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Newspaper Page Text
Financial Statement OF BATES COUNTY. Showing the Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1886, Ending March 1, 1937. With Abstract Showing the True Indebtedness of the County on March i, 1SS7. As the same Appears or Record in the County Clerks office. Contingent Fund, 1SS6 A L htcBrid A Co m'dse curt bouse $ 17 65 J O M ePak car col 27 TO w r Hiiki tools work boat 1 90 C A Bird ledger oil Inspector 1 24 WM Prior wolf sealpe s 3 L Lndwlek ft ton mdM co 1 45 W3 Lansdown atatlonary 12 90 R J Hurler ft Co mdse Jail 4 63 If A Meynard mdse eir cl'k 1 85 JT A Wad printing 15 15 J D Allan ft Co printing 8 00 Bennett Wbaalar ft Co mdse court hooia 8 55 FM Crumley " ' S SO V C Smith Uaaranea court bouse 20 00 JD Allan ft Co printing IS 00 J B Brannoek coal haulier; S M N A Wad printing 8 70 B ft T A Ennla mdse treasurer 10 05 ink 6 B0 mda 10 55 platt paper 4 75 ' ' mdie recorder S3 00 dark 10 65 Z M Greenatreet wolf aralp 1 60 J H Bice ft Bona mdae co ofllee 49 50 Robinson ft Glpson brace elark'i offlc 1 00 Malm ft Smith livery bir 12 50 Chaa Wlnsker hauling rock IS 50 Shop StoTer coal court bona S et J B Jaakln express paid 4 50 J J Alias ft Co printing 31 70 O D Austin 13 3 V W Sander wolf scalf 1 60 N A Wad printing IS 35 W WEldridge repairs court house 4 3.1 ii0 D Barnard indue recorder 05 00 B ft T A Ennla book and stationary aoo wo Oh 1) Barnard ft Co stationary 1 -ja 11. J. Hurley ft Co mdae jail 4 .44 A V Green return ofco tax d twice !' SS R ft T A Ennla mdse elr clerk ill vo J D Allen) Co printing 6i U D Austin , 14 t U W Elcbler mdaecoart Louse (bunk casuj 6 iu Irish ft Walters printing ,v 60 Roblnsea ft (ilpaoa rep safe probate office 11 00 John Ray mda and work Geo D. Barnard ft Co prubate Judge 1 oo n or. j 4i) 5 00 11 4K RS So 14 W 2 .1) in 45 ae 2.-. 13 0 6 00 11 DO 1 01) li IW 7 00 i oo 9 50 7 73 79 80 3 50 633 la oo 113 50 00 5 85 I 60 10 00 13 06 SI S3 17 SO SI 92 S4 00 9 37 6 is 10 00 5 00 5 SO 44 04 9 SO 117 6 00 500 310 4 10 75 00 33 50 7 33 50 8 00 15 S5 200 00 II w 937 10 es 3 00 1 60 1 60 19 50 9 60 750 600SW 600 09 500 00 SCO 00 SIS uso 3M 5 00 S 00 1180 7 SO - 5 09 11 S3 1 40 es 4 00 44 7 50 40 00 IS 75 49 00 10 09 350 39 BS 13 00 IS 83 300 13 to EockTllle Globe printing R J Htarka express, stamps, Ac N A Wade printing, J B Jenkins criminal costs W T Hanks W O Jackson S W Dooley W J Laasdewn atatiouary OD Austin printing J. D. Allen A Co printing W W Eldridg mds Jail Bryaon A Graves printing A L McBrlde ft Co mdse court house J B Simpson express Ac B A T A Ennis tax receipts frank Allan county map Brldgeford A Drummond painting sign C B Lewis llrery bir W H Warnock transcribing plata B ft T A Ennla binding plat books II Mallett work court bouae fence ft W B Johnson wolf acalp Mlera ft Smith livery bir John A Lofker aupt works Sam'l Lory ft Co work court yd X A Wad printing A Badgeley work court yd J D Allen ft Co printing Richard Hedrlck work court bona J C Hares work court bona yd (friend) J W McVeigh Pop Bar la Mining Review printing Bates Co Nat Bank time checks court yd Wo Evans labor court yard ALBadgley B F Caaaity repair Jail B A Atklaon Urn check Q V BUB atone work house B J Stark express and tel J A Lafker rapt work court yard B S Catron time checks BAT A Ennla mda circuit clerk D I. Haggard co GoW Weaver officers John Book work court yard Ft 8cott Foundry hitch racks (adv par) A H Ball time cheeks court yard . MaxWlaar.