Terrible Scene Wit newMl by an A meri
r in While in India.
"I shudder vet when I think about
it' were the words which prefaced
the remaikaMe story related to a
reporter by Mr. William Hentlv.
Thm gentle.nan, says the Pittsburg
Commercial Gazette, i one ot the
few fcurvivii2 European officers who
witnessed the blood-curdling terrors
of the Sepoy mutiny in India in 1S57
and 185S. I was a lieutenant at
tached to the corps of engineers in
the Bengal army," he continued.
'We were stationed at Meerut. It
was on the 10th of May, 1S57,
that the upnsmt; ot the Sepoys oc
curred there. That was Sunday
evening. I saddled my horse to go
and see a friend who was an officer
of one of the native regiments ot the
infantry. The Sepoys in this regi
ment belonged to the disaffected
tioops, but were not suspected. Of
course I had no suspicion. I had just
arrived at my friend's bungalow
when the natives broke open the
bells of arms and began the slaughter
of officers, who had just arrived from
their quarters.
"Each was killed on sight. One
whom I spoke with a few moments
before was Col. FinnU, the brother
of the then lord mayor of London.
My friend told mc to look sharp ami my life. I at once galloped off
The natives, however, saw me and
:it once gave chne, but I escaped
with only a bullet 111 m lc. I took
refuge with the officers of fi e fth
laibineer regiment, ami v. hen ihev
turned out on parade shortly after
ward I was requested to 11 main in
their line I staid there all night.
The mavsaiie of ihe fflicers and
tin ir ladies continued throughout the
nihl, ami the scents among the
!!.'!. I mid wounded ne frightful
I omul desciiption. For instance,
en the stage of the theatre s.t Meerut
1 ' counted no less than thirty-six
"These weie nothing in compan
f on with tin-scenes at Cawnpoor
awful seem s, which at thi long dis
t;ttnv of time I am quite uinilde to
ulx lly banivh from mv mind when
:t levtils to that country and time.
It was here that, bv orders of Nana
fNiliib, ling. (Jen. Wheeler and his
brave soldiers wire sliughtered in
t:enchi4 and tired upon by masked
batteries. The Nana uut to death
all women found in the town after
cutting their feet off and subjecting
them to other outrages.
"Miss Wheeler, the lovely daught
er of the general, rather than sub
mit to the gross violence, leaped in
to a deep well. The Nana at once
seized upon this horrible idea, and
as last as the European ladies were
massacred their bodies were flung
into this well. At the edge of this
famous 'Well of Cawnpoor' I stood
within a week after it was filled
with its human contend. The
tench arising from it was something
that is sickening even to think of
now. Over that site now rises one
of the most magnificent pieces of
architecture to be seen in all India.
It is a fine octagon marble building
around the well, without a root, and
inclosing an elaborate tomb. It is
near the theater and close to the
bank ot the finest canal in the world
the Ganges. Memoral gardens
have also been laid out around the
scene of the massacre and a beauti
ful church erected.
"Children's brains were dashed
out against the walls of the building.
When I reached Cawnpoor the well
was guarded and railed in. On the
walls ot dwellings we saw signs ot
tearful slaughter. There were tat
ters ot clothing, clumps ot hair clot
ted thick with blood, while the
daughter house, was smeared with
blood and flesh. Thirty pairs of
teet were found in one place. On
the two days ot the massacre, out of
s ine hundred Europeans, at least
two-thirds were butchered, and in
September two hundred more were
"In the ft snfui retiibulion wl.ich !
t oowtd I saw the mutineers strap.
ed to the mouths of cannon and
own to p eces ; others were hanged
where: scores ot them were be
headed, and other shot down with
vo!lesot musketry.
"I have seen the Nana, too. lie
fore the mutiny he was one ot the
best men at our mess; after the re
bellion he escaped, and we had sev
eral chases after him. It was thought
that he was hidden in the Ntpaul
hills, and I have good reason to be
lieve that he died in the jungle.
"At the siege and.capture of Delhi
I was present, and formed one ot the
party to blow open the Cashmere
gate, when Lieut. Howe, Sert. Car
nuchael, and two others were killed.
I assisted to carry out of the ditch,
where he tell mortally wounded, the
brave and good John Nicholson, un
der a heavy fire from the walls and
bastions of the city.
"At the capture of Lucknow I
was employed on the engineer's
staff, and with Lieuts. Donald Mc
Neill and Vincent Eyre, ot the artil
lery, I discovered and rescued two
of our ladies from the custody of one
of the rebels, who had them closely
confined in a very small room. In
the Rohilcund campaign and battle
and capture ot Bareilly, where we
fought under Clyde from 3 a. 111. till
sunset, we lost more brave men by
sunstrokes than bv casualties. After
the action the men bivouacked on
the field and sank exhausted. Many
were found to have fallen asleep in
the very act ot raising ihe food pio
vided for them to their mouths.
