OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, April 06, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1887-04-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for

Opera House Block,
Capital. - CH5,ooo.
WM.E. WALTON Casher.
I RUE IEf IX". Ast Cashier,
fcON KINNEY Clerk and Collector.
Dr.T. C.Boulware,
13H. Tucker,
udge j. H Sullens,
.R, Simpson
C.H. Dutchei
Booker Powell,
Green W. Walton,
Tqhn Deerwester,
C. C. Duke,
Wm, E, Walton,
J. Rue Jenkins.
Receives deposits, loans money, and
transacts a general banking business.
We eatend to our customers every ac
commodation consistent with sate bank
JFInt Nat'l Bank
m it. v'-!nl Hank
Kansas City.
St. Louis.
- New York.
Hanover National Bank
National Bank.
(Organized in 1871 )
Capital paid in,
Surplus .-. - -
1. 1. TYGARD, - - - -HOK.I.
Cashier, i
It Casta Less tu Feed 50 Hogs With
At a Preventative
I. loss ens by
the extra pork it puts upon the hogs
ttl man three times its costs. 1
tamers and feeders who have used It write
hUsws: ....
I Madder It a tare eve and do not Intend to
without U. M D.Johnson. Walker. Mo.
Kb) a success and we cheerfully testify to
ibm. Griffln A Bro. LaPlata. Mo.
IssTsased Dr. Jos. Haas' hog remedy and
atitcommead It as a sure cure for bos chol-
sm, sad I am sue It has saved me frem atW
11.100- Frank Lee. Hannibal. Mo.
Ws have sold it in a dosen instances, no care
at isy, and neve never lest a cent. It haa
mt failed. Brown A Mills, Loaisvllle, mo.
I aava nsed tout medicine for several years.
1 r. waiter. Knox city. mo.
1 lad It the best preventive for prevailing
tosses C. R. Dawson, Denver, Mo.
I ksartlly recommend it to all having hogs
Hided with cholera. T. A. B afford,
Louisville. Mo.
KI Will net be without Haas beg remedy if it
Ml tares times the present price.
John r.tin ftrant PltT fn
7 Dr. nssshcg remedy does all he claims for
1 am sentfled it will pay for itself in patting
m bsb, asiae rrom Keeping nogs neaitny.
Thna H. I Ann. (.rant. CUT Mo.
Tear remedy gives better satisfaction than
nether. 8. B. Smith, Perry, Me.
fsmeoavlnced, If the medicine is properly
s"vb, itMtne tning ror nogs.
W-JW UrnwiiinirMA.
Raesistagyour remedy j have sot had the
wwra essoBg nogs.
IJeanS Conrtright, Peculiar, Cass Co, Mo.
. B is the beat thin of the kind I ever nsed .
. A. J Leggett, Hannibal Mo.
leviBBseOj is giving general satisfaction
A.H.Lewis, BeUver.Mo.
n3B, aj.80, 81.25 and SO cents, y.r box
S3 ponna cans, so
Butler Missouri.
and for-
fay tae
His-hest Market once
"y hunred bog which des from diieases
sj sd tbe reanedy . ....
- 4os. tLaAS.v. a., uaiaaafoua. ua.
J c?. 8Tno;:G's PILLS!
Old, Well Trlwd, Wonderful
Kth Rsnawlnc Romadia).
mmtmi mil Per the) EJvwr.
Tso tr aweti Ba eeje. ceisiaeitieei
An Mrnvtiv mt aiul aJV9 Cu.l'TCti
Used to-dar reciUarlr bv 10.00U Aiwrnnn
Women, ilaarmalen) iirriir tm all
ttaera. r WU rlon!i. 1"T
JUasedy Orel. sM br nil Lr. pT.rts, ut
JJoany adrtn-w. Senrt 4 ci?rr fr-r rru'J!a!
allCOX irEUriC CO. Pbllai j..