-. . H V Pentaer atool recorder ELStandiah wolf aoaJp A B Woods - vwawva nvik rinn JBru WUUaan Coaspton ' Ft Dlckereoa J F Kdwarua adv pay mcadamising A Burner wrk cart yard WABmnnt Tan Owgn IredKvaa JohaBjrlatew B J Hnrlny ft Co mda cr't house and Jail J T Gran ft Son mda Jail Q B Mathew work court yard ' '.'. BaaatiBrakaock work wart yard Aaron Hart ' JD Allen ACojvripUng B J H artsy A Co lumbar Qat karaer work court yard John Bank F O Lefker A ' work court yar C. Haff aiaauning eonrt house J B ThoaapMa coal Jn Trimble stoa work OA Hall well coal fcaklnaee, ft Gipaon repair Jail 16 50 ! ft) oo 1 00 7 SO 1 00 IS 15 oo 5u0 00 SOU 50 suo oo eo oo 42 85 3 70 4 05 43 50 5 es 15 00 51 00 50 10 900 00 67 48 6 00 3 13 35 75 4 00 7 sa 3 75 1 00 3 15 13 58 9 33 1 50 W O Jarkson J K Jenkins Casper taromon ice R B Deacon mdse cr't nous anajan M a Maynard mds cir clerk X A Wade printing C Huff adv pay rep court bouse J P fcd wards adv pay mcadamixing J H Bice ft Son mdse recorder B A T A tnnis poll book 4c tteo l Barnard A Co blanks probate J B Simpson express Ac John Rook work court yard (team) Geo Burner ' F O Letter John A Lerkeraupt work court yard J D Allen ft Co printing C Huff adv pay court house repairs G A Hallowell coal Geo A Burner work court house yard B J Hurley ft Co mdae Jail ' ' cr't boos and Jail W F Kosser printing W w Ross work on jail H II Miller mdse court house J N Gipson work court house John Ray ft Co work court house H C Wjatt mds court house A L McBrlde ft Co mdse jail W F Rosser printing ft Scott Foundry posts and chain e'rt yd 675 00 X A Wade printing G A Hallowell adv on coal Geo Burner work court bouae yard Gilflllan Flagstone Co walka cr't yard Lewis Maxey work court bona and Jail Mills ft Briggs work house F J Wiseman printing C Huff repair court house Pyie ft Crumley mdae county offices G A Hallowell coal 4 Bate Co Record printing J D. Allen ft Co ' RATA Enni mdse county clerk W H Warnock express, stamps ftc Bates Co Record printing W G Rose express on record Bennett Wheeler ft Co supplies court house G W Meiers livery W F Rosser printing A L McBrlde ft Co supplies court bouse G L Smith livsry R J Hurley ft Co lumber Jail John Rook hauling court yard W J I.ansdown stationary circuit clerk F O Letter work court yard Gilflllan Flagstone Co aide walks J P Edwards balance due on street work C F Boxley making forma for blanks T 1) Rafter weighing coal R S Catron peatage, express and cards KiTAtmls stationary county offices 0 70 11 50 2 50 3S4 76 5 00 4 70 4 00 350 00 53 77 24 V 15 94 13 76 94 00 22 35 3 35 16 35 1 10 8 55 13 00 8 05 90S 15 85 3 50 a 2 13 00 7 S5 7 70 10 00 191 80 514 40 10 00 3 j M HI 43 20 6 17 1S8 Ki 5 00 10 00 Oil 20 fl So OO ; i on 8 oo 14 30 4(1 52 Geo I) Barnard ' J R Jenkins criminal costs W F Rosier stationary iros att'y ' ' recorder ' ' coroner John A Letter postage anil stationary Clias Minbker hauling rock work house G A Hallowellrual for count? N A Wade printing luqtient canes M S Clay aowiug blue grass seed iu court houiie yard O A Hallowell balance on coal for county