Secies and hundreds were found
dead in the morning."
A Post-Olliie Money Oi ler.
Uelroit Free Press.
One ot the ivasoi: tit . 1 induced
me to have a remittance sent to At
lantic City 111 the way of a po-i-oi?kv
money order was the tact that vl.o
express company or hank would de
mand peisonal identification. Al
most tverhody is ceitain ot his own
identity, but when it comes t some
one else being ceitam the case as
sumes a different aspect, especially
if a sum ot money is concerned.
However, this great and glorious
government, in its pi aisewoi th v de
sne to help a stranger in a strange
laud out of a bad box, will permit a
friend to deposit money 1:1 one pot
office ami let you draw it mi' :tt
another. The man at the desk " ii!
ask ou who sent i, providing ou
ate a .stranger to hrr, and when oti
have teplied the sender was
John Smith, your brother-in-law and
a good fellow generally, and "nat
you have been expecting the order
lor two das, and that the folks
around the hotel can no longer look
upon you without suspicion, he .vili
hand it over without a doubt that
you are the person for whom it was
intended. It's a nice, easy way, you
see, and the bank tellers and express
agents are aw fully put out because
they can no longer blutt strapped
"I have a little order," I said to
the money-order clerk as t went back
into his den.
"Y-e-s," he grudgingly replied as
he received it. "Is this vom name."
"Yes "
"Who was it sent by?"
"John Doe, ot Detroit."
"es uni! oYu'11 have to be
"Why so? Haven't I told you
who it was sent by, and didn't I re
ceive it in this letter directed to me
and deposited in a box which I rent
"Yes, but"
"If this isn't my name how do I
get the letters addressed to it? Ir I
am somebody else what right have
you to hand me another person's
"I know, but vou must be identi
fied." "But there isn't a person here
who knows me, and I am dead-broke
and tar from home."
"Can't help that."
"And you won't pay?"
"Not unless you are identified."
I went back to the hotel and asked
the clerk it he would identity me.
"Well, I don't know you. you
see. "
"But ain'tlregistered.and haven't
I been here several days?"
"Oh, yes, but sou might have as
sumed this man's name, you see.
People oiten do that."
"Well, come up and look over
m trunk. Look at these halt dozen
envelopes. Go ask my wife who I j
Ycs, but you must excuse me. j
It's against orders, vou know.
'Orders be hanged ! 1 owe you
$30 : here is an order for S50. Either
help me to get it cashed or I'll walk
off with vour bill unpaid."
He concluded to identity me. He
wrote a note to the postmaster to the
effect that he believed the bearer
was the person named in the order,
and I returned to the post office,
shoved the note through the window
and aced :
"Well, what do think of that?"
The clerk looked at the signature,
scratched his head and mused:
"Boggs, of the Gdsey House?
Who m Halifax is Boggs?"
"Perhaps you want turn identifi
ed ?" I asked.
"ldo!" he coolly replied as he
handed the note back. "Can't say
that I ever heard of Boggs."
Something was said about some
one getting licked if he would come
out doors, but he wouldn't come, t
went back and told Boggs the result i
and he looked at me in a vacant way
and replied:
"Me not Boggs? Well, he may
be right. We can't take any chances
Next dav I went down for the
mail, having determined to let the
order cash itstlt. There was a card
in tin. box asking me to call at the
money-order office, and when I
showed up the clerk said :
"Who sent you that ord.-r?"
"John Doe'. '
"Where does he live?"
"Oh ah. I guess it's all right,
but ou'll have to get your money at j
the bank across the way." j
"Are Ou sure I'm the man:"
"You may 01 may not L-e, hut
we'll cash it."
He gave me an order on the bank,
and I skipped across and handed it
to Ihe paying teller.
' Y-e-s," he said as he seized it,
"you'll have to be identified."
"Have to be identified."
"I'll be din ned if I do ! I just got
that order from the money clerk, who
kept me out of it three d.ts, and I
don't propose to fool a way anymore
"Can't help it!"
"Will you come out doors?"
-N... sir!"
"Will you let mc 111 there?"
"No, sir!"
I was going out, leaving the order
in his hands, when Hoa came in.
I told him ot the ditliculty, and fie
said to the cashier:
"It's all right I know him."
".Hut I don't know you!" replied
the teller.
Boggs then offered to fight him
inside or outside the railing, and
after we had got the Board of Di
rectors out and a crowd atound the
door some one came in who identi
tied Bogs. Boggs identified me,
the teller handed over the money,
and the postmaster, whom I met at
the door, paralyzed everybody by
calling out:
"Hello! Mr. King, did you get
ihnt money all right?"
