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t te Cheaply Without Felicity, ABSflMTK KIVKIKKS without publicity for parties reidiii in any part of the I'nited .lte, for desertion, non-support, iiilcmpcr uir', crtu'lty, insanity I'.litnk application for ftan. s -Idress, V. W. I'lirncs, Mii ilroadu av, S-wYork. -.T-ly M, a-a Bfvi. tiiit ttiMo Tio write to i -n , (',., r I iti-!, Virt,w:l rrc-;vfl ' . tii ' . rn i:i h!mi' v'nk w.,:,li l .V. . Air pi,y IT m'.T:i I ive l: I f, 1 1, ',"irl Hi lulit t:tuiK.k. All u 0 The BUYERS' GlIDK t.i Issued Sept. and March, i eaeli year. Mf 3V4 ps, 8i 1 1 1 2 lnches,wltl o r ' 3,500 tlluatratlons n wliule I'Utuxe trailer). GIVES Wholesale I'rUn direr! to ronnumrrs on all gootl for prnonal or family use. Telia bow to ttdtrf and Bt coat of every thing yon ie, rat, drink, wear, r here fan with. These IN VALL'AKl.I-: WKIKH contain Information Klrannl f.-nm Ihe markrta of the world. A wiil mail a copy I'UKK to any J arrs i:on receipt of 10 eta. c defruy tnar of niallli,t. It ua hear from jo a. KtaiMi'tfully, m'JTCOMERY WARD & CO. uT.'.- SJ! Wubanh Avenue, Chicago, 111. Health is Wealth! tWT, a fnarnntiwicl apecifio for Hysteria, JKnL lea. Conruleions. Vita. Nerrona NonraJjiia. Hesjaehe, Nervous Proat rat ion caused by the use awonoi or tobacco, wakarnlnaee, tiental Ua. Pssnou, Softening of the Brain resulting in in JJiy did leading to misery, decay and death, nwsatare Old Ace. Barrenness, Jam of power wtoer mi. Involuntary Iioaxa and Hpermat. jnmiacaaaad byover-exertion of thebmn.aelf. M or OTarJndulsenco. Kach bos contain month a traatmont. (1.00 a box, or aix boxee f IUU,tant bymail prepaid oa receipt of price, WJS CVABATTES MIX BOXES nire any can. With eaeK order reemved by nt eji boxes. accomBaniad with tWU, we will to the purchaser onr written iruarantee to re. "d tie money if the treatmentdtmanoteffect tctra. Guarantees iaiuintionlyby JOHN O. WEST & CO., M W. MADISON T CHICAGO, ILLS., Sol Prop's West's LiTee Pills. iToa,r retailer for tae James Means' S Shae. dealers reeommenn lnfrlor sjn i In onter la make a larger profit. ThU u the srlf leal S3 Shoe. Beware of Imitations whUHi ao UowleilKS their ora luferlirity by attempting to eaa lieaelae aaleae aeartagthi Stamp, JAIY.ES MEANS' a'a U Mad la Button. Congress and IceUed In DurabUity. Comfort A Apptaranee. A postal card sent tous will biiugyouln fornutllon bow to net this in any -state or tniwr;, J. Means & Co 41 LJno1nSt, w. ionaaUria a S?I!,ti?iIc.0?7 P'x-c larBorquanttty woes of thU than any other factorv In tha JrkL rwai. , wbiTwehST wilT t Vu the BMuVf'fnL".,n''m- JAMK MEANS' LJ MO for BoysU uuapproachea In fcurabUUr. foil r ,i .1 "Uetby aoe anoes lor sale In SAIVl'L LEVY & CO I Iivt mi A I' 1 1 'X lf 1ena 8" cents , lAJAJ,,or postage, and wm,.lree, costl'r box of gods whch w'll neloalt. of either aev t 111 ,",vtha" anything else in the u . I Fortune8 w't the workers ab Jfoutelr sure. At once address Truel & o-. Augusta, Ma'.ie, i7-iyr $1C0 IL 1 .. Droi. u, 01 Ben,Iem n desirelng pleasant profitable employment write at once. ne want vnn h.n.iu ., . estic use that lecomiiieiiils itself rie.".one at STAPLE AS MHIt. Soils like hot canes. Profits j Per cent Families wishing t piac "c economy should tor their own peht write tor particulars. Used every the year round in every household, "ice within reach of all. Circulars tree vent, receive m Oll'l.t. FkT.E. Ad JJ UoiiirM ir MT. C o., Marion 4S 6m. T AHSY WSULEg THE TTci?ryrT-T-- U Jrparle's Celebrated Preparation, Safe and RelUble. Indispensable to LADIES. LCMET CHEMICAL CO., CtilcigP. Jl' J V. CV H0V1 f i " 1 3 1 mo si non iovxa yr o j" TTf IS i m w mm eta " .x. LAND OF LITTLE PEOPLL. Far away, and yet so near us, liosa lanJ where all hav been, riaye.J Ustle its sparklini waters, danc;l aldii it- meadows rreeri; Where the busy world we j we II in an-1 :ti no ses only mni I-il:e t). ,.ttlo of a t,.nip,.s, or 1h(. ,!lU.0W of a lrearn; Arnl