Lewis Maxey repairs on court bouse R ft T. A Ennis mdse for treasurer sheriff ' ' county clerk Geo I. Barnardt Co mdse circuit clerk Scotford MTg Co repairs flier county clerk P le t'rnmley mdse county offices John C Hays express ftc Wm W Ross repair flue treas office Byron London keys for court house Geo W Weaver mdse county offices Geo I) Barnard ft Co mdse probate judge office Geo I) Barnard ft Co mdse recorder office ' ' sheriff Hanks RATA Ennis J H Rice ft fons Frank Wyatt wolf acalp Milton Lowry 4 W F Rosser printing and stationary A L McBrlde mdse county officea R S Catron express and stamps Jewett ft Hickman chain and mattress for sheriff J 1 Allen ft Co printing Bridgford ft Drummond glazing at tail N A Wade printing and supplies for county offices J D Allen ft Co envelops county clerk office; G G Glazebrook express cbg's board of 1 mi 7 75 5 (0 7 ) vre 35 7 50 29 5'i S3 33 25 2 50 3 C5 4 20 1 00 1 35 11 40 SO 37 55 50 3 SO 22 50 22 00 1 50 1 50 27 00 11 00 3 55 31 50 S3 75 1 00 1 15 3 50 124 SO prisoners Total I0 Pauper Fund. Chaa W Smizer support paupers Thsodocia Terry keeping M T Wallace O F Renick medical attendance poor farm , medical att'd prisoners by order circuit j udga J H Frlzell medical att'd prisoners by orcer clrcnt judge W W Hill digging pauper graves P J Jewett pauper coffins R A Atklaon mds paupers Max weiner mds poor farm John A Letter mds pauper W F naaks convoying paupers to poor farm T C Boulwar medical att'd pauper J M Boring mda paupers E U Carter pauper coffins Anna Walker tamp relief Ida Welker " H B Field medical att'd paupers Daywalt ft Chastain medical att'd paapera D H Hill snpplie paapr O F Esnlck medical att'd pauper Frank Newton ft Co wood to pauper Supt Asylum No 3 support iaaaa John Sblld conveying insane to asylum O F Renick certificate of insanity J C Griffin keeping tnaan paupr W W Hill digging paupar grave S'l Levy A Co mds paupers J Evuiaghaaa medical att'd paccer Alice ft Huilatt . Max Wslnar mdse pauper T D. Rafter mda poor farm F J Jewett pauper coffias Chaa Denaey mda paupers H II Xichola John A Letter trans and mda pauper Chaa A Riley medical att'd pwpar Chaa Denaey mds? pauper BM Hack worth support paapers SiUett ft Long medical att'd panpers Swah PnwoU keeping Francis MeAlirer 80S 59 32 SO 29 75 27 25 15 00 15 00 00 34 00 2 00 60 19 70 2 00 500 8 00 6 00 3 00 32 33 10 00 37 30 34 90 s SO 63 S3 31 50 S 00 23 50 3 00 7 33 3(J 20 00 433 34 63 19 00 16 90 3 00 33 85 00 335 13 00 39 99 33 59 W f Hanks criminal costs 15 00 6 JO 16 "0 7 75 15 40 275 50 E H Carter pauper coffin J M Boring aupport paupers Mary Lovell keeping sick pauper Sam'l Levy ft Co mdse pauper Mary C HaU support pauper poor farm Chaa Smizer work on poor farm Mrs T Terry support pauper W E Fletcher support pauper Mary A Elledge support pauper H V Pentzer pauper coffin H J Bennett keeping pauper W W Hill digging pauper gravea Jess Bo mine support Dingman pauper L M Wright medical att'd pauper O F Renick 4 Leslie ft Son pauper coma Aaron Hart mdae paupers J LLudwick ft 5n medicine paapra Frank Newton ft CO wood to pauper Max Weiner mda poor farm J E Williams mdse paupers M M Denney temp relief paupers Geo Patterson support paupers Chaa Denney mdae pauper Bennett Wheeler ft Co mdae poor farm H C Wyatt Lnnatic