C 7
J ' Vka am MthorUsd by me to receive
1 Plications or the lriarance of
vwiem. f ih hiA. a
nti, fVmalM. eooehia mm bnmimM lee
Win Henry, 10 30
W J Gram. 11 00
W A Conger, 21 20
II H Smith. a oc
W II McBride. 9 00
E Y Wallace, 22 00
I V Brown, 9 00
J C Harris, 9 a
A S Bdgley, a 30
P A Zeal, 11 ou
W J Graven, 5 00
Jno D Burke 15 30
V A Zeal. 5 00
B n Smith, s 00
W U Walla, 23 10
Wm Henry. 4 10
J T Williams, . l 00
J A Wright 19 40
1) W Morrell, 4 00
Fayette Hancock, 23 70
R K Sims, it 00
C K Bad lord, 13 OS
A S Badgley, 3 30
J J Kyan, 10 50
J II Sander. gi 00
A B Maupin, 24 10
D V Brown, 3 00
Ltt Henry, 1 00
Ben Ireland. S3 00
Sallie CalTin, 3 on
Robt Davis. 3 00
Mary Calvin, 1 00
John Duff, 1 M
If B Jeter. 1 00
Lee Nichols, 3 00
rrank Crouch, 1 00
F B Story, 1 00
Morris Keys, l 00
Joe Ivins, 1 00
Robt Plnmmer, 1 00
Howard Trimble, , 1 00
C B Lewis, 1 00
Wm Lane, 1 00
J L Minor, 3 30
Q A Todd, 1 00
S B Overman, 3 40
Joseph Giles, 3 40
Sohn Seleman, 2 50
Joseph Wis, 1 go
S M Piper, 3 70
Wm Pryor, a 60
JTMinten, 3 50
Andrew Green, 2 40
J U Morgan, 1 00
Geo L Smith , 1 00
H U Nichols, 1 00
J N Brieker. 2 00
W B Thornb.rg, 3 10
MrsM JMcNutt, 2 50
Dr J J Mitchell, 3 t0
Miss Erne Woodson, 3 00
J W Hannah, 1 00
James Z Graves, 10 go
HHWise, 10 80
William Griggs, 10 50
W W Cook. 11 70
J N Ballard, ll 00
Sam West, n 00
W B 8 Gault, 11 10
J A Fard, 11 10
D D Peeler, 11 10
WPHall. 1000
O D Austin, a SO
8 L Long, 10 10
raiiT Jury.
Joseph T Smith, 6 SO
A Neptune, 10
J O McBcid, 11 60
SOMcCutchen, 8 10
W T Kemper. 17 90
M L Fraxee, 25 00
W W Scott, 16 60
Wm Dal ton. 30 00
T G Ellis, 24 90
T M Taylor, 27 00
BC MoCutchen, a 60
Wm Wartr, 2 35
D J Jones, 2 10
H T Jones, 2 40
G M Jones, 3 30
Tiney Jones, 3 30
Fraw Seed, 2 40
Tim Reed. 2 40
J A relker. 2 80
Lee Reed. 2 40
R N Rowell, B SO
J A PoweU, 2 SO
Z A White, 2 40
W G Beasley, S 50
Joseph Thorp, 3 50
W H Reed, 3 50
A Ooz, 5 00
J F Daniels, 4 40
Sam McKee. 2 60
J T Warren, 3 80
Wm Johnson, 2 30
J W McVeigh, 100
Leroy Irbogast, 2 50
G L Smith, SO ,
J B Armstrong, 1 00
W E Walton, 1 60
Fannie McNews. 1 60
D J Whetstone. 3 60
TD Greer, 100
G W Tucker, 1 00
A J Littrell, S 20
D J Bailey, 3 30
O C Boxley. 1 00
GW Tucker, 100
Dr Christy, 100
John Brown, 3 10
Horace Brown, 3 10
O Henaley, 3 BO
Cliff rage. 2 90
ALBeU. 100
T V Hamilton, 2 00
John W Thomas, 2 60
Daniel Bona. 4 10
D M Diekersen, 2 00
WMHart, 100
R o Dickerson, 1 00
S H Waddle, 1 60
KC Patty. 100
J Curry,
AJStitee. SO0
limio Cllbreatk, 1 00
Charles GUbreath, 3 00
C H Dnrreil, I 50
8 E McRoberte, SOB
CR Radford. 18 00
J C Brown, 17 00
AOHevalin, MOO
J W Kanls, U 00
John Trimble, 18 00
G W Friend. 7 M
AT Sims, 13 00
Q R Phelps, 18 C3
J J Ryan, IS 00
G B Ludwick, 18 08
Aaron Hart, 16 SO
Charles Rtzler. 31 CO
J W Hall, 9 00
J W Hall. U SO
W O Back, 19 SO
Frank Harconrt, 19 60
O A Wallace, 36 30
