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A. lEPeeklg Cities, Ok IMkc BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 19 1887 NO. 8 SE BY REV. W. A. WALKER frinclples and Teachings tf Odd Fellowship t 1 1 O. 1 PeJ at tlie nimi"-rnimi t n-suj- iL, Cburth ou Jan. 9th, 1887, jiates .Liouge io. 180,1.0.0. F., Butler, Mo. L GrW. brothers, ladies and ben: hiTjiigbeen invited to deliver a Lgne on the "rrincipies ana Lgi ot Odd-fellowship," and L, accented me invuauon so muiL order are Friendship, Love, Truth, Faith, Hope and Chanty, Friendship, that "heaven-born" principle, which finds its paternity in the father-hood ot God and the brotherhood ot man, prompts us to "do good unto all men, but especially unto the household of faith. " e are taught to regard the "bow in the heavens," arching the pathway of the recedeing storm, as an emblem of that deathless covenant, made by the Eternal Jehovah, that the .world should never more be destroyed by the mighty cateclasym, hence the bow in the clouds" is the token of God's friendship toman! FAITH Is the fourth cardinal principle which I shall notice, and one of the three pillars of the order; the other two are hope and charity. A belief in God is a necessity before we can become Old Fellows. The venerable patriarch, Abraham, "had faith in GoJ," and it was "count d unio him lor righteous ness;" indeed, he holy liible, at ms that the three great principles of Odd fellowship form a chain which bind the members of our order together in the dearest union, it is a three foldcord, that cannot easily be broken. Grui's revelation to man, is The nrincinle ot fripnrUl-iin rvlant. jirtn, I now propose to ad- ed Jn the heart ,eads us tQ do for a 0jKlt to this pleasing task, brother what we woul(J haye a brother figbt it an honor conferred do or m m ,ike c5rcumstances. n' When we hear ot a case ot desti- tioAe fraternity .that the same tution, friendship prompts us to it of kindness which prompted relieve it, to feed the hungry and toalect me for this distinguished ciothe the naked. fjor.aball. sit in judgment upon The good Odd Fellow appears, jOfdl. "Wtchliby the conch of pain, I Till k bhoold you discover errors, either Tm the evenlBgttlkr u hllh ' sitter or manner, during this dis- tiu the midiht ahadows fly, U you will remember to judge ZEES.., iciiKior, admonish "with friend- And when death has dJne bh WQrk hiod reprehend with justice. he .g there tQ strai-hten the silent tub here to acknowledge mv sleeper for the grave, and to mingle L . . . . .t ? t . ; I . ... . - oweaness to we -nxviscu iuoni- h, true tears with those ot wife. isd Guide," by "Be Harrell," mother, litter or daughter. With a I luge number ot the thoughts Uad heart, in company with his Je following discourse ; also, I brothers of the order, he carries the Indebted to "a brief statement" bier to the sacred depository tor J. B. Jewell, for the statistics ot human dust, and softly lays the Border, and to Bro. A. H. Culver brother in the clay cold narrow house, the facts about Bates Lodge. and as thoughts of immortality crowd bid Fellowship, as distinctive upon the mind, and the lamp ot the don. does not reach back resurrection, lighted by the Lord of "hoary centuries" into life, lights up the charnel house, he Byttic long ago, but finds its casts his sprig ot evergreen upon day in modern times ; but its the coffin lid and bids good-bye to iplei were born in heaven! the brother on the shores of time, md untarnished as the sun with the assurance that there will be md immortal and immaculate a happy greeting in the land beyond irown heavenly origin, these the grave. let must live forever! Until love it no distress to relieve, no Is the second principle we will notice the princi,' e pieces of furniture in every lodge-room, and in every lodge-room of the order we are greeted with the All-Seeing Eye, and the motto, "Trust in God," trom a very prominent place ; there fore, it is faith, or trust in God, that gives the ground for hope, and faith "SKUU AND CROSS BOXES." As an emblem, the skull and cross bones teaches us our mutability ..