Newspaper Page Text
SSI President Arthur ami the IJy. ; When the- late President Arthur was i in office ho- travt It-.! one summer in i Florida. From Jacksonville he went Absolutely Pure. Making the Railroad Law CMion. The developments ot the last few days show that, while the New York railroad magnates have abandoned iaea or aeiying trie new railroad law further south in a steamboat. One openly and boldly, they have deter- ! Jay the boat stopped at the wharf ot mined to strain and torture its pro- J a tow n where an immense crowd of visions and go as far as they can in ( people had assembled to see the making them needlessly and unjuMi- president. Anions them were manv fiably oppressive to the public. Ap- politicians and men ot influence, parently the Western railroad mana- Back in the crowd was a ragged gers who started out with the inten- negro lad holding a yourjg eaglet in Hon ot construing the law tairly and his arms. He had walked twenty liberally have been overruled by the miles to bring this gilt to the presi- watered stock gluttons of the east, dent, and now, foot-sore and covered and are now acting under orders to with dust, but with his black face put the screws on shiopers in the oeaminp withnlMsn. wj. hnm-;ni I -t 1 '"to across the gangplank, when he was merce act obnoxious and creatins a sternlv ordered hark hv tin nfrWrs public demand for its repeal at the next session of Congress. Such a policy only can explain the outra geous jump of grain rates from Min- of the boat. The crowd set on him and forced him back. Mr. Arthur caught sight of the negro's face, full of misery and disappointment, and . . i n..lHfi,nT( JJiMdwboiomeiiw. More economical neapolis to Chicago from 7 1-2 to iS instantly comprehended the situation. f 'P. ji. . anilfBnnAtha AO 1(1 III I I :l- lnm ot Dhomhate powders, soia It la Mm. fall... T. i Co. U-48t 100 Isir He beckoned to the boy, whom he exacted from commercial travelers, niet on the plank, listened smilingly the abolition of excursion rates, and to the story of how the eagle had tne determination to continue pay- been caught and brought as a gitt to ing commission in plain violation of the president, and then explained law. Wherever the inter-state com- how impossible it would be tor him merce act can be tortured to cover to carry it with him on his long jour- an abuse it is strained one way, and ney. He dismissed the lad with wherever it can be made oppressive warm thanks and a hearty shake of to the public it is twisted the other, the hand and sent him away proud This fatuou policy can proceed onlv and happy. from the insatiable stock-gamblers " ot the East, who are determined to . , , t 1 arker s Hair lialsam but once nullify the new law and continue writes Mr c A Burgert druggist, taxing the west to pay dividends on of Liberty, N. Y. 'After that it vast masses of watered stocks, but stands on its record. It stops tall- who, in making the ettort, show no in ha,r restores original color. llf'lturul Electrio C6roet. I .nnr-ciarion ot the intelliP-ence and olu,ca "u K10' Mcepuonauy appreciation ot the intelligence and de prcvents dan(lruff. JSr7..... , I rharnrtpr nf thi nrnn t with whon. U.t(fiB4a Broadway. NFf' YORK . Ana Th ,.,lrn,l nffl. Place for the Bustle. IIIV veu mi iii. .ah w w mm waaa, a dais here m Chicago must be acting The brilliant El!a Wheeler Wil- against their "judgment and in obe- c declares that she likes the bustle dience to orders from Wall street. ir a ,ar?e city. She can scarcely tfto BUTKRV GTJIDK la apt. tal Mmreli, nu. sT 31 V4S"i Ux 11 lnatee,wltai over S.BOO UlwoSrotlbna m whole FWtmre Gallery. 1YHS Wholesale Price MMMMfl Oil (MOB IOr aVaOy M. Talla bow to aag gTW MMt Mt c mrf aaa. a. drlak. waar, or mil nawia h. amrkato of tbe world, tl e He Fled With the Boodle, "i ears ago Senator Vest, when a young man, occasionally indulged in the fascinating game called draw poker, a game which we know is thoroughly understood in all its de tails in Clinton county, Missouri. Well, once on a time Vest had tried a case in a little county seat and re ceived a large fee for clearing his man. So much money in the hands of the young lawyer was as tempting to the denizens as a cool watermelon to a hungry negro. The result was a game of poker was gotten up. The hoys intended to fleece Vest, and ot course stocked the cards. They had no place to play but a little shed