C Mlddleton, 33 40
John Winsett, 13 50
J M Keateu, 1 00
Wm Keaton, 3 SO
Aaren Hart, 1 00
Sam Levy, j 00
8 J Starke, 1 00
D D Wood. 1 00
W X Walker, 1 00
R Wright, 2 80
Sally Morris. 160
Jas II Rayburn, Judge of election, 1 60
8 8 Johnson, 1 50
W L Kaah, 1 to
W E Fletcher, 1 50
James H rietcher, clerk of election, 1 SO
B (i Logan, 1 50
li U Logan , return of poll books, 1 50
M V Carroll, clerk of election, 1 50
C B Quick, 1 SO
W A McKlroy, judge of election, 1 50
K P Foster, 1 50
ST Brown, 150
Frank Wright, 1 50
I N Kuyburn, 1 50
R D Bibb, clerk ot election, 1 50
J H Kerkbol, 1 50
J M Holland, ISO
Hiratu .Johnson, 1 50
E P Foster, return poll books, 1 SO
Win Kequu, judge election. 2 25
I T Scifcrs, 2 25
IT Ellington. 2 25
I H Uraig, 2 25
G G Heury, clerk election, 2 25
l l Ilenrv, return poll books, 1 50
JL utlcr, clerk election, 150
J L Butler, r- urn poll books, 150
J H Williams, clerk election, 1 50
J ll Ford, judge election, 1 50
M L Wolfe, 1 50
John fames, clerk election, 2 25
G W Keller. 2 25
William Henry, 2 25
A B Maupin, judge election, 1 50
J O Ferguson. 1 60
Geo W O'Neal, 1 so
CTSpeais, ISO
S W Maxey, clerk election, 1 50
A U Higgins, 1 SO
J N Ballard, 1 60
J M Coleman, 150
A K Maupin, return poll books, 1 50
W W Goodrich Judge election, 1 50
J W Clark, 1 60
BCLampton, ISO
J G Cantrell. 1 60
L H Argenbright, clerk election , 1 50
F M Taylor, 1 SO
J D Moulton, 1 50
M M Tucker. 1 50
F M Taylor, return poll books, 1 50
T L Goble, judge election, 1 SO
Ed Warderman, 1 SO
Alfred Jaekson, ISO
J H Park, clerk election, 1 SO
C H Durett, 1 80
Pleasant Hill, judge election, 1 80
Pleasant Hill, return poll books, 1 SO
Isaac Park, clerk election, 1 80
A J Smith, judge election, 2 25
J M Fox, 2 2S
J M Curry, 2 25
Barkley Moore, 3 35
L H Stephens, clsrk election, 2 25
P W Rogers. 8 26
J W Duncan, 3 S
John D Huddleson, 3 23
I. H Stephens, return poll books, 1 SO
D R Braden, judge election, 1 SO
Pierce Hackett. 130
W O Brown, 1 50
HMGailejt, 1 80
Geo B Armstrong, alerk election 1 50
J W Hall, 160
Xugene Warner, 1 60
BI Crawford. 180
D R Braden, return poll books, 1 50
Allan Wright, judge election, 1 SO
Isaac Fowler, 1 60
J L Shubert, 1 50
JnoBInnis, ISO
W F Bnttain, clerk election, 1 SO
RIHukel, ISO
B T Howe, 1 50
J L Herrell, 1 50
J L Herrell, return poll books, 1 SO
C C Blankenbaker, judge election, 1 50
A M Fraxier, 1 SO
M II Trowbridge. 1 50
James Bagby, 1 SO
WHErwiu. clerk election, 160
B F Boiling, 1 SO
T J Harris, 1 SO
J M Chambers. 180
W H Krwin, return poll books, 1 80
C H Moore, judge election, 1 50
T T Wemott, 1 50
M G Burnes, 1 50
John eer wester, 1 50
J R Barten, 1 SO
S E Grider, 1 50
A G Walley, 1 80
LS Richardson. 150
W C Brummett, 1 50
MRYeates, 150
Wm M Dalton, clerk election, 1 50
James Dudley, return pell books, 1 60
James Dudley, clerk election, 1 50