( These bodies ot ours, so fearful ana , I wonderful n farm u one Ot "-7- Ku uic way ot all the etrth, "dust thou art and unto dust slalt thou return." ThU emblem admonishes us to "prepare to meet ur God." and ir re minds us tdbe ready at all time tn give sepulcire to those of our fel- owship. BOJV AND ARROWS. practiced and hope enjoyed prepare These remiid us, that we should be us to exemplify love in its highest ready at all times to defend a brother degree. They prepare us to be like I from the wrongful attacks of his enemies. They remind us also ot that death- God, whose love is unsearchable. HOPE It the fifth principle in the order in which we have enumerated them. and the second pillar of this grand fraternity. "If in this world," 6ays ope whose pen was guided by in spiration, "we only have hope, of all men we are the most miserable." less covenaat between Jonathan and David, recorded in the Bible, and we are taught the lesson of con stancy and fidelity. BUNDLE OF STICKS. This emblem teaches us, as Odd Fellows, tie strength of united ef- Hope points with unerring finger, fort, compared with the feebleness through the fogs and mists of time, of one wht is alone. across the "valley ot shadows," to United it the bonds ot our broth the everlasting mansions of light, erhood, w are able to execute our It is hope that quickens the lagging benevolent designs. A little child steps ot the pilgrim, and like the can easily treak one stick alone but voice of the fated wanderer, lost! when they; are united in a bundle upon some wild and trackless desert, 1 the strength of a man connot break is heard crying ever onward ! on- them, "united we stand, divided we ward ! ! onward ! ! ! fall.' ' i And when at last he nears his ; the axi. journey's end, far in the afternoon This implement is an emblem ot of lite, looking out upon its sunset, J progress. At in the hands of the embossed with ineffable glory, with pioneer great forests are felled and golden fringed, purple clouds, a I the soil is prepared for cultivation. fit setting tor such a scene, hope, J So truth is the axe to clear our immortal hope, whispers in his dy- minds of error, and thus prepare us ing ear, "if a man die, he shall live J to bring forth fruit of honor, and again." usefulness CHARITY HEART AU UAAU. shall iurely go down to the grave; that we all must sooner or latter I'join that ceasless caravan," in their journey to eternity. To the throes of dissolving nature j we must all come at last, and make our abode in the silent city ot the dead. The rich and the poor, the learned and the unlearned are here brought upon a common level, let us so live that when death shall come, we may be prepared to go in peace, and justify poaterityin saying that "he was the friend of humanity." HISTORY AND STATISTICS. Sixty-seven years ago, this noble order was planted upon American soil. Then Thos. Wildey with tour others, who with himself had been made Odd Fellows in England, con stituted the entire membership in the United States. We have now 7,627 subordinate lodges with a membership of 16,207. The following statistics cover the year 1SS5 during these months 54, 162 brothers were relieved, to whom was "J o o paia 1,320,033 00, there were 5,514 brothers buried, for which was appropriated $358,758 90. There were 5733 widowed families reliev ed, to whom was paid the sum of $144,390 93. For special relief there wat paid $111,073 $3 nd for the education of orphans $13,465 99. The total amount of relief paid dur ing mis year ot was the enor mous sum ot $2,175,537 17. BATES LODGE NO. l8o, I. O. O. F. This lodge was instituted on Jan. 6, 1808, with John H. Mills, Henry Cearnell, John C. Curd, Henry H. Way, lohn C. Trimble, Lews C. Haggard, Wm. C. Long and Wm Hurt as . charter members. Of this number, brother John H. Mills is the only one who now holds mem bership with Bates Lodge. Thus was this little craft launched upon the sea ot Odd Fellowship, since that time, a period ot nineteen ears, it has in the main carried out the teaching of our order. It has buried its dead, cared tr its widows and orphans, extended at all times willing hand to a brother is dis tress. It has disbursed in acts ot charity to indigent Odd Fellows about $2,500 and has property to the value of $2,500. The lodge room which ! owned by the order is one ot the neatest in southwest Missouri. In conclusion, let me say dear brothers of the order, assembled here to-day, act