it rov. not oi l f.,r-ver. sw-,-t an ! youns it i to day 'TiS tin- Lari'l of f.iftl IVnr,lu -i-h.r. ,ha happy chiliiren play. And the thinjr-, they know and ee there are so wonderful and trra'.d T.ium's that wiser folks and old--r can not know nor understand : in the woods thev meet the fuinei. find the t'i ints in their cave-.. See the palaces of cloiulland and the mermen In the waves. Know what all the birdies sin:- of. hear the se- er'ts of thenow'rs For the Land of Little Ieop!e is another world than ours. Once 'twas ours: 'tis ours no lon.T. for when nursery time is o er Through the Land of Littln I'eoule wo may wander nevermore. Hut we hear their merrv voices and we see them at their play. And our own dark world prows brighter and we seem as younif as they. Ronminu over shore ami meadow, talking to th? birds aud llow'rs Kor th" l.;ind of Little I'eoole is a fairer worid than ours. .!..:UieJ .V, ON THE HEIGHTS. Royal Highway Cat from Great Caucasus. the Tlie Finest Mountain Koad in t lie World A Terrible Amphitheater, 11,000 r'eet Above Kazbek I roin tCuropo to Asia. The highway from Vladi-Kavka through the Caucasus was built by the Czar in 1S.V.1, and it is said to be the finest mountain road in th" world. It is so wide that two post-wagons, drawn by four horses abreast, can pass at full speed at any place by night or daw The macadam road-bed is graded like a railway, and its surface is as large as the boulevards of l'aris. It was by this celebrated military thoroughfare that we entered the Dariel Pass. The horses dashed around a bend in the road, and suddenly stopped before a post-station. These government houses. which are well constructed of cut stone, with sheet-iron roofs painted green, have been built from eight to lifteen miles apart alon the entire route through the Caucasus. Horses, wagons and drivers are changed at every station, unless the traveler is fortunate enough to own his vehi cle; then only a change of horses and driver is nece-sary. The toll for trans portation is one and a half cents a verst a distance of about two-thirds of a mile. Each passenger is supposed tc have a permit, or way-bill, from the government, which he must show in addition to his regular passport. This imperial order for horses is supposed to enable one to travel with little de lay; but the post-makers along the route always make it a point to com pel one to wait as long as possible, and unless liberal fees are given one may be detained two or three days at a station. We - had traveled but ten miles, yet the character of the spring less vehicle was such that we felt as if we had been pounded by machinery. An officer of the government who was traveling with ns ordered fresh horses harnessed at'once, and in a few mo ments their steel shoes were ringing on the road. The scenery grew rapidly bolder, and mountains that seemed lofty but half an hour before sank out of sight as we ascended the canon. In plr.ces the roadway was a mere groove cut in the sides of appalling precipices, with the river breaking into foam a thou sand feet below. As our horses gal loped around one of these buttresses a mighty amphitheater opened directly la-fore us, on one side of which a little notch was seen midway between the river and the heavens. It was the road. Looking across the measureless abyss, we saw a caravan of freight wagons toiling up this channel, chiseled in the side of the mountain. All the artillery wagons and the great siege-guns that thundered against Kars and the heights of Soubatan passed over this road More than two thousand vehicles were moving between V ladi-Kavkas and Alexandropol. They stopped for nothing but avalanches and dead horses; neither dark ness nor storm delayed their prog ress. Senile were loaded with powder and shells; others carried clothing and medical supplies. But none of these great wagons nor swiftly running post horses impeded us The magnificent mountain boulevard over