DM Carroll, judge election, 160
George Baker, 1 60
M S Jenkins, 1 50
Wm A Long, clerk election, 1 60
Wad Bridgeman, 1 50
George S Requa, 1 SO
J B H McDaniel, 1 SO
W A Long, return poll books, 1 60
W M Cook, judge election, 3 75
W T Hnddleson, 3 75
J A Payne, S 75
J T Gorrell, 3 75
Griff Swinney, clerk election, 3 75
WOAtkison, 3 75
John Blanchert, 3 75
J F Smith, 8 76
W O A tki sob, return poll books, 1 50
Goo A Wadell, clerk ot election, 1 60
F C France, 1 50
W E Griggs. 1 60
Peter Randall, 1 50
Geo A Wad ell , return poll books, 1 50
S H Waddle, Judge election, 1 50
Wm Daniel, 1 60
J W Medley. 180
HKyhart. ISO
A Spurgoon, clerk election, 1 50
E A Frederick; 1 50
F R Berry, judgs ejection, 1 60
MA Seymour. 180
G W Lee, 150
W M McPherson. l 80
J B Rueker, clerk election, 1 80
J H White, 1 60
James E Stewart, 1 50
GLSayles, 150
0 L Saylee, return poll books, 1 SO
Wm T Hudson, judge election, 1 60
R If Allen. Sr., ISO
J H Steele. 1 50
C W Beck. ISO
R N Allen, Jr., clerk election, 1 60
D W Steele, 1 50
John Swareas, 1 So
A G Wilson, 1 50
R N Allen , Sr.. return poll books, 1 50
D V Brown, Judge election. 4 60
John Trimble. 50
1 X Davidson, 50
Dan MoConnell. SO
A T Sims, elerk election. 4 50
D W Drummond, 4 50
G W Eichler,
CF Boxley, 5u
CI. TXT tr r
jucuer, return poll books, 1 80
t -McFeak, jadge election, 1 50
J T Gipson, x to
FM Trimble, 1 ao
FPLee, lw
S A Reese, clerk election, i 50
A R bipson, 1 50
P T Morse, 1 50
E T Kirkpatrick, 1 51)
J C Shelton, return poll books, 1 SO
O Mitchell, judge election, 1 SO
D P Morris. 1 M
R Covert, &
f L Martin, 1 to
Waiiam Hirni, clerk election, 1 So
J B Norman, 1 50
S B Overman, 1 50
J H Williams, 1 50
FL Martin, return poll books, ISO
F M Staley, judge election. 1 jo
J M White, 1 50
J M Mayes, 1 50
F S Hammond. 1 50
S A Douglas, clerk election, 1 to
C P Staley. 1 50
J A Morgan, 1 50
J M Miller, 1 50
J A Morgan, return pell books. 1 50
J M Boreing, judge election, 1 so
Matt Millering, 1 so
John Jehanness, 1 50
B F SUarpless, 1 SO
J O McBride, clerk election, 1 50
Will B Hoge, 1 so
LG Johannes, 1 50
J O McBride, return poll books. 1 50
J ames Z Graves, Judge election, 1 50
L Hibbs, 1 50
J R McDonald, 150
EMcLaaghlia, 150
AB Wilkins, clerk election, 1 50
J W Babbit, 1 50
TC Robinson, ISO
W L Ricks. . 1 50
A B Wilkins, return poll books, 1 50
T P Janes, judge election , 1 50
John W GUbreath, 150
F P Browning, 1 50
Joo Wix, 1 50
Ira Patton, clerk election, 1 50
Ava E Page, 1 60
M L Nichols, 1 50
Chas Culver, 1 60
Chas Culver, return poll books, 1 SO
Andrew Jackson, judge election, 1 SO
Christian Hirni, 1 50
F Fix, 1 50
H O Shively, 1 30
Edward Uouse, clerk election, 1 SO
M Adams, 1 60
G N Bennett, 1 80
Theodore Wilson, 1 SO
Andrew Jackson, return poll books, 1 50
Lewis Page, judge election,
J K Rosier,
J B Lotepeicb,
J E Crowder, clerk election,
A A Conard.
