON most lies BUI Keview. A few alleged democrats were busy all day Tuesday scratching off the name ot Glazebrook and substi tating that ot Burch. The same was done in the case of one or two other candidates. By their works shall ye know them. Billy O. Jackson staid over from Monday night's speaking and worked like a beaver the most Ot the day a the polls in the interest of the demo cratic ticket. Col. Culbertson was in from Shobe City Tuesday to cast his vote straight and returned to his ranche in the evening. The Colonel put up 6co ton of bottom hay the past season and is thinking of purchasing a large herd ot cattle to feed during the wi n ter. His bottom land is very suit able for the purpose, as it is now one of the hnest pastures in the Marais des Cvgnes bottoms, and will urnish pasturage the greater part ot the winter. Dave Fotheringham, the express messenger alleged to have been as saulted and robbed while making his regular run out of St. Louis over the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail road one day last week, was tor some time a resident ot this city and tor a while night clerk at the Talmage. He is also one of the Review's old subscribers, and we hope to see him clear himselt ot all collusion or com plicity m the late robbery, which bow foots up to nearly $100,000. instead of $50,000 as at first sup posed. Connty Court Proceedings. 1ST DAY. Dramshop license granted, T. J. Jones, Rich Hill; Henry Kaune, Butler. Several good farms for sale at a ntrgain. Can see me on the street. Jeff Ai.dr.idge. WE HANE a LINE OF AT gl.Off Former price $2 25- Have best line STIFF HATS in city and will guarantee them the very latest style- Our line of PUR CAPS is very large ranging in price from $1 25 to $3 00- MIEN'S OLrtWTIffl AlP S5c HJIP. J K. Brugler & Son want all ... ,. , T u, c, t ! the school bonds they can get. Plen School loan to T. W. Silvers for , , , ty 01 money at me lowest rates. 3411 Call on J. W. Miers, successor to D. L. Haggard, for pure drugs and fancy toilet articles. $500. Accounts allowed in the sum of . $240.2. 3RD DAY. Bettie Bell, insane, sent to asy 1 - t? 1 .u.m-ioi. jur. j It is a shame that the democrats ot Georgians Fletcher, msane. sentie southern tHstr;ct beat Jud lu ns ,um ai ou j Neptune. They had no excuse for A 11 1 it- - J nwWu....ucu, 9--33- not voting for him, as he is one of 4TII day. the best and truest men in this Certificate for admission to deaf ' I county. and dumb asylum granted to Eddie' Lee and Ella May Blevins. I J K. Brugler & Son have a large Dramshop license granted to as. J list of fine improved farms for sale M. Jeffress. j cheap and on easy terms. i6tf Appended roadcaseofE. (lender-) son vs. Mt. Pleasant Twp. co.itin-1 uetl to the lirst Luesd.iv after the first Monday in Dec. 1SS6. Accounts allowed, $344.2. Dramshop license granted Shobe & Oliver, at the Mines in New Home Twp. TH DAY. B. B. Marshal appointed Justice ot Peace in East Boone Twp. vice A. M. Shephard, resigned. Wm. A. Long appointed Justice ot Peace in Lone Oak Twp. vice 1. L. Harper, resigned. Resignation of G. G. Glazebrook as Justice ot Peace in Mound Twp. accepted. Accounts allowed, $473.68. 6th day. Returns of Election counted and the result declared. Took up an appealed road case from West Boone Twp. Be sure to see these lines before buy ing and we guarantee it will save you money. AMERICAN CLOT ill HOUSE. One of Maine's many cranks is Enas Gove of Lewiston, who thinks that he is the Saviour. He is over 60, hai long white hair and beard, wears a long coat and cape of bright red, a tall white hat with a broad white band and flowing ends, white trouser, and moccasins. He also carries a white umbrella and a very . COreeous horse blanket ior cold weather, lie makes an occasions dime by selling bis photograph on , the back of which is this inscription : Elias Gove, Emanuel the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, who baptized himself with the aid of the Holy Ghost, and is the son of Doroty Jane Gove, who translated bis spirit from God." A$20IIoliday Prize. The readers of this paper are off ered a prize ot ($20) Twenty Dol lars in Gold to the person making the greatest number ot words out of the letters contained in the three words "Hawley's Corn Salve." The same letter must not ne used but once in forms)r a word unless it is contained more than once in the the three