which we were traveling was often broad enough for three teams to pass. Sometimes, however, a line of two-wheeled Asiatic carts drawn by bullocks refused to yield the customary share of the road, aud as the post-wagons swept by them the Tartar drivers lashed the Arabs in the face with their Cossack whips, and accompanied the sting with epithets and laughter. A solid and well-laid wall of masonry, two or three feet thick and thro? feet high, prevents careless teamsters from tumbling into the river a half mile below. As the mountains grew loftier the road was really more secure, and the artificial fountains that had been built along the route were a delightful sur prise to the European traveler. When the wind was low, their feathery spray fell like dew cn the mountain-sides, where the greenest of grass softened their w'd grandeur. The gigantic walls iuc cased in height and vastnesa nriiil alwnit noon, when we unexpt-ctoJ-lv stveiit into th" Lt-.l of a new ani torni.le ;'.liih'!ti.M:iv w.tii niouiitani? n.-!ir' I:-. mi t!. t) -t tar;.:i to tlitl- tuile Of title, n thotMlll'l feet, itiul at le:i-t ( l.-veii tllO'.ls.'tliil feet above the fetation, in uiii; va-t ami jiei'ie-iiiliouiar vall f n.. k. Tli. hi:--- t-ro-sei.l thf riv.T on a l ir.n', and Imli.-.l at th.- -tati..n .f Kazb.-k. Fl'eh hofsei Wi fe ;tt la-t obtained, a:;l oiu-e we jvinn.l our way. The a-cent, th'iiiirh .f an evt'ii i;leon--i-tciit, caini; heavier, ami after rn.-sin' a ilxtantial iron LrMe we bean to climb th- water-shed that r-cparates E -trope from Asia. The liver, the villia.-. and the tall towers sank into the depths of the canon, but behind us cam" K tzb k. theo tnnipres- nt, seemed to rise in the heavens as w? advanced. As we went from him he approached. The asfcnt soon brought u into the region of ava lanches, yet the road continued as smooth as a Swiss turnpike. Innutnera- ' J Die o-carts from Asia lilleil the pass ( hoys not more than ten years old, with ! mothers, fathers and children, walk-d j beside the pa' ient bullocks. Strangely fashioni'd yokes, such as are found in no j. art of Europe, galled the- necks of the poo:- beasts, and often, to hold down tin' tonu. s of the loaded carts, the boys sat on the yokes between the oxen, apparently unconscious- of danp-r or of the yawning chasms beside them. The scenery as sumed an imposing character. A gla cier jrreeri and Oflassy tilled the world before us, and st reamed from the mountain-tops into the profound abs at our feet. The travelers were dumb, the road disappeared, and nature as sumed its most terrible aspect: but presently we entered a tunnel, and continued our journey directly under the glacier. Lamps illumined the pas sage, and we began to realize the des potic enterprise of Russia. We soon passed above the line of vegetation, and at dusk reached the summit, of the Grand Chain. Lighted candles, hot tea, and a warm fire made every heart happy, and when the offi cer told us that we would have fresh horses, and at midnight begin the de scent into Asia, we were eager with expectation. At intervals the mist was entirely blown aw.13-, and then the great moon appeared, shedding splendor over the wilderness of snow. We were now approaching the land of the Georgians, where the mountains faced the hot plains of Armenia, and ,.1 ... ami uie melting glaciers are inex pressibly beautiful. There were doubts about the propriety of making the de scent during the night, but an official assured us that the road was broad and wcR guarded by a heavy wall. Always ready, the word given, and be fore we were fairly seated, bells jingled. and the horses were oft at the top of their speed. Just after leaving the station on the Hummit a succession of faint distant lights appeared in the void beneath uit. "What are thev hunters' fires?' we asked. 