A A Conard, return poll books,
Joseph Logue, clerk election,
W M Finley,
E P Foster,
fi T Brown, judge lection,
Frank Wright.
I N Raybourn,
R D Bibb, clerk election,
J H Kerkhoff ,
J M Holland.
Hiram Johnson, return poll books,
E L Boreing, clerk election,
G W Park, constable at election,
Charlotte township,
W F Lafollett, constabla at Sum
mit township,
1 60
1 60
1 80
1 60
1 60
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 60
1 60
1 60
1 80
1 00
1 00
D H Hill, 8 80
J L Keedy, 7 SO
DLFraiee, 8 60
J B Newberry, 7 30
John Wehner, 8 20
Wm Stone, 8 00
C Orear, 6 60
J R Bowden, 8 55
LO Carlton. 8 40
J Q A Cope, 7 50
Brace Campbell. 7 60
FJTygard. 800
wmillll BRAND JURY f SB. TBBM,'96.
Joe T Smith, 1 00
LT Fletcher. 100
Howard Trimble ; 1 00
Lewis Steele, 1 00
Jno S Welch, 2 20
N F Major. 2 20
APCline, 100
Flora Higgins, 2 20
Emma Beaty, 1 40
David Kinnott, 1 00
Oscar Wright, 150
Allen Wright, 1 80
Geo Tempi eton, 2 30
W A Williams,
8 50
J W Clark,
S C McCutchen,
A A Neptune,
SC Marshall,
10 60
19 70
22 00
Wm Beaty,
Henry Etzler,
JX Drysd ile,
Henry Etzler,
G A Wolfe,
21 80
23 00
. 30
J W Clark,
Andy Kemper,
Wm Crawford,
Joseph Wilmoth,
J W Clark,
F Harconrt,
AT Sims.
C R Radford,
A B Ludwick,
G W Miers.
A Neptune.
KN Jones.
24 00
24 00
25 20
24 SO
OA Wolfe.
C McCutchen,
J R Jenkins, circuit clerk feea,
do do do
8 70
28 30
H Mallett, Janitor,
do do
W F Hanks, boark prisoners.
W W Denny, per diem and exp co jdge, 23
M r. Wolf . serv bridge com . 89
do do do 99
John Bowdre, assessing mound tp, 18
W F Hanks, sheriff s fees, , 143
W H DeJarnett, per diem co judge, 30
John A Lefker, do do do
W F Hanks, attd co court
do fees working prisoners,
John Whitehead, mine inspector.
W O Jackson, 3 mos sal ary.
H Mallett. Janitor.
W H DeJarnett. per diemco Judge,
an serv bd equalization.
m t. Wolfe, bridce com.
John A Lefker, serv per diem and mile-
eage state bd equalisation,
rs patron, s mos salary.
M L Wolfe, serv bd equalization.
WWDenny, do do and
do ' county judge,
John A Lefker serv bd equalization,
R J Starke . do do
W F Hanks, aitd co court,
W w Denny, visitina elk fork brid
10 00
John a Lefker, do do do
HMailstt. Janitor.
W P Hanks, working prisoners,
do board do
W ll DeJarnett, per diem and co jelge,
do serv bd apreals.
20 00
24 00
M 00
52 20
3 00
3 00
SO 45
18 00
3 00
3 00
12 OS
9 00
3 00
150 00
20 00
77 00
15 00
" w tenny, do do
do per diem and roilea a.
John A Lefker, do do
do serv bd anneals.
