Newspaper Page Text
ft Wwlkt rf! fit AiU TininTiP I ii ii in hi in hi VOL. IX. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY APRIL. 13 1887 N0.20 will leave a m i:00 P M 9:14 r m 1 1 :40 A M Time Table Mo. Pacific It. II rLtxiNGTON & South ers Branch.) Commencinis Sunday, May 10th, and until further notice, train fatter a follow : GOING NORTH. No. 124 Texas Express II t-JftK. txprcRu 11 Accommodation.. GOING SOUTH No. 1J4 Texas Express u .16 K. C. Express it 12 Accommodation 8:55 AM S. L. ii E. Div. GOING WEST. So. 145-PaMcnser 11 :5 A m it 147 Accomodation ty'-S A M GOING EAST. So. 146 Passenger 7:35 M M 148 Accomodation j:ioim All oassenBer trains make direct con- aectton tor St. Louis and all points east Texas and all points south, Colorado, California and all points west and north west. For rates and other information appW to E, K. Carnes. Agent. secret Socle tie. to sin the er, ith iren im m UN MASONIC. Butler Lodge, No. 254, meets the first Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Mason, No. 76, meets second Thursday in each month. Gouley fommaudtjry Knights Tcmp'.ir meet the first Tuesday in-eaeh month. f.O. O. FF.LLQWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon- County Court Proceedings, W F Rosser, printing, $ Jno Whitehead, mine ins'p T R Douglass, wolf scalp R &T A Ennis, nidse co office Ed. Heath, wolt scalp Bennett, Wheeler &o. n.dse county jail Geo Burner, painting court house fence O D Austin, printing Insane Asylum No. 2. care poor insane. J N Gipson, repcoi't yl fence itj night. Bu Sutler Encampment No. 76 meets the indamUth Wednesdays in each month W. E. TUCKER, DENTIST, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. diet ctel di4 Ii rtod die iord in snl' rut' OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. la addition to the usual work el a Den tist, he does. COBTIIUOUS QUW, GOLD CROWN, AND ORIDGK AVOItlt, So oonular now in the eant and the large cities. LnwyurN. "DARKINSON & GRAVES, .ATTORNS S AT LAW. OlBce West Side Square, over Lans down'. Drug Store . 37 o 12 50 59 40 4S6 37 53 79 7 60 2 4 35 T OO 75 1- 44 6 30 3 00 5 5 6 00 7 25 4 00 2 00 34 00 J.S. Francisco. S. P. Francisco. VRANCISCO BROS. Attorneys at 'I Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining T counties. Prompt attention given to coi- tactions. Office over Wright ti Glorlus' 1 kvdware atore. q igtt J1 W SILVERS xtr ?& ATTORNEY a LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, In the Appellate Court Mt Kansas uty, and In the supreme court at jener n City. MtOffick North Side Square, over A. U Mc Bride's. Iltl 3. cbil iren 003 Cttlt mtei 3P4 ' M let thr foe TIT W. GRAVES, Wotary-'- Public... . Office with Judge John D. Parkinson, west side square, Butler, Mo. 1'hvHiciann. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max Weiner's, 9-iy Butler, Mo. J M. Christy, W. H. Ballard, DR8. CHRISTY & BALLARD, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, in 1 TOce tront room over p An cal1 . '1 2redttoflice dV or niht- Tele tV 1 rost communication to all parts ot the Special attention ajlren to temale k of. IOC ! I Tr ut' G nt si Zo b' D Allen & Co, printing O F Renick, med serv's pau'r John C Hayes, clerk's fees " 44 fixtures for office Geo D Barnard & Co stat'ry J C Hayes, criminal cots P H McCoy, bridge work W H Warnock, transpor tation pauper Sam Levy & Co. mdse Dr J II Frizzell, cert insane Bridgcford & Drunimond, pamtinti for county R S Cation, exchange $ l W Simpson ic Co ini.-e county offices V J Lansdown, board pris'i VV F Rosser, letter beads for R G Y est Clias Denney, mdse puuper Amer Clothing House, indse Jewett & Hickman " G G Glazebrook, sh'ff fees Huse Mallett, janitor R S Cation, prct on sell funds 270 27 44 express and stamps 12 G G Glazebrook, sh'tt fees 123 13 44 atten Probate crt 26 00 J H Sullens, Co Judge Clark Wix T J Bowell. G G Glazebrook, atten co crt I H Sullens, mem b'rd equ'I Clark Wix 44 14 'k T T Boswell, 44 " M L Wolfe, T L. Harper, " T L Harper, qrsal'rv & fees 196 05 G G Glazebrook, b'rd pris 206 06 Coupons of Mt Pleasant township railroads bonds presented by Catron and ordered cancelled. Bessie Barker adjudged insane and sent to asylum No 2. at St. Joe rreuencK licmner, erroneous assessment adjusted and taxes on same released. Mo. Valley Bridge & Iron Co. released on contract, Deapwater bridge. W. L. Board adjudged insane and ordered sent to asylum No. 2 Dram shop license granted Chris Schmidt, Rich Hill. Diam shop license granted R D Jones & Co Rich Hill. Dram shop license granted J L Keedy & Co., Rich Hill. Assessment of Gibson on Butler lot teduced. Assessment ot A Hartshor n. on Walnut lots reduced. M. L. Wolfe ordered to pay $15, as costs in tax suit. Settlement of R. S. Catron county collector, approved. Dram shop license granted G. A. Heath. Butler. Dram shop license granted A. J. Dawson, Rich Hill. Patent granted to Christian Garbe for swamp land southeast southwest section 10, 42, 29. U. F. Renick appointed county physician. Burned to Death. Macon, Mo., April 7. The two S7 00 'I little children of Calvin Douglass, 3 00 living near Shelbina, were left alone 7 90 j in the house yesterday and the 5 momer upon he r return found it m flames. T!.t- wind w;is blowing strongly umI a!i if ir', to rescue the little one were tiu tless. They were aged 2 and 5 year. The p., titer v. trcuzicd with gri.t and c.