OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, January 26, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1887-01-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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1 Dor
-a... Mm. I'MtiflC II. Ul
5iencnSunda, May nd
,ther notice, train, will leave
fcifnws i
... .
t.,o Kioress
4:52 A M
1 130 P M
C'"ll !TU
iu-Texw Express 9:14PM
n r r Eioress 8: IS AM
'Accommodation 9:5s A M
-linger trains make direct con
(orSt. Louis and all points east
and all Points squtn, v,uiurauu,
mis and an pomm vci uuiui-
... .n4 nther information
secret Soclefie.
r Lodge, No. 354, meets the first
Urn) Chapter Royal Arch Masons,
a . I T'Vinritrl;!! in each
.rommandery Knights Templar
Jthe first Tues'day in each month.
1 , n rtitnwt.
I. i.w. w"
v. 1 jitt Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon-
llr Encampment No. 76 meet the
Jbajidath Wednesdays in each month
-IV TNO. D. PARKINSON, Attorney at
111 L, Office West side square, over
jdowo's Drug Store. .
IFiuncisco. S . P. Francisco.
SANCISTO BROS. Attorneys at
' Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in
J . courts of Bates and adjoining
fil' ities. Prompt attention given to col-
Jpas. Office over Wright & Glorlus'
i intt store. Q
I FhTMClana
jsicians and Surgeons,
ki'smldeaea I Dr. Boyd's rstldeuce.
! sad rort I re 1 ton street, Bonn v.
I r. hare.
j 1 rub, m. U't bciccuc rnyst-
eavsvae . V.I a.. ! t
Jaclan and burgeon. All calls prompt-
talendcd to. Office up stairs over
imV Drug Store.
K. Christy, W. H. Ballard,
Jtt, front room over P. O. All calls
imred at office day or night. Tele-
jfeoe communication to all parts ot the
If. Special attention given to temale
? C. BOULWARE. Physician and
Is Surg eon. Office north side square,
-aer, mo. Diseases 01 women and chil-
a specialty.
Will practice in Bates and adjoining
Mtles, In the Appellate Court at Kansas
y, ana in the Supreme Court at Jeffer
J Cltjr.
tOFFiCE North Side Square, ever
I aT-a a a F .
A notary -:- Public...
BOffice with Judge John D. Parkinson",
w nue square, Uutler, Mo.
tvety e price and quality
Made to Order
I luaranteed a fit in ever ca.
vail and see me, south room
grange store.
Merchant Tailor
14 EagUsI. Fimlly Medicine la
2s?n8,.Jrr,'a11 Ter tte worltl,
IBUlgYSUWD, UTer, etc.
Pure Vegetable Ingredients.
rejerfccUy Kmfr and alwavs t:(Trct.i-! .
vied te-dar rec'larlv t-v lo.u Ameri-ao
Women, itaereeleaa aeaeelea ie ail
l Hbtn, r4Mhre(aelr. Don't wns;s
OLJP ". t)id bv all Druy-s'-sl. ot
,,lQy l1r. r4 A entt fur particulars
wixcx sriunc co attiiad.. e.
. ivt oa wanaiaaa rataia. irr
:i- ... . .
- '
1 :' I vita
Parties wanting to borrow money on Farms
1st. That we fan lend money cheaper than
2nd. In any earn from lint to $10,000, and on
time from six months to Ave years.
3rd. Interest aud Principal can be made pay
able at any day and interest stopped.
4th. Have almost a million dollars alreadj
loaned and doing a larger business than ever.
Mb. We keep money on hand to loan so if yon
have good security t nil clear titles you don't
have to wait.
6th. We have two sets or Abstract books made
by different parties and make Abstract orTitles
by one set and compare with the other and can
thus make Abstract or titles that are ubsolutelj
correct and we will stand responsible for them.
7th. Have been here a long time and expect
to stay a while longer.
8th. Make loans with or without Commission.
9th. Invite you to come and see us and, have
ourterms, rates and etc. explained to you before
making application elsewhere.
loth Our office is with the Butler National
Bank. Opera House Block. Butler. Mo.