'It's the moon shining on the river Aragva, fifteen versts below. said the officer; and by straining our eyes a ribbon of lace-like film ap- jHared and disappeared in the bot torn of the black abva. It was the celebrated river Aragon of ancient his tory, but its roaring waters were too far away to be heard. Our wild midnight ride was too exciting for dozing, yet it was not long before the strain on our nerves produced a reaction, and sleep soon followed. It continued for three hours, but it seemed only a few minutes. There was a brief little dream of falling down strange mountains, then a sudden awakening by yells from the driver The station Mleti had been reached, and with wondering thoughts we alighted under an arch of climbing jasmines The air was perfumed with pleasing odors, the architecture of the houses was picturesque, and we were in a strange- country. All the caravans had vanished. The quaint Georgian villagi of JUieti lav in a sweet little valb-v at our right. Nature wa lie.'!). Hid even the dogs did not bark. The cold mount ain moon had given place to a mo u o Italy, whose soft mellow iigat tilled the valley with a kind of delicious enchantment; but the terror of the night still lingered. for right over our heals a fright ful precipice arose into the sky, and the summit seemed inaccessible. It entirely shadowed the Georgian vil lage. "Do vou see that overhanging crag in the clouds?" asked the engi neer, pointing upward to a far-away peak. "Yes." "That is the place we left at midnight." This statement seemed incredible, but it was true, for on our return trip in the autumn we ascended his most marvelous of all roads, and found that from its summit one could toss an apple into the very streets of Mleti. A liner example of a military road up the faca of a mountain is yet to be found. Still it is a remarkable fact that the educated engineers who blasted out the zigzag channels for the road-bed up and down trie precipice saw all the grading done with ordinary wooden shovels of Asia, which are onlv tipped with steel. Wooden shovel military schools, dynamite, and spring- less post-wagons fairly illustrate the paradoxes of Russian civilization. Ralph Mtekcr, in Harptr Mvnzine. A contemporary suggests that cow can be easily led by 11 halter that commands her nose, but with difllcultv bv a rone around her horns. A HIDEOUS BEAST. The Disgusting Appearance and l'lileginat ic Movements of the Walrus. It is a m laneholy faei, but none the j less trip., that the walrus is one of the most digtisting-looking objects known ; to man. It has a raw. n iked hide, j without hair or fur. covered with a multitude of pustular-looking warts, bodes and pimples, th,' skip, wrinkled in deep, llappy folds, and marked by dark venous lines, which show clearlv through the yellowish-brown cuticle which seems to be peeling c.'T with lep rosy, altogether a most un wledesome looking brut.', unpleasantly .suggesting the appearance we know as "bloated." They are of tremendous size, ten feet and a half to twelve feet long, and weighing lifteen or sixteen hundred pounds. In water their motions are not nearly so quiet or graceful as thos of the seal and sea lion, and oa land they ire ami. .st helpless, for winch reasou they rarely come outside the surf-wash. They ro about in lar-'e herds, which nmv and then emerge to sleep. First one lain Is and lavs itself out. and then 1 second conies and gives its prede cessor a shove, whereupon he moves a little further inc. then comes number three, who pokes up number two. who prods number one, a:.d so on till the whole herd has got to land; each brute pillowed on the body ..f the one above him, all without quarreling, but every movement displaying apathv and phlegm. Its most extraordinary feat- ire is its hide, which over the shoulders mil down the throat and chest is three inches thick, and is nowhere less than half an inch. It feeds exclusively 011 shell lish and the bulbous roots and tender stalks of certain marine plants, which grow Abundantly at the bottom of the bays mil lagoons of the Alaska 11 