-ii' 1 liar.liy he kept from rushing into the burning house. No one K i... Low Cie tire staited. Mis. Lr. X ! I u was in the kitch en tin's nnrn:ng making a cup ot 10 50 y2 75 143 00 3 00 16 2 tea when hrr dress caught fiie and there being no one in the house her cries for assistance were not heard in time to save her. She was quite a prominent society lady of Atlanta, Mo., and was visiting here at the time. The Spring .Months Are undoubtedly the best in which ! to purity the blood and strengthen the system, because at this time the body is most susceptible to the ben- I enciai ettects a reliable med-cine like Hood's Sarsaparilla. The feel ing ot debility, languor, and lassi tude, caused by the changing season is entirely overcome, and scrofula and all humors are expelled trom the blood bv the powerful reviving and purifying influence of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not delay Take Hood's Sar saparilla now. It is made bv C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. bold by all druggists. 100 doses one dollar. 15 00 1 00 15 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 o 00 o 00 6. 00 Through the Heart. Albuquerque, April 6. Last night at Chailendar a Mexican burglar named Kanmoi Bullnon attempted to enter the residence ot Mr. Boal, a well to do stoiekeeper of the vii- age, but the proprietor being awak ened by the noise drove the intruder away by firing his pistol in the di rection of the sound. In a short the burglar returned and, makinganother attempt, was driven away. He re turned a third time and broke in the window with a miner's pick. Mr. Boal got out of the bed and going towards the window fired three shots in the direction trom which the blows were delivered. Hearing no further noise, but thinking that perhaps the intruder might again return, Mr. Boal sat up and watched the balance ot the night. WThen daylight came he went outside and found the burg lar's body just under the window with a bullet through his heart Boal surrendered himself to the authorities. Letter from Nebraska Chadron, Neb , April 7, 1SS7. Editor Times As some ot your readers might be interested in hear ing something trom the tar west, especially from a former townsman, I venture to drop you a few lines giving you a short description of this part ot Nebraska. Chadron, the county seat ot Daws county, is a town of some i.oofi inhabitants, and the junction point on the Fremont, Elk Horn & Missouri Valley railroad for the Black Hills & Wyoming di visions ot that railway. The town ot Chadron is two years old, but it can boast of the etceteras of old eastern towns. Unlike many of the mushroom towns ot the west, Chad ron has "come to stay" as is evident by its substantial buildings, its fine business houses, its banks and its continual onward progress. Chad ron has not been "boomed," its growth though rapid, has been with out excitement and town lots sell readily to-day at a large advance on first prices. The agricultural land about Chadron is very tine, and set lers fast taking up available quarters. There is still a litde government land to be had, out it is very scarce. and a long way from the line ot rail way. Claims can, however, be con stantly bought from persons who want to sell out. As a rule those "settler" are men who have no WIHIY NflDT BUY HJR Dry (Good BOOTS AND SHOES BENTS FBI BOH. I l! j i i ! Wheic you can get them as represented. to Se'tCt fioiii. Good, quality, lov a call will conyince you of the A large stock lad. HE8PECTFULLY, J. M, McKIBBEN. 3& ktnipefl with thm ataivi TRAPS MARX. n ntfi n7 rp D"n't wat jroor money on mm or rubber coat Tho FISH BRAKD SUCKM iatiiiteiy vhtwi nut moor, ana wui Keep yna drr in th urdw norm, AftK lor m -r isu uitANij" slicker ana utenn ntiir. ir vnur mt in imiMt a ni t haw th. "n- h imnn", for rlirtitl v rntaloyu. to A J. TOWER. Plmmnn. Et . Horm. Hi DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHEURS. 2c oer their drug store on North t in street, Butler, Mo. Called to His Door and Killed. Bolivar, Mo., April 5. A myste rious murder occurred in the eastern part of this (Polk) county last night, push, no energy and are too lazy to the meager particulars of which work, and are glad to sell or do have iust reached here. John Ro- most anything else for a little ready land, the victim, who was a respect- money that they can squander in the ed farmer, at a late hour in the night hrst 1 urn shop or gambling den they was awakened by a knock at the can strike. door, and upon opening it was struck A good quarter section of land, on the head with some kind ot blunt unimproved, can be bought here at instrument, causing instant death, almost any time for $400 to $500. The noise caused by his fall upon Wages are only fair, clerks, book the floor awakened other members keepers, and such like being the of the family, but the assassin had Doorest paid. Mechanics and farm mado his escape in the darkness, hands doing better than others. Mr. Roland was a citizes who lived nerc is no demand whatever lor ,. . , , . "dudes." The climate is simplv in peace with his neighbors, and . . , . . 