Land Mortyiije Co.
Boots and Shoes made to order
best ot leather uaed.
Shop north side ot Square.
I tJI the popular favorite for dresdnf
I 1. I the biur, Rcvtoriiiff color bn
I fj &3 env. l pr"Tn(ns Dandruff.
tSV SI I clean th-j . .. tlovm the
BM f halrf-aliiut;, . -t.tlnue.
The bt Cough Cure you cam nee,
As4ttetl preventive kiuwafwCtonramptloa. It
cane bodily pelna, end mi I disorders o( the Stomeek.
BowcU, Lunpi, Livt-r, Kklncjs, t'rlnury Oitron and
all Femalo Complfllnta. Tho feeble und ilclc. trug
gilng agiiln clLvasc. and slowly drifting towards
the grave, will la rnort case recover thfir health by
the timely uso of P.tnECK's Tonic, but delay is dan
gerous. T.ito U tluw, Sold by all Druuts In
Urge bottle at 1.00.
The safeat. surest, quickest and txst euro for Corns,
Juniona, Worts, Holes, Cb11oum,c. Hlndcrsthelr fur
ther gTowth. BtoiM nil pain. Give do trouble. Jlskesthe
feet comfortablo. TT!ni!crcorr. cures hcacverythta
I fxlU. Boldly Pri:rj at lVs. IItwxACo...
U m for UwCmelatela sea Ilia eainxl hv s Tarpli n
eutoaef the Liver,. Dtpept, Con.ltiliAnt Ui.ku.nel,
Jsueeke, HeMwIie, MalarJe. Kn.anatl.Tn.rto. It rrpniites
Utekew.la, eurtllM the blnoe, nd etivnclbcne tho emum,
lelenleekleFiaiLTaaDICniK. ThouMnd. of T4m.
ela erava lie cxrlk Auf draw Ut wUI UU yea lu repuedea.
2SO PAGES. Lluertaieu. in CkMh srl Gill BindineJ
UKiiey or eiunv ?aii.-..p,percnvrr, -V. 1 hii Book con
im au we eurMi'.. oouDtiui er tnquiivr wart to imv.
Fa!lof very tetvr- .r:t ri il va.usb itirrntation. HkALTN,
RAfTT see HtPPIM.SSarr nn-m.:ot bv 1U advise who
Baev Mariv. woe i.iu vi hv : Jtanlirml Aid. a lu n in i laaafT
hroejchl honie to you. SO W cednful Fk'!l PUTTRla, true
aeltt. Teweferold. married oraiig,ak:kor vtll.ahould
tV DR. WMITTIEK. S4. 1m a. lie.
xaua wwt aud ' as wlTU oaui
offered for sale represented
as good as the Famous
Mm. iik aUCraaterffclts latcktlm
Bcsmavrkatble LASTING QaaHtie
2ttutact tared OX LIT by
iBdlasUt S&IXXy. THIS
vpoa y AA Exact
them Vjl yCr on Ttxk
with XhrrTP
Queta mi
Free front Opiates, Emetics and Poison
AT Dei'eeieTS ub DaLaLona.
bp aa Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
LAI Unit Heaeahe,Teesaea,
111 In III PHire'l'KNTt.
At Old Stand, East Side Square.
Fresh and Nice and Comprising every
thing; in the
And Provision Line.
Of all kindfc wanted.
Chas. Deennev.
The beet and aurrst Beatedy for Curs of
all diaeaaea caused by any derangement of
tao liver, Kidneym, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia Sick Eeadachtt, Constipation,
Bilioaa Complavlnfa and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It la pie at to the taste, tones up the
ystCBB. reetorsai and preeerres acalth.
It La varely Vffretable, and caaxt rail to
prova beaeftcial, both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to aU
other. Sold ewj where at SIjOO a bottle.