that had no floor but some fresh, dry wheat straw. It wis a five handed game, and a dry-goods box seryed as a table. It happened to be a iack pot, and Vest opened it on three queens. The cards being fixed, the other fellows had better hands, of course raised before the draw. Vest stood the raise and drew two cards. As luck would have it he got the other queen. The betting commenced and grew ex ceedingly warm. They would raise the young lawyer and he would see them and go a little better. An out- This blooded s.ta!iion will make the present seaon at my tab!e tnaai raaaip w j " . - auOllur. Iat ma Maar fruiu , BaapactAdlyt MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. fgf fn wa,aan mm forDK.eCOTPS bMOtt. WAHTrn ' r 0!?' scott'S Unttirr riwn.f ii AiMraia DB.SC01T.G4i' lo . it.,N.Y. Kim Chicago Tribune. ah is Wealth! Ss B. CMUff Rmrx and TinAiw Treat. asrnarutaed nifcifio for Hjbtoria, Vizzi Conrnkioni, Fits, Norrons Nearnlgin. eba,Narrou Prct ration caused bytlis iwo bul or tobacco. Wakotolneaa. Jlontal Do--on, Bof taninr of th Brain result ins in in- f cod landing to miaery, decay and death. ) 'W via AfA uarronneaa, uom oi power I Aar an, Inroluntary Looao and Bpornjnt aNcauad byoroMiertion ot the brain, self. J I r aarJndiilanaa. Each box contaiaa ararJndiilMnoa. ( -"ooth'i tnatmrat. $l.fXJa box, or aix bozea 1MHkaHKDrmaU prapataoo receipt oi pneo, XX SVAKASTEB SIX BOXES ' )iu ana. With each order roceWed by ns X bona, acconipaniad with $SJM. wo will 'ataawhaaar oiir written guarantee to re. At nonay if the trHatmentdoeanotenect MH Saaianteea iaauedonlyby JOHN O. WEST & CO, OW. MADI80N ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., j lol Prop's West'a Liver Pllla. ' , -""f letallar tor tke James Mean 83 not), i 4a I Soaie dealers recommend luforlor 1 PS03 SHOE. I Had In Butots. Omurraea and lum am I.W stein, rjaex VoaUeJ In DwraiAUly, Comfort iipmram Apoauucaru avnttouawlll brine you In- un inuwu now to uua BDoa in any state or iwry. J. Means & Co 41 Elaeolnlt, State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, . . Lucas County; b. b. J Frank J. Cnenfcj makes oath thftt he is the senior partner ot the firrn of F J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county, and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ol $ioo for each and every case of Catarrh mat can not be cured by the use ot Hair? Catarrh Cure, Frhnk J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this bth day ot Dec., a. d., IS86. SEAL A. W. OLEASOX, Notary Public. P. S. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surtaces ot the system. Send tor testimonials, tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cents, iq-im be blamed for her liking, but at this time ot vear, when the season for setting hens has. arrived, the proper place tor the bustle is on the farm. Philadelphia Press. We differ trom the Press. Any Butler gill can tell where the bustle should be worn . Energy will do almost anything, but it cannot exist if the blood is im pure and moves sluggishly in the veins. Thre is nothin so good for cleansing the blood and imparting energy to the system as Ayer's Sar saparilla. Price $1. Six bottles, $5. Sold bv druggists. A Point in Political Eeouomy. Tom Marshall, when in congress, The "Wild West" Invades London New York, March 29. Cut Meat, illustrated a point in political econo Standing Bear, Buck Taylor, An- 'ny and unconsciously delivered an tonio Esquivel, theDeadvvood stage- agricultural suggestion, when he ex coach, the bucking bronchos, the claimed in a speech : "Mr. Speaker, tents and the tent poles, the Ochre if I were your neighbor and you were and the Indians and all that went to my neighbor, and we were farmers, IT IS 'WOKDERFUI, ho'T euily rheumatism beir.