Asylum Ho 3 support insane W F Hanks conveying insane to asylum D H Hill mda paupers Daywalt ft Chastain medical att'd paapera Grubba ft Truaaell mds paupers J J Messenger ' John Conley tamp relief pauper Aaron Hart mda insane Geo Riffle temp relief pauper Sam'l Levy ft Co mdae pauper J C Heath medical att'd pauper O F Renick U H Havely pauper coffins F J Jewett ' J A Latter mdae and trana paupers T D Rafter mdse poor farm Chaa Denney mdae paupers Levi Moler pauper coffin Frank Nwton mda pauper O F Renick medical att'd paapera Sam'l Levy ft Co mdse paupers Jesse Romin keeping pauper Chaa Denney mda paupers P J Jewett pauper coffin W J White trana iasan Asylum No 3 supt insane O F Renick medical att'd pauper Ellen Cain tamp rlif pauper child Mary C Hall keeping paupers poor farm W E Fletcher aupt Geergiana Fletcher C W Smizer work en poor farm Sarah Powell support pauper Mary C Hall support pauper poor farm 8am'l Levy ft Co mdae insane pauper Mary A Elledge keeping E Elledge Mrs Higgins temp relief pauper S A Walker treasurer Asylum No 2 in sane Max Weiner mase poor farm Cli as Denny mdse pauper Sam Boyd temp relief John A letter trans pauper J W Simmons fees insane poor J A Coulter trans and support of pauper Mrs G W Patterson support pauper Asylum No 3 support Insane W F Lianksconveyinginsanc to asylum A M Shephard fees in inquest Sam'l Levy ft Co mdse paupers Mills and Briggs work poor farm Chas Smizer ' Aaron Hart mdse pauper F M Boyle temp relief panper W F Hanks balance conveying lunatic to asylum Mrs M Girby nursing sick pauper O F Kenick medical att'd pauper Bennett Wheeler A Co mdse poor farm II C Wyatt lumber poor farm Chas Denny mdse pauper P J Jewett mdse jail pauper Ed T Steele ft Co mdse pauper R J Hurley A Co mdse poor farm J A Letter cash trans pauper G A Thomas medicine pauper O F Renick medical att'd paupers Aaton Hart mdse paupers Sam'l Levy ft Co mdse paupers Mrs Aleshlre nursing ' Miers ft Smith livery poor farm J A Coulter supplies pauper J L Ludwick A Son mdse pauper Max Weiner mdse poor farm C Denny mdse paupers Jesse Romine support paupers R P Bailey support insane asylum No 1 Ellen Cain support psu per child Sam Boyd temp relief J Everingbam med att'd pauper A L Badgele mdse pauper Mary Hall keeping paupers poor farm ' care aick ' Chas Smizer work poor farm Sarah Powell keeping pauper Mary A Elledge support Asylum No 9 support insane O F Renick medical att'd pauper Mrs MeHenry temp relief Mrs Geo Patterson support ' R J Hurley ft Co mdse poor farm Coy Carrithers ft Co J A Letter trans paupers John G Walker medicine pauper W E Fletcher support insane pauper AylumXo9 ' Sam'l Levy A Co mds pauper W F Hanks conveying insaae t asylum W F Hanks conveying insane to asylum T D Rafter mdse paupers Simeon Gilbreath trans and support of paupers F M Taylor return paupers F Sackett support W F Hanks conveying insane to asylum O F Renick medical att'd paupers . Mrs Collins Chaa Denny mdae - ALBadgley Jeff AldrUh temp rlief Aaron Hart mda prtars Shob ft Spencer mds pauper R A Atklaon Sam'l Levy ft Co W W Carris C W Smizer work on farm Jewett ft Hickman pauper coffin . J A Letter trans and mdse pauper J H Sissen mds poor farm W H Warnock dia on asylum warrant O F Renick medical att'd paupers L S Paddock mdse Sam'l Levy Mary Hall keeping pauper poor farm l l: 22 22 50 6 25 Ellen Cain relief pauper child 4 00 j 6 U j 23 5 6 00 J 19 00: 5 00 340 1 30 1 35 1 00 9 15 U0 6 00 15 95 22 20 65 40 fW 25 60 00 20 00 5 00 22 85 3 SO 15 00 16 10 6 00 14 OS 3 00 19 00 5 U0 19 00 21 70 23 66 22 60 6 00 2 50 13 50 14 15 23 95 9 55 6 00 30 00 68 35 36 00 15 00 136 25 23 50 6 50 2! 