QPfjli.yTRKMi'1'H h.N r !.! r.-.. i.n mmtsjsiUaii.n
"jg-ll! run n nnr i t. In rpf toinat
riH,wf sanliMtsr tbaU urg i no y T.ancwv of hqmhng
thl-oui A'V the rcfcaitniry. W- irtn j.rs rt
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
Bw w 3afJBBB'
Beear .a
aaal Bal - aaFSaaaV Ht ilHCJil
W,"h .df'I!! Cl '-r-iipp-d and flri.
Auil o
. 1 w I . IT ntl t IT .It ' r ...
ST 'I C tlit-iv wiih many a insh
Iy faici g thai b fore mi shi.io
ti-ir pine; ,bt' 8tnl'Kh' au' uisei
Hf C UK -t Mlkj ,K,DC d
ii.. r """
Aix ii in
A d 'Ct
P '! rf. u l finm tmpic land;
' '' J e .l mid sueii frvm Co
an s
He co Jured flfi'ds and woods from summers
T"wM.y-fl "Vers sby wi h flushes o'er lu
P.ile wreaibs xtu.otsuuirj far too frail to List.
s " I wild niKltl tiltl inuC'
Au l when thes phantoms light came float-
1 "J.
.H? ". ef.' -T. fn8,",d h',ra upon the pane,
ski.! !Hc i n.. mor ..l r in n i-.r.
A mp! Unit wi I iu-r-uil iim: -lidi.iir hiifh
Tiiyf ai; in wuriutu aud biighiness
Irene lunt. In GikhI Housekeeping.
He was abrilit, handsome ,yonnj
fi-llmv of perhaps live-aiul-twentv, whiie
1, u demure spiusU-r well into the tidies.
lokeu quiteold enough to be hia moth
er, f
So the gasips at the little summer
hotel where we were boarding could
really finil Vothing to say. though we
ofien had loig talks together, this young
J:ick Turnerand myself, when we hap
pened to met in the parlor or out on
the piazzas. .
Tlve special craze among; our young
lady boar-lea just then was the making
if all sorts d pretty pillows, which they
tilled with pne-neelles or buds of the
migrant basam-fir. and embroidered
with var iotti' appropriate mottoes, 6Uch
as, Dream of tho woods," "Tne pines
shall whispr peace," "Give me of your
balm, O FiMree," eta, eta And as the
picking of faese pine-needles and pitchy
iir tips was rather disagreeable work
for dainty vhite fingers it was quite the
fashion forall the chivalric young men
in the hou to volunteer their services
in this itiiiatory part of the work.
Moreover, tiere was not a little rivalry
among then as to who could find the
most fragmnt trees, a species of the
balsam-tir denominated "strawberry"
being the Brest aud most in demand.
1 was therefore not at all surprised
when this tew acquaintance of mine,
having fouod out my botanic proclivi
ties, came to me one bright morning
with au inhiense tow bag slung across
his shouldtrs and announced his inten
tion of picting fir in some remote woods
on the oiier side of the mountain.
Would 1 gt with him and show him the
right kind ot tree? He had brought
back a while bagful of worthless stuff
the day lefore, and all because he
couldn't tel a spruce-tree from a fir.
How couki I resist such a pathetic ap
peal espedally when he could show
me in this particular piece of woods a
rare and beautiful species of orchid that
1 had long been trying to find?
No! I eoildn't refuse. So Jack with
his bag anf 1 with ray basket started off
in high sants that glorious summer
morning. !lt was one of those rare days
in early JuW when a cool breath from
the mountains tempered the midsum
mer heat uld crave me an exhilarating
sense of what Longfellow calls
- - - lie Bifcmc iDnn, mo muni
Of life tern set mi a moat too much.
The three Biles', walk around the mount
ain seemed as nothing, and we soon
readied our destination the broad.
dark belt f woodland that inclosed.
like a velvet girdle, the picturesque lit
tle lake atthe foot of the highest peak.