Bogps almost tainted away, and
the teller shouted for me to return,
but I skipped into the crowd and got
safely away.
NEURALGIA AND rhpiiuiticu
2 1 is invigorat
ing and De
lifhtful to take.
TT gives NEW
LIFE to the
and Bf wrmm J
I by Strengthening
whola SVSTru
- t.H. wmtun
as a Mtdicins for
weak and Ailing
women and Chil
dren. me Muacles, Too-
in. tk. Hnvci
I and completelyDi-
00 hurtfol
Minerals, is com-
Book. Voli
" byleadiag
Physicians, telling
bow to treat dis
eases at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand
some cards by new
Heliotype process,
00 receipt of is c
pomca ot carefully
elected Vegeta
ble Medicine I
combined skill
rally, making a 1
w ana f leasaat
fwiw an n .
BhoaMUttdaam onr
Volma f rug and Chemical Company,
Did you Sup
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh.
Continued from last vmk.
How Watch Cases are Made.
A plate of solid gold 14 2-10 karats
due Lj soldered on each side of a plate of
Lard nickel composition metal, and the
three are then passed between polished
Bteel rollers. From this plate the various
parts of the cases backs, centers, bezels, etc
are cut and ehaped bv dies and formers.
The gold is thick enough to admit of all
kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine
turning. The composition metal gives it
seeded strength, stiffness and solidity, while
the written guarantee of the manufacturers
varranting each case to wear twenty years
proves that it contains all the gold that
can jMwsibiy be needed. This guarantee
is given from tutual results, as many ot
these cases have l-ecn worn perfectly smooth
by years ef v.--' without wearing through
the gold. PuBi-Qua, n., Dec. 14. im.
I haveoned one of your Junes Bow' Gold Watch i
Caw for seventeen years. I bought ii second-hanl
and know of its having been used before I got it,'
bat do not know how Ion. It looks good for ten
years longer. Did not suspect it tu a filled case
until so informed by a Jeweler a short time since.
I most cheerfully recommend your cases to be all
they are represented to be, and more.
O. SleCBAS'KI, Vrp. Cut. Int. Res. 3d Dit. Iwa
Urn mt twp ta kftoaa WUh Cu FarUrlaa, nil.
4VllMi. Pa., f.r hanittoair !llatrtrd Piatnlil.t kewln kaw
Bva ana kertoa Vtatck laaea are uda,
(To be Continued.) 1
1 Srr- --a
B00L&SI103 Makers
5$Lrrivi-:i5, mo.
Hoots and Shoes made to order The
best ot leather used.
Shon north side ot Square .
41) tt
V A TPMIiQQ lts cauM-B, p.ii'l a new and
tli LiLiOO (.ucc-essfulCXJR rUHt
yonrow n homo, bv one who was deaf twen-tv-ciiflit
years Treated by most of the not
ed BK'cialit without licticllt. (Jureb himself
in three inontiix, and sineti then hundreds of
others. Kull articul:irs cent on Biliraticm.
T. !S. PAUK, N 41 West 51t St. New York.
r r
Pecks Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drams
Perfectly Kestrethe lleariu, and perform the
work ol' the natural drum. AHvaysin position,
but invisible to others and comfortable to wear.
All conversation and even whispers heard
distinctly. We refer to those rising them, fcend
for illustrated book with testimonials free.
Address K H1SCOX, kv! Itroadway, N. Y.
Mention tnis paper.
We must reduce our stock in the next three
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ing for only 24 cts: Id pieces choice new and
popular music, full size, finely printed; Hon
elegant designs in outline for stamping and
embroidery; loo late and popular songs, includ
ing all the gems from the Mikado, as well as
"Dream Faces," "'Love, Love, Love,"
"Sailing," etc., etc., a large collection of new
riddles and conundrums, over 230, just the
thing for picnic and social parties; i"o motto
verses, just side-splitters, 7" tricks in magic,
loo puzzles, all kinds, in popular games, a
secret alphabet, 200 amusing, interesting and
mysterious pictures, the great game of fortunes
told, etc., etc. We will send all the above in
one package to any address, all prepaid, for 21
cents in postage stamps; 3 packages for .Vic. ; 7
Sackages for $1. Address all orders to WOKLD
r 'G Co.. 122 Nassau St.. N. Y.
27 Park Place and 24-26 Murray Street,
New York.
Make lowest rates on all newspapers in the
U. S. and Canada. Established la67.
Special -:- Offer.
We will insert a one-inch advertisement one
month in onr selected list of
covering the V. s. fr Circulation ,(!j0,-
2wi copies ,er month.
Send for Catalogue. Parties contemplating
line or advertising, large or small, are re
quested to send for estimate of cost.