coast; and it is evidently for digging up these thai it uses its tusks, and not. as is re ported, for hauling itself upon ice or rock. Another blow to received opin ion is given bv Mr. Elliot's testimony as to the cowardice of the brutes. They will snort or blow to any extent in the water, but as to attacking a boat, that is the very last thing that would enter into their heads. It is unfortu nate that no females were to be found aoout the islands, itie natives sav that the creature is monogamous; that the female brings forth a single calf in June, usually on the ice Hoes north of Eehring s straits; that it resembles its parents in general character when six weeks old, but that its tusks do not ap pear till the second year, and that the mother is strongly attached to it and nurses it late in the season in the sea. All the Year Hound. TREACHEROUS PETS. What an Enemy of the Feline Family Has to Say About Kitty. It i3 impossible to get up any en thusiasm over a cat; a mild interest is all that can be expected, except, per haps, from that class of women to whom this animal is a sort of diety, such as it was to the Egyptians. Cats are colorless in character as compared with dogs, they have no deep feeling; one can hardly imagine them grieving unto death for the loss of their owner; and although they have a confiding way of rubbing themselves against people, it always seemed to mo as if there was some underhand motive for such manifestations. At the best puss is but passively emotional, and when she conies purring round there is a sense of physiological rather than of personal attachment I think the essentially unimpressible nature of the animal was well suggested in old George Withers' saying: "Care will kill a cat," and it has sometimes seemed as if it might be well to try the experi ment on a large scale. The home feel ing which appears at first sight to be a strong point in favor of the cat, turns out on examination, to be rather against her on the score of genuine emotion. It is an attachment to places rather than to persons, a lonely garret where she has once lived being more attractive to her than the society of her benefactors. Even in her especial field of usefulness the cat is by no means the paragon of skill and efficiency she is too often represent ed; a terrier will eclipse her as a ratter, and she is too easily- spoiled by indulgenoe to keep up a reputation as a mouser. In fact, the cat has become an aesthetic ornament. the pride of apothecarj- stores and the glory of drawing-rooms, instead of being the protector of kitchen and cel lar. There are cats like the Persian, and a species called the "Coon," in digenous to Maine, which are very decorative and seem to enjoy the rib bons which are lavished upon them. and yet there is a stealthy, covert man ner about them which is by no means attractive. I always feel that th e tiger element is latent in the most demure and jeaceful cat. And vet a waggish friend of mine insists upon it that all cats are sins reprochc, while cheerfully admitting that none of them are sam purr. Bostoih Transcript Its One Good Feature. Sardonicus, Jr., (who is lovingly caressing the down on his upper lip) What do vou think of mv mustache, pa? Sardonicus Sr. There is one par ticularly good feature about it. "And what is that, its color?" "No, it is that you can neglect shav ing for a month, and none but a close observer would notice it." Detroit Free rrcss. A GiyfAT MISTAKE has heretofore lvu made ia the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, and nervous or b-'uk headache. This is evidenced by the failure c-n the part cf thousands cf sunervrs o Mid relief, even though they have ex hausted the skill of various physicians and tried numerous so-called remedies. To such Athlophorcs is cliervd as a mV, .ar, and (j'lu'flwurf. Its sucevss has i-en phe-iK-nienal, and is iut surprising 1-e-cause it ti ;.. do ail that is claimed lor it. flic Athk'phoros