well your part. war against vice in all of its forms." "And departing, leare behind yon Toot prints on the (and or tint. Foot print, that perhaps another, Sailing; o'er life'a aolemn main, A forlorn and ahipwracked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. FREE TRADE. The reduction ot internal revenue and the taking ort ot revenue stamps trom Property Medicines, no doubt has large ly benefited the consumers, as well as re vailing the burden ot home manulactur ers. Especially in this case with Grtem't Auguta Flower and Bosckee's Germait Syrup, as the reductions or mirtr-tix cu. per dozen, has been added to increase : the size ot the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-ufth more medicine in the 7; cent size The Atr- ffusta FlawetloT Dyspepsia and Liter Complaint, ana me uerma oyrmp 101 Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale ot any medicine in the world. The advantage ot increased aUe of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflited. in every town and village in ciilived countries. Sample bottles tor 10 cents remain the tame size. 4 iyr. eow GO TO DICK HURT'S Barber Shop for a first-class shave, shampoo and hair cut. Up stairs tn Badgley building, south side square. to bury, no orphans to educate, in this connection. We find in the . . . . .. Th; touchint, emblem urees the ihUorganizationhave completed holy BMc yli ,peak Odd Fellov to acts ot mercy and BENNETT, Willi & It fcpendoui work. Lord, thy God, with all thy heart ae ire not, however, to wrest this mInd nd strength," and "thy neigh order out of its proper place bor 8 tnV "If." Love is the prin- kiocial economy, and claim for c5Ple for action WIth lhe Sood dd- nooie have done) that it takes el,ow- " " tne element in which PUce ot church or relimon: this ne mves, tne grana motive power " I . n noneous, and calculated to be to ms ettom 10 do Kou U to the order. While this Tne beautv ot lms n0Dle order 1S tion and iu teachings are een in thi, that il teaches and im- upon the teachinet of the Poises the law ot universal Mother yet it it only an eleemosvnarv hood our duty to ,ove each the tion, and does not profess to other ; it tells us m all our actions the "holy of holies" of the re- towards them to keep in view the lite, and fit its members for ZoAtn rule, ''Whatsoever ye would f "eternal habitations ot lifrht " that others should do to you, do ye a o 1 . 'only an assistant to help man- even " to them. P4 towards nr! ma rv tn.fV. TRUTH about. Charity is used inter changeably with love. Amid a r-9 j world of selfishness and misanthropy, it is pleasing to find a band of brothers, good Samaritan like, to lift up a brother when he is down, throw the mantle ot kindness around him and take him to the inn, and have him cared for until he is on his feet again. 'For sweet charity's saite," is not the shiboleth of any party, but the true watchword of heaven. It was benevolence, and also refers to the manner and spirit of those acts. The hand fcestows the needed gift, while the heart in the palm denotes that the giving is cheerful. Who has not learned in doing good that "it is more blessed to eive than to receive." THE ARK. This emblem refers us to the Ark 1 of the Covenant that Moses, the servant of the Lord, was directed to make. It contained a copy ot the -DEALERS IN THE- Celebrated Mitchell Farm Cortland Steel Gear Epriag f igoas aai fop Bn Wagon, this principle that prompted our Law, a pot of manna, and Aaron's great "All Father" in his beneh- rod that.budded. cence to the children of men. The law was to guide the people You are doubtless familiar with nf Tcratl the not of manna was to ie the order demands a belief Isthe ""perial virtue, a standing, the ,t0 o tbe piiot on one ot the remind them ot the bread sent them tttanceot God, yet her yowl important principle with us. upper lakes, who gave his life tor from heaven, and the budded rod w conflict with a man's duties ne Koman governor inquired ot humamty's sake. "Wit, hit country, his family, the "Great Teacher." "What is The steamer was discovered to be Yrtbor or his God." truth?" and mankind has ever been Qn fire, and the captain and crew P candidate is taught on his en- on the ,etrch or iL The astroloR,sU decided that their only hope was to N