words. Plurals, names ot persons and places not allowed Use Webster's Dictionary without supplements as authority. Each contestant will please enclose 2cts in stamps or postal note, ior a box of Hawlev's closes ot winner and number of words mailed to each contestant. The contest will be conducted with the utmost care and fairness. Address vour list to C D. HA WLEY, Chemist, Salem, New York. The Andrews Opera Co. will ap pear at Walton's Opera House Fri day night, Nov. 1 2th, in Gilbert & Sullivan's great comic opera, "The Mikado." This is a strictly first class Co. Mr. Andrews, the Ko tCe of the Co., is said to be the best Ko Ko on the American stage, Their usual price ot admission is $1 and they wrote Manager Kinney that they would not play anywhere for less than 75 cents, but he has taken the liberty to make the ad mission 50, 3 and 25 cents, and a crowded house should be the result. Tickets now on sale at the Butler National Bank. This is the only Co. hooked for November do not ail to f,o. Notice of Dissolution ot Partnership. Bv mutual consent the partnership between D. A. DeArmond and Thos. J. Smith, as practicing attorneys, in the name ot ueArmond c Smith, is this day dissolved. D. A. DeArmond retiring and Thoi. J. Smith continuing in the prac tice. ID. A. DkArmoxd. Thos' J. Smith. Nov. 9, 1SS6. 50 LilL W 1 i Notice. I Notice is hereby Riven, that letters of admin istration upon the estate of Sam. K. Ilawkiaa, deceased, nave been granted to the undersigned bv the Bates connty probate court, in Bates county, MiSHOuri. bearing date the 30th dav of September ISHU. All persons having CltiXn against saia estate are reqnireu to exnimi iuni to him for allowance within one year from the date of said letters or tbey may be precluded from any benefits of such estate, ana If sold claims be not exhibited within two yean from the date of the publication of this notice they will be forever barred. Jou H. 8CM.KNA. 47 Administrator. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a tranwrlut execu tion Issued from the office of the clrk of the circuit court of Bate county, Mis. sonn, reinrnaiiie ai me Moventner term, IHt, , to me tiirt-cti d in favor of Krafft and Holme Grocery Company (a corporation) and aeainst 3. P. Cox and K H. Weaver. ! have levied and , seized upon all the right, titie, interest and claim or said defendants of. In and to the toi- lowmg upfccribeu real estate, situated in Bate county. Mo., to-wit: A strip 4 fret wide ani f feet long off or the east side of the west hair of lot 140, and a strip 16 feet wide off ot the west side of the east half of said lot 14t, la Adrian. Mo : also the east half of the south wect quarter of section No. 15. townshinNo. 42. nun No. 31 , and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section No ti, township4i, ranfreSI, and the northeast quarter of section No. f, In township No. 42, range 31, I will onj Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1S86, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door ol therourt house in the city of Butler. Bates county, Missouri, sell the same Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedy f 01 the speed v and permanent cure or consumption Bronchitis Catrrrh, Asthma and all throat andLung Affections, also a posi tive and radical cure tor Neryous dibility and all nervous complaints alter having v's Corn Salve. Contest thousands ot cases has telt it his duty to December 1st. 1SS6. Name I ma e it nown to his suffering iellows. Actuated by this motive and a disire to releive human suffering, I will seud free ot charge to all who desire it this rccioe in German, French or English, with lull directions tor preparing and usein. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper, Y. A Noves, ijk rower' Bloc Rochester. N . . A no .2-1 y I MA Beotinth&VorTJ. 4 W. F. IIANKfl, Sheriff Bates C Trustee's Sale. Whereas William R. Marshall (who declared himself a widower), and who has been dead tor more than 9 months, by his deed ot trust, dated March 27th, tRR. and recoided in tne tsecoraer s office within and tor Bates county, Mis souri, in book No 32, page 17, conveyed to the undersigned trustee tne wiiowmg tu-rihed real estate, lying and being situate in the county ot Bates and state nf Missouri, to-wit: The southwest quarter ot the soutn- west quarter, ot section tweniy-tnree fjt'i. township forty-two (421, ot range thirty-two (V), containing forty acres. more or less; wmcn cunvcyutc wa made in trust to secure the payment 01 one ceartain note, tully descrioed in said deed of trust; and whereas, default nas been made in the payment ot the prin ciple of said note, and the annual inter est thereon accrued, now long past due and unpaid Now. the re tore, at the re quest ot the legal holder of said note, - . . 