Jack had proved himself a most enter
taining companion all the way. He re
minded me of a dear young nephew I
had lost, and. although a week before
we had been total strangers. 1 was glad
to notice tint he seemed to regard me
already as an old and tried friend. Up
on one subject, however, he was very
reticent. WHen 1 had found for him a
clump of the genuine strawberry" trees
and ' jokingly asked him for which of
our pretty toung ladies he was going to
pick the fir he looked up quickly, and
then, with a confased look on his frank
countenance, said: -
'O, it is fur no one here; it is for some
one miles aid miles away. And loyou
think." he added, witu an aosiraciea
air quite foreign to his usual manner,
"that it is really a cure lor consump
"Hardly a cure," I answered, "al
though I've known it to give relief in
ruanv cases of confirmed lung trouble."
The yosng man sighoa neaviiy.
"Weil." heTeplied, after a long silence,
"I am detetmined to try everything for
Of course, my sympathies were im
mediately aroused. I began at once to
licture to myself the pale youug girl in
ler far-off home fading away day by
day like some frail sweet flower..
"Has she been ill a long time?" I
ventured at last to inquire.
"For more than a year." he answered
briefly, and then quickly turned the con
versation upon some other subject Still,
I could not help noticing a heavy bur
den evidently lay upon his mind that,
try as hard as he might, he could not
entirely shake off.
Now" I do not think I am over-sympa
thetic or have more than the ordinary
smnnntnf curuwitv usually attribntea
to womankind, but all the way home I
ttnt thinking of Jack's little sweetheart.
"so many miles away," and wished he
wnulrf tell me something more about
It was the evening of that same day,
I remembered, that he came to me in
the parlor and drawing me into a quiet
corner said he. wanted to ask my ad-
vicv, nnon a verv important subject.
Did I think it would b possible for
himiA make uo the fir pillow all him-
soifs H.. rjed to hem the sails of his
toy boats when a little shaver, hadscrv
t a trnod apprenticeship in sewing on
buttons when a college boy. and thought
be could stiH manage a needle pretty
well if I wuM ou!y have tne patience
to saxiw him.
Of coun, with a worn in s mcoasa-Oiii-acc
1 immediately offered to do the
iSiirnr for hint, lint no! be than li-
1 ed me inst the same, he said, but wooid
really prefer to tin it hini-lf.
.Sow. in bno tf inv in. it ure years. I
stili have stored away ju mv nature a
dual of nmmicv. and" tins fanev nf te
Tiiimg man tuuclie.i a sympathetic
eiioni. Of course it would give an add
ed value to the prettv gift if it was all
his own work, and w'ho.nuld tell what
psyi-hological power, what wonderful
"mmd cure." might not be eft'.-cied
when the little mvaii I passed to her
lips the niagio pillow her lover's hands
hail tnadei
As to the material and color. I reallv
wished that I knew the young girl'
preferences, and when J;iek suggested
a piaiii gray Mjrge, a -Sure to wear
well." 1 wondered not a little that a
young man with so much delicacy of
feeling hiiuuld, at the same time, be so
intensely practical. 1 had already de
cided in my own mind that the pillow
should be of some delicate shade of blue
pongee, decorated in one corner with
Alsaeian bow of pale pink satin. How
ever. 1 yielded the point with as good a
gru e as I could, mildly suggesting that
bonier of yak lace of the same color
as tae serge would give a pretty finish.
"But wouldn't it tear easily?'' asked
"Why.yesif it were handled roughly."
replied; "but on a pillow like this it
would wear for years.
"Un the whole, 1 think I d like it bet
ter without any such filigree work-
simple things are the best," returned
my somewhat discouraged nuoil. as for
the fifth lime he picked out some unruly
stitches that I plainly told him would
spoil the looks of the whole pillow.