-jj and how insidiously it grows ia the system, until one is startled to tind himseif iis victim iu either the acute or chronic form. He then Icarus the fearful tenacity of its grip and the utter powerlessnesi of the ordinary re met 'ties to give relief. Probably to no disease have physicians more s:uayt ana none hxs more completely batHed their efl'oru to provide a siecilic; and until Athlophoros was dis- overeii mere was no medicine which would surely cure rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous or sick headache. Thousands of testimonials like the following prove beyonu question that Atuiopiiort is the only reliable remedy, and that it will do all that is claimed for it. Enidewood. Kansas. Athlophoros has done me nioreeood than all oilier medicine put together, for I wxs a jreat sufferer from rheumatism and neu ralgia, and can say to-day, I am free from both complaints. Mrs. Maria Stose. W. S. Hopkina, 179 C. Avenue. Cedar Rapids, Iowa says : " My wife and daugh ter were both stricken with inflammatory rheumatism at the same time. The lower limbs werenuich swollen ; the pain seemed much beyond endurance; sleep was out of the question; they suffered so much that to more or even touch the sheet on the bed would cause the most violent pain. They were confined to the bed four weeks. : .1 . : A : r 1 t.. AsuniixMiat nine wi previous x uuugiii i sen ttia above dMcribed ircmtiaa at pnblle many Kinas 01 meuicine, men 1 empioyea 1 "uuu,, m uii mpeii oiaa ror eaib, at to 9. physician, bnt nothin? pave relief nntil I M ftWBt dwoftheeowrt hoa la tba eltr of V 0 T'- . I heard of Athlophoros. X bought a bottle 1 t . at once, ana am giaa to say m a very snort 1 p-j... 4nr;i o.l .w. t; RwPllm wm rdnred .thi rain nd, April Oth, ibbj. fing aaia aeut, iDtrett r. At. ALLEN, TruU. ee miles west m K n.. ates county. Mo. He is a dark bav, 16 one inch high, 4 vears old this spring, sire, that noted stallion, Uiki Irishman, owned bv D. A. Colver. of n.nier. .um I a thoroughbred rwench mare. lerms: $10 to insure a mare with loal, $7.50 tor the season and $6 single leap. When a mare is ktiowa to be with toil, the money is due, or if mare leaves the countr or changes ownership insurance is tortsited and monev rnust be paid """"" umic i wun wai or not. 1&-,m IOHN EVANS. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. &. J fitarfc m. i ... . . dat.d teA.. .w "'V"CT ""' . . 1 lam, bbu rrooruea in uta the ondenigned trn.tee the following deacri bad real estate, lylaa aad being situate in the county of Bates and State of Missouri, to-wlt -toe east bairof lots three (S),and four 111 ia blook two (i). In Montfomerlee third (3) ad dition to the town now city of Butler, aabjeet to a school fond mortgage for eight hnadred dollars. Which conveyance was made tn treat te secure the payment of a certain note fully described in said deed of trust t- and whereas, default has been made la the payment of aaia nun bvw iouk DBBiunaana nnikikiii Mow, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note, and pursuant to the con ditions of said deed of trait, I will proceed to oer for eaah. ivuuij ui oaves aim atate or Auaaonn. on sider who stood in with the gang, j 8enJ eithcr. (carnage Paid) on receipt of uvcr v csl snouiaer ana saw fr vihlophoros nd 5fto. for Tills what a formidable hand he had. He held up tour fingers, shook his head, and m other ways tried to wirn his friends, but to no purpose. He saw that Vest would break the crowd, so he lit a match and set the straw on the floor on fire and told them to run for dear life. That cool head which' serves him so well now, and which never lets him become rattled, did not desert him then. With one hand he raked m the boodle, with the other he exhibited his lovely queens, and as he Went out of the door with his coat-taiPon fire-he said: "Let her burn ; the pot is mine' Lathrop Monitor. ... ... ..... 1 r. - v 1 livery aruggisisaouia Keep Atniopiioroa l me purposes or satisfying said debt, interest anil AHilrniMMnw V'llw Ihiil i&-hr thair mn. I not be bought of the druggist the Athlo fhoros Co.," 112 WalfcSt., New York, will 18 dymeceii ' n. wealtnes?, nervous debility, diseaaea "Ti, constipation, headache, impure ., Athlophoros Pills are unequaled. 11 SCHWENCK & OLDEAKER. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. O. C. Clardv and Marearet V. Clardy, his wife, by their deed of trust dated October 15th, 1885, and recorded la the re corder's office, within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book H, page 132. eonvey&l to tne undersigned trustee the following described real es ate, laying and being sitnateln the county of Bates and state of Missouri, to-wit : All that tract of land described as follows: Beginning live hundred and forty-seven and three fourth feet south and six hundred sixty and one half feet west of the center of eecUon twenty-two (42) , township forty (40). range thirty-one (31), thence west two hundred and twenty feet (2tt) . thenca, south five hundred and twenty-eight , more or less; thenee east two bun- feet (528). less to the place of beginning; which convey- dred and twenty feet (220). thence north fire hundred and twenty-eight feet (528), more or Boot&Shoe Makers BUTLER, MO. T. '11 it win not disappoint you. It is the best article known tor purifying the blood and building up the health and strength. For ze. years erysip elas broke out in blotches on my face. I found no cure until I used rarker s Tonic two years ao. It is the medicine for me, E. C. H. Boots and Shoes made to ordei best ot leather used. The Shop north side ot Square. 