M L Wolte. do do
W F Hanks, att co coart.
do do bd equalisation.
R J Starke, secrv bl an
do 3 mos salarv.
H Mallett, janitor,
M L Wolfe serv bridge com
W II DeJarnett per diem co juLge
w w Denny do do do
15 00
6 00
29 19
12C 00
10 00
6 00
i 00
150 00
250 00
2U0 00
30 25
63 75
22 00
20 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
13 00
13 20
11 71
134 SO
25 00
15 00
5 00
15 00
6 00
39 00
86 60
20 00
John A Lefker do do do
W F Hanks attd co court
R J Starke ext tax on books
do appr school monies
W W Denny per diem co judge
John A Lefker do do
W F Hanks attd co court
R J Starke 3 mos salary
R S Catron do do
WO Jackson do do
J R Jenkins Clerk's fees
W F Hanks board prisoners
do workiug do
II Mallett janitor
W H DeJarnett per diem co Judge
W W Denny do do do
John A Lefker do do do
W F Hanks attd co court
J H Douglass assessing mingo ip
J H Norton do west boone to
W F Hanks fees and stationery
W H DeJarnett per diem co judge
John A Lefker do do do
WW Denny do do do
do supt bridge work
W F nanks attd co court
A Neptune supt work
M L Wolfe serv bridge com
H Mallett janitor
W 11 DeJarnett per diem and mileage
co judge 22 20
W W Denny per diem and mileage co
Judge 20 43
M S Jenkin assessing lone oak tp 14 74
S W Maxey do aprnce tp 18 41
John Whitehead mine inspector SO 00
John A Lefker per diem co judge ' 12 00
W F Hanks attd co court 8 00
I M Smith assessing D.epwat.r tp 18 24
U Mallett janitor 20 00
Thos Gault assessing Osage tp 100 06
W F Hanks board prisoners 184 5ti
W F Hanks attd co court
8 00
John A Lefker per diem co judge
12 00
20 00
15 00
W H DeJarnett do do do
WW Denny do do do
B F Haw assessing summit tp
Z A White do grand river tp
WSMudd do east boone tp
L S Richardson do west point tp
John C Hayes do mt pleasant tp
H Mallett Janitor
W F Hanks posting election notices
do working prisoners
W H DeJarnett per diem co judge
13 93
16 37
14 IS
68 78
20 00
38 00
39 SO
20 00
20 00
WW Denny do do do
John A Lefker do do do
R S Catron 3 mos salary
12 00
250 00
8 00
150 00
W F Hanks attd co eourt
R J Starke 3 mna salary
W F Hanks board prisoners
68 00
do attd probate court
13 60
L C Jackson assessing prairie tp
A B Crawford do homer tp
17 80
W O Jackson 3 mas salery
200 00
50 00
John Whitehead mine inspector
M L Wolfe serv bridge com
167 sal
W W Denny per diem co Judge
John A Lefker do do do
3 00
20 00
W F Hanks attd co court
II Mallett janitor
J H Hinton school com
09 70
22 78
G G Henry assessing pleasant gap tp
W W Denny per diem and mileage co
iudze 55 45
W T Johnson assessing elkhart tp 13 4
W H DeJarnett per diem and mileage
co iudn-e 57 28
John A Lefker do do do
co iude 33 00
R J Starke docket entries 63 00
W F Hanks attd co court 22 00
C W Gilbreath assessing budson tp 28
John Whitehead mine inspectors work 20
John Bowdre assessing mound tp 11 40
W F Hanks attd cir court 195 40
do posting notices stock law 36 00
H Mallett janitor 20 00
W F Hanks board prisoners 102 00
8 H Weddle assessing new home tp 32
H Mallett ext serv as janitor 10
G G Glazebrooke nttd cir court 4
J R Jenkins cir clerk fees 7
do do do 28
M L Wolfe serv bridge com 72
J A Lefker trip to Neyada and exp 8
ft .1 Star merchants tax book 8
do clerk feea 17
W H DeJarnett per diem co jndge 25
WWDenny do do do 25
