Newspaper Page Text
Tn Sfttflet i &0L. IX. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24, 1887. NO. 39 gxmoToi & Southern Branch.) - nrlnff Sundir. Mav loth, and in wi"' -j. --"- ill i lorther notice, trains win leave is fcitfM follow: GOINU NUKIH. L jjTexas Express 4:45 A m 120 A.. Iiipicn 7; 5,3 r jj Accommodation 3:00 r m GOING SOUTH. Texas Express.... SHOT BY ROBBERS. Mr. Gann, of Knchanan County Fired on by Desperadoes. Officers and Farmers out in Starch of the Wretches. XT V m lexas cp ij6 K. Express.... Do Accommoaauon. . s. l. a t. uiv. GOING WEST. .9:14 P M 11:40AM .8:55 AM ,4J-Pasenger.. GOING EAST. .11: 9! 50 AM 5C AM St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 15. Samu el Gann, one of Buchanan county's best known and wealthiest citizens, was shot and fatally wounded last night at 8:30 o'clock, at his home southeast of the city about ten Ki4 Passenger 7:35 p m I miles. SZ" About 8:30 o'clock Gann was mZ' . X. V . 11 t M I .1 J A ,1 1 I a wr 01. jliouis ana an points case 1 ouiuuuiir ai, me wen, ten ieet irom and all points south, Colorado, fv. t:vm t w. v,, nla and all points west and north- . For rates and other information I ing a pail of water, when as he was to t. K. CARNKS. Agent, lifting th full hnoiei. frnm tr.A mrlv o - - ? a man advanced on him from the rrr U T'TTf "JTCTTIT"? darkness and presented a revolver aav vi uvi civ iiuu vkj imirn uu uuiu 11 DENTIST, ;of tie or Jo qTLER, MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. Lawyer. f.BADGKR LAWYER. fnnsctlM Id all courts. All legal business MlT sttended to. Omce over Bates Co. Ha- ll Bank, Butler, Mo. eHAR one I rtutl out )0i.X un. Infill. SOM at . Francisco. - .j KINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lOSce West Side Square, over Lans- la'tDrug store OLCOMB SMITH. LAWYERS MO. Office front room over Bates Rational Ban a. S. P. Francisco. I'TLT! Trw to a... . Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in A courts of Bates and adjoining ,. Vntlei. Prompt attention given to col )Wtr :dons. Office over Wright & Glorius' jn.Lidware store. q 'Ule.L- The remains of our Presidents are ! scattered far and near. Washington lies at Mt. Vernon; the two Adamses are buried under the old church at Quincy, Mass.; Jefferson rests at wialgp ? W. SILVERS. y 1 1 vriNCi i c UHfi f Will practice in Bates and adjoining ; Kansas :Jeffer- $. Autles, n Appellate Court at 1 . , h, and in the Supreme Court at f 1 t ,1 !T0rriCR North Side Square, over leil ILMcBride's. iitf ,rt lliViiiolana. J. R. BOYD, M. D. to CHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, by n Office Eat Side Square, over VVeiner',, 0 tv9-!y Butler, Mo. - a DR. J. M. CHRISTY, wad HOMOEOPATHIC ff PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . race, tront room over P. O. All calls OOtC ?ered at mce d5 or night. y Special attention given to iemale dis- lavi hands. Gann replied: "What do you want here?" at the same time drawing back with the pail of water and striking his assailant full in the face. The unknown man who was masked, was almost stunned, but, pointing his revolver at Gann, fired the shot, which was from a 32 caliber revolver, taking effect in the right breast in front of the shoulder, piercing the lung and lodging near the backbone. After the assassin had fired, a com panion suddenly stepped from be hind the side of the house and fired twice, one shot striking the abdo men, penetrating the abdominal cav ity. The wretches then fled and have not been heard from since. The in juries are such that Gann cannot re cover, and death is looked for hour ly. One ball was cut out at the back, but the other has not been located. At noon yesterday a farmer named Lowe was robbed of $200 as he was returning from the city, near Gann's house, and that the same ones shot Mr. Gann no one doubts. Gann is worth over a quarter of a million, and in St Joseph is almost as well Known as in the county. He enjoyed the dis tinction of being the tallest man in northwest Missouri, standing almost seven feet in his stockings. His age was about 64 years. This morning the sheriff with ten special deputies went to the scene of the murder, and organized forces are now scouring the country. Robbery was undoubtedly the mo tive for the crime, as Gann has been popularly supposed for a long time to carry large sums of money on his person and to keep various large Horticultural Fairs. The local horticultural societies of Missouri are alive, active and pro gressive. Two of them, with com mendable enterprise, will hold fairs Monticello; Monroe in Richmond during the first part of September, cemetery; Jackson's grave is in front These are the Central Missouri Hor- ofhis old residence. "The Hermit- ticultural Association, which will hold age"; Van Buren was buried at Kin- a three days fair at Boonville, Mo., derhook; Harrison