Well, indue course of time it was
finished that is, the plain serge cover
was nrmiy stitched together, and taen
how 1 longed to embroider upon it souio
lovely bit of sentiment about the mur
muring pines and the balmy fir-trees!
liut, ot course, all that was out of the
question. Jack had evidently no idea
of doing anything further himself in the
way of needle-work, yet wa as anxious
as ever to have the whole pillow made
by his own hands. On the whole, he
was a very patient and persevering
pupil for an active young fellow so de
voted to tennis and base-ball, and 1
often nsed to wonder what tender, lov
ing thoughts he was working into those
great clumsy seams when 1 saw that pe
culiar far-off look come into his beauti
ful brown eyes.
there was only one thing that troub
led me. In spite of tho persistency with
numerous letters that came to him ad
dressed in a delicate feminine hand. I
couldn't help noticing, as did all the
other boarders in our little hotel, that
the young man was paying marked at
tentions to a pretty yuuug girt mat uau
lately joined oar part. She had fasci
nated us all. this winsome Muriel Fates,
with her sweet face and her charming
manners, and I couldn't wonder that
Jack had not been able to resist the
spell; but then did 1 not know his se
cret, and were not all my sympathies
with the frail little creature for whom
the fir pillow was designed? How could
a young man be so fickle? Was the old
proverb, "Out of sight, out of mind," to
frovo true again in his case? 1 confess
was beginning to be much disappoint
ed in Jack
"I'll Jet you now if the fir-pillow
really does her any good." he said to
me in a light, flippant way that quite
vexed me, as he bade us good-by a few
days later. A telegram had come to
him from the distant city, and although
I knew we would all miss the bright
young fellow, I was heartily glad of
anything that would take him away
from beautiful Muriel Fales. Not that
I had aught against her; on the con
trary, I was charmed with her myself,
for she was no coquet, ova a sincere.
gentle, noble-hearted young girl. Mill,
couldn't help seeing that matters were
beginning to take a serious turn with
her as well as with Jack, and I thought
it was high time that such scandalous
proceedings should come to an end.
Indeed, I had ball a mind to ten muriei
myself all about that mysterious pillow,
only that I had promised Jack eternal
secrecy in regard to it Now. though
I am an 01a mam, anu uppuu iuno
all an old maid's proclivities for med
dling with other people's concerns, it is
not often that 1 become so greauy in
terested in people that I meet in this
random wav at a auiet summer-resort.
But Muriel, and Jack, and the little
consumptive maiden had somehow crept,
each one 01 tnem, ngui into my toousu
old heart, and I felt strangely responsi
ble for the future happiness of them alL
Moreover, Muriel's mother had placed
her under my charge for tbe remainder
of the summer we were to talk French
tocrether preparatory to her European
trip in the fall and when the frank
young girl, knowing my interest in
Jack, began to show me the letters that
came to her on his return to tne city
the burden weighed upon me all the
more heavily. Each letter, as 1 couia
tlainlv see, grew more and more love
ike, till at last Muriel ceased to show
them to me, but would read me suori
sentences here and there with a cnarm
intr. blushing hesitancy that I could not
fall to interpret
One? dav. however, mere came to me.
as well as to Muriel, a letter from Jack.
and as it wui explain 10 you inn wuoio
rr.iiii- tho romance of the
pillow, far better than my garrnloos
talk could I do. lam going to give it to
MvD ar Mies Hardacre: I prowlaeil to let
TOU aUOW 11 10c Ul pnuw J -r
- 1 ... A rt tr. ruiH, P. 1 1 W
. for mv txior Antrim dusst really
dl I ner any g4. Mother' letter about her
auite worried me while I was wttii you at the
liHruntain. for she to of a rare breed, an I is a
rrVt pet with us all. The dnetors tol I us be
aiekneee ws a cute of OMflrmed omiump
tioii. but eiuoe a ceplng- on t e flr pillow her
court bus grown lt- f n-quent and her appe
Ute is lci ted.y o-tier. 1 mink fully "p
reeiatea. ton. the d'fic tte -am wherry fr
rntuee we t.k than. tong. piasiut walk
around the mountain to cur.. If she re
covers, as I tmw feel almost eurej tvhe will. I
hope t have the pleasure of preweniinr her
to you the kind benelactor to wtoS Infinite
pa ience an-1 forly-nntivce she owes I he prelly
flr piil"W upon w jca she is soun dy eleeping
at tne prwu wri lug--
One -oid mt ? before I close. Owarw'
Interne, d-ar Mi s Hnrdncre. upon having
won f-T my turn tne Ueare', w-iet llUie
wmin in ti or d- Mnt?l will teil
TOU all at ut U. IjestaticaUy ywr.