Jmhm A Lefker do do do 15
G G Glazebrook attd co conrt 10
W O Jackson services circuit court and
salary 220
John Whitehead sal mine inspector 50
W F Hanks supb prisoners work house 28
do sal ct b corar
do board prisoners
do attd probate conrt
James Drysdala assessing charlotte tp
18 07
10 00
38 00
18 00
138 77
18 01
250 00
33 48
30 00
H Mallett Janitor
do do
H L Wolfe bridge eom
G G Glazebrook bd prisoners me
R S Catron com dist school money
J W Campbell aaaeuiag rocknlla tp
R S Catron 3 mos salary
j B Jenkins crim eons
WO Jaekson do do
WF Hanks do do
J W Hamilton assessing dear creek tp
W H DeJarnett per diem co judge
10 00
20 00
98 75
WWDenny do da do
John A Lefker do do da
G G GUxebxook nttd co conrt
A B Wilkins assessing nowaxa tp
J B Walkup do walnut tp
E X Miller do anawnee tp
H Mallett Janitor
C R Wolfe asst bridge comr
22 00
12 00
G C Wolfe do do do
John H Sullens per diem presg
co court
J T Boswell per diem asst
co court
Clark Wix do do
ra court
20 50
66 50
200 00
20 00
9 00
G G Glazebrook attd on e court and on
89 00
probate court
34 00
2M 00
4 CO.
13 00
v,. County Court ot Bates County,
24 00
IS 00
12 03
hereby certiry, that the following U a
. i Kitomrat ot the financial
nuw- . .
nf Pitpa Coaut-7 on the Mi
March, 18?7, as the same aDDear. t .
in my office: " wv
To debt March 1st, is, u
To Warrants issued to March 1st,
1Ss7 on the following funds:
Contingent Fund 10 805 j
Pauper do ol
Bridge do 10 a3 tl
Salary do 8,222 88
Election and Jury Fund 2503 85
interest paid on above 433 70
Total "1T 1,613 48
By amount received as follows:
Current Taxes 115,5) 80
Back Taxes !S7 88
Merchant's Tax.. s3 00
Dram Shop License 8,o82 90
Billiard A Pool License. 153 76
Advalorem Dram do 15 45
Peddler's License s7 48
Rail Road Tax. ;a9 to
Insurance Tax it 79
Overplus Sal. R J Starke, 227 75
M L Wolte old B'dg Tim, 17 83
From Witness Fee fund,. 205 65
Old Mt. Pleasant tp. part
paym't money advanc
ed Bond Compromise 435 70
Sale of old Book 5 00
Total Receipts 824,849 69
By amt Indebtedness Mch 1st, l!7.. 38,763 77
Total SU.S12 44
To Am't Indebtedness A expended,.61,613 48
By Amount Received 94,849 89
Leaving Indebtedness Mch 1. 1887,.S88,783 77
) Witness my hand and Seal of
SBAi. J said Court, this 2d day of March.
1 ,TTT, 'I887- T-L- HARPER, Clerk.
By W.H. Warkock, Deputy.
And Real Estate
Money to Loan
On Improved Farms
Five years time, with privilege,
pay before da..
Office over Bernhardt'! jewelry
43 I
00 j
PAID UP CAPITAL, - $150,000.
Interest paid on deposits. Lons;
time city and tarm loans in Missouri
and eastern Kansas a specialty.
Thoa. T. Crittenden, President; J.
H. Austin, Vice-President A coun
selor: Watt Webb, Secretary; H.
B. Blevens, Treasurer.
23 00
14 00
12 00
Agents for Bate .county. Oflee
oyer Ed. Steel'a grocery ttore, north
side square.
Lowest rates ot interest;
terms on . payment, both principal
and interest on limited amount Ot
38 70
IS 00
19 09
money; no delay, when your papers
tre satisfactory, the money ia ready.
27 31
28 96
13 00
38 00
Call and see betore you doitow. 3
In every e price and quality
Made to Order
30 80
31 30
14 00
I guaranteed a fit In every ca
Call and see me, south room
grange store.
t j
oay I
Merchant Tailor
47 it.

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