4 ti make up the Wild West show em- ajMSboe. Beware of imitation which ao- I barked to-dav on the steamship rse- aa laelr own Inferiority by attempting- to I , stamn. braskaof thebtate line tor England, o rn n tr v II lw 1 I v f v w It was the most picturesque cargo that ever left Ne-v York. Every thing Western was carried aboard and nised potatoes and nothing but potatoes, then, sir, I would have nothing to give you tor your potatoes but potatoes." San Francisco Alta. Farmers, Send xo cents to the Prickly Ash the vessel except the Yosemite val- I Bitters Co , St. Louis, Mo., and get a 1 , . , tj 7 U.,r I WW"1 intnuiu 1RAUE.S, icy ana tne votKy hiuuuii, A com Iete svstem, teaching how to falo Bill is going to show his Show J break and tram horses in a mud and gen . T Ar. .rv rt nf rh e way, requiring no elaborate apparatus, a (A ouiiuvtl siiv a- w American exposition Queen Vic toria will have a chance to attend it on the fiftieth birthday ot her reign, and may bring in all her grandchil- 7 VTSw4??f,TnM f dren at half price. The amphithe- ATlak them. JAM EM MfAKH M I . . . , n.. t ,. u7ito uuappi-oatued m urMiity. I at re in wnicn tsunaio uui s inaians 2ftheaboT..hoe.foTsaieby will scalD and veil is rhrht in the I 3 heart ot London, and will seat 30,- 000 people. V1C . f l221St"forZVnaw larawqnaotlty asefihaaTadatbaiiaiwtharUS- .kV nothing more than can be round in any stable in the country a rope and a strap. Every one handling norses should hare a copy. 19-im ILADINC Retailers TWOlTt-HOlJT THE V. 8. ptTl717 Send six cents XjEjtor postage, and nnthtav.. 1 costly box of goods which . Af aft2tKan aAw wa tMAr v Lj, 'J 'VI aV SSI V . lilVll" '."Wttway than anvthinir else in the The Public Interested. When manufacturers of an article are asking the public to consume Temperance legislation is seldom enlivened by a genuine novelty, but a measure is being advocated in Vir ginia which is an exception to the rule. It is proposed to prohibit the sale of intoxicants to all who are not licensed liquor drinkers. The license is to cost $1 a year and be non-trans ferable, and the proceeds are to go to the school fond. . The scheme is .1 1 1 x liT"ntawairh.- j k I mcir waica, u is muccu iciicsuiiiif IT- Fbrtunes await the workers ab-I to know that they are reliably en- I a very interesting one, to say the loA,,r' once ddressa True& I dorsed. as illustrated by the united hea,t Qf it, and if adopted will not :;pcuta,Mae, !7-iyr endorsement of Dr. Harter's Iron ... u Uaesot -Me tlDDlOvment wrife at nnre. n'yott to handle an article of do- - that MrammaiiJi if af f , I t sight. STAPLE AS I Sells like hot cases. Profits Tonic and Liver Pills by the drug gists of bt. Paul. only yield a handsome revenue, but also prevent a man from being a total abstainer 'on principle" at home and a tippler in saloons. There New Story of Lincoln At a dinner in Albany the other I r some districts in which the license day the Hon. Andrew S. Draper wu,d be equivalent to a per capita Profits told this story ot Lincoln; "Imme- tax 01 on eacn aau,t raa,e mem sm rnmr bv 11? a! mm . r T"" ",u" wisnmK to prat- i . , ...... .f r?.i I ber of the communitv. roy should tor their own I y "r:i iuc uiuicui vcuyuuiK 1 - .ntt for particulars. Used every I Lincoln at flown anil wrnte a nr ..yew round in every household. . . , . "The light that lies 7Ma reach ot all. Circulars free I "P7 oraer to uen. iMeaac to RfalM a mb a., wuww ..1.....1T l . . 1 "HMruu m mmaKA. 1 tuicivcui xec in nis retreat, give mm ntlc n r a Co., Marloo batUe and by th;$ bo,d $troke crush J 48 6m. In woman's ejes," is a ray of heaven's own bnghtness ; is, alas! often dimmed or the rebel army and end the rebellion. I quenched by some wearing disease. 