Newspaper Page Text
BUTLER WEEKLY TIMES 'otice to teachers: Public Ex- Ation for the benefit of those per JjLjetirlngtO teach In Bates county, lbe belt) on the 3d Saturday of each latkr.Mo., and on the 1st Saturday of iXmonth In the West side school house, th Hill. Mo., the examination com- 8 J. II. HINTOJC, County School Commissioner. Bates County John Hayes is a runner, you bet. S. W. Dooley was attending court Saturday. LOAN a LAND GO. Jas. K. Brugler & Son Managers, Butler Mo. Ibis Company loans money at the tareat raid and buys good notes. We also make loans on improved farms forthe HlMonrl Trust Co., of Se- bite, Mo. If jou want accommodation, call. We have a large line of fine improved firm, grazing lands and citv property jjrwleor exchange. Choice investments tor capitalist. LOCAL ITEMS W. T. Marsh was in the city Fri day attending court. The Butler Times publishes quite an article on the Butler Academy and along with the same is a splendid :ut of the beautiful building. Rich Hill Herild. Mr. and Mrs. Naynard received a pleasant surprise trom a number We repeat, Glazebrook will open court in February for Judge DeAr- Qf friends on Monday night it be ing the occasion of their 15th wed- Tudge F. M. Steele, of Hudson d,njr adversary. lliose present township, was in the city Monday, rePorl a very pleasant time. 1 attending court. Judge Neptune, dropped in to see Judge Gantt eave us a deasant us while attending court the last of call Monday morning. The Judge was complaining of feeling badly and was tearful lest he would have a spell of sickness. Frank Lafollett, one of the livest and most energetic young democrats the week. Judge said he doesn't feel half as bad over the result ot the election as the fellows who bolted the ticket would after they had time to reflect. BUGGIES SAVED by use of the new Pat ent Tot) rest. o more back bows bro ken or seats jerked loose. This is the best invention ever made to eave buirirv tons. For sale bv T. W.' Leo- east side of Iron block. 41 mi . T. Kirkpatrick, editor of the in the county. nd constable ot Sum- Wa,,nut New' w,th h,s w,fe an.d mit township, attends. oromDt v to ' """- r ... ' I L ... T collections, or other business placed u,c c,iy v,s,unK re.auves. 1 .P in his hands. rmieu on uie iimls anu swapped yarns with the boys. He is eivine It you want to refund indebtedness hhe good people ot Walnut a live by new loan or want to borrow readable rjaner 1 ---- money tor any purpose, you can get very cheap rates of interest and easy terms of P. C. Fulkerson & Co. successors to Ben. B. Canterbury & Co. The Grand Jurv returned an in dictment against Joe Herrold, who cut Joe Smith on last Thursday, for assault witn intent to kiii. ine bond for his appearance at circuit court was fixed at $500, anJ the day ot trial was set for the 17th inst. Judge bcett, the St. Clair county judge, who has so succesfu!ly evad ed arrest by the U. S. marshals, and who was a candidate for the presid ine Judgeship of the county court. was badly beaten last Tuesdav. w eii Juuge, you oii.i taithtul ser vant, take your kick and go. a squirrels; ranbits anu otner ani mals are reported to be sta around on the street corners with their overcoats on. Old settlers in terpret this to mean that a cold winter will follow. But as weather prophets the oldest inhabitants are about as reliable as the late Mr Wiggins. Marian, while digging a pond on his farm, near Seymore. Web ster County, last week unearthed jug containing $2500 111 gold ani silver coin that had been buried there about the beginning of the war by a man named S. Sivels and his son. both of whom died without ging the sccrct as to where treasure was buried. the i. K. Dingier wants a lot ot good arm loans, tunning trom 6 to iS montl'S. This is a eood chance for :rs to get short loans, or sell hort real estate paper. And still it is drv. vei v drv. 4 1 Sometimes one counts 4 good IMDV. John Hayes done his opponent up I pwd shape. Wanted, one Bates county map. at this oflice at onte. tt Tuesday night last five prisoners taped from the Springfield jail. Will M. Mills, Foster's popular Pe"t Sunday in the city "Win? old friends. Up to Saturday night the business loi the circuit court seems to be of a lity uninteresting character. n c- vsuifcc oeais. ot ,Aitona, was