50 53 6) 14 05 22 50 25 00 553 80 4 00 7 15 1.1 OJ 5 25 . 50 54 00 45 00 63 :.- frl (Ml 1 Mi 15 05 7 25 4'J 31 12 30 5 00 3 75 3 IK) 23 20 15 SO 7 28 0 40 5 (W 3 05 113 fio 5 00 10 75 32 00 6 00 11 10 4 50 7 :a 32 00 3 70 3 00 2 15 23 95 147 85 15 00 20 00 11 oo 9 eo 249 75 5 00 2 00 23 50 22 50 136 50 23 50 20 00 45 00 4 04 25 16 41 10 65 22 50 63 25 15 50 56 50 58 00 55 67 15 00 5 00 3 80 63 00 9 50 24 50 7 50 7 50 535 10 00 1 50 350 8 30 33 95 75 5 00 36 SO 3 50 25 40 75 7 00 50 00 9 12 6 OR 135 00 10 40 13 44 23 00 3 20 695 15 42 7 50 335 1SJH 500 nursing B A Atkison mdae I X Baybourn trana paupers T r Rafter mds poor farm Que Denny mda paupr Jiaxwainer B 9 Hurler ft Co Iumw poor farm A Williams Crtiflcatal..n;t. 12 22 12 14 22 20 62 15 Ellen Cain orphan child Mrs Z Collins Mary Elledge MrspicHenry Mrs. McGuire Eph Elledge Catherine Libbs Mary C Hall paupers at poor a I Sam Boyd support hnnper jo Wm E Walton cash nupt insane asylum oo i o 1 to JulT lst If7 15 00 Wm E Walton castanpt insane asylum No 3 to July lst igbT Bennett Wheeler ft Co mdse poor " farm and wolf t Charley White diggi g graves for pauper Mrs Geo Patterson keeping panper Jesse Romin keeping Jacob Dingman Jewett ft Hiekmanreofflna for pauper Chaa Denny mdse tr Mrs Collins ALBadgley . J G Griffin keeping pauper 55 00 5 00 1 50 37 50 23 50 6 00 7 50 10 00 30 00 Total 5 938 01 Bridge Fund. John Wahms repains bridg Ira Albraat mda oVepwatar bridge Bennett Wheeler & Co mds deep wa ter bridge Ladwiea ft Son mdae bones fern bridg I Conalin worn bonsforc bridge Power Bros Warren ft Baier Hurley ft Co lumber F H McCoy C A Ramsey cleepwater bridge 103 60 10 50 37 07 7 83 18 60 S9 65 42 07 7 88 186 SB 35 00 35 00 25 00 29 16 16 00 15 00 11 65 15 00 7 00 5 16 W L Clara mdse J F Hill Geo Stanley G S Johnseu James Ctley James Roadcap D Heidelberg C Owen Ela for bridge 189 10 SO 130 13 30 174 8 4 ' damage ' A G W alley miama bridg David Heidelberg A Butler wont and lumber Nyhart W J Hiser miama bridg C A Ramsey deep water bridge S CMcCutehen E P Foster worK xaabs creK bridg N Nyhart timber island ' B R L Fasten walnut 4 B J Hurley ft Co lumber walnut ' J L Lndwlcn A Son mds ' ' W J Hiser painting C Owen material ela for ' C R Radford deepwatar ' J J ft DM Radford ' J L LodwicK paint ftc bridge J A Wilson atone for bridge David Heidelberg elu forK bridge R J Hurley ft Co lumber for ' P H McCoy repairs John Lynn elk fork ' M M Tucker II I. Daniels fill mormon ford 11 Deitzman walnut bridge 5 00 297 86 126 49 7 33 6 00 11 25 3 60 13 75 6 00 5 60 511 20 13 10 3 00 31 90 56 90 37 25 SOS 00 300 00 339 U 34 00 10 00 14 83 10 00 12 50 11 60 300 QD 2 10 loo oo 192 50 100 00 SO 00 20 00 1 80 1 60 250 00 1995 70 6 00 600 00 8 10 6 00 60 00 794 40 112 00 100 00 150 00 461 45 4 50 360 3 50 5 50 10 00 14 40 23 03 1 50 17 15 6 50 160 ts6 27 37 199 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 . 