1 bt order was accompanied by a I perhaps silently borne, but taking I friendly note, in which the great I all comfort and enjoyment out of patriot said to Meade: The order! life. That light of the household i I inclose is not one of record. It j ean be rekindled and made to glow you succeed, you need not publish with its natural brightness. Dr. R. celebrated aMM I the order. It you fail, publish it. V. Pierce's 'Favorite Prescription mT?t.. tpMbi to lauxmb. 1 Then, it you succeed, you will have 1 is a potent specific for most of the TfTHiPii n plu.m Maaa I" the credit of the movement. If I chronic weaknesses and diseases pe " Cfl- MiMZ.." tmi ..I- v r.ii.8,.;r . IcuUarto vromen. , 1SY GAPSULEg -3 latest disco vest, w They Love Phil Armour Now. The next time Mr. Phil Armour goes through Atlanta his company will be earnestly sought. When he was here the last time he said to a tew friends: "Pork is a very good thing to tackle about now." These friends quietly tackeld pork, and the result is they have made small for tunes. The day Mr. Armour was here pork was about $13.50 a barrel. It is now something over $20 a bar rel. It could have been bought then on a margin of 50 cents a barrel. A deposits of $1,000 would have securj ed 2,000 barrels of pork, on which a speculater could have drawn out $14,000 clear profit. A number of Atlantians have made trom $2,000 to $12,000 on the corner in pock that Mr. Armour had set the trig gers tor before he left Chicago, and the pointer on which he distributed to his friends in Atlanta while munch ing crackers and drinking cham- paigne. Atlanta Constitution TO HAVE HEALTH THE LIVE I MOST IE KEPT IN ORDER. anca was made In trnat to aeenre the sarmant of one certain note folly described in said deed of trust, and, whereas, default baa been made in tne payment or said note or on y part tnereor, said note is now long psst due and unpaid, now, therefore, at the request of the legal hol der of said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed of trust, 1 will proceed to sell the aoove (lescnoea premises at puuc vendue, to . blithest bidder, for cash, at tbe east front door' of the court house, in the city of Butler, conn. ty or nates anu state or Missouri, on Saturday April 9th, 1SS7, , t between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and f o'clock in the afternoon or that day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and costs. 1(S JOHN T. SMITH, Trustee. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. John Burns, by a deed of trust dated the 13th day of July, lvf. and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Kates county. Missouri, in Book No. 30, on page.Vni.conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following do- scribed real estate, situate In nates countr, Missouri, to-wit: Lots numbered ten (10) and eleven (11), block numbered one hundred and seventy (170) , in the 2nd addition to the Bleh liiu 'l own company in tne town or men mil. to secure the payment of a certain promissory note therein aesennea ana ait interest inereoai and whereas, it la provided in said deed of trust Is . cti r, for Um-Cmplilate aa4 lilt mn4 bj a TrpM eea, turn L.i..r,M vrapti,, ,;o,tlpatfoa, NllMnM, '.u.irtlc, BwlulM, Mal.rl, kuamtlni,.lc. II nilil wrat, pgnnn in, Binofl. sad treoUMna th, iiilm ini,mblF,niLYai:DICni!. Tbotnosd. of TClmo- .'.. u m.rii. Any drngfl.t will teUoultarapauOoa. THE ONLY TRUB II IRON Willi tha LIWS uamnai via or iuuih. Pjaiiauata.waaS f aaoatlte, lailla tli,Iaat of Btraactli and Tind reaUawak. aoiaiav A slight cold often proves the forerunner of a complaint which may be fatal. Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the best remedy for colds, coughs, and all throat and lung diseases. i tea salad aad aoDDUaa Brmia Fewer. leriaa fjaaa seaislalaaiaeeu l. thair an will mad la DM. KAirxaa rmox toxic aafa. apaady cmra. Olvaaaclaar. AUaWempU at ecmnterfaitiiuc larlte. Tin am niaailiaaiit aal HARTEirS UVEK. ri.L4-. ipwn aua LADIES aad aaail :aa a clear, healthy eetptovUiav. tarfMUna osly adJa Seita aae. naenS-wat Ouonsal. an SB leiuUvar Cone An eastern drummer was travel ling through Tennessee recently, and while near . Knoxville in that State, listened to the complaints of a mountaineer about hard times for ten or fifteen years. Finally the drummer said to him, "why, man, you ought to get rich shipping green corn to the northern market.' "Yes, I otter.' was the repl y. You h a ve the land