' J..ct Turner.
Hsrpcr's lV.ni".
He Puts His Foot Down on the Spies
Van Zamlt XnptiaK
' Chicago, Jan. 19. Although a
license was issued mr ih mim.
MIHI 1 aa.Vffr
0t August Spies and Miss Van Zandt
"nd the intention of the parties was
to have the vvcudins: Thursday, it is ,
safe to picdict that they will never
be wedded. The first obstacle was
net iust alter the issuance of the
Hcense. Captain Black, counsel for
the anarchists, called on Sheriff
Matson and asked his pci mission to
have the ceremony performed in the
insane court. Such he sid was the
desiieot both Sp.es and Miss Van
Zamlt and of Jutle PcndergraHt,
who had conscnt-i to tie the nuptial
r-not. Thi vs tiie fit st time that
the intended marriage had been
officially mentioned to the sheriff,
but Sheriff Matson put his foot down
firmly and declared that the wedding
should not take place.
"It is a silly infatuation," he said,
"of a self willed and romantic young
woman who cannot possibley corn
prehend the position in which she
seems anxious to place herself.
Spies occupies a cill in murderers'
row; he has been tried and convicted
of murder and is now under sentence
oc. death. It he should marrv now
and the sentence ot the court be
carried out his wife would forever
share his disgrace, and she would be
a wife in name only, consequently
the marriage would not benefit him
while it would ruin her. On the
other hand if the supreme court
should grant a new trial and Spies
should be (riven his libertv the wed
There is no possible excuse for it
now. If their love for each other is
mutual and caused by pure and un
selfish motives it is but fair, to pre
sume sjbat it will last until the case
of the anarchists is finally disposed
Boards ot Health endorse Red Stat
Cough Cure as a speedy and certain
lemedy tor cough and colds. Scientist
pronounce it rntirely vegetable and free
irom opiates. Trice, twenty-five cents
A Girl Saved by a Rattlesnake.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 15. A
strange story comes from Brevard
c mnty, Florida. Mr. John Leonard
says that near him lives a family
n tmed Belden. They had a daughter,
a giri 13 veal's old, who had formed)
an attachment for a big rattlesnake,
which would come and go at her
bidding and nestle in her lap. The
reptile was fond ot the girl, and'
would allow her to strike it and roll
it about as she pleased. The girl
was playine in some bushes near the
house with the snake in her tap. A
negro saw the child, and, thinking
she was unprotected, slipped upon
her, seized her in his arms, and was
bearing her off into the woods with
his hand pressed over her mouth to
stifle her cries. The snake crawled
fiom the folds of her dress, crept
around. the brute's arm, and struck
him on the neck, hissing in rage.
The negro dropped the girl and
dashed tl.e snake against a tree.
Tbe girl ran screaming toward her
home. The negro went only a few
yards before he was overcome by
the poison and died shortly after io
great agony.
Aver's Pills cure constipation, improve -the
"appetite, promote digestion, restore-'
healthy action, and regulate every Inac
tion. This medicine i pleasant to take
and trentle in its operation. See article
in Ayer's Almanac.
A new political club is to be open
ed in New York city and the treal
feature of the opening will be
monster bowl of the famous Narrsv-
1 ,,.:- -Mv1Un
eansett punch, containing 20 gallons
I c tea, 3. case of champagne, and
actl s other ingredients. Tb
I reciDe for this beverage Came. flOTJ
"Ole Virginia befo de wab."
- .
Bodily pains are instantly relieved by
the use ot St. Jacobs Oil Dr. R. Butler,
master of arts, Cambridne University
England, says, '& acts lite magic."
In New York two children, ages
respectively twelve and sixteen,we
married. It would have oeen dcuc
to have spanked them and put tbeto
out to work or back to school.
1 -.1 .u: Ki ii Pierce's FarO-
te Prescription" deerve its name. It
a certain cure tor those painful maa
nd weaKnesse which embitter tne Hves
of so many women. Ot druggists.,

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