A. will gladly refer any who decile" to make an invcstiuiH.u lo reliable parties who have been cared bv it. J. E. Gillespie, Ileal Estate and Iaiuii Aueiit, at Atlantic, Iowa, says ; ' My rheu matism first appeared in thtf hip, and then extended di.n into the legs through the sciatic nerve. I suffere-d whether standing or silting, and it was with the greatest oi difficulty that 1 succeeded in hobbling to my oilice each day. 1 consulted physicians also tried every remedy I could learn ol without tiny good ei'eds whatever. My gre::t fears were -that 1 would always have it. As 1 was w rilins; a. letter to this friend ia Chicago, I casually laadeuoteof my rheu-i:taii--!:i, ;.ii-' thought no more about it. Hut my K tier w usuuswercd very promptly, tell ing p.. e to i.-e Athlophoros; al.-o stating his i:; r's c;-e and cure which was more se vere than n ine. 1 at once purchased a h fie and by the time 1 had finished taking it, my rheumatism was gone. I was a little t'o quick t ) stop, it had not g. ne entirely out of my system. 1 had jm. tier little attack, but another bottle f Athlophoros did the work. It has now ! ceil over a year since', and I consider it mi excellent medicine, and have recom mended it to others." Every druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Fills, but w here they t an not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.," 112 Wall !St., New York, w ill send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is fl.CO per bottle for Athlophoros and ,"0c. for Fills. For liver and kidney diseases. dyspei)a, in digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, headache, impure blood, Ac, Athlophona 1111s are uuequaled. 11 $25,000.00 IN GOLD ! vi:x r.E r.un vou ASEUGKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, 2 Premiums, 0 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 1C0 Premiums, 200 Premiums, ',000 Premiums, St.000.00 S500.00 each CORA ff s Aww.wvr SI00.00 850.00 S 20.00 S 10.00 11 11 11 11 p'or full particulars and directions see Circu lar iu every pound of Arbucbxbs' Corraa. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE offered for sale represented as good as the Famous BUT THEY ARE MOT! And Ilka all Counter! clta lack tha Remarkable LASTING Qaalltiea OF THE CEXVINE. AUTZ FOR TBB CHIMNE1 PatOcU ,188$. . ns PEARL TOP is -1 anutaetnred OHLY ey fcteu. A. MACBETH &C0, PITTSBURGH. PA. AOD the LlVKR and KIPMEVt and KBSTOBB tne HKALIH aaaVTO- oa or room uj.mi". w d of Appetite. India iaa.f set of esrancta eaa Tires reaiiaa o- aointair earM: aonea, aios- else aaa nertee receive ee farce. Enlivens tae auaa aaa applies Braie Poser. jtnieo Sagarins tram emplalatsreee- aWFlAavlaaaiO HaJtTXB'8 IXOH TOKIC a liartetbeiraexwin iM uua. nWaaaelaar. faeeltBT eeeiplextee. All t Manila as canaSarfeltlBa oalr aeda te H III ari ( .Para lartlf, na mat MMrimwt aet OalOHf t KS MST Dr. Mafrrnrs uvtkm pills ' On re OoneUpatoa.Uer Complaint ana wwa Heeaaoae. Sample Dose and Praam Book a- mmIb of twaoonte ta fjeetaa'e. THE Da. MAITU MEDICINC CO.. ST. IMH.IIB. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, James Willis, by his certain deed of trnt dated June 2Cth. lssr.. and recorded In tbe Recorder's office within and for Hates coun ty, Missonri, in book No. at pairs 71, con Teved to W. Henry, trustee, the following de scribed real estate Ijinfr ana Dein siiuaie in the county or Hates and state or juasoun, vt-nrit- lAt, S'n one fit and four LI in block No twentv fil in Sperrr's addition to the town of Pili ifill which conveyance was madP In trust to secure the paTment of one certain note fully described in said deed or trus.. an'i wnereas default has been made in tne payment 01 eai.i r. irn7t,ittdneand nnnaid. and where as it is provided bv the terms of raid deed of t,n,i tht in r, nfthedeath. absence, refusal r riiaahiiitv In an v w ise of the said W Henrv, trustee, the then actinff sheriff of Bates -n,V uiiinnri mv to sell the