and can get the seed, I sup pose?" "Yes." "Then why don't you go into the speculation?" "No use stranger," sadly replied the na tive: "the old woman is too darned ly to do the plowing and planting." Mo. Republican: "Mr. Blaine finds co statue of Thomas Jefferson m Missouri, but he finds a demo cratic majority ot 50,000 as a monu ment more enduring than brass to mmllad an Mamut of twsaanla I THE N. IUUTTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOOM, uahy JjAXp CHraireys abb oaered ror sate represented sa good m th Famous MOT THET Ilk all Cowstvrffotta ladttSM mmarlcakl MJkSTtna Qaalitl . OF TBE CEXsTClaV irtrr FOR TL'IIE" mill -inn. o that upon default in payment Of -taid note ortbo interest, or any part thereof, when the same or any part thereof shaD become doe and payable, then the whole debt shall become due and the deed of trust shall and may be foreclosed and -tbe property sold to pay said note or Interest so dne thereon; and wbereaa, default has been made in the payment or. interest on aaia note, which interest is still dne and oapaldi and whereas, the legal bolder of the ssid nolo, oa which said interest so past due. has requestod me Jo sell tbe property undeT and by virtue of the power given me by said deed of trust. Kow notice la nereoy given tnat 1, tne unaersignea. trustee, by virtue of and under authority of the power of sale ia said deed of trust set forth, will on Friday, April 8, A. D. 18S7, at tbe court bouse door In the town of Butler, - in tne county or itatea ana state 01 Missouri, and between tbe hours of 9 o'clock In the fore noon and i o'clock in the afternoon of that day, proceed to sell the real estate therein described at puouc auction to tne mgnesi oiauer tor casn. for tbe purpose of satisfying the debt secured by tbe deed of trust aforesaid, aid the costs and expenses (including compensation Urtha trustee for his services) specilea la said deed of trout . of executing thia trust. Sheriff and Acting Trustee. Trustee's Sale. ; Wbereas. Calvin Stevens and Sarah E. Stevens, his wife, by their deed of trust dated November 17th, 1883, and recorded in the recorder's offlee within and for Bates county, Missouri, la book No. 82, page iOl. conveyed to tbe undersigned trustee tne following aeecno ed real estate lying and being situate ia tbo county of Bates aad atate of Missouri, to-wit. The northeast quarter of section thirteen (IS), and the west half of tbe northwest quarter of sectiea twenty-four Ss. aad the BOTtheoot ouarteTor ue aennweat quarter twenty-four (M). ail ia township forty-one (41). of range thirty-one (31), containing 2M acre mors or loss which conveyance wee mads In trust to aeenre tbe payment of one certain note fully described la said deed of trust, and wbereaa. derault has been made in the pay ment of said note and accrued interest, now long post duo aad oupaid. Kow, therefor, at the request of tbo legal bolder of said note and pursuant to too snamou or aaia u vi trust. I will prmsd to sell Ue above described . premises ot poklie vendee, to the highest bid der for eaah, at tbo east front door of the court bouse, to mo city - or sutler, county m ow ond state of Missouri, on Friday, April 15th, 1887, between the hours oft o'clock in the forenoon aad S o'clock la Ue afunoou of the dor. for tte purposes or saUafyiug said debt, luUrost ood east . r 17 . as. mXAmmt Irutst, WMlW AsdlasUt TDIS vpea Ixaet hayhgu Hlabel them jkimtaidk m0fjrtvQ,188, WORKING CLASSES The PEARL TO ohxy a. the memory ot that greatest of Amer gg ftg$ft & fVl ican sutesmen." I r ? ll,M,M.rA. imrioi! Wi in ' naish all classes with employ ntent ot heme, too whole of tbo Uom. or for their spare moments. Business new, light and prod table, ferae s of either sex cosily esa front M cents to $840 per evening, and a pro- pOTtlOUat B ulH WJ aiTffUBB tuJI ww w mm baitneea Boys aad girts caa earn nearly 00 muehoetmeu. Tot au wno see tots may sena their oddreso aad tost the buahMao. wo make this obct. Tosueh as are not well aatisaed we will send one dollar to pay ror wonoooiooi writing, rail pstrtieular and outfit free. Ad dress GaousB Brumo Co., fertland, Mom . caa live at home, and make more money at work ror us, uoa ssrunc eiac in thia world. Capital notneed- )d; too are stortea rree. im n aexs all aaao. XiTOo caa oo in wvn. liJiS surefrtOt the Irst start. Costly ouUlt "KSiTlettor not delay. Wi you s vnii m-T in 1