10 00 11 56 cement walnut bridge repairs muddy ' Frank Channing material walnut bridge J E Petty labor Ben Medley work island II Deitznien ' I) Heidelberg balance abutments Elk fork Mart Owen timber elk fork K II Lewis adv pay muddyaridge balance ' F K Kamra rep papinville bridge P II McCoy rep bells mill c James Thomas work on James Howell ' ' B U L Poston adv pay Insley Shire ft Tullock 2 iron; bridges J C Spearman bridge work II Deitzman adv pay panther creek bridge JI V Owen lumber elk fork bridge R J Hurley & Co cement A Cummings rep walnut bridge P E Lane miama B R L Poston muddy C W Brashear P II McCoy adv pay panther creek bridge II Deitzman panther creek abutmenis F M Woods bridge work Matilda Banks rock for bridge J C Ray work Bennett Wheeler ft Co mdse bridge BKl Poston balance muddy A B Wilkins rep pryors creek ' W Denny exp bridge work; C A Logan ser bridge com A M Neil work walnut bridg B J Hurley Lumber Co Bennett wheeler ft Co mdse panther , crsek bridge James nook Henry Thomas G C Russell material muddy bridge J N Drysdale williama branch i J L Ludwick ft Son mds panther tcreek bridge Geo Craig P H McCoy bal in full E R Lewis rep mormon fork bridge Insley Shire ft Tullock 2 iron bridges n Thomas material panther'creek bridge 61 25 50 00 96 50 723 9 50 22 89 20 00 950 00 43 00 F O Leiker mdse pBPer Sarah Powell keepigj Kate McAlister Total 10 2ij a mux waRBixra-JCHB tbex, 1886. Levi Molat . S 7 99 G W Miers. a 00 Wm Henry, - M B Butler. '7 10 G G Glazbrook, g 70 TW Child, 6 00 RT Shield , J M White, g 10 S C McCntcbnn , 6 60 A M Frazer, 8 20 J W Ennis, 5 m J M Smith, 7 40 J C M Toung, g ;o D W Morrell, 10 00 W J White. 10 co A H Woodfln, it 90 P A Zeal, uoo G B Harris, 9 M M J Graves. n 00 JDBurk. 990 J L Shaw, ji jo W H McBride, 9 o H J Piepmier, 39 50 WMorrnll. 10 e JBForo. 22 00 60 , 50 ; oo ; 00 ! 50 j 00 I 67 00 ! PHAEIS & SOH, Respectfully informs the public that they are still in the field with a lull I I STOCK OF Which thev propose to sell as low as the lowest on the smallest margin consistent to sate business principles. We pay the highest market price for - BUTTER, EGGS, CHICKENS, ftC, We sell the Famous TEBO FLOUR. Call and see us and we will do our best to please you. pharis & son USO 50 9S 00 76 00 sa C6 69 210 00 1 will pay the PIP iiyiuvi SPOT for all the Iron vou bring in. in the next sixty days LEWIS HOFFMAN NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, mum land Flower crenc Bad!), describes Poultry. It mya n.anrnkO am " ) BM BfA M of real ndtlrkan on 0 mm WM 0 J portaffar V. ATLEE BURPEE Mexican Mustang Sciatica, Lumbago, Khnmttm. Burns, Scalds, Sting, Bits, Braise. Xuiona, Coma, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, StuTJointa, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted oaslcs, Znptiou, Hoof AO, Sertw Womu, 8inn7, Saddle Qalla, Pilaa. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accompllahea for ererybody exactly what I claimed torn. One of thareason for the great popularity otT tan Mustang Liniment is found In 1U anlTersml applicability. ETerytxxJy needs such a medicine. The Lnmberaan needs It In ease or accident. ' The Honaewife needs tt for general family m. The Cannier needs It for his teams and his men. The Mechanic needa It always on hi week banch. The Miner needs It In ease of emergency. 