prop erty hereinbefore dewrihed for the purposes of said trust and whereas the said W. Henry has died since th makinir of this conveyance .no therefore, at the request of the Ie(ral holder or paid note and pnrsuantto the conditions or said deed of trust. I will proceed to sell the aove described premises at public vendue, tne hiehest bidder for ea5, at the east front floor of the court house in the city of llutier, county of IJau-s and State of Missouri, on Tuestlav. June 21st, 1SS7, And Insist ysKJitV THIS vpoa fj rv Exact HIYISGU ' nLABEL them ' y oa Each 10 NSTHB ONLY TRUE NnriKiiD I mJ I W1U Buritr the r.r n t.iru-v in tne forenoon 1 benefit of such estate: U .-: o 'clocc in the afternoon of that day for not exhibited within , wovears the purpose of sausmns saio ni. ";. 1 e" and cost. ti- O. (iLAZKBUOOK. ever barred. Sheriff. lfil ltnliV tl,oni'- nd make more Will "e.kierus.tbananvthinz I 11 II m this world. Capital not need. ed; you are etarted fre Il,,,k . all a: Anyone can do the ,i.) 1 srningS sarc from the tir,t Mart. CoMlv outit an t term, iY,c. Ht.u, r not delav t" J, " 01 nothm to send us eus address and Su o?n ' if ou are wi,e you will do so at once. . HALLrrr.tCo., I'onland, Maae. SCHWENCK & OLDEAKER. Boot&ShoeMakers m.7Tii:., mo Boots and Shoes made to oiJm best ot leather useJ. The Shop nrth side ot Square . 4.) tf MONEY; to lie made Cut thin out and return it to ns. and we will tend you free, somo tliinir of ureal vain. , importance to yon, that will start von in busi ness w inch will bring ou in more money riKht aw ay than anything else in this w orld' Anv one can do the work and live at home. KitlieV sex, all skcs Something new. that iust coins money for all workers We will start vou; capital not needed. This is one ol'theitciiiiine important chances of a lifetime. Those w li . are ambitious and enterprising will not del at t,rand outfit free. Address Tims A Co Knsta, Maine. TO HAVE, HEALTH THE IIVIR MUST BE KEPT IN CROEf. '.'11 r.rrr L'"r("-" "! "Is --l St a Tr;4 -l...l.hl.iStLEln,:NK. 1 ,,UM,,. , 1V. lro, ."..!.. aiuK(tt .111 t.11, ,u itr.i.M.Uw. The White isKin .1IMII IT IS THE BEST MADE, LIGHTEST RUNNING. QUICKEST AND SIMPLEST In th world- OUR MOTTO: t&" Protection in Territory. S&Fe rfection in Principle. Popularity Univeral. NEEDLES. OILS AND PARTH FOR A LI. MACHINES. tcaTKESPOSSIBLE DEALERS AND AGENTS who with to handle the best and most salable goods. Address tor particular WHITE JflWl.G MACHINE COMPANY. 921 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. 9-MKNTI0N THIS PAPEH. 0000, AGENTS WANTED: Double (Jaick! to tell JOS BOWW BEECH ER LirE OF- Infinitelr the most Tsluable because eoreins; y closely from the family circle and by master hand enraged in a "Labor of Love." Kichly Illustrated teel portrait. Ac. Will sell Im mensely. Millions want this standard Life of the greatest Preacher and Orator of the aire. Quick is tbe word. Territory is In arreat de mand. Send fr circulars and.V cts for ontllt to Hlbbaud Bko.. Pubs., Kansas City, Mo. ALESMEM WANTED! liy the oldest. Unreat and beat knowa Knrsertea in theV'.-i. Permanmt )meilhns; cood pay. STARK NURSERIES IsseerL A NATURAL. PAL1TABLE. RELIABLE In TARRANT'S f-KLTKK you behold A certain enre lor younjr and old; For const: ptation will depart. And Indipestion will start, ir.k Headache, too. will soon subside, W hen T A 1.' KANT's-KLTZ Kit has been tried . Administrator's Notice. Notice is hf-Teby frin. That letter of adrnia istration upon the estate of Kdwsrd r . Powell, decease-i, have len grante-Jto trie nnderiSra ed, bvtb- Hates t onntv Probate urt. ia ltea oun'tv. Missouri, bearinsr date the Htb dav of v i--T u trw.ns havinir e aims arainst 1 sai.J Kkta'.e are rejcired to exhibit them to bins j for a::owance, within one year from the dat ef ! said letters, or thev may be precluded from any and II SSiU caiiu imr rrrrrri ire oate of tber wid bt foT- BOUKER POWELL. I ..A r-jrLT 1 28 Admiautrato