in &city Svu unlay and paid his re fttts to the booming Times. We male abstracts of title alo- rtiy cotrect. P. C. Fl'i.kekson & Co. The Hume Star says Joe Thorpe "counted out $21 out ot the boys pocket on the result of (lurch's elec tion. and the Star one dollar of that amount." The Star and Joe, it seems, were a little premature 111 making their collections, and will have the pleasure of refunding the same with $2 1 in addition. A Georgia gentleman savs that he asked an old darkey what lie woul choose if he could have anv three things he mi"ht wish for. "Well. I boss," said he, "tie fuss ting I'd take a fifty dollars in money, den a fine suit of clothes, an' next a barrel o' nee. Den, boss," he continued, "il you let me make another wish I'd good whiskey." Cutting: Scrape. ! Thursday nigt of last week a difli- .wiw piacc 111 iienry ivaune 1 saloon, between Jce Herrold, a far mer of Elkhart township, and Toe T. Smith, ot this riff If ic Gui.1 - f .-...- vivii i i -aiu Harrold entered the saloon in rather an intoxicated condition and seem" ' Smith whom he was not on verv riendly terms, talking to a number of gentlemen, walked up and ad dressed him in insulting language. Smith turned on him an.l eV-e1 him to go away, which tor the time being Henold did, but in short time returned and began his insult ing remarks again. Smith again warned him to keep wav. but it " ----- seems Herrold was either just drunk enough to make him a tool or he was bent on raising a row, and for the third time approached Smith, who turned on him and boxed his jaws, lheideaot being slapped in the face seems to have greatly enraged Herrold, as the result will show, and it is said he made threats of what he would do after leaving the saloon. In the mean time Smith in com pany with several young men had gone to Hurt & Co's., saloon on the corner near the opera house, and while standing with one arm on the counter, talking to the boys, Her rold came in and unawares to all present, slipped up to bmith and stabbed him in the left breast. and also cut through his clothing across his stomach. Smith took in the situation in an instant and quick as thought turned and struck his would be assasin about the head with his fist, Herrold was then seized by those present, and in the scuffle which ensued, John Willis, . V McVeigh and Walter Lamb hid their clothing slashed with the knite but fortunately escaped v. ithnit in jury. After seperaliuir t:n'i.v,. U.-r Here's rrim UVJ M In EH ot And they l'o for One Wfifik must be sold to make room for our Holiday oiock, now being purchased by our Air. K. en. THEY-:-MUST-:-&0 We need money, and Cash Buyers can so- cui-e unprecedented bargains of us this week. Come and see the goods. No shoddy old stocK, out clean goods, just from the manu facturer, and a good assortment to select from. Here's a partial list, but cannot enumerate them all: Dozen Ladies Calt Button Shoes, tormer price $a now sell for $1 SO " Ladies Calf Polish Lace, " 2 00 1 50 10 S 20 10 15 12 60 60 V- 150 96 5 20 Pairs Ladies Calf Button Shoes, Ladies Calf Polish Lace, Ladies Calf Seamless Shoes, Ladies I Kip Polkas, Ladies Kip Polkas, Ladies Calf Pegged Bals. Ladies Goat Button, 1 5o 1 5 2 00 1 40 75 2 00 - -5 tt tt t tt tt MISSES SHOES 25c A PAIR LESS. Pan Men's "Service" Boots worth Pair Men's "Banner" Boots, " Cases Men's "Soudan" Boots " Cases Men's "New M Gay" Boots, " 500 Pair "Silz" Boots, - 75 4 00 3 5 - 50 4 SO tt tt t tt 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 50 $2 00 3 00 2 50 2 00 35 There is nothing that quiets and soothes the turbulent emotions more surely and more rapidly than to take up a collection. It is said that a Methodist minister of Richmond, a., was so interrupted by pious rrroans and sanctimonious aniens that he could not proceed with the services. He ordered a collection to be taken, and instantly a subdued silence fell upon the congregation. The minister understands human nature. Robt. Thomas, the young man accused of stealidg Robt. Whites horses and who was captured near St. Joe a short time ago, and brought back and placed in jail, and in a day or so bailed out by friends, was giyen up by his bondsmen haturday, and again he languishes behind the bars. Robert looks like he might be about 21 or 22. He declares