at North Bend, beginning Sept 1st, the premium near Ciucina:iii; Polk at Nashville, list of which, at this writing, is in xenn.; layior at Louisville, Ken.; the printer's hands. The other is FiCmore in For-st Lawn cemetery, the Bates county, Ma, Horticultural I hfiff IpVA fr 9nnmmrn Baff:l!o: Buchanan at T.i,sfr. P - Sf. -aA W0 'CaVC LU dlinUUllCe ' w-wt - -"J f VTWVU w A-A UU1U SM UUO O Lincoln at Oak Ridge, Springfield, fair at the residence of Mr. Daniel 111.; Johnson at Greenville. Tenn.: fVesan. near "RJh Will Tn An VtZaw I MT' ity. Garfield at Cleveland, O.; Grant at 8th. The premium list of the Bates county Society has been received from the secretary, Henry Speer, Butler, Mo. $350 in premiums are offered for displays of fruits, flowers, grains and vegetables and products of the culinary art. mm OF 1887. that our new Fall and Winter Goods of Riverside, N. y.; and Arthur at Al bany, N. Y. Hayes is the only ex- President living. It Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miser able, and often leads to self destruction. We know ot no remedy for dyspepsia mnr snrrpccful than tMnnAlm C... ilia. It acts gently, yet surely and effic- " 18 much satisfaction that ientlv tones up the stomach and other the Rural World publishes such facts' organs, remove, the ta.nt feeling, create. I D . L A1. ' a gooa appetite, cures neadache, and re-1 " iccuuy uwb uieme axe 1 , , freshes the burdened mind. Give indications of progression among our IilG tnGaT., Hood's Srarsapanlla a fair trial. It . .. . , r , 6, will do you good. uuiucuiiurwuuu jaiowmg inai as they progress so will their commu 'Tis auite a fad in these hot times mties go forward and improve. In AG3I A are arriving daily and will be glad to see my patrons call and exam- Respectfully, to write up jokes in jingling rhymes, and run them in, like this, in prose, and so, to be in style, here goes: A man who in this brighter day, will spend his time to scratch away, about the mother of his wife, has never lived a decent life, and, ten to one he doesn't know enough to scare deed this work of the horticultural societies in holding exhibitions of j the products of their respective counties, while it will benefit the societies and their members, will be more beneficial to the community at large than to the horticulturists. Nothing is bet ter calculated to ad- "r M. East Side Square. AX I, a yearling crow, and probably, the vertise a county in the best M'ay than worst disgrace his mother-in-law has tma Holding of exhibitions of her had to face was letting such a loafer products. A practical demonstration win her daughter's heart and little 18 tnQS S111 of wlat 'he county will fin. The man who works the an- produce and this is the measure of cient joke, of any sort, had better ita alue; and even its own citizens stoke a furnace in the land of coke, 8X6 S111 ocular proof of its capacity, or go and get a place to rule the which otherwise they would have no brevet-horse, the mule, that pulls a conception of. Then the press will horse-car or dray, and thus within a teU tne story abroad to thousands, Bridge Letting. fore many years about 1892. I -believe the Republican and Demo cratic parties must break to pieces before that time. "We are ficrhtincr the Republican party now and by Ho ath ro rill brldie, at pnbllc vendue, to the lowest bidder "v" "w """" 1"" V at the est front door of the court bouse. In Um By an order made bv the County Court of Bates county Mo. , and to me directed, tor tbn construction or a bridge across a branch ot Peepwatercreek, on the Butier and Appleton City road, situated on the township line be tween towns 5 and 40 of ranae . I will vro- eeed to let the contract for the above described principle on its ruins. I think Gen. Fisk of New Jersey will be the pro hibition candidate for president in 1888. city ofRutler, county of Bates and AiiKsonn, on in proper way, iulnll ins mission here below, until his time has come to go. Ex Syrup of Figs, Manufactured only by the Cali. fornia Fig Syrup Co., San Francis co, Cal., is nature's Own True Lax ative. This pleasant California liquid fruits remedy mav be had of Simp son & Co. It is the most pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse the system : to act on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels gently yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Consti pation, Indigestion, and kindred ills. 23 6m. Was It a Polecat? Carthage Patriot . Jasper, Mo., Aug. 9, 1887 Last night Dr. J. H. Cannon was called to see James H. Hern, Jr., who tv : tifiw ? C. BOULWARE, Physician and surQ8 hid about his house, tfor' "rKeon. 