On the KAST PAYMENT araeem, from
wu bd. iuu HjMa, sxi 10 swvk ccna iur va
Kne with fall particulars, mailed free.
Contracted 00 the new method of stringing, on
similar terms. 8ead f or descriptive Catalogue.
Boston, New York, Chicago.
Celebrated Mitchell Farm Wagon,
Ipriag Wagons
Halliday Standard
and Iron Suction or Force Pumps.
Hardware, Groceries, Wagon Wood work.
Iron Steel, Nails, &c. Northeast corner
square, Butler, Mo.
Ocllcnic, or Chronic Hiseaso
.-..mi iwoKt:.uim for llr.Cinrke
C'i tT. . roi-a from anv pnrAm.
Celebrated orhs, FRKK.
Tliev ik-stTibe every symptom
in viur case. Especial intention
given to caws oi IWrvous Oe
Sillty in every slaae. Cr"H
huve taken, or ho lias failed to
cure vou.Attonil at once 10 this,
laaaaa furlt'saps Llfe isnrand
YTm r "Wreck ! M W "lethere !
ULM Llfe.therois Hope." CfHrit-
tfn imrrcnnt or cure yic
---A n,f. rtiil rn .
Consult the OM Doctor. Offices 1
and l'arlor i'woip. j :h-uuit
letter.orcall may fve future suf-
ferinij una fcnuuif. ..u-ui..vo,
i.w.L-a a - i.nt fvorvwucre so-
euro from Knposure. Hours,8 to
8:buuday,tUoli Address lettera
F. U. CLARKE, M. O.. .
811 Locust it Louis, Up
t.cxiiUtoii, .Hi).
(lirs t atorKansai Citv ly Mo. Tai'. or Wal.Bfli
trainH,) Begins ita 22d year Sept. 1st,
1886. Instruction Tiionoi-r.ii. Music ami Art
ly Spkciai.hts. Klenantlvfurnihheil. I.ijrliteil
w'ithGa. only mxt'y boa'rling jnitiln.
Terms !. Address,
c-St JOHN K. KASNEAU I'nsideiu. ;
mmmi mm
ta.,u. i. -f """j;'Sn;T-
iu'lof vn 1. .,t,.tt. . ml' rliintioli. Hr All 11.
BKAt'TVui ii.-.: f.;,st r. 1 ytlto it. advhho
hmw"Wm,u u, v.,-1. ') wt.ul W.S
r?art it. Sent mM i.v ! . WHIT TIER S- Louis. Mo-.
aasassssjauL'XiuiQ oti xi v.o unu onoKnaas
I'AKlSof mei'M N mini .
I)I'K1. STUKN' . I'lll ' I
. 'ti.Kll.lih.VKU
a 1 n"t iiitf titi-
vi. tt twmnt mil
Cirrulff giyinf nit ytr ir
i t r -winit V
Hi EPICAL . H'-iTfulo.V V. 1
Aaaoclatd at Waahintrton, D. G.) OomMpoodaaat
wnnwlwl laaoiriM snawarwl f ra. sad peoauAt
a car tor Lfrrrf ialalatoaaa rite raaaM by .TaraM eon
:iknf thaLiTr,aa Dripcpaia, CMIIIm, BiHoaatwM,
.'.t.nJlr. Uea4arlia, Halarta, fcnramti,m,tr. It rvralat..
Uic le.l, aarlfiM Hi. blno4. aa4 atrwclaaa tha ayaftn.
il lTlmmM riSILT BIDK1M. Tkovaaada of TmIhk.
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tiamnl. fJW to tboM brourarns aa-Miik.
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ataaatat cvtL I a4a4. a at mac 1 sir faltfi
tallaaBVaacT.thatlvt.l MilTSO BOTTLEa
fnttMr sua a Ta I.Ca SIR TKt ATISS Hi la --Ijj
liafmt. aiTaxaraaaaa4r O.addraa.
. t. A. 9UKrCM. Ml 1W1 St, MawTark.
hit ctric
; urit :.
DR.SCO 1 iron t 'w 5tM.Y.
(v.PortlM. l.ata.wiUrT.
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ibeta frt
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UkbIwKl lei I-
5Q g
Steel Gear.
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Irritability of temper, I.or spirits, with
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tli3 UiKCsli ve Orcaus.ltejiiilnr Mtoals v
rrodiir. 'l. l'rl.-'wa'c. 1 1 IWiirrwy it.,W.T.
Grat ITaiw or Vuiskfrs changed tat
Glosst Black by a single epplicnlion of
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tent livexprcsson ri-celritof 81.
Office, 44 Murray St., Kew Yofa.
Feb 1186
Vol 10. 1886.
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can be ordered from any Bookseller,
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