he is innocent of the charge against him. In looking around in quest of some thing that might prove to be of in terest to ovr readers, we dropped into the confectionary establishment of R. C. Dickinsheets, where we found Robert busily engaged in un packing a large stock of contection- aries He carries a full stock of Judge Gantt made a wise selec tion in the choice of a foreman for the grand jury. Esq. J. Z. Graves, of Sprague, is an old and substan tial citizen Ot this county. He has been s. iustice of the peace for a number of vears and his people have the greatest confidence in his busi- candies, nuts, bananas, and the world ness capacity anu his strict integ rity. He will make a most excel- lent foreman and evil doers may- well shudder if their crimes come to I his knowledge. C. Swing, one of the reliable I Wong democrats of Mingo gave us Ir oaut litll IIIIC III llIC HIV O.t I-day. Tike your prescriptions to J. V. I"!, the north side druggist. Com- ljtwt drug clerk m attendance day Lou Ft izzell, who is teach- I School in the neighborhood of U er, came over to Butler Satur- Tind pent Sunday v with her par- K. K. Pierce Ictt the last ot week with her brother for fckita, Kansas. Miss Dixie Os f" will remain in Butler tor tne hO'Ze Glaz.-hn.ok is a gc jfce Was treated hadlvby Don't you think the booming Times looked like a daisy last week, with her 72 columns of original and miscellaneous mutter. The electrotype and big puff for the Butler Academy, and the many columns oi advertisements tor the live business men ot the electric city In addition to the above 1,000 ex try copies were printed and distribut ed throughout the county tree ot charge. The Times downs them all when it comes to enterprise. ood man nmp of " I P'ty. but George is magnani- (aiid forgiving in disposition, f-wiice cvei thing has turned out . -- ... t-.ltvVllB 11 Millie k IVk ttwbe bygones. Old reliable Summit acted very ugly last Tuesday, and we have no doubt manv of the good demo crats who scratched their tickets re gret it now. Democrats, it is not right and we hope you will never do so again. Do you think it is right to turn round for a little spite work, and reinstate the party in power that only a tew years ago had about 1 captured half the men who blazed the trees and turned the first sod of the pairie 1 in this county and made the county i what it is disfranchised. When i you come to think of those old regis tration days an 1 radical tyrany we believe you will halt before you scratch your ticket again. renound cigars, "Thunderbolt"and "Dickiniheet's Best." He keeps in addition to his other stock a first class lunch counter, where he will serve beef steak, buns, sandwiches, eggs, ham, pies, coffee and milk, in tact everything it takes to make a good lunch, which is served on the short est possible notice as per order Killed in a Saloon. Saturday night a butcher from Chicago anshted from a tram at Pleasant Hill, Mo., and entered a saloon and called for a drink. A young fellow, intoxicated, stepped up to the bar and said, "what's the matter with me taking a drink?' The butcher stepped back and said "yon may take as many as you like." At this tie young fellow who was drunk, rook exceptions and per old again made a depcrtc effort to get to Smith vviih his knife, but was jreyented and the kui.- was taken away trom h:.!i ana la placet! under arrest, ;md tucked up in liu county j.iii. ur.tii Saturday when he gave bund and was released. The wound in Mi. Smith's breast has proven to be more serious han at first anticipated, and he has been confined t his room ever since the anair. Dr. D. 1). W ood who diessed it, while he did not consider it dangerous, warned Mr. Smith to be careful. BOYS SIZES 50c A PAIR LESS. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. 