1 The Pieneer needs It cant gat along without It. The Farmer needs it In his house, his stable, and his stock yard. The Steamboat man er the Beatman need tt in liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Heree-faacler needs U U is hi best friend and safest reliance. The black -rrwr need it It win sere htm thousand of dollars and a world of trouble. The slallroad man needs It and wCl need it so long as his lite is a round of accldeou and danger. The Backweedemaa needs tt. Thar I notn tag Ilk It as an antidote tor the rtsnsi to Kte, Bmb and comfort whlcb aurrotmd the pioneer. The Merchant needs ttaboat his stear among come the slnstang Ltnlment Is wanted atone. ai stem intne it esua. Tta eestoc r. t Keen n Kettle la the Factory TlslnmiiiTI! a ha ens of accident bsts peta end lomeCwngea. Keep a Bottle Always in the Stakle far a when wanted. DR. HENDERSON. 06 4 608 WTMOCrn ST. kaxsas ctty. ho. r2 iTur . 17 fn rracue Am IS wiUbW O HUH II IMWM (O tUtl ail Chraole, rma and gpacial DtaaaH. f --""- n ". i namsi.CiiM i in oal DeMJitr ILom of Smraal foverLce. . Striiiil iiiiiiiimm an lam ( and if in aatd. Ka la i from a nfriaSa btafl. H aaiMmtfttlam CaitaaoB fna ai a.sKW&Sarkascsa,UiBaa,ai CS.'aSS wsaVSmmmnV sTammSJBO RHEUr.1ATISr.l RHEU8ATIC CUP.L A F08IX1VK CTRE far BITrXHATLSM. SSOObraay eammie maaanil taiia to career bale, ftfaanl immmw ta a li W bkmIjct OMiwimniirf'ifndomic awMBI iw:! mi iiiwiiiiiiiiiaawioata tafeaae with aaa far Cirouan. CalUera. GROCERIES, TOH top of the market in MO. FEB. 10th, 18S7 FARM ANNUAL FOR 1887 Will be Bent F U K K to all who writ lo it. Itia Hanriomt Hook of 128 sunt with has diwda of illiutntiona. Thrrr l olerrd l'late and tell all about THE BEHT Ciardea. Vans Plant. Thoroughbred Stork and Fancr UAKK NOVKIFlKH in T4 KT AHLEM and VHlots which cannot be obtained alanrbara. Bead ih uNrt complete Cat ! ltohi:4i ft & CO- PHILADELPHIA PA. fttlr.intatea the torpid liver, etrensrthj CASE Itstfs f m, . nodiireatl vrsraaa, res;ulat)s)) bow els, and are) Dneqaaled n ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE.; In malarial dKirlrln their vlrtaeeere wiii'.'i.y recoiixol. ji4lli-.v lumntcw pQi iiliar jrtpfcr(ie- iu ircrin Ktf v,i'Ntn ln,m t ooImmi. l.'.-anllv muirae ceuud. i;.-sc atuall. fritu, a&cta. Bold Everywhere. OCice, 4-t Murray St., v-,v York, ELECTED SHORE 0) ESS iiiifj rrHTT A fTT'EATf lffl tirl CABXSXI Aa WM io Agnws BYkB TMSTSSI TXASX FXAH CO., IT. LOUIS, K&V DRS.S.ID.DAVIESO; ST. XrOTJXS, no., The Great Spscialisto, smew m er paiearstty nmiam Bamttss, svea , dam. blA4, M. IX, KewTarfc aad 61 Oar- ayymy.aesiialafesmtaetriitlaitiislsthathet : thaj eaaaeCTMnltadbr xrpymnAtmtmjM ajj di rewll'lag fjSTBaltbaae aad Usdnli " mB m m I i . Beaeadarr aad Tartiary tr i Hi ifcraeaaad iaUl W .. brwUea MUaaSa ai ad rnavh araaataasM sjnaai fr "lfiarf?rlgisF pfajatsaai aoawvataea on storeea DeaiUty eaa farateaJaraatteai ama raaala TeiMiVeaat APf VSejWl ws. ai, vowim. am. aitTmr. sr bold by DvaaiwEr Wu aCe-.Partlaaa, aia.a V. fill ' aboas vr :HMeaaefca4 hreatkeaMbetvalaar mm J im frera ti tatB ear ay Haul; "iaseejr Enber mm. yeeaar ereta taealas Toa ara aurwd baa. Taa e aaraaf a-agMttiafartnn Alia)- j (Continued 0: Kkaei aezt Pag.) viiyste, atoetu:y aar V .eOCWjesSirlitU