1 i:: C and pursuant 10 ins iuuuiuuu deed ot trust, I will proceed to se'l the above described premises at public ven due, to the highest bidder, tor cash, at the east front door ot the court house, in the city of Sutler, county of Bates and state ot Missouri, on Thursday, December 3d, 1SS6, petween the hours of q o'clock in the toienoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, of that day, fr he purpose ot nalisf jtng aid debt.Mnterest and cost. '' l"15 TruKtee- v BUTLER SCHOOL BOARD, Being unable to let the contract fori our School House on bids heretofore re- ceived. Will receive bids as below stateil up till noon of Monday November, ith, 1SS6. Contractors will answer each of the or so much thereof as may be required, at public , following questions seperately. ! 1!?!! JS,tl,il."Lb.l?dfr forcMh t0 "tlsfy isi ror now mucn win you lurnimi material and build according to specifi- i cations the wood including all ot super structure except the bricK work. id ror how much will you turntsh ma terial and build brick worK according to specifications? 3d r or how niuin win you lurnisn ma terial and build both the brick and wood work as above specified? 4th r or how much will you turmsn ma terial and build the stone work ot foun dation, stone to be lime or sand specified by bidder: morter to be made ot Missouri . a 1 1 1 Trustee's Sale. Whereas.D. C.Edwards and Bethiar Edward, his wife, by their deed f trast, dateO March 3d. lim, and recorded in the Recorder' office within and for Bates connty, Missouri, la book No. 3d. page 21, conveyed t the anJer airaad InutM the following described real estate, lying and being situate In the county or oui na? vi rrr u . . iv-..... Lots numbered seventy-nine (7) and eighty (801, in the town of Adrian. wmcn conveyance was nun wu w mi; i -1 t i i nvlrnni tho MTnwnt of one certain note. river sana, o.u w uuU,.Pn NdebedS aSd Tdeed of treats and mbtrtm. oerch 5th, For how much will you complete the stoce worn of foundation on the site as now located and as specified above? 6th, Stone work to be completed by May ist, 1S87. 7th, Brick worn by July 1st, 1SS7, 8th, Wood work by August 15U1, 1887. The contractor awarded any part of the work will be required to give bond tor its nertormance in double the amount ot his Dio wiuiin j uaj s uwi iiu uiu M.Mf..w by the Board, otherwise his bid will be forfeited at the election ot the Beard. Soectfication at I. M. McKibbin's store. ; j Lave bids with W. G. Rose, Clerk of j Boanl. BY Uroer of board. 49-t default baa bees made is the payment of said Bote and the accrued interest inereow, w long past doe and unpaid. Now, therefore, fr the request of the legal bolder ef said aotaand rnrsuant to the conditions of said deed or trast, will proceed to sell the above described iireni ises at publie veadne, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court bona, in the city of Butler, county of Bate and state of Missouri, on Saturday, November 13th, 1886, between the hoars of o'clock in the forenoon and S o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt. Uterw? and costs. J...OWmMt Traitee. Sheriff's Sale. ! By virtue and authority of a transcript esscn ! tion issued from the office of the clerk of the ffilOQ JL ll!T!TT I ablest the Jfovember term, lW, tnedlreci- " I in favor of William Prafrock and against A. H. Ladie.01 gentlem-n desireing pleasant ' Culver, f Ferdinsnd 1K " . . . . i w As-m s nars iaun nrottUble employment write at "cc-1 -"-"o-,,t ,rf -i.lm 0f iid defend We want vou to handle an article of do- f ln Ult to tDe following described rest wSnC&JtSSSi' towu (now eity, of Batr, , iEXF2Z Wednesday, Nov benefit write tor farticuIars.Usedejeyi day the year round in every household. the ,,t front door ot the eoori bone i n the cir Knee vri'oio icaui ui u- - . oi irnun, 0..;,-"--.----- - - vents receive X AMPI.l; FKEE. Ad- or so much thereof as Agents receive Myrt.s w - --5 Wdder foreashtoialisf r ! dress Domestic MTg Co., Marion at: ari'u. w.f. m. 43 tun. . ; 4