o the "Mystic Circle" that nd alchemi,t o old "Pent lon run the vessel ashore, the captain 1Wds and contentions of the yetrs to rrive at PrimarV truth but asked the pilot "it he could run 3drtthutout of an Odd Fellow's d,ed wm,oul "acmng tne goau them Mhore," and received the sub tod that friendshiD and love. The "winging centurie glide bhme answer, "Aye, aye sir, I'll ' ltith ind charity, combine to "ltly by, and on their broad bosom try." He did run them to land, but Ltbtmind with peace and mel- we nnd nere nd there, some grains the pilot never left the pilot bouse! C fceart with sympathy. He of. truth, until to-day we see the with his hands grasping the wheel taueht the dortrin. nf human "morning star in the east," the har- he wt, burned to a crisp, grand in Jity, for man is in moral and binger of the coming day, when we deatn! The city of Sandusky, hat nderstand the everlast- erected. beautiful monument to his brother, the world memory, and humanity will never from its enswarthe- forget it. ment of error, and soon shall truth "Now abideth Faith, Hope and ascend the throne ot humanity, Charity, these three, but the greatest crowned and sceptered, t reign cf ee is chanty." Halliday Standard and Iron Suction or Force Pumps. vM darknett. though he mav be ha11 better u ' tw of his condition : bound inR verities. Yes, Tuu of ar.rv... v. I is swinging out a "mournful spectacle !" V trikmg lesson on the f-Uity of man : As he cbntesn ' r the scene ot man's mortality, 1 ""Ptetsive lesson is learned, that .ndes upon every breeze and is re- forever! Beautiful as a dream of heaven, is the poet's vision of this everlasting virtue. "Truth, crashed to earth, ihall ri again, Th' ataraal yaara ofQoi an hart; jVtfl 4L. . ... ... . . 1 . -mi laai tne bounding lite Within WhUat mir, woandad, bleadias falls, Will mn. V. n 1 r Tf 1 . - -wu uc auiicu iuicvci . ic nihedby age and wisdom verification ot inspiration, "I 'once young, but now am old ; I never seen the righteous for- nor his seed begging bread." cardinal principles ot the And dlf aaald her warahipara." My friends, these three cardinal Hardware, Groceries, Wagon Wood work. was to remiad them that the priest hood had forever been settled in the family of Aaron. SCALES AKD SWORD. This united emblem presents the idea of iustice executed. It teaches fust prudence in all ot our actions. and admonishes us to weigh the motives which underly these ac tions ; we are to cut off every prin ciple in our nature that tends to the commission of wrongs; keeping be fore our minds the words of inspir ation, "Tustice and mercy shall meet Hampden silver stem winding watch- together; righteousness and peace shall kiss each other. " Iron Steel, Nails, &c. Northeast corner square, Butler, Mo. FRANZ BERNHARDT'S Three ounce Elgin, Waltham and1 SVMROI.S AND TEACHINGS OF THE ORDER. "The All seeing Eye," is a sym bol and denotes omnitcence, and teaches us, that the -eye ot God" it x a ever upon us, now careiui men ought we to be! We may hide our principles form the "three links" ot jjns from our fellowroen but God our order, that bind together this takes cognizance of them ; "Thou widely extended brotherhood, and Godseestme!" its symbol is seen in every lodge of "the three links" Odd Fellows. " isfan emblem of unity, and teaches THE BIBLE. This is the Odd Fellow's text-book the "only mfaltble rule for faith and practice." It is the fountain from whence flows the living waters of truth. Here "lite and immortality are brought to light." The pages ot this blessed book, shine with ever increasing lustre to the Odd Fellow. "Buy the truth and sell it not," and "search the scriptures," is the duty of the Order. the coffin. 1 This embleai teaches us that we es, trom $11 to higher prices. American ladies stem winding gold watches from $25, up. All silverware, clocks, fewelrA, &c, at cost prices. Sole ant for the Eockford and Aurora watches, in Gold, Silver aad Filled Caae., -rery ea. JEWELRY STORE, Is headquarters tor ne Jewelry -'JJ-- Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. Spectaclesot all kinds and for all a; alao .fine rYou are cordially invited to visit his establishment .and exammt hu splendid display 01 oeauuiui gwu u - r , ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED