Newspaper Page Text
lie ftottet ftl rti elites IV . IV III II II II III fOL. IX. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JUXE 22, 1887. NO. 30 II s. is ns Table Mo. Pacific It. II fLixiNGTON & Southern Branch.) rmmencint; Sunday, May 10th, and til turther notice, trains will leave , ...-Texas Express NOTES OF TRAVEL. NO, i s. es id lit ill oe in iys Is. o- nd ite :ily ale en on 0. reJ nty. ....4:45 A M ;',j&-K.C. Express 7 : ;.; p m ,.,Accommodation 2:00 ! m GOING SOUTH. ...-Texas Express 9:14 p m hv Accommodation 8:55 a m S. L. to E. Div. GOING WEST. 11 -.50 A M . 9:5c A M ,4jPaMenger. m ..-Accomodation . . . . , GOING EAST. , 146-PasenRer 7:35PM 148 Accomodation 1 : 10 r m ill passenger trains make direct con action for St. Louis and all points east tan and all points south, Colorado, Mfomia and all points west and north--rt. For rates and other information t0 E, K. Carnes. Agent. GEO. B. CATTERLIN DEPUTY The Beautiful Scenery of Two Hirer Contrasted. Bates County The Bate-, society met ii. regular t s.-um at the j in las trees ami D. T. MeKibben 10- :r.. County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Order of Surveys left with me will receive prompt at tention. Office East Side Square, over It. A. Atki on'a store. Itntler Hates County, Mo. IT. E. TUCKER, DKINTIST, SUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. in addition to the usual work t a Den tist, he does. COITIHUOUS GUM, GOLD CROWN, AND IJHIDOK WORK, to popular now In the cast and the large cities. LAW Y Kit. (ill practice in all courts. All legal business fllrtlr tttemleil to, Mice over Hates Co. Sa na! Hank, llatler, Mo. ipARKIXSON & GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans awn's Drug Store. In the spring I wrote from St. Augustine, Florida, thence I went up the St. Johns river to Sanford, the head of navigation, home further by rail to Kissimee, full half way down the peninsula. After five weeks there I returned by the' river route to Jacksonville, then to IYi uaudina, where a fchip carried mt to Charleston, S. C, in time to be pres ent at the unveiling of the Calhoun statue and the oration of Secretary Lamar. On board the shin acrain I continued to New York. I went on up the Hudson to West Point for a ew days, then back to New York and Philadelphia. Here I heard Patti again, at her 'farewell" appear ance. Then I spent ten davs in Cape May, N. J., and stopped on my re turn for several days before a visit of like duration in Washington durinjr the national encampment and drill of the militia. Then I came up to West Point for graduation week and on last Saturday saw my old class march up for the diplomas that vouch for their four years work. My congratulations had no tinge of en vy, for they were no happier to get out than I was in "H.. From here I go to Albany and then to the mount ains of Vermont. I am visiting at a house where George Washington was often a guest. The ground about is cover ed with fortifications which a century has not sullieed to crumble. My eyes have never rested on a more lovely spot. From the window the glorious Hudson river is seen and it suggests a comparison. The St, Johns, of Florida, is about of the same length and average breadth. Doth rise ana cuh with the ocean tides; both are beautiful, but oh. how umeient. Iho rt. Johns rises in the marshes of Southern Florida and moves sluggishly northwest ward between low-lying banks, thick-fringed with cypress and wil low and tropical palmettoes; its wa ters are opaque almost black with result !' of A. ( . S, List. As i- u.ual at the picnic meetings th- attendance vus !j;rge and the "T Saturday ! ported a bird n.rv J, - - v. v . 11 v IV cherries. Further reports of these birds referred to next meeting. "What Trees to Plant for Orna- timc until two oV!,ck spent in social ! ment," was thoroughly treated bv Horticultural ocictv. remedy for !!ifr u-m-n.c I in,......,...:. 1 . . . ' c- 1 -- . . ... ...... uiaiui II nil ill eoniity Horticultural L. li. Allison reported a new bird ' Two Days. The Indiana Chemical Co. have discov ered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure ot Kheti matism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it to cure any and everv case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 days, and to give immediate reliet in chronic cases and etiect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription lor this wonderful compound which can be tilled by your home druggist at small cot-t. We "take this means of giving our discovery to tiie public instead of putting it out as a patent medicine, it being much less expensive. We will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. The Indiana Chemical Co., 10-ivr Crawrordsville, Ind converse and dispatching an excel- 1 A. C. Skinner, in an excellent paper. U0UXMU ft SMITH, 1 T . A WVITT) S the vegetable matter and mold they utile k, mo. Office front room over Bates hold in suspension; alligators bask wty .Nations! Bsuk. on fftUen troes UU. ihe water line; IS. Francisco. S. P. Francisco, only an occasional orange grove m PJ2?22Sir BOS'.nt"rS E breaks the primeval view, and the fte courts of Bates and adjoining noise of parallel railway trains is 1111- kountles. Prompt attention given to col- Tll Hudson, taking its Uons. Office over W right 4c Glorius' Jraware store. "q bource 111 me .vuironuacKN. cieaves I ! 1.1 1 il 1. ii TW SILVERS way souiuwaiu inrougu lut-e mountains and the Catskills and 4TXORMEY S LAW HigUands. past the towering pali- vm ij--. sades to its wry mouth; along its will nrirtir In Rnte& anil sHinimnir I 70 counties. In the Annellate Court Ht Kansas banks on either side are railways oft ESciw ln thC Surreme Court at Jetfer traveled by rushing trains; cities and towns are :uwavs m sigut; sieam- ers DS OrriCK North Side Suuare. over v u. nicBiide's. Vtf irew.w . GRAVES, Notary-:- Public. Office with Judge John D. Parkinson, w iae square, Butler, Mo. l'lWHIClUllB. DTK" a boats, swift as trains, yachts, sehoon ers, sloops and long tows of canal boats keep its waters in constant turmoil; yet its rocky banks give back no color and the blue is almost as clear as the ocean's. Both are grand rivers but the Hudson is the grander. Still, if one wished to j ry RnVfl TVT T 1 auiue iu me ruuuiij ui ciiuci w I Viosa rivprs. T (.linnld reoommend PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, that of the St. Johns. For, say M ..1 oquare, over what they may, there is no place 1 '9-y Butler, Mo. I- M. Christy, W. H. Ballard, gooJ cLancea to grow wealthy legiti DftR rUDTOfTV a. dat t nn . vAiXMaj i W orftn(T, culture, rice or smrar ctow- o 7 o o ing, real estate investment, truck J PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, growing, and iu many other ways Wke, front room over P. O. All calls ered at office day or night. Tele- than that of the north. Why dw LT.r" ""?"1 there? I may tell you s9 heJ ms V be tF VLT. lstrst T C. BOULWARE. Phvsician and "tier. Mo. nisi3,ot tt-ntr.i-n anil chil- a specialty. 1 DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS when T have seen thirteen more states. It. W. Peach, West Point. N. Y.. June 14. "87. Tlic 3Iost Agrccahle As we!! the most effective meth od of dispelling Ilead.ichs. Colds, and Fevers, or cleansing the system. lent dinner spread under the trees. (j. AV. Johnson. I. Cresap and daughter. S. K. McCowan and Thom as Irish .1.1 i v.f-. :i and daugh ters, of soutli of the rivt-v were pres ent. The meeting was called to order by President C. I. Robards. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. C. I. Robards, G. W. Johnson and D. Cresap were appointed a commit tee to have charge of the premium exhibit to be made at the September meeting. Two committees to solicit dona tions to be applied in supplying pre miums for that meeting, one north and the other south of the river, were ppointed. The committee north of j river composed of Henry Speer, J. R. Harriman. C. I. Robards and Henry Frances. D. Cresap, G. W. John sou. Thos. Irish and S. R. McCowan, the committee for south of river have already received, on subscription. nearly two hundred dollars. D. Cresap, who is not a fruit grower, turther than for home use and consequently has "no ax to grind" in this matter, urged upon the society the necessity of making this fruit exhibit a credit to the county- Every resident should do some thing toward establishing the repu tation of Bates as a leading fruit producing county of the state. The committee on orchards made verbal report, plenty of summer ap ples but winter varieties are scarce. Ren Davis, and Saps of Wine will make a fair showing. Society concluded from reports received that the apple crop will not exceed 50 per cent. Society reported Snowball apple as a good tree, and fruit of good color but small and affected by scab rendering it a poor apple for market. Nothing new on small fruits ex cept rust on raspberry canes. Where strawberry vines are affected with rust mow them off close to the earth rake the leaves off and burn them will assist in destroying the germs Set plants in rows, thoroughly culti vate and keep clean as weeds hold moisture and moisture increases the disease. If beds so treated are thor oughly sprinkled with lime and sul phate of copper the disease may be controlled if not removed. Hart ford's Prolific and Concord grapes are already afflicted by black rot. The Clinton and Delaware have so far escaped but the only way to save the grape crop will be to derive some means which will prevent the poison, which arises from the earth, from falling upon the fruit. For the spores to take root requires tem perature of 60 degree Fahrenheit and moisture, so whatever will pre vent moisture reaching fruit will prevent rot. Spiinkling with sul phate of copper and lime, sacking the fruit or nailing board on post above vine were all considered favor bly but no absolute specific has yet been discovered. Committee on Ornithology and Entomology report plum crop de stroyed by gouger and curculio. Worm in foliage of apjde trees al ready at work. These worms may be destroyed by a little care at once. Every fruit grower was urged to --o Considering the growth, longevity and ability to withstand drougth he recommended for lawn, white elm interspersed with sugar maple, box elder, walnut and pecan; for street, elm, and sycamore; for borders, red bud, snowball and horse chestnut; for wind-break, red cedar. Local societies in adjoining coun ties made subject of earnest consid eration of society. Special subjects assigned for next meeting: "How Can We Induce our Neighboring Counties to Organize Societies?" G. W. Johnson. of Sprague; "Shall we discontinue the culture of the plum?" N. B Newber ry; "Cherry Planting," J. R. Hani- man. Society adjourned to meet at the residence of N. B. Newberry on the third Saturday in July. Syrup of Fis, Manufactured only by the Cab Joini.i Fig Syrup Co., San Francis co, Cab, is nature's Own True Lax ative. This pleasant California liquid fruits remedy may be had of Simp son cv Co. It is the most pleasantr prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels gently vet thorough! v ; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Consti pation, Indigestion, and kindred ills. 23 6m. Hotel De Shave You. Located on North Main street, where you will find the best barbers in town, the easiest chairs, warm or cold bathes, the latest improved fix tures of all kinds, to add to the ease and comfort of our many cus tomers give us a trial. Respectfully. J. N. Taylor. N. B. Look out for our bill of fare next week. The Railway Age reports the amount of new railroad track (main line) laid in the United States from January 1, to June 1, 1887, to be a. 35 1 miles, an addition of 7S7 mileM since last month's report. This tot&l has never before been equaled at thiB season of the year, with the excep tion of the year 17S2. J. K. Bruglar wants more appb- . cations tor first-class loans. 7 per cent, interest and commissions, .j-tl East lioone Items. Ed. Times Since my last w riting I have gathered considerable news for the "booming Times." Northern Bates is on a boom now. The Santa Fe railroad company have surveyed a route for a new railroad through East Boone township. It comes from the northwest down Mormon Fork, passing through James Mc Neil's, Frank Graham's, Henry Mudd's and James Bagby's farms, and running southeast to Adrian. Mr. Editor, we think in the event this lilie of railroad is built, it will be a good thing for Norther Bates. James McNeil offers to give 40 acres of land to the railroad company for a depot and town on his place we understand. Crops in general are looking line. Your correspondent has been travel ing over the country since our last writing and the corn crop especially, is as line a prospect as we ever saw. Your correspondent had new Irish potatoes to eat on the 24th of May. How much can anybody beat that? Mr. Geo. Slater, who recently sold out in Cass county is talking of loca ting at or near Adrian, with his fine horses and jacks we understand. Mr. Charlie Parish has sold his farm to one Mr. McCoy. Mr. Wm. Hoffman has the finest piece of flax we have seen this season. S. C Marshall planted two acres and a half in white navy beans. We predict Mr. Marshall's back will get pretty tired before he gets them all gathered. Oh, but can't he have plenty of bean soup this winter? B. B. Marshall and Wm. R. Mar shall have about 60 acres of the larg est corn we have seen this season, taking the piece all over. Mr. Editor, we would have liked to have eaten some of that fine ham with you, but alas for us. We will write again if we don't find our way to the waste basket. Correspondent An Import ant Element Of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is the fact that every purchaser re ceives a fair equivalent for his mon ey. The familiar headline "100 Doses One Dollar, stolen by imita tors, is original with and true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This can easily be proven by any one who de sires to test the matter. For real economy, buy only Hood's Sarsapa rilla. Sold by all druggists. Sheriff's Sale. I'.v virtue ainl authority of two general exe cutions is-sued from the o'lliceof the clerk of the circuit court of liates county, Missouri, return able at the June term IsT, of said court, to me directed, one in favor of W. C llensley ami against Wm. M. Wilson, and one in favor of John II Kurk and against Wm. M. Wilson, 1 have levied and seized tiou all the right, title. Interest and claim of the said defenda&t of, in and to the following ilettcribed real estate, situated in Kates county, Missouri, to-wit Section No twenty-liv e (25), in township N. forty-one (11) of range No. thirty-one (:il); I will on Wednesday, June 22nd, 1S87, between the hours of St o'clock In the forenoon and ." o'clock in the atternoon of that day at the east front door of the court house in the city of Itntler. Katea county. Missouri, sell the aame or so much thereof as may be required, at pub lic vendue, to the highest bidder for cm n losav -isfy said execxitijns and costs. U. O. bliAlMUUK'Di 7 sheria of ltstes County. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by V. J. Lansdown, Druggist, Butler, Mo. Si-iv Enjoy Lite. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur ot moun tains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how otten do the maturity ot people feel like giving it up uisiiearteneu, uistuuiat;cu and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion tor this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August, will make them tree from diseases, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Comi lainl are the direct cause ot 75 per cent, of such maladies as Biiliousness, Indigestion Sick Headache Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head Palpitation of the Heart, and other dis tressing symptoms, lhreeaoses 01 au gust Flower will prove its wonderful ef fects. Sample bottles 10 cents. Tty it. 4-1 yr e o w. MDFIELD'S A SPECIFIC FOR Woman's Diseases canty and A JU ronue aJf canty and MENSTRUATION or ONTHLT SICKNESS. If taken during the CHANOK OP UTK, ewt snffering and danger will be avoided. V Bead fat book " Msbraos To Womim," mailed free. Bhadfiklo Keqi'latoe Co., Atlanta, G. mm mtm UUo A LADIES KID BUTTON SHOE 1 30. Building Associations. A sensible writer speaking of the many building and loan associations organizing throughout the west. very pertinently and truthfully says: "I hold that building associations are the most potent factors in a state for the destruction of communism and socialism. Give the clerk and mechanic an interest in the soil, with a comfortable house above it, and you make them enemies of the wild theorists who advocate an equal di. WORKED BUTTON HOLES, all sizes and widths for $1 35. This is the best Shoe that has ever been offered for the money, other houses get $2 00 tor the same quality of goods. EAST SIDE 8QUAKE. BAD&LEY BEOS., Can always be found on the South Side of the Square with a complete stock of ot, A NO ACCOl'CHEl'KS. through his orchard cutting the af 1 fected leaves r.nd bum or crush the I insects. If allowed to mature they will strip the tree of its leaves. ' 'ue titled to lea made ironi tue tomato vine : the state. lie is Jce over their drutj stcre on street, Uutler, Mo. 1 is bv t.ikircr .1 few doses of t!ie : nleasant California liaaid truit rem- i Aoa Irom tue tomtlto vine ; tiie state. lie is the poor V V ? I 1 ' -i" ) 13 t I 1 V.1 g 1 j 1 - - '-5 - l V - -T Staule and Fancy Groceries, viion of property. The man who ; organizes a Inkling association' QUEENSWARE, FLOUR, BACON, LARD should be regarded as a benefactor.! . , . , . . rne'r rr re c,, f ii nA . Ana everymm Kepi m a r irv.o a-vjj-o uroaiy otuii.. . a premium aom i pr;ces before buying and live cheap. Be sure and call at the right houc is the poor man's' . . BADGLEY bnUo. bottles for sale by Simpson & Co. in the evening was suggested as a the state's defender."