1 y . , . splendid. The snow tall is very was not known to have had an ene- u ht no verv severe winter my. There was no attempt at roo- weather. Farmers commenced berv, and the motive for the crime seeding about 15th ot March can not be accounted for upon anv Should any ot your readers wish satisfactory theory. Mr to know more about this section of Uncle barn's dominion, if they write to me I shall be glad at any and all times to give them all the informa tton I can, Yours respectfully, Clem Wells. TC. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north'side square, itler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil r, specialtv. Proceedings Board Eqalization. The live stock ot the following townships being found assessed too low, or below the average, are order ed raised as follows: Mingo 37 pr ct Summit 8 pr ct. Snice 3 " Deer Creek 1 " Hudson 1 Mound 2 " Rockville 16 Mt Pleasant 8 " Prairie s Lone Oat 3 Osage 30 " New Home 16 Elkhart 7 14 East Baoae t Homer 4 44 West Boone S Walnut 0 14 The ascessments in the following townships were lowered : Shawnee 7 percent., Grand River S, Charlotte 6, Howard 3. The Hoard adjourned to the first Monday in April, iSSS. Beecher on Repentance. In his sermon on 'Repentance' preached in Plymouth church one Sunday morning the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher said in the course of Rheumatism and Neuralgia Cured in hU arlrlressr "Tr is rnpnfanc when I Two Days. , , . . . , , ,1 The Indiana Chemical Co. have discov a man abandons the whole realm of . . . . . . ... . . I ered a compound which acts with truly passion anu animalism mat are in- marvetous rapidity in the cure ot Rheu consistent with true manhood. The I matism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it process is largely one of education. I to cure any and every case of acute If there be no other wav of holdin? Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia man let it be through tear, but it is ln 2 DAY!' nd to 5ve immediate reliet , . . , j in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. mc ivhu. ui uiuutc. i.u 0n rcce5pt 0f 30 cent, in two cent with a low basilar experience begins sUmp6, We will send to any address the with his conversation at the bottom, prescription tor this wonderful compound He stops fighting and begins to stop which can be filled by your home druggist lying as much as his business will mH cost- We uke thU men of -n.. k: Tt ., Vw . giving our discovery co the public instead 7 3 , of putting it out as a patent medicine, it glimpses mgncr ic, uUl win oe . , jc&& exDCn6ive. We slow in its developments. Now, J giadly refund moner if satisiaction is not that is a very imperfect conversion, 1 given. Tub Ixdiaxa Chkmical Co., but it is a ffood foundation to beerin 10-iyr Crawtordsville, Ind on. The heniousness ot sin will develop itself upon a nerve that had no vibration in it at the beginning. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by W ool- ' ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by W. J. Lansdown. Druggist, I Butler, Mo. Si-iy Bennett, Wheeler & Co., Dealers in tne Celebrated John Deer i Bradley Stirring Flows Bradley, Canton. Deere and Brown Cultivators; Pattee New Departure Tongueless Cultivators. Deerel Keystone Rotary Omp Corn Planters, With Deere All frteel Check Rower with Automatic Reel. Stalk Cutters,New Ground Plows, Harrow and Sulkv Plawa Haish's S Barbed Steel Fence Wire HALLADAY WIND MILLS, IRON, WOOD AND CHAIN PUMPS, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. AIX KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS" Hardware, Groceries, Iron, Nails, Wagon Woodwork, Ac. BENNETT, WHEELER & CO. FRAN2 BERNHARDT' ITVm Baky ws wUk, we g fcet Cast, Whom b wm ChDd, the crmd tor CkMaria. Whea became Mia, the eloac to CMtecia, When abe had Children, ah tbem Caateda, Jrr- n Three ounce Elgin, Waltham and(5j Milt' Hampden silver stem winding watch es, trom $11 to higher price. American ladies stem winding gold, watches from $25, up. All silverware, clocks, jewelrA, &c, at cost prices. 8,l.afCfTtheRWorilam( AarrwalW. U G14, Uer.drUt4 Cmn, tmyi JEWELRY STORE, I headqarter tor ne Jewelry '- Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Ac. Spectacle, ot all finds and for all age. ; also fine Opera Glaaae Yrw apT cordially invited to toit hi. eaUbllshment .and exaiF.e his splendid display of beauritul good, and the low price., ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED4-