0ffice north lde ti : u - -", Mo. Diseases of women and chil- a specialty. Laid DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS; SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHEURS. -ace over their drug store on North ,-Ain street, Butler, Mo. Gann is an old Mexican war veter an and served under General A. W. Doniphan, who died a few days ago. He is the wealthiest man in this county, outside of the city, and democratic leader. Recrel Societies. We have never known a more de termined and heroic effort made than was made by the farmers of Cass county this summer to make a ornn Tn anmo TVrt?rm of fTiAniiri. Hiwoni.. 1 t utler Lodge, No. 954, meet the first I ty a fair average crop was raised, but in each mnnth. iVr 1 Chip-" Rot! Arch Masons, 6, meets second Thursday in each nth. I Goulfr Commandery Knights Templar Vts the first Tuesday in each month. r n f ffviiAm lates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon- Vfalght. i I tlerE many of whom may be attracted to that locality and thus increase the productive and wealth-making force of the county. Other of our county societies will make society exhibits at the regular county fair. These are also of val ue but we believe that an independ ent exhibit -ike those of the Bates county and Central Missouri Socie ties, will do more good, for the rea son that the attention of those who go to see them will not be divided. Next season we hope to see the other horticulturaf societies fall into line and hold a series of fairs all over the State, with, perhaps, a united fair at the close of the season of all the exhibits. Rural World. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Cured Two Days. The Indiana Chemical Co. have discov ered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure ot Rheu matism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it to cure any and every case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 days, and to give immediate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cenU, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription lor this wonderful compound whicn can be hlled by your nome aruneist at small cost We take this means of giving our discovery to the public instead or putting it out as a patent medicine, u being much less expensive. We will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. The Indiana Chkmical Co., 10-iyr Crawtordsville, Ind itata of Thursday, Sept 1st, 1887, between the hours of 0 o'clock in the forenoon and a o'clock In the afternoon of that day. Itids subject to approval by the court Bridge to be a Kin Hod Truss of 40 feet spaa I Will at lime time let the excavation or nils to be made at same place to lowest bidder. Plane and speciUcationB now on file In my office. GEO. K CATTKRLIN, Bridge Commissioner. my miles south is The President's Route. Washington telegrams say it he found suffering with every symp-1 about definitely determined that the torn of hydrophobia. On the evening president will leave Washington the mare and colt one yearling horse of the 28th of June, Mr. Hern, about last week in September and go di- colt one brood mare, five cows and (Public Sale. I will sell at public sale at farm, one and one-half of Burdette, Bates county, and eignt miles west of Adrian, on Saturday, August 27-1887, the following property: one pony Encampment No. 6 meets the 4th Wednesdays tn each month Cockle's Biocs Pills. j This old English Family Medicine in ; for $6 year all over the world, for 1 L I"d gestlon, Liver, 4c Tyf Pnra. Veo-eti Pure, Vegetable Ingredient. ce From Mercury. itaor eol; f 3M1 enmremrtn w narpiwn Trs non I re. 1 Co.. ; iisood jo pioapMiSduv IJMtwr with the majority, corn, the staple crop of the country the crop that some how puts the money into the people's pockets, is a partial failure; no use to deny it no use to cover up, and above all, no use to be dis couraged. The" man who becomes so and determines to seek other farm ing lands will, - in all probability make a mistake. All 01 us remem ber the grasshopper year, when some gave up and left the country, but the future proved that the men who stuck" were the sensible men. The men of nerve rill stick to it will pick their flints and try it again next spring, and now mark it the men who stick will be the men who will final ly win. Cass Co. News. dark, started to visit a neighbor and while on the way something attacked him by snapping at his feet. Stoop ing down to ascertain what it was it sprang into his face, inflicting an ugly wound on one cheek, which, under the skillful attention of Dr. Cannon, soon healed, leaving nothing but a slight scar as a remainder of a trivial occurrence. But last night it broke out in all the terrible and hor rifying features of hydrophobia. Since last Friday he has not partaken of food and the presentation of water throws him into violent convulsions. R. L. Child ers. wi. f St. T.nm'n VviW-o- Kir fhA 3 calves, one good Dun, gooa way of Indianapolis. He will spend TTv. one two two days at St Louis, and from there horse hay one wneat dnU, 105 to Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, I bushels of oats, one Thompson rid- St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kan- ing cultivator, other farming imple- sas City, Memphis, Nashville and "- 1A, . J' ,. f , .. , Terms: On all sums over five dol o-muii, rauiu.g v iars Q months time will be given tune to meet nis engagement ior j without interest if paid when due, October 18. He will go by the ordi- otherwise to bear interest from nary lines of travel between the date. All sums less than $5 cash in t.10 i,amw1. anrl M his fixed an- I nanu. xeii r - --j-k J. K. jb OKU. 3S-ia. pomtment win preciuae any oivexg- ence from the route to visit other cities, all invitations outside will have to be declined. Order of Publication. Stats or Hissocai, 1 County of Bates c In the circuit court of said county, November term, ISC. Madison Adams, plaintiff, vs. Laura Adams,; defendant . . Now at this day comet the plaintiff herein, by hie attorney, before the undersigned elerk Of the circuit court of Bates county, la vacation. and flies bis petition and affidavit, aiieciag, among other things, that defendant, Laura Adsms. is not a resident of the state of Mis souri: Whereupon It Is ordered by the clerk la vacation, that said defendant be notlfled by publication that plaintiff has commenced a rait against her. in this court, by petition and amdarit, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted ana entered into between Plaintiff and defendant, upon the ground that the defendant did on the 3&h day of September 184. without a reasonable or lust cause absent herself from aad abandon plaintiff and ban since that time eon tinned to absent herseir from plaintiff wl boat reasonable cause, being for the space and that unless the aaia next term thereof, to be becun and hoi dee attf court bouse in tne city 01 uoum, ty. on the seventh day of November JMXt. a4 on or before the sixth dy of said term. It tk term shall so long continue ana 11 ii ot be rendered accordingly Give Them a Chance! That is to say your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Veiy won . r t : . . V . i aeaiul macmncry ii is. ui umy uic larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot do halt their work: Call it oid, cough, croup, pnemonta, catairh, consumption or any ot the fam ily ot throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be sot rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bot tle. Even it everything: else has failed you, you may depend upon this for cer tain. 4-1 yreow. or plead to tne pet won n uld eanae. the Sam will be taken as confessed, and Judrment wUl be rendered accordingly. And belt further or dered, that a copy hereof be puhlUhea. ac cording to law. (n the Butler Weekly TH. a weekly newspaper printed and published In Bates county, fciseourl . for four weeks suc cessively, the last insertion to be JfJ' weeks before the first day of the next tenn or said Sic. HATO, Orel? Clerk. A true copy from the record. Witnessa my hand and the ieea I of Isuai.. 1 court of Bates county, this 1Mb day of August. I"- ,T cireultClerk. js-4t. Calvin ff. Boxley. Atfy for Plaintiff. St. John's Latest Prophecy. Ex-Governor St John said to newspaper correspondent recently: "I came to Massachusetts to de liver three' addresses at the Rev. Mr. Hall's prohibition campmeeting and that mission is now accomplished. I shall now go to New York and Pennsylvania, where I have engaged to deliver seventeen mOre. Alter that I intend to proceed to Calif or The prohibitionists, who cast of it Administrator's Notice. vatire la hereby civen that letters of admin- iIotiuH have been mated to the undersigned 1 in Hta Utb day of claims against It them to me f,r allowance, within one year from tne aaie fsrtd letters, or they may oe preeiaaea Knat oranen esuie: ana 11 mmia anow be not exhibited within two years from the nt nnblication of this notice, they will be forever barred. tlT";",n"' have been granted to the undersign I bv the Bate county probate court in al I county. nUssouri, bearing date the a June It?. All persons hsvlng elal said estate are required to exhibit t . Wl! Administrator's Notice. v.iu i timhv riven, that letters of admin istration with the will annexed upon the estate nfSnhina Hide, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, by the Bates cjunty rro bate Court, in Bates county. Missouri. bMring date the awn aay 01 my having claims against said estate sre reautred -r wivu,i..nti, htm tnr allowance, wttnia 151,000 votes in 1884, over 300,000 on. dyd Sci in 1885, will surely cast x,uuv,uw m SmS'SS of the pubiuo 1888. It is marcning on to victory 1 ortnis nouce.Mer wm zr-: - and will become a majority party be-1 Admwratox with win annexed ma. a memo TOBr T7ou Airs Diseases soot as MEgSTRUATIOH or OITT1TLY szcszfssa . m , rvsmnc GP erest Klaar W r