50 pairs Men's Ecoiioni Calf Boots, a $4 00 boor to be closed out at $2 50 a pair. To introduce the line we have 20 dozen Men's Satin Oil Calf Shoes i Bu'ton and Lace and Congress, any style toe at $3 00. Come and se. tlietn. Remember they must ;o at a Closso 7VTxi.ljiu at once. You e n! bring this list with vou and wi'l show you every article. Hoping to many new faces again this week, besides our former patrons, we are The Leading Boot & Shoe House, e. WEiL a 00. UORTK SIDE SQUARE. Dr. Walls. Wishes to inform his patrons that hcreat'er all calls, any time day or night for him, can be made by tele phone from Dixie's Drug store, north side square. lie will be found at his oflice at north west corner of the square trom S a. m. to 9 p. ni. struck the butcher with knucks. The butcher drew a knife and cut the fellows throat from ear to ear. The victim fell to the floor and the butcher left the saloon and took the out going tram fo Kansas City. The man wto was killed was about 22 years old and lived at Pleasant Hill. The butcher has not yet been IVbea Baby was uck, w gre br Caatorla, When she waa a Chad, sh cried fur Casteria, When she became Hiss, she clang to Caetoria, When aha had Children, ah gave them Cutoria, Aceidently Shot. Adrian, Nov. 2. A sou of Henry Wilhite, a farmer near Adrian, acci dentally shot himself last Saturday, which will probably cost hts lite. It seems he was sitting on the barn Moor with a double barrelled gun across his lap and tinkering at it. One barrell was by some means dis charged and the recoil of the load kicked the gun off his lap against some object the jar ot which, fired the second bairell, which struck the unfortunate lad in the hip, ranging upward across the abdomen. Mr. Jonathan Morgan happened to be riding past the barn, heard the shots and cries of the boy hastened to his, found his clothes on fire and a gastly wound in his hip. Morgan carried the lad to his father's house and then started for a doctor, 4 miles off. Dr. Gilmore says the boy may recover but ,the chances are against him. Mr. Wiihite is quite unfortu nate with his family. About 5 years ago, two ot his sons were drowned, and about 2 years ago lost his wife, and now comes the painful accident to his other boy, who has stated to his tnends "I've seen Mother and the boys." R. H. Herald. The above is a true report of the sad affair. Ihe boy died luesday Nov. 2, at exactly 10 minutes past 2 o'clock p. m. All the care and at tention possible was shown by Mr. Wilhite's large concourse ot tnends, who unite in sympathy with him over his sad, sad ca lamity . The remains were interred in the Crescent Hill Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, there being an enormous attendance. Adrian Register. The Rich Hill Enterprise thinks the politicians won't indorse Cleve land's course in ou&ting Benton. Well that's about what Mr. Cleve- j laud most desires above all things. The people indorse bim and the politicians can't use him. Selah. 1 Mr. McCutchen wishes us to in form parties wishing to purchase that he has four splendid thoroughbred yearling bulls left which he will sell with the tariff stricken off. This is a splendid opportunity to those wishing to engage in fine stock. 29-tt GO TO DICK HURT'S Barber Shop for a first-class shave, shampoo and hair cut. Up stairs in Badgley building, south side square. MONEYS TO LOAN AT SIX Per Cent, interest, on long time with privilege ot paying before due if desired. We do not send borrow er's application away for approval, but decide on them here without de lay, and furnish the money at once. We have a large amount of nioney on hand to be loaned on land. Par ties wishing to borrow please call and get our terms. We can furnish the money at once. The Walton & Tucker Land Mortgage Co., Butler, Mo. Itch and Scratches of every kmd cured in 30 minutes by Woolford' Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never tails. Sold by W. J. Lnasd own, druggist, Butler, Mo. -iyr STOVES! - STOVES! I have just received my fall stock of And among mr large variety will be found the Peoria Base Heaters, and Bucks Brilliant Cook Stoves, And all the leading brands and latest styles. Call and see them before -youbuv. Also Full line of TINWARE. Roofing and Guttering a Specialty All work guarteed to s;ive tatiffaction. Call and ce me on the north tide of the square. ' ' - JOHN RAY & CO. S"? VALUABLE KROHKH I I TO OP I V Rubber Boots and Shoosr' wt 4"v Vf The raae f gmmm from I4 nkth aaaAll wt mmw, avr ik.uuat the mil, at tat Mttr lea a. Am j raaiai or aewae will ailllailj (If eeea aar t )aar at twin f aver eraaiay. TanraacBBaanra r mr mmjlmmmmlj water the AMKB seal iiiy . . ateeia ei tateta sael tkaakt m all a coMixrnt GOODS f ttinnit by C ataa V all I I aheea. 1 J. M. McklBBEN. .1